#sovieshu x male reader
moonbyulsstuff · 14 days
Male reader using his magic to make Sovieshu work much easier and entertain his new friends Navier, Rashta(she's not a villain) and Heinrey as well protect him from people who don't support them. Reader can get REALLY scary when it comes to Sovieshu
Anything For You.
Male Reader
Request Rules.
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"You look tired..." Sovieshu looked up from his works and saw his lover, [Name] leaning against the frame door. He sighed and massaged his head. "Yes... work has been piling up more than usual.." Sovieshu said as [Name] chuckled and stood up, closing the door behind him.
He walked up to Sovieshu and stood beside him, his office was loaded with a ton of papers and [Name] couldn't help but feel sorry for his own lover. Seeing him work through the night without a wink of sleep as his office continue to pile up with work.
His hand worked Sovieshu shoulders before he snapped his fingers, Sovieshu looked as the papers started to float and pens being taken out of his drawers.
Sovieshu looked at [Name] who only smiled at him, copy of him started to appear and do his work. His eyes widened at what [Name] was doing. "You need some rest, don't worry love. I made sure they think just like you, so any decision you are in favor or not, will be done." [Name] said.
"Your majesty! [Name]!" The two looked up and saw Rashta with a wide smile on her face. "I have baked some cookies for us! Would you like to try it?" Rashta said, with her hands clasp together. [Name] chuckled and nodded. "Of course, shall we?" He said as he looked at Sovieshu.
"B-" "No buts Sovieshu, you need this rest." [Name] took the pen from his grasp and dragged Sovieshu out of his chair, they got out of the office and closed the door. Leaving the paperwork to [Name] magic, Rashta quickly went back to the kitchen as [Name] set up their usual spots in the garden.
Sovieshu sat down on the chair and began to feel [Name] hand on his shoulders, massaging it gently. He let out a sigh of relief and relaxed under [Name] hold, he looked up at [Name] who looked back at him with a smile.
Rashta came back with a few maids trailing behind her and a tray of cookies in a plate in her hands. "Smells good.." [Name] commented as Rashta giggled and smiled. She placed the plates of cookies on the table as well as the other sweet treats and tea.
The maids left as Rashta happily ate the dessert, [Name] hummed in satisfaction while eyeing Sovieshu who looks like he was still deep in thought and he knew what was on his mind.
"Relax Sovieshu.." The black haired snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his boyfriend. "You have been working non stop for the past 3 days... without an ounce of sleep too." [Name] said as Rashta hummed and nodded, agreeing with [Name] words.
"[Name] is right, your majesty. You have been cooped in your office without a break.." Rashta said, looking worriedly at Sovieshu who chuckled and nodded.
"I know... I know.. you two have been nagging me to take a break.." "[Name] gets all mopey and sad like a puppy for the past 3 days.." Rashta said as [Name] face gets flustered at her words, reminding him of how he has been acting ever since Sovieshu has been working non stop.
"D-Don't say it.." "But it's true though."
Rashta smiled but [Name] could see the teasing hint at her voice and face, she always liked to see tease the two about each other.
Sovieshu chuckled and ate the cupcake, as Rashta continue to tease [Name] who was embarrassed and trying to stop Rashta from saying anything more.
He never liked it whenever someone was teasing him about his clinginess since [Name] always like to portray himself as a serious man, not some sort of a clingy puppy.
[Name] forced a cookie in Rashta mouth to keep her shut who only giggled in response, he looked at Sovieshu who was smiling at him.
"Don't say anything about it..." "Alright... alright..."
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blues824 · 2 years
May I request the cast of The Remarried Empress reacting to a Male!Yuki Sohma!Reader who is adopted by Empress Navier who one day found him lost and confused on palace grounds. Thinking he is a mere lost teen not from the Eastern Empire who accidentally stumbled upon Her Majesty (she assumes he's a noble's child running from traffickers for his princely appearance), she quickly takes him in, ensures he's bathed, and clothed in soft fabrics befitting someone of a high status.
She makes sure to be firm on her decision to adopt the polite boy after no one comes forth to claim him no matter how hard Sovieshu fights her not to. She can't, in good conscience, leave the boy to defend himself (she grew attached).
While he may not be able to take on the title of Prince (if I remember correctly), he's still her child in the eyes of the law.
(She finds out about his curse one day after he is badly struck by his asthma and barely manages to keep human form long enough until it's just the two of them when he transforms. He tells her everything; the world he comes from, the life he had to live, the sorrow he feels for being unable to tell her the truth in fear she'd look at him differently, and how he wishes to stay here and live a happy life as her son but fears he may not have a choice in whether he goes back or not. Only she, and eventually Heinrey, knows his true secret)
Not gonna lie, I want Navier as a mom.
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His wife had a soft spot for children, but he was surprised when he found out that she wished to adopt a child that she had found with no parents around. He met you, and you were a very polite child, but that wasn’t the problem. What the problem was was that you wouldn’t be inheriting the throne since you would be adopted rather than blood-related.
However, you could be adopted into the Trovi family, and that would make you Navier’s child rather than the child of both the Emperor and Empress. Over that, he had no jurisdiction so he let it go, albeit annoyed. Now, instead of ignoring her, she ignored him so that she could tend to you, and it made Sovieshu so angry.
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You caused her to have PTSD, and she flew into a fit of hysteria upon finding out that the Empress wanted to adopt you and bring you into the palace. She begged Sovieshu not to let it happen, but he told her that he had no control over it since you would be given the name of Trovi rather than Vict.
