#sorry to throw a grenade in here i don't want to be that kinda person but it bothers me so much
gummy-dummy · 3 years
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Hi everyone! This is my first fic on Tumblr, it's just here, for now, I'm excited and kinda nervous too, my native language it's Spanish and I'm trying to be better at English so sorry for the grammars mistakes, I hope you like it, dear reader.
Warnings: Probably bad grammar or mistakes, swearing, mention of knives, mentions of death, kinda cute, kinda soft, confused Dabi, he doesn't know but he a softie.
It was pretty late when Shoto and I started doing our night patrol, it had been 3 months since we graduated from the UA in the hero course, the first 4 of the class were invited to work at Endeavor’s agency, Deku, Dynamight, Shoto and me, Artemis. We were the new pro-heroes with the biggest expectation from the public.
Endeavor wasn't the best at talking but I trust him, also thanks to him I don't have to worry about rent, the agency offered departments near the agency, and the rooms in the agency’s building were comfortable enough, usually, the new group was Split into two for patrol, Deku always had to go with Dynamght, he was the only one who can keep up with Bakugo’s shit, Shoto and me, we already were pretty Good Friends, I even can say we are each other’s confidant, it was a pretty nice night shift together, the absence of noise and people (and Bakugo’s shit), made it go smoothly as always. We are used to talking about everything, in the streets we could say anything, and no one more than us knew what secrets lay between us. There were secrets that Shoto didn’t want his father to know, not that he cares, but just to protect the people that he loved.
The current number one hero thought that the friendship we share will eventually become a love story, but oh boy, little did he know. Shoto had romantic feelings for another hero, I am pretty much the only person that Shoto has physical contact with, hugs and rest on each other shoulders, that's why his dad thinks of us that way. I don’t have family near where we are but the Todoroki family accepted me as one of their own since Endeavor thinks that I and Shoto are together we had to explain to Shoto’s siblings and Mom that he was in love with someone else, they didn’t care at all.
Suddenly the cold wind of the night started to get weird, making the residual trash of the city blow roll in the air, we both started to run there to know what was happening, at the moment we got close enough a black and purple substance started emerging from nowhere, it was a warp, the kind that the League of Villains has Access to, Shigaraki Tomura came out first, being followed by the tall, half-burned popcorn (as Shoto and I like to call him) Dabi, Toga right behind them with other 3 members.
I summoned my light arrows on my bow, I shoot an arrow at the leader and the tall man with black hair just disintegrates it with his blue fire. Like it was nothing.‘What are you doing here?’ Shoto asked the team of villains, Shigaraki just started to laugh ‘We came to get some groceries, what the fuck he is trying to do? Distract us?
I just rolled my eyes and said ‘Yeah well, here, you have something to add to your list I quickly prepared my bow with a new arrow, this time a stronger one, that can’t be destroyed so easily. The amount of power that this one has, with the purple hue and the energy that makes everything feel like an earthquake made the leader of the team look at it with fear in his eyes, Dabi tried to take it with his fire, but nothing happened, the arrow just started to follow all of Shigaraki’s moves, so again the man in front of him tried to catch it with his bare hands, oh what an error was that. The indentation that my arrow left on his right hand wouldn’t heal properly at all, not till I gave the order to my arrow to disappear in the wind.
Dabi just looks at me, while the others started to attack us he just stayed on the side, watching every move I make, (with) Shoto work pretty well with each other, we know our quirks and how to enhance each other's quirks.
There was a lady that appears to be new into the league, I never saw her before, she started to shoot mini grenades from her hand, making me jump to the side to avoid it, one laid between my feet, I didn't notice it until it hit me if that thing blows I die.
I'm going to die here.
The last thing I heard was a scream, Shoto screaming my real name, and then... darkness.
The next thing I know is that I'm in a completely white room, very small, I'm chained to one of the sides of a small bed, being forced to stay seated on the cold floor, if I am in one of the League facilities why they want me here? the murder of a new pro-hero would be an accomplishment by the league, why don't make it while I sleep? it would be something to make all the world feel unsafe, make all the heroes feel in danger. I hear the noise of the door opening, someone calls my name.
Dabi, that jerk, wait he was the one that saved me, at the moment the grenade exploded he just took my arm and yanked me out of the way, and took me in the warp with him.
