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spanish-3-21 · 4 years ago
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🌆🌇Tell me: how is ur city?🌃🏙 🏙🌃¿Cómo es tu ciudad?🌆🌇 Ciudad: city Pueblo: collage Barrio: neighborhood We use verbs ser (to be), estar (to be), tener (to have), hay (there is/are) #describeurcity #cityinspanish #spanishclasses #spanishlesson #learnspanish #learningspanish #apprendrelespagnol #Spanishworld #spanish  #فصلالأسبانية #classesdespagnol #Lezionidispagnolo #coursdespagnol #spagnolo #espagnol #spanishteacher #professeurdespagnol #insegnantedispagnolo #مدرساسباني #Spanischlehrer #Spanischunterricht #учительиспанского #Урокииспанского #professoradeespanhol #spanishlenguage  #latinspanish #studyspanish  #Aulasdeespanhol #西班牙語課程 #西班牙老師 https://www.instagram.com/p/CNSMW2tHdQH/?igshid=uu4xdkdg1dp3
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manurs · 5 years ago
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. . Piramidal II . 📍Palma de Mallorca, Spain . 📷 Sony a7II @sonyalpha 🔭 Laowa 15mm f2 @venuslaowa 🎥 Tripod Rollei Allrounder @rolleispain . ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ . #spanishworld #visitspain #ok_spain #ig_masterpiece #Discover_earth #earthfocus #ok_europe #Incredible_shot #IgPodium #dreamingtravel #travellingthroughtheworld #fantastic_shotzs #loves_balears #loves_spain #tourtheplanet  #architecturelovers #architecturephotography #fineart#archifocus_on #citykillerz #archigram #architecture_hunter #architectures #ig_architecture #cityview #building_shotz . @beautifuldestinations @world_shotz @natgeo @natgeotravel @natgeoadventure @aroundtheworldpix @tourtheplanet @thevisualscollective @instagood @earthofficial @earthfocus @nature.geography @welivetoexplore @theglobewanderer @discoverearth @artofvisuals @awesome.photographers @thephotosociety @ourplanetdaily @wonderful_places @earthpix (en Palma De Mallorca, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B53QsUlomSg/?igshid=1a7a3el3srnor
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lucabrinchi · 7 years ago
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#Tagforlikes #emotion #nature #beautiful #vsco #spanishworld #art #igdaily #travel #igers #palmademallorca  #ig_great_pics #nikon #Allunique_ArtMaster #allunique_pro #secretplaces #photonovato #love #naturelovers #firstpost #baleares  #like4likes #amazing #likeforshoutout #landscape #tbt #hash4tags  (presso Palma De Mallorca, Spain)
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diegogarnes · 7 years ago
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🌕B L A C K N I G H T🌕 • • #spain_beautiful_landscapes #superhubs_shot #ok_spain #wbg_members #todoclick #estaes_espania #spainiswonderful #super_europe #pocket_world #ig_livorno_ #loves_united_life #spanishworld #spain_vacations #momentomurciano #living_europe #fantastic_shotzs #hidden_igers #gottolove_this #ig_today #fotonline_es #ilovepiques #movilgrafias #fotomovil_es #ig_murcia #ok_murcia #total_murcia #estaes_murcia (en Murcia, Murcia)
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enevado-imgs · 8 years ago
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Acabó aquel tiempo que pasamos en la calle. Ya no suena el eco de unas risas rebotando en las paredes. Aquel agujero del suelo ya no albergará más canicas. El churro, la mediamanga no serán ya compañeros de la victoria junto a la mangaentera. La comba no se agitará al ritmo de los cantos entre salto y salto. Ya solo quedan recuerdos de un tiempo en que la inocencia corría libremente por las calles. #spanishworld #juegosdeniños #monumentalspain #dailyshots #bnw_rose #bw_addiction #bw_igers #bwgrammer #blackandwhite #blancoynegro #top_photos__ #total_madrid #total_spain #best_picture #bestfriend #infancia #portierrasmanchegas #daimiel #themadridbible #castillalamancha (en Daimiel, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain)
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spanishdosesnow · 8 years ago