She showed obvious contempt towards you, and often tried to avoid you as best she could. The only thing that brought her comfort was the fact that you couldn't inherit the throne smoothly and would likely have to through war, which gave her a chance to go through the plan of having Sovieshu divorce Navier so that her child would be the rightful heir.
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She fought tooth and nail so that she could adopt you. She even had you officialized by the High Priest, and that solidified your place as her child. However, she was deeply saddened that no matter what you couldn’t be named Sovieshu’s heir. No matter, since she made sure that you were given a tutor and you were clothed properly and doted upon. 
But one day you had an asthma attack and were immediately put to bed. The servants informed her, and she quickly made her way to your bedside. She had no record of your medical history, so she asked you about your life up to this point, and was shocked to find out about your curse. She helped you sit up and she gave you a hug, reassuring that she thought of you no differently than her son and wiped your tears away as she helped you get back to your normal self.
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It was through his correspondence with Her Imperial Majesty that he found out about you. The press knew very little about you due to the preference of Navier, so he knew nothing about you. His heart grew warm when she told him that she had found you wandering around unsupervised and without parents, and she adopted you. Mans was already making preparations to have you be the Crowned Prince of the Western Kingdom when he inherits the throne.
He was walking with Navier in the garden when some servants reported that you had a coughing fit that left you barely able to breathe, and he followed her to your bedchambers. Upon her asking you about your life to gain some sort of understanding about what happened, the two found out about your curse. After a bit, Navier left and left you both in the room. There, he whispered that he had a power similar to yours, where he can turn into a bird. It gave you some comfort to know that your soon-to-be stepdad knew what you were going through.
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francenealove · 10 months
Sovieshu Vict X M!Reader
Prolog - How They Met
"uhh.." (Sovieshu)
"Apa Anda sudah sadar?" (Dokter)
"Ini dimana? Dan Anda siapa?" (Sovieshu)
"Untunglah Anda sudah sadar! Anda berada di rumah sakit dan saya adalah dokter yang menangani Anda. Apa Anda merasakan sakit di tubuh Anda?" (Dokter)
"Tidak, Saya tidak merasakan sakit pada tubuh Saya." (Sovieshu)
"Dan disebelah Saya ini adalah orang yang membawa anda kemari. Anda ditemukan tidak sadarkan diri di taman dekat Jl. XXX XXXX. Kalau begitu Saya permisi terlebih dahulu."
Reader's POV
Haduh.. barusan mau pulang, kenapa malah ada aja masalahnya
"Uhm.. Apa Tuan sudah baik-baik saja?"
Kaku banget sumpah.. Pengen pulang..
"Apa ada keluarga atau kerabat yang bisa saya hubungi untuk menjaga Anda disini?"
"Tidak ada."
"Uhm.. Apa tuan korban dari suatu kejahatan?"
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lxdymoon0357 · 11 months
Hi! Can I please request some yandere!heinrey headcanons? Sadly I don't see many fanfics including him as a love interest, and I was hoping you could change that! No pressure tho!❤️❤️❤️
(Good night/day wherever you are!❤️❤️❤️)
(I understand, I also want some Heinrey X Reader content yet there is nothing, let's change shall we?)
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Yandere! Heinrey Alles Lazlo HCs
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✚ Heinrey is definitely very manipulative and so...yeah, he's good at keeping up a facade and it's easy falling victim to his charm, manipulation and facade...he will easy be able to manipulate you to trust him.
✚ He can easily keep you interested in him, he is almost known as a Casanova and it won't be too far-fetched to learn he is good with knowing how to have people be interested in him!
✚ He will easily have you break down your walls to trust him and he will learn all he can to know about you..it's for your future lives together! Don't worry, it won't be bad~
✚ He is not afraid to have people framed for crimes and kill them, he is strong enough! and he has Ergi work for him as well, only to ruin those he finds annoying is a good enough reason for Ergi!
✚ Heinrey will have you trust him with your deepest, darkest secrets which could ruin your life and he will keep them as safe as possible, you will feel so much trust with him, you will never seen him kidnapping you...
✚ He isn't afraid to use those secrets to blackmail you if you try to escape, he isn't afraid to get violent or cruel, eh will break your legs, starve you to the brink of death or beat you up until you faint, it doesn't matter if he's crying through all of this cause he probably will cry through all of this...
✚ He will NEVER ALLOW you to be close to Rashta or Sovieshu..he doesn't care if you're close to Navier...just not Rashta or Sovieshu... he doesn't trust them and finds them disgusting in his eyes and nope! You're not allowed to even glance at them!
✚ His punishments though very horrible, he will be crying alongside you as he holds you in his arms and fixing your wounds...he knows he's cruel, but he would never want you to be afraid of him..of-course this ins't working as you're scared shitless...and don't even try to make eye-contact with him after punishments...
✚ Heinrey does not care what you think, he will kill every single male you put your eyes on…It may be family, a married man, a father or anyone else… He hates the idea of you having another man around…
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oukabarsburgblr · 3 months
Ok but will you ever continue your wattpad story?
So i know if i should continue or stop religiously checking everyday for updates 🥲
OKAY FOR THIS I LITERALLY HAVE THE PLOT LAID OUT ON MY NOTES APP....but unfortunately i dont think i will ever go back to wattpad😭 i deleted the app and im scared to open it tbh. My writing there was very questionable and cringe and i was riding the high of having people react to my stories
However, I would gladly show the plot if requested and maybe even properly like write the supposed planned last chapter (epilogue, ending of the kiss me more)
Context for new peeps: i wrote a remarried empress x bottom male reader in wattpad 5 years ago and i kinda abandoned it for my studies, it features yandere navier, redemptioning sovieshu, toxic heinrey, bitchy (but explained) rashta and a redhead oc (thinking back this was deffo sousuke in another life lmao that was the supposed plot twist for matthew)
You deserve closure, I deserve closure so if it requested, ill deffo add it to my sept list
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195seojoon · 2 years
I am thinking to make myself a Fanfic of The Remarried empress cuz I got motivation 😃
And it will be GL And BL 😉
Here some info I have shared.
