#southwest Ontario
carbombrenee · 1 year
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Harris Street Cemetery Ingersoll, ON April 2023
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sanitizarium · 1 year
walked outside for literally 5 mins and the amount of smoke gave me such an awful migraine. this shits fucked man. i dont even live in an area that usually gets hit by the smoke this bad
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secretsofradar · 2 years
Government of Canada supports The Secrets of Radar Museum through the Tourism Relief Fund
We simply can’t keep quiet about this wonderful funding news anymore! See below for more details!
The Secrets of Radar Museum received nearly $38,000 from Ontario’s Southwest Regional Tourism Organization through FedDev Ontario to support future growth, increase public access to its collections, and attract visitors.
November 8, 2022, London, Ontario
The tourism sector is vital to the economy and jobs in Ontario’s Southwest. The Secrets of Radar Museum is a distinct tourism destination that draws visitors from near and far. Not only does this relief fund allow us to move forward on major projects that preserve and present history within our region, the majority of our grant will be spent right here in southwestern Ontario with local vendors.
Today, The Secrets of Radar Museum received a non-repayable contribution of nearly $38,000 from Ontario’s Southwest Regional Tourism Organization to upgrade aging infrastructure to support public access. This is part of the Government of Canada’s Tourism Relief Fund, delivered by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario). Ontario’s Southwest Regional Tourism Organization received nearly $11 million from FedDev Ontario to help local tourism organizations and businesses safely welcome back visitors, recover from the impacts of the pandemic and prepare for future growth.
This investment will help The Secrets of Radar Museum adapt and recover to attract new visitors and drive economic growth in London.
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mysticstronomy · 3 months
Saturday, July 6th, 2024.
Welcome back,
Titan's ocean has a volume 12 times that of all Earth's oceans, but it may be barren of life as we know it.
Titan's underground ocean, and similar oceans inside other icy moons in the outer solar system, may lack the organic chemistry necessary for life, according to new astrobiological research.
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Titan is Saturn's largest moon, and the second largest moon in the entire solar system. It's famous for being shrouded in a smog of petrochemicals and for possessing a veritable soup of organic molecules — molecules that contain carbon — on its surface. Yet, despite all this fascinating chemistry, Titan is cold. Very cold. It has surface temperatures no warmer than –179 degrees Celsius (–290 degrees Fahrenheit). And in these frigid conditions, chemical reactions for life progress very slowly.
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However, deep underground where it's warmer — the exact depth is not certain, but estimates suggest it's on the order of 100 kilometers (62 miles) — a liquid ocean with a volume 12 times that of Earth's oceans combined is thought to exist. Similar oceans inhabit the interiors of Titan's fellow Saturnian moon Enceladus, and Jupiter's moons Europa and Ganymede.
And where there is liquid water, there could be life. Right? Not so fast, says Catherine Neish of Western University in Ontario, Canada.
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A planetary scientist, Neish led an international team that challenged the assumption Titan's ocean, and indeed the oceans of other icy moons, could be habitable.
The researchers worked on the basis that, for Titan's ocean to be habitable, a large supply of organic molecules from the surface must be able to physically reach the ocean in order to facilitate prebiotic chemistry that can produce and feed life.
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The route for this organic material to reach the ocean is via comet impacts. Such impacts can melt surface ice, creating a pool of liquid water filled with organic molecules. Because liquid water is denser than ice, it sinks. But, Neish's modeling found that the rate of impacts is not high enough for sufficient organic material to reach Titan's ocean.
For example, Neish's team estimates only about 7,500 kilograms (16,534 pounds) of the simplest amino acid, glycine, reaches Titan's ocean every year. It may sound like a lot, but that's equivalent to the mass of one male African elephant spread across an ocean with a dozen times the volume of Earth's oceans. If you’ll excuse the pun, it's barely a drop in the ocean.
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"We assumed that the majority of melt deposits — 65% — would sink all the way to the ocean," Neish told Space.com. "Recent modeling work suggests that this is very likely an overestimate, but even in this most optimistic scenario, there is not enough organics moving into Titan's ocean to support life there."
There may be other possibilities. On Europa, where there are very few organic molecules on the surface, it is postulated that hydrothermal vents may exist on the seafloor where the ocean comes into contact with the moon's rocky core. These vents would spew all kinds of molecules and trigger complex chemical reactions that could support life.
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Further evidence for carbon in Europa's ocean has been discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope. The JWST identified carbon dioxide that has welled up from the ocean onto Europa's surface.
So, could the same happen on Titan, with organic material coming from the moon's interior, rather than its surface?
