#sowf tichi
pinksparklelps · 2 years
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Therapist had me draw things important to me
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pinksparklelps · 2 years
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Sanctuary of Wilted Flowers time :)
I wanted to just draw the squad but ended up doing this instead whoopsies
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pinksparklelps · 2 years
Im gonna make a list of my favorite robots including my ocs
Clementine, Momo, Zbaltazar, Doc, B-12 (technically?), Morusque, Vapora, P03, Dredger, G0lly, Archivist, Sun, Moon, Roxy, Monty, L0vec0re, Omu, AN-G3L
And the absolute best a robot could EVER be:
✨Map Bot✨
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pinksparklelps · 1 year
Ask and you shall receive little sib/lh
What inspired the creation of Mesi? Also, who is the little cat with hearts next to them?
Have a good rest of your day/night little sib! <3
The cat im assuming you mean in the lower corner, that is the reader for my 2nd stray fic Fell Into The Deep Abyss :)
Mesi was mostly created just to have in SOWF but like shes my third favorite (first being omu second being tichi -w-) in SOWF. I wanted like a different mix of personalities and i thought itd be fun to write her bein all friendly and ditzy and silly. I also just had the main squad (minus mesi n whisper obv) accidentally teleport into the ocean and well someone needed to get them out
But of course not without a little “you know robots cant go in water right” from her before she does uwu
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pinksparklelps · 2 years
For the ask game, how about 7, 15, and/or 19? Very curious about those three
7: what are your favorite relationships between your ocs?
Ive already answered but i have a lotta fav pairings other than just Tichi and Omu. This is only in the multiverse because story separation, but i ship Lilystar and Glistalline. Theyre both stern and responsible for their groups and only soft and cuddly to each other :3
15: how many projects do you have going on right now? Are there any that you doubt you’ll ever finish?
None of my stories are EVER complete i just add more when i want to. Official things, im writing One Small Step and Fell Into The Deep Abyss on ao3, but those are fanfics. The main oc stories i focus on are SOWF and Crystal Colors, because sowf has the entire plot written out, and im constantly thinking of new things for cc and interactions between melody/mute and iridana/zillah
19: what are some things that inspired your stories? Real events? Maybe a dream?
Im honestly not sure. I kinda just Go. Like Crystal Colors was created because i was playing around with new markers and made melodys og design before refining it and making mute. TSOTS was made because in 7/8th grade i had a podcast project and needed a story to narrate. Pinksys is probably the most involved because she was originally based off of me. Daphne, an old character based of an ex, used to be her gf before i voided her, Claw, a random wolf i made, was her boyfriend before i discovered i was a lesbian, ect
I dont really have a set way i come up with ideas, it kinda just happens sometimes when i let my mind wander. Like sowf was made because i wanted to make another lovecore character (tichi) and wanted something based off of flower language, because symbolism means the world to me. Omu, aerie, sira, mesi, and whisper were added on because i wanted some kinda group dynamic/found family for tichi
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pinksparklelps · 2 years
For that ask game, answer whatever you want here!! Especially 30 :3
Hell yea
First of all i am doin great my friends n I are cutting down every tree in the forest because its funny
1: Pinksy was my first oc! And she has developed quite a lot. One thing about her is that her sweater used to change color depending on her mood. And also she had a sparkle form. Ive changed her drastically over the years because of learning about how to make a proper character and im proud of pinksy
3: Maple is probably my biggest self-insert. Back in elementary i was a BIG fan of splashkittyartist and kinda made my own little world based of it. I went by the nickname maple back then and loved cats so maple was born. Shes never had any big story stuff, she just always represented me
6: plenty of my ocs are storyless atm. But having the multiverse gives them a place to hang out and just exist! Im not sure if some will get a story, but characters like stonewalker eventually got one so its a possibility
7: I absolutely love Omu and Tichis friendship!! I love writing them together and how they interact. I see it as a found family situation and they both love each other /p after being found and accepted by tichi, omu simply refuses to leave this pink ray of sunshine
13: the story with the most lore is probably Sanctuary Of Wilted Flowers, as i have the entire plot written down and have thought about making little oneshots for everyones time before the main story events. Following it would be a tie between Lilystar And The Warriors Of WingClan, Crystal Colors, and The Spirits Of The Seasons
20: Im incredibly proud of SOWF and Crystal Colors!! I draw the sowf gang a lot, as well as melody and mute from CC
21: might sound cliche but ever since i was a kid. I would make up stories with friends about fairies, i would draw with a kid at school, i drew a lotta undertale fanart, and i even used flipaclip back then. I still carry that dream of becoming an animator, but i probably wont be there for a while
25: unsurprisingly fantasy! I love being able to make entirely new worlds and new rules they follow. Magic and creatures and robots and everything really fascinate me and i love drawing/writing them
26: i really like Warriors and Wings of Fire. My parents did try to get me into Harry Potter a few years ago but it just never stood out to me and was incredibly boring. Glad because i hate the author with a burning passion
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pinksparklelps · 3 years
Some constructive criticism for writers and sorta myself
If a story or comic goes too fast, its just not fun. Even trying to add suspense in there cant really make that better because it goes so fast theres no suspense at all. And going too slow is just boring and frustrating for the reader. Ill take warriors as example. Power of three was too stretched out and we go back in time like five minutes for another pov that everyone just got bored before the last book.
Like for example, ill use my sowf ocs, they are planning to go somewhere
Whisper: so you need to save magic? Ive been trying to do that solo
Tichi: yeah thats what i was sent here for
Whisper: well then lets go guys
Sira: aight get omu were leaving
Aerie & Mesi: got it!
Thats so boring. Thats some time Whisper can explain xer attempts at defeating daffodil, the group can plan out their attack, they can spend some time NOT constantly in danger. Context is important, a break is important, a plan is important. Doing this makes the reader care about the characters- make them care about what happens next! If they do it and fail or if they can succeed! Why and what Whisper was doing to keep magic safe!
And another example with the sowf ocs but too slow
Tichi: oh im so sorry
Aerie: its ok
Tichi: i was trying to get somewhere didnt mean to startle you
Aerie: it happens a lot
Tichi: thats not good
Aerie: im used to it
Tichi: well what are you here for?
Aerie: i died
Tichi: me too!
Tichi: well i gotta find my robot
Aerie: you have a robot?
Tichi: well its not mine i found them by accidentally stumbling across them like i did with you
Aerie: oh wow you do that a lot?
Tichi: yeah i havent gotten teleportation down yet
Tichi: wanna come with?
Aerie: ok
Boring. Its like Tichi and Aerie are purposefully dragging out their conversation and its so unnecessary. Tichi can apologize, aerie accepts apology, Tichi realizes aeries importance and explains his journey and asks them to join, aerie can contemplate and accept or decline. We dont need all this “i died once and you died once were so alike” because that’s obvious with aerie being a ghost and tichi being a demon. We could also throw in a small part of omu and sira meeting as a cliffhanger. Like omu realizing where they are and sira emerging from the gates with a crazy grin and the chapter ends there.
Im not the best at writing and not the best at story speed but im well aware that too fast is bad and too slow is bad. Theres this comic ive been following and its way too quick like “heres this possible prophecy ive had” “we should go there!” “No thanks” “ok” and of course power of three from warriors is WAAAY too slow like heres jaypaws pov! Lets go back a bit just for lionpaws pov now! But wait! Now we need to go back AGAIN for hollypaw! Thats reaaally not fun and i would visibly get annoyed at it and i was GLAD i finished that arc. It was so slow and boring and i wanted it over with.
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