soukokuweek · 6 years
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We are pleased to announce that the third Soukoku Week will run this year from June 3 to June 9, 2018! With the release of Dead Apple and the totally unexpected Fifteen light novel, we mods thought it would only be fitting if some of the prompts this year are inspired by content found from these new materials.
So without further ado, here are the prompts:
day 1
day 2  
day 3  
"Do I look like the type of nice guy that would do that?" (私が、そんなことをするいい人間に見える?)
day 4
21 cm
snow white  
day 5
a box of bullets
day 6 
"That time doesn't exist" (ねぇよ、その時が)  
day 7
free day
General Rules & Guidelines
All submissions must be tagged with #soukokuweek. Please include what day and theme(s) your work is about within the post.
Other characters/pairings may be included, but soukoku must be the focus.
Any form of media is acceptable as long as it’s your own creation. This includes but is not limited to: fanart, fanfiction, graphics, metas, cosplay, AMVs, etc. Any reposted or edited work that is not yours (sourced or unsourced) will not be published.
Triggering and/or suggestive material is acceptable. However, please be aware that: 1.) NSFW art/graphics will need appropriate tags and warnings; and 2.) In addition to tags and warnings about the nature of the post, fanfictions/metas must also be put under a READ MORE.
Feel free to be as liberal with the given prompts as you wish; there are no wrong interpretations!
We will reblog all works tagged in #soukokuweek until one week after the conclusion of the event. You can also tag us with your posts or submit through the blog!
Feel free to shoot an ask for any questions you may have! In the meantime, you can help spread the word by liking and/or reblogging this post and following this blog if you haven’t yet.
Let’s have fun again this year!
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judaluffy · 6 years
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SOUKOKU WEEK 2018  DAY 5(June 7)
Prompt: A box of Bullets
“Though watching his frustrated face when he missed was intriguing, afraid that one day it will cost him his life, I gave an advice. Not that I will ever admit that.”   --Dazai at some point
(Yep It’s my crappy art again! Deal with me! XD)
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doubleblacked · 6 years
Do you know what I'm seeing?
[+] Happy soukoku week everyone! This is for the { Day 1 prompt: fifteen } [+] Huge thanks to looking-for-stray-dogs for the translated summary of fifteen.
At age fifteen─
Aside from the supernatural ability that resurfaced during The Gifted’s young age, a second ability is discovered. An ability that isn’t for combat or defense or anything that is deemed violent. It’s practically useless ─ an extra ability that one can live without.
In Dazai’s eyes─
He pants slowly, as he’s been thrown to a building by an unavoidable force. He tries to move his limbs, feeling his tensed and aching muscles. The ground is rough beneathe his body, and Mori-san should really compensate with this by teaching him to correctly mix the perfect poison to kill him painlessly. “That hurts.” He mutters.
“I’ll give you a choice, brat.” A voice calls out to him, “Die now or die later after spitting out information.”
When he opens his eyes, he meets striking blue eyes and the most beautiful face he has ever seen. In front of him is a (short) man seemingly the same age as him, in a red biker’s suit and russet hair that glows even more beneath the moonlight. There’s the glare in his eyes, pointed specifically at him ─ balancing his soft features. Unarmed but undoubtedly able to crash his opponents to bits, he feels a tug inside him.
The boy steps on his fist, bones breaking at the action.
Dazai raises his hand, gazing at his crushed fist.
Second ability, huh?
He doesn’t panic, as he silently brings his right hand closer to his face. He observes his pinky finger, red string circled around it, glowing and tight around its place.
At age fifteen he’s discovered this second ability, an ability to see people’s red strings of fate and where it connects to. It was annoying at first, suffering through seeing people act complete idiots in finding that ew, love, when their soulmates are just right beside them. It’s completely unnecessary, moreso that Dazai has an actual soulmate, a reminder that ties to him the rest of the world, the humans.
It’s still annoying even now, especially when his soulmate is pathetically short.
