#sovieshu x female reader
moonbyulsstuff · 2 months
hello. I really liked ur posts it's really good will u do request if so then can u do remarried empress…yan!Sovishu x female!reader who has rainbow colored eyes like douma if u are uncomfortable with this request u can cancel. Love ur posts they are op.
Female Reader
Request Rules.
Sovieshu doesn't really act like a yandere in this one??
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That's what Sovieshu was feeling right now, seeing a ton of men from ranks alike, talking so casually with his beloved was making furious than ever before.
He wanted to kill those bastards for even thinking they had the chance to talk with his [Name], HIS [Name].
But of course, what did he expect? His beautiful girl, with smile that brought the sun to shame. The face that radiates beauty that it seemed like she was the daughter of the Aphrodite herself, and her eyes. The mesmerizing light rainbow color that had everyone enchanted.
Of course, [Name] was bound to get attention from everyone. But it was insulting that these lowly nobles think they had a chance with his [Name], the women that is known to have the Emperor's attention, him, THE EMPEROR.
It was bold, it was clear that these men around her were sweetening her up, buttering her with their filthy empty words.
No, they couldn't treat her better than he will. He was better, far much better than anyone, than any men. Everyone in the ball could practically see the Emperor's raging seething anger while the men who was crowding [Name] were completely oblivious to it.
Karl, Sovieshu's most trusted secretary gulped seeing the Emperor's rage. As well as his childhood friend, Navier and her husband Heinrey. They looked at Sovieshu worriedly who looked like he was about to explode from how the men were interacting freely with his darling.
"Your majesty, are you alright?" Heinrey asked as the black haired looked at him, he put on a fake smile and nodded. "Of course, why do you think of the opposite, your highness?" Sovieshu sighed making the couple sigh at his jealousy.
Though they didn't know, that his jealousy was far far, more dangerous than ever. Not your typical jealousy, the kind of jealousy that was dangerous.
Just the thought of those filthy men looking at his sweet girl was making him want to kill everyone, to take their eyes off for daring to even talk to her so casually. He wants to sew their mouth shut for talking to her.
"I'll be going." He stood up from the throne and went to his beloved, the nobles noticed and made way as he was standing behind his beloved back. [Name] turned around and her face lit up seeing Sovieshu, he could see the discomfort she was in because of being surrounded by many noble men.
Oh, his poor darling. He should've come sooner.
The nobles saw Sovieshu and bowed down in respect and greeted him, they looked up and saw the dangerous glare from the Emperor. They shivered and excused themselves, not wanting their head to be ripped off by the Emperor himself.
"[Name].." "Mhmm? Yes, your majesty?" [Name] said looking at him with those beautiful rainbow eyes, oh how beautiful it was. He wished he was the only one that could look at those beautiful orbs forever.
"Would you like to dance?" Sovieshu said, offering his hand to her as he kneeled down. [Name] smiled and nodded, taking his hand. "Of course your majesty!" She said with a wide smile making Sovieshu melt at the sight of her gorgeous smile.
He led her in the middle of the room as the slow waltz started, of course the dance wouldn't start if the royal couple themselves haven't yet.
The music started as slowly the other nobles began to dance alongside the royal couple.
Sovieshu hand laid softly on her waist while the other holding his hand, and her hand on his shoulder. Her smile that was only and only directed at him, it was a picture perfect sight for Sovieshu.
"Did you feel uncomfortable dear?" "Huh?" [Name] looked at him in surprise. "What do you mean?" She asked as Soveishu twirled her. "Earlier, when the noble men surrounded you. Did you feel uncomfortable in any way?" He asked, his voice is one of concern, concern for his beloved safety.
She bit her bottom lip as she nodded. "Y-Yeah... I did..." [Name] said with a uncomfortable looked that caused Sovieshu heart to swell, he didn't like seeing that look on her face. Especially if it's caused by other people.
He can't have his beloved be uncomfortable, no one shall make his [Name] uncomfortable ever.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't be by your side... I shouldn't have wander by yourselves.." Sovieshu said as he pulled [Name] closer to him, his mouth just an inch away from her ear, his hot breath hitting her ear which caused her to shiver from the contact.
"I won't let anyone make you feel uncomfortable... I don't want other men talking so casually with you..." He whispered as [Name] nodded. "Just... be by my side.." [Name] pleaded making Sovieshu smile. "Of course.. of course..."