The ship will be:
💠 Empress Navier × Rashta
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💠 Emperor Sovieshu × Crown Prince Heinrey
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Short Prologue :
Male reader-(M/n) getting transmigrated/Isekaied into One of Person's Body which is Sovieshu or Heinrey/Heinley.
(M/n) was living alone in the house with Normal life like everyone is but he is also Weeb, reads manga and webtoons (He simps 2D mens but has Highest standards in Reality). His Co-workers were his toxic friends cuz they knew (M/n) is Gay/Bi. His one Trustfully friend that he met from Instagram, got recommended to read 'The Remarried Empress' from Webtoon app.
He started reading first webtoon until chapter 120 ( yes he used Korean translation app) He got angry on them (idk but few characters? Depends). He went to read Novel version and then went to Theories, Reasons about them and more, even reads Fanfic where it has Multishipping with TRE. He finally came to liking Emperor Sovieshu cuz he deserves happiness but needs more education to become perfect emperor like Navier. (M/n) has started to fall in love with both Emperor Sovieshu and King Heinrey cuz why not? He love/hate them 😃.
When (M/n) came to know that there is Fanfic about Navier×Rashta, he started to create Scenario in his mind about ship between Sovieshu×Heinrey with plenty of AUs. He wished to be one of them ( any one: Sovieshu Or Heinrey) so he can love him ( sovieshu/Heinrey ).
As (M/n) was walking down to go Grocery shopping, crossing road while thinking that made him distracted, didn't noticed that Truck-Kun about to hit him. He ded 😃💀☠️⚰.
After (M/n) ded 😃💀☠️⚰, he saw empty space with white body on him. He looked around and sees nothing, it will sounds like Trapped into Dark and nothingness. He tried to call someone, Little Light appeared and Flashed whole world around him and still Sees emptiness with white background but what he saw is two Orbs. One orb has Black with grey color and other orb has Yellow with Purple color. Then System binged his face, telling him to choose one of the orb leads to new life. [ (M/n) thought: I may read too much Manga and webtoon about getting isekaied, I need to choose one wisely but it has no info about it, only Orbs... Nvm, I will choose it one ] (M/n) proceeds to choose one orb randomly. ..
But it will take long time cuz I am student 😓. Don't worry, I will try to make this kind of Story will be released into Fanfic as I announce it ☺.
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moonbyulsstuff · 2 months
I loved the Sovieshu x male reader !
Now I want to see them being lovey dovey and reader using his magic to help his boyfriend lessen his work and being a badass whenever someone tries to flirt / mess with his lover
I Won't Let Him Steal You From Me.
Male Reader
Request Rules.
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Ever since that day when [Name] came back, Sovieshu has been happier than ever. Being able to see his lover everyday and bring back trinkets back from his own world, and just being able to see his face was more than enough to make Sovieshu day much better than ever.
And of course, [Name] would help with Sovieshu works so he could do them much faster so that they can spend time with each other. It was obvious to everyone that the two were deeply in love with each other and will do anything for each other, and today [Name] had promised Sovieshu he will bring him to his world, Sovieshu was scared and excited to say the least. It was a new world after all, he doesn't know anything about [Name] world, but he was excited to know and see the world where his lover lived throughout his life.
"Ready sweetie?" [Name] asked Sovieshu, holding his hand softly, rubbing his thumb over the his knuckle. He smiled at [Name], nodding his head. "Yes, I am ready... though a bit nervous." He said as [Name] chuckled* "It will be alright, I promise. I will be by your side throughout." [Name] said as Sovieshu nodded, he took a deep breath as they went through the portal.
Sovieshu felt dizzy as the world spin around him, everything surge past him. He held [Name] hand tightly before he felt everything stopped, he opened his eyes and saw that they had arrived in [Name] world, they were in the room, he looked around and they were a ton of books on the shelf, a huge window, a nice bed and a desk.
He presumed that this was [Name] room. "We've arrived." [Name] said chuckling a bit seeing Sovieshu expression of dizziness. "Dizzy? Don't worry, I felt dizzy too when I first started transporting through worlds." He said as Sovieshu nodded, [Name] let go of his hand and went to his closet as Sovieshu admired the room.
Sovieshu sat down on [Name] bed, it was comfy. [Name] then came back out of the closet with clothes he usually wore in this world, he then threw another pair of clothing towards Sovieshu who caught them.
"Wear this, so that you won't stand out like a sore thumb. Nobody usually wear those type of clothing here in my world."
He nodded and took off his clothes while [Name] stood there and watched, a small smirk on his face as he watched his boyfriend change clothes. After Sovieshu finishing changed into the clothing his boyfriend gave them, he saw the smirk on [Name] face. Sovieshu chuckled.
"What are you doing?" Sovieshu chuckled as [Name] shook his head and approached him, wrapping his arms around him. Nuzzling his face against the crook of Sovieshu neck. "Nothing, just admiring my handsome boyfriend." [Name] said which cause Sovieshu to chuckle.
After that, [Name] showed Sovieshu show what his world was like. Modern technologies with magic, it was such a different world from his. The way the place looked to the way people dressed and people's job, it was fascinating to Sovieshu.
