#sorry tumblr won't let me crop that post >:(
secondhnd · 2 years
continued from here
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When Cillian agreed to go grocery shopping with Phoenix, he hadn’t exactly been sure what to expect but he absolutely hadn’t been surprised when his brother picked up a ton of cans and just gathered them in his arms, not even with a cart. Cillian had gone with the more ‘responsible’ approach to shopping -- picking a cart, making sure it didn’t have wonky wheels, then heading to the fresh produce aisle. It was usually a quick process plucking out the few things he needed considering it was just him and the cat and before he knew it, he was already waiting in line with his brother.
“If you were a cashier, I would literally go to anyone but you,” he teased, nudging Phoenix in the ribs. “I feel like you could make a story of everyone’s background just by looking at their shopping. I’d figure out who the serial killers were.”
Anyone but him? He didn't like the sound of that! It wasn't like he would be a bad employee. He would just be chatty! He could still be a productive employee! ... sort of. Holding up the line wouldn't make him the best employee. "First of all, that's very rude! You would love being checked out by me. I'm the best cashier. I think. I don't know. I've never done it."
Serial killers, huh? How many of those would he come across? "That would be a fun thing to do, actually. I love making theories and assumptions." As if it wasn't obvious from the way Phoenix spoke about... well, anything. "I should start making up stories about people who come into my work to get piercings."
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tls123 · 10 months
Sorry if I bother you, but I really love your gif sets! Do you know some tutorials or, app, or anything, to learn how to make good gif? I am learning and I feel very stupid because all my gifs are shit. (if my ask is inappropriate or anything, please ignore me)
you're not bothering and none of this is inappropriate, you're more than welcome in my inbox! as for your questions, let's see what i can do.
1) tutorials — i've been doing this for long enough that i don't really have much to recommend here, the only tutorials i use nowadays are all about specific things and not how to make gifs as a whole. that being said i've linked this one before, i personally do some things differently but it's a very good tutorial, well-received by gifmakers who are just starting and well written, from what i've skimmed through.
another good post to look through is this one, not a gifmaking tutorial per se but it goes into sizes, sharpening, and how to get neat & clear gifs. two of the main points are A) while you can get away with making gifs out of a 720p quality video, 1080p is what is usually recommended. you could use 4k as well, but a 1080p video is usually easier to find, will take less space in your storage, and will give you really good results already. no need for overkill <3 as for B) size matters here on tumblr dot com, mostly width. the op of the post linked in this paragraph has included a nice graphic for the size limits for gifs, you can refer to it as you make your gifs so that whatever you make won't turn out pixelated once you upload it to tumblr.
if you're curious, i've been asked about my sharpening settings here and i spoke before on tumblr sizing here
2) software — you mentioned app, if by app you mean mobile stuff then i'm sorry, i can't help you! i've never made gifs through mobile and i wouldn't even know which direction to point towards for you to find more information. as for computers, if you mean programs then these are what i use to make my gifs: potplayer (for taking screencaps) and photoshop cc 2020 (for making the actual gifs, this is the post i used but here's one with more links)
now i'd like to mention something my grandma always used to say: no one is born learned. you're not stupid just because it's taking you a while to do something, learning is a process and everyone has their own pace. i've been making gifs for a decade now and i know there are things i could do better! i'm also still learning, i make plenty of "shit" gifs before stumbling my way to something i am okay with posting, and sometimes i'm really proud of what i've made and other times i think it's just "good enough". i understand feeling disheartened but please do not feel stupid about any of this!
no use in putting yourself down, now hold my hand and let's add the finishing touches on this long ass reply <3
3) tips — we've mentioned video quality, sharpening, and sizing. what else, what else. personally i would start simple (and i did, way back when, and still do!! most of my gifs are quite simple). so: cropping/resizing + coloring + sharpening. it'll help get the basics down and then you'll have a good foundation for everything else you might want to learn. i mentioned in another ask, almost two years ago now lmao, that i used to download other people's free psds (that is, pre-made settings and layers to color your gifs) and instead of using them i would open them up and pick them apart to see how people were coloring things, which layers they used, in which order, stuff like that.
remember: there is no right or wrong to do this! you could ask ten different people how they make their gifs, and their preferences for any specific part of the process, and you'd get ten different answers. if you find a tutorial and don't vibe with it, throw that aside and look for another. pick and choose, find what works for you and what doesn't! and that means do not be afraid to experiment and try things out.
also, don't like photoshop? no problem! i started with gimp, now personally i wouldn't recommend it over ps but it's a good program, it taught me a lot, and there's really nothing to hate about it. it might have less functions than ps though, and already a decade ago there weren't that many tutorials/resources for it.
don't like photoshop AND don't want to download a program? try photopea, i haven't used it but it works directly from your browser and it should do everything photoshop does!
let me know if there's anything else i can help with <3
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rey-jake-therapist · 8 months
Regarding the adlock one you posted. Obviously irene didn't love him. She was obsessed with him for the game. That's obsession and Sherlock's intrigue for a challenge. To me when Sherlock becomes more human he understands she is better to stay away from. She is a manipulator, hurts people to have fun. Sherlock and his best friend helps people and she's completely opposite. I think Sherlock haven't really found anyone to love. I prefer some OCs, normal people turning his world brighter. Sherlock is a wise man he knows irene is dangerous and he's not ready to lose his most loved work for the sake of a stupid so called relationship with her. She'd beat him and drug him because it's fun.
Hi anon!
I had started writing a long answer but Tumblr decided to make it disappear, so I'm sorry but I can only give you the short version :)
For the record, I don't ship Adlock. I don't ship Sherlock with any canon character so I won't fight you or anyone about wether Irene is or is not a good match for Sherlock. I indeed don't think she is or that he would drop his work for her, but it will never stop me from reblogging Adlock art or fics, just like I reblog johnLock and Sherlolly art/fics; I'm label free but I still want to encourage creativity :)
Now I disagree Irene is a sadistic woman who hurts people for fun, except because they want her to of course. She beat Sherlock with her riding crop but she didn't seem to take any particular pleasure in it, she just wanted him to let go of her phone, which for reminder was the key to her safety... To be clear I'm not justifying violence in any way, but if your life depended on an object and some guy wanted to take it away from you, wouldn't you hurt him to get it back if he didn't leave you any other choice? All I'm saying is that she wouldn't have drugged and hit him if it wasn't for her damn phone. She stopped the moment he dropped it.
I see Irene Adler as a woman who likes money and power, and she always did what she felt she had to do to get what she wanted. If it involved lying and manipulating people, so be it. I'd be very interested in her backstory, to know what led her to make the choices she made... Something tells me she had it tough when she was younger. I believe she can be loyal to the few people she genuinely cares about, though. It's just an assumption, just the vibes I get from her, but I don't think she would ever betray Sherlock again.
On the other hand, I think Sherlock needs someone he feels he can trust. I think he's drawn to Irene, because she's smarter than most people he knows, he probably sees her as his equal and likes the fact that she's not 'boring'. But as far as love is concerned I don't think he would fall deeply in love with a person he barely knows and doesn't trust. Irene showed him once she wasn't to be trusted, would Sherlock give her a second chance? He gave one to Mary, so maybe he would for Irene too. We also don't know what happened after he saved her to Karachi; maybe they had a very meaningful connection that would lead him to feel a real love for her, I don't know.
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✧About the mun:✧
-Hello! You can call me Eli (she/her), nice to meet you!
-I'm 26+ so I would appreciate if people wanting to rp were 18+ as well.
-English is not my first language, so please bear with me if something sounds wrong/weird. My time zone is GMT+2.
-Lately I've been having some time between hands, so I might reply more than once a day.
-Feel free to message me for plot ideas or just general chatting, I don't bite and I enjoy talking about characters and the series!
