#sorry my blog is a buzzkill tonight
Hmm? Oh!
Well, hello one and all to the Tent of Telepathy! I'm your adorable host, Mabel Pines!
*The audience cheers.*
Oh, please, you're all too kind!
*An audience member calls* We love you Mabel!
Aw, you're too sweet. And please, call me Belle. Everyone around me does, anyways!
Mabel. Keep it down.
And this buzzkill- I mean, fine young fellow right here is my twin brother, Mason! Say hi, Mason!
...Do you have to be so obnoxious?
Say. Hi.
*He sighs. The audience waits with bated breath. He runs a hand through his hair and then grins brightly.*
Hello, folks! My sister and I are ecstatic to have you with us tonight! I hope you can't wait because we've got one hell of a show for you.
*The audience goes wild.*
Now, I know you've been here before. So of you I even know personally! Hi Cynthia.
*Someone, presumably Cynthia, faints.*
But for those of you new here, there's a box in the back where you can put in suggestions and comments for us to read.
We'll be reading them on stage, so don't put anything too weird, okay guys? Wouldn't wanna embarrass poor little me, right?
And remember - we love hearing from you but-
Don't waste our time.
Ooc: So I went to bed and then realized I hadn't put up an intro so yeah. That last line was done on mobile. Ten minutes just for that. Fun.
Hello everyone, I'm the mod @abyssal-author-and-artist, he/him or it/its for me. My friends are bad influences so this is my fifth rp blog or something. To round out the Reverse Falls universe and all.
Both of them will have two moods - a stage persona and a more honest one where they're little annoyances who will insult you for fun. Mabel tends to be more in her stage persona while Mason sorta just hates being here and will roast you for existing - though both will do both and I will take requests if you want one of them to act either upbeat or pissed at everything.
Please don't take it too hard if I insult you in character - I'm just trying to be in character and there's no hard feelings there, I swear!
My asks are open! Ask them anything (check DNI for exceptions).
Tags: #belle of the ball - Mabel's stage persona #mabel's coffee - Mabel's offstage personality #lonely star - Mabel's most honest personality #ringleader - Mason's stage persona #why did you disturb me - Mason's offstage personality #little dipper - Mason's most honest personality #pay no attention to the man behind the curtain - ooc posting #audience requests - asks
DNI - No shippy asks - they're still children guys. (And yes, that includes insinuating relationships with ocs) No homophobia/transphobia/racism/etc GoFundMe asks will be deleted - this just isn't the place. I'm sorry. I will expand this as needed. Don't make me have to.
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secret thrills ~ mark;midsommar
word count: 1446
request?: yes!
“Can you write another smut imagine with Mark from Midsommar? Maybe about being Dani' sister and secretly dating him. When reader goes to Christian's with Dani the entire group is there and they sneak off to fool around. But they end up getting caught by Dani at the end and she confronts them? Sorry if it's too long. I just found your blog and I love it. You are such a nice writer haha”
description: dating within a friend group is bound to make things tangly, especially when the person you’re dating is your sister’s boyfriend’s best friend
pairing: mark x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut
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The minute I walked into Christian’s house, Mark was giving me a look that told me it wouldn’t be long until we were disappearing into one of the rooms to have some fun. I tried not to make my smile too obvious as I followed Dani to sit with Christian and a few of his friends.
I had secretly been dating Mark for at least six months. No one knew; not any of our friends and especially not my sister, Dani. Dani had been having problems with her boyfriend, Christian, for some time and Christian just happened to be one of Mark’s best friends. It made the dynamic within our friend group awkward because we could all see that it wasn’t going to be long until they broke up, and Mark and I knew the last thing we wanted to happen was for us to make things more awkward by telling everyone that we were dating. So we decided to keep it a secret.
Honestly, having a secret relationship was kind of thrilling. Sneaking around behind our friends’ backs, going out on secret dates, our secret rendezvous (which sometimes included in the bathroom at get togethers). It was all exhilarating.
Christian handed me a beer as Dani and I sat down. He offered one to Dani as well, but she kindly declined as she had decided to be the designated driver tonight. Christian rolled his eyes and muttered “Buzzkill” as he opened the beer for himself and began to drink. I glared at him, wishing his head would explode or something right there. Sure, he was my boyfriend’s best friend and, for the moment anyways, was my sister’s boyfriend, but he was still an asshole and I longed for the day when Dani stopped dating him.
Pelle came from the kitchen, where a group had set up beer bong, and smiled at myself and Dani. “The girls are here!”
“There’s girls in the kitchen, Pelle,” I laughed, eyeing the annoyed girls he had just left.
“Not the ones that matter,” he responded with a wink as he wrapped his arms around me. I giggled and hugged him back before he turned to Dani to hug her as well.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the glare Mark was giving Pelle, one that rivaled the one I had just given Christian. He caught me looking at him and I stuck my tongue out, causing him to smile a little.
We decided not to sneak off right away. It’d be too suspicious, plus letting the tension build made the sex that much better when it actually happened. We decided to wait, and when the time was right Mark was going to escape first, then I’d wait about five minutes and follow him into the bathroom.
Obviously, this wasn’t our first rendezvous when we were with friends.
I was deep in conversation with a few girls at the beer pong table when I noticed Mark getting up from the chair he had been sat in since I arrived. He put his beer down and said something to Christian and Josh that I couldn’t hear before making his way down the hall towards the bathroom. I found it hard to return to our conversation as I was busy trying to count the minutes in my head before I could excuse myself to join him.
I walked down the hall and knocked at the bathroom door. Before I was even finished knocking, the door swung open and Mark grabbed me arm, pulling me in and shutting the door behind him. I started to giggle as he immediately started kissing my neck, placing me on the count and pressing his already grown bulge against me.
“You must’ve been hard since the moment I walked in,” I teased before I caught his lips with mine. He put one hand on the back of my neck, holding the kiss for a long time before finally pulling away.
“How could I not be when I know the most beautiful girl in the room is my girlfriend?” he asked.
I smiled and kissed him again. “Well, let me help you with that then.”
I pushed myself off the counter and knelt down on the floor. I heard Mark gasp as I unzipped his jeans and pulled both them and his boxers down with ease. His dick popped free, already hard and dripping with precum. I pumped him a few times in my hand before taking him in my mouth.