"[Name]!" The two turned around as [Name] dreaded seeing the person. "Hey... Lorenzo..." [Name] greeted as the guy named Lorenzo stopped right in front of them and chuckled seeing the expression on the H/C haired face.
"What? Not happy to see me?" [Name] rolled his eyes before Lorenzo looked at Sovieshu beside him. "Oh la la, who is this handsome fe-" Sovieshu's eyes widened when he felt [Name] hand on his waist tightened and pulled him closer, glaring at Lorenzo.
"My boyfriend, Sovieshu." He said, making sure to emphasize the boyfriend part to Lorenzo who chuckled and rolled his eyes at [Name] obvious jealousy. "Don't get your panties a twist [Name]." Lorenzo said only pissing [Name] further.
"Well, gotta go. See ya." The blonde left as Sovieshu looked at his boyfriend, [Name] was still pissed seeing Lorenzo which made Sovieshu curious at their relationship. "Who was that?" He asked as they started walking back to [Name] house.
"My ex boyfriend." Sovieshu's eyes widened. "Eh? Your ex?" He said in disbelief as [Name] nodded. "Yeah, he almost was a flirtatious man that couldn't stop flirting with other people. I broke it off." [Name] said as Sovieshu nodded but he a felt a little jealousy.
"Don't worry." He looked at [Name]. "I don't have feelings for him anymore and I'm sure I won't let him steal you from me." Sovieshu heart fluttered as he chuckled, smiling happily at him. "Yeah, he won't."
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moonbyulsstuff · 1 year
How about Sovishu starting to fall for a powerful sorcerer from another world and tries to convince him not to leave.
Please... Stay...
Male Reader.
Request Rules.
Note: Sovieshu and Navier are not married in here.
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"What?" "I have finally the found the spell! I can finally go home!" Sovieshu was in shock, his eyes widened. Him going home? To his own world? But what about him? [Name] would just leave him here?
But he looked so happy, he can't really do anything about it. He doesn't want to seem selfish for asking [Name] to stay here. He had his own life back on his own world, his won family, friends.
But... he wants [Name] stay here, with him, by his side.
So, he smiled.
He nodded happily. "But I need to take a few days to cast that spell, so I need to stay here." The happiness came back inside of Sovieshu, so it was going to take a few days for him to come back? Maybe in those few days, he can convince you to not go back to your own world.
But it would seem selfish for him to do so... no, it would be really, really selfish for him. Like just like earlier, [Name] had his own life back there.
Maybe he could, convince you? Change your mind about leaving? "I see, then. Do you need anything to help you with this journey?" "No, but I will ask if I ever need to."
So the past few days, when [Name] was working in his new spell, Sovieshu was spending more time with [Name] more than ever. It was noticeable to everyone on how Sovieshu liked the male.
Making sure to spend more time with the male ever than before, not wanting something as beautiful and magnificent as him to be gone by his side. Which after a few days, [Name] noticed the behavior with Sovieshu. He's not an idiot, it seems something was bothering Sovieshu after awhile.
So one day, he confronted Sovieshu about it when the two were alone.
"Your majesty... are you alright?" "Huh?" Sovieshu put down the teacup and looked at the male in shock. "Why do you ask?" [Name] put down the sweet treat on the plate. "You have been acting for a past few days lately, did something happened? You can always tell me." He said as Sovieshu face softened as he looked down on his lap.
His grip tighten on the handle of the cup. "I..." Sovieshu was struggling to get the words out of his mouth, not wanting to seem selfish but asking [Name] to not go back.
"I... please..." Sovieshu looked back at the sorcerer with teary eyes, surprising the other male. "Your majesty?" "Please... don't leave... stay here with me." [Name] was in shock and speechless, not wanting to make everything much more worse. Sovieshu then stood up and walked towards him and kneeled down, shocking [Name] in the process.
"Your majesty!" He said as he tried to stood up but got sat back in his own chair as Sovieshu kneeled by him and held his hand with tears coming out. "Please... please please please please please, stay here with me, don't leave me please.... don't leave me alone. I want you here by my side... please please please please..."
Sovieshu was pleading which broke [Name] heart, to see Sovieshu in such pain, he was basically crying his hearts out.
"Your majesty..." "Please... call me Sovieshu... I want to hear you call out my name.." [Name] softened and gently held Sovieshu face and wiped the tears away. "Sovieshu... but... I can't... I have life back in my own world..."
"I know... I know..." He took a deep sigh and kissed Sovieshu forehead which made Sovieshu eyes widened, [Name] looked back with a smile. "Sovieshu... as I much I liked to spend time with you and stay here, but I have friends and family back home, they are waiting for me..." Sovieshu leaned against [Name] hands.
"Then... please during these last days we have, I want to spend it more time with you. Spend the nights with you, please." "... Alright."
So, just like with what Sovieshu had said. The two spend more time with each other before [Name] gets back to his own world.
Spending the nights with each other embrace, enjoying each other warmth, sharing the love full night. They were both enjoying it, but they knew, it wouldn't last long.
But for [Name], he was now having troubles whether or not he should come home or not. But then though of something, maybe there was a spell that could make him cross between worlds? That could work, maybe he could tweek the spell that he has now. Yeah, that could work.
"Just one last kiss.... please.." [Name] chuckled and leaned down/up to kiss the male on the lips. "Bye..." Sovieshu said as [Name] smiled and kissed his forehead. "See you soon."
He walked away as Sovieshu wondered on what [Name] had said but didn't question it as [Name] waved to him and went inside the portal as it closed behind him.
