#space cowboy tsc
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oopsallsticks · 8 months ago
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Current Family Photo 🧡🖤🤍
I love every one so far -B
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puddleonthefloor · 8 months ago
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Another lasso art doodle of second but space cowboy
Honestly the Animation vs physics one is the only one i can kinda understand but the whole small series of them makes me think its a loop that never stops and from what im seeing i think it is
I really like the idea that its a dream seconds experiencing while in the cage at rocket corp which makes it more interesting cause each dream is becoming more dangerous which means he's probably going through a lot of stress while awake
Im excited for the next one though
For those who read my mini rant have AVG doodle
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fireflyflarenight · 8 months ago
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donaardaardendrian · 8 months ago
A summary of the endings of Animation Vs Science
At the time of writing this, only the first 3 episodes are out, any follow up will be done in reblogs. Spoilers below.
Let's start with Animation Vs Math (Av∑) :
After discovering the Math Universe, and fighting with Euler's Constant (e), Orange (aka TSC) asks e if it knows an exit to get out of this place, and comes up with a solution :
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The terms of that summation are the values of "volume" of 2n-ball (with radius of 1): With n=0, the 0-ball is the point, and there is 1 point in a point (shocking), π^0 / Γ(1) = 1 ; with n=1, the 2-ball is the disk with area π, π^1 / Γ(2) = π ; with n=2, the 4-ball is the hyper-ball with hyper-volume π^2/2, π^2 / Γ(3) = π^2/2 ; and so on...
So TSC gets blipped out of existence through an infinite dimensional ball.
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And appear in Animation Vs Physics (Avᴘ⃗ )...
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Where after adventuring in a cowboy hat through space thanks to conveniently placed props, he reaches a black hole, a plunge into it.
(Due to time travel shenanigans, TSC goes multiple times through the same period of time, which the video does not show, skipping ahead)
He finds there his future self, who teach him how to manipulate quantum probability, and the flow of time.
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Together, they conveniently place props through space for their past selves, and before leaving, by selecting a different universe interpretation, future TSC takes present TSC's hat, making present TSC "past TSC's future TSC" (dear god).
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We will now follow TSC after he jumps through the universe as his future self.
Sadly, in Animation Vs Geometry (Av𝔊), he seems to have ended up in a dimensionless universe which he have to expend to move freely, first adding time, then two spacial dimension.
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And, with phi (ɸ), after a bit of fleeing from a 4D menace, the Octaplex, they put it in a dimension prison referencing Poincaré's Dodecahedral Space, where space as the same volume as a dodecahedron whose opposite faces are linked after a 36° rotation.
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However, we come across a familiar face : Avᴘ⃗ 's TSC looking from the previous universe, which seems to shock our TSC a bit, making him fall in the opposite direction : into the next one.
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The universe then reset to a timeless space dot, enter-able by any stick figure that would go through universe... Oh, it moved.
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(Since the universe seems to reset itself dimensionless, quitting time until it's restarting, the universe itself is in a timeloop. Thus, the nudge is caused by the same TSC that arrived 9 minutes before.)
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zkylearnstherope · 8 months ago
AvGeometry [An Analysis]
Disclaimer: This is a very short Analysis for Animation vs. Geometry by Alan Becker. I am not a geometer, (according to Merriam-Webster, a person who specializes in geometry) this purely for fun.
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First of all, I will NOT explain everything in the video. I will just focus on answering a few questions to which I found the answer for. I also have some conclusions at the end.
I will leave the in-depth explanations of everything to those YouTubers. Also, I have linked my sources using hyperlinks.
So, let's get into it- shall we?
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Let's start with-
Which version of TSC is the main character for this one?
If you read my AvPhysics Analysis, you would realize that I named the TSC with the cowboy hat TSC_0 of Universe D.
Since the start of the AvGeometry video, I immediately realized that this is NOT the same guy from AvMath, since he didn't show signs of aggressiveness with phi Φ.
He's more curious versus the guy in AvMath who attacked Euler's Identity immediately. This is also the same guy who spawned in AvPhysics, TSC_0.
