#sorry tjis took so long I had to sleep
a-dumbass-jester · 1 year
what are the hcs
My first hc was that Claire was the strongest
My main hc is basically that I remember seeing someone hc that around 100 years in wilardo realized they would never be able to get close with anyone again(they will outlive them) and got in a rlly bad state because of it, like wasn’t rlly eating or smth and that sparked a hc that during that they realized that they don’t rlly need to eat anymore so they just stoped. So now their like rlly thin and frail.
Another one was that the immortality curse was different for everyone who had it. There was a side effect that only one of them had. Idk what the others would have been but wilardos centers around the not aging part of it where they cannot grow past the moment they was cursed/forever stuck in that condition, so any injuries he got would not heal (because his body could not grow) so they are just COVERD in in injuries. They don’t rlly bother them anymore because they’ve just got used to them.
Ok so basically hc them to be pretty weak
also I realized this now but this also makes sense on why Wilardo uses a gun(doesn’t take a lot of energy to use)
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I'll be there for you
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No warnings. SamxJess pairing, i do not own the charachters or the episode this is copied after (season 1, home) Over the next several months of traveling with Jess and his brother, Sam noticed how different Dean was, mostly how Dean seamed to shy away from women desperate for a quick lay, instead of seducing them. Dean stuck more to hustling pool and winning poker.
"Are you gay now?" Sam asked his brother after the case of the hookman, and he didn't even flirt with the collage girls. Dean gaped at his little brother.
"...the hell..." Dean mused slowly.
"Do you have a girl friend?" Sam probed on. Dean bitch faced his brother and heades for the bathroom door.
"Ok we're done talking... Jess control your man." Dean remarked.
"Give me a pair of hand cuffs and i will." Jess smirked. Dean smirked at his brother, giving him a hidden thumbs up and left the room.
"Be done by the time I get out this time." Dean smirked, and Sam scowled as Dean shutthe door. "Dont for get to suit up first, Sammy." Dean called through the door turning the shower on.
"I'm sorry, Jess." Sam groaned.
"Why is Dean so closed off." Jess asked.
"Life of a hunter, babe." Sam explained simply. Jess frowned.
"You aren't like that." She proclaimed.
"I was... two years ago, when we first met." Sam answered.
"Dean isnt nearly as stubborn as you, he'll be an easy nut to crack." Jess pulled Sam on to the bed and straddled his lap. Sam stares up at her his hazle eyes going soft.
"I dont know what I'd do with out you." Sam whispered to her. She smiled sand held his face tenderly in her hands.
"Mmmm, crash and burn." She replied over his. Sam held her close and kissed her letting her know just where he wanted this to go.
"Easy there, Sam." Jess smiled pulling away, Sam groaned loudly, "You need to sleep before I pull out the handcuffs."
"What makes you think after all this time I'll be the one in cuffs?" Sam smirked.
"Maybe living a hunters life has brought out the beast in me." She giggled stripping to her underwear and diving under the covers.
"Damn woman you cant keep teasing me like this." Sam chuckled hugging her closely.
"Go to sleep Sam, you get a good night's sleep and we'll dicuss the cuffing arrangements." Jess sighed getting comfortable in Sam's arms.
Jess awoke in ths middle of the night to Sam having a nightmare. She sat up and saw Dean watching, worry etched into his forehead.
"Should i wake him?" Jess whispered. Dean shrugged helplessly.
"Shhh, its ok Sam." Jess soothed a hand down Sam's arm, the young man calmed slightly and fell back in to a restful sleep. Jess looked up at Dean and shrugged with worry.
"He's a tough kid." Dean nodded settling back down into his bed.
The next morning Sam sat quietly on his and Jess's bed sketching something, while Dean rattled off cases they could work.
"Sacramento man shoots himself in the head three times..." Dean said enthusiastically, only to have Sam remain silent, "any of these things blowing up your skirt pal?"
"Maybe we should take a break for awhile.
"Wait I've seen this." Sam mutteres bolting out of bed and rummaged around for thier dads journal.
"Seen what?" Dean questioned. "What are you doing?"
"Dean, I know where we have to go next." Sam answered.
"Back home... back to Kansas." Sam explained. Dean glanced to Jess awkwardly.
"Ok random... where did that come?" Dean muttered.
"Ok this photo was take in front of the old house, the house mom died in?" Sam asked.
"Yeah..." Dean answered tightly.
"It didnt burn down right? I mean not completely? They rebuilt it, right."
"Yeah i guess so. Why? What the ya talkin bout?" Dean answered getting really lost.
Ok tjis is gonna sound crazy, but i think the people who live in our old house... i think they might be in danger." Sam stated.
"What makes you think that, babe?" Jess questioned.
"Uhh... i just... uhh... look just trust me on this ok."
"Ok... woah woah... trust you?" Dean questioned following Sam as he started packing.
