#spaceparanoids highestscore
riinzler · 4 months
(continued from here) @spaceparanoids-highestscore @not-that-dillinger
The Users seemed to be under the impression that he’d be returning empty handed, something that was very much not the case. Rinzler would drag Kevin_Flynn back through the portal kicking and screaming if it was the very last thing he ever did. Doing so would be his only hope at redemption in Clu’s eyes, he could not fail, not after the events that had led him here.
He grabbed Kevin_Flynn’s face, pulled it down to his eye level, and all but hissed out,
“I am not leaving here without you. You are coming with me.” It was the most words most of them had ever heard from him. Had it come from anyone else under any other circumstance it would’ve been almost cute, but it was impossible to mistake the words for anything other than what they were: A threat, a promise. No matter what he had to do he would achieve his mission success, would see it completed and no one, not even this group of Users would stand in his way. With that done he pulled the User towards the laser aperture, fully prepared to force their hands, until the second User, Dillinger, stepped closer. The grip he had on Kevin_Flynn tightened enough to crack his shell, a harsh growl tearing out of his throat. What was he trying to do?
“Back up” He’d been somewhat torateable for a User, but that didn’t mean Rinzler wouldn’t derez him.
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yourleaderandbeacon · 4 months
Continuing from here: xxx
Clu wasn't even out that long. And he felt like he was coming out a sleep cycle. He saw Flynn there and he recalled that they had some sort of cease fire to stabilize the Grid.
No doubt the User would go back into hiding once it was all over. Avoiding any and all repercussions of just leaving everything behind.
While he inwardly grumbled to himself. He ran system diagnostics on himself to give himself some sort of explanation as to why he had collapsed. There were the likely suspects of not getting enough sleep and neglecting his energy intake. Flynn traits he suspected.
Even after everything he had done. Short of changing his appearance entirely. Even after everything. Flynn was still there despite the Admin's best attempts to rid his code of the User.
"How long do you plan on sitting there?" He asked, more out of curiosity than anything else.
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smellslikejail · 4 months
(Continued from here)
His dad was going to make him hold that flashlight. 'Point it here, no where the motherboard is!' Sam was always put on flashlight duty whenever Flynn needed to fix something. Which was all the time.
Sam also looked into the cabinet, but he'd seen all that before. He'd even helped with taking one apart and putting it back together. Mis. Pacman. Not that anybody really played it anymore.
His attention span was already broken as he looked around at the different games. At the very end of the arcade was the Tron cabinet; with a huge neon sign above it with the same name. Sam wandered over and watched the screen light up with the two racers.
Out of habit, he slid one of the tokens into the slot- but it just fell back out of the coin return. It never worked. Just played the demo. Sam had asked his dad why it never worked, and Flynn replied: 'Well of course it works! It's just more of a collectable ya'know?'
The song on the jukebox switched over to Journey's - Separate Ways as Sam reached down for the token. He frowned and traced his finger along the faint outline of a groove. That wasn't there before. They were in an arch, like the cabinet was being moved to one side. Sam pulled the cabinet away from the wall and saw...a door.
He'd never known that a door was there. Of course, he couldn't just stop there! Sam had to know what was inside. With a strong push he opened it and found...a basement? The door closed behind, the cabinet too, as he headed down a flight of stairs towards a pair of double doors.
The music became muffled, but Sam could see light behind the doors, and a key already in the keyhole. He rolled his eyes. Flynn was always loosing them. The hinges creaked a bit as he opened the unlocked door, and found himself in a lit workroom...under the arcade.
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siren-euphemia · 1 year
Trick or Treat!
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(◕0◕) "By the Users... Y-Your the creator! Your Kevin Flynn! I... I'm not sure what I could possibly offer you but..."
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"I wrote these for a party I went to cycles ago. I hope it meets with your expectations."
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iamnoprogram · 9 months
/* your choice, Ed or Flynn... Or Clarke? */
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This was definitely not how this mission was supposed to go. It was supposed to be a routine in-and-out (God she could really go for an In-And-Out burger right now….), like the hundreds of ones they’ve done before. But something went wrong, Sam wasn’t sure exactly what, but she supposed now wasn’t the time to dwell on it, considering she was smack dab in the middle of enemy territory.
“There! The Renegade!”
