#sorry one thing about me is given a quarter of a chance to yap I’m gonna yap
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Get to Know Me Questionnaire!
Tagged by beloved @dirthavarens thank you!!! ♥️
Last Song: lately I’m listening to one of my 3 emotional support Leon Kennedy playlists at any given time so think 90’s/early 2000’s emo boy. Spotify says Like a Stone by Audioslave 🚬😔
Favorite Color: CHERRY RED but also lilac and any shade of green and also pale pink and also every color ever hope this helps!
Last Book: does the World of Cyberpunk 2077 book count? I just bought it when it was on sale and I have been devouring the lore
Last Movie: uhhhhhhh I think Dungeons & Dragons? Idk I love that movie tho 🥺
Last Game: Cyberpunk 2077 but I have bled it so completely dry that I only really mod the shit out of it and do virtual photography now
Last Show: The Night Agent season 2 on Netflix because I am a slut and a whore and the main character reminds me of Leon smh shut up about that blond man Kenna
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: SPICY!!! And savory
Relationship: lmao in game or out? (That answers that I think)
Last internet search: some Nike sneakers I’m gonna buy
Tagging without pressure: @handsomeamoeba @trash-begging @ar-ghilas-vir-banal @varricsbrokencrossbowbianca @my-chemical-mermaid @elfroot-and-gooseberries and anyone else who wants to do this! Tag me if you do ♥️
#sorry one thing about me is given a quarter of a chance to yap I’m gonna yap#thank you for the tag!!!#this has nothing to do with dragon age sorry I go through phases and rn it’s cyberpunk/resident evil depression hours#Going Through It ™️#someone tell me to return to my roots (Dragon Age)#tag game
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Unexpected part 4
Gosh, it’s been a REALLY long time for this poor chapter to be coming out. I have been distracted with many things, good and bad, but it seems as if I’m finally back on track. Hopefully that means I’ll be able to crank out stories again like I used to. That being said, this is the latest installment of my little saga. Hope you like it. As always comments and asks are welcomed and reblogs are the bests.
Oh and just in case you would like to read the previous chapters if it’s your first time or simply needing a refresher, here’s the links.
Part One Part Two Part 3
Story begins under the cut due to the length. Enjoy!
It was evident Travis could barely contain the excitement that was surging through him. Giving Riley a crooked grin, he quickly loped back into the bedroom and practically tripped over the doorway threshold. Picking up on the enthusiasm, Rex bounded eagerly along at his side while yipping and yapping playfully. “Got an extra wardrobe in here so it’s the perfect place for you to put all your stuff!” Travis called out over the happy, chirpy barks of his cyberdog.
However, Riley had paused his pursuit, suddenly distracted by the trail of discarded clothing scattered along the hallway. A gentle smile curled his lips as his mind flitted back to last night where a wonderful event started in the elevator then led to the bedroom where it continued for hours. Even though he was half-serious when mentioning about the fantasy of getting a blowjob inside of an elevator, it came as no surprise that Travis would actually comply.
While bending to gather up the clothes, Riley happily reminisced about their reunion. Suddenly, his wonderful recollection was interrupted by a stark naked Travis standing in front of him. Although he’s seen Travis naked plenty of times, Riley still found his cheeks warm with a blush at the unexpected, but very pleasant sight. “Hell, Travis, you keep enticing me like this I doubt we’ll be making tracks to the Fort anytime soon,” he jested while adjusting his glasses as his eyes began to wander up and down his boyfriend’s slender frame.
“Huh? Oh! Well...maybe...when we get back I can make it all up to you. I know you can’t resist this bod,” Travis purred while he ran his hands seductively over his sides only to get shoved playfully by Riley. “Anyhoo, is everything ok, Riles? Been talking to you and you ain’t answering.”
“Oh, sorry about that, but yes, that wardrobe sounds great, thank you. By the way, I can’t seem to find my pack. I could have sworn we brought it up here with us last night.”
Giving a quick scan around the now cleaned up hall, Travis got a hunch and pushed the call button for the elevator. The silver doors slid open and there on the floor was not only Riley’s pack and Gauss rifle, but Travis’ own rifle and cowboy hat as well. “Ah, Hell, looks like someone was in an awful hurry to get out of there to leave all this stuff behind,” Travis jested while he retrieved their items.
Reaching for the weapons, Riley randomly noticed Travis’ motorcycle was leaning close to the wall. He wondered how he missed it earlier, but there were plenty of other things distracting him since he arrived. Travis tended to do unusual things from time to time, but having a vehicle in the living quarters seemed a bit out of the ordinary, even for Travis. “Looks like someone forgot where the parking garage was,” Riley teased back.
“Ain’t forgot,” the courier replied while rubbing the back of his neck, mild embarrassment in his voice. “I only got back here a few days ago and was too tired to screw around unpacking downstairs then make like twenty trips back and forth to the elevator. Figured it was easier to bring the bike up here so’s I could unpack and put stuff away in one shot. I was planning on taking it back downstairs eventually, but some hot redhead dropping in from Boston sort of interrupted that. Besides, had too much going on in my mind to really want to deal with chores...or much else.”