- "I'll always protect you, no matter what." "Ughh..."
Sovieshu wiped his bloodied hand as the bodies of several noble men that he saw that were surrounding [Name] during the ball were scattered through the dungeon floor.
Karl gulped, seeing the Emperor's jealousy, possessive nature come through was scary. No one knew of the Emperor's dangerous nature whenever it comes to his beloved [Name]. Only he, Marquess Karl, knows of Sovieshu dangerous nature.
[Name] doesn't know and just thinks he's overly possessive or jealous, but it was a limit that nobody should cross over and Sovieshu was too far off from the line to come back to.
"Let the dogs eat their bodies." Sovieshu said as Karl nodded, the Emperor went off as Karl released the dogs into the cell and ate the dead bodies up.
His footsteps and the sounds of the dogs howling and eating the flesh was the constant sound that always comes from the dungeon, the part of the dungeon where no one else knows.
He arrived back into the palace as maids, servants and knights greeted him. Sovieshu arrived at his headquarters and saw his beloved [Name] brushing her hair while humming, she was already wearing her night gown. Ready to hit the hay for the knight.
Sovieshu quietly closed the door and wrapped his arms around her, burying his face against her neck, catching her caught off guard. [Name] looked at Sovieshu and giggled as she put the brush down on the vanity mirror.
"I love you..." "I love you too..."
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blues824 · 2 years
Can I please request the remarried empress meeting a female undertaker.
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⚰️Imagen them learning about her and her amount of knowledgement about every kingdom or empire so one day sovieshu and navier invite her over for information.
⚰️They see her wearing her usual black clothing and her long white hair and scares one her face and her face hided behind her hat.
⚰️Imagen them asking her to share information and she starts telling she doesn't do it for free so when they told her how much money. she then starts laughing telling the only payment is to make her laugh and then she will tell it because money is useless to her.
⚰️Her staying in the eastern empire and being her usual self until one day rattrash bump into her her (intentonly to imbares her because of her face ) only for it to backfire because she is a a beautiful woman no matter what scares she is.
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⚰️Imagen her getting ordereds for the people of the eastern empire because her coufins are the most beautiful and best quality there is she might be weard but she is the best undertaker being able to make the dead look so beautiful.
⚰️How would everyone react to here being a retired and the legendary shinigami/God of death as punishment after her taking her old life.
(aperntly the undertaker was sutch a good shinigami little kids ask him to take them out there suffering )
And how would her mourning lockets she wairs imagine that everyone in the eastern empire wanting something like that to remember the deseast (hair jewelry was popular back in the days )
If the link doesn't work I'll send it to you.
Preface: After being teleported to the Eastern Empire, you took up the position of undertaker. Your coffins are known to be beautiful, worthy of the High Priest himself. You were also known to have valuable information… that came at a price for anyone else seeking your knowledge. You are summoned to the palace under the guise of a death and needing a coffin made, but in reality, the Imperial Family needed information.
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He was the one who sent the actual invitation. He needed some info about a neighboring country because he feared an attack. That’s when you arrive. You seemed awfully happy for someone of your profession. When you told him your unusual price, he offered to bring in the court jester, but you frowned, saying he needed to make you laugh.
He had noticed your mourning lockets, but never acknowledged him. For all he knew, you were just trying to smile to hide the pain. If only he knew that you were a reaper and collected a few souvenirs so that you would be able to remind yourself of your precious dolls.
He had invited you to stay in one of the guest rooms at the palace for a bit, and he was happy to hear that you accepted his offer. He had asked you to go on a walk with him and Rashta and you accepted (even though you really didn’t like the guy). Then, Rashta walked into you on purpose and your hair moved from your eyes. You brushed it to the side and Sovieshu got a glimpse of your beautiful eyes and the long scar you had.
You got angry and told him that you would be leaving the next day. After all, you could clearly tell that the mistress had bumped into you on purpose. Sovieshu had to admit that he nearly instantly fell for you and therefore didn’t want you to leave. You turned him down, telling him to not contact you unless it was either his or Navier’s coffin that needed to be built because you would never build one for Rashta.
