#sp00ky high
mynameischalie · 2 years
I was tagged by the one and only @eckspress to do this little survey. (thanks for the tag alexis!)
1) are you named after anyone?: Yes. I’m named after my dad, Charles, so technically I’m a junior. 
2) when was the last time you cried?: I received news that Sister Pat passed away last year. I used to work with Sister Pat at the last high school I worked at in Philly and she was a fine mentor and person of faith (she was a nun). I can still hear her voice early Monday morning “Chalie, did you watch the Iggles last night?” I would say Sister Pat why is that even a question of course I did! Go Birds! She was a fantastic lady and devoted her life to God. I would find her praying in the chapel before the start of school (Catholic school). I can’t help but think of her with the Phillies going to the World Series and now the Eagles one step from the Super Bowl. When she passed the tears naturally rolled down my face.
3) do you have kids?: No, but always something I would like to have in the future.
4) do you use sarcasm a lot?: I try not to because we all know that sarcastic asshole person and I’m not trying to be that
5) what’s the first thing you notice about people?: Their face and their appearance.
6) what’s your eye color?: Blue
7) scary movies or happy endings?: Lets go scary movie with this one! Who’s ready for Scream 6?
8) any special talents?: I have an amazing memory which I consider my special talent! 
9) where were you born?: Philadelphia, PA
10) what are your hobbies?: I love going to concerts, I love music and collecting records, I love the beach, I love Philly sports, and I enjoy traveling!
11) have you any pets?: Not currently but I had dogs growing up 
12) what sports do you play/have you played?: Four years of baseball in high school.
13) how tall are you?: 6′1″. 
14) favorite subject in school?: History
15) dream job?: Baseball beat writer for the Philadelphia Phillies
Tagging: @burymetothesoundofyourname @sp00ky-p00ky @heyoceanfloor @kate2o @sad-and-dumb (if you like to do it go for it!)
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screvvedloose · 6 years
“Hey Liam, do you have a minute?”
The little construct was bubbling over with energy today, but who could blame her? She had something tucked away behind her back, barely hidden considering how petite she was, and was rocking a bit on her heels.
“I know it’s not cool to be so bouncy but seriously? I think you’re gonna love this.”
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Without any further ado, she reached forward to place a small black box on the cafeteria table near the vampire, still beaming, cheeks flushed.
“It’s a daguerreotype camera! Pops said it belonged to his very-great-grandfather Victor Frankenstein, and that I could have it. I know you like kinda weird obscure things, so I figured it’d be right up your alley!”
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What's his preferred weapon/weapons?
Well he has a sword, a gun, a machine gun arm that he can use now. He also has some extra power thats an ‘emergencies’ only thing
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zombfear-blog · 6 years
"I feel like sad and horny is the one thing we all have in common." A fellow Brian says with a shrug and a yawn.
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awe christ another one? 
❝Guess so, mister doppelganger.❞
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sleptwithinthesun · 3 years
For the love of god I can’t remember if I requested this already but I’d love 👻 for Bucky 🥺🥺🥺
you're good!! i haven't gotten any other asks for this prompt. i offer my apologies for the delay (tis still in time for sp00ky season yee), but i really hope you enjoy, friend! :D
disclaimer: i've never actually been to a haunted house, so. uh. ye. also i'm really sorry if it's awful, i've been in a bit of a writing slump lately and Life™ is just... not treating me well atm. sorry :(
(fill for 👻 on the fall snz prompts list... written for b/ucky b/arnes & s/teve r/ogers. s/tucky, ~1.3K words)
Steve glances over at Bucky as the latter suppresses a shiver, ducking further into the collar of his jacket with his hands already tucked deep into the pockets. "You alright?" he murmurs, purposefully soft. He knows Bucky doesn't do well with the cold now, not after everything HYDRA put him through with the cryofreeze, but Bucky hates admitting to anything that might be seen as weakness.
"I'm fine," he replies, dropping his shoulders and standing up straighter in an effort to look better than how he probably feels. He punctuates the action with a sharp sniff, side-eyeing Steve warily. They've been together for a few months now, and while Bucky's been deprogrammed for almost a year, it's still hard for him to believe they actually have a normal, healthy relationship.