The end of his string connects to the pinky finger of the…leader of the sheep? He guesses. It’s difficult to imagine he’ll actually fall in love with this man ─ but one look at his eyes again makes his heart skip a beat. It’s not something he’ll understand immediately (not yet at least) but he thinks this is fine, it’s tolerable as of the moment.
“Yes, I have information.” A beat. “You should really drink more milk so you’ll grow.”
The boy delivers a kick to his torso.
“None of your business!” He shouts. “I’m fifteen, and I’ll grow from now!”
“Then I’ll curse you. I’m fifteen too and I’ll grow from now, but you won’t grow much.”
They continue their banter like the children they are, unaware of the things that lie ahead. And Dazai doesn’t know yet, but he’ll treasure this fleeting moment forever.
(At sixteen, he’ll discover what love really is. What having a soulmate really means. And he thinks to himself, a future with Chuuya doesn’t seem so bad.)
(At eighteen, he’ll turn traitor to the organization he’s joined since fifteen, leaving everything behind but the string that still clings tight to the both of them. It may tangle and twist and stretch, but never will it break.)
(At twenty-two, he’ll find himself coming home to Chuuya once again.)
In Chuuya’s eyes─
He slams his leg against the brunet’s torso, as he seems to be someone from the Port Mafia. The boy flies until he crashes into a building, letting out a groan of pain of pain and a mumble of words that sounds like something along the lines of that hurts.
“I’ll give you a choice, brat.” He calls out to him, “Die now or die later after spitting out information.” Chuuya steps on the brunet’s injured fist, grinning to himself when he groans again.
And it’s probably in that moment when the mafioso opens his eyes ─ meeting hazel ones ─ when his mind and heart burn at the sudden assault of memories and emotion he doesn’t quite understand.
“Don’t sleep, please.” Dazai looks at him with an uncharacteristic desperation,
“I’m tired.”
“Please, Chuuya, don’t sleep.”
Chuuya touches his cheek gently, wiping at the tears forming in the corners of the brunet’s eyes. He feels himself getting weaker and weaker every second, blood quickly dripping his mouth and wounds. Dazai clings to him as if he’ll lose him any moment ─ which is absolutely his situation right now ─ leaning and kissing his lips over and over despite the taste of blood.
“I’ll find you in my next life.”
“Chuuya, don’t go.”
Second ability, huh?
Chuuya goes back to his consciousness, remembering every single detail of his previous life in a matter of seconds. He doesn’t panic, as he looks at Dazai once again, taking in the features of the man who was his everything from back then.
At age fifteen he’s discovered this second ability, an ability to see his relationship with people in his previous life, once he meet their eyes. It’s annoying how his mind hurts everytime he looks at someone he knew in his past life, but also quite painful. He still feels himself long for the Chuuya that he isn’t anymore, heart clenching at the smallest of memories.
It’s still annoying even now, especially when the person he loved is pathetically weak.
“Yes, I have information.” A beat. “You should really drink more milk so you’ll grow.”
Chuuya delivers a kick to his torso.
“None of your business!” He shouts. “I’m fifteen, and I’ll grow from now!”
“Then I’ll curse you. I’m fifteen too and I’ll grow from now, but you won’t grow much.”
They continue their banter like the children they are, unaware of the things that lie ahead. And Chuuya doesn’t know yet, but he’ll treasure this fleeting moment forever.
In both of their eyes─
“So I’m going to fall in love with this person, huh?”
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todotodorito · 6 years
Soukoku Week Day 2- Scarcity
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairing: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya
Other Characters: Oda Sakunosuke
Warnings: Alcohol Usage Inspired by Hotarubi No Mori E and Pushing Daisies( @zellyfishnaaa saw a thing on Oz’s BSD Discord server and asked me to write it for Day 2 uwu)
Read on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14845580
The first and last time Corruption spoke to him, he swore he'd never activate it again.
The words flowed from his mouth, so naturally Chuuya wouldn't have noticed them if it weren't for the fact that the voice wasn't one he recognized.