Neish doesn't rule it out, saying that colleagues such as Kelly Miller at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas, are investigating the possibility — but Neish does highlight one particular caveat.
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"One concern that has come up is whether the organics sourced from the interior would be useful for life," she said. "We think they may be primarily aromatic compounds, and it is difficult to form biomolecules — such as amino acids — from such compounds."
While we are still some ways away from being able to probe the oceans of these icy moons directly to say for certain whether they contain life or not, Neish's research does raise some promising opportunities for NASA's Dragonfly mission to Titan, on which Neish is a co-investigator.
Originally published on https://www.space.com
(Wednesday, July 10th, 2024)
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ltwilliammowett · 10 months
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Behind door no. 3 of today's first Advent Sunday hides a small but fine fighter - the US Brig Niagara
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US Brig Niagara
More about her here:
The US Snow-Brig Niagara is a two-masted, square-rigged sailing vessel and she was the relief flagship of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry. And she was constructed from 1812 to 1813 in to protect the vulnerable American coastline on Lake Erie from the British and played a pivotal role in the battle for the lake. At that time she had a crew of 155 men and boys who manned her sails, 18 carronades and two long guns.
On September 10th, 1813, nine small ships — six of them, including Niagara, constructed at Erie – defeated a British squadron of six vessels in the Battle of Lake Erie. A pivotal event in the War of 1812, it led to regaining Detroit, lost at the war’s outset, and lifted the nation’s morale.
After the battle, Niagara assisted in the transporting of Harrison's army to the mouth of the Detroit River in preparation for an invasion of southwest Ontario. On 25 April 1814, command of Niagara was transferred to Arthur Sinclair. After repairs, the fleet—consisting of Niagara, Lawrence, Caledonia, Scorpion and Tigress—departed Erie for Detroit. In Detroit, soldiers under the command of Colonel George Croghan embarked with the fleet, bound for Mackinac Island. The fleet arrived on 26 July and landed on 4 August. The battle was ultimately lost, with Croghan being forced to retreat back to his boats. On 13 August, the fleet arrived at the mouth of the Nottawasaga River where they attacked a blockhouse owned by the North West Company.The blockhouse was destroyed by the British, along with the schooner HMS Nancy, to prevent their supplies from being captured.
After the Treaty of Ghent was signed, ending the war, the majority of the surviving ships that participated in the Battle of Lake Erie were disposed of in 1815, Niagara was sunk for preservation on Presque Isle in 1820.
Raised in 1913, she was rebuilt for the centennial of the Battle of Lake Erie. After deteriorating, the restoration of Niagara was started again in the 1930s, but was hampered by the lack of funds caused by the Great Depression and remained uncompleted until 1963. A more extensive restoration was carried out in 1988 in which much of the original ship was largely destroyed. The incorporation of new materials and modern equipment makes it ambiguous as to whether it is or is not a replica.
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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More of a wonderful Inuit artist PITALOOSIE SAILA (1942-2021).
I remember how Inuit used to live, thinking of them back then, my relatives. I also recall how the clothing was made; that is what I base my drawings on when I draw people.
-Pitaloosie Saila
(From “Kinngait: Riding Light Into the World; Producer: Site Media; Director: Annette Mangaard)
Pitaloosie was born in 1942 on the southwest coast of Baffin Island near what is now the community of Cape Dorset. She spent her childhood years in various hospitals in Quebec and Ontario for treatment of tuberculosis. She learned
English during this time, and recalls the difficulty she experienced in relearning her native language upon her return to Baffin Island in 1957. She is now one of the few of her generation who speak both English and Inuktitut fluently.
Pitaloosie began drawing in the early 1960’s, and quickly established herself as a versatile and intelligent graphic artist.
Over the years, she has become a familiar presence in the Kinngait Studios, and her work has been included in annual
print collections since 1968.
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brithombar · 1 month
i understand that people are still attempting to expose keffals and stop her deranged fanbase but i feel that people outside canada do not understand the role that her location plays in her behaviour, southwest ontario is an area with high nazi activity because most of them immigrated there and it remians to this day a predominantly white location. her consistent jokes about mussolini and the mind games she plays with her audience to induce hysteria are a very likely indicator of her heritage and the community she exists in to this day
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jdenvs3000w24 · 6 months
Hello again fellow bloggers,
The most amazing thing about nature for me is the geology of an area. My main fixation in general is pollinators, as exemplified by my group's podcast, “What the Buzz?” and I love bees and ants and stuff like that. However, anytime I'm out hiking or just exploring, I can't help but get excited about rocks. The geology and topography of an area tell a story that goes back millions of years. For instance, down where I'm from in Nova Scotia there is a place called the Bay of Fundy, I'm sure you've all heard f it considering it is home to the world's highest tides.  Down near a little village named Walton there is a shale beach with a massive cliff and folds in the rocks. 