"Hey Hawkeye!", he looked different than the night of the attack, just with his t-shirt and trousers, not his usual jacket, he looks more laid back than when fighting. He started to look preoccupied while I think how to escape, I'm not responding to him.
"Shit, no, did they do something while I was gone? Hey look at me, can you hear me? oh, these little shits are going to pay, I told them not to touch you" I just roll my eyes and say "What the fuck do you want from me you extra crispy fried ass?" he just stares at me confused for a couple of seconds and says "I'm not- Hey don't talk to me like that I'm your savior, remember? maybe I would let them do things to you, maybe I could take this food and let you starve".
He has a plate in a hand and glass with what appears to be fruit juice on the other. "Why would you feed me? do you know that keeps me alive, right? why didn't you kill me already?" I'm really confused, isn't better to kill someone while they're asleep, or this mother fucker want's to torture me. "That's because I don't want to kill you, dummy hero". Then why did he bring me here? what is the league planning to do to me? so I ask what the league wants from me.
"What makes you think there's a plan behind this?"
"Why else would a fucking villain kidnap a pro-hero if not to use them for something?"
"Well, there's nothing behind this, no one knows why I have you here actually I don't even know why I did it, but you were going to die and I just acted"- oh he should let me die, I'm gonna kick his pretty face when I get the chance.
"What do you want? you know it was going to be easier to kill me while I was unconscious, right?"
"Why do you keep telling me to kill you?"
"This is why"- there's a thing that not a lot of people know about my quirk, the bow, and the arrows are just a form I use it to be more precise, that doesn't mean that's the only thing it does.
With my both hands tied I conjured a little of my energy to make a knife to set me free, I break the cloth that keeps me hand-tied to the bed, throwing a punch at his face, he doesn't move I'm trying to get Dabi down but he is just there, he is not moving or trying to attack me at all, looking at me with sadness in his eyes.
"Hey what the fuck, why don't you attack me? aren't you afraid that I'm going to beat your ass?"- He looks like he is in pain but doesn't fight back.
"I know you could," he says with a sad smirk, what's happening here? by a couple of times, I saw him before he never acted this way.
"Can you please just calm down, let me talk, and I'll let you go if you want"
I intertwined my eyes with him, a beautiful blue, exactly the color of his flames, I don't know why, but I want to hear what he has to say, he looks so sad, but also a little surprised when I sit at the small bed. It looks like he never thought I actually would hear his reasons.
He kicks gently the plate with the food by the side and sits on the little makeshift bed, the bed is so small that we can't avoid our knees touching, he doesn't try to tie my hands again, I could conjure a big weapon, maybe just a simple bat and then scape, I know I can win, so why am I anxious to hear him? he looks at me a couple of seconds, lets out a loud breath, and starts talking.
"Well, when you attacked me, I caught one of your arrows right?" he looks at me and I nodded "Look" he shows me his left hand, inviting me to take his hand on mine.
It's rough, more than calloused, the years of him using his quirk took a lot out of his hands, they were burned, when I touched him I thought it would hurt, but he just opened his eyes a little more in surprise and looked at me again.
"Ok you have your hands burned, what about it? it's your quirk right?" he lets out a little smile that if I wasn't looking at him this close probably would have missed it. "Yeah they're burned, I don't have feeling on them, even if I take something with force or catch anything, can't feel it."
I'm starting to understand what's happening here, but I want him to tell me anyways "Yesterday, when you shot your arrow when I caught it I-"why does he look so nervous? "I felt it, I felt the pain of the arrow, and I felt you, well, your quirk, whatever it is, I just felt your touch"
What I am supposed to say about that?- "I'm sorry?" I say confused "No no it's okay I just want to know how you did it" I don't know why I have the desire to touch him again, I need to help him, he is a villain, a cute one if I say so myself but a villain nonetheless. A villain very dangerous that just wants the world to burn, but look so lost, with the same face you see on a lost child on a Mall
"I don't know, my quirk it's just based on energy, I don't know where it comes from, It just appears when I want to and takes the form I need, I used to lost control over it a lot," I say while moving my fingers letting the violet ribbons go around my hand "Now I can control it using it as weapons, the one that makes me feel more comfortable is the bow and arrow, that way I can control it a little more, but I pretty much can conjure anything" He nodded and looks at my hand.