Mark’s hand found its way to my hair, where he took a fist full and began to move my mouth against him. He had his other hand resting against the counter, keeping himself up straight as he tried to stifle his moans. I took him deep into my throat, something I knew drove him wild, and caused him to let out a loader moan than he meant to.
We were both so deep in the moment that neither of us noticed if the door was locked or not. We didn’t hear footsteps approaching the bathroom, or the subsequent knock that followed. Neither of us knew that someone was at the door until it swung open and someone gasped.
“Shit, I’m so sorry,” Dani said as she covered her eyes. She did a double take, however, when we eyes drifted down to land on me. “(Y/N)?”
I quickly pushed Mark away and he haphazardly tried to pull his pants and underwear back on.
“Shit,” I swore, getting to my feet. “Dani, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for you to see this.”
“Obviously not, I don’t think anyone means to be caught sucking dick,” she said, her voice more serious than joking. “What the hell is this about? Mark, did you force her to do this?”
“No I didn't fucking force her!” Mark snapped. I put a hand up to stop him before the situation became worse than it was.
“I did it willingly,” I explained. “As I have multiple times now because...well...” I looked over to Mark. We both knew there was no lying in this situation. There was only one thing we could do, and that was to tell Dani the truth. “Mark and I have been dating for six months.”
Dani looked between us with a shocked look on her face. “Six months? And you haven’t told me?”
“We haven’t told anyone!” I told her. “Not even the guys know. We wanted to keep it a secret because we weren’t sure what the outcome of telling everyone would be. We already have one couple in the friend group, we know another one could likely change the dynamic, especially since I’m your sister and Mark is Christian’s best friend.”
I wasn’t saying the other reason out loud, about Dani and Christian’s relationship problems, but I knew that she was picking that up from my words as well. A look of understanding came over her face and she nodded.
“Okay, I guess that’s understandable,” she said. “But still, (Y/N), we always tell each other everything. This isn’t exactly how I’d like to learn that you’re in a relationship.”
“Trust me, it’s not how I wanted you to learn. We were going to tell you and everyone, we just didn’t know when.”
Dani sighed and crossed her arms. She looked over at Mark, whose face was still slightly pink with embarrassment. I was sure mine was, too.
“As long as you’re happy,” she told me. “And you’re being careful. That’s all I ask for.”
“I am happy,” I confirmed. “Don’t tell everyone else yet, though, okay? We’ll tell them.”
Dani nodded and turned to leave. She paused a moment before reaching for the doorknob. Before shutting the door completely, she paused to tell us, “Lock the fucking door.”
I couldn’t help but chuckle as she closed the door behind her. Mark was quick to lock it, and to make sure it was completely locked. He turned to me, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Well...that was...something.”
“Not the way I wanted our relationship to come out, but I guess it was only a matter of time before we were caught,” I sighed. I turned to look at Mark. “What do you think? Do we tell everyone tonight, or do we wait another while?”
“We tell them tomorrow, when they’re sober,” Mark decided. “Tonight, I wanna take you back to my place to finish what we started.”
I eyed Mark’s hard on, still pressing against his jeans despite the two of us having been caught. I giggled and kissed him on the cheek. “That sounds like a fantastic idea to me.”
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marvelslut16 · 5 years
A jealous new year
Pairing: Sam Winchester x reader
Synopsis: (Y/N) has been working with Sam and Dean for the past two years. She had feelings for Sam almost instantly, but has never acted on them. The three hunters head to a bar on new years eve, and now that a guy that kinda looks like Sam is all over (Y/N) will he finally confess his feelings?
Word count: 2505
Warnings: Implied smut. Poorly written smut adjacent? Slight smut? Swearing, Unwanted advances. A dash of violence. 
A/N: I just want to say a major thank you to every single person who has ever liked, commented, or reblogged my work this past year! It was my first year on here and you guys made it so amazing. It’s so hard to believe that I have close to 300 followers since I started this blog in May. Especially since I’m not too consistent with uploads (I’m working on that I promise). Also, if this story completely suck, I’m sorry. It’s my first time writing for Sam, and I wrote this in about two hours to get it out on the first of the year. One last thing in my super long note, I’m having knee surgery in two weeks so I’ll have more time to write. Please, please, please, feel free to send in requests.
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Sam and Dean Winchester were never ones for traditions, with the exception of the family business that is. The only time they celebrated a holiday was when it was Dean’s last Christmas before he was sent to Hell. After that they got too busy with all of the apocalypse crap, and they just didn’t care anymore. Not even when they picked up you, the holiday queen. 
While you were a hunter and researcher, never in one place for long, you still loved to celebrate the holidays. In a way it gave you some control and brought happiness in your otherwise hectic life. You soon learned that the boys wouldn’t even humor you and celebrate, deciding to ignore your festive spirit or yell at you on the stressful days that happened to line up with a holiday. In the two years you have been with the hunters, they’ve celebrated zero holidays with you. 
Today is New Year’s Eve and you don’t even try to get them to celebrate with you, instead opting to get dressed up in your best dress and go get drunk. It’s close to nine at night when you’re dressed and ready to leave, hoping you can catch Dean on his way to a local bar. 
When you leave your room you notice the bunker is completely silent, so you head to the library hoping the Winchesters are in there. The TV would typically have Dick Clark’s Rockin New Years Eve on, you liked to watch it even though there was a two hour time difference between Kansas and New York, but you kept it off since the brothers are grumpy Gus’. 
As expected the brothers were in the library searching for a new case, because they clearly don’t know how to sit still. The three of you had gotten home from a pretty nasty wendigo hunt late last night, and here they were already looking for a new one. 
“Hey Dean, you heading out soon?” you ask the shorter brother. 
“Yeah, in a lit- whoa,” Deans green eyes widen as he takes in your appearance. They’ve never really seen you all done up; nice dress, makeup, hair done nice, and a pair of heels. 
“You’re not planning on going out like that, are you?” Sam asks incredulously. You nervously pull at the bottom of your dress. 
“As a matter of fact, I am,” you say more confident than you feel. Sam’s scrutinizing gaze makes you self conscious. 
