#sorry sorry i know i just gotta gush about my most perfect Angel animal babies
kazieka · 9 months
ever since my foot surgery the other day the Gamers have been taking turns sitting on my bed like they’ve agreed on it. they are my most precious little creature babies. Gus brought me his toy jellyfish but he doesn’t even want me to throw it. when i kick him out of the bedroom so I can sleep, he naps in the laundry hamper in the hall. i would kill or die for these little Orange fools
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
ABM Daniel taking the girls (or any of them) to their school play and just being the most supportive dad ever known ++ 🥺 making sure he gets front row and cheering the loudest to let them know he’s there 🥺
I can just imagine him being the parent all the other parents gush over & complimenting his daughter’s performance and he’s so proud
Stop I actually love this because it’s so true to him!! Here’s him being a supportive dad for all three girls!!
The audience watched the stage like a tennis match, the points going from side to side between the teams from the two different elementary schools. It wasn’t terribly thrilling to watch eight twelve-year-olds discuss if zoos are unfair to the animals held captive, but the city-wide semi-finals were not to be taken lightly. Being only seventh-graders, the teams worked together to form their arguments to either prove or disprove the topic depending on what side the judges assigned them, but Clementine always liked to take charge and her fellow team members didn’t seem to mind.
Sitting in the front row – of course – was her family; parents and two sisters, and they watched as she stood up to say her part, spewing out facts a mile a minute to the opposing team. Florence fed six-year-old Lucy slices of melon to keep her somewhat entertained while Daniel was leaning forward in the plastic gymnasium chair with his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands, eyebrows furrowed up to the stage as his eldest finished her tangent.
“In conclusion, although zoos must improve their kindness to the animals to keep them safe, these exhibits are perfect ways for students and kids and families to learn more about biology and the world and should be kept around for next generations to visit.”
The audience applauded and Clementine sent a proud smile to the direction of her family behind the bright lights of the stage and she sat herself back down, folding her hands together on the tabletop in front of her. The judges took a moment to assess both sides of the argument and the room fell into silence as they waited for the results.
“If she doesn’t win, this thing is rigged.” Daniel muttered to his wife. Florence only smiled at him and ran her hand down his back.
The judges took to the centre of the stage with the microphone in hand, a second judge holding the debate team trophy for the winning school with four others for the winnings students to take home.
“The winner of the Toronto District School Board Elementary Debate Team Competition is; Market Lane Elementary.”
You best bet Daniel was the first one out of his seat to applaud, cheering the loudest over the rest of the parents and Clementine just beamed as she and the rest of her team went up to collect their trophies.
“That’s my girl!” Daniel shouted over the applause, “Show ‘em how it’s done, Clemmie!”
The teams shook hands and then the lights in the gymnasium rose again and Clementine bounded right down the steps of the stage with the trophy in hand. She was beaming and jumped right into Daniel’s waiting arms and he lifted her right up off the ground.
“Oh my gosh, you did great, angel!” he praised, “We’re so proud of you!”
“So proud of you! You sounded so grown up on that stage!” Florence gushed, petting Clementine’s neat blonde hair that was tied in two identical braids over her shoulders.
Clementine only grinned wider, pressing her cheek right up to Daniel’s from her place in his arms, her arms wrapped around his shoulders snugly, “Just gotta throw their facts back at them.”
“And you certainly did.” Daniel smiled, pressing a kiss to her head before setting her back on her feet. “Go thank your teacher, okay?”
“Kay!” Clementine skipped off to her teammates and coach.
Florence and Daniel got the youngest two ready to head out while they waited and another family from the opposing school approached them.
“Pardon me, but I must say that your daughter is an incredible debater.” the mother said kindly, “I didn’t mind our boy losing out to such a quick-fired little girl…she really knew her stuff.”
“Oh, thank you.” Florence smiled politely, cracking a bit of a joke, “We have no clue where she gets it from honestly.”