“O grantors of dark disgrace, do not wake me again.”
He hadn't the slightest idea what happened afterwards.
The true form of his ability had manifested itself deep within Chuuya, and for a split second after being touched by Dazai Osamu, Chuuya thought he was dead.
That is, until the voice appeared again.
“I am you, and you are I, without the other, we are nothing but dust.”
He saw Dazai through the red haze of his mind, and choked out a whisper before surrendering to darkness.
“Don't… touch me…”
The first two days after he'd woken up, he shook uncontrollably. He'd refused to speak to anyone, not even Kouyou, whom he'd grown to be exceptionally close to.
Everyone left him be.
Poor thing, they said when they thought he wasn't listening. He must have been scared out of his mind.
Yes, he was scared. But not of Corruption, the entity that had been part of him for as long as he could remember. Not of how much pain he had to go through in the process of its activation.
No, fifteen-year-old Nakahara Chuuya was afraid of something else.
There wasn’t an inch of ground around them not covered in blood. Even they, themselves, were clad in metallic crimson, from their fallen opponents. Silence reigned and bloodlust hung in the atmosphere, sending out a grave warning to whoever might dare to cross their paths.
Soukoku was here.
Chuuya looked over to his right, where Dazai stood unmoving. Dark shadows reflected in hazel orbs that stared down at long-dead enemies. Chuuya counted to twenty before his partner snapped out of his reverie to revert back to his usual annoying self.
“Ah, Chuuya, they were strong, weren’t they?” A smirk was apparent on his sculpted face. “Too bad they had to meet us.”
Easy enough for him to say. Dazai had left him to handle most of their targets, only stepping in once in a while when he saw Chuuya was struggling. In fact, while Chuuya had gotten several vicious slashes to his side and his coat ripped to shreds, the only visible injury on Dazai was a slight gash on his cheek. Chuuya was already used to it.
Rolling his eyes, he made for his exit. The cleaners would arrive to clear up the mess afterwards. His job here was done.
“Wait for me!”
There was a sudden flurry of movement. Chuuya’s breath hitched, and he jerked aside, just barely missing Dazai’s outstretched hand.
Both froze.
Dazai’s voice broke. He lifted his head to meet Chuuya’s soft gaze. The expression on the brunette’s face was almost unreadable, but it pained him all the same. The redhead braced himself for the tremendous guilt that was bound to follow the impending question, the very same one he’d been constantly asked the past three years-
“Why won’t you let me touch you?”
It never stopped hurting. Chuuya was enchanted by Dazai’s sharp features, captivated by his fluid movements, enamored by his rare, genuine smiles. He longed to be with him, cherish him and it drove him mad with frustration being so close to him, yet never being able to make physical contact with him. He wanted so many things- to love him and have his feelings reciprocated in return. To have his world no longer scarce of the touch of his beloved. But their abilities created an allegorical barrier between them, a line Chuuya could toe, but not cross.
That’s why, when he arrived at Lupin’s that night, it was with the intention of drinking his sorrows away. He waved the bartender over and ordered a glass of Beaujolais.
“Nakahara-San, fancy meeting you here.”
Chuuya turned away from his wine and saw a tall figure wearing yellow coat.
“Oda-San, hello.”
Oda Sakunosuke, the mafioso who didn't kill.
“Mind if I sit next to you?”
Chuuya nodded his head towards the vacant seat beside him, and watched as the older man settled down comfortably before ordering a drink.
Silence fell upon them as the two took sips from their glasses.
“Dazai talks about you a lot.”
Chuuya merely bit back a retort. What else would come out of that shitty mackerel mouth other than words that spoke ill of-
“He tells me you have beautiful eyes, I can see why he’s head-over heels for you.”
Said eyes widened. Under different circumstances, Chuuya would have thought Oda for a fool.
But the latter wasn't lying. Every feature of his face portrayed a look of honesty, through and through.
The whole truthfulness of the matter was almost enough to break him down.