His caring attitude had made you feel at home with them two years ago. The gratification and comfort soon twisting into desire and an intimate affection. You knew you stood no chance with him, so you pushed those feelings away almost as soon as they arose. If he saw anything in you, he would have stopped Dean’s constant flirting, right? 
“When do you want to leave, sweetheart?” Dean openly checks you out, bringing back the confidence that Sam had just washed away. 
“As soon as your ready,” you smirk down at his seated form. He quickly gets up and slips his leather jacket on, fixing his collar before twirling Baby’s keys around his index finger. You but on your black leather jacket, popping your collar with attitude. The jackets may not be weather appropriate, but they’re more for looks than warmth tonight. 
“Wait for me,” Sam’s rough voice comes from behind you.
“You sure you really wanna go buzzkill?” Dean laughs. Sam ignores him as he roughly grabs his jacket and heads to the garage door. Dean and you makes exasperated faces at each other, tonight will sure be interesting. 
Even though Sam made it to the garage first, you made it to Baby first and slid into the passenger seat. Sam grumbles as he makes his way to the backseat, leather squeaking as he gets into the car. 
“Who’s gonna be the designated driver?” Sam asks gruffly. 
“Not it!” Dean and you shout at the same time, making eye contact before giggling at each other. Sam grumbles from the back again, but you can’t bring yourself to care. 
“Free drinks here I came,” you smirk as you step out of the Impala, fixing your cleavage to pop more. “See you in the new year boys,” you wink before walking ahead of them, making sure it’s obvious to the other guys you’re available. 
There’s an attractive man at your side the moment you sit on one of the bar stools. The bar is packed, but minus your best friends this stranger was the most attractive guy in there. He’s taller than Dean, but shorter than Sam, and his hair is long like Sammy’s but he’s clean shaven. He’s bottom shelf Sam Winchester, but if that’s the closest you can get to having Sam you sure as hell are gonna take advantage of the opportunity. 
“Whatcha drinking?” the blue eyed man grins down at you, eyes flicking to the girls.
“A rum and coke, but I wouldn’t mind a tall glass of you later,” you bite your lip and look up at him through your lashes. 
You hear a gruff laugh come from your other side, your eyes flick over to Dean’s green ones. He’s smirking at your stupid line, that somehow made blue eyes melt. Sam’s glaring at the scene in front of him as a blonde waitress pushes her boobs into his arm. A surge of anger runs through you, but you ignore it as you turn back to the man graciously buying you a drink.
The TV behind the bar is playing Dick Clark’s Rockin New Years Eve and you can’t help but grin, you won’t miss the famous ball drop after all. You and blue eyes, who’s name you learn is Jeremy, talk and flirt for the next twenty minutes. He’s not bad to look at, and he’s not completely boring. When the subject of work comes up you of course lie and say you’re a librarian, he comments about how he had a thing for his librarian when he was in grade school, which is a tad gross and too much information. Jeremy works for a fortune 500 company that you can’t remember the name of, and is in Lebanon on business. How many drinks have you had in twenty minutes? 
Drunk voices shouting in unison alerts you to the fact that the countdown is staring on the TV. You turn and catch Dean’s eye, he quickly vacated the seat next to you for a group of sorority girls, some brunette is sitting on his lap and playing with his necklace. The two of you smirk and wink at each other, tonight's going to be fun. However, your smirk falls when your eyes land on Sam, he’s at the opposite side of the bar and glaring at Jeremy. You quickly turn away from him and back to those pretty blue eyes. They can’t compare to Sam's gorgeous expressive hazel eyes, but they’re still pretty. 
Your painted lips meet Jeremy’s chapped ones when the ball has officially dropped. This kiss is too fast, too hard, too rough. His tongue forces its way into your mouth, you bite it playfully hoping he would catch your drift and back off. He doesn’t. Instead he pulls you off your stool and almost don’t catch your balance. His hands leave your back and slide down to grab your butt. Too fast. 
You rest your hands on his chest, and push off of him hard. He laughs and licks his lips in an attempt to be sexy, but it just comes off as weird. Jeremy orders you another drink as you get back on the stool. You do a quick glance around the bar, lots of people are clearing out even though it’s not midnight, wanting to ring in the new year in someone's arms. Your eyes land on Sam’s figure as you thinking about being tangled in someone’s embrace, but all you get is his back. Your eyes slip down to his denim covered backside, the jeans hugging it deliciously. It takes you a second to realize he’s storming off to the bathroom. 
Your eyes continue their search of the bar, and they meet Dean’s furrowed brows. You silently communicate with just the slightest changes in your facial features. He soon gets up and follows Sam, since you demanded he do so. He flips you the bird right before he turns the corner to the bathrooms. You turn back around to a pair of blues staring at you so intently.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say your trying to get me drunk,” you’re voice comes out light and airy, even though the feeling of dread is sinking to the pit of your stomach. Jeremy tries to laugh it off, but there’s something in his smile that tells you you’re right. 
Sam and Dean are gone for close to five minutes and you worry that they were attacked by a monster, they’re defenseless and probably wouldn’t be able to contact you for help. Just as your about to excuse yourself from Jeremy, Sam and Dean’s tall statures come into view. Dean walks back over to his sorority girl, while Sam sits heavily in a stool closer to yours. You try to get the taller mans attention, but he avoids looking in your direction.
“Lets get out of here,” Jeremy’s hand is on your ass again, this time giving it an unwelcome squeeze. He leans into you, lips brushing against your earlobe before giving it a painful bite. 
“I’m happy here,” you slightly pull away from him, scared that he;ll snap if you retreat too quickly. His hand falls heavily on your thigh, too far up for your liking and you squeak in surprise. “What are you doing?” your voice raises slightly, alerting Sam to what's going on.
“Getting ready for you to repay me. After all, I did buy your drinks,” his grip tightens. All of your hunter instincts disappear, more scared now than on a solo vamp hunt. 
“Get your hands off her,” Sam rips Jeremy’s sweaty palm off your bare thigh, voice gaining attention as it bounces off the paneled walls.
“Whoa man, calm down,” Jeremy looks around at all the eyes staring at us. “This is my girl, it’s called role-play.”
“She isn’t your girl, she’s my best friend. Now hands off,” Sam practically growls, fires burning bright in his hazel eyes. Your teeth gently gnaw on your bottom lip, Sam’s jealousy is undeniably sexy. “Let’s go (Y/N),” he grabs your hand and leads you to the exit. 