(Sometimes, although he's loath to admit it, Steve can't quite make himself believe it either.)
"Are you sure?" he prods gently, taking in the pallor of Bucky's face and the pinkish tint to his nose. "We can always go back home if you want and do this another ni—"
"No!" Bucky shrinks back into himself, seemingly startled at his own outburst. He clears his throat, drops his head slightly in an act of submission, and speaks again. "No, Steve, it's fine. I'm fine."
Steve sighs softly, nodding. "Okay, Buck."
The thing is, Steve knows things about Bucky, but he doesn't think... he's not sure if he actually knows Bucky anymore. It hurts to admit, but Steve and Bucky haven't been around each other in decades and nothing is the same as it was before the war. Neither of them are the same as they were before the war, and more often than not, Steve feels like they're trying to complete a puzzle blindfolded. They just don't seem to work the same way they used to.
(Steve wants Bucky back.)
He's pulled out of his thoughts by Bucky tapping him lightly on the shoulder and whispering, "this is it, right?" into his ear, like he's careful that if he speaks too loud, Steve might shatter. It's usually the other way around, and the change is enough to make Steve draw a blank until Bucky speaks again. "Steve?"
"Yeah, this is it," Steve finally says, blinking a couple times to clear the fog from his head. "Sorry, I guess I spaced out."
Bucky shrugs, breath forming puffs in the rapidly-cooling evening air. "Happens to the best of us," he says, voice husky before he clears his throat, coughing gently into a fist. Steve's hand lands between his shoulder blades and he can feel the muscles tense before Bucky forces himself to relax, the effort obvious under Steve's fingers.
"If anything starts to trigger you, tell me, okay?" Steve tells him. As much as he wants to do twenty-first century things with his boyfriend, there's no point in risking a panic attack or worse. Bucky nods, leaning slightly into Steve's touch in an oddly open display of trust, considering where they are. "Come on, let's go pretend to be scared by a bunch of high schoolers."
That startles a laugh out of Bucky, and Steve counts it as a win.
Of course, once they get inside the haunted house (which is actually pretty well executed), everything goes downhill.
The two of them are walking through it and smiling at the families with little kids who are also here when one little boy screams particularly loud at the teenager who just popped out from underneath a table and clings, sobbing, to his parents' legs as Bucky ducks suddenly into Steve's shoulder, breath hot on his neck. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" he whispers, pulling the two of them to the side as best he can and stroking the hair on the nape of Bucky's neck.
"He's— it's just..." Bucky trails off, his words spoken right outside of Steve's ear. "Loud," he finishes, flinching when the kid screams again and burying himself even deeper in the collar of Steve's jacket, his nose actually touching the skin now. He's cold, shivering, actually, and Steve frowns. This isn't just the kid, is it, he thinks, and apparently says out loud because Bucky's shaking his head slowly. "I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize," Steve tells him, smiling politely as the family with the screaming toddler walk past. "How are you feeling?"
Bucky breathes out a laugh, hot and wet the way it is when he's holding back tears, into Steve's neck. "Like shit," he replies, and yeah, that pretty much sums it up most of the time. Steve doesn't know if it's the arm or his head or whatever, but he needs to get Bucky out of here. "'S too cold," he mumbles softly, like an afterthought.
"Alright." Steve takes a glance around them, assessing. They're almost done with the haunted house anyway, and if they can get out of here without any other children having a meltdown, they should be okay. "Can you walk with me?" Bucky nods, breathing in sharply and steeling himself before he removes his face from Steve's neck and just leans against him as they brave the rest of the haunted house. Steve makes sure to keep his boyfriend close, almost hugging him as they walk, and glares at anyone who gives them more than just a passing glance.
"Fuck," Bucky whispers once they get outside. The temperature has seriously dropped since they arrived, and he's visibly shivering now. "Home?" he asks, a plead in disguise.
"Of course," Steve promises, slotting his fingers between Bucky's and letting him press his shoulder into Steve's, metal meeting flesh, plating unyielding against Steve's muscles. They live about twenty minutes away, and Steve's seriously considering trying to call them a cab when Bucky suddenly twists away with a handful of sneezes that shudder through his body. "Oh, honey... bless you."