This cliff face tells the story of two landmasses colliding together to form what is now Nova Scotia. Initially happening long before the Atlantic formed. And then the Bay of Fundy itself formed from the rifting of North America from Africa and Europe. This caused the split in the mountain chain that now has pieces in Morocco, Scotland, the USA, Canada, and Norway!
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(pictures taken by me, Walton Cliffs)
A little closer to campus there is a location in Hamilton called the Devil's Punchbowl. I've gone there twice now for class field trips. The Devil's Punchbowl tells a story of the ancient seas and streams that used to run through this area of southwest Ontario. The grains of sand that make up the sandstone tell stories of millions of years ago. The dolomitic capstone of the Niagara Escarpment tells another story, so long as you speak the language of rocks and sediment. 
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(another photo by me, Devils Punchbowl)
Another area of Nova Scotia I've hiked through is on the Cape Split Peninsula. This region of the province is located on basaltic bedrock which formed during the same event that formed the Bay of Fundy. Magma pours out of the earth to form the north mountain range which makes up the sea sideward side of the Annapolis valley. The cape is covered in rocks filled with copper ore speckled through basaltic rock. Based on the patterns and the lack of crystallization you can tell that this magma cools very quickly, likely due to a rushing in of seawater after the rifting event. 
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(another photo by me, Cape Split Point)
Further up the bay, there are a few islands, near Parrsboro, the indigenous peoples of the area, the Mi’kmaq, called these the five islands. The five islands are part of the legends passed down by the Mi’kmaq people. The story goes that Kluskap, or Glooscap as the settlers called him, who was a giant man, was fighting a giant beaver in the bay. During the fight, Kluskap hurled 5 large boulders at the beaver that formed the islands today, the beaver was said to have been trapped by the boulders and sticks causing him to turn into gold underground. Geologically these islands are exposed parts of the north mountain chain that I talked about earlier but it's neat learning about the indigenous peoples’ folklore, especially when centered around how the landscape was formed. 
Anyways, till next week bloggers!
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musicfren · 7 months
Protests March 2nd (this Saturday). Mostly USA, some global
Albuquerque, New Mexico
11:00 a.m.
Tiguex Park
Sponsored by: SWC4P
Alfred, NY
3:00 p.m.
Corner of N Main St and Pine St.
Sponsored by: Cattaraugus-Allegany Liberation Collective
Angelica, NY
12:00 p.m.
Angelica Park Circle (37 Park Cir)
Sponsored by: Cattaraugus-Allegany Liberation Collective
Arequipa, Peru
2:00 p.m.
Plaza de Armas
Asheville, North Carolina
2:00 p.m.
Pack Square, N Pack Square
Sponsored by: PSL WNC, ANSWER Great Smoky Mountains, UNCA SDS, ETSU MSA, Unequolada
Atlanta, Georgia
1:00 p.m.
190 Marietta St NW (Intersection of Centennial Olympic Park Dr and Marietta St NW.)
Austin, Texas
1:00 p.m.
City Hall
Sponsored by: PSC and PYM
Baltimore, Maryland
2:00 p.m.
Baltimore City Hall
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation, Baltimore Artists Against Apartheid, Hospitality for Humanity, The Banner of the People, Teachers & Researchers United, People's Power Assembly
Belmont, NY
1:30 p.m.
Belmont Park Circle (7 Park Circle)
Sponsored by: Cattaraugus-Allegany Liberation Collective
Boston, Massachusetts
1:00 p.m.
Cambridge City Hall
Contact: ANSWER Boston -- 857-334-5084 · [email protected] 
Brainerd, Minnesota
1:00 p.m.
Intersection of Highways 210 and 371 -- Baxter, Minnesota (near Kohl's Department Store)
Sponsored by: Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace and Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists (BACP-BLUE)
Boise, Idaho
4:00 p.m.
700 W Jefferson/Capitol Bldg
Sponsored by: Boise to Palestine
Burlington, Vermont
1:00 p.m.
622 Main St.
Calgary, Alberta
3:00 p.m.
Calgary City Hall
Sponsored by: Justice For Palestinians Calgary, Independent Jewish Voices, Calgary Palestinian Council
Caracas, Venezuela
9:30 a.m.
