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taddystrange · 10 months ago
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Based on the current theories circling tumblr rn
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yourfellowhuman07 · 2 years ago
Where Do We Go Now?
A She-ra: Princess of Power 2018 fanfiction
The war is finally over. Prime is dead, the hive mind is broken, and everyone is reunited with their loved ones. However, there are some questions left unanswered. What will be the fate of Catra and Hordak? What are these new memories Wrong Hordak has? What is Etheria's place in the wider universe? Where do we go now?
Chapter 9: Morning After the War
The Alliance sat around a fire as Spinnerella and Glimmer made soup for everyone. The latter exchanged hard glances with Mermista and Perfuma as they sat on the side. Frosta was also with them, looking over to the rest of everyone.
No matter the tension Glimmer was determined to have a good day. The war was won, and there is a bright future ahead for Etheria, hopefully.
Speaking of tension, Hordak and Entrapta finally joined the group, once again sitting with Scorpia and TD.
“< Do you have any clue about what happened yesterday while we were gone? >” TD whispered.
“< Not a clue, It’s been weirdly silent, and it is starting to worry me. >”
“< Have you told anyone about your name change? >”
“< Yes actually. They were surprisingly accepting. >”
“< Good. >”
Hordak was then overcome with the feeling something was watching him, and he was right. Mermista was staring at him with a mix of rage and disgust. In return, he used his famous ‘stare into your soul’ stares which made her look away.
Always works.
After making sure everyone was fed, Glimmer called upon everyone’s attention.
“Ok, everyone, my father and aunt are setting up camps for all the clones. Right now, we are going to round all the stray clones up and take them there. Now note, do not harm them during the process because I don’t feel like fighting a bunch of unorganized, revengeful warriors.”
“That’s unlikely, Clones are taught to always obey their captors to save face,” TD interjected.
“We’re not their captors though,” Perfuma said practically offended.
“They will think you are for now, and it is probably better if they think that so a fight does not break out,” Hordak explained, earning an eye-roll from Perfuma.
“Wro- TD is right. We should try to keep them as calm as possible. Adora and Swift Wind will take the north, Mermista, and Perfuma will take the south, Netossa, Spinerella, and Sea Hawk will take the east, and Bow and I will take the west.”
Entrapta’s hand shot up like a rocket, and her legs bounced enthusiastically.
“Yes, Entrapta.”
“Yes, what are was going to do with all the tech left behind by the Galactic Horde.”
“Don’t worry you’ll have all the access you want to all the tech, as long as you do not make weapons of war.”
“I make no promises!” 
A handful of people gave a fleeting glance to each other as Glimmer went on.
“Alright everyone, leave no stone unturned and no clone left to wander, and for the love of Etheria, only engage in combat if necessary.”
As Glimmer finished, everyone split up into their respective groups and left. Leaving Entrapta, Hordak, TD, Emily, Frosta, Scorpia, Catra, and Melog to their own devices.
They all sat in awkward silence. No one knew what to do or say, and the ones who did want to talk were too scared to. That was until Scorpia, the brave soul, decided to make conversation.
“So, how is everyone.”
Cricket noises.
“That soup was good.”
Louder cricket noises.
“Could someone please talk?”
Catra leaned forward in her seat.
“Alright, I will. Frosta, what are the princesses planning to do with us?”
“Why are you asking me?” Frosta shouted, an obvious nervousness rattling her speech.
“Well, if you haven’t noticed everyone here worked for the Horde at one point or another, except you.”
“Look, I genuinely don’t know. They probably want you all in one area so no one escapes justice.”
“So, we all are getting punished.”
“What did I do!” TD exclaimed, more offended than frightened.
“Not you Wrong Hordak, you don’t count.”
“What are they going to do with us?” Entrapta inquired
“No clue.” Frosta shrugged
“Now, now, guys, the princesses are our friends, they're not going to think up anything too terrible.”
Speak for yourself.
By some miracle, the Princess Alliance managed to round up the clones, who were unexpectedly compliant, by the afternoon and get them safely settled in the camps. That was the easy part, the hard part was the bombardment of questions they received from their former enemies.
“Ok, Ok, Ok! Calm down, everyone. Yes, everyone here, except TD, is getting punished for their actions against Etheria, alright? Right now, we do not know what those punishments will be.”
“How is that going to work with Entrapta and me though? We are princesses that need to look after our kingdoms.”
“Don’t worry, you two are probably just getting a monetary fine. Everyone else’s punishment is undetermined at the moment, but I think it is time to make a decision.”
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gdelgiproducer · 5 years ago
What’s been your favorite staged version of JCS? (Non-concert)
First, a list of the staged (non-concert) versions of JCS I’ve seen: two high school productions (about which you’ll hear nothing in this post; it’s unfair to judge them in competition with pros), the closing performance of the 2000 Broadway revival, two performances of the national tour that followed said revival (one of which featured Carl Anderson as Judas and Barry Dennen – Pilate on the original album, Broadway, and in the 1973 film – as Herod), and four performances of a national tour initially billed as Ted Neeley’s “farewell” engagement in the role of Jesus. In total, discounting the number of performances of each, five productions, only three of which we will consider here.
The 2000 Broadway revival had basically all the problems of the video of the same production: I’m sure Gale Edwards is a fine director of other shows, but she missed the boat with this particular iteration of JCS. (Not having seen her original production at the Lyceum Theatre in 1996, which unfortunately never left that venue and was reportedly far better than the one that went wide, I can only comment on this version.) Her direction and the production design that accompanied it were full of the kinds of blatant, offensively obvious attempts at symbolism and subtlety that appeal only to pseudo-intellectual theater kids. In real life, there’s no such thing as obvious good vs. obvious evil (things just ain’t black and white, people), and any attempt to portray this concept on stage or in a film usually results in a hokey “comic book” product, which is kind of what the 2000 production was. 
The first thing Edwards did was draw her line in the sand. “These are the good guys, and these are the bad guys.” The overall production design played into this ‘line in the sand’ feel as well, being so plain in its intentions as to almost beat you over the head with them. There may have been some good concepts mixed in, but for a show that runs on moral ambiguity, they were very poorly executed and did damage to the piece. Some examples:
Annas and Caiaphas were devoutly “evil,” seemingly designed to inspire fear.  It’s easy to see good as so very good, and bad as so very bad; to want to have the evil in a nice little box. But it’s not that simple. As Captain Jean-Luc Picard (and now you know where my Star Trek loyalties lie, curse you!) once said, “…villains who twirl their mustaches are easy to spot. Those that clothe themselves in good deeds are well camouflaged.”  Evil isn’t always a clear and recognizable stereotype. Evil could be lurking inside anyone, maybe even in you, and you would never know. People aren’t inherently evil. Like good, it’s a role they grow and live into. And since history is basically a story of the developments and actions of humans over the ages, maybe it’s a mistake to view the characters who’ve played their parts in it so one-dimensionally. It doesn’t dismiss the evil they did, but it does allow one to understand that this potential to be good or to be evil is in everyone, and that it’s not always as simple as just doing the right thing.
Judas was an almost thoroughly unlikable prick (though Tony Vincent played him a tiny bit more sympathetically than Jerome Pradon in the video); in beating Jesus over the head with his cynicism and curt remarks, any sense of a fully three dimensional person was lost, leaving us with a total, utter dickhead. If the audience is to truly feel for Judas, and appreciate his fall, it’s imperative for them to see his positive relationship with Jesus. More importantly, it has to be readily apparent. It shouldn’t be the audience’s responsibility to assume as much. I never once saw any love, or even a hint of friendship, between Jesus and Judas in the 2000 production. Judas’ interactions with Jesus were a constant barrage of either completely in-your-face aggression, or more restrained (but still fully palpable) aggression. No hint of a conflict in him, or at least none the audience could see, and what use is a conflict or emotion if the audience isn’t privy to it?
And when not telegraphing an ultra-specific view of the story’s events, everything else about the design would’ve left a first-time viewer befogged. Young me liked the industrial, post-apocalyptic, pseudo-Gotham City atmosphere of the set. Older me still likes it (though I am firm in my opinion it works best on stage), but realizes what a mess the rest of it was. We’ve got Jesus and the apostles straight out of Rent, Roman guards that looked (with the choice of riot gear) like an army of Darth Vader clones with nightsticks substituting for light sabers, priests that practically stepped off the screen from The Matrix, a Pilate in generic neo-Nazi regalia, a Herod with showgirls and chorus boys that seemed to have visited from a flash-and-trash third-rate Vegas spectacular, a Temple full of ethnic stereotypes and a mish-mosh of dime-store criminals, and a creepy mob with a striking resemblance to The Addams Family that only popped up in the show’s darker moments. Lots of interesting ideas which might work (operative word being “might”) decently in productions of their own, all tossed in to spice up a rather bland soup. The solution to having a bunch of conflicting ideas is not to throw all of them at the wall at once; you look for a pattern to present itself, and follow it. If no pattern emerges from the ideas you have, it’s a sign you should start over.
You can see what my basic issue was: where other productions at least explored motivation, examining possibilities and presenting conflicting viewpoints for consideration, the 2000 production (when not utterly confused in its storytelling thanks to conflicting design) blatantly stated what it thought the motivation was without any room for interpretation – this is who they are, what they did, why they did it, so switch off your brain and accept what we put in front of you. Which, to me, is the total opposite of what JCS is about; it didn’t get famous for espousing that view, but for going totally against the grain of that.
The national tour at least had Carl and Barry to recommend for it the first time around, but for all the mistakes it corrected about the 2000 revival (swapping out the shady market in the Temple for a scene where stockbrokers worshiped the almighty dollar, with an electronic ticker broadcasting then-topical references to Enron, ImClone, and Viagra, among others, was a fun twist, and, for me, Barry Dennen gave the definitive performance of Herod), it introduced some confusing new ones as well:
For one, Carl – and, later, his replacement, Lawrence Clayton – looked twice the age of the other actors onstage. Granted, Christ was only 33 when this happened, but next to both Carl and Clayton, Eric Kunze (I thankfully never caught his predecessor) looked almost like a teenager. When Ted and Carl did the show in the Nineties and both were in their fifties, they were past the correct ages for their characters, but it worked – in addition to their being terrific performers and friends in real life whose chemistry was reflected onstage – because they were around the same age, so it wasn’t so glaring. Without that dynamic, the way Jesus and Judas looked together just seemed weird, and it didn’t help anyone accept their relationship.