“Whatever man,” Jeremy calls after you. “She’s just a whore, she was asking for it.”
Sam is in Jeremy’s face in two long strides, boots stomping on the wooden floor. Sam’s fist connects with Jeremy’s nose, a sickening crack echoing through the silent bar. Blood spurts out of Jeremy’s nose and falls onto his button up. “You don’t talk about anyone like that,” Sam takes a menacing step towards Jeremy, they’re chest to chest. “Especially not (Y/N).” 
Sam walks swiftly back to you, escorting you out the door and into the Impala’s passenger seat. A tense silence hangs in the air on the drive home, you don’t dare try putting music on. As soon as the car is off, Sam is out of it and stomping into the bunker. You really regret leaving Dean behind and assuming he’ll find a way home in the morning.
You grab a glass of water, deciding that you shouldn’t drink a beer and add to your alcohol level, and you watch Sam’s tense form pace the kitchen. “Why him,” Sam eventually asks.
“What?” your surprised by the question. You expected to get reprimanded for your behavior, not this question.
“I have my reasons,” you state defensively. Sam walks up to you grabbing the table on either side of you, effectively caging you.
“Why?” Sam’s anger grows, the wooden table seems to bend under his tight grip.
“Because he looked like you!” the words leave your mouth before you can realize it. Sam lets go of the table and steps away from you, and you realize that you just ruined your friendship, “Just forget I said anything,” you mumble as you head to your room.
Sam finally reacts, reaching out and yanking on your wrist as you walk past him. You're spun around so you're now chest to chest with him, he grabs your glass and sets it on the table next to him.  
“Do you really mean that?” he gently cups your cheek, searching your eyes for any hint of a lie. 
“Of course I do,” you laugh softly, “I’ve been in love with you since I met you Sam Winchester.”
“I love you too,” a grin splits across his face as he pulls you in for an earth shattering kiss, it's like nothing you've ever felt before. 
The kiss quickly heats up and your unbuttoning his flannel and discarding it on the kitchen floor. He quickly, hungrily, pushes your leather jacket off your shoulders and you can’t bring yourself to care that your phone was in the pocket. He leads you backwards as you continue to kiss, stopping in the hallway for a second so he can get you out of your dress.
He pushes you into his room, slamming the door shut with his foot. You pull away panting, your hands go to work on unfastening his belt and getting those jeans off of him. He drinks in the sight of you in your bra and panties, a sight he’ll never get tired of seeing. He’s pulled back from his trance when his belt hits the floor with a clang, leaving you both in your undergarments.
Your mouth waters at the tent in his boxers and the way the material curves around his plump butt. You sink to your knees and use your teeth to pull down his boxers. Your nose skims across his impressive length causing him to inhale sharply. He quickly pulls you to your feet, practically ripping the last of the material on you off. 
He pushes you back onto his bed, hovering over you. His lips connect with your neck, sucking so hard he’s undoubtedly marking your skin. He murmurs soft I love you’s as he kissed down your bare skin, each touch of his lips sends heat directly to your core. Every kiss gets him closer and closer until the place you need him most, his breath ghosts over your slick folds sending a delightful shiver down your spine.
“Your mine,” his voice is husky and rough. Every drawn-out syllable conveys his need. 
“I'm all yours,” you gasp out as his fingers slide into you and his lips latch onto your clit.
And just like all of those people from the bar, you ring in the new year with you limbs tangled with Sam’s. The plain white sheet tightly wrapped around yours and Sam’s calves and ankles. There is no better way to enter the new year.
Permanent tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen @rexorangecouny​
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badchoosey · 5 years
LoveHacks, Book One. Chapter 1: This Story Will Change Your Life
You make your way to the counter at a San Francisco cafe before the first day of work at your new job. The barista hands you a latte, complete with a recycled paper sleeve and your name written on the side.
Dad: Thank you! That’s… not how you spell Dad. Is Dadthaq even a name?
A guy in a plaid shirt over by the milk and sweeteners flashes you a smile.
Evan: They never spell my name right either. I’m Evan. Or ‘Effin’, according to my coffee.
Dad: I’m Dad.
Evan: So, Dad, do you take sugar in your coffee? Because I’m pretty sure you’re sweet enough as it is.
Dad: You were cuter before you started talking.
Evan: Ouch! … But you do think I’m cute, right?
Dad: Maybe.... But you definitely need to work on your flirting skills.
Evan: And I suppose you’re on expert on flirting?
Dad: It’s kinda my job, so… yeah. It’s my first day at ClickIt. You know, viral posts, life hacks, listicles?
Evan: I’ve heard of it. ‘20 Things Only 90s Kids Will Understand’... That kinda stuff?
Dad: Exactly. I’m the newest writer for their love and dating section.
Evan: Love and dating, huh? In that case… how am I doing?
Dad: Honestly? Your game is weak, son. Your body language is all wrong. You’re trying to look confident, but you have a tenseness that gives away how nervous you are. And you used a pick up line, which can come off as unoriginal, or even fake. You should be yourself.
Evan: Wow. Anything else?
Dad: Actually… you’ve had something in your teeth this whole time.
Evan immediately covers his mouth.
Dad: Kidding! You’ve done well enough that if you gave me your number, I wouldn’t immediately delete it. I might even let you show me around the city sometime…
Evan: It’d be my pleasure.
You exchange numbers with Evan, who smiles the whole time.
Evan: Wow, you really are good at this. How is someone like you still single?
Dad: I’m single because I have high standards. No one has managed to meet all my requirements.
Evan: Oh, it’s like that, huh?
Dad: It’s like that. You’re free to try to be the first, though.
Evan: Any chance you’re walking my way? I’m headed to the Zamble offices.
Dad: Cushy tech job, huh? I’m actually heading the other way. Can’t be late for my first day on the job!
You walk into the ClickIt office for the first time…
Dad: Whoa. What is this place…?
Martin: You must be Dad. I’m Martin, editor-in-chief here at ClickIt. This way. We’re about to start our daily stand-up.
Dad: Daily what?
Martin: I don’t know how they do things on the East Coast, but out here, we host a meeting each morning so all the writers can sync up.
Martin leads you to a brightly decorated lounge area where several men are already sitting on bean bag chairs.
