#sorry this one is late. pease forgive me
hellspawnsparks · 4 months
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✨ secret wish (2006 divine shine!)
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reyloner · 6 years
An update on OPS:
Okay, I AM SOOOO SORRY for the wait! Like, terribly sorry — I promised you a quick update and, naturally, everything just had to go wrong.
Since I unfortunately lost a huge chunk of my work at the worst possible time, I can't give you an exact date of when it could be posted. Truth is I've got so much work due these next few weeks and, I will admit, I have been a little too focused on OPS and FF as a whole. I really need to start putting my education higher on my priority list.
I constantly find myself unmotivated with school — to the point where I've begun to give up on certain assignments and turn them in late and it's something I really need to work on. I'm just super disapointed in myself that I've let that happen and yet I do nothing about it. I know I can work on OPS and my education at the same time, but I do need to know when to step away at the times when it's just assignment after assignment, exam after exam. Unfortunately, I haven't been doing that — and because this chapter has completey gone to shit over these last few days, my energy levels are at an all-time low.
There's a slim chance I could work on it after this upcoming Monday. I won't make any promises, because look where that got me last time haha. But I can definitley say that I'll be back into it in less than two weeks. Once all the craziness passes, I'll be good (though, it'll start back up relatively quickly in July/August with exams).
Anyways, again, I apologise for it. Pease do try to forgive me haha. I love every single one of you for reading OPS and hate to disappoint. You're all lovely, amazing and never fail to pick me up on my worst days — everytime I get a comment or an ask or a message, it brightens my day and I really can't thank all of you enough for that! Seriously guys, the support OPS and I have gained is absolutely insane!
Cheers guys! I might bang out some of the prompts as a step-away from work, if I can. OPS takes a little more thought and I want it to be perfect when I finally update.
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