-I suck at making things look pretty and aesthetic in posts, so I hope that isn't a deal breaker :')
-I'm mostly on my phone answering things* and It's been around 10 years now since I last used Tumblr, so when it comes to cropping posts--- I'm SO sorry if they take up too much space anywhere, I'll try to figure it out in time!
-* regarding that bit about my phone, I also apologize in advance if some badly written words worm their way into my replies-- I definitely should proofread more.
✧About the writing/rp:✧
-Oc, multi-muse, au, multiverse and doubles friendly.
-Multiship account! So yes, shipping with my characters is ok!
-I prefer 3rd person, literate, multi-para replies, the quantity won't bother me as long as I have something nice to reply to. You aren't obligated to match the length of my replies, don't worry!
-Heavy topics might get mentioned here and there through my writing/character, so if that's something you find uncomfortable and you don't like, let me know in advance. Said heavy topics are mentioned in the oc's page. I'll also make sure to tag them appropriately.
-I feel like any and all kinds of scenarios are pretty much welcomed, meaning nsfw and sexual topics are on the table as well as others, like gore and violence. I'm ok with practically anything being done to my character, so don't worry about being too much.
-Canons I play are Buggy and Penguin, this is the page dedicated for them where I'll add small headcanons from time to time.
-I'm up to create cerses for my muses so we can rp or come up with more interesting plots!
-Muse doesn't equal mun, even tho it's obvious, I just wanted to get it writen down, just in case.
-The connections to canon characters can be revised for the sake of your comfort and the rp if you aren't ok with my oc previously knowing them/having a past with them. Same can be said about my canons, I'll assume certain connections are pre-stablished by the series' plot. Either way, everything can be worked around!
-I suck at tagging reblogged stuff, so if you are searching for specifics it'll get a bit messy--
-I'm not good at fight rps, so I might stay away from those.
-There's never a rush to reply to my stuff in the same way I expect to not be rushed to reply things, this is something for fun, not some sort of job!
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blueskyportrait · 9 months
Some important news
For anyone who still follows me, I want to thank you for sticking by me for all this time.
I'm sure you've noticed a few reblogs for the past few months has been of rwde (rwby criticism) posts as well as Rick Riordan critical posts. With the pjo side it's a bit more of a recent thing ever since the Disney+ pjo TV show has officially announced the release date. As for rwby, my gripes with how the story was handled as well as the RT scandals that keep cropping up was something I held in for a few years.
I was very much aware of the rwby's fandom's visceral aversion against their show even being mildly criticized, especially on Twitter/X and here on Tumblr. It can range from constant harassment to straight up doxxing, and it terrified me to silence. But recently I stopped caring and started to openly let out all my frustrations through reblogging rwde posts, adding my two cents, and making my own short posts about it.
I've also gone out of my way to comment on people's tweets about rwby and express my discontent in a passive aggressive way. I go in guns blazing ready for a fight when I could just scroll pass or mute that person's profile instead. I am not proud of those actions. My pent-up anger and frustration with rwby, especially vol 9, as well as with RT is no way an excuse to drag random people into my grievances. My paranoia caused me to fear backlash, and my resolve to speak my mind drove me into a fight instinct, assuming someone is out there ready to claw my eyes out because I said don't particularly care for bumbl3by and how it was handled or how WBY were uncharacteristically callous and neglectful towards Ruby's declining mental wellbeing.
I want to do better. So my first step is to make a completely separate blog specifically for rwde criticisms as well as Rick Riordan/PJO criticisms (and any other crit of fandoms I am or was part of potentially). I will delete the crit posts from my main blog and reblog them on the new blog. Some of the reblogs where I add my two cents will remain here and will also be reblogged on the new blog. Rwde meme art will stay here.
This post does seem out of nowhere, but I have done some self reflecting recently. I have considered doing a separate blog for rwde and RR crit posts a few months back, so this isn't an impulsive decision. Thank you for your time, and please if you are interested in seeing my two cents, follow me here at grayskyzephyr
I also want to apologize for my unwarranted behavior here and on Twitter. Even if I am a smaller creator and won't draw much attention, it's still not an excuse. I will not apologize for my criticisms, but I will apologize for passively aggressively expressing them to people, who were just minding their own business, unprovoked. For that, I am sorry.
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ultimateinferno · 1 year
Hi! Sorry if this is rude but, I saw that you said you use an adblock on your phone. How do you do that?
Sure. First things first, my advice only applies to android, so if you're apple I can't help you much. If you want an adblock for Youtube specifically that is so thorough it can automatically skip sponsor-segments within individual videos: ReVanced is for you. (If you have questions subreddit is here)
Now what I use is Rethink. It's a DNS manager and VPN (I think). It can do a lot of things but in short, it will reveal what's going on under the hood of your phone's internet. Note, because it will be doing a lot of work playing door keeper for your internet, it may slow things down. If you want you can have it ignore certain apps and just let everything through. For example an app that doesn't have ads like Discord. You can turn it off momentarily if it's slowing things down too much or just give Discord permissions to just bypass it.
So. Let's take a look at the home page of Rethink. (below is a decently big wall of text, but i just want to be thorough. I'm willing to elaborate further if asked)
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Only thing cropped out is a menu bar along the bottom and the button that turns the app functions on and off.
So top left under apps lets you manage specific Applications and what IPs/Domains they can call.
Top right is universal Rules for domains and IPs phone-wide.
Bottom left DNS lets you pick which DNS you want to use. These can do a lot of heavylifting with website management. It can block a lot of ads already (although it won't catch everything) and even block other websites such as porn should you wish. (I'll explain what a DNS is at the end of the post, but for now, pick one that describes what you want).
Bottom Middle lets you set up firewalls that can be really vigilant on what gets sent to your phone. If you want to fully quarantine the device you totally can.
Bottom right is logs. It lets you see every IP and Domain that communicates with your phone and what app is responsible for it.
So, how do you block ads? Depends. If you want to block ads for a specific app (which is easier) you can do either Logs or Apps. Let's start with Apps.
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Here, it shows all apps on your phone, even one's built in and not downloaded by you. You can use the search function and various filters to find what you want. I'll use tumblr for example.
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This is what it looks like when you click on the app. Here, it shows every internet domain/IP tumblr has ever contacted in the pass... whenever you used it since you either cleared your logs or downloaded the app and turned it on. Click on a domain and this little page is brought up
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You are shown the exact domain and ip the call entails. You can select or deselect Trust or Block. Trust lets the call through no matter what. Block prevents it no matter what. As you can see, you can identify this is an ad domain because it says ad in it. If you don't know if it's an ad you can google look it up and google will tell you if its an ad. As you go through this you'll discover just how many ad services exist. Anyways, I blocked both the domain and the IP. And just scroll through the list given to you and pick and choose.
But what if you keep getting ads phone wide that the DNS nor the pre-existing block list doesn't catch?
Well there's the universal rules. Unfortunately for this app, I don't think there's a quick way to universally block a domain just from the nodes.
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This is what it looks like. If you click the little plus button you can add more universal rules to your phone to block (or allow). You can do a specific IP or Domain, or you can wildcard it.
In most computer spaces the character * is the wildcard to be used. if your messing around with funky computer stuff, that is like the universal code for "give me anything and everything." So for these examples, my rules are "block all domains that end with .adsrvr.org or .adsbynimbus.com" These wildcards are important because these domains begin with different things.
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Here *.adsbynimbus.com blocks both of these domains.
Of course, you don't need to do this from the outset. My experiences with finicky computer things is that you do as much as you can at the beginning, and then live it with for a certain period of time until it annoys you and you want to make changes, and then you do a little more to clean things up.
To start with, pick an adblock based DNS, and see where the rest of things will take you from there.
*DNS stands for Domain Name Server. It's basically the yellowpages for the internet. Instead of your computer keeping track of every possible Domain to IP combo on the internet, which is absurd, a DNS manages it for you and you only have to remember one IP address. So when you type in something like tumblr.com into your browser, your computer will ask the DNS "give me the IP address for tumblr.com please!" and then the DNS will say "tumblr.com is located here at [32 bit number]" and then your computer will go "Thankyou!" and go to that IP Address.