“Understandable,” Riley said softly as he knew exactly what Travis must have gone through. His own world was quite setback and lost when Travis left Boston only a few weeks ago. He got through his lonely days by drinking or being with friends, but barely.
Following Travis into the bedroom, Riley set the weapons against the couch then stood silently in the doorway. Travis made his way towards a large, dark wood wardrobe to choose an outfit for the day’s outing. Riley still couldn’t tear his eyes away from admiring the finely shaped, naked form of his partner. His gaze abruptly halted seeing bright red scratch marks on Travis’ back. A demure smile curled his lips as memories of last night’s passions flooded his mind and made him long to repeat them soon.
Forcing his eyes to look elsewhere, Riley turned to his left and let out a soft gasp of surprise. His eyes suddenly widened behind his glasses and he found himself gravitating towards a large bookshelf behind a desk. He felt an excited jolt go through him while he read aloud the titles of the books. “Las Vegas: A History. How to Succeed at Hacking. Cats. Guns, Your God-given Right. Building a Robot. Motorcycle Mechanics. Sparky and the Flying Securitron. Texas Red. Damn, Travis, you certainly have quite the mix of genres,” he chuckled as he took out the Vegas book and began flipping through its pristine pages.
“Shucks, got plenty of books in the other rooms and there's a ton more upstairs in the penthouse.” He snickered hearing the soft gasp escape his partner. “You’ll see everything, don't you worry none about that. Shit, there’s so much to see in the casino alone to probably last us all day. Umm...wanna get the ten cent tour of the apartment before we head to the Fort?” “Oh! Yes, right, the Fort. As anxious as I am to see your suite, I know you’re in a hurry to head out. It’s ok, Travis, we can do what you needed first and you can show me around here when we get back.” Riley set the book carefully on the shelf as not to damage the delicate paper dust cover and gave his partner a supportive smile.
“You sure? I mean I don’t mind showing you around first, but I’ll do whatever you want to do. This is your vacation after all,” Travis replied while pulling out his traditional red plaid shirt and blue jeans from the wardrobe and tossed them on the bed. “Besides, I’m only going to the Fort today to drop off my semi-weekly donations and show you around. Figured I could introduce you to Arcade while we’re there. It ain’t really crucial we go today. I can always drop off donations tomorrow. Ain't like they're expecting me or anything.”
Riley sat on the bed next to his pack and looked up at his broadly smiling lover. “You’re something else, you know that? Then that settles it. I’d love to have a quick tour of your place before we leave.”
Travis grinned more and leaned down to deliver a quick kiss on Riley’s cheek. “Great! Gonna go and get washed up first, though. Feel free to use the other wardrobe for your stuff if you wanna and make yourself at home. My casa is your casa,” he declared making Riley chuckle at his attempt of a Spanish phrase.
“It’s me casa es su casa,” he corrected with a gentle smile. “But thank you just the same.”
As Travis walked out room, Riley caught himself once more staring after the naked vision. He sighed wistfully and suddenly noticed he was becoming aroused. Knowing it was best to stifle his urges, at least for now, Riley bit his lower lip and distracted himself by unpacking. “Well, this won’t take long,” he muttered to himself realizing he had nowhere near as many clothes as he would need for a prolonged stay. Past experience taught him things could go wrong very quickly with an unexpected visit. He prepared for the worst, but did hope for the best. Packing light was a precaution even though deep down he knew wasn’t necessary.
Gathering up the meager armload of clothes, Riley headed to the wardrobe on the opposite side of the bed. It was identical as the one Travis was using right down to the almost pristine condition. Resting atop of it was some sort of helmet with ruby colored eye lenses. Next to it was a skull from some kind of animal that Riley could only guess was a brahmin. To his surprise a small Sentry bot action figure he had given Travis back on the day they first met was also there. A pleasant warmth spread through him as he remembered that day with tender fondness.
Opening the double doors Riley was mildly surprised to find a small assortment of clothes already neatly arranged inside on hangers. Riley set his things down and curiously began to sift through the impeccable assortment of slacks, polos, and solid colored button down shirts. He pulled out a baby blue colored polo and absently held it against himself to check the size.
“Don’t mind the clothes.” Travis had silently padded into the bedroom and was already pulling on his jeans. “Grabbed ‘em out of the dressers up in the penthouse where Mister House used to live. I was hoping they’d fit me, but they’re all a bit too big. If they fit you, you can have them and hell...you can probably have all of what’s still up there. House sure as hell don't need ‘em. All sorts of suits and ties and stuff up there ...stuff you would probably really like.”
Grinning broadly Riley turned back to the wardrobe and began examining the garments with more interest. He put the blue shirt back and pulled out a black polo with a wide green stripe around the middle. “Travis, these are all in such amazing condition,” Riley said in disbelief. Taking it off the hanger, Riley pulled the shirt over his head. Much to his joy it fit him perfectly. “Travis, this...this is wonderful! Are you really sure I can have these?” he asked as his partner sauntered up to him.