Sponsored by: Comuna el Panel 21, Brigada Internacionalista Alexis Castillo, Fuerza Patriótica Alexis Vive, Alba Movimientos Venezuela
Charlotte, North Carolina
3:00 p.m.
First Ward Park
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation; Charlotte United for Palestine
Charlottesville, Virginia
4:00 p.m.
Free Speech Wall on the Downtown Mall
Sponsored by: SJP at PVCC
Champaign-Urbana, Illinois
2:00 p.m.
West Side Park (400 W University)
Cincinnati, Ohio
3:00 p.m.
City Hall (801 Plum St)
Sponsored by: PSL SW Ohio, PAL Awda Ohio, Students for Justice in Palestine UC, Ceasefire Now Covington, Coalition for Community Safety
Coatesville, Pennsylvania
11:30 a.m.
2nd and Lincoln Hwy
Chester County Liberation Center
Columbus, Ohio
3:00 p.m.
Goodale Park
Sponsored by: PSL Columbus, ANSWER, SJP OSU, PLM-JUST
Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
1:00 p.m.
Corner Brook Public Library (Courtyard)
Sponsored by: GCSU, CFS-NL
Cornwall, Ontario (Canada)
12:00 p.m.
691 Brookdale Avenue
Davis, California
1:00 p.m.
University of California Davis Memorial Union
Dayton, Ohio
12:00 p.m.
444 W 3rd St
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism & Liberation Southwest Ohio, Code Pink Miami Valley, Gem City Action, YS Uproar, S&F Volunteer Collective
Denver, Colorado
1:00 p.m.
400 Josephine St
Sponsored by: Colorado Palestine coalition, Denver PSL, Denver DSA, Denver Boulder JVP, DAWA, Denver SDS, Denver FRSO
Detroit, Michigan
2:00 p.m.
Hart Plaza
Sponsored by: USPCN, FRSO, SDS, SJP, PYM
Eastham, Massachusetts 
12:00 p.m.
In Front of the Windmill
Sponsored by: Cape Codders for Peace and Justice
Flagstaff, Arizona
6:00 p.m.
Heritage Square Downtown Flagstaff
Falmouth, Massachusetts 
1:00 p.m.
Falmouth Village Green
Sponsored by: Falmouth for Ceasefire Now
Havana, Cuba
8:00 a.m.
Sponsored by: Union of Young Communists, Women's Federation of Cuba
Fayetteville, Arkansas
12:00 p.m.
Wilson Park Gazebo
Sponsored by: Friends of Palestine NWA and Christian Voice for Peace
Fort Wayne, Indiana
2:00 p.m.
Allen County Courthouse
Fresno, California
4:00 p.m.
Blackstone & Nees Avenues
Sponsored by: Peace Fresno
Gainesville, Florida
1:00 p.m.
Corner of W University and NW 13th
Sponsored by: PSL
Geneseo, New York
1:00 p.m.
Corner of Main Street and Route 20A
Sponsored by: Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace, Chapter 23 Veterans for Peace
Grand Rapids, Michigan
2:00 p.m.
Monument Park
Sponsored by: Palestine Solidarity Grand Rapids
Hamilton, Ontario
2:00 p.m.
Dundas Driving Park, 71 Cross st
Houghton, NY
10:30 a.m.
9722 NY19
Sponsored by: Cattaraugus-Allegany Liberation Collective
Huntsville, Alabama
10:00 a.m.
Whitesburg Dr and Airport Rd
Sponsored by: North Alabama Peace Network
Indianapolis, Indiana
5:00 p.m.
Indiana State House East Steps
Sponsored by: ANSWER Indiana, Jewish Voice for Peace, Students for Justice in Palestine – Butler, PSL Indianapolis, the Middle Eastern Student Association at IUPUI
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 
1:00 p.m.
Cambridge City Hall
Joshua Tree, California
10:30 a.m.
Downtown Joshua Tree (Corner of 62 and Park Boulevard)
Sponsored by: Morongo Basin Resistance
Kansas City, Missouri
3:00 p.m.
Mill Creek Park, 47th Mill Creek Pkwy
Sponsored by: Al-HadafKC, Free Palestine KC, PSL MO
Kingman, Arizona
10:00 a.m.
120 W Andy Devine Ave (Meet at the Route 66 Sign)
Sponsored by: Alohaproj.com
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2:00 p.m.
Sponsored by: Sekretariat Solidariti Palestin
Lander, Wyoming 
8:00 a.m.
Centennial Park
Sponsored by: Fremont County for Ceasefire Now!