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She had heard about you and your macabre craft, and she was very fascinated by it. She was also aware that you had some information about her old owners and decided to offer you some gems in exchange for it. You giggled and told her that you didn’t accept currency but rather jokes. 
She most definitely asked about your mourning lockets because she didn’t know (read: didn’t care) that it was supposed to be a personal matter rather than one that should be shared. You, being built different, gladly told her that they weren’t yours originally.
She was upset that Sovieshu only paid attention to you, so she had asked him if you all could go on a walk through the grounds altogether. During the walk, she had ‘bumped’ into you and it made your hat fall and your hair move to reveal your face. You grabbed your scythe and held it to the mistress’s neck, telling her how she was going to regret doing that.
Rashta was definitely scared for her life, but the Emperor was still so entranced by your beauty that you had all the time in the world. You whispered to her how she would be lucky to have a pauper’s funeral and how she couldn’t even dream of having one of your beautiful and custom-made coffins. Then you set about to make preparations back to your funeral parlor after insulting Sovieshu for the last time.
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Even though her husband had sent the invitation, she had information that she needed to proceed on with her investigation about her anonymous letters. You told her your price, and she was kind of weirded out. She wasn’t good at telling jokes, after all.
She knows better than to ask about the lockets. However, she could tell that you weren’t in mourning despite your black clothing and top hat because you were simply too happy. Sure, grief manifests in many different ways, but this was different than grief. It was pure joy.
She was also walking in the garden when she witnessed the whole ordeal with Rashta pushing you so that your hat fell and your hair moved to reveal your phosphorescent eyes and your scar. Navier had rushed over and made sure you were okay before handing you your hat and leading you away. She sent a death glare towards her husband and his mistress.
You had informed her that you would be heading back to your funeral parlor. The Empress was already used to your unusual antics, so you had said that you are always available to take her measurements and design her a coffin so beautiful that not even the Heavens could compare.
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He has also heard of you. Even though you were based in the Eastern Empire, you had no sworn loyalty and made coffins and performed funerals for everyone. He went to you before going to Navier to ask for information about her. He already knew your price, and told some pretty good jokes.
He never even noticed the mourning lockets, so he didn’t ask about it. When you had told him about them, he asked if you were close to the original owners. You giggled before revealing that you used to be a grim reaper and they were the lockets of the souls you had reaped. He has heard of reapers, so it didn’t freak him out too much.
You two were great friends and allies, so you probably had told him about how horrible Rashta was and how he was lucky to have Navier. You explained the situation, and he had to admit that what the mistress did was completely uncalled for. He may be a bit airheaded, but it wasn’t cool when someone messed with his friend.
When you heard about his and Navier’s plan, you had asked if you would be able to move your headquarters to the Western Kingdom because there was no way that Sovieshu or Rashta would ever even be able to look at one of your beloved coffins. You were a powerful ally, so he accepted.
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He has seen you around, and he had to admit that you were awfully happy for being a funeral director. However, you made great company in your free time. You were just awfully eccentric and he could relate to that. You both made each other laugh a lot, it could be a match made in purgatory.
By the time he asked about your mourning lockets, he already knew about your past occupation as a grim reaper. You explained that they belonged to some of the souls you had reaped, and some of them still had the hair of the victim. It was a common practice to keep lockets here, so it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for him.
You both were staying in the palace when Sovieshu invited you for a walk. When Rashta had pushed you, Kosair pushed her back. The Emperor didn’t intervene, and actually blamed his mistress for what had happened since he wanted to get on your good side and not lose you to Navier’s brother. Both of them thought you looked absolutely beautiful, but the latter led you away so you wouldn’t murder Rashta.
When Kosair was banished, Heinrey made sure to let you know that you were welcome as well. You packed up all your things and headed to the Western Kingdom, just to reunite with your beloved (now) knight. You both certainly made an odd couple, but Kosair couldn’t think of anybody else he would want by his side.
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lxdymoon0357 · 2 years
I'm almost one with all my request and want to write something more.....Give requests for Death is the only ending for the villainess, Unmarried queens, Remarried empress, Engaged Emperors/Killing Kings/Soviehsu X Heinry, Beware of the villainess and The villainess reverses the hourglass! Feel free to go crazy, ut please provide a few details because otherwise I get stumped and it takes a lot time to get back onto track of writing
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The Remarried Empress Fics
Hyacinth By: Space_Samurai
When Sovieshu learned about Navier's pregnancy, he saw a chance to rebuild their relationship. Amidst the joy of the country, he sent away the blonde prince his wife was so fond of, as well as the rest of ill intended foreigners who pursued her.