Tears started to flood down as Sovieshu bawled his eyes out and kneeled down on the ground, trying to comfort himself, knowing he won't ever see his beloved ever again.
The past few days ever since [Name] departure, Sovieshu had been cooped up in his room all day which worried everyone, seeing their Emperor this depressed. Everyone came to get the Emperor out of his room, even Navier after hearing her childhood friend had been in a depressed state but she couldn't get him out of his room.
Navier sighed as Heinrey looked worriedly at the door that was Sovieshu room on the other side, he looked at his wife. "What are we going to do?" He asked as Navier looked at him. "I don't know, but we'll keep trying until we managed to get him out of there." Heinrey nodded, as a servant came running to them. "What is it?" "Something happened down at the secret stellar!" He sighed as he solemnly looked out the window, the beautiful sunset staring right back at him.
No matter what he could do, he could never get [Name] out of his mind. He was stuck inside of his mind forever. Another tear slip through as he wiped it away.
Then a knock was heard.
"Please... leave me alone at the moment." Nothing was hear as Soviehsu assumed they went away, but then someone appeared right in front of him. He cursed in his mind for not noticing them opened the door, he angrily looked up at the person who dared to enter his room. "Look, I told you..." Sovieshu face contorted into shock as [Name] smiled. "Is that how you are going to greet your boyfriend, your majesty?" Sovieshu embraced the male as he started to cry out as [Name] softly smiled and returned the embraced adn kissed his forehead.
"You're back." "I'm back."
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blues824 · 2 years
Would it be possible to request a male Kyo Sohma reader (for the Remarried Empress) who's a (begrudgingly) visiting Prince sent with his cousin Yuki (who, also begrudgingly, acts as his secretary despite being a Prince as well) to gain favor of The Emperor during the New Year Ceremony. The Empress catches Reader's eye (platonically, since he's already interested in someone from his country) and they form a bond.
He's outraged on her behalf (though he can't really act on it) but offers to gather any information she may need, even dragging his cousin into it as well. Her Majesty finds herself getting letters from an orange cat and a pretty silver rat.
A small time issue ends up with the cat being exposed as Reader being the cat who admits to it being a pretty risky idea to begin with.
(I don't know where I was trying to go with this, I was mostly wondering about the cast's reaction to such a strange pair)
Preface: You are originally from this world and not isekai’d. You are the Crowned Prince of the Southern Kingdom (completely made up place), sent by your family to go gain the favor of the Emperor of the Eastern Empire.
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Even before you met the Emperor, you were still pretty disgusted that he had the audacity to take up a mistress. You didn’t do anything to hide your distaste for this action either, and would announce it to the world if you could. Unfortunately, your family was counting on you to make a good impression.
The second you laid eyes on His Imperial Majesty, bile started to rise. You didn’t hide it either, much to the dismay of your cousin. But, you used your charisma to win over the nobility of the Eastern Empire. They all felt the same way you did, and they told you about it.
Then, you made eye contact with Her Imperial Majesty, and you felt an instant connection. It wasn’t love, but rather two souls who know how to hide their true selves have found each other. So, you decided that the only logical thing to do was to go talk to Navier, and the conversation was really relaxing for the two of you.
Sovieshu was absolutely angry that his wife was conversing with another man, especially a man who had high authority in a different region of the world. It didn’t matter if the two of you weren’t romantically interested in each other, the fact that you had the audacity to converse with his wife while they were going through a rough patch was frustrating for him.
When it was revealed that you were the cat who assisted in delivering letters from Heinrey to his wife, he would have ordered your execution had you been one of his subjects. Unfortunately, because you were the Crowned Prince of the Southern Kingdom, which was an ally to the Empire, you were spared (albeit hesitantly).
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Honestly, you couldn’t really blame Rashta for being thrust into the life of a mistress since it was all Sovieshu’s fault for making that decision. That doesn’t mean you liked her though. It was like if someone tried to take Tohru’s place in the palace. The thought alone made your blood boil.
The moment you saw the new mistress, a hairball was rising in your throat. How could she be so happy knowing that she’s only in the palace for the Emperor’s pleasure? It’s not like any nobles actually liked her. Plus, she smelled of filth covered with different perfumes.
Rashta saw how you went straight to the Empress and struck up a conversation between yourself, her, and your cousin, and she was incredibly jealous. You were doing it on purpose too, all under the guise of ‘preparing the concubine for what is going to happen both in the castle and outside of the castle’.
She could see that Sovieshu was getting increasingly angry at you talking to Navier, and she was angry that his attention was off of her. She wanted you out of the Empire, but it was way out of her jurisdiction because not only were you there for the party, you were there for the regulation of trade between the Eastern Empire and Luipt as well. Basically, you were there for political affairs she couldn’t mess with.
When your identity as the cat was revealed, she didn’t know how to feel. It’s not like you were trying to hide it, but she’s just so naive that she didn’t even notice you disappearing for times on end to see a cat roaming around in your absence.
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You had received a personalized invitation on behalf of Her Imperial Majesty of the Eastern Empire, stating that you were welcome to an extended stay in the palace to act as ambassador to the Southern Kingdom dealing with the trade routes between your kingdom and the Empire as well as Luipt.
However, the minute you saw Navier, you could sense that she was upset. So you went to go talk to her, ditching all proper etiquette that your cousin had talked you through. It was a pleasant surprise for her, and you both got to learn a lot about each other. You heard that Sovieshu hadn’t even asked for permission before bringing Rashta into the palace, and that made you unbelievably angry.
