8-bit-britt · 8 months
You guys have known me long enough, want to see a Whiplash comic I've been keeping to myself for awhile?
It's a little more intimate than what I usually share but it's weirdly kinda fluffy too?
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8-bit-britt · 8 months
You’ve got them angst rn.
Can we see some mush?
(Spanx+Redmond I mean)
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Pretty sure I haven't posted these yet.
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8-bit-britt · 8 months
When and how do you imagine that Redmond finally starts to recognize his feelings towards Spanx?
How I imagine it is that Spanx is the one to confess first, which really puts into perspective for Redmond how close the two have really gotten but he's still having a hard time accepting he might feel the same way for Spanx. But throughout their journey, you get this "the audience knows but he doesn't" feeling with how Red's dynamic shifts with him. How they created a new life for themselves and could start over. How they rely on each other for survival and support. But what I think really seals the deal for Redmond in feeling love towards Spanx is how he's there for Red when he needs the emotional comfort and he's able to do it without saying a word. Red found something he didn't have before. Someone he could confide to and will listen to him. Something he desperately needed after losing his mom.
Part of my headcanon is that when Red is looking for advice, he has these one-sided talks with his dead mom (really he's just talking to himself). So when Spanx confronts Red about his feelings, Red takes some time alone to reflect and have this "talk" with her until he's convinced to give this relationship a try. See where it goes.
I should further point out that the way Spanx confessed was in itself frustrating since he can't speak. Trying to pantomime to Redmond to get the point across but Red was just not getting it. Until Spanx gets frustrated and cups Redmond's face, looking at him intently as if saying "LISTEN. TO ME." They lock eyes, Red staring at him in shock and when Spanx realizes what he was doing, he tries to back away. Only to be stopped by Red grabbing him by the wrists and placing Spanx's hands back on his face. Redmond blushes, his eyes narrowing as he thinks he understands where this was going. Calmly, he says
"You started this train of thought . . . Now finish it. Show me what you want."
Spanx is nervous by this but there's no turning back now. So he leans in and the two share a kiss.
Oh but no, Red still needs to process all this before officially accepting Spanx's confession, despite the fact he got Spanx to initiate kissing him so hmmmm.
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8-bit-britt · 2 years
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8-bit-britt · 3 years
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Made by Gooey
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8-bit-britt · 3 years
Hello 8 bit britt i'm the angel i want to ask a question what happened redmond kisses spanx
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Well congratulations, you managed to break me into posting a legit kiss pic to the public.
If we are to assume Red makes the first move, Spanx would quite literally be shocked. And in pain if he were grabbed like this. Please don't pull on his wires.
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8-bit-britt · 3 years
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Have another, now with the Whiplash bois.
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8-bit-britt · 3 years
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It's been a week
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8-bit-britt · 3 years
Would Redmond be the easy embarrassed one in the relationship, hiding his softer emotions behind humor and whatnot?
I definitely see it like that, yes! He's much more emotional and expressive compared to Spanx. He's easy to read though he tries to keep certain feelings hidden.
When he's trying not to show he cares, he hides it under humor. When he's hurt, he hides it under passive aggressive behavior.
The double edged sword to this, however, is that he's also kinda needy and clings to Spanx the more they get to know eachother. The more they grow together, the less he feels like hiding his softer side as well.
I think the best drawn example I have on hand is some storyboards for a comic I want to draw out. Redmond literally takes a bullet for Spanx and when he wakes up fine, he makes light of the situation cause "he's invincible so it's not a big deal" but Spanx didn't see it that way. AT ALL. Red realizes just how serious Spanx took the situation, making things kinda awkward when getting the bullet out, but Red eventually gives him a genuine apology and Spanx forgives him.
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8-bit-britt · 3 years
Hi 8 bit britt it's me angel i made a fanart for you it's spanx's daughter redmond is called polly i couldn't pick a girl's name but i like that name i thought if they had a daughter but i like my work a lot about Is it over there.
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Hey it looks like Genron got that fusion they wanted after all, haha. She's cute.
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8-bit-britt · 3 years
8 bit britt it's me angel i have a question i saw spanx and redmond live in a big city and worked and live together more what happened if they got married
this is what i'm imagining
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Aww XD That's really cute.
Yeah in the anthro au they work and live together. I haven't thought much about what a wedding for them would look like but I thought of a proposal.
In the game towards the end, Redmond chains himself back to Spanx and often times I use their cuffs as an indirect symbol of marriage. In other words, Red is the one likely to propose if they were to get married haha.
I imagine him being really nervous about it while asking the question and Spanx does the typical teary-eyed and mouth covered expression because he's so touched. Meanwhile Redmond is freaking out, waiting for an answer and forgetting for a moment that Spanx can't speak so he's like "Is that a no???"
And then Spanx probably scoops him up and twirls him around. I imagine Spanx being a big sap at times.
I more see both of them wearing tuxes but I'm not apposed of one of them in a dress.
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8-bit-britt · 6 years
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I was working off of a big sheet I started Valentines Day back in 2017 I think and this year I continued it, but still didn’t manage to fill all the slots. But here’s three more
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8-bit-britt · 6 years
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It’s been a whole minute so here’s these two being cute. Very slowly posting more shippy things of them but trying to keep it as low-key as possible ha.
Done in a similar style as this sketch dump: https://8-bit-britt-sketchbook.tumblr.com/post/172563167273/8-bit-britt-well-um-guess-the-secrets-out
This was going to be a sketch dump too but as of right now it’s been cancelled cause the other sketches were turning out kind of angsty from a plot that’s been in my head oops
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8-bit-britt · 6 years
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Well um. Guess the secret’s out now.
I would die for these two, I just want them to be happy and carefree.
About the top left sketch, I wouldn’t say Spanx is the overprotective type (that’s actually Redmond), but he’ll put up one hell of a fight if either of them are threatened. Also needs to make sure Red doesn’t stir up trouble with his mouth.
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