I show him again, letting a little ball of my energy dance between my fingers and let it go, I made it stay in one of his hands, he started playing with it, like a child with a new toy that was waiting to get for Christmas day, a smile started to appear on his face, not a cruel one, that he usually used, this one was of happiness, he looks handsome, the scars on his face makes him feel unique. I'm not sure what I'm doing till I come back to my senses, I'm catching his face between my hands, he just looks at me surprised.
I run my thumbs right below his eyes, he leans into the touch and closes his blue eyes.
"You know that I can attack you now and escape right?" "I know, but you don't want to do that, I am right?"
He is, he is sure about it and I am too, but why? he probably has me here to lend information about heroes, but he isn't asking anything about it.
"No, I don't want to, why? did you get me drugged or something?" I say smiling at him for the first time "No, Toga tried to get a little bit of your blood but every time she wanted to get a needle into your skin, a purple energy, your energy, surrounded you, Shigaraki wanted to use real knives but I- I didn't let them hurt you, I didn't want them to hurt you".
And to end: this is the first chapter, it's gonna be probably 2 o 3 chapters, I'll probably add some warnings if needed.
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jordluna · 4 years
You Meet Steve Rogers (Natasha x daughter!reader)
Summary: On a mission to rescue hostages, you end up meeting Captain America along the way. The daughter reader is 15. Since reader is in her teenage years she's pretty sassy and her and Nat have a kinda bitchy relationship but it's still sweet though.
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"I have a mission with Steve to go on. I should be back in the morning so stay home, and don't do anything reckless while I'm gone." Natasha says while loading up guns on her cat suit as you sit on the couch of your apartment and binge the 100 on the T.V.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll stay here." You say while shoving a load full of popcorn in your mouth. You want her to leave badly so you can go onto the next season before the next day.
"Stay here and don't stay up late." She says firmly as you turn your back to face her to say one last remark.
"No mom, I'll go to the popular girl's party, get drunk, and hook up with the hottest dude I see." She rolls her eyes as she leaves the apartment, while you snicker to herself.
Just as your about to get up to make some more popcorn your phone rings from your hoodie. You pull it out,hoping one of your friends wants to chat with you so you won't be bored all night. Instead you see Director Fury's name on the screen.
You groan, as you swipe to answer it, knowing never to not answer Fury's calls.
"Was-sup Fury." You say while shutting off the T.V.
"Agent Romanoff, it's great to here from you again. Since you haven't showed up to Shield the past two weeks." Fury says not even trying to hid the annoyance in his voice.
"Two weeks already? Well I've been very busy with school work and all." You lie, as for the real reason you haven't shown up is because you were to busy binging The 100."Romanoff I think you must have forgotten you're on Spring break." You wince as you have totally forgotten.
"Shit." You mutter under your breathe. "Shit, indeed." Fury says back after a little bit of silence.
"So why'd you call me exactly?" You ask. "I need you as back up on your mother's and Steve's mission." He then explains their mission to you.
"So what do I have to do?" You ask annoyed that your all nighter is ruined, due to saving lives. "You, my least favorite Romanoff, have to collect Shield's intel on the ship. You can also kick some ass if needed." You sigh while putting on your cat suit and loading your weapons.
"Will do pirate dude." You say while leaving the apartment. "Also I'm so flattered to be your least favorite Romanoff."
"A car should be in the front of your house to escort you to the quinjet. You can jump off shortly after Natasha and Steve are already inside the ship."
"Sounds easy enough."
"Don't disappoint me y/n." You just sigh and end the call. You let your red hair down from the messy bun it was already in. Well time to do the dirty work.
As you hide in the back of the ship you do what Fury instructed and waited for everyone to get off before you leave. Once you jump off you immediately start making your way to the to the control room to grab the data and go, hoping maybe just maybe you can finish one last episode before your mom comes home. Men immediately start running at you but you take out your dagger and slide towards them on your knees, slicing their thighs.
As they knell to the floor you stab them in the chest and make a break for the room. You think about using your guns tonight off the men in front of you but you know that's more of Natasha's thing than yours. Plus the guns would be to loud and you don't want to bump into anyone you know on the mission.