To distract herself from the pain, she asked why an eligible bachelor such as yourself attended the party with your cousin rather than a date, and the conversation turned into you spilling tea about Tohru. Navier wished you the best of luck in your romantic pursuit of the girl. That night, she became an older sister figure to both you and Yuki.
But, when she went back to her bedchambers, she was a bit suspicious upon finding a cat and a rat ‘conversing’ with each other and seemingly understanding one another. She didn’t piece everything together, but when Queen wasn’t allowed to fly in, you used your cat form to bring in letters.
When it was revealed that you were the cat who delivered her the letters, she hugged you. A few tears definitely did slip, but then she scolded you for being so reckless with your life. 
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Your Kingdoms were in an alliance with one another, and that’s how you both knew each other. The two of you were Crowned Princes who were acting as representatives of the Kingdoms you hailed from at Navier’s party. But, the two of you didn’t always get along. It wasn’t until Tohru came into your life that you really established a friendship with Heinrey.
Mans was partnering with your cousin to try and get you to hide your obvious disgust at His Imperial Majesty, but you always wore your emotions on your sleeve. Plus, you weren’t doing anything too bad. You just kept shooting death glares at Sovieshu.
Heinrey was definitely jealous when you started a conversation with Navier, but he was glad that it seemed platonic rather than you just trying to woo her. You even introduced the two, and gave him a thumbs up from the side of the ballroom as they danced. You best believe that you were one of the groomsmen at their wedding.
Anyways, during the time where any birds sent to Navier would be shot down as declared by Sovieshu, you wrote to Heinrey and offered your help. You would use your cat form to sneak in and deliver the letters yourself so that open lines of communication between the couple could continue. You can consider yourself a hero. We salute you, soldier 🫡
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lxdymoon0357 · 11 months
Imagine, A Male reader who have read A novel and Webtoon Both them are Remarried Empress.
And he made all analysis, theories and Thinking that Sovieshu is Only being dumb but what if he was dumb then it would have happy ending for Sovieshu and Navier.
While overthinking male reader Crossing the road and he somehow stopped at middle of road and he got new theories, while thinking about it, Trunk-kun smashed it and Male reader got isekaied
Male reader transmigrated into Sovieshu/ Heinrey's body.
If Male reader transmigrated into Sovieshu's body then he would tell everything and apologies to Navier to understand it ( Best friend Kinda). He would go and see Heinrey and starts falling in love (and so on idk)
If Male reader Transmigrated into Heinrey's body then he will use Letter exchanging to Emperor Sovieshu until Emperor falls in love with Secret Admire.... But Emperor Sovieshu and Heinrey are Rivals ( Not enemies )... After Heinrey revealed his secret admirer, Both them will became best friends then Lovers ( sounds like Enemy to best friend to lovers, almost like enemies to lovers trope 😁 ) and Navier is Cupid cuz Her lover ( Rashta) shared plenty of BL/GL/Smut Novel with them
That's all are on my mind, this is my request
But before isekaied, He had huge simps on both ( Sovieshu and Heinrey)
(....I just couldn't...I'm sorry..how long is this WIP? 2 years old...Yes that's right humans, 2 YEARS OLD! Kill me...)
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Isekaid! Sovieshu X Heinry:
Your chance is my change!
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※ The burning pain in your back was stopping your vision from clearing up , as you heard a voice continuously calling you “Your highness…”, as it started to get louder, "Your highness..!” and louder, “Your highness!!!!!!!”
The colorful void finally started to clear up as you head started to hurt. As you finally opened your eyes and your vision cleared up…You saw a lady with long straight blonde hair with golden-green eyes, as you continued to look at her, she reminded you of something you would see back at home....
"Who . . .who are you?" You asked, you throat sore and hurting as you tried to get out words. But as you asked her, the lady immediately looked surprised, before turning to the doctor on the other side, as if he was losing memories....
"Uhm, I'm not sure, you're highness, but I'll try my best to understand this, maybe try to remind him of himself again, I'll come back tomorrow, my grace." The man bowed before taking his leave and going out of the room, as the lady turned to you, before brushing strand of hair behind her ear, she says,
"You highness, You're name is Emperor Sovieshu Vict, I'm your wife, Empress Navier Ellie Trovi. Your the Emperor of Eastern Empire, I'm the empress of Eastern Empire. You've been unconscious for four days now...."
That was the last straw of this weird place...WAIT! Did she just say, her name was NAVIER ELLIE TROVI?! As in from your favorite manhwa?! As you whipped your head back on her face and stared at her intensely, her hair was long and blonde, with mature green eyes and soft yet sharp features..
"So how did I faint???" You asked Navier,
"An object fell from the sky and knocked you out..." Navier replied, completely stoic. As you tried to comprehend things, Navier sighed before asking for dismissal from you, which you granted hastily, as she walked out, she said, "Also your highness, please look after you dear concubine, she's been crying horribly..." Before walking out, you tried to understand your situation...You were just walking back from the grocery store buying some ramen when a truck hit you and did you just isekaid into a manhwa like those in your favorite ones?????
"This is just weird, I just isekaid into Remarried Empress in the emperor's body, do I have to survive this now?" You mumbled, while laying back on your bed cushioning yourself into the soft duvet, before there was a knocking on the door, which caught your attention to it...
