soulspite · 8 days
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kathyprior4200 · 2 years
Not so distant spirit communication in the 21st century
2067 – SoulPhone, SoulSkype, SoulText are invented, KathyPrior is 72
“SpiritSpeak™ – Just A Thought Away”
 KathyPrior: Back when I was young like you, especially when I was a kid, I had no idea an afterlife existed, let alone that spirit communication would be possible. Many mediums in my day were frauds but a few genuine ones changed my life. Back then, much of society was either certain of Heaven and Hell, or nonexistence after death. Only the various mysteries of NDEs and meditations seemed to give hints of an unknown world. Even when I taught afterlife/consciousness studies, it was all just getting started, like the beginning of the Internet. Now, thanks to endless research and finally proof of the afterlife, we can talk to souls on the phone, text them, and even see their energy world like the mediums of my day…with the technology that used to be so expensive and only for rich psychics and researchers. It has changed history and the perspective of death as we know it, good and bad. For the first time after thousands of years, humans were beginning to overcome their natural survival-oriented fears of death. The introduction of this groundbreaking technology leads to what I call, Soul Wars.
 Thousands of people see their loved ones in spirit on the Ethernet, watching as they share visions of their memories they loved in childhood. Each device reveals something different. The background ranges from flashes of color to a vision of a place that the spirit loved in life. It’s like viewing dreams and minds in real time. They usually look very young and very happy. Their calls are random, you never know when they’ll have a message. They always call first…if you try and call them, most likely they won’t answer unless they have a message. Pets, grandparents, and ancestors are also seen on screen, mediums no longer required (though the genuine ones are heralded as the founding fathers and mothers of the SpiritSpeak technology. Thank you to the historic legends of my day: Edgar Cayce, Matt Fraser, Dolores Cannon, Hans Wilhelm, etc.) Every day, humans have pounded their guides and loved ones for advice, ranging from trivial to serious. Pagans and Wiccans can now communicate with their deities, pets, and nature spirits in real time, leaving offerings and making more personal connections besides only being able to meditate and leave offerings.
 Of course, this has caused lots of problems, too. (1) Now that we can see when souls enter babies, pro-soul-life groups have banned abortions right and left, claiming souls are robbed of incarnation chances, though we know they can just try again in another body. (2) Dark souls have posed as successful scammers on the Ethernet, frightening mortals with nightmarish visions of war and death from the other side. Dark souls have worked with fraud psychics and allowed mortal victims to be possessed and made to do sexual and degrading acts for money. In exchange for giving dark psychics, military, and government leaders etc. information about the future, the dark individuals bring mortals for dark souls to possess so they can briefly enjoy their former addictions. Or they give information about new babies with vibrations for the dark souls to incarnate into. This makes all the incarnating souls in the higher realms understandably upset. All souls want to reach God as fast as possible, so they wonder what it’s like to not be immortal, to be creative, to experience physical sensations, to learn and love while being free of past life memories…plus being human is a fun thrilling experience. (3) Deaths have been less private and even filmed, due to seeing the soul leave the body. This has led to the “Right to Private Death Acts.”
 (4) On the good side, humans know for certain that they will survive after death. For some, this gives them the courage to change the world and help those in need. For others, this has caused reckless behavior, with an increase in extreme sports and killing sprees. “I’m helping you be immortal on the other side, so you can be out of the way!” (5) There’s also the concerning trend of children and teens bragging about their past lives! This is leading to worldwide discrimination based on incarnations and DNA. “You lived 50 less past lives than me. Therefore, you are not qualified for this job position.” “I did less bad things than you did on Earth, like this Universal DNA test shows. (Racist remarks) You were Jewish/disabled/colored/animals/criminals in the majority of your previous lives! You’ll receive less benefits.” Or another, “You did bad things in other lives, we’ll need to see proof of life reviews to endure you amended all your karma.” “But I need to be dead.” “We don’t care, we can still communicate with you on the other end.” Suicide and depression have increased significantly as a result. Some souls demand to see their Life Reviews and Past Life Reviews through their devices, but their guides warn them that those are only for their immortal souls to handle and experience fully.
 All this, of course, has made the Light Beings and spirit guides concerned and very upset. Sometimes even angry. Loved ones and certain guides on the other side had broken several universal laws on the other side, preventing our souls from completing their original soul missions. No longer being influenced by the natural amnesia that makes one forget past lives and soul missions, souls are no longer learning valuable lessons but instead cheating life. Usually, spirit guides are forbidden from interfering with the minds and lives of mortals. But now that dark souls had possessed several mortals and created war and fear, the angels/Light Beings and spirit guides have put matter into their own hands…literally. They still know that they are always several steps ahead of us.
 So (1) they have interfered with the SpiritSpeak technology, only allowing communication once a week to once a month (though several clever people have worked their way around it. Through frauds will try and “channel” souls, Light Beings and Jesus Christ will let them know that many mortal actions have consequences.  
 (2) On occasion, when a dark soul is about to make a mortal commit suicide or homicide, many Light Beings will communicate to several mortals at once telepathically, even moving humans out of the way. As a rule, souls/spirit guides cannot make unpossessed mortals stop killing people, but lines get drawn when it comes to other spirits. Spirit guides who have allowed dark souls to possess their assigned mortals get a sort of punishment when the possessed mortal dies: the spirit guide and dark soul will be forced to view the life of the former human and feel the pain of not allowing the mortal to complete their life. Karma pain is the worst thing a soul can experience (while the best thing is God’s love.) And yes, discarnate souls can see each other’s Life Reviews. For souls, there are no secrets.