So instead you just do the simple hand to hand combat and leave without a single bruising or scratch as usual while the guys are wailing in pain on the ground.
"Sorry about that, but to be fair you did ruin my movie night." You say with a sinister smile.
Steve moves around the ship looking for the rest of the hostages when he sees pirates injured on the ground. He immediately thinks it's Natasha since there is no there person that can fight without some sort of weapon as good as her. Let alone lave five men unconscious on the ground. As he walks closer he sees two more injured guys on the ground with what appear to be stab wounds.
"Nat, I didn't know you had an interest in knives." Steve says into his ear piece. Natasha is confused by his statement wondering what he is talking about. It then hits her. You were here.
"I'm not." She simply says as Steve is now also more confused.
As you enter the control room you immediately put the hard drive in and start collecting whatever you can. Just then something comes crashing through the door with some unconscious guy underneath him.
"Hey Rogers." You say with a small smirk on your face, recognizing the man as Captain America.
"Who are you and what are you doing?" He says sternly as he pushes you back into the wall, harshly, putting his shield up to your collar bone so you couldn't escape. However you showed no fear in your eyes as you weren't even scared, just irritated that you're still in this room.
"Damn, is this how people introduced themselves in the forties? I'm here on Director Fury's orders."
"To collect Shield intel?"
"Why are you asking if you obviously already know." You say.
"Who are you?" He says firmly looking for an answer.
"Name's y/n. I would ask for your name but I already know because of the whole being a popsicle in a freezer for 97 years."
"You knocked all those guards out there?" He says looking down at the bloody knife in your holster. You just nod quickly hoping to get out of here before your mother finds you and grounds you for life.
"Why would Fury send a 14 year old girl out here?" Ok, now your annoyed with the interrogation.
"I'm 15 Cap. Get your facts strait before spitting them out." He most likely annoyed to as he's pushing you a little more further against the wall. Just as your about to grab the knife and stab him the thigh a familiar voice fills the room.
"Let her go Steve." Natasha says as he releases the pressure on your collar bone. As he moves out of the way you see the one person you've been planning on avoiding this entire mission. Natasha gives you the deadliest glare you've ever seen her give you. You tense for a second but let your muscles relax knowing this isn't the time to be a wimp.
"Hey-" She immediately cuts you off."Я сказал тебе оставаться дома." She's yelling to you in Russian, that's not good. (I told you to stay home.)
"Я знаю, но Фьюри сказал, что тебе нужна помощь.There for here I am." You say trying to reason with her as Steve just watches you guys very confused. (I know, but Fury said you needed back up.) She takes the hard drive out and throws it to you. You catch it and immediately put it in your pocket."Фьюри твоя мать? Нет, я." (Is Fury your mother? No, I am.) You sigh in defeat.
"Can I say something?" Steve says loudly.
"Shut it star spangled capris." You say as he is clearly taken aback.  All of a sudden a grenade is thrown at you by the unconscious guy but Steve uses his shield to knock it away. He grabs the you and your mother and crash into a window. Smoke fills the air as you chuckle slightly at the look on Steve's face when you mocked him. However Steve and Natasha just look at you weirdly and your face goes back to its stern expression.
You, Natasha, and Steve stand in front Fury's desk in Shield's headquarters. As he stares at you three without saying anything you try to avoid eye contact and just tap the floor with your boot.
"Why would you send a child out on our mission without telling me?" Steve says interrupting the silence.
"Cap did you see the results of putting her on the field? Her mission was to collect Shield intel, and she did it with even getting a few of our foes hurt." Fury responds with and you look at your mother and see a smirk on her face, which makes you feel even more accomplished.
"People could have gotten killed and hurt." Steve says.
"I believe Fury sent the best assassins and super soldier to make sure that didn't happen." Natasha says as you nod your head agreeing.
"The kid could have gotten hurt!"
"Agent y/n Romanoff, is one of the best junior agents, Shield has ever seen. She doesn't get hurt easily." You see the shocked look on Steve's face, mixed with confusion. You, Fury, and Natasha try your best not to laugh as Steve's mouth is practically wide open.