These DNS that your picking from will look at the domain your computer or phone is asking for and say "Wait a minute! These domains are all ads! I'm not giving this to you!" and send a 403 error to which the app using the ads will go "Oh damn" and move on with its life. This is imperfect because ads are fucking everywhere, but that's the short of it. This isn't getting into other shit like caching. I'm just using this post as an excuse to neglect homework.
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partypuppynastja · 2 years
Sorry but your birthday girl pic looks like that's a pre pubescent child, and the people that find that attractive are equally questionable. Maybe take better pics of you looking like an adult.
Wow, your mind goes to some questionable places, Anon!
Fascinating review of my 60cm thighs and 75cm waist, thanks.
As it happens, I took a great picture right after that, that does a nice job of showing off my hips (103cm) and boobs (also 103cm), but guess what, Tumblr won't let me post that one.
So instead, you get a cropped photo of me titting around with a birthday girl rosette on my 38th birthday. Maybe you missed my cool grey hairs in the other photos I posted the same day. I guess they're not the most visible; it varies from photo to photo, but maybe you also missed my hourglass figure in the photo I posted right under it as a reblog.
My best guess is that either you haven't grasped that being a grown woman means I get to decide if/when I want to depilate or not, or else my hips don't live up to your expectations at that angle, in which case, again you just need to cope.
At the end of the day, it's my body—the only one I have.
Anyway, maybe go think on your projective assumptions instead of harassing women online about their bodies.
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memes-and-shit · 2 months
🍁 uhhhhh, you guys can call me Gromit. that's a good-enough fake-name lol i go by they/them pronouns, i am confirmed to be over 18 years old, and that's all my info y'all get ✌️
🍁 i didn't make most of this. or any of it, really. (sometimes, i edit; but i dont consider my edits to be "i made this" bc... i didnt make the core thing i am editing) so, anything you wanna use? no need to credit me. i'd like to see what you make using it, for shits and giggles, but that's not mandatory
🍁 i try to post credit to "the little guys" i make stuff from whenever i can figure out the source
➥ some of this stuff i find second- or third-hand where i have no clue who the "little guy" that made this is; feel free to reblog to add the applicable credit, and (after i do some fact-checking, bc some people online ✨️lie✨️) then i will reblog what you said + alter the original post to now have credit. but multi-million/billion-companies, celebrities, etc?? idgaf, you can VERY easily find out who the source
🍁 most things are on a queue
🍁 i don't do requests, sorry
🍁 here's how you can make your own edits tho??
🍁 some things i edited to have captions (#my edit + #captioned); others, already had captions (just #captioned); only a few videos don't have captions (#uncaptioned)
🍁 i tag based on what my Reactions Folder's sub-folders were. thats how i organize. idc about attention; meaning, 99% of the time, idc about tagging "correctly", so it crops up under the "correct" "tumblr tag-pages"-or-whatever-theyre-called
🍁 organizational tags i use below "read more". below that are some statements too
➥ said statements table-of-contents: about helping me credit the little guys [[titled: "sources psa"]] 🍁 my opinions on when to credit an editor and whatnot, and when i will/won't credit another editor (which does explain why idgaf about y'all not crediting me when i do edits lmao) [[titled: "a potential controversy"]] 🍁
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏post-topic tags
#off theme
➥ (aka: these posts are not "memes & shit"; probably me posting a life-update or similar? idk)
#masterlist series
➥ (aka: anything i think is a mini-series of "things i have posted". i will VERY rarely do these, stuff's gotta be hyper-specific for me to feel like a masterlist is warranted. like. the first one of these i made was not just a Kylee Henke masterlist series, but a Kylee Henke's Zoobe Bunny Excerpt-Videos masterlist series. like i said, shit's got to be hyper-specific. if i made one for everything and everyone, i would get so overwhelmed so quickly, it's better this way, just let it be hyper-specific only lol)
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏post-typage tags
#my edit
➥ (aka: these are posts i "made", or at least did something to (eg. adding captions). these are like "the templates")
#my customization
➥ (aka: me applying an example of how to use "the templates". usually is from my irl life of me using these @my loved ones, and i post them here bc im a little bit too attached to wanna delete said customization entirely 👉👈🥺)
#captioned, #uncaptioned
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏additional tags: my "esp for" tags
➥ (aka: the post is esp, or "especially", useful for these groups)
#esp for writers and i.f. creators
➥ (aka: posts will be applicable about writing, about discussing fictional characters, and so on)
#esp for artists
➥ (aka: posts will be applicable about doing art (the "art" in question primarily being drawing), and so on)
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏my Reaction Folders' titles ➡ now tags
my aforementioned Reactions Folders' titles:
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏sources psa
expect these to be the least consistent thing i do, ever, but sure, ill add them sometimes, i guess, when i remember/know who the source is. more likely the aforementioned "little guys" than anybody else tho, ngl. but said little guys will get credit either within the post and/or within the image/video itself; and if i forget to also tag said credit, i think that's fine. i'll still try to do it, even though i know ill be inconsistent and forgetful the little guys and big guys, but also shhhhhhh if i forget. i'm doing my best, just let my mistakes go, let it be inconsistent
➥ but also do feel free to reblog the post (if it's an aforementioned "little guy" ESPECIALLY) and help source credit! (➡ note, for said lil guys, i will fact-check at MY leisure, assuming i see your reblog notif to begin with. and if i see that your sourcing is correct: ill reblog your addition AND edit the og post. just. do me the common decency of not insulting me for forgetting to source/not knowing who to source, whichever lol
bc i do have understandable reasons for not always knowing who to source?? bc a lot of these are videos i got from tiktok accounts, tumblr posts, and other websites where the "op" of said item?? was NOT the actual original poster, and did not source the people/person/etc within the item. ans now idk who to credit too lmao rip
● which, for artists and editors-whose-edits-are-NOT-simple-edits you can tell bc that item did not match the style/s already attached to their account, and didnt say something like "trying a new style!" or whatever in the bio or comments or something. idk. people who never can "stick to one style" still have a general large encompassing area they still to, ive never gotten a "i dont really have an art-/editing-style" person confused with an art-/editing-thief. and im one of those people who constantly change up their art/edits/writing/aesthetic/etc ("idk what exact box i fit into. im just me"), which i think? maybe helps me??? on figuring out if someone is a thief or is just inconsistent/experimenting/"just being me"/whatever?? but yeah! an art-thief especially, and oftentimes also edit-thieves, tend to be pretty obvious they are a thief. even if the comments have not already caught on. bc sometimes youll see a comment outright saying "you stole this from xyz" or "you traced xyz's art/you copied xyz's edit" but not always
● several others? especially ones that were videos of irl people?? i always check out the account and, MANY times have went "..okay this account is just a compilation of memes/jokes/etc, idk. but its VERY safe to assume they are definitely reposting and are NOT the irl person in the video". the person/people in this video assumedly are unaware their video of them being a silly lil goofball they posted on their personal account is here, on an account that compiles memes and funny videos. (bc its VERY rare that an account focused on humor will post content that reveals their face and/or their loved one/s. so. safe to assume it isn't theirs.) and i do want to find the original personal account this image/video in question came from, so i do look. there's a very small margin of error where, if a video looks really old, i wont look tho bc i assume the original account it was posted on is gone and, if it really looks old enough or like enough of "that type of oops funny thing was improv'ed" gag that i think maybe it was on "America's Funniest Home Videos" or a similar clip-show on cable?? ill admit, those ones, i dont try. but if it's like "this obviously friends trying to do a silly trend on tiktok"?? yeah, of course, i look for the account that came from, absolutely. but yeah, that's the usual spectrum for those types. i rarely find, much less keep, videos i can see landing on those "America's Funniest Home Video" type of clip-shows. so, really, the only "danger" there is for being a new video featuring irl people who idk? to go uncredited AND be a rare case where i didn't even try to look for the original account?? is, again, if the low-resolution and content of the video makes me think the video is old enough to where searching would be pointless. to which i then ask, fam? why the fuck is the resolution so bad that i thought this was maybe uploaded to Vine or MySpace (or MAYBE even was a VHS mailed to early-EARLY "AFHV"? lmao imagine), the fuck lol???? but whatever, nobody's perfect, i think you can grant me this kind of margin of error if my anxiety is already willing to grant it lmao