“I speak from experience; she could be an incredible lawyer one day. You must be so proud.”
“We are. She’s our treasure, that’s for sure.” Daniel beamed with nothing but pride, his smile only growing as Clementine rushed back over to them.
She wrapped her arm around his back and glanced up at him, “Can we go to McDonald’s for dinner, Daddy? To celebrate?”
Daniel tugged gently at one of her braids, “Anything for you, baby.”
The kindergarten classroom was packed with parents along the back wall, the children sitting on the colourful carpet in preparation for their show-and-tell day where they had a chance to stand up and talk about one of their little projects. Daniel took the morning off work and everything, dressed up in a nice little button-up for the important occasion and let his five-year-old daughter direct him to her chair in the classroom. Florence sat next to him, giggling softly at how he looked with all 6’1” of him crammed into a tiny kindergarten chair with his knees almost by his ears.
Penelope sat amongst her peers, legs criss-cross-applesauce and her hands folded sweetly in her lap. She kept glancing back at her parents as the other kids went up for their turns in alphabetical order by last name, her blue eyes nearly full of worry as if she was expecting them to not be there when she turned around again. But Daniel sent her a smile every time she looked back at them just to reassure her.
Soon, her name was called by her teacher to come up to the front of the classroom and talk about her painting she had done. Penelope sat frozen in place as everyone looked at her and she nearly tried to fold in on herself.
“Come on up, Penelope, it’s your turn!” the teacher encouraged.
Without a look back, Penelope scrambled up from the carpet and made a beeline right to her father, throwing herself at him and hiding her face in his chest. The other parents’ ‘awe’d out loud as Daniel scooped up his daughter onto his lap and held her close, her little hands clinging onto the front of his button-up shirt. Daniel’s heart could have completely burst right then and there.
He pet a hand over her brown hair and pressed a kiss to the top of her head before whispering down to her, “Want Daddy to come up there with you?”
Penelope sniffled and nodded, peering up at him with tears in her light blue eyes.
“Okay, bug.” Daniel carefully got up from the tiny chair, set his daughter on her feet again, and took her hand. They walked up to the front of the classroom together and the teacher handed Penelope her artwork. Daniel crouched down beside her and Penelope stayed right close to him as she turned her paper around to show the crowded room.
She blinked, not saying a word.
“What’s your picture about, Penelope?” the teacher encouraged.
Daniel set a soft hand on his daughter’s back and simply his presence was enough to calm her nerves.
“I…I painted mountains.” Penelope said as strongly as she could, glancing down at her artwork in her hands. “And the sky. And…and trees.”
“What colours did you use for your painting, Penelope?” the teacher asked.
Penelope took a small shaky inhale, “Green…blue…and grey. And white. And…and yellow.”
“Very good! It’s a beautiful painting!” the teacher started the applause and the class and the group of parents joined in.
Penelope smiled bashfully, her chubby cheeks dusted in a shy pink blush, and Daniel pressed a kiss right there.
“That’s my girl.” Daniel praised sweetly from beside her. He stood up and led her back to their seat and Penelope bounded over proudly to her mother, shoving her painting into Florence’s hands.
“Wow, Penny, this is so good.” Florence beamed, reaching to caress her daughter’s pink cheek as she admired the messy painting. “So proud of you, my brave little girl.”
Daniel sat back down and pulled Penelope onto his lap, draping his arms around her to cuddle her close to his chest and he peppered kisses to the top of her head, “Our perfect little artist.”
Her very first art show, going without fault thanks to the presence of her father. And he went to every single one thereafter.
“Excuse me…Pardon me…Sorry.” Daniel shuffled down the auditorium row, a bouquet of flowers in one arm and Penelope’s hand in his other. He was determined to get to the seats front and centre, rushing to snag the last few available before the auditorium filled up, squeezing past a few families that had already claimed their seats.