Speaking of looking weird together, the performer playing Caiaphas – who was bald, and so unfortunately resembled a member of the Blue Man Group thanks to the color of lighting frequently focused on the priests – was enormously big and tall, while the actor in the role of Annas was extremely short. Basically, Big Guy, Little Guy in action. Every time I saw them onstage, I had to stifle the urge to laugh out loud. I’ve written a great deal about how Caiaphas and Annas are not (supposed to be) the show’s villains, but that’s still not the reaction I should have to them.
The relentlessness of pace was ridiculous. It was so fast that the show, which started at 1:40 PM, was down by 3:30 PM – and that included a 20-minute intermission. What time does that leave for any moments to be taken at all? A scene barely even ended before the next began. At the end of the Temple scene, Jesus threw all the lepers out, rolled over, and there was Mary singing the “Everything’s Alright” reprise already. How about a second to breathe for Mary to get there? Nope. How about giving Judas and Jesus two seconds’ break in the betrayal scene at Gethsemane? The guards were already grabbing Christ the minute he was kissed. I was so absolutely exhausted towards the end of the show that I was tempted to holler at the stage to please slow down for a minute. The pace didn’t allow for any moment in the show to be completed, if it was ever begun; it was just too fast to really take advantage of subtle touches and moments the actors could’ve had, and as a result, I think they were unable to build even a general emotional connection, because one certainly didn’t come across.
The cast was uniformly talented singing-wise, with excellent ranges and very accomplished voices. (In fact, the second time around, the woman understudying Mary, Darlesia Cearcy, walked away with the whole show in my opinion, and I am incredibly glad to have seen her career take off since then.) But, in addition to some being more concerned with singing the notes on the page just because they were there than imbuing them with emotion and motivation, the cast was undercut by the choices that production made with the music. For one, there’s a huge difference between singing “words and notes” and singing “lyrics and phrases.” When you have a phrase like “Ah, gentlemen, you know why we are here / We’ve not much time, and quite a problem here…” you sing the sentence, and if sometimes a word needs to be spoken, you do that. You don’t make sure you hit every single note by treating each like a “money note” (which you hit and hold as long as you can to make sure everyone hears it), dragging out the tempo to hang on to each note as long as you can. Generally, the actors were so busy making sure every note was sung – and worse, sung like a money note – that they missed the point of singing a phrase, and how to use one to their advantage. Caiaphas and Pilate were particularly egregious offenders. (I’ve never understood some of these conductors who are so concerned that every note written has to be sung. The result suffers from it.) 
And then there’s Ted’s production. Of the three, it’s the one I liked the most, but that’s not saying much when it was better by default. 
The production design was stripped-down, the set basically limited to a bridge, some steps, a stage deck with some levels, and a couple of drops (and a noose) that were “flown in.” The costumes were simple, the sound was very well-balanced, and the lighting was the icing on the cake. Combined, the story they told was clear.
The music sounded very full, considering the pit consisted of a five-piece band relying in part on orchestral samples.
Ted, for being of advanced age, was in terrific form vocally, if his acting fell back a little much on huge, obvious, emotive gestures and choices. (I love him and all, but his attempts at acting were kind of like a “Mr. Jesus” pageant, striking all the appropriate Renaissance poses. The film, through editing and close-ups, allows him a subtlety he just ain’t got onstage.)
And there were some beautiful stage pictures; for example, there was a drop with an image of a coin with Caesar’s head on it in the Temple scene, and it fell on the crowd when Jesus cleared out the riff-raff. In the leper sequence that followed, the chorus’ heads popped out of holes in the cloth, under which they undulated, pulsing to the beat, and rather than being treated as a literal mob scene, the sequence had a very dream-like effect, a mass of lost souls reaching out to Christ. It was rather like a Blake painting, with a creepy vibe in a different manner from the typical “physically overwhelm him” approach. He didn’t interact with them, didn’t even turn to look at them, until finally he whipped around with a banishing thrust of his arm, hollering “Heal yourselves!” Sometimes it was over-acted with annoying character voices (remember, I saw this four times), but when it wasn’t, the effect was chilling.
My main beef with the show was, oddly enough, on a similar line to my beef with Gale Edwards’ production: it drew lines in the sand. But in this case, it drew them with respect to Jesus’ divinity. 
As written, JCS deals with Jesus as if he were only a man, and not the Son of God. The show never suggests that Jesus isn’t divine, but neither does it reinforce the view that he is. Portrayed in detail in JCS is the mostly-unexplored human side: ecstasy and depression, trial and error, success and regret. He agonizes over his fate, is often unsure of his divinity, and rails at God. Not so in this production. Aside from “The Temple” and “Gethsemane,” there was never any room for doubt that Jesus was the mystical, magic man portrayed in the Gospels.
At the top of the show, after a fight between his followers and the Romans during the overture (a popular staging choice I’m not a real fan of, but you’ve got to do something during that moment in a fully staged version, and I understand why it’s an easy choice to make for exposition purposes), Jesus made his majestic entrance, spotlit in robes that looked whiter than Clorox bleach could produce, and raised a man from the dead. Well, where’s the room for Judas to doubt? Clearly “this talk of God is true,” we just saw it! If this guy is actually capable of performing miracles, and more than that specializes in necromancy, good luck telling him that fame has gone to his head at the expense of the message and he’s losing sight of the consequences! Try explaining to anyone that that person is “just a man”!
If that weren’t enough, Jesus went on to have a constant connection with God throughout the show, speaking to a spotlight that focused only on him and often served to distract him from anything else happening onstage, and at the end, during “John 19:41,” his body separated from the cross, which fell back into the stage, and he ascended to heaven. 
Now, though the former was admittedly played to excess (some reviewers unkindly compared Neeley to a homeless man with Bluetooth), there are arguments to be made in favor of both of these choices: a Jesus who constantly seeks a connection with God that isn’t reciprocated, searching for guidance or at least a friggin’ clue, is great foreshadowing for his eruption – and acceptance – in “Gethsemane.” As for the ascension, depending on how it’s staged, there’s room for argument that it could be interpreted more metaphorically than literally, as the moment when Jesus’ spirit is born, as Carl Anderson once put it (meaning, to me, that his message is given life and strength when his body fails him). But this production didn’t have that level of shading and layers to it, and coupled with the resurrection at the start, it defeated the rest of the story.
None of ‘em’s perfect, and I don’t think I could create the perfect one. Thus, concert.
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brianna-lei · 7 years ago
Butterfly Soup Asks #16
This time including the squad as DnD characters, Liz facts, Noelle getting her yaoi education, and more
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I’ve only played Dungeons & Dragons once (1) in my life so I’m no expert! I’d consider my thoughts suggestions (like with my takes on the charaters’ MBTI types, which I’m not an expert of either): 
Noelle as a Wizard sounds right, since she definitely can’t do anything reliant on physical strength. She would be an asshole and attempt things like building a Clone Army
AKARSHA THE BARD. Rogue sounds too cool for her
Diya: I actually want to say she’s a Ranger because the Wiki on 5th edition says “The Beast Master archetype forges a connection between civilization and beasts, allowing the character to interact with animals in certain ways including gaining an animal companion to control.“ Fighter and Knight also sound plausible though! 
Min: Barbarian with high Strength and no Intelligence and Wisdom
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I don’t want to say too much because I want to save things for the sequel, but here’s some stuff:
She actually played against Diya in youth leagues before she transitioned. That’s why she recognizes Diya+specifically approached her to sign the baseball club form while Diya doesn’t recognize her. At the first club meeting Liz tells her “I was at one of your games when you were little” -- This is purposefully ambiguous/misleading (sounds like Liz was just watching) because she passes and doesn’t want to out herself to a bunch of club members she doesn’t know well
After transitioning she quit baseball and switched to softball. It was weird being the one trans girl on a team of cis dudes, and additionally when she was younger she sort of felt like she had to prove she was a girl; she naturally has feminine taste, but she’d overperform it by 25%. It wasn’t until she got close to Chryssa and found out she also liked baseball that she reclaimed her interest in it
She has a nice resting face so strangers tend to ask her for directions 
Sunburns easily
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Yesss check the FAQ guys! Fangames are fine as long as you explicitly say it’s a fangame!! 
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I’m almost mad I didn’t think of this myself. I’m one of those people who overuses “spoopy” 
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All art in the game (including the title screen) can be downloaded here!
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Noelle. The day the others find out will be the End of her
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Akarsha was reading some yaoi so it came up in conversation, and since Noelle had never heard of it Akarsha gleefully educated her (to Noelle’s horror). Noelle was extremely scandalized that Akarsha kept sending her inappropriate images, and Akarsha was like “i’m doing this out of the kindness of my heart! it’s for ur education!! me: Master Teacher. call me sensei”  
Following this Akarsha changed her chat name to YAOI SEME as seen at the beginning of the game 
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Diya and Noelle: Never tried it
Min: Has tried it 
Akarsha: She constantly makes weed jokes but actually only does it rarely 
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Yes, I’m planning on exploring this more in the sequel! 
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Diya; Dee-ya. Rhymes with “See ya”
Min-seo: Korean way, but most characters like Diya pronounce it like Min-so, with the “Min” rhyming with “win” (not like “mean”). The “so” is one syllable (not like “see oh”)  
Akarsha: uh-KAR-sha
Noelle: No L 
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I was planning on making the sprites blink! I’m still a bit sad I didn’t end up doing it
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It’s supposed to be fall 2008 when they’re in high school, but I took a LOT of artistic liberties when it came to the references. For example, Akarsha makes a Durarara reference even though the anime didn’t come out until 2010, and there’s a lot of modern memes that ended up in there too...I couldn’t hold back...
The IGF trailer video is especially modern-day meme-wise -- since it broke the 4th wall, it was like, all bets are off. Don’t think too hard about it!
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I wanted to put a lot of 90s and early 00s hits in the game for the nostalgia factor, like Complicated, Rock Your Body, Dilemma, etc. I think it would’ve made the experience even more surreal for players who are around my age!