Las Cruces, New Mexico
11:00 a.m.
Downtown Plaza
Sponsored by: Las Cruces PSL, Telegram group, NMSU Students for Socialism
Las Vegas, Nevada
2:00 p.m.
3449 s Sammy Davis Jr dr
Sponsored by: Npl_palestine and fifthsunproject
Los Angeles, California
1:00 p.m.
Los Angeles City Hall (200 N Spring St)
Manchester, New Hampshire
4:00 p.m.
Manchester City Hall Plaza
Martinsburg, West Virginia
11:00 a.m.
Martinsburg Town Square
Sponsored by: PSL
Memphis, Tennessee 
1:00 p.m.
Corner of Ridgeway Road and Poplar Avenue
Sponsored by: Palestinian Association Community Center
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1:30 p.m.
Zillman Park (2168 Kinnickinnic Ave)
Sponsored by: PSL Milwaukee, Milwaukee 4 Palestine
Mineral Point, Wisconsin
10:30 a.m.
State Street at the Capitol
Sponsored by: Poor People's Campaign
Nanaimo, British Columbia (Canada)
2:15 p.m.
Maffeo Sutton Park
Sponsored by: VIU Muslim Women Club
Nashville, Tennessee
4:00 p.m.
1 Public Square
Sponsored by: Inspire Youth Foundation supported by PSL Nashville
New Orleans, Louisiana
4:00 p.m.
Jackson Square
Sponsored by: New Orleans For Palestine, JVP New Orleans, PSL Louisiana
New Paltz, New York
12:30 p.m.
93 Main Street
Sponsored by: Women in Black
New York City, New York
1:00 p.m.
Washington Square Park
Sponsored by: Nodutdol, Black Alliance for Peace, No Tech for Apartheid, Audre Lorde Project, Ridgewood Tenants Union, Uptown 4 Palestine, DRUM NYC, Anakbayan, Bayan, Mamas 4 a Free Palestine, Healthcare Workers for Palestine, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Jews Against White Supremacy, Defend Democracy in Brazil, Al-Awda NY, NYC Dissenters, South Asian Left, Columbia University SJP, Columbia University Apartheid Divest, CUMC for Palestine, Black Men Build, UAW Labor for Palestine, Labor for Palestine, NYC City Workers for Palestine
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1:00 p.m.
Corner of Robinson and Hudson near the Skydance Bridge
Sponsored by: Oklahomans Against Occupation
Olean, NY
8:30 a.m.
Lincoln Park
Sponsored by: Cattaraugus-Allegany Liberation Collective
Peterborough, Ontario
4:00 p.m.
Confederation Square
Sponsored by: Nogojiwanong Palestine Solidarity
Pensacola, Florida
2:00 p.m.
Main and Reus St.
Sponsored by: PSL, Answer, Panhandle for Freedom and Justice in Palestine, Mobile for Palestine
Phoenix, Arizona
6:00 p.m.
Arizona State Capitol
Sponsored by: PSL
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2:00 p.m.
City Hall
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation, ANSWER Philly, Philly Boricuas, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, Jefferson University SJP, Philly Liberation Center, AMP Philadelphia, Philadelphians of Palestine, Black Alliance for Peace
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
11:00 a.m.
William S Moorehead Federal Building (1100 Liberty Ave)
Contact: ANSWER Pittsburgh -- [email protected]
Pompano Beach, Florida
1:00 p.m.
1641 NW 15th ST -- Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Sponsored by: Al-Awda, JVP, SJP @ FIU
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
1:00 p.m.
Market Square
Sponsored by: Occupy Seacoast
Port Angeles, Washington
12:00 p.m.
Clallam County Courthouse at 4th & Lincoln St
Sponsored by: FSP, PSL
Portland, Maine
1:00 p.m.
Longfellow Square
Sponsored by: Maine Students for Palestine, Maine Coalition for Palestine
Portland, Oregon
1:00 p.m.
Lownsdale Square
Sponsored: Party for Socialism & Liberation, ANSWER, Oregon to Palestine Coalition, Portland DSA, Entifada PDX
Providence, Rhode Island
1:00 p.m.
World War 1 Memorial, Memorial Park, South Main st.
Sponsored by: PSL RI, Brown Grad labor Organization, JVP RI, Palestinian Feminist Collective, Falsteeni Diaspora United, SURJ RI, RI Antiwar committee 
Raleigh, North Carolina
3:00 p.m.
