#sorry ya’ll. i’m going thru it and that scene really got to me
libidinous-weeb · 8 months
no, i think i get it now
through no fault of his own, gojo was so busy becoming “the strongest” that he didn’t realize he wasn’t there for geto when geto needed it the most.
when geto said “are you gojo satoru because you’re the strongest? or are you the strongest because you’re gojo satoru?” he was intentially trying to hurt gojo. the context and the subtext is important.
gojo was BORN to be the strongest, whether he wanted to be or not. some people are born with blue eyes, some with brown. and some people are born the strongest. that’s what gojo’s strength is like to himself. it’s a part of him, but it’s not who he is. when he was friends with geto, they were close despite that fact. it’s one of the first times someone stood side by side with gojo and didn’t really care if he was the strongest or not.
throughout his life, everyone else hates gojo for something he didn’t ask for. something that he can’t change or give up but something that he was born as. they all stare at him like some kind of circus freak, either in disgust, or in awe.
and geto just says “it’s because you’re too strong.” but they BOTH know that’s a lie. what geto is actually saying is “i’ve decided that you aren’t gojo satoru, the person i’ve loved and lost and fought with side by side anymore. i’ve decided i don’t want you in my life anymore. i’m saying the words that hurt you the most, because i hate you.”
and gojo is angry because his best friend, someone he loves, has just decided to have nothing to do with gojo anymore. it was like a sudden break up because he didn’t give a reason. he gave his reason for leaving jujutsu society but not why he didn’t tell gojo any of it.
tldr: gojo is asking “why didn’t you rely on me? aren’t we friends? why did you choose to go through this all on your own? why didn’t you tell me anything? i thought we were friends!”
and geto is saying “i hate you, just like everyone else. you’re the strongest. you’re not my friend. you’re barely even human. you wouldn’t understand.”
and geto’s saying that because gojo was practicing and training and getting stronger and wasn’t there when geto needed him to be there. and it wasn’t gojo’s fault, he was doing what he was supposed to be doing. gojo wanted to be there but geto chose to shut him out
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spnbaby-67 · 6 years
Secret Lives Chapter 2
A/n:  Hi ya’ll im hoping to get this out before tropical storm Alberto comes in and we are without power.  but keep in mind this is a filler chapter. the real  stuff starts next but its a bit of background on why Jensen’s on the road, thank you all so much for the love and comments on chapter one, honestly i was a bit scared, but glad this story is going places.  i got a direction on how its going and i apologize its a little late coming out. had a few rough days. remeber this is an alternate supernatural universe, jensen is single so no hate on Danneel, i love her just the same. please dont copy and paste on others sites literally took me six months to get back into writing,   likes, comments, reblogs are ok.. Also I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU!!!! 300 FOLLOWERS!!! I never thought i’d get this much response so thank you, and I’ll try and do something in return soon. Ok enough blabbering let’s get reading. 
Pairing: Jensen and reader, Jared Padalecki, Adam OMC (i pictured Jake Abel) Jeffrey Dean Morgan mentioned, 
Warnings; none other than maybe cussing. 
Filler Chapter
Secret Lives chapter two
Readers pov
You woke up but slightly, trying to adjust your blurry vision. You didn't know how long you have been out, but from what it felt like, possibly a bit more than the normal. You soon found out that you were in the living room lying on your back on the sofa. Your head pounded like a thousand drum solos gone completely wild and out of control. You felt nauseated and like you were flying, but you knew that was impossible it was just a sensation you were experiencing from the hit. The last thing you remember was the front leg of Scarlets hoof hitting you in the back of your head, and her running off to who knows where. Tears escaped your eyes remembering that, she was your best horse and you hoped to god Adam had found her. Maybe that's why he was pacing a few feet away from you, and on the phone.
You tried to move a bit, but ended up letting out a moan from the pain.Adam heard and came over to kneel before you.
“Y/N,  oh thank God your ok. How many fingers am I holding up?”  You tried to giggle but that even hurt, it was funny to you because he was holding both hands up one behind the other.
“If you would use one hand instead of both behind the other, maybe I could tell.”  You tried to get up, but the pain in your head forced you back down.
“I don't think you should move just yet.”He had bent down to your eye level.
You look at him “But I have to get Scarlett back, she's our prize horse Adam.”
“i know this Y/N, but your in no position to move, let alone stand up. I had to move you against everything I was taught about head injuries, but I couldn't just leave you out in the storm either. So there's no telling if you have internal injuries or a concussion, until we know you stay put. “ he gave you strict orders as he stood up, which you gave him a bitch face look but obeyed,  “The rains have stopped, I’m going to go check on the horses. Dr. Montgomery will be here shortly to look at you.”
You squint your eyes at him, ‘What? Why? It was just a hit on the head Adam, no need to have called her out here.”
“Tough, like I said I had to move you.” he paused a moment, “Also you had blood running down the back of your head, so better be safe than sorry. Sue me.” He looked at you, and you knew he cared, even though at times he didn't show it. “I’ll be right back. Stay put!”  He pointed a finger at you.
