#sorry to break who im tagging into 2 awkward lines but tumblrs a butt and wont let me tag u otherwise
kaatiba · 18 hours
share a line(s) from every wip you have
aka a tag meme i just made up bc i need to work on SOMETHING & sharing is a great way to get me rejuvenated about my wips.
rules: it can be an old line! many lines! from a draft or wip you're not really working on anymore! something you write specifically for this! be free!
tagging: every person who sees this post. no pressure of course. but spread the game! like a benevolent virus! but also gently tagging: @philosophika, @malglories, @malimaywrite, @satohqbanana, @tabswrites,
@zmwrites, @faytelumos, @innocentlymacabre
lofm - in which halah has friends and is a moody nerd :3
Fool, fool, fool, she hisses at herself, blinking past the sudden burning in her eyes. She must not do a very good job of hiding her low mood, for there’s a pause and then Aliyah changes the subject, asking after her studies into the legends and histories of Mourra and how she is finding her tutelage under the Keeper of the Great Library of Qahtan. “The woman frightens me,” Aliya confesses. “She has such a forbidding expression all the time!” “Lalla Zuleikha is really very sweet,” Sirin argues, though her eyes are bright with laughter. “You’re the queen, dear Sirin,” Aliya says. “Everyone is sweet to you.” “I wouldn’t describe her as sweet,” Halah interrupts diplomatically. “Lalla Zuleikha is very different from Grandfather, but just as passionate about studying and preserving history, great and small. She almost trusts me alone with the older books now!”
rivener - in which wren is cavalier about death
By then, the rain has slowed and somewhere behind the clouds, the moon is high. It’s late and she’s exhausted. Eyeing Ark, who is a ball of brown fluff on his perch, she mutters, “If he kills me in my sleep, no more treats for you, hm?” Ark ruffles his feathers and runs his beak through them, the picture of unconcern.
oracle - in which you should never trust mirrors
you know you should be careful, but when you pick up the largest shard it immediately cuts you…and your blood disappears into the glass.
vote for the next choice 'you' make in this wip!
glitch - in which etienne causes problems first by accident, and then on purpose
He doesn’t plan to run away. But when the shimmer has faded from his system, when he’s plucked out the implant and let it drop to the ground, when he’s idly rolling his tongue back along the pinprick left behind, when he realizes that somehow, against all odds, he’s managed it… He decides not to be found.
reaper - in which someonething is hangry
She swallowed the tulips, she swallowed the vines, she swallowed the grass, she swallowed the light.  Reaper looked on impassively as the spirit ate and ate, bloating itself, desperate for life, sapping it from everything near the rift. This was what happened when a spirit lingered. They became a hole in reality, a black hole that took all it could to maintain itself, but always needed more. 
bo & eve - a wip i keep forgetting i have
"You're a cold thing, right down to the core," it drawls in its horrible voice, and that's when Eve realizes, belatedly, that it's standing where the old man was, but there is no more old man, and there never was.  But she's not afraid. Not then. She doesn't yet know that she should be, and nothing in the world scared Eve any longer, back then. She lifts her chin—it takes every scrap of will she possesses to do so—and meets its stare head-on.  "Cold, cruel, and vain," the being continues, "You don't care about anyone but yourself, do you? You live to sharpen your claws on everybody who has the misfortune of crossing paths with you." Eve doesn't answer. She couldn't even if she wanted to, tongue glued to the roof of her mouth. "You're practically inhuman." The being smiles, revealing sharp teeth. "I should know." It cocks its head—an awful sight, like it has too many joints in its spinal cord. 
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