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I don’t own the rights to all the music so I can’t distribute it around for people to download! Here’s where you can find everything:
Thought Projection by Ketsa
Holding Your Breath by Ketsa
Thoughts of You by Ketsa
2011-13 by Ketsa
Miyauchi Yuri/110515 (miltata remix) by Miltata
Night Tourist by Miltata
Sound413_Images(short) by Miltata
Sound429_Floating Cloud (draft) by Miltata
Side by Side by Miltata
Blooming by Miltata
Romaras by Miltata
Little Circle by Miltata
Daydream by Miltata
Calling Project 2 by .que
Flame of Love by YOSHI
Valar Morghulis by Bloodgod
Overflowing by Tatsuya Kato
My Heart Will Go On - Recorder By Candlelight by Matt Mulholland
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At one point Diya finds out what it means on her own. After she finds out, she uses it for the actual meaning :) (added this to the FAQ now) 
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I can totally relate to all of them, but I’d say Diya! (added this to the FAQ now) 
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that sounds a bit alarming
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(I added this to the FAQ page now, thanks for reminding me)  I’m fine with people shipping whatever!! The only thing I can think of that’d make me uncomfortable is incest and shipping Diya and Min with male characters – other than that, go nuts
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Oh noo im sorry, that must’ve been stressful! For those who don’t know, I chatted about my game for a few minutes last week with MEGA (a USC club I used to be in!). I’ve adapted them here with what I assume what the questions were: 
1. Is that your cat on your Skype icon? 
yeah it is!! it's burrito 
(people think it’s a cute name) 
LOL glad you guys approve
2. Was the game made in Renpy? What do you think of Renpy vs. Twine? 
yep! it's made in renpy! I actually started out in twine -- twine is impossible if your game is like longer than an hour and is image heavy. the engine started lagging so bad it would take 30 secs to do anything
2. Would you eat a tiny 2 inch man for $100 million?
LOL it's hard..it's a lot of money. I don't think I would
(but you could use that money to save many more lives! utilitarianism) 
it's a real dude tho! i'd feel awful for him haha it's hard when you have to physically do it LOL
3. How long did it take for you to make Butterfly Soup? 
FOREVER. I thought of it in my junior year over winter break
4. Was it for school (like an assignment)? 
nah! just on my own
(people saying that’s impressive) 
yeah!! self motivation
5. What’s your favorite part of the game? 
hmmmmM I like the "date" with min in the dream. it's so fun, with the dog park
6. Which character do you relate to the most? 
diya!! social anxiety queen, so relatable
(people comment on how she runs around when anxious) 
i really did that before my sat once, ran 2 miles at the school's track
7. Are you from the San Francisco Bay Area
yeah i'm from the bay! east bay
8. Which year did you first come up with Butterfly Soup? 
winter 2014 i think
(people trying to calculate which year was my junior year) 
i graduated a year early so junior year was also senior year
9. Are you making a sequel? 
yes!! once ihave more time. i have a lot of ideas for stuff that goes after
10. Was this a prequel to Pom Gets Wi-Fi? Or maybe spiritual successor?
this is a prequel. i dunno about spiritual successor tho, they're a bit differnt
11. Any tips on how to balance schoolwork and working on personal projects? 
hmm...i honestly sucked at this and could only work on it on breaks lol...if you can try to work it into your school projects, like some bit of it...
other than that i cant think of anything LOL it's hard
12. How did you organize yourself making such a long game? Any tips? 
it was SUPER hard to organize, i was really lost until i split it into 4 sections with each character. so if you're planning on making a game this big definitely think about forcing yourself into sections like that
the art was the most confusing to do bc of how many assets there were. i was going to say "have consistent naming conventions" but that's literally impossible LOL it'll always become inconsistent no matter how hard u try
13. What part of the game took the longest (writing? art?) 
writing, actually, despite how much i complain about art assets. it's really hard making sure the structure and themes come across correctly. like pacing is so hard. art is like #2 biggest time sink
14. How early in did you write the Akarsha/Min skateboard scene?
that came pretty late haha i put it in at last second
15. Are the characters based on real people? 
they're all inspired by combinations of ppl i know! i wouldn't say based on them, tho. for example min is like a combination of 3 friends i have, strategically arranged to play her part in the story
character design is design so u still gotta be deliberate about it
16. Who’s the other cat on the computer? (they’re referring to the cat on my desktop wallpaper) 
that one's maru! he's a famous japaense cat. he's super photogenic
(people speculating that he’s the “tube one”) 
the tube one? probably. he's famous for going into stuff
17. What was your favorite aspect of working on the game? 
definitely getting to put specific Asian-American experiences into it
i was like HAHOH i can do this and no one can stop me! it was really fun getting to do this without any creative direction from like, a studio or anything. so i could just go bonkers. i hate pitching stuff so
18. Any writing advice? 
definitely have other people beta your writing as soon as possible! they always catch stuff you missed. also this is like a cheat, make your characters really extreme. like find one aspect of yourself, and turn it up to 11 and make it into a character. that way they'll be relatable and memorable at the same time. i think most people don't make their characters extreme enough so they're all kinda samey
19. (I can’t remember what they asked me here, sorry! They were asking if a specific meme was in the game)
LMAO nah it's not. i did briefly think about it though, i will admit
20. Would you eat a Gusher the size of your hand? 
that would be pretty cool. i don't think i could eat it all at once tho...i would try to save it. like half
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You’re welcome, I’m really happy to hear it helped the game feel relatable!!  
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Thank you! I hope you have a good day too!!
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haha I feel like my game is almost propaganda bc so many people wish they had girlfriends after playing it! the agenda...Thank you for waiting for the sequel, it makes me super happy to hear people are looking forward to it! 
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You’re welcome!! I’ll do my best!!! 
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You’re welcome!!!! :>
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You’re welcome!!! 
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same I’m really happy so many people find them relatable! you’re welcome!! 
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You’re welcome!! my kids can never get enough love im very happy 
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I’m glad you liked it! Thanks for the support! TT_TT
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
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Offer: Order Today And We’ll Include America’s Restaurant Recipes Volume 2 For Free – See Details Below…
“HOT!” – People Magazine
“If you’ve ever sat in a restaurant and thought, I wish I could make this at home, here’s a must buy…” – New York Newsday 
“With his easy to follow steps, families can now enjoy those delicious meals they love most at a price they can actually afford.”
– Home Shopping Network
Tuesday 12:30pm
Dear Fellow Foodie,
My name is Mike, and I have a confession. I LOVE taking my family out to eat! I’m sure you do, too. And we’re not alone!
The average American family eats out 3 times per week or more. In 2010, the average American family spent about $2,700 a year in restaurants! That’s nearly HALF of their entire food budget!
That comes out to hundreds of dollars spent on food each month at the bare minimum!
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with spending money on your favorite foods – after all, you just can’t make those delicious dishes at home, right? And even if you tried, they just wouldn’t TASTE the same…  
But what if you could:
Re-create your favorite restaurant’s dishes “on demand”, in your very own kitchen whenever you felt like it…
Make ALL your friends and family go wild over your cooking at the next party or gathering! (They might not even BELIEVE you cooked these!)…
Fool EVERYONE into thinking you’ve taken professional cooking classes by simply following simple, surefire instructions…
And of course SAVE MONEY because groceries are cheaper than restaurants, and you don’t need any special equipment or rare ingredients!
Well NOW you CAN! Copy the big restaurant flavors you love and ENJOY them at home, any time you want!
I finally figured out how, but it wasn’t easy at first…
When I figured out just how much I was spending to treat my family these delicious dishes we loved, I just KNEW I had to start cooking more at home. After all, I love to cook!
But no matter how tasty my dishes were, my family was always disappointed that it wasn’t QUITE the same flavors that they were practically ADDICTED to.
– My friends said my pasta was NOT as good as Olive Garden’s…
– My kids said my seafood was NOT as good as Red Lobster…
– And my wife said my special fried chicken was NOT as good as Kentucky Fried…
In fact, she actually DARED me to re-create the famous Colonel Sanders KFC recipe at home. She didn’t think I could do it, so I set out to prove her wrong!
But restaurants JEALOUSLY guard their
secret recipes, don’t they?
It’s true! You can’t just walk into KFC and ASK for their famous recipe. In fact, the cooks don’t even KNOW the secret seasonings themselves. They arrive pre-mixed from corporate distributors. (Kind of gross…)
This is crazy, but KFC’s famous mix of 11 herbs and spices is SO secret, they mix it in TWO separate locations. The only copy of the formula is kept in a computerized vault in their Louisville headquarters, protected by motion detectors and video cameras!
Now, I wasn’t willing to go all “Mission Impossible” on their headquarters. So in my quest for a copy-cat recipe, I started searching high and low on the internet.
And I was AMAZED!
There were HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of people just like me, experimenting in their own kitchens, trying to save money by cooking at home… but UNWILLING to give up on their favorite flavors!
And they weren’t just cloning Kentucky Fried Chicken, but HUNDREDS of dishes from ALL my family’s favorite restaurants.
But DON’T be fooled!
Even though there are endless amounts of recipes online that CLAIM to taste just like the real thing, most of them are junk! I spent night after disappointing night trying out recipes that just DO NOT work.
I’ve used MASSIVE amounts of trial-and-error, consulted with professional chefs, and collaborated with tens of thousands of other recipe cloners online to make my recipes the PERFECT match for their restaurant counterparts.
I am 100% confident.
These are the EXACT ingredients these restaurants use…
In fact, I’ve been on NATIONAL TV to hold taste tests with real people who COULDN’T TELL the difference between my cooking and the restaurant’s dishes!
Why don’t more people know about this!?
I couldn’t believe that all of these wonderful recipes were BURIED online, hidden from sight, scattered across hundreds of websites, blogs, and forums. To make matters worse, there are thousands of “fake” replica recipes floating around that are just weak imitations…
I just HAD to get the word out! So I decided then and there to collect the BEST, most POPULAR restaurant clone recipes… Tweak them to PERFECTION… and release the best cookbook ever written.
Pretty ambitious, I know. But I take my wife’s dares very seriously. 🙂
Like I said, I even hired a professional – Chef Tom – to help me get these dishes PERFECT enough to fool even the PICKIEST eaters among my family and friends. Did it work? See for yourself!
“I just wanted to let you know that IMHO the KFC original recipe is perfect… It’s great tasting exactly like the Colonels.”
– Ken
“Made the Applebee’s Onion Soup copycat, and it was delightful!”
– Ronisue
“Thank you so much for the Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits. I totally love those biscuits.”
– T
  “Just had to let you know that I tried the chicken recipe, the latest one advertised by Olive Garden. …I can tell you it is DELICIOUS!”