And now, she was running for her life. Yeah, probably not a great idea to wear the bright white renegade suit. She didn’t know how Beck snuck around in this thing. Speaking of, she hoped the mechanic Program was doing better than she was right now as she drew her disc and threw it at a pillar, damaging its code so that it fell between her and her pursuers, giving her a bit of breathing room as she retrieved her disc and ducked into a nearby alley.
It took a few seconds before Sam realized she wasn’t alone in this alley, spotting movement from the corner of her eye. She quickly turned her helmeted head towards the movement, drawing her disc as she took in the hooded figure she found herself with. She took note that the lines on their cloak were white, and not the harsh orange of the Occupation, but that still didn’t guarantee a friendly. But it did seem this Program was also hiding.
“Hey. Uh… you okay?”
She decided to finally speak, the voice modulator in her mask adding the signature electric wobble all Programs seemed to have. She lowered her disc slightly, realizing this might be a Program who was also against the Occupation. Or maybe just needed some help.
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Reorganizing The Blogs Again
A while ago, I decided I would make this blog a hub for all my RP blogs, though I sometimes reblog non-rp stuff here.
Anyway, I've been thinking about reorganizing stuff again.
So: I have two new blogs: @fourbit-pointyeared-program, and @halfbytespaceelf.
The former is fro Tron fandom stuff, reblogging fics, art, headcanons, etc.
The second is for anything else that's not RP or Tron Fandom related. This may include politics, random real world discussion, other fandom stuff unless I decide to make yet another blog for whatever fandom, art, personal ramblings, etcetera.
This blog will now be only for rp related stuff, rp related questions for the mun, or asks from anything tagged ask the mun can be sent here. This blog will be for rp related communications, rules, and reblogging promos and memes.
A full list of my blogs and what they are for is under the cut:
RP Blogs:
@spaceandthedigitalfrontier: Hub blog. Updates from the mun/other rp related communications, rules, bios, promotions, memes. If you have an RP related question for the mun, or if I tag a meme ask the mun, you can send it here.
If an ask if for a specific muse, send it to the blog the muse is listed on. My current list of RP muse blogs includes:
@not-that-dillinger: rp blog for Ed Dillinger Jr, Eos (OC program written by Ed), Talos/Thantos (OC program written by Ed), and Julian Dillinger.
@spaceparanoids-highestscore: rp blog for Kevin Flynn. Same rules as above apply here.
@renegades-fanclub: rp blog for Mara, Zed, Rasket, and Moog.
@unwritten-identity-discs: Clarke, Llull, Rio, and Sverdrup (all Tron OCs)
@dillingers-dance-partner: rp blog for Dillinger Sr.'s assistant, Peter. Originally created for a crack ship and mostly defunct now but still accepting asks.
@half-titan-totally-cursed: rp blog for Pax (Percy Jackson/Heroes/Kane Chronicles OC), Marcus Junius Brutus, and Gaius Cassius Longinus (side muses, inspired by the historical figure and Shakespeare character and thrown into Pax's universe.)
@order-of-the-pharos-universe: Aurelius, Aristotle, and various others I have not gotten around to writing the bios of.
@unofficial-tron-rpc: an RP resource blog dedicated to helping connect folks interested in RPing in the Tron fandom.
Fandom Blogs
@tron-asterisk: Blog dedicated to the Goncharov'd Tron 3 film. Everything on this blog is unreality. This one has been a bit quiet, but I'm going to keep it.
@fourbit-pointyeared-program: general Tron fandom blog for art, fics, theories, etc.
@halfbytespacelef: as stated above, for personal stuff, real world stuff, art, and anything else that's not part of one of the above.
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systemadministratorclu · 10 months
/* for Clu... from the whisper in ear meme (it's all lies, but wanna see Clu's reaction) -- @spaceparanoids-highestscore, probably*/
"Ed never loved you, why would anyone love someone as useless as you?"
There was a long pause, and then another voice sneered, ".......or, maybe he's the only one who could ever love someone as evil as you, being a Dillinger as like he is."