Penelope and Clementine followed behind him, the eldest with her nose in the programme to find her youngest sister’s name among the lists. Daniel sat the girls down before taking a seat himself, making sure to claim the fourth with the bouquet of flowers to save a spot for Florence who was helping Lucy get ready backstage.
“Found her!” Clementine grinned, thrusting over the small booklet to show her father and her sister the thin printed line, ‘Lucy Seavey’ under the list of seven-year-old tap dancers and again under the ballerinas.
Daniel grinned at the formality of it just as the lights started to dim.
“Mommy’s gonna miss it.” Penelope whispered.
“She’ll be out in time to see Lucy.” Daniel assured her softly as the toddler groups started their dances up on the stage.
Sure enough, after a few songs, Florence was shuffling down the row in the darkened auditorium to her seat beside Daniel and he moved the flowers for her.
“She’s up next.” Florence whispered excitedly. “She looks so cute in her costume.”
Finally, the current song ended and the younger dancers rushed off the stage in exchange for the seven-year-old group. As the lights rose again, Lucy could be seen front and centre in her purple leotard and purple sequin skirt that matched her friends’, her hands on her hips and toe pointed in perfect position as the song started.
Daniel’s smile seemed to rise with the music volume and soon the group of seven-year-olds were click-clacking across the wooden stage, Lucy’s wide performing grin and sparkle sprayed tied blonde hair standing out amongst the almost clumsier girls with her. Her big move that she had been practicing was her splits and – as expected – nailed them with excellent precision and Daniel couldn’t help but let out a cheer and a little clap, making Florence giggle and lean into him adoringly.
“Daddy, shh.” Penelope scolded softly from his other side.
The dance concluded and the girls on stage hit their final poses with wide grins and the crowd applauded, Daniel standing right up in a single standing ovation as the lights dropped again. Florence pulled him back down into his seat as the girls rushed backstage again.
“Gotta go for costume change.” she whispered, leaning in to kiss him.
Daniel grabbed her wrist before she could slink off, “Tell her she was so good. And I love her. And she was incredible.”
“You’re going to see her in twenty minutes.” Florence giggled, kissing his cheek before shuffling back down the aisle.
Daniel watched the other dance groups impatiently, waiting for Florence to return which would mean Lucy’s second performance would be starting. She returned within ten minutes and fell back into her seat with a sigh. Daniel slipped his fingers into his wife’s and pulled their intertwined hands up to kiss her soft skin just as the lights dimmed again and it was time for the second performance.
Honestly, as much as Lucy rocked her fast paced routines, Daniel loved her dancing ballet the most. She always looked so graceful and pretty and happy and Daniel’s heart could just soar with pride over his youngest.
By the time the soft song came to a conclusion and Lucy fell into her final pose ever so gently, Daniel nearly felt tears in his eyes as he applauded the loudest out of the entire audience and he was sure he caught a small smile tugging at the corner of Lucy’s serious expression as the lights dimmed again.
The girls were allowed to go find their families after their last performance and Lucy shuffled her way down the row at intermission, still in her blue ballet leotard and white tutu with her bag slung over her shoulder and a huge grin plastered on her face.
“There’s our girl.” Florence smiled.
“Oh, Princess, you were incredible.” Daniel gushed, bending right down to engulf her in a hug before passing over her congratulatory flowers.
“Thank you!” Lucy beamed, taking a sniff of her fresh cut flowers as she sat herself down on his lap, hugging the bouquet to her chest.
“The best out of the whole troupe.” Daniel boasted softly for only their little group to hear.
Lucy giggled bashfully, “I know…a few of the other girls kept messing up their steps.”
“Not our tiny dancer.” Daniel pressed a kiss to her head, getting a bit of her layers of sparkly hairspray on his lips in the process.
“You cheered so loud, Daddy.” Lucy said, taking her packed intermission snack of cheese and crackers from Florence.
“Too loud.” Penelope added.
“Get used to it.” Clementine finished sassily, reaching over Penelope to steal a cracker from her youngest sister. 
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