kitza-cura-blog · 6 years
So yeah...(srry this a bit of a rant)
(Warning!!! there will be words that will offend people, I apologise in advance but i really need to speak my mind)
I recently watched the movie “Love, Simon” which I enjoyed a lot and I relate a lot too when I was coming out to my parents. It makes me wonder about my school life. When I came out to my parents, they said they would support me (tho they don’t rlly show it) and I was ready to come out more.
But the thing is, that my school can be really homophonic. I hear the term “fag” or “homo” used at least 3-4 times a day. Which really pisses me off because they don’t even use it on people who are gay (or at least 100% confirmed gay/bi/pan/etc). I hate how those terms have basically become another way to say “you f**k” or any over way of hurting someone. I have come out to some people who aren’t exactly in my friend group but I still talk to and they support me but some of them are still being quite homophobic.
It’s also the fact the teachers don’t do anything to prevent any of this. My school is your normal school, they do support LGBTQ+ but when it comes to homophobia, they ignore it. For example: a classmate(let’s call him cal) was getting called fag by people in the same year as him and a fight started . From what I know, he is openly gay. Now, the thing is that the people who insulted hin didn’t get suspended but instead he did which is bullshit because he was standing up for him self and cal shouldn’t have gotten treated like that. Which is one of the main reasons why I don’t rlly want to come out to everyone in my school
(Sorry for ranting, as well as the harsh language used. I’m going through a rough time and I can’t really tell anyone about it)
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