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#felicespascuas #happyeaster #numeros #numbers #veinte #twenty #spanishworld #spanishwords #spanishnumbers #spanishteachers #spanishteacher #poeticspanish
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sitiosdeespana · 8 years ago
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Repost from @lightfootedchelsea: How lucky am I that I get to stroll through this plaza everyday. • • • • • #ig_europa #ig_europe #igerspain #ig_spain #spanishworld #visitspain #spainiswonderful #spainvacations #europe_vacations #fodorsonthego #lonelyplanet #travellolife #TLpicks #livetravelchannel #girlslovetravel #travelawesome #travelslifee #tourtheplanet #happyadventuring #welivetoexplore #lifeofadventure #iamatraveler #iamtravelr #lovetheworld #travelandlife #bestintravel #studyabroad #igerseurope #aifsabroad #sitiosdeespana #sitiosdeespaña #sitiazodeespaña www.sitiosdeespana.es/sitio/salamanca (en Plaza Mayor, Salamanca)
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antoniovchanal · 7 years ago
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LOVE. ¡Te va a encantar! Almudena Cathedral at sunset. * * * * * * * * * * * * #gf_spain #monumentalspain #estaes_espania #ok_spain #ig_spain #ig_spain_ #quieromadrid #spain_greatshots #espacio_spain #spanishworld #vistspain #icu_spain #spain_vacations #livelovespain #sitiosdeespaña #photogrid #photographer #photos #madridtme #photochallenge #photoftheday #instamadridspain #madrid_atrapa #madrid_monumental #photoofday #photogram #picoftheday #pictures #fotosemana Imagen original de @jjmgasco http://tsmlab.org/2F2oYMA
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spanish-3-21 · 4 years ago
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Tell me something curious about your country using impersonal way. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Impersonal se constructions (oraciones impersonales) are used to make general observations about what people do or countries. Se + verb in third person singular: En Argentina se come buena carne. Se + verb in third person plural: En Canada se hablan dos idiomas. #impersonalinspanish #seinspanish #spanishclasses #spanishlesson #learnspanish #learningspanish #apprendrelespagnol #Spanishworld #spanish  #فصلالأسبانية #classesdespagnol #Lezionidispagnolo #coursdespagnol #spagnolo #espagnol #spanishteacher #professeurdespagnol #insegnantedispagnolo #مدرساسباني #Spanischlehrer #Spanischunterricht #учительиспанского #Урокииспанского #professoradeespanhol #spanishlenguage  #latinspanish #studyspanish  #Aulasdeespanhol #西班牙語課程 #西班牙老師 https://www.instagram.com/p/CMrJ9ECn6VU/?igshid=1pxcwe93kjua1
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manurs · 6 years ago
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. . 🌇 Torre espacio . 📍Madrid, Spain . 📷 Sony a7II @sonyalpha 🔭 Laowa 15mm f2 @venuslaowa 🎥 Tripod Rollei Allrounder @rolleispain . ✏ Un lugar de la ciudad de Madrid que llevaba tiempo con querer visitar para fotografiar las torres, pese a no disponer del tiempo que hubiese querido pude conseguir esta toma, espero que os guste. Un abrazo mozuel@s . ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ . #spanishworld #ig_masterpiece #Discover_earth #earthfocus#ok_europe #Incredible_shot #IgPodium #dreamingtravel #travellingthroughtheworld #monumental_madrid #monumentalspain #city_explore #citybestpics #loves_spain #madridmemola #naturaleza_spain #madridseduce #igersspain #estaes_espania #spaniswonderful #turismeurope  #madridcity #madrid_best_photos #madrid_bigcity #madrid_ig #visitspain . @beautifuldestinations @world_shotz @natgeo @natgeotravel @natgeoadventure @aroundtheworldpix @tourtheplanet @thevisualscollective @instagood @earthofficial @earthfocus @nature.geography @welivetoexplore @theglobewanderer @discoverearth @artofvisuals @awesome.photographers @thephotosociety @ourplanetdaily @wonderful_places @earthpix (en Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwkVKlCgw4a/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13mvda3od7im