“A’yup. What am I gonna do with a bunch of clothes that don’t fit me? I was originally gonna take them to camps around the Mojave and donate them, but never had the chance. Reckon it’s a good thing. Shirt looks really great on you, Riles. Cain’t wait to see you out of it later either,” Travis purred while nuzzling against the freckled skin of Riley’s neck. Sliding his arms around Riley’s waist, Travis pressed close to him and sighed. “I still cain’t believe you’re here and I cain’t wait to get back after the donation run. Maybe we can take a swim in my pool before heading out for dinner.”
“Swimming and dinner? Man, Travis, you’re going to spoil me. You really don’t have to take me anywhere tonight. In all honesty it might be more enjoyable to stay in and relax with you. I’m sure there’s plenty here for you to show me,” Riley softly replied as he leaned against his partner with a contented sigh. “I'm not going anywhere anytime soon and right now I just want to enjoy being back in your company.”
“Whatever you'd like to do is fine with me! Reckon we’ll play it by ear.” Travis gave Riley a few tender kisses which quickly became heated. Fighting his own eager urges Travis reluctantly pulled back. “We best get going afore I find something better for us to do,” he panted with a smirk. Riley nodded in agreement and they separated to continue getting dressed.
Afterwards, with his arms open wide and welcoming, Travis walked around the room. “Well then, as you can see, this here is the master bedroom. I keep lots of my personal and most treasured things in here. Ain't all I got, though.” He then motioned for Riley to follow him and led him towards a room that was between the master bedroom and dining area.
“Reckon this is more my collection and game room. Got all kinds of cool stuff I found in my travels,” he proudly announced while placing his hands on his hips.
Riley slowly wandered around the room which was considerably larger than the master bedroom. In the center of the room was a pool table with way too many balls scattered on top of it. A Sunset Sarsaparilla soda vending machine was against one wall next to an almost perfect Nuka Cola machine. Next to those was a fantastic jukebox, it’s glowing colored lights and bubbles instantly drew Riley to it. As he flipped through the selection markers he asked,”Does this thing really have these tunes and does it really work?”
Travis couldn’t help but give a toothy grin. “A’yup! Sure does! Hell, pick a song and push the button, I sure don’t mind. I really lucked out with this find up in Black Mountain. They got a big storage building that was untouched in probably forever ‘cause of the Super Mutants that used to guard the place. Plus there's a buttload of radiation there that'll get ya if precautions ain't took. Gotta tell you that story someday.”
Arching an eyebrow, Riley picked a random song by Frank Sinatra and pressed the white button. The machine made a series of clicks and other sounds while Riley watched in anticipation as the record he chose moved into place and the player’s arm dropped down onto it. After a few pops and static sounds, All of Me began to play much to Riley’s delight. Overcome with the pure joy of hearing a long forgotten song again, Riley pulled Travis into his arms and did a quick, impromptu dance with him around the room.
Seeing the two humans engaged in what he thought looked like fun, Rex began to loudly bark and jump up and down vying for their attention hoping they’d dance with him too. Travis began to laugh at his cyberdog’s antics as well as the handsome redhead’s sudden burst of enthusiasm.
Riley stole a quick kiss and released Travis with a laugh. “Shit, it’s been far too long since I’ve heard that song! Oh, Travis…” he sighed and trailed off realizing that he danced them all the way to the other end of the room. Adjusting his glasses, Riley gave Travis a wink and directed his gaze towards the tall shelf unit that seemed to be screaming for his attention.
On each shelf was a different sort of collection all neatly arranged to show off each coveted piece. Much to Riley’s delight, one shelf was dedicated to more books. These ones all were various novels, mostly westerns and science fiction. Knowing he’d have a chance to look over them more thoroughly later, he bypassed them, setting his sights on a different shelf.
The bottom most one had a selection of pre-war toys. There was a baseball and glove, a few tin cars, a checkerboard, and a few different style teddy bears and dolls. Most of the toys were in pretty rough condition, but they were still in great shape considering their age. Riley spotted a baseball bat and golf club leaning against the shelf as well as what appeared to be a half of a bowling ball. It was a perfect, smooth cut and Riley made a mental note to ask Travis how it got that way at another time.
Right now he was distracted by what dominated over two of the remaining shelves. Travis loved collecting Nuka Cola merchandise and had voiced that quite often while he was in Boston. One shelf was glowing brightly with a variety of Quartz and Quantum while the other shelf had bottles of Victory. Riley looked them over and gave a low whistle. “Looks like you’ve been rather busy scouring the Mojave to get this kind of collection,” he commented while picking up a small sheriff badge made out of tin. “Now I understand why you were so excited to get those rocket shaped bottles in Boston.”