which, ill fully admit. i care about crediting these people for my own self-interests. like, sure, i do it in no small part bc it's the nice and kind thing to at least TRY to do. but also?? i do care about ensuring that person gets a shout-out bc of my anxiety catastrophisizing the hypothetical of a post of mine blowing up and inducing me to feel massive guilt from the fact that i didnt give credit to the people who actually made the item in question so they could also share in the attention of virality. so like. i dont assume ill go viral?? i WORRY ill go viral lmao if? that?? makes sense? which. i have trauma that i know would make me hate even a quarter-of-the-way viral levels of attention would imply. and i feel like, if this account was to ever go viral (god forbid. gatekeep me. dont let it happen lol there's a significant chance i might abandon this account if that happens), i feel like one thing that would basically be destined to happen is i would get chronically-online people criticizing me for not crediting my sources and riding on other people's hard-work. which like. i know they would do anyway since im not perfect at crediting. but if i didnt even TRY, that would hurt differently in a way that'd fuck me up. never know who could be the next hypothetical Cinderella story, like how Kombucha-Girl became the p fucking famous Britney Broski (regardless on your or my own feelings on Britney Broski, she did get her fame from a jokey meme that totally changed her life). give people their credit. like. i am also doing it to be nice and kind, sure! but know that even if i felt exhausted of all my nicities and kind inklings somehow on some certain day?? my anxiety would still demand i at least TRY to find the source. like. anytime you see NO credit?? ANYWHERE??? know the day i found the image/video, i probably spent a good chunk of time between 15 to 45 minutes, out of niceness and kindness and also to appease my anxiety, trying to find the source before calling it quits and saying "at least i tried" (aforementioned exceptions and/or margin of error notwithstanding lol)
which, with everyone where i have TRIED to see if i could reverse-image-source the item?? ive had mixed results from that. sometimes, i found them; sometimes, i didn't. but feel free to try again for me. you might get the correct result a lot quicker than me!
("wha—? h- how.. would i?? get the correct result...? quicker than you...??")
well. my information im about to share with you could be outdated or incomplete, so take this with a grain of salt. but i remember in elementary school how my teacher told our class that google alters the search-results per [insert IP or whatever the technical term she said that ive forgotten is] depending on the history of searches. she told us this so that "if you can't find the answer you need, it doesn't mean you're stupid. ask a friend to check their search-results and find the answer together! it might just be google being picky about what words (or i guess the equivalent would be which frame you chose to screenshot in your and my case, since i dont think an image-file itself being uploaded could result in pickiness) you decided to use, or perhaps it's results are biasedly influenced by what the AI has learned about your family through your families' collective internet search-history". which was basically her sly way of telling us to not depend on the first results we find, or even the first page of results, but to be critical of our sources in their credibility and whatnot. so, the way i understood what she meant was via an example she proceeded to give us that went SOMETHING(?) like this:
(🅰️) a kid whose parent is a professor with a doctorate who brings work home often, meaning they use the family-wifi to research academic studies. when that kid googles "teach me about pyramids"? their results may be extremely well-regarded articles about the Egyptian pyramids (such as the New York Times), peer-reviewed journals about the Egyptian tombs history, Khan Academy and other very good mathematical sources to help you understand how pyramids work within geometry, a released study-guide of various pyramids' formulas (relating to geometry) from Harvard's math-degree program, and much more. a very good foundation for their Egyptian pyramid report for class, and the math could help with that research in breaking down those pyramids dimensions in that report which could give that student an interesting angle that puts their report from an "A" status to an "A+" status, especially if their parent can help them plug in the right numbers into the relevant formulas! very helpful
vs. (🅱️) a kid whose parent works in accounting and taxes, who strives for a healthy work-life balance of never bring work home as often as possible. as a result, the parent uses the family wifi to play pseudo-gambling-with-fake-money apps on their phones more than anything else, to de-compress and de-stress. when that kid googles "teach me about the pyramids"? their results will include some articles about the Egyptian pyramids, but maybe not as credibly-sourced since the [insert IP or whatever it was called again] with this family's wifi isn't used to finding online resources of academic credibility. in fact, the student might get confused since a lot of results might be influenced by those pseudo-gambling phone-apps, and be showing the child information about Las Vegas's pyramids. which. isn't what the report is about. and due to this parent likely having to still bring work home sometimes, like during tax season or other stressful crunch-times, there might be way more math results about pyramids (geometry) than about the Egyptian pyramids. but accountants don't use geometry in their work, they use more basic arithmetic and algebra. so the formulas about the pyramids (geomtry) here would only talk about the pyramids of Egypt as part of the word-problems. so even if the parent was to also have the availability to help the kid plug in the accurate applicable numbers into the formula? those formulas are more likely to be not give a full picture of how to calculate the Egyptian pyramids' size and dimensions. and that's if the kid has the right numbers written down as they might have the dimensions for those Las Vegas pyramids instead, and feels inspired by these online results to even try to do this math (as the lack of "training the computer" to look for reliable articles means these word-problem results are more likely to be blank homework page examples, but could also include walk-throughs here and there like the Kid-A recieved plenty of). but those Egyptian pyramid articles, the most important part of this whole paper, are ALSO more likely to be from less reliable sources with perhaps incorrect information (bc people online like to lie. bc it is fun. but also sometimes people online think they are right when they actually fundamentally misunderstand something), like maybe Kid-B sees enough articles by conspiracy theorists on those unreliable websites that Kid-B thinks "aliens built the Egyptian pyramids" is a more seriously considered and debated topic of academic discussion than it is (which.. it's not. that actually has gotten the famous "Aleins" History Channel Meme Guy fired from his job bc his outspoken belief in this theory cpuld have risked his university's reputation and accreditation. so. yeah, no, Kid-B, those are not academic articles). overall, unless either the parent or Kid-B themselves catches that Kid-B has to sort through a lot more "proverbial litter" to find good, ACTUALLY academic, and ACTUALLY reliable sources of information about the Egyptian pyramids and Egypt's history, Kid-B could fail their report. even if they spent just as long on research and worked just as hard as Kid-A, all bc Kid-B was ignorant to their digital disadvantages and Kid-A unknowingly advantaged. all bc of that [thing with IP or AI or whatever it was called] and what it had learned from the family wifi what the assumed interests of its users would be. a feature no kid could easily turn off/on
which worked at making the kids in our class write down these Definitively Reliable Websites where we could search for accredited articles and peer-reviewed sources. i dont remember what they were back then, we were only in 5th or 4th grade. but it was a great lesson to be taught, im frankly shocked and a bit appalled that more kids were not taught this kind of syuff when teachers are first helping students learn how to research. everyone NOT from that class (even kids who did go to the same elementary school, but jusy did not have that teacher) all have been shocked as i am usually the first one to tell people about how, yeah, that's an aspect of how many (if not all) search-engines work
anyway. the information stuck with all of us from that class, as far as i can tell (a lot of us in that class attended the same middle and high school. like. at least 40% of us, if not a LOT more. so there was a rare time or two where id talk about this and i wouldn't be The First Person To Ever Tell Someone This Search-Engine Info. and every time it was bc the peer in question i just told would go "oh! yeah, i remember [insert name of other kid that i shared that elementary teacher with] said the same to me, like, last year!" or something. but that WAS rare so idk), or at least it always stuck with me. and i was one of the luckier kids who didn't NEED to know the info! and it still has stuck with me all these years later, even the examples of Kid-A and Kid-B!! like! i was on Kid-A's side of the spectrum WAY more than i was to Kid-B's side of the spectrum. my family definitely "trained the computer" in a way i got massive benefits from. like im talking i either was 100% Kid-A, 0% Kid-B or else i was a very minimal mix like maybe 93% Kid-A, 07% Kid-B levels of "minimal". yet still, whenever i find i distrust the google results on my phone, if im next to a friend, ill ask them to google the same thing i did to see if their first page of results looks better than mine and very often we DO get different search results! so!! even if i dont get how that works, that teacher was still right!