You rolled your eyes at him, even that hurt to do. Judging by that intense pain, you laid your head back down and closed your eyes. You knew Adam would take care of the horses, just like he always did before. But it didn’t stop you from worrying about Scarlet, and where she went.
Jensen pov
Driving from Vancouver to Atlanta had to be one of the most stupid things he had ever done in his life. Yeah he travelled long distance before, but those were planned and he wasn't by himself. He was with family or friends, being by himself gave him too much time to think. Too much time to hear his head tell him negative things he didn't need to hear. But yet here he was, on the road and somehow he agreed to it. He had to figure out a way as to why Jared had a knack for getting him to do what he was against. But as he would have heard Jared put it, it's either that or he would be on him like a flea stuck to a dog, and just the thought of that sent a quiver down his spine. They had a couple of more days to wrap up after the season finale for summer break, he didn’t want to leave or do anything until he knew they were completely done. They had to tear things down, put things up, and he always enjoyed doing that every year, because  it gave him time to be with behind the scenes crew to tell them thank you personally.  He knew that meant more to them than anything, and he made attempts to do that every year since season five. Plus it showed them he wasn’t completely in it for the money, he was really a down to earth person. Funny thing is, they knew, and that’s why they all loved him to. It's what kept them coming back every year. Besides, it's not like he had a wife to go home to like Jared did. They understood when Jensen went to tell them he wouldn’t be there to help them this year, and thankfully some of the looks on their faces they were glad he was going to have some R and R time. Even they knew he needed it.
Sitting in his trailer debating if he wanted to go home or just stay there for the night. Jensen sat at the table  nursing a much needed beer. Thinking of how much he needed a break and what he could do to get out of this depressed state he was currently in. Hearing a knock, then seeing the door open, he knew who it was.  He knew that the way he left stage, that he’d get a visit and he knew Jared would not give up until he got answers. At times, he’s thankful for Jared’s thoughtfulness, but times like this he just wants to be alone. Nothing against Jared or anyone really, it’s just something he has to deal with.
“Jare, go away dude.“ he closed his eyes a second to show him he really wasn't  interested in what he had to say.
Jared walked in further, stopping directly in front of him. “Hey, I understand… But Jay, I'm not letting you slip through and do something to hurt yourself.”  He said in his best Sam caring voice.
Jensen rolled his eyes, “Damn it Jared, can you please don't. I'm just going thru some really tough times right now and I don't want to talk about it. “ he stood up in a haste, knocking into Jareds chest slightly as he went to get another beer. Automatically getting one for Jared.
“look, I know you don't want to talk about it, but hear me out...okay?” He said in his southern Texas drawl.
Jensen took a deep breath in, he knew that if he was to get any ounce of sleep tonight, he had to listen at least to what he had to say.  
Jensen gestured his right arm to him as if to say, “the floor is all yours.” then sat down on the sofa waiting for Jared to talk.
Jared paced a bit, trying to find the right words to say. “I don't know what is going on with you since you won't talk, so I called Jeff.”  He paused to keep Jensen sitting down. “before you get all pissed at me for calling him, I did it because I care dude. I hate seeing you like this, man.  It's killing me that your not talking to me about it and it scares me. Jeff wants you to come down, to his place in Georgia while he's filming. Spend a few days, with him and his daughter Kamryn. It'll be good for you and I already got clearance from Bob for you to go.”
Jensen stood up and looked at him, “Seriously? Your butting into something that is not really necessary, I don’t have time to travel to Georgia. In case you have forgotten, we have a show to film.”
“It’s Memorial Day weekend, you knew we were taking off tomorrow for Texas. So, it’s either me and your family on your back all weekend, or Jeff. Take your pick.” Jared stood there waiting for an answer.
He furrowed his eyebrows at him, “Sometimes Jare, you can be a real pain in the ass.”
He chuckled, “You’ll thank me later, now get packed I have a rental on the way here so you can drive comfortably.”
He looked at him, “What? Oh hell no, i'm not driving three days to get to Georgia not when I can fly.”
“Nope, part of the deal is you drive. Clear your head, you can fly home.”
Jensen closed his eyes a moment, “i hate you.” he really didn’t and Jared knew that.
“You’ll love me after this, now get packed.” He smiled at him as he helped push him towards the back of the trailer where he knew he had at least week’s worth of clothes in there.
That’s how he now ended up on this long highway, driving to a place he’s never been to. He ran his right hand over his face to wash the aggravation away, and wondered just what Jeff had in store for him. Jared was right about one thing, he knew that Jeff would get him out of whatever funk he was in, because Jeff knew what buttons to push.
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Ask:Maybe one where the reader is Felicity's younger sister by a couple of years and is attracted to Cisco with the prompt "Can you be happy, here, with me?"