While it seemed that Navier would never show any warmth towards him again -be it for his illegitimate child or his meddling in the banishment of her western prince-, he still hoped for reconciliation.
Then the girl was born with violet eyes.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Sovieshu Vict x Rashta Ishka
Sovieshu Vict x Navier Ellie Trovi
sweet cookies and bitter tea By: Space_Samurai 
~Spoilers for Webtoon readers only~
Navier likes to think she’s above pettiness, but there’s something vicious about the pleasure she feels when she meets with Sovieshu after so long -pregnant with her second while he remains childless and married while his former empress rots on the ground.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
ENCHANTED By: Shirubia_O
I am Veronique Vict. Younger sister of the Eastern Empire's Emperor Sovieshu Vict and one of the most powerful mages of the East.
I don't like politics. Hate complicated things. And disgust troublesome affairs. Oh and I like my sister-in-law over my brother.
So why the hell am I being drugged into my brother's matrimonial affairs when all I came for was New Year's Celebration?
That shitty brother of mine brought back an annoying wench and push aside my wonderful sister-in-law Navier?
Was he dumb? Does he even have a brain?
Well, just divorce him already, sister-in-law! Let's leave to West after ditching that scumbag! It'll be just you, me, your new hot and younger husband and him--
Hold on, why am I including that white wench's so-called womanizer friend in my plan?
I think my brother's shitty taste in chosing lover have somehow infected me. Help.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Ergi Claude x Original Female Character
Sovieshu Vict x Rashta Ishka
Help Each Other Belong to Themselves By: Lady_of_War_and_Heartache
Navier focuses on her ladies-in-waiting, her lone allies in all of this pandemonium, the only ones who knew of her plans previously, and the ones who had stuck by her side and helped her most in these past few months.
“He is the one I wish to remarry,” Navier confirmed with a smile.
As the court was thrown into chaos for a third and final time, Navier couldn’t help but bite back a laugh as she heard Rashta’s delighted cheers ring out over the din of the crowd.
Or: Navier, not Sovieshu, is the one who finds Rashta, and it changes everything and nothing all at once.
Featuring: An overabundance of female friendship, political intrigue, and severing of toxic relationships. And also Himbo!Heinrey. As a treat.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Artina the Chief Deputy of the Eastern Empire x Rashta Ishka 
dreams of gold and feathers By: Space_Samurai
After Emperor Heinley invades the East, he weds former empress Navier to solidify his claim.
Or: What if Heinley and Navier never met and he just invaded as originally planned?
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Everything He Did By: Imatopia
The elevator doors open and I find out sooner than I thought. Just at the doorway, there was Sovieshu and a woman inches away from each others face and it seemed me and Nian had interrupted. I had gotten the answer to Nian’s question.
What kind of man takes another woman into their apartment when they’re already in a relationship?
A cheating one.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Sovieshu Vict x Rashta Ishka
Sovieshu Vict x Navier Ellie Trovi
Moonlight By: Lilith_666
Eastern Empire was not only blessed by a Crown Prince Sovieshu but also a princess. She was adored by the emperor and empress. Her big brother spoiled her. The emperor even gave her her own palace when she's older. She is as radiant as the moon, therefore she's named Selene. People like her immediately when they meet her. Growing up, she and her brother are inseparable. When Navier came into the picture, she welcomed her with open arms and get along quickly. When her brother inherited the throne, she also inherited the authority of the imperial court. She was on her brother's side in expressing their disagreement with their father having concubines. What's happen when her brother becomes more like their father?
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Ergi Claude x Original Female Character
Lord McKenna x Original Female Character
Sovieshu Vict x Rashta Ishka
Sovieshu Vict x Navier Ellie Trovi
Warmth and gold By: tarofire 
Navier learning to be loved and comfortable with Heinrey. It is an uphill battle.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Ergi Claude x Lord McKenna
The Duke and the Shithead Emperor By: only_sporks
“Ah,” Navier knows what’s going on. “Are you perhaps feeling jealous of me?”
The Grand Duke turned slowly towards Empress Navier, his face still flushed a deep red.