“But he’s always wondered why you wouldn’t let him beside you.”
Chuuya buried his face into his arms, leaning his head against the cold wooden table. Clumps of long, fiery red hair settled around him. His plan on drinking himself silly had evidently backfired. He doesn’t understand, he doesn’t understand, he doesn’t understand…
“He doesn’t know how much I want him too, doesn’t know how much it hurts being with him every single day, yet unable to reach for him,” Chuuya muttered with just enough volume for Oda to hear him.
Perhaps it was under the influence of alcohol, but Chuuya can’t remember when he started spilling everything to his companion: Corruption’s words, mixed emotions of love and fear, powerlessness and loneliness he could not help but feel.
“I see,” Oda offered, none of the half-hearted sympathy Chuuya hated, and was bound to receive if he hadn’t been conversing with Oda. The stoic man was quiet, deep in thought.
Chuuya could tell why Dazai adored him so.
“Nakahara-San, if you don’t mind me asking, what exactly are you afraid of?”
Death? That wasn’t it. Working in the Mafia, he no longer felt the urge to flee from the unforgiving clutches of death. He’d learnt to embrace it, be one with it.
Leaving his family? Well, he’d come to care for those of the Port Mafia as his family the past three years he’d been working with them. It would be sad to have to part with them, but he was sure they would do fine without him.
His voice grew soft.
“I'm afraid of losing him.
“Even if he loves me back, everything would've been for nothing if- when- I'm gone.”
The climax of the moment passed quickly, and Chuuya released the breath he’d been subconsciously holding in. Facing the harshness of reality, opening up about the fear he’d been trying to hide for the past three years, it made his eyes brim with warm tears.
“Well I think…”
Chuuya glanced in Oda’s direction.
“The fact that you two love each other means that it won’t be for nothing.”
They fell silent once more, letting the soft melody of the music in the background bring them back to their train of thoughts.
And when Oda stood up to take his leave, Chuuya spoke up.
“Oda-San? Please, call me Chuuya.”
He’d had the whole of the night before to ponder Oda’s words. And throughout it all, his heart palpitated wildly, reminding him that he was alive- and very much human.
All humans fear, do they not?
That night, Chuuya made a decision.
“Hey Dazai? Meet me by Yokohama Bay tonight…”
Would he show up? If he did, would he be surprised? Would he feel anything at all?
As Chuuya waited, he thought back on the call he’d given Dazai that very morning. It was the first thing he did when he woke up. He could not- would not- keep running away anymore. He would not keep Dazai waiting anymore.
And when the brunette finally appeared, he knew he’d made the right choice.
“Oda-San spoke to me,” Chuuya started, looking into Dazai’s pupils. The bandage over his right eye had been removed, and Chuuya saw, for the first time in what seemed like forever, a pair of hazel staring back at him.
“He did me, too.”
His lips trembled ever-so-slightly. Chuuya felt his own two feet quaking.
“You know what will happen.”
It was coming, the moment Chuuya had been preparing himself. The moment that would pass as quickly as it came…
“Are you sure about this?”
And when Chuuya nodded, Dazai smiled.
He ran into those wide, welcoming arms.
And for the first time, he felt warm.
It enveloped him in its kind embrace, sheltering him from the bitter cold of reality. Chuuya wrapped his arms around Dazai’s neck, pulling the latter closer to him. Dazai cupped his cheeks and hummed his name.
“Chuuya, Chuuya…”
And the two knew nothing but love and happiness.
The tears slid down his cheeks when the tingling sensation started. Light-headed, he pulled away, smiling and crying, drunk on the touch of Dazai’s fingertips, the feel of lips on his…
Bathed in shimmering shards of gold and silver, Chuuya leaned towards his partner for the last time in this life.
“I love you…”
They parted and, for a split second, Dazai saw stars in his eyes and happiness in his smile.
Then he was gone.
It wasn't as if he hadn't expected it to happen. He'd suspected it would've ended like this, but he knew Chuuya wouldn't have it any other way. And Odasaku’s last words merely confirmed his hunch.