– Mary Ann
“I’m looking forward to trying out some of these recipes, especially the ‘Chili’s Southwestern egg rolls’ and ‘Hooter��s Buffalo Wings’. These always go over great for football games…”
– Mary McLuckie
That sure sounds appetizing to me! And those are just a small handful of the HUGE amount of famous recipes I collected since then. Now, I want to share my delicious discoveries with YOU! My secret recipe collection is now complete, and ready for you to enjoy any time you want!
With America’s Restaurant Recipes, you too can re-create the famous signature dishes from your FAVORITE eateries!
All you need is a regular kitchen, simple store-bought
ingredients, and of course, your appetite!
With your copy of my best-selling “America’s Restaurant Recipes” cookbook you will:
Save Time – No more wasteful trial and error needed to find the “exact taste.”  Now you can perfectly re-create the flavors of HUNDREDS of dishes from your favorite restaurants!
“Ron, I just want to take a little time to thank you for all the great copycat recipes. You make me feel like a chef when I turn out one of these dishes. Thanks again!”
– Leonard
Save Money – Prepare these meals just ONCE a week instead of going out, and you’ll save over $180 each month or more! But when you taste how great these dishes are, once a week just won’t be enough – that’s why I’ve collected more recipes than you could EVER get tired of!
“Just a short note to let you know that this has changed the eating habits of THIS household big time. I love to cook, but seldom took the time to fix anything very different. I am having the time of my life with the recipes that I find.”
– kcmann
Get Satisfaction – Not only will you fill your appetite with the flavors you love, but you’ll LOVE the compliments you get when people find out you made these famous dishes yourself!
“I really enjoy surprising my neighbors with some of the food they think they can only get at Restaurants. Thanks, Ron.”
– Paul Randen
Get Started Fast and Easy – Each recipe is written in fine detail, all approved by Chef Tom himself. They’re so simple, even KIDS can cook these dishes… Most kitchens already have all the equipment you need, and all the ingredients come straight from your local grocery store!
“I just wanted to let you know that my 10 year old granddaughter Cheyenne made this cheesecake it was very easy for her. Everyone just raved over it!”
– Teresa
Eat Healthier – Food you prepare at home doesn’t have any chemicals or preservatives added, and YOU get to choose the ingredients that go into the food your family eats – not a restaurant employee trying to make more profits by skimping on freshness or quality…
“I was in the restaurant field for close to 4 years, and I know that everything is pre -made, boxed, bagged, and full of blubber, ready to be assembled. I love that I get the same great flavor, without the excess fat and preservatives. It’s healthy, full of flavor, and I already have all of the ingredients in my kitchen.”
– Martina M.
Introducing the “America’s Restaurant Recipes” Collection, The BEST “Copycat” Cookbooks EVER Created!
IMPORTANT!: For a LIMITED TIME, You Can Get BOTH VOLUMES 1 & 2 For the Price of ONE! Read Below for Full Details…
Impress Your Friends With Exact Replicas of The Following Famous Dishes:
“America’s Restaurant Recipes 1”
Just click in the box to the right and scroll to see the ACTUAL list of delicious dishes that are waiting for you inside…
Contains Over 120 Recipes from 60 of the Country’s Top Restaurants Including:
B.B. King’s
Bahama Breeze
Ben and Jerry’s
Black Eyed Pea
Bob Evans
Bob’s Big Boy
Cajun Cafe
California Pizza Kitchen
Carl’s Jr.
Carrabba’s Italian Grill
Cheesecake Factory
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Claim Jumper
Cracker Barrel
Dave & Buster’s
El Torito’s
Famous Dave’s
Golden Corral
Hard Rock Cafe
Jack In The Box
Jimmy Buffett’s
Joe’s Crab Shack
Kenny Rogers
Little Caesar’s
Long John Silver’s
Macaroni Grill
Michael Jordan’s Steakhouse
Olive Garden
Outback Steakhouse
PF Chang’s
Perkins Family Restaurant
Pizza Hut
Planet Hollywood
Red Lobster
Red Robin
Ruby Tuesday
Ruth’s Chris
Taco Bell
T.G.I. Friday’s
Tony Chachere’s
Tony Roma’s
White Castle
And remember, even though you can find a million recipes online, these are EXCLUSIVE recipes that restaurants go to INSANE lengths to keep secret from the public! The ONLY other place to find these is IN those actual restaurants, but now, YOU don’t have to!
Stop waiting on those long lines for a table…
Re-create the tastes you crave for a fraction of the cost – just follow the simple, step-by-step instructions!
Uncover the sneaky cooking tricks created by chefs who work at famous restaurants!
Stop the frustrated searching for recipes that will please your picky friends and family – cook the foods they already LOVE!
They might even FREAK OUT when you tell them you actually made these delicious dishes yourself!
We’ve been perfecting these recipes collectively with our community of over 115,000 website members since 2003, and we’ve made them SO PERFECT, you won’t believe your taste buds!
But WAIT! There’s Even MORE to be Excited About!
LIMITED TIME OFFER: I’m going to DOUBLE your Restaurant “Clone” Recipe Collection and give you Volume 2 of “America’s Restaurant Recipes” for FREE – Just read below!
America’s Restaurant Recipes 2
After I released the first Volume of my amazing secret recipes for peoples’ favorite foods, the feedback was INCREDIBLE… But of course everyone has DIFFERENT favorites, and the requests for new dishes started pouring in!
By the time I collected and perfected all the requested updates, I had enough for a WHOLE NEW BOOK, and now, I’m going to share that with you today for FREE if you get Volume 1 today!
This book contains OVER 100 NEW recipes from 57 restaurants – including some old favorites and even some NEW featured eateries like:
Brown Derby
Dan Marino’s
Dreamland BBQ
Four Seasons
Howard Johnson’s
Lone Star Steakhouse
Old Spaghetti Factory
Pizzeria Uno
Ritz Carlton
Saks Fifth Avenue
Texas Roadhouse
Waldorf Hotel
These additional recipes will please even the most skeptical dining-out addicts. Remember, these are the MOST requested dishes from our fans and readers of our first book.
So if there are things on the list you haven’t tried, you won’t know what you’re missing until you get this FREE bonus collection in your hands!
Or, you could go out to dozens of restaurants to try them all – but why would you, when you can cook these all from your own kitchen and enjoy them for WAY less?
Now YOU can cook the specialty dishes of professional chefs – With NO NEED for culinary training, fancy hats, and No need for YEARS of experience at industrial sized stoves!
You get all the famous flavors you love for pennies on the dollar… And even BEGINNERS can master these dishes with ease!
“…These recipes are fantastic! So far I’ve made 5 different dishes using your cookbook and the response has been the same each time – ‘Wow Ma, this is good!’…”
– Jocelyn Laurel, MD
“Ron, I think your cookbook will put these restaurants out of business if everyone starts following your instructions and cook from home!”
– Yeo Feng
“I have made MANY of the recipes, and have been thrilled EVERY time… Everybody who gets to taste my cooking says how amazing it is that these recipes taste just like the restaurants!”
– Martina M.
Even if you don’t think of yourself as a good cook now, the people you prepare these dishes for CERTAINLY will!
Getting this HUGE collection of HUNDREDS of famous recipes is a golden opportunity for you to learn some great-tasting, failure-proof favorites.
Now, even though all of us have to tighten our belts and budgets… Even though we HAVE to eat more meals at home… Now YOU don’t have to suffer with mediocre recipes or food that your family is disappointed to have.
People WON’T BELIEVE you used a regular oven, stove, pots and pans to get these polished, professional results… (But they WILL love your cooking!)
Compared to dining out, almost every ingredient you need is available for DRASTIC savings at the local supermarket.
And at the price we’re offering this collection, each recipe is instantly available for your own use at only a mere few cents per recipe. Try finding a restaurant on EARTH where you could get a deal like that!
“Your recipes are just out of this world! … when I have gathering with my friends you can hear their ooo’s, aaaa’s, mmmm’s!”
– Marie
“…This far exceeds any Bourbon Chicken that a mall could ever hope to sell. It will become a “chicken regular” at my home!”
– Barbara Welborn – Pompano Beach Fla.
“Well worth the money. I’ve used several of these recipe secrets in other dishes I make…”
– Linda S. Miami, FL
“You really outdid yourself this time. I haven’t seen so many interesting recipes in one place at one time, don’t know where to begin! Thanks.”
– Sheila
But there is EVEN MORE in STORE!…
  Now, I’ve put a TON of value on the table here today… I have a SERIOUS goal of helping you keep a LOT of that $2700 a year most families have spent dining out.   AND I am making sure you get every PENNY’S worth by giving you literally HUNDREDS of recipes that your family will NEVER get tired of. But I ALWAYS go for the maximum.   Just like my wife asked for fried chicken that tastes like KFC… and I ended up creating 2 WHOLE cookbooks… Now I am going overboard for YOU!   For a Limited Time Only – I’m offering a few exclusive, “not found elsewhere” online bonuses…
Order Today & Get Instant Access to These FREE Bonus Gifts!
Free Bonus #1: “Secret Sauces Exposed!”
Secret Sauces Exposed!:  The Savory Sauces of 5-Star Restaurants 
Did you ever want to make a rich, velvety brown sauce that you get served in your favorite restaurant?”
Or how about a classic lobster based seafood sauce to serve with fish?
Now you can discover how to make dozens of classic and everyday sauces at home in your own kitchen – even if you have never taken a cooking class in your life!
A $19.99 value – Yours Free
Free Bonus #2:  “Kid Approved Cookbook”
Kid Approved Cookbook: Delicious Restaurant Style Dishes the Kids Will Love
In a hurry to get dinner on the table?  Before your kids start raiding the snack cupboard, take a look at this collection of superfast recipes. Here you’ll find dozens of delicious dishes that will appeal to kids-and their parents. The recipes, from Apricot Chicken Drumsticks to Fish Fingers to Baked Ziti, take anywhere from only five minutes to an hour to prepare, so parents can choose just the right meal to fit their busy schedule.
A $19.99 value – Yours Free
Free Bonus #3:  “Herbs 101 – How to Plant, Grow, and Cook with Natural Herbs”
Everything You Need to Know About Herbs in the Kitchen!
Have you always wanted an herb garden but didn’t know how to get started?  Do you want to know more about growing your own herbs in the privacy of your home and using them in a variety of cooking?
There are many different ways to use herbs in cooking and nothing tastes better in your food than using fresh herbs.
A $19.99 value – Yours Free
Plus, Your Complete Satisfaction is Assured
With Our Risk-Free Guarantee:
Full 60 Days, No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee
I’m so confident that you will love these secret recipes that I’m offering a full 60-Day money back guarantee!