"You're wrong. You're both wrong" He shook his head. Ed was NOT evil, he knew that for certain. Ed was nothing like his old User. And if Ed didn't love him, why would the man do so much for him. Ed didn't just take him out in the backyard to see the stars, Ed had made a whole big trip out of it, taking him into the desert where the view was the best. Had gotten him legally documented. In the Userworld, he had his own identity: Clu Dillinger, Ed's son, citizen of LA, California. Clu knew that hadn't been easy to do at all, but Ed had done it.
Why would Ed do all that he did, if he didn't love Clu as his son?
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riinzler · 7 months
/*dealer's choice (prompt and muse), if you want to:*/
“Breathe. Hi, we found you, just breathe for me, okay?”
“This is going to hurt, but it will help you.”
[ FIGHT ] for receiving muse to not recognize sender or medical staff trying to help them, due to being drugged or otherwise disoriented – so they fight.
( @spaceparanoids-highestscore / @unwritten-identity-discs )
Rinzler hadn’t expected to come back online. When he’d sunk beneath the waves and slowly felt the energy drain from him, he thought he’d derezz, with his voxels left to sink into the depths until they despawned. The fact that he was able to process that thought at all showed just how wrong he’d been. His external sensors were coming back online at a crawl, a pace so slow it would’ve made him paranoid if his internal system wasn’t also progressing at a similar speed. Users’ willing, his processing speeds were simply decreased and he wasn’t truly taking that long to come back online. How had he even ended up in the Sea? He'd just have to wait for the rest of his recent memory cache to click back into place to find out.
The first sensor to come back online was visual input, even if only partially, revealing the blurred form of a figure looming above him. Rinzler let out a startled warning sound as he scrambled away, the growl tearing at his throat. Water still clung to his suit, black residue from the Sea blocking out the orange lightlines and making him appear as a silhouette, save for the fractures running across his render. His circuits ached and he wasn’t able to orientate himself within the system, his anchors lost in the stream of data. Where was he? Who was this program? -Actually, the latter didn’t really matter. It wasn’t someone he recognized, and therefore, an enemy.
If it thought he was helpless just because he didn’t have his discs they were sorely mistaken. He pulled himself to his feet using the wall behind him, not wanting his back to be exposed. The program in front of him was saying- something. His aural sensors were still calibrating, so while he could tell they were speaking he couldn’t make out what was being said beyond sound bits about ‘helping him’. He ignored it regardless, instead lunging for it’s throat. If he could get the right leverage he’d be able to snap its arm off despite the jitter in his own joints. As he wrestled it to the floor and moved to do just that the panel across the room slid open. Rinzler gave the door a cursory glance as he wrapped his hand around the program’s arm, but paused when he saw who stood in the doorway. Clu?
Rinzler aborted the current action, just in case the program was of some use he couldn’t recall. It was a programmed response, one ingrained from working under the Admin for thousands of cycles, to always look to see if the current outcome was one the Admin wanted. He realized all too late as some of the static from his optics cleared that who he was looking at wasn’t who he’d thought it was. It was a User.
The User. Kevin_Flynn.
…That didn’t bode well for Rinzler’s continued runtime. Why hadn’t the User ever made an appearance when Rinzler would’ve actually had the means to derez him? Before he could dwell on how illogical that thought was he felt a sharp, stabbing pain in his shoulder, right through the mesh between his armor plating. Oh. How had he forgotten about the program?
His lapse in processing was going to cost him the life he’d temporarily regained, as he could already feel his subroutines shutting back down. It immobilized him as his inputs fell away, his helmet hitting the ground with a loud thud. He didn’t want to derez, let alone like this, but when did he ever get what he wanted? He’d always imagined that he’d be struck down in battle, having finally found an opponent able to best him, not on the floor with a program he didn’t know, with Clu nowhere to be seen, and the Grid’s creator lurking overhead. He could tell words were being exchanged above him, before his audio input fell away, visual soon following suit as it filtered to static before switching off completely. Rinzler himself didn’t go offline fully, which seemed like a strange oversight. Instead caught between being online and offline, not quite in standby, but not fully present either.
How long were they going to draw this out?
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riinzler · 10 months
/* went for the continuing the previous thread scenario... —@spaceparanoids-highestscore */
Flynn had been meditating when the beacon lit, and so when he finally became aware of it, he had no idea how long it had been.
He ignored it. When he fought back, Clu only got more powerful, and he could not afford Clu's forces finding him, or getting a hold of his disc while the portal was open.