“Chuuya… loves you so. I’m sure you understand everything…
“Leave me, and go be with him…”
Yet now, tears fell from his face and onto the smooth cloth of Chuuya’s coat, soaking it with physical embodiments of his pain and sorrow.
An envelope peeked out a pocket. Dazai knew, without a doubt, that it was addressed to him. He choked back a sob and pulled it out.
It read:
‘Dear Dazai,
The day I found out about this side of my ability, I'd already accepted my fate. It was only a matter of time, but knew I would meet my end in your arms- the way I wanted it.
I'm sure you've figured it out already, but this damned ability of mine is the only thing holding me together. Without it, I am but soul without a shell. Without it, I would disappear to nothing at all.
But despite that, I longed for your touch; the feel of your skin on mine. And I loved every moment we shared. Even if it’s just once, but once is more than enough.
That's why I hope you forgive me for leaving. I regretted none of it, and I hope you felt the same.
Thank you for being mine.
With love,
Nakahara Chuuya.’
Dazai fell to his knees.
He clutched his clothes and screamed his name.
The world stilled.
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junk0u · 6 years
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Soukoku Week; Day 2: Scarcity. Shades.
I really didn’t have a clue for this one... 
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24h7 · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: Soukoku | Double Black (Bungou Stray Dogs), Soukoku Week, Soukoku Week 2018, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Supernatural Elements, Alternate Universe - Greek Mythology, kind of, soulmate supernatural AU, I Don't Even Know, Chuuya comes out of a box okay? Summary:
The pull is so strong that Dazai physically staggers in front of the ancient altar.
He can’t quite explain it, but he knows, with a dead certainty that this place has something to do with his soulmate. What exactly, he is unsure of a the moment, but he knows that his questions will be answered here. One way or another.
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himarichibi-blog · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu & Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Ozaki Kouyou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Oda Sakunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: Soukoku Week 2018, soukokuweek2018, Flowers, Language of Flowers, Dark Era (Bungou Stray Dogs), Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Angst and Feels, sorry for that, Feelings Realization, First Kiss, Port Mafia Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Soukoku Week, Soukoku | Double Black (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Port Mafia is the place of darkness. Port Mafia means black. Black clothes. Black blood. Nothing else. No place for feelings. No place for flowers of the light. And yet… Somehow they manage to survive. For how long though?
Written for Day 1 of @soukokuweek 2018 - Hanakatoba
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zellyfishnaaa · 6 years
soukokuweek day 1 : fifteen
fandom: bungou stray dogs
pairing: dazai osamu/chuuya nakahara
soukoku’s weekend adventure
mostly done by @todotodorito (writing, editing, strangling me, and proofreading)
inspired by this 
alright here we gooo
“Ahh, isn’t it good to be young,” Chuuya sighed into his cup of coffee. A group of teenagers settled noisily into their seats a few tables away.
‘Chuuya sounds like a balding old man’.
‘I’m not balding! Or old!’
They slid back into the warm silence.
‘They sure seem to be having fun,’ Chuuya said thoughtfully. ‘You know, going wild while you’re young.’
‘Is Chuuya implying that our youth wasn’t wild enough? I can’t imagine anything ‘wilder’ than that.’
‘Ugh. You know what I mean. Enjoying life for once, not... killing people.”
Another moment of silence fell upon them.
‘Chuuya is oddly sentimental today.’
Conversation ceased, and Chuuya looked back at the teenagers. Dazai went back to his cup of hot vanilla and sighed. He thought back on the childhood he-they-never had and felt a twinge of... regret. Regret for the things he wasn’t given a chance at in the Mafia.
Regret for the the redhead before him, so deeply engrossed in thought, who never had a chance at a normal life.
It was then he decided to take a day off to make up for their lost time.
‘Chuuya, Chuuya! Wake up!’
Dazai drags Chuuya away from his bed.
To a table set with breakfast Dazai cooked- all by himself.