Bucky sniffles, bringing a gloved hand up to his face to scrub at his sinuses. "Thanks," he whispers, voice cracking roughly on the single syllable. He's worse than Steve originally thought, and again he feels that disconnect, the way they don't fit together anymore, how they're not Steve-and-Bucky and instead left as Steve and Bucky. Captain America and the Winter Soldier. The Golden Boy and the Ghost Story, the Commander and the Asset, the fuck-if-he-knows. They've been separated, and while time is supposed to heal all wounds, this is different. This is rotting and infected, time not closing up the ravine between them but only letting it open wider. It makes Steve sick to think about it compared to what they used to be.
He misses it so fiercely he can feel the ache in his bones. Their story is written into his DNA, has been ever since Erskine injected him with that serum, since Bucky was experimented on in that HYDRA base. It's carved into him by one war after another, a never-broken promise of pain and suffering. Steve should have known it would end like this.
He should have known Bucky was just going to slip through his fingers again. Falling, always and forever, without cease.
(Steve used to wish he'd fallen alongside Bucky. At least that way, neither of them would have had to believe in death alone.)
"Here's the plan," Steve says, waiting to make sure Bucky's paying attention before he continues. "We're going to get you home, get you warm, and then sit on the couch watching bad rom-coms until you fall asleep. Deal?"
Bucky smiles at him, a thousand memories passing through Steve's mind of that same look on his face, the one that he didn't realize was love until it was too late, and nods. "Deal."
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wisconsinwarlock · 3 years
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes? 
Aubrieta: Favorite drink? 
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about? 
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment? 
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month? 
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life? 
Hellebore: How do you show affection? 
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?  
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
Please and thank you 💖
Thanks for asking sweetie! ☺️💕
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
I don’t really have any that I live by, other than “don’t be a dick”, but “no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted” is growing on me.
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
The Jules Verne, late of the bar at Sushi Muramoto. It was my go-to beverage for an upscale night out, until the distillery making one of the ingredients stopped production. I asked about it when I didn’t see it on the menu, and they were nice enough to give me the recipe. I managed to find two bottles of the discontinued ingredient, so I make them for myself, and very special guests, now and again. I’ve got about 30-some drinks’ worth left.
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
Look up at the night sky and pick out a star. That far. A six-hour drive is a dawdle in comparison.
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
Raising my son into a better-than-merely-decent human being, though I had help on that one. For a personal achievement, generating new knowledge about how the universe works and getting a Ph.D. out of it.
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
1. I had a very lovely dinner out with my wife @sweetestdreamsofyou for my birthday.
2. A couple of days later I got to meet @sp00ky-p00ky in person for the first time.
3. A couple of weeks after that, I got to take a long weekend to spend in the company of both.
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
Not a comprehensive list, obviously, but:
1. @sweetestdreamsofyou
2. @sp00ky-p00ky
3. My son being a good person
4. Hot chocolate on a cold night
5. Music generally - playing bass guitar especially
6. My menagerie of pets (when they’re not destroying everything)
7. Having a job that allows for a comfortable life away from it
8. Traveling
9. Playing tabletop games
10. Fireflies in summer
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
With most people, big hugs, and I’ll remember those things you tell me about what’s important or meaningful or special to you. With special people, hand-holding and kisses (everywhere) and cuddles and nibbles and caresses (everywhere), and I’ll remember the details even after you’ve forgotten having told me, or even after you've forgotten that those details were special.
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?
For an instant-gratification physically-possible thing, for my nose to stop running and my head to clear up. For pie-in-the-sky wants - a comfortable early retirement and a teleportation machine.