"You better close your mouth before a fly goes in." You say as Steve moves his head looking at you, then Natasha, then back at you. He slowly starts to notice how similar you two are.
"Oh, yeah. I have a daughter." Natasha says as if she just accidentally forgot to mention it before.
"Oh hell no. I'm dreaming." Steve says raising his arms up and starts to leave the room.
"I can assure you that I'm very much real." You say laughing.
I enjoyed making this one a lot. I also just love writing sassy y/n. Sorry if Russian is wrong I'm so sorry I just used google translate. Also I might move to tumblr idk. Next story will be You're okay!
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lif3y-stuf1 · 4 years
This just an idea since i really like mila since i saw her in the forever family short and really feel like she deserves more attention 
So this just a kind of a 'what if' thing since we don't have a real confirmation if mila is dead or not , little reminder for people who might forgot her, she's cryptos sister and got abducted by the syndicate and is basically the reason why cryoto is even Participating in the apex games 
And a little side note : if some things are hard to understand i am very sorry , i am not a native english speaker so some parts could he confusing although i hope everything is clear 
First i talk about abilities , then cosmetics , then interactions and at last some backstory 
If you have something to comment you're are welcome to do so 
Basically what i was going for was a character all about getting away and leaving enemies behind but not in a way of being fast 
I tried to balance them however i know nothing about balancing so i either made them op as hell or weak as fuck , but i hope i made them kinda balanced
Stay outside! 
Every door she closes will stay shut and can only be opened by her or her teammates however they can be still destroyed through melee attacks and grenades
Shut doors will be marked with a symbol when looking at them 
(Obviously does not apply to the big doors since you couldn't open them anymore)
She can turn invisible to either relocate herself or get out of a flight additionally her footsteps are quieter while invisible 
It would work kinda like in titanfall 2 where you are still kinda visible but for example in gun fight it's less likely that you are seen 
Going invisible and becoming visible again will cause a sound to alarm nearby players
Getting invisible is rather quick animation however you can't shoot until you're visible again , which has a longer animation
A gift for you! 
She throws a sticking grenade that  when triggered , will block abilities and take away a certain percentage of shield 
Can be used to ambush other Players or making it more unlikely that they follow you 
Is thrown like a normal grenade
Is similar to caustic traps in which it can be activated through shooting at it but only by her and enemies
If not her default skin , her look from the short should be a legendary named 'casual' 
(btw crypto should also get his nerd look from the short)
Banner ideas:
Family: crypto,  she and their mother 
Stone street : asian noodles
Didn't see you there: she turns visible and looks at the camera with a smirk
Relaxed: she sits on a box and eats noodles 
Did you say anything?: she listens to music on her headphones , pulls one out and looks around as if someone said something 
Interactions with other legends:
Haven't thought much about this although it's clear she would have lots of interactions with crypto 
Additionally i think mirage and octane could be interesting since they all seem to be rather relaxed and are not as serious as other legends 
(This is just how i view mila after the short , more of a relaxed person that likes to make jokes)
For example she and mirage could joke about crypto since mirage already does this on his own so having someone to joke with would be something he would probably like
Most other legends would be rather normal conversations however i would think for revenant it would work if she is not afraid of him at all or maybe just not taking shit from him 
And the last thing when wraith says shes being targeted by another player 
You know this " i think someone is aiming at me" 
A nice little quirp like 
" you remind me of my brother" or " my brother would like you" would be nice since crypto is all paranoid and shit 
Backstory :
So through the short we know she has been abducted by the syndicate and probably is imprisoned somewhere 
So now crypto is of course looking for her but records say she's dead 
Here comes in a idea i got from tumblr
(i don't know who posted it so i'm sorry for being unable to give credit) 
So the idea was that since jamie ,lobas blue haired friend, is using cryptos network , at least that's what some people say, crypto and loba are working together , so if they are indeed working together then maybe crypto told her about mila , unlikely but still possible,
loba then send out to find out about milas fate herself ,since family is most likely very important for her,
And then she finds records stating that mila is still alive , she helps crypto and together they get mila out of wherever she is 
Crypto now wants to leave everything behind and just hide with her ,but mila isn't taking it and wants revenge , and crypto knows he couldn't stop her last time so now they continue to try and bring the syndicate down together 
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