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wcrldaflame · 7 years ago
"Do you need to go to a hospital?"
“Uh.. do I need to go to the hospital?” He attempted to push himself up, one hand clutching his ribs– and then a shooting pain sent him right back down again. “–Probably. Do I want to? Hell no.”
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speedxandxnetflix · 8 years ago
Barry bustled around the lab trying to get the evidence done. Of course Singh was on his case as usual, even though the Captain knew that the evidence processing took some time.  He sighed with frustration as another email from his boss popped up on his screen. 
He bent down to reply to it when he heard a loud thud. He looked up to see someone dressed in a Captain America costume seemed to have fallen onto and knocking over the chair he left towards the empty desk in the lab. “Uh, buddy, I think you’re a bit lost. The comic con isn’t even going on til tomorrow,” he said walking towards the man. 
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theycalledmetheasset · 8 years ago
James Buchanan Barnes.  NYPD Detective and one of Brooklyn’s finest.  At least that’s what he liked to boast to his friends and family.  But with this recent string of murders, Bucky wasn’t feeling so lucky. 
Only four months into the year and they had already found another murder victim with some strange telltale marks of a serial killer.  The same body type, hair color, height, build.  It was too much of a coincidence and what made it even more chilling was that they all looked passingly similar to Detective Barnes himself.
“I just don’t get it,” he murmured and then looked to his partner.  “Steve, you got any clues?  And please don’t joke about them being obsessed with me or someone who looks like me again.  I’m already suffering through the nightmares.”
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learn-to-be-lonely · 7 years ago
Tony: *screaming* STEPHEN COME HERE!
Stephen: *runs like the wind into Tony’s room* WHATS WRONG
Tony: [in suit fully decorated with hello kitty stickers]
Like what you see?
Stephen: *facepalms while laughing* Tony c’mon-
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sonoftheinfamous · 8 years ago
I was tagged by @radxrand Rules: tell your followers eleven facts about yourself and then tag eleven more people to do it. 1. I actively work out and compete at Olympic weightlifting competitions! 2. I am on my way to becoming a marine biologist! 3. I absolutely hate vacuuming. With a burning passion. (I was a cleaning person for like 7 years) 4. I'm an artist! I like to paint things and occasionally post them. 5. I was born and half raised in Sunland, California, but now live in Florida. 6. I have two dogs and two reptiles. 7. I've had Duncan as an oc for I think 9 years now! 8. He started off as a DND character. 9. I have broken my jaw twice! 10. I am bisexual leaning towards women (shocker I know) 11. I do drag! Tag: @thebamfblueelf @n-u-m-b-e-r-4-7 @ronmanmob @thestrangedoctorisin @flamxalchxmy @starofhonor @spangledcaptain
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starfleetsfinest · 9 years ago
From 2 hat I've seen I love your kirk! Keep being awesome!
thank you for the love
i wish we were writing!
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themetallicbird · 9 years ago
Can I keep you?
Send me CAN I KEEP YOU and watch my muse’s reaction.
He had been reading on the couch when he heard Steve’s question. The book in his grasp nearly dropped down into his lap as he processed what he had just heard; mouth opening briefly as he looked over in Steve’s direction. As he looks Steve over he let’s out a soft chuckle. “Doesn’t look like I’m goin’ anywhere..”
Unless he meant..
“I don’t mind that.”
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enterpriseparty-blog · 10 years ago
Guarding My Back America |CLOSED|
Captain James Tiberius Kirk of the U.S.S Enterprise - just Jim, please - was a great leader, a serious and strong man... When he wanted to be. He was playful, cheeky and all around a fun-loving man.
Which often meant calm missions with no worries turned out to be danger riddled and a firefight ensues.
Which leads them to now, with Jim being swiftly thrown into chaos and finding himself broken from the main party and he cursed.
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learn-to-be-lonely · 10 years ago
Sometimes we have, like, one or two people we know IRL on our Tumblrs. TAG DEM BABIES :-) fuji09 ofcoldfire spangledcaptain
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deanwhunts · 10 years ago
"Who topped?"
Dean sat up and rubbed his eyes. “Um,” he said, stretching and letting out a yawn. “Based on my incredible level of soreness? I’m gonna say you,” he grinned.
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wintersamnesiac-blog · 10 years ago
"I want you to be my Alpha."
"Do you even know what you're asking for?" 
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bucksfightmebarnesarchive · 10 years ago
Put ¥ in my ask and my muse will rate your muse on:
Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Would they date them: yes | no
Favorite thing about them: Your loyalty, most definitely.
Least favorite thing about them: Your stuborrness 
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