“Grand Duke?”
“Your Majesty, kindly pretend you didn’t hear that,” He was covering his blushing face with his hand, clearly embarrassed. “It seems the love potion was more potent than i thought. And… I seem to have fallen in love…” He looked away, towards the door through which the Emperor had left. “… with your husband.”
Oh dear, thought Navier. This was an absolutely spectacular turn of events.
Or: Grand Duke Kaufman accidentally falls in love with Soveishit after drinking his own love potion, Navier is the wingwoman of the century, and Rashta realizes that she doesn’t have to manipulate people to stay alive.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Grand Duke Kaufman x Sovieshu Vict
Sovieshu Vict x Rashta Ishka
Diverging the Path By: Dotchi13
Upon hearing that Sovieshu is planning on divorcing her, Navier leaves to the Magical Academy as she had promised to Everly.
And there, she finds Kaufman, who is still looking to get rid of the love potion's hold that will not go away no matter how many antidotes he takes.
And she finds herself being impulsive and selfish for the first time in her life.
Grand Duke Kaufman x Navier Ellie Trovi
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moonbyulsstuff · 1 year
Hi there! Do you do child reader? If you do, may i request a female child reader in The Remarried Empress who gets adopted by Navier headcannons.
How would Navier take care of the child
How would the cast (Sovieshu, Rashta, Heinry, Kaisor, ect) would react to the child.
I imagine the child be around 7 years old and also a charming mischievous little girl who would play harmless pranks that simply just cause annoyance
How They Would React to Navier Taking of a Child Headcanons.
Child Female Reader.
Requested by: @thsparklinghikari
Request Rules.
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Navier had found you near her garden, all dirty and bruised up.
It ached her heart to see a child in a state like that, so she took you in and bathe you and clothe you and fed you food.
It was shocker for everyone after the news spread that the Empress was taking care of a child.
Sovieshu was in shock, he did scolded Navier but the Empress stood her ground.
But after awhile, Sovieshu kinda saw you as like a child that he and Navier would never had. (because he's infertile, but he doesn't know about that yet)
And after a few months, you were a mischievous little child. You liked to play pranks on people a lot.
The victims were of course the servants, but it was mostly harmless pranks so it wasn't an inconvenience whenever you did pranks
But of course, once Rashta came into the palace, she immediately became your number one victim.
You constantly pranked her much to her annoyance.
You didn't liked her as she made Navier sad and cry, so you would constantly play pranks on her.
And of course, Rashta really can't get mad because it were harmless pranks that you had done, and it would seem she was overreacting if she ever got mad at you.
And you were a child.
And whenever did Rashta complain to Sovieshu about your pranks, he would sigh and shook his head and tell her, "She's just a child, don't blame her too much."
Which annoyed Rashta to no end.
Heinrey? Oh, Heinrey absolutely loves you.
And you looked up to him as sorta of a big brother.
He would sometimes help you in your pranks, much to McKenna dismay.
And he would always back you up and defend you.
You two would also make trinkets to make Navier happy.
Of course, once Navier and Sovieshu divorced and Navier and him were going to get married. Navier was the one who took you.
You didn't want to stay with Sovieshu and Rashta and besides, it was Navier who did all of the caring of you.
Kosair? Oh boy.. you and Kosair were like a match made in hell.
You two liked Navier and would protect her everything.
You two would plan pranks on Sovieshu and Rashta but it would be you who would do it as they can't get mad at you.
Either way, he became like a uncle or a brother to you.
And Navier and Heinrey, sorta became like your parents.
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blues824 · 2 years
🧙‍♀️Can I request the remarried empress charters meeting the female Solomon reader.
✨A immortal and highly successful and intelligent sorceress coming to visit during the new year Ball and throwing shade at sovieshu because they could deal with a 1000 lovers and wives and tread them all with the same respect and dignety and he could not even respect navier after 1 mistresses.
🧙‍♀️Her tanking navier of sponsoring a young gir to come a sorcerers and helping her out with her knowledge and asking her if she can stay in the castle for a while to support her and maby becoming the empress personal sorcerers (witch it's a rare and she doesn't do a lot only for people who intrest het like navier)
✨Her giving heinley and navier her blessings to there marriage and coming to there kingdom to support her and heinley more.
