(For the OC questions) How about 23 and 27?
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
A lot of my characters have changed from their first incarnations/ideas! Mostly, they’re found in a lot of my older stuff, like TH, TMWSTW my RP Characters among others! I’ll introduce a couple from off the top of my head!
TH has gone through the biggest Idea to Reality change, mostly because it’s been with me for so long! For example: Lee didn’t exist in the original TH, and Ava/Irene were very different characters from what they are now (Irene was very cruel, and Ava was the Sporty Type tomboy). Leader didn’t exist either in the original TH, until the First Reboot, where Leader was “Scythe” (an RP character that i still love but at the time i was obsessed with. I wanted to put him in everything).
The TH villains have gone through a lot of reboots too. Lisa and Terrance have been through the most, and only just now i’ve reached a point where i feel comfortable with their characters. I struggled a lot with them, and originally they were conceptualized as sort of a “Joker/Harley Quinn” combination. Phillip was a hardened army vet with nerves of steal, who had no regrets for what he had done in his past. Even as recent as a few months back i’ve changed some important stuff (for example: up until about six months ago Locke was a Child Murderer).
There’s some stuff that’s changed from original conception that I also can’t talk about, but i think you’ll like em.
I’m already rambling a lil bit but here are a couple others that have changed from immediate conception to present day.
Eulogy and Boss from TMITYTC used to be very flat characters with no backstory.In other original TMITYTC, I didn’t even get to Eulogy. I had him name-drop, be threatening, and that was it really. Boss was a plot device used to carry the story along. Over time I developed them and their joint backstory is one of my favs. 
Cian Moloney used to be Carl Marxman, an absolutely irredeemably evil Scumbag in TMWSTW with zero redeeming qualities and zero character. I hated him for such a long time and regretted creating him. He was a necessary character to the plot, but I hated him so much I redesigned him from the ground up. He’s a lot better now.
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
Oh yes! Here are the Big Ones.
All of the characters in Millstone were inspired by songs and song genres! The title itself was based on a song.
Abi original design came from a song called “Millstone” by Eisley, that I had heard from a Lapis Lazuli playlist on 8tracks. The rest of that playlist also inspired Abi, and I cite the songs Pretty Bird by Jenny Lewis and Hold On, Hold On by Neko Case as big inspirations for her.
Fi was based on the Pretenders, mostly. That cool, untouchable vibe that borderlines punk and mainstream. Other bands like Garbage are also a big inspiration for her. The songs i’d cite for her creation are “Night in my Veins” and “Push It”. Also, her namesake is Fiona Apple, and “Criminal” makes me think of her a lot, even if it doesn’t fit a lot. It’s got the dark feel.
Dami was based on pop-punk acts like P!ATD and FOB. Anything from that middle school 2005 era.
Juli was based on bubblegum pop, like Britney Spears, Charlie XCX, Carly Rae Jepsen-esque stuff. 
Kali was based on funk and soul music. A song i’d cite directly for his creation is a song called “Money-Grabber” by Fitz & The Tantrums. It was used on a episode of Criminal Minds while a horrible murder is happening and i was like “you know what this is a really good idea”.
i need to recraft/work on Millstone. I like it and these characters and these songs.
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