pokeymonhearts · 2 years
Alright, I'mma get in on this. So, to Altariamun, cause I don't remember if it was ever said, is this a direct sequel to the first comic, or an alternate take on it?
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To put it simply, Sora and Riku both abandoned their bodies to become the denizens of Darkness and Light to create balance and close the Door to Darkness that Xemnas had opened. In doing so, their souls merged with the pokemon-who have existed since time immemorial but also independently have their OWN souls.
That being the case, the original pokemon took pity on the boys since they had both sacrificed themselves and their future for the sake of the world and granted them a "second chance"-placing them in an alternate universe/sometime in the past where the calamity hadn't happened *coughYETcough*. Because of timey whimey jumping and the fact that their souls had to be restored, they lost MOST of their memory, but had vague flashes of their past lives.
In the dream sequences that you saw when Riku or Sora were interacting with Doragon and Sparkaga, it was the combined-soul version that were giving what clues they could to help them find one another again, as a thank you.
So it's KINDA continuation but more like a reset in another universe. How closely it will follow the original has yet to be seen however :3c ))
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pokeymonhearts · 2 years
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pokeymonhearts · 4 years
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“We’ll go together then, like always!”
I did a challenge over on my twitter of doing a “year end redraw” and I chose one of my favorite panels of the comic-with a bit of a twist. This year has been crazy, but I was able to help bring the boys’ story to a close and remember the love and support of all you amazing followers! Thank you for being here on this journey and here’s wishing you an amazing, safe, and (hopefully better) New Year!
~Mod Faux
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pokeymonhearts · 5 years
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pokeymonhearts · 5 years
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pokeymonhearts · 5 years
What a nice dream eater thrown there
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Joshua: Of course, you know the legend of the two creators of this world: Sparkaga and Doragun, yes? Well it’s far more than a legend; these two pokemon are the sole reason that our world exists.
As it goes, Sparkaga, a being made of pure light, and Doragun, the “denizen of darkness” were in harmony with one-another since the beginning. But one day, Doragun decided that they wanted to tip that balance and sent this world into chaos. Sparkaga, realizing the threat this would cause, battled against the Denizen in order to halt the inevitable destruction of this world. The battle raged for what seemed like an eternity until Sparkaga resorted to the only solution they could devise: sealing them both behind what we call the “Doors” of Darkness and Light.
While it worked to temporarily still the fighting, and restore peace once again, the thread between our world and the world beyond their doors grows weaker ever day. From what it seems, your “Xemnas” seeks to create another calamity. The door he referred to was no doubt the “Door to Darkness”–Radiant garden and its inhabitants have been guardians of the door since the balance was restored…
Just as I and the people of Twewy have protected the “Door to Light”. No one is allowed to enter its sacred halls so long as the Guardian deems them unworthy.
Sora: …So what does this all mean for me and Riku? And Hiki too–?
Joshua: Hiki, as it would seem, is the Guardian to the Door to Darkness–And you, Sora, are the key.
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Joshua: Yes–Guardians are chosen from the moment they are born. It’s been passed on through the generations, and there’s no /real/ way to discover who they are without finding the key first. Xemnas must have known you were the key…Though it is interesting that a pokemon was chosen, most guardians are human.
Sora: AHEM-But, Joshua, what does this have to do with Riku? What will having the guardian and key do?
Joshua: The guardian opens the path for the key to open the door. You, Sora, are the key to the Door to Darkness and Riku…
Riku is the Key to Light.
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pokeymonhearts · 5 years
I thought I saw it in the last update, but that lantern put it on full display. Corona uses dream eater symbols?
((Yes they do!! The Lantern festival is all about celebrating the legendary pokemon, the “Denizen of Light”, Sparkaga.
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If you remember from the legend ages ago, Sparkaga was the one who brought harmony back to the land when the Darkness sought to overthrow it.
The Kingdom of Corona is VERY close to the Door to Light down at the bottom of Scala: See the full map here.  So many of their festivals and traditions center around the great Pokemon and they honor it with the singing, dancing, and lighting of the lantern to signify when Sparkaga brought light back to the world :3
If you have any other questions, if you look through the “Reference” tag on the blog, there might be some clues or hints to story lines or even future plots that happen in the blog ;3c ))
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pokeymonhearts · 5 years
What legendary pokemon do you guys want to meet?
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Riku: The Scala Region, like most parts of the Pokemon world, has two legendaries that rule over it. In ancient times, this world was ruled by Light and Darkness of equal parts….But one day, the Denizen of Darkness sought to overcast the Denizen of Light, bringing about a world ruled by strong emotions, hatred, and shadow. This pokemon, now known as Doragun, was eventually thwarted by the efforts of the Denizen of Light, Sparkaga.
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However, the effort of sealing away the Denizen of Darkness had exhausted Sparkaga’s powers and she sealed herself behind what we refer to as the “Door to Light”, as she had sealed Doragun behind the “Door to Darkness”. Today, the world exists in a delicate balance of light and darkness, in hopes that the scales don’t tip too far in either direction…
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Riku: I admit, I’ve always been more curious about Doragun, and why he tried to take over, but I doubt that we would have the chance to meet either of them, because that would mean the world was being thrown into choas. I’m fine with them remaining just legends.
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pokeymonhearts · 5 years
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Ienzo: When Xemnas first transformed Sora, he had managed to open the Door to Darkness, calling forth the power that Doragun needed in order to reshape the world. Riku, in turn, freely gave himself away to be the counterbalance, Sparkaga. As the original tale goes, the two clashed, but unlike the legend, instead of forcibly being pushed back behind the door (Xemnas played that role thankfully), Riku was able to calm the rage within Sora and restore harmony.
Even I’m not sure on the exact details, but the shift in power and the light that radiated from them both was able to return the bodies of those who’d been transformed into their perfect forms--But the great pokemon were no where to be found. I’ve theorized that perhaps they’ve gone to rest at the doors themselves, discouraging all those who would dare disrupt the harmony of this world, but even though Kairi, Joshua, and even Roxas have made multiple trips to the doors, we haven’t seen them.
One would hope that they live on in the forms they do, perhaps visiting one-another while they ensure the safety of Scala and all those who inhabit it. Namine says she sees them in the dreams of Hare and Kuro sometimes, which while not ideal, is a comforting thought at least.
My greatest hope is that they can be together no matter what form they take while we all are able to live on and thank them for their sacrifice.
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pokeymonhearts · 5 years
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Aqua: Well it’s good to see that you two are doing so well...I knew the moment you left for your journey that you would go far. Six badges already? Color me impressed~ Are you intending to challenge the leaders here for the Sun Badge as well?
Riku: Yes, but Sora made a good point that we should take a break and enjoy the festival while we can. I’ve read about the festival in storybooks and historical novels, but the people here really do think really highly of Sparkaga, don’t they?
Aqua: The tales go that the great pokemon came down and blessed the princess-now queen- of this country when she was a baby and that’s why it’s so prosperous. Being a woman of science, I tend to see before I believe, but there is something about it that even I can’t deny...
Sora: These cupcakes are amazing, Professor Aqua!! Are you sure it’s okay for us to take you away from your stand for a bit?
Aqua: Certainly, Sora~ Besides, an old friend of mine offered to watch it whenever I need a break.
Riku: Friend...?
Aqua: Yes! He--Oh, speak of the Denizen, there he is.
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