Martin: Not the sort of vibe you’re a used to, huh?
Dad:This place looks like something out of Sesame Street.
Coworker: Really? You have a problem with our comfortable, creative environment? Maybe we could get you a wooden rocking chair, or a butter churn.
Dad: The bean bag is fine.
Coworker: See, Marty? A chick on the staff for one minute, and she’s already trying to redecorate. Total buzzkill.
Dad: Excuse me?!
Coworker 2: Hey, TJ, can you turn down the ‘douche’? She just got here…
TJ: I don’t take advice from junior writers, Felix.
Martin: Behave now, boys. Everyone, meet our newest Clicker, Dad. She’s the head of the new LoveHacks page. She’ll be our resident expert in all things fashion and romance.
TJ: So, the girly stuff?
Martin: Dad knows what she’s doing. Her personal blog post, ‘The Worst Date Ever’, went legit viral! Two million likes, five hundred shares, and more retweets than Kendall Jenner’s latest selfie. And I’m sure she has plenty more ideas up her sleeve!
Martin looks at you expectantly.
Dad: Oh, right! Actually, I’m glad you brought that up, Martin, because I’ve done a lot of brainstorming lately… How’s this for a headline? ‘Table for One: How to be Happy and Single.’
TJ: Ha! What are we, a website for ugly people?
Dad: Ugly people? You mean single women?
TJ: That article would get, like, negative clicks. But if you insist on catering to the uggos, you gotta at least make it snappy. Something like… ‘Five Ways to Replace Your BF With a Body Pillow!’ That sorta thing.
Dad: That’s… that’s actually not bad.
TJ: You know, I’d be happy to help you with some field research, if you want. Teach you a thing or two about love.
Martin: Field research! That’s a great idea!
TJ: … It is?
Martin: Dad can go on dates and write… ‘The 10 Guys You Date in Your Twenties!’ What do you think?
Dad: I’m gonna need a company card to do this right.
TJ: What, you can’t even get a guy to pay for you?
Dad: It’s the 21st century, TJ. Women can pay for things too.
Martin: Dad’s right. I’ll talk to the finance department and see what I can do. One month should be more than enough time for the article. I expect to see your progress and notes each week.
Dad: Yes, sir.
Soon after, you settled into your new workspace, a desk clustered together with others in the big, open space of the ClickIt office. Suddenly, a kind face leans into view from the workspace next to you.
Felix: Hey! I’m Felix. Looks like we’re desk-neighbours. Sorry about Tj back there. He can be a jerk sometimes. And by that I mean all the time.
Dad: I know the type. How and why do people put up with him?
Felix: Despite being a human poop emoji, he’s actually one of the most clicked writers on our site… and he’s Martin’s favorite.
Dad: That’s not fair, someone needs to call Martin out! No one should get special treatment for being buddy-buddy with the boss!
Felix: Hey, people have tried, but what’re you gonna do? Martin signs the checks, and we all tryin’ to get dat paper! … I immediately regret saying ‘get dat paper’. Let’s pretend I didn’t.
Dad: Stricken from the record.
Just then, a woman strides over, glaring at Felix.
Coworker: Felix, did you eat all our horseradish for your stupid video?
Felix: Isabel! Yes, I, uh, did! But I also got ‘Horseradish Challenge Fail’ trending! And the doctor says my sinuses will heal in no time.
Isabel sighs and turns to you.
Isabel: It’s Dad right? I’m Isabel. Don’t let Felix rope you into any of his videos, especially anything that involves wasabi.
Dad: Duly noted.
Isabel turns and walks away, and you notice Felix watching as she leaves.
Dad: I see what’s going on here… you totally HATE Isabel. You guys get on each other’s last nerve.
Felix: No! I mean, we kinda do… but I don’t hate her! I would never…
Dad: Oh, I got this all wrong… This tension isn’t anger… You like her, don’t you?
Felix: Well… maybe? Alright, fine, yes… But it’s not my dating life we should be discussing. What are you gonna do for your first date?
Dad: Good question. I kinda got caught off guard.
Felix: There’s no one in town you could call up? Word is you’re originally from the Bay, right?
Dad: Well… there is one guy. A good friend from college, Mark…
(Now Playing as Mark Collins.)
You’re walking down a bustling San Francisco street on your way to the Muni bus station.
Mark: There is not enough caffeine in the world for me right now.
You finish your energy drink before tossing the empty can into a bin. Your roommate, Cole, looks up from his phone.
Cole: You alright? You’ve been acting weird all morning.
Mark: I… didn’t sleep well last night. I’ve got a lot on my mind.
Cole: Wait… Is this because your college friend is back in town? The one who got away?
Mark: She’s not ‘the one who got away’.
Cole: Riiiight. You only talk about her all the time. And not in the ‘have you seen the latest episode of The Walking Dead’ way. In the ‘Dear Diary, I love her sooooo much’ kinda way.
Mark: I’m not the type to get lovesick. Sure, we were close in college, but that’s all.
Cole: Please. I’ve been your roommate for years now. I know when you have a crush on someone. I saw it when you first discovered Zooey Deschanel, and I see it when you talk about your long-lost BFF.
Mark: Fine. You wanna know the truth? The real, one hundred percent truth?
You lean towards Cole, and he leans forward to meet you…
Mark: Go to hell, Cole.
Cole: Aw, come on. I thought we were having a bonding moment!
Mark: You’re the worst.
Cole: Love you too, roomie. Anyway, you should call her up. Invite her to The Double Tap for drinks. Meet the gang.
Mark: I dunno. I have that work thing tonight…
Cole: Whatever you say, man. But she’s probably wondering about you as we speak…
(Now Playing as Dad).
Felix: Soooo… you gonna call this Mark guy, or what?
Dad: Oh! It’s uh… It’s just been so long, and…
Felix: … It’s complicated. Say no more. In that case, can’t you just go to a bar or something and get a guy’s number? You’re an expert, right?
Dad: Oh! Actually… I picked up a phone number at the coffee shop before work!
Felix: Okay, now you’re making this look too easy.
Later, you and Felix go to a small boutique just off Market Street.
Dad: Thanks for coming with me to pick out an outfit for my date tonight! I didn’t think you’d want to come shopping.