Try them for almost TWO WHOLE MONTHS! Cook as MANY of these mouth watering, fool-proof dishes as you like… Cook them for your family or entertain as many guests as you want.
If you are not satisfied with this product, whether the flavors aren’t to your taste, or even if you do not LIKE the way the recipes are presented… simply contact us for a full refund.
Plus you get to keep all of the exclusive bonuses even if you cancel your order.
Limited Time Offer – On Sale Today
If you were to go down to your local bookstore to buy cookbooks filled with this many amazing recipes, you would expect to pay $50, $75 or even well over a hundred dollars…
But the fact is, you CAN’T find these flavors in ANY other cookbook… We’ve spent YEARS trying to reverse engineer these jealously guarded recipes from scratch.
But in these tough times, I want to give you these great dining experiences AT HOME, for LESS!
So if you order immediately without delay, “America’s Restaurant Recipes” Volumes 1 & 2 and the 3 free bonuses (worth over $59) are available for a risk free, bargain basement price of:
$29.97 $19
YES!  I want instant access to “America’s Restaurant Recipes” collection and the free bonuses for ordering today, including:
America’s Restaurant Recipes Volume 1
America’s Restaurant Recipes Volume 2
Plus Instant Access to The Bonus Cooking Guides:
Free Bonus #1: Secret Sauces Exposed!: The Savory Sauces of 5-Star Restaurants
Free Bonus #2: Kid Approved Cookbook: Delicious Restaurant Style Dishes the Kids Will Love
Free Bonus #3: “Herbs 101 – How to Plant, Grow, and Cook with Natural Herbs”
I understand that if I order today, I will pay the limited time on sale price of just $29.97 $19 and my satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.  Click to Order Now:
Just $29.97 $19
This offer is for instant access to the digital version of these cookbooks which can be saved to your computer and printed.  After you place your order, the physical version of America’s Restaurant Recipes Volumes 1 & 2 can be sent to you
if you choose to pay for shipping.
Order Now and get instant access to well over 300 secret dishes from the top restaurants! 
Comes with our 60 Day, Risk Reversal Money Back Guarantee.
You can get started with “America’s Restaurant Recipes” immediately. Your family ALREADY loves these famous flavors, and now YOU can take control of your family’s food budget, diet, and once again become their favorite chef!  Don’t delay, order now to start cooking these famous foods from home!
Bon Appetit!
P.S. Remember, these hand-selected bonuses are worth over $59 and may not be available the next time you visit this page – so order now to avoid disappointment! You’ll get our complete secret recipe collection with nothing held back!
P.P.S. If you cook just one recipe from these books at home, just once a week, you could be saving as much as $200 a month from your food budget! That savings ADDS UP over the course of the years… and NOW, you DON’T have to sacrifice the foods you love to save money.
But don’t get these recipes just to save money – do it for your family and make eating at home a tradition that your spouse and kids will treasure for life.
$29.97 $19
This offer is for instant access to the digital version (.PDF format) of these cookbooks which can be saved to your computer and printed out.  After you place your order, the physical version of America’s Restaurant Recipes Volumes 1 & 2
can be sent to you if you choose to pay for shipping.
Please note that RecipeSecrets.net is not sponsored, endorsed, or affiliated with any restaurant or media outlet. RecipeSecrets.net disclaims using any copyright or trademark.  The recipes we publish were created to taste the same as the food served at restaurants, but they may not be the exact recipes used by the restaurants in all instances.  All restaurant names are trademarks of their respective owners.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
As Seen On Tv. Make Your Favorite Restaurant Dishes At Home!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/as-seen-on-tv-make-your-favorite-restaurant-dishes-at-home/
As Seen On Tv. Make Your Favorite Restaurant Dishes At Home!
 Buy Now    
Offer: Order Today And We’ll Include America’s Restaurant Recipes Volume 2 For Free – See Details Below…
“HOT!” – People Magazine
“If you’ve ever sat in a restaurant and thought, I wish I could make this at home, here’s a must buy…” – New York Newsday 
“With his easy to follow steps, families can now enjoy those delicious meals they love most at a price they can actually afford.”
– Home Shopping Network
Tuesday 12:30pm
Dear Fellow Foodie,
My name is Mike, and I have a confession. I LOVE taking my family out to eat! I’m sure you do, too. And we’re not alone!
The average American family eats out 3 times per week or more. In 2010, the average American family spent about $2,700 a year in restaurants! That’s nearly HALF of their entire food budget!
That comes out to hundreds of dollars spent on food each month at the bare minimum!
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with spending money on your favorite foods – after all, you just can’t make those delicious dishes at home, right? And even if you tried, they just wouldn’t TASTE the same…  
But what if you could:
Re-create your favorite restaurant’s dishes “on demand”, in your very own kitchen whenever you felt like it…
Make ALL your friends and family go wild over your cooking at the next party or gathering! (They might not even BELIEVE you cooked these!)…
Fool EVERYONE into thinking you’ve taken professional cooking classes by simply following simple, surefire instructions…
And of course SAVE MONEY because groceries are cheaper than restaurants, and you don’t need any special equipment or rare ingredients!
Well NOW you CAN! Copy the big restaurant flavors you love and ENJOY them at home, any time you want!
I finally figured out how, but it wasn’t easy at first…
When I figured out just how much I was spending to treat my family these delicious dishes we loved, I just KNEW I had to start cooking more at home. After all, I love to cook!
But no matter how tasty my dishes were, my family was always disappointed that it wasn’t QUITE the same flavors that they were practically ADDICTED to.
– My friends said my pasta was NOT as good as Olive Garden’s…
– My kids said my seafood was NOT as good as Red Lobster…
– And my wife said my special fried chicken was NOT as good as Kentucky Fried…
In fact, she actually DARED me to re-create the famous Colonel Sanders KFC recipe at home. She didn’t think I could do it, so I set out to prove her wrong!
But restaurants JEALOUSLY guard their
secret recipes, don’t they?
It’s true! You can’t just walk into KFC and ASK for their famous recipe. In fact, the cooks don’t even KNOW the secret seasonings themselves. They arrive pre-mixed from corporate distributors. (Kind of gross…)
This is crazy, but KFC’s famous mix of 11 herbs and spices is SO secret, they mix it in TWO separate locations. The only copy of the formula is kept in a computerized vault in their Louisville headquarters, protected by motion detectors and video cameras!
Now, I wasn’t willing to go all “Mission Impossible” on their headquarters. So in my quest for a copy-cat recipe, I started searching high and low on the internet.
And I was AMAZED!
There were HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of people just like me, experimenting in their own kitchens, trying to save money by cooking at home… but UNWILLING to give up on their favorite flavors!
And they weren’t just cloning Kentucky Fried Chicken, but HUNDREDS of dishes from ALL my family’s favorite restaurants.
But DON’T be fooled!
Even though there are endless amounts of recipes online that CLAIM to taste just like the real thing, most of them are junk! I spent night after disappointing night trying out recipes that just DO NOT work.
I’ve used MASSIVE amounts of trial-and-error, consulted with professional chefs, and collaborated with tens of thousands of other recipe cloners online to make my recipes the PERFECT match for their restaurant counterparts.
I am 100% confident.
These are the EXACT ingredients these restaurants use…
In fact, I’ve been on NATIONAL TV to hold taste tests with real people who COULDN’T TELL the difference between my cooking and the restaurant’s dishes!
Why don’t more people know about this!?
I couldn’t believe that all of these wonderful recipes were BURIED online, hidden from sight, scattered across hundreds of websites, blogs, and forums. To make matters worse, there are thousands of “fake” replica recipes floating around that are just weak imitations…
I just HAD to get the word out! So I decided then and there to collect the BEST, most POPULAR restaurant clone recipes… Tweak them to PERFECTION… and release the best cookbook ever written.
Pretty ambitious, I know. But I take my wife’s dares very seriously. 🙂
Like I said, I even hired a professional – Chef Tom – to help me get these dishes PERFECT enough to fool even the PICKIEST eaters among my family and friends. Did it work? See for yourself!
“I just wanted to let you know that IMHO the KFC original recipe is perfect… It’s great tasting exactly like the Colonels.”
– Ken
“Made the Applebee’s Onion Soup copycat, and it was delightful!”
– Ronisue
“Thank you so much for the Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits. I totally love those biscuits.”
– T
  “Just had to let you know that I tried the chicken recipe, the latest one advertised by Olive Garden. …I can tell you it is DELICIOUS!”
– Mary Ann
“I’m looking forward to trying out some of these recipes, especially the ‘Chili’s Southwestern egg rolls’ and ‘Hooter’s Buffalo Wings’. These always go over great for football games…”
– Mary McLuckie
That sure sounds appetizing to me! And those are just a small handful of the HUGE amount of famous recipes I collected since then. Now, I want to share my delicious discoveries with YOU! My secret recipe collection is now complete, and ready for you to enjoy any time you want!
With America’s Restaurant Recipes, you too can re-create the famous signature dishes from your FAVORITE eateries!
All you need is a regular kitchen, simple store-bought
ingredients, and of course, your appetite!
With your copy of my best-selling “America’s Restaurant Recipes” cookbook you will:
Save Time – No more wasteful trial and error needed to find the “exact taste.”  Now you can perfectly re-create the flavors of HUNDREDS of dishes from your favorite restaurants!
“Ron, I just want to take a little time to thank you for all the great copycat recipes. You make me feel like a chef when I turn out one of these dishes. Thanks again!”
– Leonard
Save Money – Prepare these meals just ONCE a week instead of going out, and you’ll save over $180 each month or more! But when you taste how great these dishes are, once a week just won’t be enough – that’s why I’ve collected more recipes than you could EVER get tired of!
“Just a short note to let you know that this has changed the eating habits of THIS household big time. I love to cook, but seldom took the time to fix anything very different. I am having the time of my life with the recipes that I find.”
– kcmann
Get Satisfaction – Not only will you fill your appetite with the flavors you love, but you’ll LOVE the compliments you get when people find out you made these famous dishes yourself!
“I really enjoy surprising my neighbors with some of the food they think they can only get at Restaurants. Thanks, Ron.”
– Paul Randen
Get Started Fast and Easy – Each recipe is written in fine detail, all approved by Chef Tom himself. They’re so simple, even KIDS can cook these dishes… Most kitchens already have all the equipment you need, and all the ingredients come straight from your local grocery store!