201 S Blount St Raleigh, NC 27601
Sponsored by: Refund Raleigh, Migrant Roots Media, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Muslims For Social Justice, Democratic Socialists of America, Muslim Women For, Jewish Voices for Peace, NC Green Party, Peoples Power Lab, NC Environmental Justice Network, PAX Christi Triangle NC
Richland, Washington
1:00 p.m.
John Dam Plaza
Sponsored: Party for Socialism and Liberation - Eastern Washington
Rochester, New York
1:00 p.m.
Rochester City Hall
Sponsored: FTP ROC, Coalition to End Apartheid, ROC DSA, JVP, U of R SJP, ROC Voices for Palestine
Salt Lake City, Utah
1:00 p.m.
Sugar House Park
Sponsored by: Palestinian Solidarity Association of Utah, PSL Salt Lake, Mecha de U Of U
San Antonio, Texas
2:00 p.m.
Municipal Plaza Building (114 W Commerce St.)
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation
San Diego, California
ANSWER San Diego -- (619) 487-0977
San Juan, Puerto Rico
12:00 p.m.
El Morro
Sponsored by: Boricua Con Palestina
Santa Barbara, California
11:00 a.m.o
Pershing Park
Sponsored by: Central Coast Antiwar Coalition
San Francisco, California
2:00 p.m.
Harry Bridges Plaza
Sponsored by: Palestinian Youth Movement, ANSWER Coalition, American Muslims for Palestine, US Palestinian Community Network, Muslim American Society, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Islamophobia Studies Center, Oakland Educators for Palestine, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Northern California Islamic Council, Jewish Voice for Peace Bay Area, Islamic Circle of North America, United Educators of San Francisco, Do No Harm Coalition, Arab Resource & Organizing Center, Workers World Party, Palestinian Feminist Collective, QUIT, Labor for Palestine, Students for Justice in Palestine, Healthcare Workers for Palestine, Democratic Socialist of America - San Francisco, Union Nurses for Palestine, Friends of the Filipino People in Struggle, Democratic Socialists of America East Bay
Savannah, Georgia 
2:00 p.m.
Springfield City Hall and Senator Warren's Office
Sponsored by: Western MA Coalition for Palestine, Western MA Showing Up for Racial Justice, Northampton Abolition Now, Demilitarize Western MA, Amherst for Palestine, Community Alliance for Peace and Justice, Islamic Society of Western MA, Code Pink
Seattle, Washington
1:00 p.m.
Denny Park
Sponsored by: PYM, PSL, ANSWER, SPV Endorsers: Samidoun, Healthcare Workers for Palestine, South Asians Resisting Imperialism, SUPERUW, Falastiniyat, FGLL, Tacoma DSA, SU SJP, MSA UW, ASA UW, BAYAN, Somali Student Association, NOTA
Seoul, South Korea
3:00 p.m.
Sponsored by: International Strategy Center
Spokane, Washington
Details TBA
Springfield, Massachusetts 
2:00 p.m.
Springfield City Hall and Senator Warren's Office
Sponsored by: Western MA Coalition for Palestine, Western MA Showing Up for Racial Justice, Northampton Abolition Now, Demilitarize Western MA, Amherst for Palestine, Community Alliance for Peace and Justice, Islamic Society of Western MA, Code Pink
Springfield, Missouri 
12:00 p.m.
Park Central Square
St. Louis, Missouri
2:00 p.m.
Kiener Plaza - 500 Chestnut St
Sponsored by: Party for Socialism and Liberation, Voices of Palestine Network, American Muslims for Palestine
Syracuse, New York
1:00 p.m.
Clinton Square
Sponsored by: PSL - Syrcause
Tallahassee, Florida
12:00 p.m.
Sidewalks in front of Florida State Capitol Building
Sponsored by: Revolt Collective (rev0ltcollective on Instagram)
Taos, New Mexico
11:00 a.m.
Outreach/petitioning event, contact Suzie at 575-770-2629
Sponsored by: Taoseños for Peaceful and Livable Futures
Tillamook, Oregon
1:00 p.m.
1st and Main
Sponsored by: Racial and Social Equity Tillamook
Tri-Cities, Washington
Details TBA
Tokyo, Japan
2:00 p.m.
Shinjuku Station South Exit
Sponsored by: Palestinians of Japan
Toledo, Ohio
1:00 p.m.
Franklin Park Mall: Starting location is the corner of Sylvania and Talmadge
Sponsored by: American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) and Toledo 4 Palestine (T4P)
Troy, New York
11:00 a.m.
3rd & Fulton
Sponsored by: Troy 4 Black Lives
Tucson, Arizona
5:00 p.m.