Travis grinned while crossing his arms in front of his chest, obviously proud of his little collection. “A’yup. I still got them in the bedroom, though. Like I said I wasn’t too keen on unpacking when I got back the other day. Maybe I’ll put them up later tonight.” “Glad to see they’ve gone to a good home,” Riley chuckled as he carefully picked up a large, metal toy Nuka Cola delivery truck complete with tiny soda bottles. “Man, this stuff is amazing! I know a few people back east who would be rather envious of your collection. Maybe not so much the bottles, but these cool premiums like your trucks and pin-up girl figures would really drive folks wild to possess.”
“I’m sure this ain’t nothing compared to what I heard some people got, but considering Sunset Sarsaparilla is the dominate drink out this way I am pretty lucky I got what I got,” Travis replied while pulling a small chain hanging from a neon Nuka sign that looked like he ripped it directly off a store front. The glass tubes flickered a few times before lighting completely. “Got this at a pawn shop in Freeside a while back. It was tucked behind some old washing machines, but I somehow spotted it. Traded for a few shot guns and ammo. The owner thought I was nuts, but I had to have it. Didn’t work, but I talked to a buddy of mine and he helped me get what I needed to get it to light up. I think it’s my fave of all my collection, well, besides the glowy bottles.”
“It’s really something else, Travis. I can’t wait to hear some of the stories behind your collections.” Giving the shelf a final look and making sure nothing was on the floor for him to accidentally step on, Riley wandered towards a marvelous display unit near the room’s door. It was similar to something one would find in a gift shop as it showcased all kinds of snow globes. They all featured Vault Boy in some sort of scene depicting where the globes might have originated from. “Hoover Dam, Goodsprings, The New Vegas Strip....how did you even come across these?” Riley asked while picking one up and giving it a shake, amused at the white plastic flakes inside the water swirling about like a mini snowstorm.
“Eh, some were actually in this place and a few came from general stores out and about. Got some from Vault 21 as well. You might like that place a lot. Used to be a real pre-war vault, but it's a hotel and small casino now. It’s all set up to what I think your time might have looked like. They’re really big on that nostalgia! They even got tons of pre-war stuff stored in a few of the rooms. I've done a lot of trading with the folks there for a few things I liked. The manager wanted any Vault suits I might find in my travels. I found lots and exchanged them for some of the metal signs I got hanging around here and other parts of my casino.”
“Sounds like an extremely good system you got going. Bartering is so much better than using caps I think.”
“Okies I got one last room to show you then we can get a move on to the Fort!” Taking Riley by the hand, Travis eagerly led him down the hall and to the room across from the bathroom. “I don’t give this room much mind, but I reckon it has its uses.”
The room was obviously once a guest bedroom with two neatly made full sized beds complete with satin sheets, comforters and throw pillows. One even had a few teddy bears resting on it. However, that’s where the bedroom look stopped and instead seemed more like a storage area. A makeshift gun rack was against the wall with about ten metal ammo boxes stacked next to it. The rack had everything ranging from shotguns to rifles of all different calibers. A small footlocker rested next to the rack, its lid open, revealing the contents of various explosives like mines and hand grenades.
Riley smirked at the small arsenal and shook his head surprised there wasn’t more. “Your supply of these are a little low,” he jested while giving a nod to the explosives.
“Nah, got more down in my workshop. Didn’t want to keep that kind of stuff up here in big piles, you know?” Travis casually replied as he bent to pick up some casings that were scattered on the floor and tossed them in one of the ammo boxes.
“Yes, that uhhh... makes sense.” Riley paled, suddenly feeling nervous thinking of the entire casino blowing up because of of Travis’ passion for explosives and fires.
A few metal cases stacked against the wall housed flamethrowers as well as a grenade launcher. The weapons looked like they were used quite often and Riley could only imagine the mischief his partner got into with them. Riley was thankful not seeing anything that launched mini nukes or the like. Even Travis must have his limits when it came to destruction.
However, there was one weapon that got Riley’s curiosity and he tugged at Travis’ sleeve to get his attention. “What in the world is that thing?” he asked, pointing to what looked like a motorcycle gas tank with an iron sword attached to it by a cable.
Travis twitched his moustache and grinned broadly while picking up the sword. “This is what’s called a shishkebab. One of my fave pyro weapons. The sword flames up. I’ll have to take you out later and show you it in action! Some of the trees out in the desert are dry as dust and man you should see them burn up when I slash ‘em with this!”
Riley inwardly groaned seeing Travis’ crystal blue eyes light up with excitement while showing off the sword. “I’d love to see, as long as you are careful. I’m sure more than just trees catch fire easily here.” “Oh man, you ain’t kidding!” Travis excitedly responded while putting the shishkebab back down and went back to his task of picking up the casings. He heard a soft groan come from his partner over his comment and he quickly added, “But don’t worry, I only set shit on fire in secluded areas where they won’t go out of control and cause more trouble.”
“Great,” Riley grunted as he glanced at the single wardrobe in the room. Its door was ajar revealing some articles of clothing that looked like military uniforms and dusters. More guns were leaning against the furniture along with more ammo boxes. Off in a far corner of the room was a small metal platform and on it Travis’ robot ED-E was resting on it. No doubt it was a charging station of sorts.