Chuuya is immediately awake. After all, he is in charge of the damage control of this house. But Dazai distracts him by stuffing spoonfuls of the omelette into his mouth.
It’s actually not too bad?
Of course, how Chuuya murdered Dazai in cold blood for ruining his kitchen is a story for another time.
‘Today we’re going to make up for our childhood! We’ll do all the stuff Chuuya see in those sappy idol dramas!’
Despite his protest that he doesn’t watch ‘sappy idol drama’ Chuuya was a little curious.
Though, he hoped it wouldn't be like the time he was forced to wear emo clothes that even Akutagawa wouldn’t touch. Or when he had to convince Dazai not to wear matching outfits because they'd look like idiots.
Their first stop was the arcade, where the duo had battled to the death, and Dazai scored one stuffed toy after another. It was also where Chuuya attracted a little too much attention on the dance floor. They could hear awed screaming from the girls even as they walked out.
Next, they went to a carnival a few bus stops away.
The brunette stopped in his tracks, and when Chuuya lifted his head to look at him, there was a serious look in his eyes.
‘Why, is there something I need to know about?’
Truth to be told, he was feeling a little afraid- and childish. After all, this would be the only time he'd be able to experience childhood with his partner, and he didn't want to have to end the day dealing with unwanted opponents.
‘You see…’ A mischievous glint flashed in hazel. ‘Cheating is against the rules, isn't it? So to ensure Chuuya doesn't cheat while playing the games here, I have taken it upon myself to hold your hand throughout our trip here.’
Chuuya aimed a punch in Dazai's direction, only for his arm to be caught in the palm of the latter’s hand. Dazai swiftly soothed Chuuya, making him unclench his fist, and interlocked his fingers with the redhead’s.
Both blushed a deep red. Neither said a word.
Chuuya forced dazai into the whole package- cotton candy, caramel apple, popcorn, goldfish scooping. He spied the crazy hats game not too far away from the corner of his eye.
Might as well, right?
Ten bucks and twenty hoops later, Chuuya was groaning in frustration. He so wanted to show Dazai that he was better at this.
(He didn’t want the hat stuffed toy. Nope. Not at all.)
‘Ne, Chuuya, aren't you tired?’
They'd been here for a couple of hours and Dazai was starting to seem restless.
Tired? No, Chuuya was far from tired. If this was how normal people lived each day, then he would give anything to preserve this sense of freedom in his heart. Mingling with people without the influence of the Port Mafia made him feel…normal.
Here, he wasn't one half of the notorious Double Black.
Here, he could forgo his title as the infamous executive of the Port Mafia.
Here, he could put behind the memories of bloodshed and tears; and he suddenly felt a deep connection with the people around him, strangers and the annoying asshole beside him alike. He could never get enough of this feeling that swelled in his chest.
Though, said asshole seemed to have other plans for the rest of the day. Without waiting for a response, Dazai pulled him along to the next location.
(Fingers remained intertwined, but both were already too used to the feeling of their partners skin against theirs to care.)
Turns out, what Dazai had in mind was a cafe  that they’ve never been to. Dazai placed an order for a single scoop of ice cream, much to Chuuya’s confusion. They definitely had enough money for the both of them, so why-
The answer became apparent when dazai insisted on feeding Chuuya using the single spoon they were given.
‘Say ‘ahhh’’
‘No way. No, you're not-’
He was cut off when a spoonful of sickeningly sweet ice cream was shoved into his mouth. Dazai then proceeded, smugly, to feed himself a mouthful too.
‘Aww, Chuuya gave me an indirect kiss~’
Chuuya merely rolled his eyes.
After coaxing the dessert into Chuuya’s mouth spoon by spoon, Dazai fixed his gaze on his partner. Chuuya was feeling a little overwhelmed by this warmth, sitting in the cool, air-conditioned cafe, watching people pass by.
‘Do you think...’
Dazai dragged Chuuya back to him from his train of thought.