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
The first time I met my high-school girlfriend was when my best friend had her along for the ride when he was dropping by to see how I was after having my wisdom teeth out. My cheeks were packed with gauze and I couldn’t keep my mouth closed enough to keep the slightly bloody drool in. I am surprised, in retrospect, that I had a high-school girlfriend at all. 😆
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
Who is the Matt Amber was shipped with? Was it Matt Stefanina or the Actor? Because Matt S has a gf. I know shes shipped with the Dylan guy who’s a producer and there were a few actors in the past but like that anon said, Colbys relationship was the only one who really ripped her apart. It made me dislike him honestly because he knew and the only one who spoke up was Sam and she replied with “❤️” to him. She said she was overwhelmed and usually didn’t allow words to get to her but these cut her up. Shes been open about her Ed and his fans bring it up all the time when they know its triggering. I mean not even Kian Lawley’s fans reacted like this when they both appeared in Kevins vid. They liked her, Brennens fans like her, Matts too its just Colbys fanbase.
It upsets me that he teases and retracts. It would be okay if he was flirty but he hides when people attack these girls and then he goes back to obsessing over Shea. I dont like or approve of Shea by any means but even she blamed his fans. Other girls did too and blamed him for not saying anything aka Sp00ky. Im not trying to sound like im attacking him, i think though that this is something he needs to work on and be conscious about instead of just posting the girl everywhere and then going ghost because it will happen to Stas its only a matter of time before she stops being their friend too. People are digging so much stuff on her up and the main focus is her roomie because shes a little out there.
yeah i assume the previous anon meant matt s.
also if you're talking about the situation when she was being accused, along with brennen, of trying to break sam and him up, colby made a whole portion of his video about that situation, among other things.
colby's fandom has been like this towards literally any and every girl since the beginning. i know a lot of yall haven't been in the fandom that long, but let me tell you: you can literally go back to 2014/15 and see girls, who were normal girls that went to his fucking high school, get shit on for being around him in a pic. it has been like this since the beginning.
which i think, to some extent, is why colby doesn't say anything. imagine being 16/17 years old and having to tell the tiny fanbase you do have that you aren't dating this girl that you took a pic with or that she's only a friend and to not send her hate. he did that shit in the past too. he would comment on fans' pics telling them that the girl he was with was just a friend. and look how much good that did. i think he's overwhelmed by it bc he shouldn't have to tell a fanbase to back off.
that being said, i sadly think he has to give the fandom an ultimatum: either back off from hating the girls he is friends with/hooking up with/dating, or he leaves and never talks to us again. and i mean seriously never interact with us. bc clearly the times he has stood up to the fandom and told them to back off, it doesn't do anything.
i agree he needs to do more, but i think the more he can do would literally just mean him either never posting about a girl again or ghosting us forever. it's just so sad that the fandom acts like this instead of being happy for him, regardless of the relationship he has with the girl in question that's getting hate.
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itsme690 · 4 years
Roleplay Request
Request: Rami roleplaying Snafu for reader because it turns her on. Smutty fun lol
I had a lot of fun with this one! I hope you enjoy!
-Rami knew you loved it when you both roleplayed in the bedroom. But he didn't know how turned on you would get when he tapped into Snafu.  
-The thought of him in that uniform made you squirm. Which he would put on the costume just for you to strip him down immediately.
-He'd get that look in his eye, the one that took him back to when he was filming.  
-He'd grab you by your the back of your neck roughly and pushed you back against the counter
-"Ya betta not be playin me, darlin'" he's say in that thick accent you couldn't resist
-Looking at him with your big, doe eyes..pleading him to take you right there over the kitchen counter.
-You teasingly grab his cock, to your surprise he is already hard..licking your lips in response
-Rami turned you around, pushing your shorts down to the floor
-You had just enough time to step out of them before he pulled your panties to the side, running his thick fingers between your folds
-"So wet n ready for me..." he growled in your ear
-You danced your hands behind you to find and undo his belt which ended up being harder than you thought
-"Takin' too long babe" he removed his fingers from your body and pulled his belt through the loops of his camouflaged pants and pushing them down his legs, his cock bouncing off of his stomach
-He rubbed up and down his length before positioning himself between the back of your legs
-The warmth of his cock pressed against your clit made you crave him even more than before
-You reached down, aiming him where you needed him the most 
-You moaned loudly as you finally felt full
-He started moving slow until you were begging him for more
-"Faster, Merriell!" You cried.