'Well, if I have to play an emperor, might as well do it!' You thought before calling out, "Come in!" As you sat up back in the bed, fluffing you pillows in the process, as you turned to look at the door, you were frozen as you saw a beautiful lady with bright, blonde nearly white hair and dark grey eyes, it was Rashta, who was crying her eyes out…As you sat up straight, putting on a façade of caring to hide the maybe upcoming annoyed expression
"How- how are you- you, your highness...Rashta- Rashta was worried..." Rashta said, wiping her eyes and nose with a dark blue napkin, as she rubbed her eyes out and sat on the chair right beside your bed. As you reached out and brushed some strands of hair out of her and behind her ears, before wiping the few stray tears falling down her eyes. You were honestly expecting to be annoyed by her actions, but instead you were her feeling pity for her, she really did love Sovieshu in the manhwa after all....At-least in the beginning, until Ergi manipulated her to make her power-hungry person. As you wiped her tears and talked with her to make a friendship with her, as you both talked while having dinner, you learnt many things about Rashta, mainly that she was a lovey person actually, quite mature and smart along with being imaginative but put on a child-like and cheerful façade to make herself likable by other stuck up nobles and Sovieshu...
Over the course of the next two weeks, you would be again taught the way to live as an emperor, talk with Navier as well and build a friendship with her and Rashta, you both spent time with each other as friends, while she took care of the empire with a little bit of help with you. You met different people from the manhwa, including countess Eliza, Laura and a few others, you pretended to play the emperor so nobody would suspect the emperor forgetting his memory, you knew your favorite manhwa to heart and you knew Sovieshu even better so it was no problem playing him except the fact that maybe you weren't straight....And you were in no way, shape or form in love with Rashta or Navier.... You were actually (y/s) and were not interested in Rashta or Navier, but you didn't know what to do....
As you were sitting outside, reading a erotica, sneaked in by Rashta who was having her education under your guidance, she saw you eyeing that book in the library, luckily since she didn't know how to completely knew how to read, she borrowed it under the excuse of "Buying for a friend" without knowing it was about BL...
As you flipped the next page, too fixated in it to realize somebody had sat next to you, as you heard somebody's voice read the lines, which made the blood run out of your face....Well Sovieshu's , but you get it....
"Well, well...I didn't realize you liked these types of novels your highness...." Navier said, as she leaned beside your shoulder reading the next few lines of the erotica, which was quite rough for a time setting like this one... But still a little bit better than those dumb ass erotica you were reading as compared to those amazing smuts.....
But back to your mind, you smile nervously as Navier sat beside you also holding a book in her hand, "I've read that one before, is it to your taste?" Navier asked, tilting her head. surprised, you shook your head to tell her, "Well, I've read this one before and it is quite boring..", "I have a collection of better ones...Would you like to read them?" Navier asked twirling a strand of her hair in her fingers, obviously blushing after asking such a scandalous thing...
You were shook as you were frozen into place and not being able to answer back and zoning out before Navier snapped her fingers in front of your face, making you snap out of your trance as you frantically nodded your head, your cheeks also warming up, Navier took a deep breathe before opening her book, which was a encyclopedia, in the first eight pages, she took out a list of her favorite eroticas you guessed, she handed it to you, saying she has all of these ordered by her brother and if you wanted to read it you could always visit her room.
As a week or three passed you though about it, reading over the titles of these books and their summary that Navier had written down. You decided which books you wanted for the time being while she gets more for you both. As you walked to her room, face with a faint blush. As you knocked on her door, when she didn't answer as you waited out the door, you knocked again a little harder this time and waited but still no answer from Navier, finally as you slowly opened her door and walked in her room, you saw a sight you weren't expecting in your whole life of Rashta sitting on Navier' s lap only in her corset and a underskirt as Navier pulled on her corset strings slowly opening them. The two ladies were deep into kissing, Rashta whining and panting as Navier and Rashta's tongue were exploring each other (and their mouths).
You were absolutely blushing finding your "wife" in such a compromising state with your "concubine" ... Trying to make known of your presence, you cleared your though as the two ladies pulled away and Rashta immediately screamed as Navier pushed Rashta's head into her neck, muffling her scream and quieting her. Navier looked back at you without a emotion on her face, her and Rashta's lipsticks smudged across her lips and neck and hickeys on her neck and shoulders, you showed her the list and named the books you wanted as Navier pointed to a bookshelf, which had a shelf of fake coloured ombre covers, you pulled on it before taking the books you wanted, and walked out the room before waving to a again making out couple, where Navier who was making out still waved her hand a bit.
As you walked through the hallways, you turned the book on the top of the bunch over to read the summary at the back, not realizing where you were headed as you bumped into someone who was running, the collision was so strong throwing you both away from each other and on the ground, making the books scatter like a drama scene, you picked up all the book before turning to the guy who you bumped into about to put some sense into their heads, as you were met with Heinrey looking at you, annoyed. You walked away, you knew Heinrey was already annoyed with you, because of the the way you treated Navier you guessed before you fainted.
As you sat in your room around 20 minutes reading a book with series of different erotic stories and were reading the first story, where the couple finally confessed their feelings as they had their orgasms together, you were unknowingly blushing and giggling and squealing like a high-school girl, as there was a knock on your door, you without lifting your head allowed the person inside, Rashta immediately jumped up on your bed, she had been very affectionate about these things and talked with you for hours on end,
"And weren't you just kissing Navier in the other room, Rashta?" You asked, curious as to why is she here.
"Well, Sir. Heinrey came to Darling's room and we had to stop kissing and pretend we were doing something important so we had to clean ourselves up real quick and so their conversation was too long and I got bored so I got out!" Rashta rambled on as you nodded your head listening to her but unfortunately zoning out half-way through, but luckily Rashta didn't notice and continued to ramble and talk about how things were going...But also you didn't notice her leaning over in your book, until she read the whole two pages as she yelled for some reason, knocking you out of trance and breaking your eardrum, probably...