🧙‍♀️(just imagine her having the titel of empress of the sorcerers because of her power and age )
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Preface: You are a well-known mage who often visits multiple kingdoms to oversee the plummeting numbers of mages. You work in partnership with the High Priest. You have unofficially and secretly sworn loyalty to Navier, wherever she may go.
I’m also a simp for Kosair and will always add him to my Remarried Empress requests. So basically this is a Kosair x Reader fic.
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Sovieshu knows about you, obviously. He was the one who invited you to the Eastern Empire concerning matters of mages losing their magic out of nowhere. You received your New Year’s Ball invitation on behalf of him so that you would be able to discuss the next course of action.
Of course, when you arrived, you saw how he completely tossed Navier aside for Rashta, and that made you unbelievably angry. You even told him off, saying that you had multiple concubines and wives in your time and you were able to treat them all with respect and love. You even said to him that if he can’t handle two women, he should only have one.
The rest of your visit was spent by giving him the cold shoulder. You knew that Navier was the one overseeing the mages, and you had concerns about Evalie, who was the student you taught and that she was sponsoring. Whenever Sovieshu tried to converse with you, you would cut him off and walk away with a disgusted look in your eye.
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Rashta has also heard about you. However, she heard about you through the palace servants because it wasn’t common for commoners to learn about this kind of thing. When she caught wind that the Emperor had invited you to the Ball but not her, she was angry. She cried to Sovieshu like she normally did until she got her way.
When you arrived, you merely observed everything from afar. Rashta was about to greet herself when you walked straight up to the Emperor and told him off. She was shocked that you would do such a thing and Sovieshu didn’t do anything about it. She was later informed that it was because you had more power than he did.
The rest of your time spent at the palace was spent not giving her and the Emperor the time of day. You only exclusively met up with Navier, and it made her angry. She complained to Sovieshu that you were being mean, but he told her that he couldn’t do anything because of your connection with the High Priest. She was absolutely livid.
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Navier has met you on multiple occasions, most of them were at the Academy of Magic. You both became great friends, what with you helping Evalie in her studies and her sponsoring the child. You were both grateful for each other because of this unofficial alliance. That being said, you were her first invitation for the Ball.
Upon arrival, she noticed that you were gradually getting angry at the fact that her husband was throwing her away for Rashta. After telling the Emperor and his mistress off, you solely met up with Navier for the remainder of your trip. She was happy to see that you were on her side.
When Navier and Heinrey get permission to get married, you are there to accompany the High Priest. You knew that they were ‘lovers’ since Navier often wrote to you about him. Once the court was dismissed, you gently walked over to the new couple and gave them your blessing and told them that you would visit the Western Kingdom soon to talk about the mages that Heinrey would soon have after declaring the W.K. as an Empire.
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Heinrey also knows about you and has met you a couple of times. You visited every single kingdom and empire to see where the land’s mages are at. After all, they were a very important division in the armies. You were actually in the middle of a visit with his older brother when you received your invitation to Navier’s Party.
At the party, both of you were gradually getting angrier and angrier at how Sovieshu was treating his wife. However, you had the guts and the power to tell him off. He was in awe at the elegance you held yourself with while doing all of this. It was amazing to him.
When he and Navier got permission to get married, you were present in the courtroom. Through Navier, you had learned about their relationship and you were totally supportive. You even went up to them and gave them your blessing and to inform them that you would stop by the Western Kingdom soon. He was grateful that you were on their side, and you even aided them in escaping the Eastern Empire. 
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Bonus: Kosair has also met you a few times during his travels. You both got along quite well, surprisingly. You both can be lighthearted, and that’s how you are with each other. Because of your connection with Navier and with the High Priest it was nearly impossible to hang out with each other, but you made it work.
Well, during one of your visits to the Eastern Empire, Kosair burst in on your and Navier’s conversations about Evalie. The two of you let out a gasp as he walked over and gave his sister a hug and you a kiss on the back of your hand. You had to admit that he was charming as he looked up at you with a dashing smirk.
You both took a walk around the palace grounds, your arm in his, as you just talked to each other. It was refreshing to see him again, and you both told each other about your respective travels. You unfortunately got word that you needed to go back to the Temple, and before you made your way, Kosair placed a gentle kiss on your cheek before bidding you farewell.
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