“I just wanted to let you know that my 10 year old granddaughter Cheyenne made this cheesecake it was very easy for her. Everyone just raved over it!”
– Teresa
Eat Healthier – Food you prepare at home doesn’t have any chemicals or preservatives added, and YOU get to choose the ingredients that go into the food your family eats – not a restaurant employee trying to make more profits by skimping on freshness or quality…
“I was in the restaurant field for close to 4 years, and I know that everything is pre -made, boxed, bagged, and full of blubber, ready to be assembled. I love that I get the same great flavor, without the excess fat and preservatives. It’s healthy, full of flavor, and I already have all of the ingredients in my kitchen.”
– Martina M.
Introducing the “America’s Restaurant Recipes” Collection, The BEST “Copycat” Cookbooks EVER Created!
IMPORTANT!: For a LIMITED TIME, You Can Get BOTH VOLUMES 1 & 2 For the Price of ONE! Read Below for Full Details…
Impress Your Friends With Exact Replicas of The Following Famous Dishes:
“America’s Restaurant Recipes 1”
Just click in the box to the right and scroll to see the ACTUAL list of delicious dishes that are waiting for you inside…
Contains Over 120 Recipes from 60 of the Country’s Top Restaurants Including:
B.B. King’s
Bahama Breeze
Ben and Jerry’s
Black Eyed Pea
Bob Evans
Bob’s Big Boy
Cajun Cafe
California Pizza Kitchen
Carl’s Jr.
Carrabba’s Italian Grill
Cheesecake Factory
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Claim Jumper
Cracker Barrel
Dave & Buster’s
El Torito’s
Famous Dave’s
Golden Corral
Hard Rock Cafe
Jack In The Box
Jimmy Buffett’s
Joe’s Crab Shack
Kenny Rogers
Little Caesar’s
Long John Silver’s
Macaroni Grill
Michael Jordan’s Steakhouse
Olive Garden
Outback Steakhouse
PF Chang’s
Perkins Family Restaurant
Pizza Hut
Planet Hollywood
Red Lobster
Red Robin
Ruby Tuesday
Ruth’s Chris
Taco Bell
T.G.I. Friday’s
Tony Chachere’s
Tony Roma’s
White Castle
And remember, even though you can find a million recipes online, these are EXCLUSIVE recipes that restaurants go to INSANE lengths to keep secret from the public! The ONLY other place to find these is IN those actual restaurants, but now, YOU don’t have to!
Stop waiting on those long lines for a table…
Re-create the tastes you crave for a fraction of the cost – just follow the simple, step-by-step instructions!
Uncover the sneaky cooking tricks created by chefs who work at famous restaurants!
Stop the frustrated searching for recipes that will please your picky friends and family – cook the foods they already LOVE!
They might even FREAK OUT when you tell them you actually made these delicious dishes yourself!
We’ve been perfecting these recipes collectively with our community of over 115,000 website members since 2003, and we’ve made them SO PERFECT, you won’t believe your taste buds!
But WAIT! There’s Even MORE to be Excited About!
LIMITED TIME OFFER: I’m going to DOUBLE your Restaurant “Clone” Recipe Collection and give you Volume 2 of “America’s Restaurant Recipes” for FREE – Just read below!
America’s Restaurant Recipes 2
After I released the first Volume of my amazing secret recipes for peoples’ favorite foods, the feedback was INCREDIBLE… But of course everyone has DIFFERENT favorites, and the requests for new dishes started pouring in!
By the time I collected and perfected all the requested updates, I had enough for a WHOLE NEW BOOK, and now, I’m going to share that with you today for FREE if you get Volume 1 today!
This book contains OVER 100 NEW recipes from 57 restaurants – including some old favorites and even some NEW featured eateries like:
Brown Derby
Dan Marino’s
Dreamland BBQ
Four Seasons
Howard Johnson’s
Lone Star Steakhouse
Old Spaghetti Factory
Pizzeria Uno
Ritz Carlton
Saks Fifth Avenue
Texas Roadhouse
Waldorf Hotel
These additional recipes will please even the most skeptical dining-out addicts. Remember, these are the MOST requested dishes from our fans and readers of our first book.
So if there are things on the list you haven’t tried, you won’t know what you’re missing until you get this FREE bonus collection in your hands!
Or, you could go out to dozens of restaurants to try them all – but why would you, when you can cook these all from your own kitchen and enjoy them for WAY less?
Now YOU can cook the specialty dishes of professional chefs – With NO NEED for culinary training, fancy hats, and No need for YEARS of experience at industrial sized stoves!
You get all the famous flavors you love for pennies on the dollar… And even BEGINNERS can master these dishes with ease!
“…These recipes are fantastic! So far I’ve made 5 different dishes using your cookbook and the response has been the same each time – ‘Wow Ma, this is good!’…”
– Jocelyn Laurel, MD
“Ron, I think your cookbook will put these restaurants out of business if everyone starts following your instructions and cook from home!”
– Yeo Feng
“I have made MANY of the recipes, and have been thrilled EVERY time… Everybody who gets to taste my cooking says how amazing it is that these recipes taste just like the restaurants!”
– Martina M.
Even if you don’t think of yourself as a good cook now, the people you prepare these dishes for CERTAINLY will!
Getting this HUGE collection of HUNDREDS of famous recipes is a golden opportunity for you to learn some great-tasting, failure-proof favorites.
Now, even though all of us have to tighten our belts and budgets… Even though we HAVE to eat more meals at home… Now YOU don’t have to suffer with mediocre recipes or food that your family is disappointed to have.
People WON’T BELIEVE you used a regular oven, stove, pots and pans to get these polished, professional results… (But they WILL love your cooking!)
Compared to dining out, almost every ingredient you need is available for DRASTIC savings at the local supermarket.
And at the price we’re offering this collection, each recipe is instantly available for your own use at only a mere few cents per recipe. Try finding a restaurant on EARTH where you could get a deal like that!
“Your recipes are just out of this world! … when I have gathering with my friends you can hear their ooo’s, aaaa’s, mmmm’s!”
– Marie
“…This far exceeds any Bourbon Chicken that a mall could ever hope to sell. It will become a “chicken regular” at my home!”
– Barbara Welborn – Pompano Beach Fla.
“Well worth the money. I’ve used several of these recipe secrets in other dishes I make…”
– Linda S. Miami, FL
“You really outdid yourself this time. I haven’t seen so many interesting recipes in one place at one time, don’t know where to begin! Thanks.”
– Sheila
But there is EVEN MORE in STORE!…
  Now, I’ve put a TON of value on the table here today… I have a SERIOUS goal of helping you keep a LOT of that $2700 a year most families have spent dining out.   AND I am making sure you get every PENNY’S worth by giving you literally HUNDREDS of recipes that your family will NEVER get tired of. But I ALWAYS go for the maximum.   Just like my wife asked for fried chicken that tastes like KFC… and I ended up creating 2 WHOLE cookbooks… Now I am going overboard for YOU!   For a Limited Time Only – I’m offering a few exclusive, “not found elsewhere” online bonuses…
Order Today & Get Instant Access to These FREE Bonus Gifts!
Free Bonus #1: “Secret Sauces Exposed!”
Secret Sauces Exposed!:  The Savory Sauces of 5-Star Restaurants 
Did you ever want to make a rich, velvety brown sauce that you get served in your favorite restaurant?”
Or how about a classic lobster based seafood sauce to serve with fish?
Now you can discover how to make dozens of classic and everyday sauces at home in your own kitchen – even if you have never taken a cooking class in your life!
A $19.99 value – Yours Free
Free Bonus #2:  “Kid Approved Cookbook”
Kid Approved Cookbook: Delicious Restaurant Style Dishes the Kids Will Love
In a hurry to get dinner on the table?  Before your kids start raiding the snack cupboard, take a look at this collection of superfast recipes. Here you’ll find dozens of delicious dishes that will appeal to kids-and their parents. The recipes, from Apricot Chicken Drumsticks to Fish Fingers to Baked Ziti, take anywhere from only five minutes to an hour to prepare, so parents can choose just the right meal to fit their busy schedule.
A $19.99 value – Yours Free
Free Bonus #3:  “Herbs 101 – How to Plant, Grow, and Cook with Natural Herbs”
Everything You Need to Know About Herbs in the Kitchen!
Have you always wanted an herb garden but didn’t know how to get started?  Do you want to know more about growing your own herbs in the privacy of your home and using them in a variety of cooking?
There are many different ways to use herbs in cooking and nothing tastes better in your food than using fresh herbs.
A $19.99 value – Yours Free
Plus, Your Complete Satisfaction is Assured
With Our Risk-Free Guarantee:
Full 60 Days, No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee
I’m so confident that you will love these secret recipes that I’m offering a full 60-Day money back guarantee!
Try them for almost TWO WHOLE MONTHS! Cook as MANY of these mouth watering, fool-proof dishes as you like… Cook them for your family or entertain as many guests as you want.
If you are not satisfied with this product, whether the flavors aren’t to your taste, or even if you do not LIKE the way the recipes are presented… simply contact us for a full refund.
Plus you get to keep all of the exclusive bonuses even if you cancel your order.
Limited Time Offer – On Sale Today
If you were to go down to your local bookstore to buy cookbooks filled with this many amazing recipes, you would expect to pay $50, $75 or even well over a hundred dollars…
But the fact is, you CAN’T find these flavors in ANY other cookbook… We’ve spent YEARS trying to reverse engineer these jealously guarded recipes from scratch.
But in these tough times, I want to give you these great dining experiences AT HOME, for LESS!
So if you order immediately without delay, “America’s Restaurant Recipes” Volumes 1 & 2 and the 3 free bonuses (worth over $59) are available for a risk free, bargain basement price of:
$29.97 $19
YES!  I want instant access to “America’s Restaurant Recipes” collection and the free bonuses for ordering today, including:
America’s Restaurant Recipes Volume 1
America’s Restaurant Recipes Volume 2
Plus Instant Access to The Bonus Cooking Guides:
Free Bonus #1: Secret Sauces Exposed!: The Savory Sauces of 5-Star Restaurants
Free Bonus #2: Kid Approved Cookbook: Delicious Restaurant Style Dishes the Kids Will Love
Free Bonus #3: “Herbs 101 – How to Plant, Grow, and Cook with Natural Herbs”
I understand that if I order today, I will pay the limited time on sale price of just $29.97 $19 and my satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.  Click to Order Now:
Just $29.97 $19
This offer is for instant access to the digital version of these cookbooks which can be saved to your computer and printed.  After you place your order, the physical version of America’s Restaurant Recipes Volumes 1 & 2 can be sent to you
if you choose to pay for shipping.