"Come on man thats weak. You gotta give me more than that." Deans voice raised slightly, getting frustrated with his brother.
"I can't really explain..." Sam mumbled.
"Well tough!" Dean proclaimed. Jess scowled at the older Winchester.
"Watch it Dean." She snapped. Dean glanced at her but ultimately ignored her.
"We arent going any where until you have a better explination than 'trust me." Dean stated firmly. Sam sighed and looked to Jess who still was glaring at Dean.
"I have these nightmares..." Sam started.
"We've noticed..." Dean crossed his arms nodding to Jess.
"...And sometimes... not always... they come true." Sam explained, pocketing his hands, head and shoulders slumping.
"Come again?" Dean almost laughed.
"I believe him." Jess cut in, "we should go to Kansas." She stated.
"Come on, people have wierd ass dreams all thw time. I have a friend who dreamed she worked at KFC with Todd the wraith from Stargate Atlantis." Dean exclaimed.
"Five months ago i didn't believe in monsters. But since you interupte our lives I've questioned everything ive ever believed in! We were attacked by a windingo, ghost water child, plane demons, thee bloody mary, a shapeshifter, and a swarm of fucking nasty killer bugs!" Jess ranted, "dont you think its probable that maybe Sam could be having dream visions." Jess snapped.
"Sam i can't go backthere
"We are going to check on this family in Kansas, Dean." Jess stated firmly. Dean swallowed hard and nodded.
"Ok, I'll go get the car ready." Dean nodded walking out.
"Thank you, Jess." Sam sighes. She smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Tell me about what happened to your mom as we get ready to go. "
Dean leaned heavily on the impala, trying to catch his breath. He pulled out his phone. He psusef over dads name in his contacts then scrold back up to the C's. He dialed the number and waited.
"Ello beastie!" The chippet voice brought a smile to Dean's worried face.
"Hey Cali. It's always good to hear from ya." Dean smiled.
"You sound a bit worried... what's up." She questioned.
"Sam wants to go home..."
"To Stanford? I dont think that's such a good idea. Everyone there thinks they died when the house burnt down." Cali explained urgently.
"No... not stanford... home... Kansas... where mom..."
"Oh...." she interuptsd with comprehension. "I thought you swore you were never going back there."
"I did, but Sam had a nightmere someone dies in the house... so he and Jess out voted me... son of a bitch, i feel like a third wheel with these two..."
"I know what you mean... anyway back to Kansas, huh? When are you guys leaving..."
"As soon as they pack up..." Dean answered, sighing heavily.
"Ok Dean take a deep breath and relax. Everything is gonna be ok." She assured. Dean took a deep breath and nodded.
"Ok, i gotta go." Dean hung up as Sam and Jess walked out of the room.
When they got to Lawrence they found Missouri. Before they knocked the door opened.
"Don't just stand there gaping get on in here." Missouri ordered turning away from them. "close the door Dean, and quit your cussin'." Missouri ordered.
"I didn't say anything." Dean argued, following Missouri into the living room.
"Missouri is a very inept type of psychic from Africa."
"Cali?" Dean questioned. "Wh... what are you doing here? in Kansas?" He asked.
"You called... and you sounded really upset. So I'm here." Jess cooed loudly earning a glare from both Dean and Cali. "...and made apple pie." Cali finished with a smile setting a plate of the warm food in frontof him. Dean eagerly took a bite groaned in apprciation.
"Ok let's talk about the case." Cali smiled. "I'll keep it distracted while you four get the purification bags in the walls..."
"How are you going to keep it distracted." Jess asked.
"Well I..." Cali started glancing at Dean who was sti stuffing his face.
"Leave that part of the plan up to ms. Cali." Missouri stated. "Now when it realizes whats going on things will get ugly."
Cali fought the seemingly invisible foe easily. She shook her head following its movement's.
"I can see you stupid." She smirked.
"What are you." It hissed.
"Im the nightmere to nightmares like you." She replied.
"Your eyes are black as a demons." It hissed circling her.
"A, they arent actually demons per se... and B, I'm WAY worse for you than a demon." She smiled. It remained silent a long moment.
"GRIMM!" It snarled.
"Bingo bitch!" She laughed then grunted as it used its telekinesis to push her back. "Are you guys done yet!" Cali bellowed.
"Just finished." Dean reported.
"It didn't work."Cali grunted.
"It had to of worked!" Missouri proclaimed.
"NO!" Cali exclaimed as Sam and Dean slamed up to the wall. "Leave them alone!" She shouted pushing against the poltrigists telekinesis. Next thing Dean knew thw force on his chest was gone ad Cali chopped the things head off with a long silver triangular shaped blade. She huffed and looked at her companions.
"Damn!" The brothers said at the same time.
"Fat lotta good you twits did." She snorted.
"That it? Its over?" Jess panted. @strangeangel99 @clockworkmorningglory
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