However, like in the previous rooms, what really captured Riley’s attention was yet another large bookshelf stocked not only with books, but interesting items such as a space helmet, globe of the world, and what appeared to be some kind of blaster from a science fiction movie.
“Interesting choice of books you have here, Travis. I didn’t expect you to read these sort of things,” the redhead remarked as he looked over the book titles that ranged from business operations and government to mathematics and science.
Travis snorted and shook his head. “Nah, ain’t read those. I glanced through them and they’re boring and filled with words I can’t even understand. Some got nice pictures at least. I got them there for looks and maybe give to someone if they’re interested. Hell, if you like them by all means please read them”
“I was anticipating some history books, actually. Do you have any of those?” Riley asked hopefully as he carefully flipped through the pages of an astronomy book, marveling at how bright and crisp the photos inside were after all the centuries.
“Oh, sure! Got plenty of those upstairs in the penthouse!” Travis couldn’t help but laugh seeing Riley’s face light up hearing the news about history books. Slipping his arms around Riley’s waist, Travis leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. “Trust me, Riles, my apartment is only the beginning of shit for you to see in this place. Anyways, was this a good enough tour for now? You ready to mosey on outta here?”
“Yes, the tour was perfect and I look forward to exploring and experiencing it more as the days go by. Thank you, Travis.”
“Great! Let’s make tracks then!” Stealing another quick kiss, Travis entwined their fingers together and briskly led him towards the elevator. “Gotta stop and pick up some supplies for the Fort first. Can't exactly make a donation run without donations.”
Right as the metal doors began to slide shut, Rex decided at the last moment to join the couple. He gave a startled yelp as the doors closed, barely touching him. “Dumb dog!” Travis groaned as the doors re-opened to allow the cyberdog entry. “Hit the button with a T,” Travis directed to Riley while he pushed his dog into the back of the elevator and out of the way.
Riley searched over the panel of buttons and realized the vast majority of them weren’t numbered properly or numbers for that matter. Furrowing his brow as he looked for the T button, he asked, “Ummm...Travis, what’s with these numbers and...letters? They’re all so... randomly placed.”
“Well, it helps make things easier to remember where things are. Six is me, so my suite’s button is six as you found out last night. C is for casino. P is for Penthouse. L is for Lounge. T is for Treasure. W is for workroom. B is for basement. S is for Sub Basement…”
“Ok Ok I get it,” Riley chuckled and pushed the T button. “It’s a good method as long as you understand it. Do you do anything with the other floors not designated to a specific number or letter?”
“Nothing really. They’re there for whatever. Storage I reckon. All still got nice beds, sheets, furniture, clothes...almost like Mister House had this place gussied up and evacuated afore the bombs hit. It's also why I have an endless supply of sheets and clothes...got lots of liquor too,” he snickered.
“Sounds perfect,” Riley grinned. “I can’t wait to see all of your special floors, but this one we’re going to...T for Treasure, really sounds interesting.” “Ain’t no big deal for me, but for the folks I help out...well...you’ll see. Used to be one of the business suites or some shit,” Travis said with a dismissive shrug right as the elevator came to a halt at its designated floor.
The doors slid open and an over enthused cyberdog bolted out. “Ain’t never seen him this excited, but I reckon he’s picking up on my feelings,” Travis drawled as he followed the dog leaving Riley to stand blushing in the elevator over Travis’ compliment. Realizing Riley wasn’t at his side, Travis halted and turned around. “You coming?”
Riley cleared his throat and nodded. “Yes, yes of course.” He stepped out of the elevator and gazed up and down the hallway. The carpet had a checkered pattern of different shades of reds and still looked as it might have 200 years ago. Various pictures were on the wall showcasing scenes of the pre-war New Vegas and Mojave areas. Other than that the hall was completely barren and disinteresting. One lone door was at the far end to their right and that was where Travis was headed.
“Got all sorts of crap in this place,” Travis casually remarked while they walked. “Plus during my travels I find lots of stuff and salvage it. Been in this place almost seven years and pretty much went through all the floors. I gathered up certain things and organized them for later distribution. I sure don’t need it, but plenty of folks out there do.”
Opening the door, Travis beckoned for Riley to follow him inside. Entering the suite Riley was taken aback by what he saw. The entire suite reminded him of what pre-war shopping mega-centers or warehouse type of stores looked like. Tall metal and wooden racks lined the walls stocked with various goods while large boxes were on the floor and filled with things too bulky to store on shelves.
As Riley gazed around the room he eventually realized that everything was sorted and organized according to purpose. One shelf had small boxes filled with syringes with labels marked stimpack or med-x. Piles of rad-away along with bottles of rad-x occupied another shelf. Piles of crutches and canes were stacked in a corner, propped against the shelf. Boxes of gauze and bandages were lined on the bottom shelf according to size. Various other medical supplies were scattered on a wooden table where some brown doctor bags were resting.