He ignored the beacon, and the news of a user in the datastream up until he found out the other user was Dillinger's Kid, but what could that tiny kid he'd seen Dillinger's wife dragging around between court hearing before the company'd been passed to him.
...Except that had been five years before he ended up trapped on the Grid, and a thousand cycles since. And if the kid was anything like his father...
Flynn was overcome with the sudden need to get the kid off the Grid, because he thought Clu was bad, but Dillinger's kid was anything like his father, things were about to get so, so much worse.
And somehow that had led to a chase to the portal, and Flynn handing Dillinger's kid his disc and telling him he'd deal with Clu and Tron.
...Except that Dillinger's kid didn't listen, and instead dragged Flynn to the portal, squeezing his hand so tight that it might it might fall off.
"Like hell you're doing the noble sacrifice thing," Dillinger's son growled. "I'm so fucking tired of Bradley waxing poetic about the good ol' days and how much he misses you, and maybe if you're back your son will stop his obnoxious pranks on the company and I can get some damn sleep for once."
And before Flynn could process what the kid had said or the sensation of someone latching onto his other arm, they're in the portal, and then suddenly everything goes very dark.
Flynn was back in the real world, for the first time in twenty years.
He was so shocked, he didn't notice when Dillinger's kid turned off the computer, just that when he scrambled over to fix twenty years worth of chaos, it was off.
"What—what did you do?" he asked.
Dillinger's kid rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, everything's saved. I didn't delete your evil clone, but at least now he can't somehow make anything worse. It's late. We should both go home. Deal with it tomorrow."
As much as Flynn was skeptical, he did have a point, and now that the adrenaline rush was over and he was feeling every bit his age.
The Grid was shut down. He could deal with the aftermath tomorrow.
Except... now without the hum of the computer, he could hear another noise, somewhere between a purr and a growl, and realized that Dillinger's kid wasn't the only unexpected visitor to the arcade for the night.
Coming to the real world alone had never been the plan. It had been a spur of the moment decision once he’d scaled to the top of the portal tower. He saw the Users, saw that they were going to escape, and moved before he could register that he’d done so. That might’ve been a mistake.
He would’ve regretted the choice more had it not put him closer to achieving Clu’s goals. Kevin_Flynn and his coveted disc in one place, in the open and undefended. As soon as they’d arrived Rinzler had tucked himself into the darkness under the desk, using the fact that the lights hadn’t been activated to his advantage. He held in his rattling growl for as long as he could while waiting for the secondary target to exit. He didn’t require oxygen but the way the audio output was connected to his processor made it difficult.
Waiting for two equally insufferable Users to finish their idle exchange wasn't his idea of a productive use of his time but he couldn’t rush it, he needed to be patient and wait for an opportunity to arise. At least he knew the Grid was safe for now.
As soon as the other User left the room he latched into Kevin_Flynn’s ankle, pulling it with enough force to take the User to the ground. With that done he lunged out of his hiding spot and pinned him to the ground, scrambling at his back for the disc.
It was about more than just fulfilling his standing orders, now that Kevin_Flynn had done…something to try to make him think of firing on the Admin it was personal. Rinzler’s own discs had been left behind on the Rectifier but he could still fight without them, he wouldn’t fail.
…It wasn’t there.
Why the fuck wasn’t it there? Where had it gone? He’d been watching the entire time, the disc hadn’t been set down! Now that he was looking he could see that the User’s doc was missing too.
Rinzler would’ve screamed in frustration had he been capable of it, but he wasn’t so he was just going to have to settle for removing pieces of the User until he gave up the disc’ location. Normally he was against torture as it rarely leant itself to favorable results, but this was a difficult circumstance. Keeping his grip tight enough to not facilitate an escape he leaned in, Kevin_Flynn’s reflection staring back at him from the shiny surface of Rinzler’s helmet.
“Where is your disc, User?” His voice was so distorted it was difficult to understand what had been said, not helped by the loud growl he was emitting though the murderous intent was clear.
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yourleaderandbeacon · 4 months
// It has been a very long, dire, and stress filled week. My skin flared up as did my bendy bone syndrome. But water under the bridge. I'm ready to get back to writing since I have the next two days off.