-He grabbed your arms, pulling them behind you
-He held on to your elbows and fucked you harder and faster 
-You were bound to have brusies on your stomach from the kitchen counter
-Rami fucked you until you came twice on him before he released himself deep inside you
-You both came down from your highs, panting and sweating
-"Fuck, Rami, I love--"
-"I know babe.." he said while using a damp cloth to clean you up
-"Maybe next time Finn will make an apperance, he winked
Tag list: @flipper-kisses​ @the-real-ramimalekpeen​ @sherlollydramoine @xmxisxforxmaybe​ @angeleyesmalek​ @ramimalekpan @ramimedley @eschnei7 @hazeleyedbeth @r-ahh-mi @sassystrawberryk @sp00ky-bratt
*Message me if you’d like to be on my taglist!*
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arimonsterwolf · 4 years
soooooo I had an account before on my friends email (I had made one on my email a long time ago but couldn't log in, I managed to delete it now)but neither of us remember the email password so I made a new account and that's why this is called ari2.0
decided t0 finally intr0duce myself XD
☆ HI! I'm ari! I als0 g0 by erik(irl m0stly) eli and marzz and Jeremy(assigned jeremy by the character I voiced in a friends short film XD) als0 g0 by arzz th0 that is just h0w I sh0rten ari XD
☆ I'm trans, use he/it pr0n0uns and I'm pan and poly }:)
☆ I have a w0nderful accomplice in crime queer plat0nic partner: @moctabon (l0ver her s0 muchhhh)
☆ 20, my bdays in june
☆ I'm Latvian but I've been living in the UK f0r 7 years n0w
☆ I'm m0stly scene/em0 but I'm trying t0 learn m0re ab0ut the punk scene/music
☆ It's hard f0r me t0 get int0 new music s0 here's my fav0urite artist: my chemical r0mance,fall 0ut b0y, set it 0ff, d0g park dissidents,abney park, steam p0wered giraffe, j0nathan y0ung, caleb hyles, gorillaz
☆ fav0urite m0vies/sh0ws/anime: the l0st b0ys, d0nnie dark0, star trek(watched t0s and am currently watching next generati0n but I l0ve it s0 much!!!),bbc Merlin(deeefinetly wasn't 0bsesive ab0ut it f0r m0nths XD), fullmetal alchemist br0therh00d, bleach, hellsing ultimate, death n0te
☆ I have n0w 0fficially started my C0stume design and Textiles c0urse at uni!!!
☆ I l0ve crafting and d0ing art
☆ l0ve nature and g0ing f0r walk in the w00ds/park
☆ I have 0ver 20 p0rcelain d0lls and 0ver 10 fashi0n/m0nster high d0lls
☆ I have an 0bsessi0n with c0llecting things (lil nicknacks, r0cks, crystals, funky butt0ns(really l0ve shell butt0ns specifically), fidget t0ys, plushies(l0ve the small 0nes s0 I can squish them in my hand like a stress ball XD), m0nster cans) and many 0ther things XD
☆ 0bsessed with cryptids and creepypasta and m0st sp00ky things
☆ CL0WNS...that's all
☆ I uhh ramble....a l0t XD
My alts(pr0bs will add m0re XD): @gene-goes-places
I was all0wed 0n this hellsite s0 ya'll get t0 suffer f0r it
dats it BYE
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The Train Graveyard is high key sp00ky though. Big spookiness. Much spook.
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rhiannon1425 · 4 years
tagged by @doctorbeverlycrusher— I’m sorry this is so late, ily!
I’m pretty sure I’ve done this before, but I guess I’m doing it again 🤷‍♀️
Tag ten followers you’d like to get to know!
Name: Mae
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Favorite animal: snakes and frogs and toads
Current time: 8:28 PM
Cats or dogs: yes
Dream job: band teacher!
When I made my blog: during journalism class in my junior year of high school
Reason for my URL: I think it’s probably pretty easy to guess
Tagging: @gender-snatched @ideational-star-trek @spockseyebrowss @okay-and-wonderful @marvelousmoosey @bootlegged-tea @sp00ky-soup @cptdorkery @flystarships @fandoms-of-a-random-existence @earl-grey-is-my-middle-name
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moonshineholland · 5 years
Here’s a sp00ky blurb to get the ball rolling
A/N: this is based on an actual idea I had today bc I’m just that evil😈😂
W A R N I N G S: Clowns🤡
“AHHHHHH FUCK!!” You couldn’t help but smirk to yourself, Tom’s high-pitched scream was music to your ears.