Felix: Hey. I’m helping you with research. Any time I can get out of the office and still get paid, I’m down. So, where’s Evan taking you tonight?
Dad: Some new club… Mystique, I think it was.
Felix: Mystique? Seriously?! That club is impossible to get into! Rumor has it the VIP lounge has an ice luge for vodka shots and its own taco bar. And last year, DJ Khaled played!
Dad: You listen to DJ Khaled?
Felix: No. I’m more of a Lumineers guy… but I recognise how big DJ Khaled is. Mystique is very exclusive, but you never know who you’ll run into there…
Dad: In that case, I’d better look my best.
Just then, a little black dress catches your eye. You run your fingers over the bright sequins.
Felix: Wow. If you wear that dress, Evan will fall all over himself trying to impress you.
Dad: I definitely have to try this on! … Actually I think I’ll go with this mustard dress instead. The other one is very… sparkly.
Felix: Are you sure? I mean, I know I’m not very stylish but..
Dad: You don’t like this one?
Felix: No, that’s not what I meant! I’ll, uh, just defer to your judgement…
Dad: I’m ready for my first big date in San Francisco!
That night, you’re waiting for Evan outside Mystique…
Evan: Dad! Over here!
Dad: Hey, Evan.
You make your way over to your date, weaving through the crowd of typical Silicon Valley tech workers.
Dad: Whoa. It’s like a sea of plaid button-up shirts out here.
Evan: Yeah, a lot of the guys came directly from work.
Dad: You know them?
Evan: Oh, yeah. Zamble rented out the whole place for the night.
Dad: Really? You brought me to a work party?! For our first date?
Evan: I just, uh, couldn’t wait to see you again! And I had to come here tonight, so I thought, you know, two birds? Plus, Zamble parties are always epic. Trust me, when we get inside, you won’t believe it’s a work party.
Dad: … Fine. But just FYI, next time, you should really tell a girl beforehand. No one likes to be blindsided.
Evan: You got it.
In the club, Evan pulls you close so you can hear him over the pulsing music…
Evan: Let’s grab a drink at the bar.
Dad: Okay!
You follow Evan through the dance floor to the back. Suddenly, you hear a familiar voice calling your name.
Dad: Wait, is that…?
The crowd parts, and a handsome guy you haven’t seen in years steps into the light.
Mark: Dad?
Dad: Mark?!
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kumkaniudaku · 6 years
Wing Man: Two
Chadwick Boseman x CoCo (Black!Reader)
Warnings: Language, Smut references
A/N: Future pieces to this series will posted on this blog!
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“Lucy, I’m home,” Tasha cooed into the unusually quiet and warm Harlem apartment. 
Usually Tasha drive in from New Jersey every other weekend after her job with the New Jersey Nets, barge into Chad’s apartment unannounced, scream some television line and wait for his sarcastic reply. Today, only the sound of a body shifting on the bed in the other room acted as a reply to her ‘I Love Lucy’ reference.
Rounding the corner Tasha found her lean, lanky best friend upside down on his bed. His shoulders and head hung off of the side, nearly touching the floor as he absentmindedly stared at the worn ceiling. A t-shirt and a pair of boxers hung loosely off of his frame and scruff peppered his jawline. The usually strong and almost regal young man looked withered and tired, as if he had been in his current position for days.
“Chad,” Tasha started quietly. His eyes briefly shifted to her while she stood in the door frame before they moved back to focus on the invisible spot on the ceiling. “What’s going on? Are you hurt? How long have you -”
“She broke up with me.” He deadpanned. Though his voice held little emotion, his eyes told a different story. A glassy gloss covered them, indicating that he had been crying at some point during the day over the loss of his long-term girlfriend, Jayme.
Tasha let out the breath that she didn’t know she was holding before pushing her body away from the door and sitting on the floor beside his head. He also let out a deep breath while turning lay on his stomach.
“Did she say why?”
“Something about not wanting to wait forever while I chase this acting dream.” He answered, using air quotes to illustrate the sarcasm on her end of the exchange. “She also said that she met another man. Travis.”
A drawn out groan into one of his pillows punctuated the sentence, the first verbal indication of his frustration.
“What? That’s...insane. I’m sorry, Aaron,” Tasha added rubbing his head over her shoulder. “Fuck Travis.”
A dry chuckle slipped from Chadwick’s lips as he slid from the bed to join Tasha on the floor. Lying his head on her lap, he stared up at her with a heartbreaking look of devastation in his eyes. To avoid his gaze, she focused her attention on the circles she rubbed against his forehead.
“Maybe…maybe she’s right.”
“What! Chad, no!”
“I’ve been here for nine years, T! I don’t have shit to show for it. Not a steady TV spot, a commercial, a straight to DVD movie; nothing. I’m chasing a dream that isn’t meant for me. I’m a director, not the guy in the front.”
Another awkward silence enveloped the stuffy New York apartment while Tasha tried to find the words to lift his spirits. A joke at this time was obviously inappropriate and there was no way that you would agree with him.
Chadwick hadn’t landed any serious roles but he was overlooking the work that he had accomplished. Deep Azure was a tremendous success and his directorial work garnered. enough accolades to necessitate another page for his official biography. Most importantly, his work with at the Schaumburg Center was impactful to the youth that regarded him as a superstar. At any point in the afternoon, one could find middle school aged children crowded around Chadwick and hanging on to his every word as if his voice held the key to life. They respected him more than anyone else in the building, wanting nothing more than to make him proud.
“Let’s go. We’re not sitting here and sulking.” Tasha demanded, pushing his head from her lap and standing to her.
Chadwick shot back a bewildered look as his eyes moved quickly between her stern expression and outstretched hand. “Are you being serious?”
“You bet your sweet ass I am! Let’s go. Now.”
Shuffling to stand up, Chadwick barely had a chance to grab hold to Tasha’s hands before she began dragging him into the bathroom to position him in front of the dingy mirror. 
“What do you see?”
“I see...me?” He stated confused at Tasha’s intentions. “What is this about?”
“Can I tell you what I see?” She asked looking at him for approval to continue. Chadwick’s lips spread into a slight smile as a signal for permission. Placing a hand on each shoulder, Tasha hid her body behind his and began to speak. 
