#sorry this is so long i love being insufferable on the dash 🫶
sillyabtmusic · 3 months
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Bit's fave releases for the first half of 2024! -> Honorable mentions : Bye My Monster - ONF • Fallen Angel - Ryu Sujeong • Jackpot - Vanner • Tasty - B.I
okay i lamented over this for like two months and it was originally going to be ten songs but i struggled too much and let myself increase it to twelve. i enjoyed a lot! my biggest struggle though is i liked a lot more b-sides than i did title tracks :'•) so i've also prepared a fave b-sides! i've also allowed myself 12 here, because my b-sides list is longer than title tracks ..... woops
1. Gundam - The KingDom 2. Slave to the Rhythm - ONF 3. Kiss in the Rain - Onewe 4. Worst Thriller - Cravity 5. Heart Attack - Purple Kiss 6. Night of Fireworks - Xdinary Heroes 7. Until the End of Time - Xdinary Heroes 8. Siren - Ateez 9. Supercalifragilistic - Xikers 10. Give me the Love Bitxx - OnlyOneOf 11. Lie with you - Ten 12. Boomerang - Loossemble
^ sort of ranked but also shift around a lot i'm not good at ranking
and bonus: here's the colouring for the xdh one. cuz im proud of it 😁
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Omg I’m so happy you replied!! I definitely have more questions.
1. What Cillian character do you like writing about the most and why?
2. What story from your master list are you most proud of?
3. Do you personally have any fic recommendations/ must reads? Other sites included.
4. What gets you inspired to write? Following that question have you ever abandoned a fic?
5. What do you think made you a better writer? If you have any doubts about your work, how do you get past it enough to continue?
6. Is there a Cillian character that you just don’t like, or aren’t interested in watching/ writing about? (Sorry if that’s a loaded question)
omg thank u so much for this!!! i srsly love interacting w u guys, tysm for the thought provoking questions😄🙌
i think i like writing most about robert fischer:) ik it probably doesnt translate considering ive written most for jonathan crane but robert fischer is just such a little sweetheart to me,,, and can go both ways in being a sassy dom douchebag or being a sobbing daddy issues sub darling LOLLL i just think he has a lot of duality to delve into and develop (which ive definitely not done so far☠️) and it helps that his characterization in inception was also very surface level— i have a lot of wiggle room y’know??
i think im most proud of “dine & dash” which im aware probably no-one has read, but getting chris o’doyle’s sassy little dialogue down was like taming a wild beast,,, otherwise, considering my more well-known work, i rly liked writing “honey, i’m home”. i go crazy for the unhinged readers (if u couldnt alrdy tell lmaooo) and seeing jackson get messed with like that was a real treat.
i seriously just recommend anything by @mypoisonedvine,,, they’re literally genius & are the reason i started writing for cillian:)!! other mentions include kitten fics by @pictureinme and, a personal fave, @floralcyanidee’s jackson rippner mile-high club fic!!! these writers are all incredibly talented and im just blown away at their work every single time🫶
my thirst is such a big motivator for writing LMAO😭i wrote “guinea pig” ‘cus i wanted to absolute wreckkk jonathan crane and have him be a sub, and i got a 6.8k words long fic out of said thirst! music & book quotes motivate me a lot too— i spend sm time digging thru my pinterest for a good quote for the beginning of my fic its actually insane☠️and yes,,, im ashamed to say ive abandoned fics numerous times,,, but thats because they were series’, not oneshots. i get bored of series’ pretty quickly, ‘cause i feel kind of trapped by the initial dynamic or mood set in the first chapter. with oneshots, its like writing one long chapter of this trope and this kink or whatever and then its done, and i dont have to exhaust myself going back to tropes or kinks or storylines ive already done.
i think reading made me a better writer. expanding my vocabulary through the words of others was a biggie; seeing something be described in a certain way in someones story had me thinking of out-of-the-box ways to describe another thing (that doesn’t make much sense but lets pretend it does😭). i have many, many doubts about my work, like constantly, but i usually just suck it up. i sound like an attention whore but seeing the reposts & comments & tags on my other work reminds me people like what i’ve written before and certain people will enjoy what ive written now, so i should just finish my work for them. i also take like 100 years rereading my stuff until i think its good enough lmao,,,
ive kinda watched his whole roster of films (atleast ones i could actually find on the internet and not gone missing as a lost piece of media lmao) and i could probably write for any cillian character given i had a good idea and proper motivation. writing for certain characters is definitely harder for me to do though, so its likely i wont write for them/will take a long time to do so. an example is lenny miller— anna was such an insufferable movie to me, and lenny’s screentime wasn’t long at all, atleast not long enough for me to properly grasp his character. he just felt like a horny hardass fbi goof the whole time i could not take his 5’7 ass seriously😭cillian is smexy as hell in anna tho, so we’ll see😈another would probably be robert capa from sunshine,,, hes beautiful and deliciously musty in that but the whole spaceship setting kinda freaks me out (considering i know 0 zilch nada about space, spaceships, or anything of the sort, so it’d definitely be inaccurate). an au with him id definitely do, though! (with that hair of his my mind is already forming a 90s band au, guitarist!capa x singer!reader story…)
again thank u so much for these questions!! i feel like i rarely get to chat to u guys so this was well appreciated😄🫶thank you so much for reading, for sending these questions in, and for being an overall sweetheart, anon!
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