Where the medical supplies ended, linens began. Riley wasn’t sure how many or what size, but there was plenty of nicely folded bedding materials stacked neatly on their shelf. Stacks of towels were also on the shelf along with what looked like cloth napkins and tablecloths. After that a row of boxes filled with teddy bears, dolls, cars, and other various toys were set on the floor in front of the shelf. A smaller display case, almost similar to the one Travis had his snow globes on, had a variety of carved wooden figures.
The remaining shelves were stocked with varieties of food preserved in jars as well as candles, ropes, lighters, electronic parts, and many other things. All necessary supplies, but not so vast where they needed their own separate area. Three large wardrobes with their doors removed were also lined against the wall. Inside were various clothes for men, women, and children, but it looked as though those supplies were rapidly being depleted.
Giving out a low whistle, Riley slowly browsed through the supplies, amazed how much was actually gathered here. “You have quite the hoard, Travis. Are you sure you aren’t secretly a dragon with all this wonderful treasure?” Travis snorted as he grabbed a brown medical bag and began hastily stuffing random supplies into it. “Ain’t no hoarder...but what’s a dragon?” he asked, suddenly pausing from his task, tilting his head to the side like a curious puppy.
“Well...a dragon is a mythical beast that was found in many cultures around the world. Generally they were depicted as a large lizard or reptile, usually with wings, and quite often were known to have vast hoards of treasure like gems and gold. It also wasn’t uncommon for them to breathe fire.”
“Oh! We got dragons here in the Mojave then!” Travis exclaimed excitedly and turned to face Riley, his blue eyes shining. “We call them Fire Geckos, though. They’re about as tall as you and they breathe fire! No wings, though, but they do run awfully fast. I wonder if they have treasures?”
Riley paled slightly hearing about the beasts and frowned as his body instinctively tensed over Travis’ last remark. “Please don’t tell me you want to go finding that out?”
“Nah, I don’t make a point out of going after critters for no reason other than for food. If we happen to find them and they attack, yeah, different story. Don’t worry, your man ain’t no ruthless killer bent on mowing anything down that moves especially over material goods.”
“This I know,” Riley gently replied as he stepped over to Travis, watching him gather supplies. “Honestly, I’m surprised you even still have this big of an inventory. I mean, I wouldn’t think there’d be so much good and salvageable stuff out there in the wastes. I also would think you’d run out of supplies in time, especially since you’ve been doing things for what...like...seven years now you said?”
“Yeah, everything’s pretty much picked over in the Mojave,” Travis said with a dismissive shrug. “But shit’s never-ending for the most part here in the casino. I also don’t send out donations every day or even every week. If I didn’t ration things I’d run out of supplies right quick and then probably’ll get bitched at for not helping anymore. It’s so stupid that the folks you sometimes help take advantage of ya or ain’t thankful for what ya do give them and they want more.” Travis snorted as if remembering such a case while he began to add empty syringes inside of the bag. Riley smirked knowing about thankless individuals all to well. He witnessed first hand and personally experienced that behavior many, many times in Boston where the more help you offer to people the more that is demanded. You would think people would be more grateful especially in these hard times. He sighed and gave Travis a pat on the shoulder. “You’re a good guy, Travis. Do you need any help packing supplies?” “Sure,” Travis replied as he began gathering up a few handfuls of bandages. “Grab an empty sack and round up five teddy bears, some cars and dolls, and maybe a few of the wooden animal carvings. Might as well give the younger residents at the Fort something during this visit.”
Nodding, Riley walked over to the toy area and began filling the sack with Travis’ request. “Did you make these figures by any chance?” he asked seeming to recall a time when Travis mentioned he liked to carve things in his spare time. The wooden carvings were very well made and he was impressed with the variety of dogs, yao guai, and deathclaws as well as some animals he didn’t recognize, but figured they were typical to the Mojave.
“Yeah,” Travis replied as he shoved a final handful of Rad-X in the bag and zipped it up. “One of the little talents I discovered I had a few years ago. Don’t know where it came from, but I reckon it’s probably some kind of long forgotten memory.”
Riley nodded solemnly while he looked over a carving of a deathclaw which was quite different in looks compared to what was in Boston. He remembered Travis talking about the differences, but that didn’t make the beasts any less threatening. Putting the figure in the bag, Riley began to meander around the suite amazed at Travis’ accomplishment. “It’s nice to see you also have books to offer to people,” he commented while looking over a small selection of literature lined neatly on a shelf. “I’m glad to see that you pass out written works like this. Some of these sound pretty interesting and I might have to borrow some one day.”
“You keep finding the books, don’t ‘cha?” Travis snickered as he closed up the medical bag and made his way towards the door to leave. “The Boomers really like books. They can be next on the donation drop-off list if you’d wanna pay them a visit with me. Gotta take the motorcycle, though. It’s a ways off past Hoover Dam.”
“The Boomers, eh? I seem to recall you mentioning them. They’re the folks with the functioning war planes, right?” Riley asked as hoisted the bag full of toys over his shoulder and joined Travis and who were waiting patiently in the doorway.