“I see a Black man that fought tooth and nail to make it out of his fine arts program. Remember those long ass nights writing and rewriting drafts? Learning lines so you could relate to the actors on stage?”
“Damn near sleeping in the theater some nights,” he chuckled, vivid memories of those experiences flashing in his mind. The grind was his favorite part.
Tasha rubbed his shoulders before gently tugging them back so that he would stand up straight. “I see a man with enough passion in his eyes to make the world go ’round. I see Mr. Chad, the only person at Schaumburg to get those rowdy ass kids to be quiet and listen.”
Chadwick’s eyes moved from Tasha’s to finally look at himself in the mirror. He looked both confused and intrigued. How could Tasha see all of this when all he found looking back at him was the taunting face of a man that had failed to make his dreams reality.
“I also see,” Tasha continued “a man that loves with his whole heart and is going to make a woman very happy but, only when the time is right. You are amazing. You’re walking directly in your purpose. Your accomplishments are plenty and this is only the beginning. So tuck that chapped ass bottom lip back in and get it together, Aaron. You’re going to be just fine.”
Tasha playfully slapped Chadwick’s cheeks in as a way to smack him back to reality. Finally, a toothy grin found a resting spot on his face as he took one last look at himself in the mirror.
“Thank you,” He muttered, turning to lean against the sink and face Tasha “For everything. I owe you a hug.
“Oh no you don’t!” She exclaimed in an attempt to dodge his outstretched arms. “You stink! How long have you been in that bed?”
“I don’t know. Two days?” The longtime best friends scrunched their faces in disgust as the realization that he hadn’t showered in 48 consecutive hours settled into their brains.
“Gross, Aaron! Take a shower and get dressed.”
“Please don’t make me leave the house, CoCo.” He whined, using Tasha;s nickname in an attempt to change her mind.
“Don’t CoCo me! We’re going out because I need a drink and you need some fresh air to hit that funky ass body of yours.”
An incredulous look followed by incoherent mumbles drew a boisterous laugh from CoCo as she flopped down on the bed to being her wait.
If a pep talk couldn’t cheer him up, Tasha knew a double shot of whiskey and a dance party would do the trick. They hadn’t been out together in months. She missed their nights running the streets in the Summer, staying out too late and drinking too much. She’d try to set him up with some unsuspecting girl at the bar when she was fueled by liquid courage and he’d laugh and talk her down, usually citing his relationship or work as his reason to decline. It was always a lie, but it stopped Tasha long enough for him to change the subject.
“None of that matchmaker stuff tonight, Tasha. I’m serious,” Chadwick admonished as he closed the cab door after she’d exited the vehicle.
“Oh c’mon! You need it!”
“I’m serious, Co. Drinks only.”
Chadwick only pulled out Tasha’s nickname when he wanted something or when he needed to assert himself. The words she opened her mouth to counter his point with never made it into the warm summer air because of Chad’s conversation ending glare.
“Buzzkill,” Slipped pass CoCo’s lips in a disgruntled mumble causing Chadwick to scoff.
The usual bar was bursting at the seams with natives and tourists looking for a little fun to kick off the season. Jamie Foxx’s “Blame It” rattled the glass windows surrounding the bricked building, filling Tasha’s heart with excitement. Fortunately, the line outside moved quickly and finally allowed them to join in on the dance party.
“I’m gonna go get us some drinks. You go find a spot at the bar!” Before he could protest, Tasha scurried towards the bartender to pick the poison for the night’s activities. A fond smile never left his face while he watched her from his seat. He loved the way Tasha exaggerated her facial expressions when she was excited. Her animated conversations could bring him from the darkest depths of frustration and lift his spirits in a matter of seconds. 
He committed to memory how her beautiful brown skin reflected the red and blue hues that emitted from the lights around the dance floor. There were no words to describe the way his stomach filled with butterflies when her hands touched any part of his body or when she said his name for any reason at all. His relationship with Jayme was full of love but not in the way that he loved Tasha. She brought that up in her parting argument but he felt it unnecessary to bring up for fear that CoCo would blame herself for his mistake.
“What are you over here smiling at?” She asked interrupting his thoughts while balancing four shots between her fingers.
Instead of letting his smile fall, he simply grabbed one of the glasses she presented him and instructed you to do the same. “To friendship?”
“To friendship!”
Slurred speech and giggles bounced off the hallways wall, brightening up the dark corridor. A night of unadulterated fun was near its end if Chadwick could reach his apartment door without Tasha pulling them to the floor in a heap. 
“Chaaadwiiiiiick,” Tasha sang, stumbling under the tight grasp of Chadwick’s arms.
He laughed and shook his head. “Tasha, this is third time you’ve called my name. Do you want something or do you just like the way it sounds.”
A hiccup preceded hysterical laughter and served as CoCo’s reply. By the 10th shot, third dance battle and the near scuffle by the bar, Chadwick decided that the party was over for his friend and practically drug her out of the building. Tasha’s drinking made it difficult for her to stand on her own and contributed to the sudden inability to keep her hands to herself.
CoCo’s fingertips traced Chadwick’s clenched jawline while he attempted to get his key in the lock of his apartment door. Chadwick drew in a sharp breath when her soft lips replaced her hands, sending blood and his sense of calm in a race to his lower half.
“Be careful, CoCo,” he spoke in a low rumble. “You’re about to start something you can’t finish.”
His warning did nothing to stop Tasha as you placed another kiss on his earlobe. The kisses became slower, moving from his ear, to his cheek and finally the corner of his mouth. A strained grunt emerged from his throat, carrying equal parts frustration and desire.
Desire won the internal battle, and before he knew it, he was pressing CoCo up against the front door out of pure desperation. His hands frantically grabbed her wrists to pin them above her head while their tongues danced in a lewd ballet.
“Dammit,” he breathed against her neck “We’re not supposed to be doing this.”
“Why not?” 
Pulling away from Tasha, he peered into her dark eyes and found the same lust filled look that he was sure his eyes carried. He felt his heart’s pace begin to pick up. 
Why couldn’t he take the opportunity to bury himself deep inside of Tasha? To taste the juices that had made an appearance just for him? Why couldn’t he finally make love to the woman that had been the best part of his life for over a decade? The fear of crossing the invisible line in their relationship, threatening to make him back out of the moment. He quickly shook his trepidation. 