 (3) Some people have actively hired soul searchers to track down their family members who have decided to reincarnate on Earth, since soul travel can usually be tracked through the devices. (Some use it for evil, to kill the incarnated enemy as revenge.) When a family sees that their former mother in California is now a girl in Ireland, they will say her former name and try to make contact with her. This, of course, derails the soul from completing its new incarnation. Even though it’s against the family’s will, spirit guides and Light Beings wipe away their memories of tracking the reincarnating soul through the devices. “I’m sorry, but your mother is now a different person in mortal life. She will have to slowly discover herself naturally on her own. Only those who are ready and have their spirit guide’s permission can access their Akashic Records while still alive. Even then, their guides can influence the information they give out, ensuring that there are no revelations of future deaths or major likelihood of events that will help the soul learn.”  Even though all souls planned their lives before birth, knowing of certain fated traumatic events for learning, they also know that things can change, and random events do happen either by accident or by the free will of another person, good or bad. Some souls will keep tracking down former family members who’ve reincarnated…thus, the Light Beings either encourage the soul to stay in the afterlife for longer amounts of time or reincarnate in a poorer area with lack of Ethernet access.
 Through dreams or unconsciousness, spirit guides have recently been granted the power to remove traumas and memories of events that have hindered their human soul client’s mission. (Humans need to sleep, which gives guides the perfect opportunity to mitigate some of the trauma and discrimination). Special psychics that work with the light beings to bring inspiring messages to help defeat the dark ones and teach humans psychic self-defense, always get confirmation from the spirits through images of monarch butterflies through their devices.
 “Just a small warning to the humans who bypass our memory erasures and write down private past life information down to cheat life or cause harm or influence their family and friends before they’re ready…you may have more than usual bad luck during your days…it doesn’t matter how much you think you can control your universe; time and again, do not mess with the spirit world.”
 Through static, spirit guides have spoken through our technology with a bone-chilling message loud and clear: “We are all one with God-Source. You don’t need us to help you cheat life. If you do not wish for genuine advice from your loved ones and guides, leave them be to grow on their own in the spirit world. No matter how far up your societies advance or how far you fall, we are always here. We watch everything, we see everything, we know your minds and we see your souls. Every society in existence, primitive and advanced, human, and alien, all have their origins here in our timeless realm. Where there is life, there is energy and where there is energy there is spirit. We creatures of light and energy permeate your whole world just like atoms and the air. Your souls have lived thousands of adventures to keep up with the expanding universe. Your stories will never end. Your true selves will never die…and no one can evade the immense unconditional love that God-Source has for every one of you. God-Source knows you all will succeed, for in your gendered terms, ‘He’ created you and all of us. Love each other, amend your collective karma, and finish your missions. We’ll see each and every one of you very soon.”
 Guess the fear of death never dies. May the Source be with you.
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my neighbors keep screaming and it always makes me freak out but they do it all day like...how are you not losing your voice, how are you not tired
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soulspite · 23 days
Your soft mod pop idol au is so good already, may I hear more about it?
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Thank you both for being interested in my AU! Let's see...
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Back before the events of Pico's school and Ben's enrollment into public school, Ben and Aria were forced to be child stars.
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Ben, wanting to know what it's like to live as a normal kid begged his parents to let him attend public school. Though his parents objected at first, they decided to let him so that they could say "I told you so" if he came crawling back to them about how awful public school is. When it comes to Ben being trans, Ben originally wore a red hat, reading glasses, and tucked his hair in his hoodie to disguise himself. Being really famous made having a normal life hard, so he did what he could to make himself look like a regular kid and it surprisingly worked.
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As he got used to the disguise, he got far more comfortable in it, having days where he wished he could just be that version of himself all the time.
Pico eventually finds out Ben's real identity (obviously a little surprised), but when Ben expresses he could just stay in his disguise permanently, Pico brings up the idea that Ben could be trans. Ben does research on his own, and recognizes that he is indeed transgender. Pico's supportive and continues referring to Ben by his preferred name and pronouns though he knew his legal name and gender.
Ben's parents knew about his disguise and decided to humor him initially, but the moment he voiced his desire to be a man, they objected solely because Ben would lose all the fans that liked him as he was. He would most likely try to come out of the closet at 16, and immensely regret it due to his controlling parents forcing him stay as a woman.
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Considering they already abused him for not wanting to be on stage and sing, they were ready to beat out the idea of being trans too. The abuse worsened quite a bit, and eventually Ben was pulled from school as it was there where Ben dressed and presented himself in that way. This led to him being home schooled, but he did what he could to stay in contact with Pico.
Thanks to @star-starters for the questions!
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soulspite · 22 days
I'm gonna try and get back into making music again! Thinking about writing a few to try and see if I can capture the vibe of the trans ben au. :)
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soulspite · 2 months
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soulspite · 20 days
Would y'all be mad if I took a hiatus to focus on college work for a week...
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soulspite · 7 days
Ok! I finished setting up the BF server! If you're interested, lmk and I'll send an invite!
Edit: NOT EXCLUSIVELY BFSONAS! it's just a server where you chat as your version of BF :)
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soulspite · 17 days
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soulspite · 1 month
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How I draw cargo pants! A quick guide I made for a friend. :)
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soulspite · 22 days
FNF update... Please ....
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soulspite · 25 days
I'm gonna make silly Pico comics about his day job (it's actually my day job but don't worry about it)
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soulspite · 1 month
Would y'all like to see my original works?
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soulspite · 7 days
Fnf mutuals would y'all like the bf server to be real?
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soulspite · 9 days
Playable Pico Day
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soulspite · 10 days
How do I pick a medium for my Undertale AU guys
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