brief tangent: im convinced this is how some of my friends that are girls who do the whole "i can stalk your would-be-date like a Private Eye and find out information down to a C.I.A. level about if this person is worthy of being assumed to be trustworthy or not" benefit from this. like they themsleves have trained their phones (with their own dates and friends' dates and even co-workers/other acquantices' dates) or something to be AWESOME and THAT FAST at pulling up the results most likely to give them all of this stranger's private info. it's wild
anyway, screenshot or download the png or jpeg or whatever (or screenshot a frame from a video) to try to find the source if you think the lack of credit on the post implies i cant find it (bc it's either that or i forgot. which. "forgot" could mean "i have the source but didnt realize i didnt put it in the post" OR "i once had the source but now forgot who to credit this to and can't find them, oh no". so. good chance i likely need help even if it was an "oh, i forgot" type of mistake). you may have a better trained [whatever the tech is, if not IP, idk] than me at reverse-image-searching to find the people and/or company the item in question is originally from. who knows. go give it a try! what's the worst that could happen? lol
but yeah, when the source is obviously. like. Walt Disney Studios or like Pixar or Warner Brothers or RDJ or Nicholas Cage or whoever the fuck then like?? i didn't put credit bc they don't need the shout-out, you very well probably recognize the actor/studio/product they are in if it's something real mainstream that tou onlt know bc of pop culture osmosis, they got millions or billions of money as pocket-change, im not stressing myself out with crediting EVERYONE since crediting "everyone" doesn't affect "everyone" equally. im only worried about the people who not getting a shout-out could potentially very negatively affect (aka: the little guys). im not gonna stress about "the big guys" lol they're rich, they're easy to find, they're fine lmao
if you DO need help finding the source from "a big guy" that i posted about, just go @ me in a post and ask (or, hell, reblog the post that came from me and @ me in the said reblog. you can delete it after i answer you). i know i have Asks/Submits/Replies/etc turned off. (its bc i dont want to be accessible to everyone ever all the time lmao that feels stressful. so this One Public Avenue being the only way you could ask me means you gotta REALLY wanna know in order to get a hold of me). i do ask y'all don't do it for "a little guy" bc ill probably ignore you if i already tried to find said little guy and am ashamed that my labor was in vain (but if i do know the source for sure, like i still fully remember their info— and just simply forgot to credit said lil guy, then ill absolutely reply to you and edit the og post). know i check this blog VERY infrequently and may genuinely miss your question or answer it A LONG TIME after you @'ed me. so like. dont get mad if i take forever to reply?? or never reply? nobody wants to help someone who is entitled and gets mad at someone else for [not wanting to reply/didn't know they had something to reply to/took a long time to reply to but did reply]. mad or passive-aggressive. ive blocked people for less lol but yeah. just be polite to strangers, in general, of course, but also to strangers in predicaments like mine who have lives that take priority outside of a meme-y joke-y sideblog lol
to reiterate: feel free (but no pressure) to help if and when you can if you notice there was no credit for a lil guy on my blog pls? thanks 🫶
✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏a potential controversy
i think my lines with who i decide to credit and who i dont are overall pretty clear. and i think it helps that, the way i see it, im not a hypocrite about my ideas of who to credit and who not to: bc things do get dicey when it comes to crediting people with small edits. yet i also dont insist on any credit for any of my own edits, bc i also see my edits as p fucking small. which might get SOME people mad on principle should they disagree with my overall perspective. regardless, this bit here will VERY likely be my one and only statement about it
but i do fully admit i dont quite know THE qualative line exactly? but let's establish what i mean via examples. if an account is posting a clip-compilation of "Digital Circus" and they did a "all the times Jax was sassy for 3 minutes" or something, meaning they did splice and edit this compilation together (that is one chunk of editing they did in of itself). but then they also added tiny edits, like i know its common for tiktok funny-scene-compilation-editors to have one the said simple edits just be a "🙄😒" next the character rolling their eyes (in this case, Jax). in my mind?? even tho this editor did add these kind of very minimal additions to the content at hand? and im just profiting off of the convenience of "oH YEAH, i wanted this scene clipped to use for reactions/memes! i just was putting it off bc i didnt know its time-stamp" and i use any clips, those with "🙄😒" edits and otherwise, where the most editing *i* then do afterwards is like add captions? i still see that as "the source belongs to 'Digital Circus' as there were no significant edits done to alter the material". i'm not crediting the editor that i benefited from the clip-compilation of. that's part of why i also walk what i talk in saying "if i subtitled or edited additionally to anything on this blog? you do not have to credit me. i barely did anything. i just added text, maybe with some effects done to said text to reflect volume/tone/pitch or whatever, and maybe a couple emojis/pictures were overlayed. that's nothing. i try to caption most things for accessibility. and sometimes i feel like being a goofball and i add other things ontop of it. bur nothing worthy of crediting me". bc, in the case of my edits and other people's similarly small edits? is the gag 10 times out of 10 is all still on the original content. but we start talking about an edit as in someone made an AMV?? (as in they had to splice in time to the music and maybe did other edits in addition to elevate the AMV. not as in "look, i put music behind this otherwise unedited clip" lol) or someone heavily edited this non-AMV clip of Jax to have, idk, silly meme-y circus-music ontop of having done manips of a rainbow clown wig and nose to follow his every head-motion and then ALSO did the classic DUN-meme-sound reverberation with camera-shake and black-white filter after Jax's dumbest expressions or lines?? that. that is SO MUCH editing and definitely changes the clip to where i am absolutely sourcing both "Digital Circus" and that editor. both of the AMV and circus-Jax
so, again, idk exactly where the qualitative line is. but i do have one where i refuse to fuck over people who have edited the original content to the point that now the audience is there for this person's editing skills, and not bc of the original content within the clip/s used. does that make sense?? i hope that makes sense. this is my one and only statement im gonna make about it anyway lol i think my reasoning is sound. if your content is heavily relient on the original content being as unedited as possible but you just added a few things on the "🙄😒"-level to be a goofball? keep doing what you're doing, im not going to yuck your yum (especially since i am identical to you and i also love to add a bit of razzle-dazzle lol). but im not going to credit you, the credit goes to the people who made the said original content that this "🙄😒"-and-adjacent-edits dont alter or anything. it's still like 90% the original show's clip?? come on lmao you and i can both live without the credit. feel free to take my edits and add them to your account "so i see how it feels". it's still almost entirely the original show, so ive made my peace with rarely/never getting credit for my small edits or subtitles bc like.. it's still 90% the original show??? i did basically nothing. i just had fun, have a clip i can throw into discord or a text-conversation for a tee-hee with my loved one, and have given other people permission to benefit from this side-blog's collection and possible captioning. again, come on lol the editors who actually changed the content so much with their skills that, other than that they used the original show like a collage artist benefits from magazines and whatnot, they've DEFINITELY changed more than 90% of the content to the point that their viewers are having a different experience with this editor than they would be watching the original show or its clips. come on lmao
0 notes
bitletsanddrabbles · 9 months
Has Anyone Else Noticed...?
Maybe it's just me, but I've kinda noticed an attitude developing on Tumblr that motive is everything and good motive must result it good results. I mean, motive matters, absolutely. However, there seems to be this attitude that if you make a joke or do something to try and be helpful or something like that, and someone responds by getting irritated or offended, they are absolutely in the wrong. How dare they not laugh at your joke? How dare they not be gushingly grateful about your help or doubt your expertise? Clearly, there is something wrong with them and they should apologize to you.