The giant clown head you’d purchased earlier in the day was currently half hidden under the covers on Tom’s side of the bed, eyes glowing and bright purple hair sticking out in all directions across the pillow.
He’d just come back from his run, kissing your forehead before dashing upstairs for a shower.
As soon as you heard it you ran up the stairs, tacking two steps at a time just so you could catch the remnants of his reaction, towel strewn across the floor instead of round his hips, unable to stop the laugh falling from your lips.
“Fuck sake! You’re so fucking nasty you know that?!”
“Mhmm, I even recorded it so I can laugh a little more later!” You pointed across the room at the camera you’d set up on the windowsill.
“You’re a little minx!” He stepped closer to you, hoping to shut your laughter up with a kiss.
“Wanna get even more nasty? I can leave that camera on if you want?” He rolled his eyes with a smirk, lips pressed to your jaw.
“Yeah go on then, but I can’t do it with that fucking clown watching.”
Needless to say, the clown was, literally, kicked out of your room and you had the evidence of his entire reaction for your very own, personal, entertainment.
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screvvedloose · 6 years
Liam approaches Vicky, a noticeable red in his face. One hand his behind his back. "Ahem...I wanted to thank you for the camera you gave me a few days ago, so..." He reveals the hand behind him, which is holding a bundle of blue flowers that he offers to her.
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Vicky hadn’t been expecting Liam to approach her at any time, her head down as she checked messages on her phone. But she smiled, same as she always did, her mannerisms and tone of voice as cheery as ever.
“Oh hi, Liam! I’m really glad you like it. I hope you’re getting some use out of it- oh!” Flowers? For her? And blue flowers, to boot! Her cheeks immediately went pink, face heating up at the gesture. “Oh that is so sweet of you. They’re so pretty~!”
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burricane · 6 years
Spooky Musicals For The Kiddos
Some have warnings because no one deserves a trauma spook during Hallow-Month
Repo: This is.....oh man. You know how sometimes you find something and you’re like this is terrible, I love it??? That’s Repo. VERY GORY WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK. It’s like a Italian opera but it’s gory as all hell and also there’s organ theft uh oh
The Devil’s Carnival: Imagine The Greatest Showman but they’re all in hell and Satan really likes fairytales. That’s this musical. Lots of bussy bops in this one I’m not gonna lie. The same people that made Repo made this one what do you expect. Listen to the sequel as well that ones really good too
Phantom Of The Paradise: Retelling of The Phantom Of The Opera, but this version is set in the 70s and the phantom really likes black lipstick. Rock and roll and also murder yeehaw
35 MM: A musical that’s literally based off of a bunch of different photos. Has a psychopathic high school bussy bop, a song about fucking vampires, Lindsay Mendez, it’s really just the whole package. WARNING: MENTIONS RAPE AND DOMESTIC ABUSE IN LEAVE LUANNE
Otherbody: This is literally my favourite musical of all time. It’s a retelling of The Outsider by HP Lovecraft but it’s a metaphor about racism and homophobia in modern day America which must make that horrible author’s ghost very unhappy it’s great
Jasper In Deadland: Local boy journeys to the underworld to save crush, doesn’t realize that he’s a massive idiot and is chugging idiot juice in the underworld with a bunch of ghosts when his crush is riGHT THERE SHE’S RIGHT THERE DAMMIT JASPER
Ghost Quartet: A really complicated musical about murder, ressurection, forgiveness, and love. It’s by Dave Malloy (NPATCO1812) and if you are looking to ease in gently into the sp00ky musical genre then I would suggest this one
Lizzie: An all-female rock retelling of The Lizzie Borden murders. Gay and very good. WARNING: MENTIONS CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE THROUGHOUT MUSICAL
Love Never Dies: It’s a sequel to The Phantom Of The Opera musical but you don’t have to like the first one in order to enjoy the second. Set ten years after its predecessor, this musical talks about love, murder, and what to do when you really are the baby daddy. Side note: Domestic abuse is subtly referenced in many parts of the musical but not all of it
The Addams Family: How could I make a scary musical list without mentioning The Addams Family? It’s not spooky, but we love it none the less
Into The Woods: Fairytales but dark as hell. First act is super happy but by the second you are literally sobbing your eyes out. You’ll never get Your Fault out of your head sorry. It mentions rape in some scenes but doesn’t go really full head on into it
Rocky Horror Picture Show: If you love musicals but haven’t seen this movie or heard its songs then I feel very bad for you. Sexy, gender explorative, and boptacular this musical is a gift to humanity. But whatever you do DON’T watch the live version from two years ago because it will take ten years off of your life it’s that bad
Carrie: A good musical about why bullying is bad. Has Christy Altmore and Derek Klena in it and they sing a love song it’s super cute. WARNING: HAS BULLYING AND CHILD ABUSE IN IT
Hadestown: A retelling of the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice but it takes place during the Great Depression and is big ass commentary about capitalism. I didn’t think that I could be any gayer for Amber Gray but I was wrong
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lettersinscarlet · 5 years
rules: copy/paste and bold your fic preferences and tag some people!