‘What do you want?’ Chuuya was a little annoyed, but Dazai’s serious face sobered him up from the warmth.
‘Do you reckon, if we hadn't been born into this life, we would've been able to...be like this, everyday?’
Chuuya took his time to ponder.
‘But do you regret it? Joining the Mafia, that is.’
Chuuya sighed, exhilarated.
‘I understand that our world will always be clad in bloodshed and tears. But in the midst of that, I've found a family I can put my trust in and will fight to protect, so I refuse to let myself regret anything. Besides…’
Sapphire glistened with sincerity.
‘Without all this, I wouldn't have found you. So I wouldn’t regret anything, even if it means that I will not have a chance at a life like this.’
Stunned, Dazai simply stares at chuuya.
‘What about you? Do you… do you regret anything? Especially with all that’s happened while you were in the mafia? With all the things you lost?’
Dazai’s eyes flutter shut as he slowly sighed.
“Ah, well, after everything I’ve been through, this life isn’t so bad after all. I’ve even found a reason to live.”
‘What is it?’
Dazai looks up, his eyes twinkling.
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kissmysorrow · 6 years
Soukoku Week 2018 [Day 5]
Took me longer than expected ><
Day 5 ☆ Pills
Titel: Nursing a Nuisance
Summary: Chuuya wanted to meet up with Tachihara today but an unexpected message changed his plans for the weekend.
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ao3feed-skk · 6 years
by DgrayZephyr
Dazai causes Chuuya an existential crisis. Then Chuuya meets Oda Sakunosuke.
Words: 1808, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Oda Sakunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: soukokuweek2018, day 2- scarcity, oda actually plays a pretty important part in this, Alcohol Usage, don't worry chuuya's 18 so he's legal, inspiration: hotarubi no mori e and pushing daisies, yeah you can guess what's coming, have fun uwu
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athina39 · 6 years
Chuuya and Dazai fight over Atsushi's affections. At least, that's what Chuuya thinks.
for soukoku week’s day 4: snow white prompt :)
inspired and dedicated to @senren / @voidance-kun ♥♥♥
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soukokuweek · 6 years
Soukoku Week 2018
Since it's already June 3 in some parts of the world, we are happy to announce that our blog is now open for submissions!
Soukoku Week 2018 has officially begun and we can't wait to share all the amazing soukoku-centric creations you guys have come up with. Have fun everyone!
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judaluffy · 6 years
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SOUKOKU WEEK 2018  DAY 4 (June 6)
Prompt:  Snow White
People say a prince from a far away place kissed Snow White gently helping her properly swallow the apple that was stuck in her throat. Who ever said it had to be done gently? Who ever said it had to be an apple? Who said it had to be on the lady’s death bed? Who even said it had to be a lady? A man is fine, the sky is fine, an antidote is fine and in the end, a punch is just about perfect too.
That is what it is like, to be in a love-hate relationship.
(Yep It’s my crappy art again! Deal with me! XD)
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doubleblacked · 6 years
Day 2: Shade
“What. The. Fuck.”
Chuuya curses to himself. The sky is painted navy blue, droplets of water hitting his skin heavily and abruptly. He supposes he should have brought his umbrella, but the news has not indicated any chance of rain for this day. He curses again, feeling the cold seeping through layers of his uniform.
His class finished early, but to add to his misfortune, he also lost his wallet and therefore had to spend an additional hour to search for it. Eventually, he found it on the music room where he accidentally left it during practice. When he comes out of his school though, that’s when the clouds decide to ruin his path to a well-deserved rest at home.
The redhead decides to run ─ damn his uniform and bag, he’ll deal with them when he gets to his house ─ and mentally calculate the minutes it will take to get home. Ane-san will probably scold him, and if he’s more unlucky than he initially presumes, he might even get sick. Damn. What an unlucky guy.
He takes the shorter route to his house and thank all the deities out there when he sees a shade just beside the road. Without second thought, he rushes beneathe the roof and drops to his feet. He releases a long breath due to exhaustion, opting to take rest first or possibly wait until the rain subsides.