Order Now and get instant access to well over 300 secret dishes from the top restaurants! 
Comes with our 60 Day, Risk Reversal Money Back Guarantee.
You can get started with “America’s Restaurant Recipes” immediately. Your family ALREADY loves these famous flavors, and now YOU can take control of your family’s food budget, diet, and once again become their favorite chef!  Don’t delay, order now to start cooking these famous foods from home!
Bon Appetit!
P.S. Remember, these hand-selected bonuses are worth over $59 and may not be available the next time you visit this page – so order now to avoid disappointment! You’ll get our complete secret recipe collection with nothing held back!
P.P.S. If you cook just one recipe from these books at home, just once a week, you could be saving as much as $200 a month from your food budget! That savings ADDS UP over the course of the years… and NOW, you DON’T have to sacrifice the foods you love to save money.
But don’t get these recipes just to save money – do it for your family and make eating at home a tradition that your spouse and kids will treasure for life.
$29.97 $19
This offer is for instant access to the digital version (.PDF format) of these cookbooks which can be saved to your computer and printed out.  After you place your order, the physical version of America’s Restaurant Recipes Volumes 1 & 2
can be sent to you if you choose to pay for shipping.
Please note that RecipeSecrets.net is not sponsored, endorsed, or affiliated with any restaurant or media outlet. RecipeSecrets.net disclaims using any copyright or trademark.  The recipes we publish were created to taste the same as the food served at restaurants, but they may not be the exact recipes used by the restaurants in all instances.  All restaurant names are trademarks of their respective owners.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
As Seen On Tv. Make Your Favorite Restaurant Dishes At Home!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/as-seen-on-tv-make-your-favorite-restaurant-dishes-at-home/
As Seen On Tv. Make Your Favorite Restaurant Dishes At Home!
 Buy Now    
Offer: Order Today And We’ll Include America’s Restaurant Recipes Volume 2 For Free – See Details Below…
“HOT!” – People Magazine
“If you’ve ever sat in a restaurant and thought, I wish I could make this at home, here’s a must buy…” – New York Newsday 
“With his easy to follow steps, families can now enjoy those delicious meals they love most at a price they can actually afford.”
– Home Shopping Network
Tuesday 12:30pm
Dear Fellow Foodie,
My name is Mike, and I have a confession. I LOVE taking my family out to eat! I’m sure you do, too. And we’re not alone!
The average American family eats out 3 times per week or more. In 2010, the average American family spent about $2,700 a year in restaurants! That’s nearly HALF of their entire food budget!
That comes out to hundreds of dollars spent on food each month at the bare minimum!
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with spending money on your favorite foods – after all, you just can’t make those delicious dishes at home, right? And even if you tried, they just wouldn’t TASTE the same…  
But what if you could:
Re-create your favorite restaurant’s dishes “on demand”, in your very own kitchen whenever you felt like it…
Make ALL your friends and family go wild over your cooking at the next party or gathering! (They might not even BELIEVE you cooked these!)…
Fool EVERYONE into thinking you’ve taken professional cooking classes by simply following simple, surefire instructions…
And of course SAVE MONEY because groceries are cheaper than restaurants, and you don’t need any special equipment or rare ingredients!
Well NOW you CAN! Copy the big restaurant flavors you love and ENJOY them at home, any time you want!
I finally figured out how, but it wasn’t easy at first…
When I figured out just how much I was spending to treat my family these delicious dishes we loved, I just KNEW I had to start cooking more at home. After all, I love to cook!
But no matter how tasty my dishes were, my family was always disappointed that it wasn’t QUITE the same flavors that they were practically ADDICTED to.
– My friends said my pasta was NOT as good as Olive Garden’s…
– My kids said my seafood was NOT as good as Red Lobster…
– And my wife said my special fried chicken was NOT as good as Kentucky Fried…
In fact, she actually DARED me to re-create the famous Colonel Sanders KFC recipe at home. She didn’t think I could do it, so I set out to prove her wrong!
But restaurants JEALOUSLY guard their
secret recipes, don’t they?
It’s true! You can’t just walk into KFC and ASK for their famous recipe. In fact, the cooks don’t even KNOW the secret seasonings themselves. They arrive pre-mixed from corporate distributors. (Kind of gross…)
This is crazy, but KFC’s famous mix of 11 herbs and spices is SO secret, they mix it in TWO separate locations. The only copy of the formula is kept in a computerized vault in their Louisville headquarters, protected by motion detectors and video cameras!
Now, I wasn’t willing to go all “Mission Impossible” on their headquarters. So in my quest for a copy-cat recipe, I started searching high and low on the internet.
And I was AMAZED!
There were HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of people just like me, experimenting in their own kitchens, trying to save money by cooking at home… but UNWILLING to give up on their favorite flavors!
And they weren’t just cloning Kentucky Fried Chicken, but HUNDREDS of dishes from ALL my family’s favorite restaurants.
But DON’T be fooled!
Even though there are endless amounts of recipes online that CLAIM to taste just like the real thing, most of them are junk! I spent night after disappointing night trying out recipes that just DO NOT work.
I’ve used MASSIVE amounts of trial-and-error, consulted with professional chefs, and collaborated with tens of thousands of other recipe cloners online to make my recipes the PERFECT match for their restaurant counterparts.
I am 100% confident.
These are the EXACT ingredients these restaurants use…
In fact, I’ve been on NATIONAL TV to hold taste tests with real people who COULDN’T TELL the difference between my cooking and the restaurant’s dishes!
Why don’t more people know about this!?
I couldn’t believe that all of these wonderful recipes were BURIED online, hidden from sight, scattered across hundreds of websites, blogs, and forums. To make matters worse, there are thousands of “fake” replica recipes floating around that are just weak imitations…
I just HAD to get the word out! So I decided then and there to collect the BEST, most POPULAR restaurant clone recipes… Tweak them to PERFECTION… and release the best cookbook ever written.
Pretty ambitious, I know. But I take my wife’s dares very seriously. 🙂
Like I said, I even hired a professional – Chef Tom – to help me get these dishes PERFECT enough to fool even the PICKIEST eaters among my family and friends. Did it work? See for yourself!
“I just wanted to let you know that IMHO the KFC original recipe is perfect… It’s great tasting exactly like the Colonels.”
– Ken
“Made the Applebee’s Onion Soup copycat, and it was delightful!”
– Ronisue
“Thank you so much for the Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits. I totally love those biscuits.”
– T
  “Just had to let you know that I tried the chicken recipe, the latest one advertised by Olive Garden. …I can tell you it is DELICIOUS!”
– Mary Ann
“I’m looking forward to trying out some of these recipes, especially the ‘Chili’s Southwestern egg rolls’ and ‘Hooter’s Buffalo Wings’. These always go over great for football games…”
– Mary McLuckie
That sure sounds appetizing to me! And those are just a small handful of the HUGE amount of famous recipes I collected since then. Now, I want to share my delicious discoveries with YOU! My secret recipe collection is now complete, and ready for you to enjoy any time you want!
With America’s Restaurant Recipes, you too can re-create the famous signature dishes from your FAVORITE eateries!
All you need is a regular kitchen, simple store-bought
ingredients, and of course, your appetite!
With your copy of my best-selling “America’s Restaurant Recipes” cookbook you will:
Save Time – No more wasteful trial and error needed to find the “exact taste.”  Now you can perfectly re-create the flavors of HUNDREDS of dishes from your favorite restaurants!
“Ron, I just want to take a little time to thank you for all the great copycat recipes. You make me feel like a chef when I turn out one of these dishes. Thanks again!”
– Leonard
Save Money – Prepare these meals just ONCE a week instead of going out, and you’ll save over $180 each month or more! But when you taste how great these dishes are, once a week just won’t be enough – that’s why I’ve collected more recipes than you could EVER get tired of!
“Just a short note to let you know that this has changed the eating habits of THIS household big time. I love to cook, but seldom took the time to fix anything very different. I am having the time of my life with the recipes that I find.”
– kcmann
Get Satisfaction – Not only will you fill your appetite with the flavors you love, but you’ll LOVE the compliments you get when people find out you made these famous dishes yourself!
“I really enjoy surprising my neighbors with some of the food they think they can only get at Restaurants. Thanks, Ron.”
– Paul Randen
Get Started Fast and Easy – Each recipe is written in fine detail, all approved by Chef Tom himself. They’re so simple, even KIDS can cook these dishes… Most kitchens already have all the equipment you need, and all the ingredients come straight from your local grocery store!
“I just wanted to let you know that my 10 year old granddaughter Cheyenne made this cheesecake it was very easy for her. Everyone just raved over it!”
– Teresa
Eat Healthier – Food you prepare at home doesn’t have any chemicals or preservatives added, and YOU get to choose the ingredients that go into the food your family eats – not a restaurant employee trying to make more profits by skimping on freshness or quality…
“I was in the restaurant field for close to 4 years, and I know that everything is pre -made, boxed, bagged, and full of blubber, ready to be assembled. I love that I get the same great flavor, without the excess fat and preservatives. It’s healthy, full of flavor, and I already have all of the ingredients in my kitchen.”
– Martina M.
Introducing the “America’s Restaurant Recipes” Collection, The BEST “Copycat” Cookbooks EVER Created!
IMPORTANT!: For a LIMITED TIME, You Can Get BOTH VOLUMES 1 & 2 For the Price of ONE! Read Below for Full Details…
Impress Your Friends With Exact Replicas of The Following Famous Dishes:
“America’s Restaurant Recipes 1”
Just click in the box to the right and scroll to see the ACTUAL list of delicious dishes that are waiting for you inside…
Contains Over 120 Recipes from 60 of the Country’s Top Restaurants Including:
B.B. King’s
Bahama Breeze
Ben and Jerry’s
Black Eyed Pea
Bob Evans
Bob’s Big Boy
Cajun Cafe
California Pizza Kitchen
Carl’s Jr.