“Yeah, they’re really self-sufficient and got crops and stuff. I usually only take them things like scrap and weapons, but they also really like tech books. Maybe when we go I can convince them to take us for a ride in the B-29 they got. Barter with ‘em...books for a bomber ride. Maybe they can fly us to that Mile High Club you mentioned last night if it ain’t too far. I know I’d sure love to check it out if you remember how to get there.”
Bending to set the bag down on the floor of the elevator, Riley paused hearing what Travis said and bit his lower lip as he felt his cheeks warm with a blush. “Umm...well...that might not be the best thing to ask them, babe. You see, it’s kind of like a private club. I’ll explain it all to you on the way down to the casino,” Riley said with an alluring tone to his voice and gave a wink as the elevator doors slid shut.
To be continued...
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A Fresh Start?
Chapter 1: Lost and Found
Chapter 2: Last Few Words
Chapter 3: Keeping Secrets
Chapter 4: A Fresh Start?
“She’s been in there for quite a while now,” Tracer butted in as she leaned up against the wall. The small group of friends waited by the door, hoping that their beloved guardian angel was ok in there. Not a sound had been made since she entered the room, and it worried them.
Finally, after what seemed like eons, the door knob clicked, followed by the squealing from the hinges.
“Mercy my doll you're ok!” Tracer exclaimed as she blinked up and hugged her friend with care. Mercy gave a small smile and hugged her back. She didn’t expect a crowd to be at the door when she exited, so it took her a moment to process the people that stood before her. Tracer was a given along with Winston, Zarya, Pharah and D.va.
“How long have all of you guys been waiting?” She questioned.
“A good 25 minuets, we were all worried. We haven't seen you act like that for a while, so we all figured that we should stay near incase any relapses happen, you know?” Winston grunted.
“Oh, that’s very kind of you all, thank you. But I am just fine now. Everything has been taken care of.” She smiled. The entire group cocked their heads to one side as if Mercy had an extra arm or leg. How could she have gone from a complete wreck to being totally ok? They knew something fishy was going on, but no one said a word, “and, while I was in there, this big guy said that he’d like to join us.”
Everyone stiffened.
“Mercy, are you feeling alright?” Pharah asked.
“And why wouldn't I be?” She said as her professional personality came into play.
“Well, it’s just-”
“Just what.” She snapped clearly irritated.
The man next to her cleared her throat. Everyone’s eyes darted to his standing figure.
“If I may,” he spoke. They looked at one another with unsure faces.
“Go on,” Winston spoke.
“Mercy was just thanking me for taking care of her and bringing her to the base. She was frantic with questions about how I got her here, and now that she’s got her answers, I think she’s a little bit better-”
“Enough of your yapping, let the woman speak for herself,” Zarya said with her heavy Russian accent, “Mercy, if you would tell us the truth.”
“He did tell the truth,” the room went silent. Mercy clapped her hands together and looked at the crowd with alertness, “so, shall we talk about uh... uhhhh....” She looked at the man next to her and frantic eyes searched his tactical visor. He cleared his voice before speaking.
“Soldier, Soldier 76.”
“Soldier 76?” Tracer said with a hint of disgust in her voice, “what kind of name is that?”
“Now now Tracer, lets not get too cocky here,” Winston huffed, “this man did save our friend and has caused no one harm here-”
“But he’s been stealing from the Swiss head quarters,” Pharah complained, “how do we know for sure that he’s not with Talon?”
Soldier stiffened and clenched his fists. All eyes were on him now. In a low deep voice, he spoke, “Talon, took everything I knew and loved away from me. Joining the recall of Overwatch would give me the opportunity to give them a taste of their own medicine.” He growled, “the left over supplies at the fallen HQ is my only source of weaponry to attack and defend myself from Talon troops.” The room was silent and no one spoke. All faces grew long and eyes casted down to the ground.
“What did they take from you?” Tracer asked quietly. The silence was deafening.
“My title, my status, my life, and most importantly, the woman I loved the most.”
Mercy looked up at him with sad eyes herself. She had never once thought that this is how he had been feeling throughout the years.
“I-I’m sorry to hear that... Soldier. A-and I’m sorry I was so harsh.”
“No need to apologize Tracer.”
“Winston said it a couple minuets ago,” Soldier said making up a lie on the spot.
“Oh,” she looked down at the ground.
“I think that settles it then,” Winston spoke up, “When will you be able to start-”
“Whoa whoa whoa,” Zarya stepped in, “we’re just gonna let him in? We have no idea of his background or his heath. Is he even suitable to join? He looks like he would never be able to keep up with anything that we do.” She claimed.
“Zarya, I hear your concerns, but seeing as he did just bring us back our top medic and had no harm to her as they were talking in the holding room, we should at least give him a chance.”
Zarya huffed and crossed her arms before turning away from the group.
“I’m terribly sorry Soldier, did you say when you’d be able to start?”
“Whenever you allow me to sir.”
“Good,” he said pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, “I’m sure that you’d rather have Mercy show you to your new room, since you two seem comfortable with each other.”
“Gladly!” She chirped, “I’ll see all of you in a few for dinner time.” she said before rounding the corner, heading away from the group.
