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rin-may-1103 · 6 months ago
The Wrong Robin Au (Part Six)
Previous | Master Post | Next AN: Because I wanted Danny and Jason to be the same age, I've moved the DP timeline forward six years. (If we go with their canon ages and timeline, Danny's the same age as Dick.) I'll make it make sense, but until then please ignore the possible confusion it might cause😅.
Turning, Danny held the picture frame up to show Bruce who he was talking about. Bruce glanced up and studied it for a moment before he looked at Danny. His eyes were calculating just like they had been for the past ten minutes, which might Danny add, was really annoying.
"That's my eldest son, Dick." Bruce finally answered, continuing to watch for Danny's reaction.
Danny blinked, looked down at the picture then turned to put it back. why in the world was his name Dick? like, was that actually his name or was it a nickname? it's not like Danny was judging the kid for it, but seriously, who names their kid dick?
sure, Danny used to fight ghosts named Skulker and Technis all the time, but they chose their names. Did the kid willingly choose to go by dick or were his parents unaware of what the word meant? Danny's really hoping the parents weren't aware of what it meant, because if they were? oh boy was that a bag of worms Danny wanted nothing to do with.
How old was the kid anyway? That looked like an older picture, so he probably wasn't that young anymore.
"How old is he?" Danny asks, turning to study another picture. this one was of Jason hanging out with Alfred in what looked like a kitchen. The kid was covered in flour while Alfred didn't have a single speck of dust on him. They both looked happy.
Bruce was silent for a moment, so Danny turned to look at him. Confusion and shock swirled around him, making Danny frown.
"you don't know how old he is do you?" Danny asked, glaring at Bruce. As much as Danny promised to help him, the man was making it extremely hard to do so, when every time he learns something it makes him want to punt the man into the sun.
alright, so forgetting when someone's birthday is sucks but doesn't make sense for someone like Batman, so it wasn't that exactly it's probably more along the lines of grief messing with his perception of time. yeah, that makes more sense. because if it's not, Danny's not afraid to punch the man again.
"Alright, what's his birthday?" Danny asks, making his way to sit back in the chair he had used previously.
"march 20th," Bruce grumbled, turning to glare out the window like the emo bat he was. And see? He didn't forget the date, which means, Danny was right.
"year?" Danny pushed, slumping down in his chair. It felt like he was pulling teeth with how trying to get information from the man was going. Ancients, Danny was going to go gray before they got anywhere.
"1990," Bruce replied, still glaring out the window like he was in some emo music video.
"Alright, it's 2013, so doing some basic maths, Dick is" Danny pretended to do a drumroll as he quickly calculated the dude's age. and he was a dude because he's definitely older than Danny.
"23," Danny finally announced, looking up to watch as Bruce's emotions spiraled in the air. Anger, hurt, annoyance, guilt. Yep, a full-blown meltdown is on the horizon, everyone. let's back it up, Danny's seen enough grown men cry, he doesn't need to do it again.
"Alright!" clapping his hands, Danny stood up and made his way to the door. opening it, Danny glanced out the hall and spotted Alfred finally making his way back toward them. looks like that blood analysis Bruce definitely ordered Alfred to do finally finished. good.
"Alright, mister anger issues. you need to go to bed." turning back to the room, Danny pointed at Bruce. the man stared at him, his emotions freezing in their downward spiral as he processed the words.
"I agreed," Alfred cut in before Bruce could argue against it, making Danny grin. Oh, he was so going to get along with Alfred, he just knew it.
walking over to the desk, Danny snatched one of the sticky notes and a pen. Writing his number on the paper, he handed it to Alfred, "Here you go. you get to keep it because I have a feeling you'll actually use it properly. it's my number, call me tomorrow after he gets some rest. I'll come back and we can discuss how to go about the Batman business from now on"
"you can't just-" Bruce started, cutting himself off when Alfred took the paper and promptly started guiding him out of his own office. "honestly, Master Bruce. You need your sleep, you've gotten so bad lately, that you willingly fought a child."
