#sorry to be getting sappy over kara but this comics made me so mad
karaspal · 3 months
I just remembered about the existence of the Supergirl Special #1 and I got annoyed again. So now I shall copy and paste the review I left in comic geeks.
Perhaps Mariko Tamaki should stay away from Kara. I’m yet to read a good Supergirl story from her. I get that this story has some message about girlhood somewhere in these pages, but it poses an issue Kara has never had. She has never felt like she’s falling behind. That’s not a part of her character. So why use her to tell this story?
Another problem I have is her risking the lives of innocent people, and for what? Because she is jealous of Karen? She’d never do something like that. Helping people has always been her number one priority. And she’d never be jealous of someone else. Especially someone who had their entire charm assassinated by Leah Williams.
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Kara can be arrogant and stubborn sometimes, yes, but not in the way it’s presented here. She is arrogant and stubborn in the sense she wants to save everyone and would never stop, even if she’s on the brink of death. Call it the indomitable kryptonian spirit, if you will. Call it stupid stubbornness, if you will. But it is who Kara is. Sometimes she can feel like she’s the only one who can do what it needs to be done, to save the people who need saving, and yes, it is arrogant, but the reason she feels so is because she can’t have anyone dying on her watch. Those “toxic” traits of her come from a place of selflessness and compassion, not jealousy. Everything she is, it comes from a place of selflessness and compassion. She suffered so much in her life, you better believe she’d do everything in her power and more to make sure no one else has to suffer the same way she did.
Kara is a competent woman who knows what she is doing. She’s confident and strong. Phillip Kennedy Johnson once described her as always being “the smartest person in the room”. It still baffles me how DC turned PKJ’s Supergirl pitch down, but green lit this.
It’s been half a year and somehow, I hate this more than the day it came out. Perhaps, it’s because this is last Supergirl thing DC published and it was last year. It’s never too late to let PKJ write her, you know.
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