I'm sure I'm guilty of some of this myself, although having spent most of my life in various situations where if I make someone upset, I have to apologize, and if someone makes me upset, I have to apologize, I'm probably more likely to go "Right. Right. So sorry, I will try to never do that again, my bad. Very wrong of me to have been born, let me go flog myself." Still, humans in a culture will reflect that culture.
The thing is, good motivation does not erase all margin for error. The fact you were making a joke does not mean the other party won't find the joke funny, even if they did understand it. The fact you were trying to be helpful doesn't mean you were, especially if your help was not asked for. Generally I see this crop up with people who are absolute, perfect strangers. It's like people go "Oh, I've never talked to you in my life? I'll treat you like I do my besties anyway!" and then get all sorts of offended and butt hurt when this new person, with culture and life experience completely unknown to you, does not reply like your actual besties.
And it's difficult not to be casual on this site. All sorts of difficult. Everything about it is designed to make things feel communal and familiar. The concept of 'mutuals'. The ability to see entire conversations. The encouragement to put increasingly personal information in your header. (No you do not need to know my age, pronouns, or social security number, thank you!) The barrage of posts like "I love how everyone on the internet speaks sarcasm!" even though sarcasm doesn't always translate well through text and there are gobs of people out there who just...don't get it. It's so all pervasive that even if you know, you forget. I know, because I know I'm guilty of this one.
But if you are approaching an absolute stranger - not a mutual, not someone you've had conversations with, not someone you know from somewhere else - they are still a stranger, you are the one engaging them, and it's really not reasonable to assume they're going to respond well to your 'friendly' cues. I mean, it's not reasonable in real life, but it's even less so on the internet. It's the 'world wide web' after all, and what's polite in your culture might be all kinds of rude in theirs. Add to that you don't know what they're dealing with in RL, what their mental connotation of certain words is, any pet peeves, and yeah. You might not actually be the saint you think you are, and it might, in fact, be best if you apologize...or at least don't reply and give the cranky person some space.
Because demanding an apology for their "fucking unbelievable behavior" is probably not going to go over well either.
0 notes
tawaifeddiediaz · 2 years
hi can you make a tutorial on how you sharpen your gifs? i especially love the black and white ones you make
Hi Nonnie! Sorry you've had to wait a little bit, I've just been really insanely busy with a thousand things 😅 Anyway, I'm not sure how exactly to do this, but hopefully this makes sense!
We'll be doing this scene, to go from the top gif to the bottom gif:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(This tutorial assumes basic knowledge of gif-making and smart filters, and is probably long-winded because I haven't been making gifs for very long, but this is the way I do mine.)
Tutorial under the cut:
Couple things to note that make a huge difference before you even start:
Use high-quality videos! I try not to go below 1080p for anything, and sometimes that means downloading bigger files.
Make sure that whatever application you use to get your frames isn't distorting them, or skipping frames. I use MPV player.
Make sure your gif size is correct when you crop it, if you're posting it somewhere). For example, if you're making a single gif on a row, Tumblr's optimum width is 540px. If you make it 500px, or 550px or whatever, it's going to look super crunchy and weird after you post it, so stick to their sizes.
We're gonna begin at this page (if you need a tutorial on how to get here, let me know, but I'm assuming you know!)
Tumblr media
First, make sure your gif is a smart object! If your gif isn't a smart object, you won't be able to apply the smart filters. If it is, you'll see this symbol next to it. To convert all your layers to a smart object, select them all, right-click, and select "convert to smart object."
Tumblr media
Next, duplicate your gif layer so you have two. Hide the top layer and select the bottom layer. Your layers should look like this:
Tumblr media
Remember we're working on the bottom layer first! Go to Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen. Use these settings, depending on what looks best for your gif/video quality:
Tumblr media
The radius can be set to 0.2px to 0.5px depending on your quality/preference. You can also choose to remove Lens Blur instead of Gaussian Blur but these are my preferred settings. (I don't do anything with the Shadows and Highlights section)
Next, do another Smart Sharpen, but this time, use these settings:
Tumblr media
(a popular choice for this second smart sharpen is 10%-10px, but I like the clarity 20% gives just a little bit more.)
This is what my layers look like right now:
Tumblr media
And this is what my gif looks like. I removed the sharpening from the right side of the image, and while it's not super obvious like this, I think you can see the difference best in Buck's eyes. The eye on our left has much more detail and depth, while the one on our right isn't as clear:
Tumblr media
You can stop right here if you want to, if you're happy with the way your gif looks. However, my preference is always to soften the crisp edges just a little so it doesn't look over-sharp, and also give it some clarity, which is where that second layer comes in.
Select that top layer and un-hide it. Remember that there are no filters on this layer so far. Go to Filters > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Choose a radius of 0.4-0.7px, and click enter. The gif will look like this:
Tumblr media
Next, change the opacity of this top layer to 20-25%. You should have your sharpened gif back, but it will look just a little softer and less harsh along the edges. You can change this opacity depending on your scene, so it's really like a slider you can control to go back and forth.
Your layers will look like this:
Tumblr media
Then, one more optional step that I like to do is add a noise layer. This seems counter-intuitive, but when you have big blocks of color, the noise helps disperse them just a little bit.
Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise. Use these settings:
Tumblr media
Then, in your Layers pane, right-click where it says Add Noise, and in the menu, click Edit Smart Filter Blending Options. You should get this dialogue box, where you can change the opacity of that filter to 50%.
Tumblr media
I know it kind of seems like "what's the point?" when this particular layer is already low-opacity, but it does make a difference (to me, at least) in some gifs where there's a lot of color/light, especially after you color the gif in!
This is what your layers should look like:
Tumblr media
And this is what my gif looks like after I run it through the frame animation, all sharpened!
Tumblr media
Here it is colored the way I color my gifs xD (and also slightly slowed down):
Tumblr media
And here it is in black and white (I love black and white, too xD):
Tumblr media
I hope this helps, Nonnie! Feel free to drop me an ask if something here doesn't make sense.
Last tips:
Don't be afraid to play around with multiple settings until you find the one that works best for you.
Make. An. Action. I can't tell you how much actions save time when I'm working because then I don't have to remember every last detail. The first few times, just get in practice of doing it yourself, but after that, actions are amazing. Some people on tumblr have actions you can download and use, too.
Different scenes/lighting will result in different outcomes of your sharpening, so you might have to play around with it. Sometimes, I add an extra Smart Sharpen layer to that bottom layer to help clarify some of the details, and other times, I just change the existing settings to fit the scenes.
Sharpening tends to be a personal preference thing, so just play around with all the settings until you find one that works best for you.
Happy giffing!