Thanks @silentexplorer18 for tagging me!
slow burn or love at first sight
fake dating or secret dating
enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers
oh no there’s only one bed or long distance with correspondence
hurt/comfort or amnesia
modern au or fantasy au
mutual pining or domestic bliss
smut or fluff
fix it scene or canon compliant
future fic or alternative universe
reincarnation or character death
accidental marriage or arranged marriage
high school romance or middle aged romance
isolated together or time travel
roommates or neighbors
magic au or sci-fi au
bodyswap or gender bend
angst or crack
modern or apocalyptic
I’m going to tag @azurebrock @daddydobrock @sad-and-sp00ky and @chlo-martin96
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Important! Archiving This Blog And Moving To A New One!
As you can all see from the title of the post, and of the name change to my blog here, I'm planning to archive this blog very soon!
I have my reasons for doing this. I follow from my main blog 'mattdrawsmen', and I started thinking that maybe having to follow from a (very much NSFW) art blog might not exactly be the best way to follow people I want to write with, especially since said main blog is completely inactive. Also because I've been blocked by a few accounts because I neglected to send an ask stating my personal was a main for an RP sideblog, which I'd like to take the time to apologize for.
That, and I actually want to start sending in asks without having to use the anon feature, especially since some RP blogs I interact with don't have it, meaning I can't interact much with them.
With my reasons for archiving these blogs to make new ones out of the way, there are a few important things to mention.
I'm going to try to have the new blogs ready to go by the end of the week, maybe have one or two ready by the end of today if I'm lucky. Until then, all my RPs are going to be put on hold.
The biggest thing to mention. I'm going to be unfollowing every RP blog I follow from my main blog and refollowing them from the new ones. So if you see me no longer following you, please don't be alarmed! I'll be following you right back again from the new blogs!
And finally, if we have an RP going on any of my current RP blogs, I'll be moving them to a new RP blog on a new post. Then I'll be messaging the person I'm writing with to let them know where the RP has been relocated to.
As for these soon-to-be-archived RP blogs, I'll be keeping them up for my old RPs to be kept in case anyone wants to read them or I need to look back to find a particular detail for an RP that's been moved. I probably won't delete the archived blogs unless I need or want to. But more than likely they'll stay up!
I want to thank everyone who interacted with and followed this blog before the archiving:
@monsterxjam @james-sulley-sullivan @hellrager @zombfear @thezomblr @icedvoid @best-wolf-boi @royalreef @mantimetalcore @biterage @outofthemaiinstream @secondtermsurprises @betelgeusessonajblog @volfizmz @sp00ky-high @pollyparty and any others I missed!
You all are amazing and writing with you has been an amazing experience. And I truly, truly hope I'll see you on the new RP blogs too! ^^
With that being said, here is the new (still a work in progress) RP blog for Monster Prom RPs:
OC RP Blog - https://sketchy-wereray.tumblr.com/ Oz RP Blog - https://shy-fears.tumblr.com/
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