“I can’t believe this weather just foiled my plan to commit suicide.”
Chuuya tenses, his hand clinging tightly to his handbag. He turns and it was just then that he notices another presence by the shade. A tall (okay, that’s unfair) brunet wearing the same uniform as him, as well as bandages that have peeked from his clothes stand a meter beside him. He’s also noticeably drenched from the rain.
The brunet takes notice of him, a grin plastered in his face. “Oh, youre Nakahara Chibi-kun from the other class, right?”
A vein pops on Chuuya’s forehead. “You bastard─”
“Fufu~ there’s no need to be all violent, Chuuya.”
Chuuya glares at him, feeling suddenly ready for a fight. Dazai Osamu. Of course he knows him. He’s the famous suicide maniac from the other class, and also known for breaking several hearts ─ a woman collector, they dub. He has never interacted with the other man, aside from few moments where they happen to cross each other on the hallway.
Other than that, this man is basically unknown to him.
“Don’t get all so familiar with me, asshole.”
Dazai’s grin widens, until it breaks to a cough and a groan escapes his lips.
“You’re…actually hurt?”
Chuuya takes in a moment to look at Dazai’s appearance again. It seems like the bandages aren’t only for show ─ not like his normal fashion. Against better judgment, Chuuya moves closer to inspect what’s behind them, eyes growing wide when he sees the bruises they hide.
Chuuya feels a hand circled around his wrist, and there’s a genuine smile on Dazai’s face. “Don’t worry about this, chibi.”
“Like hell I’m worried!”…which is untrue, because the moment he sees those things, he panics. They’re not even friends, but there’s something within Chuuya that ached after getting a glimpse of what’s under those bandages.
“I’m cold~”
Chuuya glares at him.
“Take off your clothes.”
“…woah, that’s too fast.”
The redhead rolls his eyes, before lifting Dazai’s shirt. Of course it’s embarrassing, but he stil has conscience to not let this man die of hypothermia. Dazai continues the action, until he’s stripped of his uniform top. He moves his hands to unbutton Chuuya’s top too, which received a yelp from the redhead.
“Stupid, you’re obviously shivering.”
Chuuya lets him.
It’s cold.
Dazai’s hands snake around his shoulders, tight enough to share body warmth, but loose enough so the redhead can pull away if he feels uncomfortable. The warm is welcomed though, so Chuuya inches closer to give Dazai heat too. It should’ve been uncomfortable, but Dazai’s warm and everything else is too cold.
If it’s his or Dazai’s heart beating rapidly, he doesn’t know. They stay like that in a while, until the rain slowly subsides and it’s gentle enough to go home. He pulls away from Dazai, picking up his uniform top to wear it again. He picks up his bag next, opting to finally go home and rest. He sighs, the warmth is gone.
“Uh, thanks I guess?”
He moves to leave the shade, but then Dazai’s hand is on his wrist again.
A pause. “Can I get your number?”
    (─when Dazai first listened to Nakahara Chuuya sing in the music room, he knew he fell for him deep.)
(─when Dazai first crossed paths with Nakahara Chuuya in the hallway, he knew he had to make a move.)
(─when Dazai first saw Nakahara Chuuya beside him in the shade, he knew he had been waiting for this.)
(─when Dazai first touched and pressed closer to Nakahara Chuuya, he knew it was his heart beating rapidly.)
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junk0u · 6 years
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Soukoku Week: Day 3; “Do I look like the type of nice guy that would do that?”
This was suppose to be an expression practice of sorts...
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himarichibi-blog · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Dazai Osamu & Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Ozaki Kouyou (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Kinda?, Drabble, Memories, Soukoku Week, Soukoku Week 2018, Song Inspired
Series: Part 2 of Soukoku Week 2018
Everything slowly fades to shade - it's the way it was, the way it is and will be. And even if we know that, we don't always want to accept that.
Drabble written for Day 2 of @soukokuweek - shade/scarcity
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