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zarazmnie-cos · 2 years
my tumblr just crashed I hope it didn’t send some half written ask in >.< but idk if you see it when I comment on the color post for you so I’m sending it here :D
Green, scarlet, periwinkle, mauve, blush, fuchsia, vermilion, honeydew (also my fav fruit), umber, razzmatazz, saffron, plum, tangerine, burgundy <3
dumblr get yo shit together would ya???? oh boi, thats a whole damn rainbow and im here for it, lets go. from this game!
green - i think you're cute.
why are so many people think im cute???? i am not????
scarlet - you have influenced my decision/thoughts on something
im so confused rn but i hope it was for the better!!! or that it wasn't something dangerous!! take care though and in case, i'm here to help you decide, bUT I'D LIKE TO KNOW WHAT YOU WANT TO DECIDED ON OKAY??
periwinkle - you make me laugh
hehe, good. g o o d. i love making people laugh tbh
this one will be longer, so here's a cut!
mauve - you are really talented
well, i'd say it's more experience. i remember my first-ever works in polish and then in english and i hope to forget about it lol
blush - seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better
GOOD!!!! im here to brighten up your days and make you smile!!!! and also for you all to have someone to talk to!!!! i want you all to smile bcuz of me everyday or at least every time i post <3
fuchsia - your blog content is gold
pls it's 90% filthy trash and 10% shitpost, yall really think it's gold???
vermilion - you make me feel passionate
oh my- i never expected to inspire someone??? especially with the horny shit i write??? but i'm happy to see that someone feels like it bcuz of me <3
honeydew - i want to call you by a nickname
GO FOR IT!!!! LET'S GO!!!!! i'm ness and i'm here for you to call me like that!!!! or any other nickname you come up with!!! let's get that moot shit
i have never eaten a honeydew but know i want to try it
umber - i want to know more about you
lets go. what do you want to know? i won't give you my phone number or bank account, though. but if you uwant to know about me, just ask!!!! whether through dms or inbox, i'm ready to tell something about me!!!
razzmatazz - i would share my favorite food with you
i- no one really shares food with me since i'm usually the one who cooks for my friends or gives them food and now i'm super touched :((((( i love food and i love you :((( you're so precious my dear!!!!
saffron - i love your ideas
would it be narcissistic if i told yall i love them too? but thank you, it means a lot, seriously!!! whenever i will doubt my ideas, i will come back here and read it through once again <3
plum - i'd like to chat with you
LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. my dms and inbox is always open, come in and text me!!!!! don't be afraid, i'm not a spider!!! but it can take me some time to write back, which i'm sorry for :(((
tangerine - i love your aesthetic
SKFJBSIRBV THANK YOU!!! i'm trying to stay with the red color on my theme but these anime caps are kind of hard to find and later crop. but still i'm happy it looks good and that someone likes it :((
burgundy - i get excited when i see posts from you
AND I GET EXCITED WHEN I SEE YOUR ASKS!!!! actually i get excited when i see any asks or comment or reblog with nice words lmao its just that interactions makes me happy because i don't feel like im throwing my works into a void!!!!! that's why i treasure every ask, comment and kind words in my heart and i just love you all :(((
whew i managed to get through all these colors and once again THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR INTERACTING WITH ME!!!! ily <3
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prokyon · 3 years
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I've been going totally out of order with these weretober prompts but I'm still having fun with them!
batman, the werebat
wereBear, pun intended
were-owl. kind of merged this prompt with the gryphon prompt
and finally we have werefrog! frog dude. toad and frog's very stronk cousin based off a local species of pobblebonk (banjo frog)
I have some secret art I'm not allowed to post yet because it's a gift and of course I've been doing werewolf art all the time (and not posting because I'm a forgetful fool) but hopefully I'll get around to throwing that stuff in the queue!
also I swear I tried to put image descriptions on these pictures but Tumblr wouldn't let me do more than 2-3 pictures at the same time. So I'd save the post as a draft and move onto the next pictures. EXCEPT: it turns out that Tumblr eats the image descriptions and won't save them as part of your draft. You have to write them all in one go before posting. I went through this frustrating process a couple times before my spoons ran out so I'm sorry. If I'm not brain-fogged after this I might come back to reblog with image descriptions
[do not copy/crop/edit/trace/repost my art. share it by linking to my posts here or in my other galleries!]
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sheepstiel · 2 years
Hi, I adore your nsfw destiel arts. They're always so sweet and intimate and the transmasc content brings me much joy. Twitter used to let me click through the nsfw filter to see them (and still does on older ones), but now won't let me see the recent ones at all because I don't have an account. I am still enjoying the Tumblr cropped versions, but I do miss the full ones. I am wondering if this is a change Twitter made, or if it's a change you made on your settings, and if you think they will all be restricted to people with accounts in the future? I understand if this is an intentional change, and thank you for making and sharing your arts either way, they are lovely!
Hi thank you so much!
as i didnt change my settings on twitter, I think it's a change twitter made. i've set up my account to display a content warning for my posts. maybe it's that or it automatically flags my content as age restricted. i'm sorry you can't access all the full versions anymore.
i don't plan on posting the full versions anywhere else right now, sorry :/
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cat-sapphics · 3 years
lesbiphobia on the lgbta+ wiki
we need to talk about the biased and childish behavior of the lgbta+ wiki admins. i've mentioned the lesbian page and its recent issues before (although admittedly not that in-depth yet - [X] [X]) but it only got worse and i'm so fucking angry that i'm shaking. long post. let's go.
an accessibility note for screen readers and images before we get started: [image ids: four cropped screenshots taken from the comment section of the lesbian page on the lgbta wiki (note: the slashes between the @‘s and the username are not part of the username, but to prevent users from potentially being tagged).]
i'll firstly start by acknowledging that they removed the male lesbians section. i'm thankful and it's a start but it's the bare minimum and lesbians still have a right to be hurt and upset.
addressing how comments get addressed (made by content mod reign of the breadsticcs in these cases):
keeping it simple: they don't. not well, at least. but obviously i'm gonna go more in-depth with examples:
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[image one ID: a comment by wiki user @/shadesystem, who references one of the quotes previously in the article, which was: “those who are strictly wlw may use feminosexual or trixamoric, however monosexual lesbians are still welcome to identify as lesbians if they feel it fits their experience.” end quote. shadesystem follows the quote up with their own personal thoughts, which reads: “delete this sentence cause idk how its supposed to be read but what i’m seeing is, ‘you may identify if you want but just know that like, you’re not really a lesbian if you dont like men or enbies’ basically or ‘you may identify if you want but just know that like, you’re not really a lesbian if you’re not a man or nonbinary.’ i’m a xenogirl lesbian who likes enbies, but this sentence hurt. it really hurt.” end text. one of the wiki’s moderators, @/reign of the breadsticcs, replies with: “removed, sorry about that.” end text and end screenshot.]
i hadn't even noticed this in the article at first but i am beyond pissed off at the implied priority here. shadesystem has already laid out everything for me with the subtle "you may identify as a lesbian if you want, but just know that, like, you're not really one if you don't like men or aren't a man" which is pretty much what that says right between the lines!
mspec lesbians have not just breached our label and twisted it in a harmful way at this point. i've always hated them but i thought at least that they'd recognize that they're only borrowing our label to emphasize a bias in attraction - as it turns out, they've now gone so far in that direction that they're now telling Real lesbians who lack attraction to men that they do not qualify for the label. we've been kicked out of our own label. i'll expand a little more on this under the next screenshot but i'm beyond disgusted and i completely understand op's hurt.
i can read for myself that the mod apologized for that statement and removed it, but that's not good enough, especially since it was so short, unsympathetic, and half-assed. it almost sounds sarcastic, even. not to mention all the damage this wiki causes and has caused, knowing that they're seen as such a huge and well-known source of information among the entire online lgbta+ community. i can't and won't be accepting that apology anytime soon.
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[image two ID: a comment by wiki user @/lotions, which reads: “the fact that the admins of this wiki are blocking anyone who shows any criticism towards the new label is very childish. most of the sources backing this up are from tumblr and a carrd link which arent credible in the slightest. at least link the actual sources or else no one is going to take this seriously. another thing: why are all these sources american? i want a genuine answer to that. i cant even begin to talk about how much the male lesbian section reeks of transphobia.” end text, and then lotions quotes a phrase previously from the article, which is: “For example, straight transgender men who feel that their attraction to women can still be described as lesbian due to their trans identity being queer, although they are still men” end quote. lotions follows the quote up with their personal thoughts, which read: “you are completely contradicting yourself while writing this. i find it completely useless for this wiki to lump in bisexuality and lesbianism together in the modern day, considering that both parties have separated themselves from each other and are commonly seen as separate but yknow.” end text. their comment is replied to by reign of the breadsticcs, whose reply reads: “this is not a new label. this has always been the label. the parties separated because of harmful exclusionism. they’re commonly seen as separate because of harmful exclusionism. that’s not a valid reason to try and keep them separated. also, trans men are queer, so they can be lesbians because lesbians don’t have to be women. queer men can be lesbians, and the trans identity is queer, so trans men can be lesbians. i know several trans men who identify as lesbian. the sources are american because the history we discuss here is largely american-central, and was later globalized. we are not blocking people for having questions, we are blocked people for spreading harmful information. you don’t have to like it, but it’s our responsibility, so with all due respect, deal with it.” end text and end screenshot.]
next i wanna talk about the points made in this post and debunk them; to say i'm displeased with everything i’m about to unpack here would be an understatement. they were so dismissive and condescending to lotions and although that's less important, i can't say it gives them a good look over there.