As soon as they were out of hearing range, Mercy let out a breath.
“Do you think I pulled it off?”
“I think you did wonderful Angel.”
She blushed and tried to cover a smile. His hand snaked around her waist as they walked down the long corridors to his new room.
“It’s so nice to have you back Jack. We finally have our commander back! You can lead the groups like you once did and-”
He stopped her in the middle of the hallway. She looked at him slightly confused and her head was cocked to the side slightly.
“Angel...” his voice was weak, “I can’t go back to living that life style. Not again, not ever. Me being picked over Reyes was only the beginning of the fall of Overwatch. Knowing that I could be the fall the second time, I don’t know if I could ever forgive myself.”
“Oh,” she said as she pretended to admire the tiles on the floor.
“But hey,” he gently turned her to face him and tilted her chin up so her eyes met his, “it’ll all work out. I may not be Commander Morrison anymore or the Poster Boy of Overwatch, but I know one things for sure, I am still all yours love. And we will make this work, also this time? I’m not going anywhere without you. I’ll always be by your side through thick and thin. I’m back Angel.”
Tears threatened to spill over and the joy of having his one and only love back strained her heart more than anything else. She couldn't have been any happier than to have him back. She let out a chocked chuckle as they began walking down the corridor again. When they finally reached his room, they departed, but not before Angela reminded him about dinner. He gave a chuckle before reminding her to come and get her for dinner. After that, they went their separate ways, but this time, it wouldn't be forever.
Dinner was a story itself. Everyone was quiet and no one made anymore noise than needed. Forks hardly scrapped the plates and chewing was to a bare minimum for everyone. No one dared to move a muscle and the fact that Soldier 76 didn't dare to remove his mask in front of the crowd that was gathered before him, only raised more suspicion.
“So, um, Soldier,” Winston dared to speak. The only response he seemed to get was the turn of a head. He cleared his throat and tried again as eyes darted between the two, “you uh, not a fan of steak and broccoli?” He joked trying to lighten the situation.
Soldier cleared his throat and shifted around in his seat before answering.
“No no, I uh, I’m just not used to eating in front of groups. It’s rather uncomfortable for me.” The sound of jaws coming to a stop silenced the air. Soldier’s face began to heat up under his mask while a thin layer of sweat covered the base of his head. Everyone seemed to notice the change in his composure, even Mercy.
Seconds after the awkward exchange between the group, Soldier excused himself to go to the bathroom, which wasn't a problem with Mercy at all. What bothered her was that he wasn’t gone for as long as he should’ve been. What should have taken him 10 minuets at the most, took him around 5 minuets. It concerned her more than anything, but seeing as he was ok when he got back (after everyone was finished eating), it didn't bother her much. A not even minuets after he returned, he claimed that he was not feeling well, that it must've been something he ate, and asked if she could walk him back. She gladly agreed to it, only the looks on the faces around the table said other wise. Mostly suspicious, and others concerned. But once they left the room, what they did, was no longer their decision. As they approached his quarters, Angela realized it was time to say goodnight.
“Well, sleep well Jack.” She said as his door swung open. He sighed and dragged his hand down his visor.
“Mercy, please, it’s Soldier now. You could blow my cover like that.” Mercy flinched back. Mere hours ago, it was ok for her to call him Jack when no one was around, but now? It seemed like it was a sin for her to even think of the name.
“Right right, sorry.” They stood there in an awkward silence. As much as Jack didn't want to bring up the topic, he had to.
“Mercy....” He trailed off, seeing as she had caught on to what he was about to say, “I can’t go back to being strike commander and you know it. I don't even know what half of the group would do if they were to find out who I really was. I already made my mistake with you and the last thing I need to do is make it with the rest of the group.”
She was quiet. Hadn’t he already warned her about that? It seemed odd for him to tell her again, seeing as he never really repeats himself. Only she guessed that this seemed to be really important to him.
“You know I love you very much, but I think it’s time we forget about each other and move on.” She was on the verge of tears as he spoke. Why was he being so harsh to her? Wouldn't he want to be back with her after all of these years of being gone? It didn’t make sense to her. They had been talking about this topic hours ago, and now he changes his mind? She had so many questions, yet, she didnt want to end this in a fight once more. Her shoulders shook as tears streamed down her face.
“So, for now, until things get sorted out,” Solider held out his hand, “my name is Soldier76.”
It took Mercy a second to reach out and shake his hand, but she eventually mustered up enough strength to do so.
“I’m Merc-” She felt her body move in and a sharp pain was present in her abdomen. Her breathing became shortened and her body started to sweat. She slowly looked up only to see Reaper’s face instead of Soldier’s.
As he laughed, his body heaved up and down.
“That was too easy,” he said before she passed out.
Sorry this one is so short, I had writers block for quite a while and I just didn't know what to do, anyways. I know it’s not my best, but enjoy!
Here’s a music video that I think goes really well with this chapter
I’m open to any comments, messages or suggestions :)
Chapter 5: Saving Faith
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