"WHAT?! WHAT RASHTA?!" You asked yelling back, until she pushed your face angrily, "WHAT LECHEROUS THINGS ARE YOU READING?!" She asked angrily,
"WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WIT-...Oh...It's fine! I'll convince her!" You said coolly, patting her shoulders as she squealed in excitement like a child getting a present, ignoring the fact that you both were screaming like shit, until you got a multiple bangs on your door, "You highness, lady Rahsta are you both okay?!" "LADY RASHTA, EMPEROR DO YOU NEED HELP?!" And multiple people asking you both,
"Oh, A BIRD! A BIRD Flew into the window?" Rashta answered back as she locked the door..Breathing a sigh of relief, you silently yelled at Rashta for causing a scene as she also silently yelled back at you, you both were bickering in your room until there was a knock on the door "Your highness, is Rashta with you?" You hear Navier's voice call out as you jumped out of bed to open the latch of the lock to let her in. Navier enter the room, as Rashta pounces from your bed and jumps into Navier's arms, who has to carry her like a koala. As Navier sits on the bed while you and Rashta try to convince her to let Rashta reads some books,
"Come on! Rashta will learn to read and once she gets through with such books she will learn to mask her expression better!" You say, Navier still looks very doubtful as she sighs, disagreeing,
"No! She only learnt to read and she's too young to read!"
"I'm 20 years old now your highness, that's not young, I also had a child remember!?" Rashta whines and reminds Navier, "I basically know everything there is need to know to create a child!" "This is different." Navier comments, "SO?!" "UGH FINE! YOU CAN READ THEM!" Navier whines loudly as she finally gave up against you and Rashta as you both cheered loudly around the room,
"ON ONE CONDITION!" Navier interrupted your celebration, "Your highness and Rashta will have to attend a dinner with his highness, Heinrey, and duke Kaufman for my business with Duke Kaufman and also because I want you both to have manners, you've been very chaotic since you woke up your highness!" Navier says and comments on you, your faces drop as you listen to Navier's bet... "AND NO TRYING TO RUN AWAY FROM THE DINNER!! AND YOU CANNOT BEHAVE IMMATURELY, YOU NEED OT HAVE ETIQUETTE..." Navier finished her argument with yelling before taking a deep breathe and sighing...
So that's why you both were sitting on the dinner table, dressed up; prim and proper yet all bored as they ate the amazing food with "etiquette" around them Navier was conversing with Kaufman, Heinrey and Ergi, as you looked under the table and bit to see Navier's hand under Rashta's dress which was bunched up on Navier's wrist, you mentally gagged before lifting your head up making Heinrey look at you annoyingly as he asked, "Are you okay, majesty??" You jumped a bit but answer, "Uhm, yea-yeah! I'm good.." as you drank water and mentally cursed for stuttering..
Finally finishing up on dinner, Kaufman and Ergi decided to retire earlier as Navier said she'll take Rashta, you nodded before waiting for the dessert, ain't no way in hell were you going to bed before having your favorite sizzling brownie with ice-cream and warm chocolate syrup. Heinrey also with you, but he was reading a book for some reason as everyone left. As your dessert finally came and you finished eating, you were finally so full it felt like you were gonna burst...You sighed and started standing up, as Heinrey said, "Your majesty, may I escort you to your room?" He asked, catching you completely off-guard, as you smiled and hesitantly declined, he still somehow convinced you saying you're sick and it would be bad if something happened to you on the way back and nobody would be there to help you as it was very late now, so you hesitantly agreed as he was walking you to your room.
Finally reaching your room, you thanked him and entered your room before closing the door behind you. As you removed your shirt and pants and changed into comfy loose pants for sleeping, as there was pecking on your door. You quickly put on a shirt, as you walk to the balcony and open the door to let a letter fly in...
You wanted to open it, but as you laid in the bed you found it difficult to even sit up and then you realized you're body was so tired and you were too lazy to anything else other than sleeping... Soon the sun rises as the morning rays hit your eyelids, burning your eyes even when they're closed...you angrily open your eye about to throw something, but deciding against it as you freshened up and got ready, when your eyes fell on the letter, you decided to open it which said,
"Your highness, you looked very good at the dinner, I hope to talk to you again soon...Even though I'ma man, I feel like falling in love with you is like being in love with the moon, it's very beautiful but it could never be mine...
Secret Admirer."
As you read, butterflies popped up in your stomach, you silently giggled and brushed a hand up to your chest, feeling your heart thumping loudly and quickly, as your cheeks warmed up, you took a few deep breaths to calm down as you walked out and to your office, Rashta was already there doing some of her paperwork or something, you couldn't tell, but when you entered she smiled brightly at you and you smiled back just as brightly as you started your work while gossiping with Rashta in the middle, until it was time for lunch, while you and Rashta were eating lunch, in entered Navier who sat beside Rashta and Heinrey who sat across from her near you, while you four ate food, you slowly saw Heinrey being less hostile towards you and Rashta, and so you all were having a good conversation...
The next day when you woke up, another letter was there with the same writing,
"Good morning Handsome, hopefully you'll converse with me today and make my day with your gorgeous smile!"
You again giggled and felt your day getting better already as you got ready for the day...and it was a thing for everyday, in the morning you'd find a letter from the secret admirer with pretty comments, speaking how pretty you'd look, how your smile was brightening up the room, and more..you had a hunch who it was, but you still kept it a secret for yourself..
Everyday you'd find Heinrey getting more and more enamored and nicer to you, you knew it was him sending those letters, but you wanted to see how far he would go before coming clean...
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