Carrabba’s Italian Grill
Cheesecake Factory
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Claim Jumper
Cracker Barrel
Dave & Buster’s
El Torito’s
Famous Dave’s
Golden Corral
Hard Rock Cafe
Jack In The Box
Jimmy Buffett’s
Joe’s Crab Shack
Kenny Rogers
Little Caesar’s
Long John Silver’s
Macaroni Grill
Michael Jordan’s Steakhouse
Olive Garden
Outback Steakhouse
PF Chang’s
Perkins Family Restaurant
Pizza Hut
Planet Hollywood
Red Lobster
Red Robin
Ruby Tuesday
Ruth’s Chris
Taco Bell
T.G.I. Friday’s
Tony Chachere’s
Tony Roma’s
White Castle
And remember, even though you can find a million recipes online, these are EXCLUSIVE recipes that restaurants go to INSANE lengths to keep secret from the public! The ONLY other place to find these is IN those actual restaurants, but now, YOU don’t have to!
Stop waiting on those long lines for a table…
Re-create the tastes you crave for a fraction of the cost – just follow the simple, step-by-step instructions!
Uncover the sneaky cooking tricks created by chefs who work at famous restaurants!
Stop the frustrated searching for recipes that will please your picky friends and family – cook the foods they already LOVE!
They might even FREAK OUT when you tell them you actually made these delicious dishes yourself!
We’ve been perfecting these recipes collectively with our community of over 115,000 website members since 2003, and we’ve made them SO PERFECT, you won’t believe your taste buds!
But WAIT! There’s Even MORE to be Excited About!
LIMITED TIME OFFER: I’m going to DOUBLE your Restaurant “Clone” Recipe Collection and give you Volume 2 of “America’s Restaurant Recipes” for FREE – Just read below!
America’s Restaurant Recipes 2
After I released the first Volume of my amazing secret recipes for peoples’ favorite foods, the feedback was INCREDIBLE… But of course everyone has DIFFERENT favorites, and the requests for new dishes started pouring in!
By the time I collected and perfected all the requested updates, I had enough for a WHOLE NEW BOOK, and now, I’m going to share that with you today for FREE if you get Volume 1 today!
This book contains OVER 100 NEW recipes from 57 restaurants – including some old favorites and even some NEW featured eateries like:
Brown Derby
Dan Marino’s
Dreamland BBQ
Four Seasons
Howard Johnson’s
Lone Star Steakhouse
Old Spaghetti Factory
Pizzeria Uno
Ritz Carlton
Saks Fifth Avenue
Texas Roadhouse
Waldorf Hotel
These additional recipes will please even the most skeptical dining-out addicts. Remember, these are the MOST requested dishes from our fans and readers of our first book.
So if there are things on the list you haven’t tried, you won’t know what you’re missing until you get this FREE bonus collection in your hands!
Or, you could go out to dozens of restaurants to try them all – but why would you, when you can cook these all from your own kitchen and enjoy them for WAY less?
Now YOU can cook the specialty dishes of professional chefs – With NO NEED for culinary training, fancy hats, and No need for YEARS of experience at industrial sized stoves!
You get all the famous flavors you love for pennies on the dollar… And even BEGINNERS can master these dishes with ease!
“…These recipes are fantastic! So far I’ve made 5 different dishes using your cookbook and the response has been the same each time – ‘Wow Ma, this is good!’…”
– Jocelyn Laurel, MD
“Ron, I think your cookbook will put these restaurants out of business if everyone starts following your instructions and cook from home!”
– Yeo Feng
“I have made MANY of the recipes, and have been thrilled EVERY time… Everybody who gets to taste my cooking says how amazing it is that these recipes taste just like the restaurants!”
– Martina M.
Even if you don’t think of yourself as a good cook now, the people you prepare these dishes for CERTAINLY will!
Getting this HUGE collection of HUNDREDS of famous recipes is a golden opportunity for you to learn some great-tasting, failure-proof favorites.
Now, even though all of us have to tighten our belts and budgets… Even though we HAVE to eat more meals at home… Now YOU don’t have to suffer with mediocre recipes or food that your family is disappointed to have.
People WON’T BELIEVE you used a regular oven, stove, pots and pans to get these polished, professional results… (But they WILL love your cooking!)
Compared to dining out, almost every ingredient you need is available for DRASTIC savings at the local supermarket.
And at the price we’re offering this collection, each recipe is instantly available for your own use at only a mere few cents per recipe. Try finding a restaurant on EARTH where you could get a deal like that!
“Your recipes are just out of this world! … when I have gathering with my friends you can hear their ooo’s, aaaa’s, mmmm’s!”
– Marie
“…This far exceeds any Bourbon Chicken that a mall could ever hope to sell. It will become a “chicken regular” at my home!”
– Barbara Welborn – Pompano Beach Fla.
“Well worth the money. I’ve used several of these recipe secrets in other dishes I make…”
– Linda S. Miami, FL
“You really outdid yourself this time. I haven’t seen so many interesting recipes in one place at one time, don’t know where to begin! Thanks.”
– Sheila
But there is EVEN MORE in STORE!…
  Now, I’ve put a TON of value on the table here today… I have a SERIOUS goal of helping you keep a LOT of that $2700 a year most families have spent dining out.   AND I am making sure you get every PENNY’S worth by giving you literally HUNDREDS of recipes that your family will NEVER get tired of. But I ALWAYS go for the maximum.   Just like my wife asked for fried chicken that tastes like KFC… and I ended up creating 2 WHOLE cookbooks… Now I am going overboard for YOU!   For a Limited Time Only – I’m offering a few exclusive, “not found elsewhere” online bonuses…
Order Today & Get Instant Access to These FREE Bonus Gifts!
Free Bonus #1: “Secret Sauces Exposed!”
Secret Sauces Exposed!:  The Savory Sauces of 5-Star Restaurants 
Did you ever want to make a rich, velvety brown sauce that you get served in your favorite restaurant?”
Or how about a classic lobster based seafood sauce to serve with fish?
Now you can discover how to make dozens of classic and everyday sauces at home in your own kitchen – even if you have never taken a cooking class in your life!
A $19.99 value – Yours Free
Free Bonus #2:  “Kid Approved Cookbook”
Kid Approved Cookbook: Delicious Restaurant Style Dishes the Kids Will Love
In a hurry to get dinner on the table?  Before your kids start raiding the snack cupboard, take a look at this collection of superfast recipes. Here you’ll find dozens of delicious dishes that will appeal to kids-and their parents. The recipes, from Apricot Chicken Drumsticks to Fish Fingers to Baked Ziti, take anywhere from only five minutes to an hour to prepare, so parents can choose just the right meal to fit their busy schedule.
A $19.99 value – Yours Free
Free Bonus #3:  “Herbs 101 – How to Plant, Grow, and Cook with Natural Herbs”
Everything You Need to Know About Herbs in the Kitchen!
Have you always wanted an herb garden but didn’t know how to get started?  Do you want to know more about growing your own herbs in the privacy of your home and using them in a variety of cooking?
There are many different ways to use herbs in cooking and nothing tastes better in your food than using fresh herbs.
A $19.99 value – Yours Free
Plus, Your Complete Satisfaction is Assured
With Our Risk-Free Guarantee:
Full 60 Days, No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee
I’m so confident that you will love these secret recipes that I’m offering a full 60-Day money back guarantee!
Try them for almost TWO WHOLE MONTHS! Cook as MANY of these mouth watering, fool-proof dishes as you like… Cook them for your family or entertain as many guests as you want.
If you are not satisfied with this product, whether the flavors aren’t to your taste, or even if you do not LIKE the way the recipes are presented… simply contact us for a full refund.
Plus you get to keep all of the exclusive bonuses even if you cancel your order.
Limited Time Offer – On Sale Today
If you were to go down to your local bookstore to buy cookbooks filled with this many amazing recipes, you would expect to pay $50, $75 or even well over a hundred dollars…
But the fact is, you CAN’T find these flavors in ANY other cookbook… We’ve spent YEARS trying to reverse engineer these jealously guarded recipes from scratch.
But in these tough times, I want to give you these great dining experiences AT HOME, for LESS!
So if you order immediately without delay, “America’s Restaurant Recipes” Volumes 1 & 2 and the 3 free bonuses (worth over $59) are available for a risk free, bargain basement price of:
$29.97 $19
YES!  I want instant access to “America’s Restaurant Recipes” collection and the free bonuses for ordering today, including:
America’s Restaurant Recipes Volume 1
America’s Restaurant Recipes Volume 2
Plus Instant Access to The Bonus Cooking Guides:
Free Bonus #1: Secret Sauces Exposed!: The Savory Sauces of 5-Star Restaurants
Free Bonus #2: Kid Approved Cookbook: Delicious Restaurant Style Dishes the Kids Will Love
Free Bonus #3: “Herbs 101 – How to Plant, Grow, and Cook with Natural Herbs”
I understand that if I order today, I will pay the limited time on sale price of just $29.97 $19 and my satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.  Click to Order Now:
Just $29.97 $19
This offer is for instant access to the digital version of these cookbooks which can be saved to your computer and printed.  After you place your order, the physical version of America’s Restaurant Recipes Volumes 1 & 2 can be sent to you
if you choose to pay for shipping.
Order Now and get instant access to well over 300 secret dishes from the top restaurants! 
Comes with our 60 Day, Risk Reversal Money Back Guarantee.
You can get started with “America’s Restaurant Recipes” immediately. Your family ALREADY loves these famous flavors, and now YOU can take control of your family’s food budget, diet, and once again become their favorite chef!  Don’t delay, order now to start cooking these famous foods from home!
Bon Appetit!
P.S. Remember, these hand-selected bonuses are worth over $59 and may not be available the next time you visit this page – so order now to avoid disappointment! You’ll get our complete secret recipe collection with nothing held back!
P.P.S. If you cook just one recipe from these books at home, just once a week, you could be saving as much as $200 a month from your food budget! That savings ADDS UP over the course of the years… and NOW, you DON’T have to sacrifice the foods you love to save money.
But don’t get these recipes just to save money – do it for your family and make eating at home a tradition that your spouse and kids will treasure for life.
$29.97 $19
This offer is for instant access to the digital version (.PDF format) of these cookbooks which can be saved to your computer and printed out.  After you place your order, the physical version of America’s Restaurant Recipes Volumes 1 & 2
can be sent to you if you choose to pay for shipping.
Please note that RecipeSecrets.net is not sponsored, endorsed, or affiliated with any restaurant or media outlet. RecipeSecrets.net disclaims using any copyright or trademark.  The recipes we publish were created to taste the same as the food served at restaurants, but they may not be the exact recipes used by the restaurants in all instances.  All restaurant names are trademarks of their respective owners.
0 notes