I owe replies to:
@riinzler ( here and at @designationopal )
@spaceparanoids-highestscore ( for some User and Program angst )
I owe a starter to:
@perfectionpersonified ( for some double Clu shenanigans )
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yourleaderandbeacon · 4 months
🥴  to  catch  my  muse  as  they  faint.
Are you okay?
@spaceparanoids-highestscore caught Clu as he fainted
Things were going as well as expected in repairing the Grid. They'd gotten everything stable at least. And they were just about to discuss with their liaisons on the Outside. Apparently Clu's messaged had reached Alan_One who he had only heard about from Tron. He'd seen the signature in the code when Rinzler came about.
Alan_One had looped in another User named Dillinger which Clu had never heard of. But the kid was supposed to be some sort of 'whiz kid' according to Flynn. At this point, Clu was willing to accept any help that came his way.
One particular cycle, he'd found it hard to catch his breath. He pressed a hand to his chest even as he felt himself go cold. Clu was close enough to Flynn to feel the User catch him as his vision went to black.
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new avatar thanks to @moon-art123!
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...And one for @spaceparanoids-highestscore:
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Continuing from here so it doesn't yell at me when I try to trim the post because there's an ask involved.
He drew in a sharp intake of breath through his teeth at the thought of having to take the system offline. It made sense in a way but there was some part of his processor that railed against the idea. The less things that were running saved energy in the long run. Like when he turned off certain processes to cool himself down at certain intervals.
It still made his normally bright circuits dim at the thought.
"To be honest, Flynn, I have no idea." An honest response that made him feel like a newly created beta program again. "I've fixed bits and pieces over the cycles and I've avoided a few near catastrophes but nothing of this magnitude." He admitted, deciding not to bring up the ISOs.
Maybe the User could do something on the outside. Flynn had told him all sorts of things about his world back in the early cycles where they weren't at each others throats. "I was going to suggest you do something on the outside but the portal's not open. Maybe...we could somehow send a message to another User? To get it open and you on the outside? I can maintain things here in the meantime."
Clu knew that sort of thing was a long shot but at this point, there were worse ideas.
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“<3… “
Please send this to @not-that-dillinger if it is for Ed, @spaceparanoids-highestscore if it is for Flynn, or to the blog affiliated with whichever other muse you would like to send it to.
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/* IDK if I can RP the version of Flynn in your AU, but these are all things he would say to your Clu, so dealer's choice (ouch ow owie *give's Clu a hug*), from the CinemaSins meme --@spaceparanoids-highestscore */
“Nope, it’s because you’re a disappointment.”
“You didn’t do anything, but at least you did it well!”
“This is what you should have fucking done in the first place.”
“That is the stupidest plan ever. I’m not sure I even want to waste any more words on how stupid that plan is.”
//Because I'm feeling snarky Clu for these, a response to each.//
“Nope, it’s because you’re a disappointment.”
"Well, you made me, so that's on you."
“You didn’t do anything, but at least you did it well!”
"Which is still more than you ever did."
“This is what you should have fucking done in the first place.”
"Hey, at least I did it at all. Unlike you."
“That is the stupidest plan ever. I’m not sure I even want to waste any more words on how stupid that plan is.”
"........It's YOUR plan."
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This is an RP hub blog. Asks for the Mun can be sent here. Please send asks for muses to their respective blogs.
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RP blogs connected to this hub blog:
Tron Blogs and Muses:
@not-that-dillinger (Muses: Ed Dillinger Jr, Eos, Talos/Thanatos)
@spaceparanoids-highestscore (Muse: Kevin Flynn)
@renegades-fanclub (Muses: Mara, Zed, Rasket, Moog--AU)
@dillingers-dance-partner (Muse: Peter McQueen)
@unwritten-identity-discs (Muses: Rio, Sverdrup, Llull, Boole, Clarke --OCs)
Other Muses:
@half-titan-totally-cursed (Muse: Pax De Gallo--Percy Jackson OC)
@order-of-the-pharos-universe (Muses: Aurelius, Aristotle, various others--fandomless OCs and various historical figures)
Non-RP Blogs:
@unofficial-tron-rpc (RP resource blog specific to the Tron fandom RPC)
@tron-asterisk (blog for the Troncharov film, Tron Asterisk)
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