Catalina Park (941 N. Fourth Ave.)
Sponsored by: Arizona Palestine Solidarity Alliance
Tulsa, Oklahoma
1:00 p.m.
Yale Ave and Admiral Place
Sponsored by: Oklahomans Against Occupation
Ventura, California
1:00 p.m.
Oxnard City Hall
Victorville, California
1:00 p.m.
9700 Seventh Ave.
Sponsored by: Arizona Palestine Solidarity Alliance
3:00 p.m.
March from Wailuku Safeway to Queen Kaahumanu Center
Sponsored by: Maui for Palestine, Hawaii for Palestine, Rise for Palestine, Citizens for Peace, Kauai for Palestine, Kona for Palestine
Washington, D.C.
1:00 p.m.
Israeli Embassy (3514 International Dr NW)
Sponsored by: PYM, MD2Palestine, ANSWER 
Waukegan, Illinois
1:00 p.m.
Jack Benny Plaza (corner of Genesee and Clayton)
Sponsored by: PSL Waukegan
Wellfleet, Massachusetts 
10:00 a.m.
Town Hall Lawn
Sponsored by: Cape Codders for Peace and Justice
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chickensarentcheap · 8 months
Thank you so much for the tag @witches-unruly-heart ❤️❤️❤️
Were you named after someone?
I was not. But I was named (loosely) after a Beatles song!
2. When was the last time you cried:
Yesterday. Watching the Steve Wilkos show. An episode called "Devil Mom". What this woman put her own child through...
3. Do you have any kids:
I do! I have a soon to be eighteen year old son with multiple special needs. He is non verbal and functions between an eight and ten year old level.
4. What sports do you play/have you played:
I played hockey from five years old to twenty five years old. Including university level. I also used to play field hockey and volleyball
5. Do you use sarcasm:
When don't I is the better question lol
6. What's the first thing you notice about people:
Their eyes and their smile :)
7. What's your eye color:
Hazel. They can either be green-brown or a blue/brown/green combo depending on what I'm wearing
8. Scary movies or happy endings:
Either or!
9. Any talents:
I'm an alright writer, I suppose. But other than that, nope.
10. Where you were born:
I was born in southern Ontario, Canada, but raised for ten years in wayyyyyy northern Ontario. Then we moved southwest in the province.
11. What are your hobbies:
Writing, reading, complaining, napping lol
12. . Do you have any pets:
I have three cats. Fat Thor, Loki, and Slippers
13. How tall are you:
I am five feet on the nose
14. Favorite subject in high school:
English and chemistry
15. Dream job: a writer of some kind. Whether it be novels or screenplays. I'd love to write scripts.
Tagging: @munstysmind @themaradwritesxreader @ninjasawakenedmystar @thebejeweledwatercat
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hello yes I saw ur post is it southeast ontario or southwest as I am very much east
Uhhhh, around Toronto ish, kinda forgot people lived in like Ottawa or whatever
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carbombrenee · 1 year
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Mount Elgin Cemetery, Mount Elgin, ON April 2023
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swradiogram · 1 year
Shortwave Radiogram, 21-25 September 2023 (program 323): Airless digital modes that are on the air
Please note some changes to the schedule for The Mighty KBC. Changes are in bold. All frequencies from WRMI Florida. Friday 1100-1200: Eric van Willegen* 15770 Saturday 0200-0300: Dave Mason 5850 Saturday 0800-0900: Eric van Willegen* 7780 Sunday 0000-0100: Dave Mason 5950 9455 Sunday 0100-0200: Eric van Willegen* 5950 9455 Sunday 0200-0300: Eric van Willegen* 5850 Sunday 1200-1300: Eric van Willegen* 15770 Sunday 2100-2200: Dave Mason 5950 Sunday 2200-2300: Eric van Willegen* 5950 Wednesday 1600-1700: Eric van Willegen* 15770 * A minute of MFSK64, presented by @WD4AH_Al, is at about 30 minutes past the hour on at least some of the Eric van Willigen programs.  Last week's Friday 0530 UTC Shortwave Radiogram broadcast was the previous week's program. After a frenetic Wednesday and Thursday producing the show, sometimes I forget to upload the programs. Acknowledging that my brain will no longer necessarily remind me, this task is now in my computer's calendar, with an audible reminder. The impact of that error was limited by the fact that the Friday 0530 UTC show does not seem to have much of an audience. This could be due to the inconvenient hour in the Americas (e.g., I'm usually asleep). Audio, the transmission on 7780 kHz from WRMI is beamed to the southwest, into Central America, where there is not a large shortwave/amateur radio community, and to New Zealand and Australia. The signal is reaching across the Pacific, at least this time of the year.  