"this has always been the label. the parties separated because of harmful exclusionism. they're commonly seen as separate because of harmful exclusionism. that's not a valid reason to try and keep them separated."
this mod is so uninformed it hurts. do they not realize that the reason why we're separated is because bi sapphics WANTED to be seen as their own group with their own experiences, which are different from lesbians but still remain in solidarity? had we not listened to their voices, they Would still be the same thing. bi women would be considered lesbians and that would definitively be considered bi erasure and by extenstion, biphobia.
the other thing with their comment is the implication that "harmful exclusionism" is the reason why we're no longer ALLOWED to consider bi and lesbian to be separate identities - not even via marginalized individuals who use these contradictory labels because they may feel that best describes their experiences, but in General now, if you do not consider mspec attraction to be the ONLY valid and true way to be a lesbian, you are lesbiphobic! you must realize that because of "harmful exclusionism", we have to make it clear now that lesbians can be anything and anyone, men who are attracted to men, even! /s i genuinely wish more people would realize that not all exclusionism is harmful, especially within the lgbta+ community. yes, sometimes it is, but sometimes it's neutral, and in cases like these, it's necessary and beneficial - not just "gatekeeping."
"also, trans men are queer, so they can be lesbians because lesbians don't have to be women. queer men can be lesbians, and the trans identity is queer, so trans men can be lesbians. i know of several trans men who identify as lesbian."
this comment simply reeks of transphobia and nothing else. also, the fact that you "know trans men who identify as lesbians" is no justification or valid argument, so that was completely redundant and unnecessary to include.
it's not acceptable to say that anyone who is queer may identify as lesbian. if they mean the same thing, then why use the word lesbian at all? what does the term lesbian even mean if absolutely anyone of any background or identity can be it? it's not just a "feeling" - what does that "feeling" mean? "i feel so i am" completely erases what labels mean. i don't think radically-inclusive people hear themselves when they speak half the time, honestly - at least, i hope that's the case and not something worse, like them being completely aware of what they say.
the mod is right only when they said that lesbians don't have to be women. however, taking it that far was stretching it. nonbinary people are included in every sexuality but not every single nonbinary individual is. it's such a broad spectrum that you can't include everyone into everything - it's selective. some aligned people are okay with being included under certain types of attraction, some aren't. some unaligned people are okay with one type of gendered attraction but not others. some unaligned people are okay with any type of gendered attraction. but this logic doesn't work with "so male-aligned nonbinary people can be okay with falling under lesbian attraction too, right?" because the binary genders and their associated circles are mutually exclusive when talking about closed labels such as lesbian and (mlm) gay/cinthean.
"the sources are american because the history we discuss here is largely american-central, and was later globalized."
you clearly understand how to separate one type of history from another, so why does that not apply for attraction?
anyway, this part isn't as important but if you're so focused on justifying bi lesbians with history, why are you so biased about it? this is an informative wiki; talking only about american history on a tumblr blog would be fine, but being so closed-off about the information you give on a site like this doesn't come across as a good move.
"we are not blocking people for having questions, we are blocking people for spreading harmful information. you don't have to like it, but it's our responsibility, so with all due respect, deal with it."
see also:
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[image three ID: a comment by reign of breadsticcs, which reads: “warning: if you invalidate m-spec lesbians or male lesbians, or harass any users showing support for them, you will be immediately blocked indefinitely. your bigotry and ignorance has no place here. you have been warned.” end text and end screenshot.]
i guess i can't complain here too much because this is a private website where its administration can treat its outside contributors however they please. but speaking on a more morally-fair note, shutting any and all visible criticizors up for disagreeing with the administration team is straight-up childish and immature - and in this case, hypocritical, seeing as how the mod said "you don't have to like [how we run things]." it's a two-way street here.
i get blocking users who go out of their way to harass other users, no matter what it's about (second screenshot). but that's not the main focus here. blocking people who speak out on issues that affect them, namely lesbiphobia, contributes to silencing lesbians and it's disgusting behavior. i've been decently respectful throughout this entire post, but i'm sure if i posted it on the wiki i'd get blocked simply for its negative and critical nature, which is... allowed, i guess, but not cool at all.
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[image four ID: a comment by reign of breadsticcs. (accessibility note: the first i’m is supposed to be in, the user mistyped). the comment reads: “i’m light of the new updates, if you’ve realized you identified with being a lesbian based on a misconception of its definition and now no longer feel the term fits you, here are some alternatives!” end text. below, they list alternative terms which are linked to their own respective articles. in order, they are: “(non-exclusive attracted): sapphic, faunic / (exclusive attraction): feminasexual, feminosexual, daunic, womasexual, trixamoric / (exclusively for non-binary/genderqueer people): trixic, feminamoric, venusic.” end text and end screenshot.
i'll keep this one short: "we admittedly stripped you of your own label because we felt like it and justify it with false history, oops haha sorry, now here are some newer labels that we're gonna redirect you to if you're understandably angered by this, even though we should have just done that or coined new fitting terms ourselves."
so, in conclusion, fuck the lgbta+ wiki and its administration team until they improve how they run their site and treat lesbians, especially those who stand up for themselves. frankly the validation of mspec lesbians at all shouldn't even be there but i'm gonna take this one small step at a time - like i said, i'm grateful they even bothered to take down the section about male lesbians...
edit 08.05.20: lazonline made a GREAT POINT in this post here that i’ve been unsure how to put into words for WEEKS about how the wiki heavily favors fighting biphobia over fighting lesbiphobia, if not actively encouraging it. they don’t care about lesbians AND bisexuals, ONLY bisexuals - i know this because one of the most (un)popular pages on the wiki is the semi-bisexual page, which is constantly (and rightfully so, don’t get me wrong!) put down and made fun of because it’s biphobic for... hmm... what reason again? oh yeah, right, non-bisexuals redefining what it means to be bisexual simply so that they can fit into a label that doesn’t belong to them - sound familiar much? but they have the exact opposite view on lesbians for some selfish careless reason. glad this was pointed out publicly, i really appreciate it. i’m also quite furious now at the hypocrisy.
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hgsn-moved · 3 years
the road so far... tw for his0ka, pedophilia mentions, rape mentions
ok so they reblogged my art and I reblogged w/ a screenshot of illumi/hisoka art they had reblogged (one of many) and a pic (one of those Facebook text and emoji on gradient background ones) edited to say "I hate people that interact when they stan hisoka.... unhand my post you raggedy bitch 😠😡😄" (I add the pic but tumblr won't let me you know how it is)
sometime later they dm me (sorry for the kinda weird cropping I wanted to make it clear I wasn't skipping stuff) and it's gone like this:
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sargasmicgoddess · 5 years
Tumblr won't let me post this.... can you use it for Saturday suit porn? 😈
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Oh Mr. @cheekyenglishguy ​.  I see you everyday as our poster guy and yet you can still stop me in my tracks.  I know you’ve got two hands...but it looks like you may need mine too?  😈
I'm happy to throw in lips and....other stuff too. Anything to help. 😂
I'm sorry that I had to crop the original more risque version...but I'm glad I got to see the goods. 😈 feel free to send everything my way 😂 Fingers crossed that this gets through....
Thank you for joining me for @saturdaysuitporn handsome,
xo- @sargasmicgoddess
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