A/N: sorry this took so long but imma (kinda) busy person. @petals-overdaisies i hope you enjoy 😁😁😁😁😁😘😁😁😁😀 also bare in mind im a only child so i dont know much about siblings. I’m sorry about any misspelt words, it’s 01:09am here😬😀
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“Ughhh where are you going now?“ you followed your older sister through the maze of the arrow cave, you never quite knew who started calling it that but it caught on so you went with it
“I’m heading to S.T.A.R labs, because they need the worlds best hacker, hey maybe they might also need the assistance of my prodogy“
“I’m not your prodogy, you know daymn well i taught you half of the stuff you know“
“yeah ok, whatever anyway im sure Cisco would love to meet you, well not love love because how can you love someone before you’ve met them, i mean can yuo really be happy with someone, but then again this is Cisco we’re talking about“ you already knew were this was going, you waved a frantic hand in her face.
“yo earth to dork, God you and Oliver need to get back together again, if you start were gonna miss the next four years of our lives besides im sure me and this Cisco guy will get on perfectly“
“yes im sure you’ll get on like bow and arrow, which is an ironic thing to say cons-you gave her your famous death stare. DONT you dare start,Jesus, how hasnt Oliver impaled you with a arrow yet“ she shook her head and tapped her nose
“you’d be suprised“
“Ya’ll listen up up, i dont do mistakes, aint nobody got time for mistakes“ the raven haired enginer huddled over a small peice of metal.
“who exactly would you be talking to?“ you had to supress a chuckle when a high pitched scream left the enginer
“no..nobody, me, myself“ he panted, still trying to catch his breath “Jesus Felicity, you cant creep on someone unannounced and scare the living bajesus out of them “
“sorry about that Cis, so anyway where is this digital mystery you needed my help with, I even brought my baby sister Y/N“
“uh huh about that“ Cisco rocked on his heels and splayed out his palms “I’ve kind of already solved it, sorry about that“ he stoped rocking and turned to face you “but hey, its nice too meet you. I’m Cisco Ramon you can call me Cis if you want“ he extended his hand for you to shake, a nervous grin filling his face as your gloved hand accepted it .
“I’m sure it is“ you whipped your head round at your sisters remark
“Hey sis“ her blue eyes met your (E/C) ones, you looked over to the door then back at her “the doors over there, byeeeeee“ your sister just rolled her eyes and mutered something about the two of you needing a needing a room. Once she left the room you turened to face Cisco. “sorry about that“ you spoke sincerly.
“It’s ok, hey how did you do that“ his face beamed giving you a quizical look
“make Felicity silent“ your face broke into a smile as you leaned in next to him, you could’ve sworn you saw him blush.
“Its a secret sorry pal, although i would be happy to share it if you tell me how you cracked that code“
“deal“ a caramel finger pointed at your face as you stood back up “but only if you awnser this question, can you really be happy, here with me?“ he half smirked, half looked dead serious.
you scrubed your hand over your face ““ God you sound like Felicity”
“yeah i know, i kinda saw her rambling earlier“ his hands started brushing thru the ends of his hair
your head tilted “how, i could’ve sworn it was only us in that room“
he tapped his temples “i, uhh, get these things called vibes, the’re basically visions of the past, present or future“
“you..you can vibe too?” you droped your head so you didn’t have to look at him anymore, no matter how much you wanted to
“yeah” he tilted his head as he caught what you said “wait did you say too?“
“uhh..yea“ you tried to make the atmosphere less awkward by chuckling a little, it totaly backfired “thats why i wear these“ you held up your hands to show him your gloves properly.
“and they supress the vibes?“ you nodded. He took you by suprise when he took your hands into his own and started to examen it. you slowly lifted your head to look at hi face.
*did his eyes look lile  before?*
*how could long hair look so sexy on a man?*
“like what you see?“ he gigled as you were pulled out of your trance *jeez how long had you been staring for?*
“no i mean yeah, i mean i was just wondering how your so ok with your vibes?“
“I was like you at first i hated them but now im ok with them, their a part of me”
“i dont hate them“ from the way he quirked his  eyebrows you could tell you werent being convincing “i’ll show you” you hesitantly started to take off one of your gloves, you swalloed and took his hand, your skin tingaling from the contact.
Blue and white streaks swirled around you, when you finially focoused on the scene infront of you, you were mortified. You saw yourself and Cisco entangled in a passionate kiss. you immeadeatly let go of his hand, the blue and white faded, a confused look washed over your face as you found Cisco grinning like a wildcat, whereas you were pretty sure Barry’s heart didnt beat that fast.
“I guess you can be happy with me after all“ the raven haired man steped closer to you.
You couldent stop grinning, the feeling of pannic being flushed with a light tug in your heart “i guess so“
YESSSSS I FINISHED IT(this took 2hrs to type) 😆😆😆😆😆😆 I HOPE YOU ENJOY. im not even gna pretrnd i didnt improvise the hell outta the end. imma sleep now cuz its 03:09😴😴😴
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