So if you are in that part of the world (or can access an SDR there), please tune in and decode. After a nasty few days of very hot temperatures, this week we have been enjoying wonderful weather, with temperatures in the 70s F (~24C) and low humidity. This weekend Tropical Cyclone Sixteen comes to the US east coast, with substantial rains, wind gusts, and maybe even some power disruptions. A good weekend to be inside, tuning the radio, possibly on emergency power.  A video of last weekend's Shortwave Radiogram (program 323) is provided by Scott in Ontario (Friday 1300 UTC). The audio archive is maintained by Mark in the UK. Analysis is provided by Roger in Germany. Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 323, 21-25 September 2023, in MFSK modes as noted:  1:43  MFSK32: Program preview  2:51  MFSK32: Airless bicycle tires near production*  8:35  MFSK64: Louis Armstrong's 1965 visit to the GDR* 15:26  MFSK64: This week's images* 28:26  MFSK32: Closing announcements Please send reception reports to [email protected] And visit http://swradiogram.net Twitter: @SWRadiogram or https://twitter.com/swradiogram (visit during the weekend to see listeners’ results) Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/567099476753304 Shortwave Radiogram Gateway Wiki: https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/Shortwave_Radiogram_Gateway
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Other Shortwave broadcast programs that include digital text and images include The Mighty KBC, Pop Shop Radio and Radio North Europe International (RNEI). Links to these fine broadcasts, with schedules, are posted here.
Bobby in Louisiana received these images, 14 September 2023, 9265 kHz from WINB Pennsylvania ...
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inthescreen · 2 years
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On a cold and rainy day in southwest Ontario, Leo decided to just take a power nap.
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theresah331 · 2 years
Tribes covered in the books
Tribes covered in the books
People of the Wolf - Alaska and Canadian northwest
People of the Fire- Central Rockies & Great Plains
People of the Earth- Northern Plains & Basins
People of the River- (Mississippi Valley) Cahokia
People of the Sea- Pacific Coast & Great Basin
People of the Lakes- East-Central Woodlands & Great Lakes
People of the Lightning- Florida
People of the Silence- Southwest Anasazi
People of the Mist- Chesapeake Bay
People of the Masks- Ontario & Upstate New York
People of the Owl- Middle Archaic
People of the Raven- Pacific Northwest & British Columbia
People of the Moon- Northwest New Mexico & Southwest Colorado
People of the Nightland- Ontario, New York, & Pennsylvania
Children of the Dawnland - Northern US and Ontario (thanks Duane)
People of the Weeping Eye- Mississippi Valley & Tennessee, Moundville Mississippian
People of the Thunder- Moundville, Chicaza, Choctaw, Yuchi.
Long house series
People of the Longhouse- Iroquois (Haudenosaunee)  Oneida,   (New York state and Canada)
The Dawn Country- Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) Onondaga,
The BrokenLand- Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) Cayuga and Seneca nations.
People of the Black Sun- Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) Mohawk
De Soto series (there are a lot of tribes not all featured in the books, i tried to limit to those i remember in the books)
Coming of the Storm- including : the Ocale, Northern Utina, Uzita, Mocoso, Uzachile, Yustaga, Alachua culture,  Apalachee Nation (florida)
Fire The Sky-   Including but not limited to the Capachequi, Ichisi, Ocute,  Coosa, Cofitachequi,  Mobilian (Georgia,South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, alabama)
A Searing Wind- Mississippian culture including not limited to Chicaza, Quizquiz, Quigate (tribe),  (alabama, Mississippi)
People of the SongTrail (Northeastern coast, Vikings)
People of the Morning star Series (Cahokia) Central Mississippi valley
People of the Morning Star- Cahokia 
People of the Morning Star: Sun born -Cahokia, Chichen Itza
People of the Morning Star: Moon Hunt- Cahokia, Quiz Quiz,Chikosi,Albaamaha,Moskogee
People of the Morning Star: Star Path- Cahokia, Quiz Quiz, Albaamaha, Haudensaunee,
People of the Morning Star: Lightning Shell - Cahokia
People of the Canyons- Fremont 
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ghwosty · 2 years
I could play license plate bingo with all these out of state tags I'm seeing
In the last 3 says I have seen (multiple times) in no particular order: Wisconsin, Ontario, Ohio, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Missouri, Mississippi, and yesterday on the way into work I saw California.. I am in Southwest Florida
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