"I'll show myself out!" Danny called after them, watching as they turned a corner. glancing at the clock, he noticed a green sticky note. blinking, Danny made his way over. nothing was written on it. which means this was just a hint to start looking around here.
intrigued, Danny started studying the grandfather clock, wondering what clockwork could possibly want him to find. The wood overlay looked fine, and the upper door looked freshly polished. The Moon Dial and clock face looked normal, though the hour and minute hands looked slightly worn down. the glass side access panel looked like it hadn't been touched in years.
hmm, strange. the toe molding had slight scuff marks on the corner like it repeatedly hit against something. glancing around, Danny spotted matching marks on the bookshelf next to the clock. crouching down, Danny studied the marks. it was like Bruce had repeatedly moved the clock around like a door...
standing up, Danny studied the clock handles again. worn down like they had been repeatedly rearranged, but the side access panel looked practically brand new which meant the internal workings of the clock worked perfectly fine. so then why would someone have to reset the time if it wasn't broken?
carefully opening the glass upper door, Danny studied the clock face closely. the oil from human fingers usually damaged the pearl facing used in most clocks, so all Danny had to do was...
there! right below the X that meant ten, and again slightly behind the XI for eleven. which means...
moving the hour hand to right before eleven, and the minute hand to right before ten (so around minute 48.) Danny heard a click. stepping back, Danny watched as the grandfather clock swung open and revealed a passageway. glancing back to the door Alfred and Bruce had left through, Danny smiled.
"Thanks, clocky," he whispered, heading inside and closing the clock-made door behind him. If Tim was right, and he definitely was, the bat cave was below the manor, and with his enhanced eyesight, Danny could see an elevator at the end of the dark hallway, which meant this was one of the secret entrances. (he's pretty sure Batman's smart enough to have more than one entrance. it'd be pretty stupid not to.)
he had plenty of time to snoop around the Batcave now, which meant he had plenty of time to figure out how it worked and how to use that to his advantage. Bruce can't ignore him and his advice if all the bat suits go missing now, can he?
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vanillray · 1 year ago
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I should probably stop now lllllllllll( @_@ )
but..but they are very cute
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labyrinthhofmymind · 8 months ago
regulus falls for james in every universe, but james does not fall for regulus in every universe
in some universes, james sees regulus as just sirius’ little brother, nothing more
in some universes, james cannot get over all the hurt regulus and his family caused sirius, and would never think about being with regulus
in some universes, james never meets regulus
in some universes, regulus dies before they ever get the chance to be together
but regulus always loves james. he can’t help it. it’s part of his dna, his genetic makeup. he loves james. in every universe.
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sarcastic-clapping · 7 months ago
i was telling someone that i’ve been really into watching documentaries about maritime disasters and archeology lately for some reason and they looked at me with complete sincerity and went “huh. is that a side effect of the testosterone, do you think?”
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wenellyb · 10 months ago
My Tumblatives, who followed me for completely different fandoms, when my blog becomes 95% Bucktommy overnight:
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sihtricfedaraaahvicius · 3 months ago
I got some good news and some bad news.
The good news; the An Hour of Spice fic I teased last week is finally finished!
The bad news: there's football on tonight so the fic won't be uploaded today.
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neilperryssuicidalthoughts · 4 months ago
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@wilson-is-a-slut @wilsons-three-legged-siamese
That’s purely from us talking 😭🙏
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kmnkrsh · 1 year ago
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hyde and carmine
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2leggedshark · 5 months ago
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strawbubbysugar · 2 years ago
Would Y/N play “My horse prince”?
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smertgorim · 11 months ago
just realized that Kinana's character card literally says she DOESN'T LIKE snakes... this bro definitely has PTSD..
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kristik-g3 · 7 months ago
How are you all doing here?
I have an art block😞
Sorry, I'm taking a break
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nightmare8-420 · 7 months ago
tw ed / alot of numbers
hggbbthd my father was making fun of my weight again (bc we were talking abt an old chair) and i said that in 115 lbs bc yk i am when i have no clothes on so he made me get on the scale and it said 118.2/4(? i dont remember) bc like. my clothes are kinda heavy plus my ed hasnt been eding latly and is killing me and he called me a fatass and tbh im abt to kay em ess!
like yea no shit dude im fucking working on it but when fucking 300 cals makes me gain 48392992747482 lbs you gotta gimme a bit godDAMN
lmao just thinking abt it ik damn well my metabolism is shot to hell and back, i can eat under what my cal deficit should be (and tbh do most of the time) and i still can gain weight 💀💀
hgghhhhhhhhbdhshfn i wanna fucking curl up and dieeeee 👎👎👎
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prettyhatetrentchine · 1 year ago
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HIS LEGS?!?!?!?!
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m1d-45 · 2 years ago
like apparently since all mihoyo games are connected in some way (different universes (proven by the fact that welt yang in star rail is the same guy as honkai 3rd welt yang) luocha is star rail's universe's otto. and otto literally being the big bad guy antagonist in honkai 3rd. so i'm really not far off with him potentially a villain
- curse anon
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