I think this MC is a TSC from a different Universe. I will call him TSC_0 of the AvG Universe.
Now you might ask yourself, why did I gave him the 0 designation?
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Because the video ended with another TSC knocking at the point.
Now, you might argue, that this is not a perfect loop because there is a line below the point. While the start of the video, doesn't have that line.
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You are right. Again, if you read my AvPhysics Analysis, I said that the TSCs in there are not stuck in a time loop.
It's just an infinite cycle that happens to different versions of them. Everyone spends only a short amount of time inside the singularity.
So the next TSC to arrive will not be TSC_0 but TSC_1.
How did TSC and phi Φ beat that Boss?
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To start, let's define a few things. Click the hyperlinks to view my source.
Polyhedron - is any three-dimensional figure with flat faces that are polygons. They intersect at straight, linear edges. The edges themselves intersect at points called vertices.
Tetrakis Hexahedron - It is a Catalan Solid with 24 isosceles triangle faces and 14 vertices. It is the d24 die. It is also a 3-dimensional polyhedron, not 4D.
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Now, first of all, the Boss is not 4D. It is two Tetrakis Hexahedrons overlapping each other and rotates at different speeds.
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Platonic Solids - a convex polyhedron that is regular, in the sense of a regular polygon. These are also 3D shapes. There are Five Platonic Solids
Note that this not the original image from the website, but I rearranged the rows to highlight my points. I also added the dice names, incase you're more familiar with DnD.
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In fighting the Boss, TSC and phi Φ started with lines that has 2 vertices or points. Then they slowly moved to the Platonic Solids, eventually defeating the Boss using a dodecahedron.
The Boss had 14 vertices vs the dodecahedron that had 20.
Now, I can't really say why more vertices is superior. It could be structural integrity, or the idea that the universe's topology and shape, references the shape of dodecahedron.
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Or, that the golden ratio is the length from the vertex to the center of the dodecahedron, and is also the ratio of the diagonal of the pentagonal face as demonstrated in the video.
The Hyperdodecahedron and Singularity
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Hyperdodecahedron aka 120-cell is the convex regular 4-polytope (four-dimensional analogue of a Platonic solid.) It is the 4-dimensional analogue of the regular dodecahedron. It has 720 pentagonal faces and 600 vertices.
It's basically 4D dodecahedron.
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According to ChatGPT, in higher-dimensional geometry and theoretical physics, singularities often refer to points or regions where certain physical quantities become infinite or undefined.
Here's how I see it. If that yellow dot is indeed a singularity, the only explanation I could come up with, is at some point, the hyperdodecahedron's infinite insides would shrink to a single point in its 4-dimensional space.
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Now I think these are fractals by I cannot be sure. Also, I couldn't get a definite answer as to how fractals would be relevant to singularities.
What I got from ChatGPT were related to the event horizon instead.
That irregularities of the event horizon might have fractal patterns or exhibit fractal characteristics in its shape when examined at a different (smaller) scale.
The visual and structural complexity of the event horizon evoke fractal-like qualities.
Now, this Analysis is a lot shorter, and also inconclusive. I did try my best. My brain is now mush.
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puddleonthefloor · 5 months ago
Oooo y'all wanna look at my Whiteboard art sooo badddd (I'm sorry I've been dead I've been drawing stuff from other fandoms)
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puddleonthefloor · 8 months ago
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Whiteboard doodles of the day!
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zkylearnstherope · 1 year ago
More Fan Arts for this Episode
Is it just me, or we have more fan arts this time? It hasn't even been 24 hrs yet since the premiere. When I say art, it also includes the text posts, the reactions, the analogies, GIFs, video mash ups, etc. I saw someone make music for it too.
It's like a lot more people loved AvPhysics than I Initially thought.
Which is surprising to me, since it was said to be confusing by a lot of people too. I'm not saying most fans are dumb, but the episode this time is that more advanced, right?
Or maybe people just want to see Space Cowboy TSC on a Quantum Rocket... which is honestly, relatable as well.
Anyway, keep the arts coming guys. 'Cause I enjoy seeing them too.
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