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lucabrinchi · 8 years ago
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#Tagforlikes #emotion #nature #beautiful #vsco #spanishworld #art #igdaily #travel #igers #malaga #ig_great_pics #nikon #Allunique_ArtMaster #allunique_pro #secretplaces #photonovato #love #naturelovers #firstpost #andalucia #like4likes #amazing #likeforshoutout #landscape #tbt #hash4tags  (presso Málaga, Spain)
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spanishdosesnow · 8 years ago
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Ser vs Estar #servsestar #verbo #ser #estar #aprende #aprendizaje #comunicacion #verb #verbs #tobe #spanishgrammar #learnspanish #learningspanish #spanishwords #spanishlessons #spanishteacher #spanishworld #spanishclass #spanishculture #grammar #spanishtip #poeticpsanish #exquisite #languages
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eddy-sellera · 9 years ago
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#hotboy #amazing #belohorizonte #brussels #europe #spanishworld #brazil #eddy #brasileuro #half #instagram #follow4follow #instalove #verdadessecretas #carasebocas #gayboy #nature #smiles " dont worry for the life's mistakes, just face it all, and try to learn something" (at Brussels, Belgium)
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antoniovchanal · 7 years ago
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LOVE. Imagen original de @carmenpcarlos #estaes_espania #monumentalspain #total_spain #wu_spain #ig_spain #igersspain #ig_spain_ #ok_europe #turismospain #vision_spain #spain_gallery #espacio_spain #spanish_photolovers #super_spain #great_captures_españa #visitspain #be_one_spain #spanishworld #spainiswonderful #spain_greatshots #asi_es_calles #ok_streets #loves_united_street #street_perfection #capturestreets #world_beststreet #pocket_streetlife #rsa_streetview #igworldclub_street #spain http://bit.ly/2Epi8Nt
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manurs · 6 years ago
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. . 🌄 Primaveral . 📍Artà, Mallorca - Spain . 📷 Sony a7II @sonyalpha 🔭 Sigma 35mm Art @sigmaphotospain 🕳 Sigma M-11 adapter @sigmaphotospain 🎥 Tripod Rollei Allrounder @rolleispain . ✏ Como ya compartí en las historias, menudo espectáculo me regaló el cielo mallorquín el otro día, de esos atardeceres que te dejan con la boca abierta. Blending de tres tomas, una para el cielo, otra para la foto base con el sunstar, y otra para la iluminación de iglesia y santuario, espero que os guste. Un abrazo mozuel@s . ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ . #spanishworld #visitspain #ok_spain #ig_masterpiece #Discover_earth #earthfocus #ok_europe #Incredible_shot #IgPodium #dreamingtravel #travellingthroughtheworld #fantastic_shotzs #monumentalspain #Main_vision #destinationearth #loves_balears #loves_spain #tourtheplanet #naturaleza_spain #Ig_MyShot #igersbalears #igersmallorca #igersspain #estaes_baleares #estaes_espania #spaniswonderful #turismospain #turismeurope #sunrise #_lookatme_thesun . @beautifuldestinations @world_shotz @natgeo @natgeotravel @natgeoadventure @aroundtheworldpix @tourtheplanet @thevisualscollective @instagood @earthofficial @earthfocus @nature.geography @welivetoexplore @theglobewanderer @discoverearth @artofvisuals @awesome.photographers @thephotosociety @ourplanetdaily @wonderful_places @earthpix (en Artá, Islas Baleares, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx-d_u9o3DB/?igshid=1t6flrvd82s61
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lucabrinchi · 8 years ago
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#Tagforlikes #emotion #nature #beautiful #vsco #spanishworld #art#igdaily #travel #igers #malaga #ig_great_pics #nikon #Allunique_ArtMaster #allunique_pro #secretplaces #photonovato #love #naturelovers #firstpost #andalucia #like4likes #amazing #likeforshoutout #landscape #tbt #hash4tags  (presso Málaga, Spain)
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