As if he never stopped, Chadwick hungrily latched his lips to CoCo’s neck, nipping and sucking at the skin that rivaled the sweetest milk chocolate. Following his cue, she lazily wrapped your legs around his waist to allow Chadwick and easier method of transferring you to his bedroom.
Tasha landed on his bed with a soft thud, slightly shaking up the contents of her stomach. She paid no mind to the sudden bout of nausea, instead choosing to watch Chadwick remove his shirt and expose his chest. He had grown so much since his undergraduate years. His shoulders were broader, chest more firm, accented with a small amount of hair, and his abs were more pronounced. She couldn’t have dreamed of a more perfect being.
Chadwick smirked at Tasha after noticing her bottom lip denting beneath her top row of teeth.
He slowly crawled to the top of the bed to press her lips against his in the most sensual kiss either of them had ever had. Chadwick planned to take his time with her tonight and deal with the consequences in the morning. Their moans harmonized under the moonlight, wrapping your bodies in a swath of brilliant light as if the act was written for the stage. 
Before Chadwick could make a move to Tasha’s chest, a wave of heat accompanied the feeling of her mouth preparing for an acidic eruption to interrupt the activity.
“Oh my-Chad stop!” She blurted, throwing her hands up to cover her mouth.
“What? Why?”
“I’m gonna-oh shit. Move!”
Chadwick watched in amusement as Tasha darted into the bathroom to empty out all of the fun she had consumes a few hours ago. A fond smile spread across his face while he slipped on his t-shirt and walked towards the bathroom door, listening to her wretch and cure. 
“I love you, CoCo.” he whispered to himself before pushing open the door to help her through her episode. “C’mon, now. Not on the floor!”
Tag List: @thegirlonhamilton @idilly @wakanda-4evr @redvonlace @onyour-right @wakandan-aesthetic @chocolate-flavouredcondom
(Let me know if you want to be added.)
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seasonofthegeek · 7 years
Turtle Fox Tango
Today’s drabble was commissioned by the lovely and talented @overworkedunderwhelmed. It features aged-up DJWifi who have recently both been given Miraculous but neither knows about the other.
Alya growled, sweeping her thick hair up into a ponytail. “Stupid akuma making me late. Nino’s going to kill me.”
“Relax, sweets. You’ve still got time,” Trixx said, holding out a hairband.
“I can’t be late meeting his parents. I can’t. I promised him I wouldn’t be late this time.” Alya twisted her hair up and searched for her mascara in the mass of beauty products covering the counter. “One of these days I’m going to just sweep all this crap into the garbage and start fresh.”
“It is funny,” the fox kwami noted. “You keep your bedroom pristine but your bathroom is a warzone.”
“I’m an enigma all right.” Alya scooped up the mascara and quickly applied it. “Look for my plum lipstick, will you? I’m going to go get into my dress.”
“I don’t really understand why this is such a big deal,” Trixx called from the bathroom as Alya rifled through her closet. “Are Nino’s parents important people?”
“Of course they are. They’re his parents.” Alya shimmied into her dress. “It’s like a rite of passage thing in a relationship to meet each other’s parents.”
“Ah.” Trixx appeared with the lipstick and Alya turned to the full length mirror on her closet door. 
“Nino is...Nino’s kind of the best, right? And I know he loves me, but I want his family to love me too. They’re really important to him and he’s really important to me. Understand?”
Trixx shrugged. 
“Do you think maybe if I told him about this, he would get it?” Alya paused to touch the foxtail necklace hanging against her chest. “He’s always been so supportive of the blog, well, not me running into danger for stuff, but the other parts. I think he’d be supportive now.”
“Until Hakwmoth is captured, I don’t think it’s wise to reveal your identity to anyone. We don’t know who is on his side. Master Fu activated the other Miraculous because he felt the threat too large.”
“I know that, but who is more trustworthy than Nino?”
“It might put him in danger,” Trixx pointed out.
Alya chewed on her lip and then grimaced, checking her lipstick. “I know. You’re right. I know all the secret identity rules, I just...I hate feeling like I’m lying to him.”
“You’re losing time, sweets.”
Alya looked at her phone and swore. “Ugh, yeah. I’m going, I’m going.”
“Take a sweater. It’s chilly out there.”
“Right. Thanks.”
“Come on, Al,” Nino muttered, stretching to look down the street. 
“Are you worried she is not coming, Master?” Wayzz asked, peeking out from Nino’s jacket.
“Dude, I’ve asked you not to call me that.”
“Apologies, Nino.”
“She wouldn’t stand me up, but I really need her to get here before my parents. My mom is kind of a stickler for punctuality, and I don’t want things to start off tense.” He looked at his phone with a frown. “I was sure she would beat me here when we had to take care of that akuma.”
“Maybe she got held up during the attack as well.”
“I didn’t think of that. I hope she’s okay. I didn’t see her around but she does like to try to get in the thick of it.”
“I’m here!” Alya greeted loudly, impressively power walking down the sidewalk in high heels. “I made it!”
Nino chuckled and took her arm to steady her. “You look beautiful.”
“And you look quite dashing yourself, Lahiffe. You clean up nice,” she grinned. “Did I make it?”
“Just in the nick of time,” he nodded, looking over her head as his parents crossed the street. 
Alya inhaled deeply and turned to greet them with her best smile.
“Well, how’d I do?” Alya asked, kicking off her high heels and dropping down to Nino’s couch. 
“You were your amazing, smart, beautiful self and it was perfect,” he grinned, sitting down beside her. “My mom already asked me when we’re getting married.”
“I’m not even a little surprised,” she laughed. “She kept showing me her ring. I think you might be getting it soon.”
“Good grief, that sounds like her.”
“Your parents were really sweet.”
He took her hand. “Thank you for doing that, Al. It really meant a lot to me and them.” He brought his other hand up to her face, running the side of his thumb along her cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she replied softly, leaning in to kiss him. 
“Do you want to stay over tonight?”
“I do but I shouldn’t. I’ve got a paper due the end of the week that I haven’t even chosen a topic for.”
Nino grinned, playing with the strap of her dress. “I could be your study partner.”
“Something tells me that would be less than helpful in this case,” she teased, gently pushing him away.
“Le sigh.”
“Shouldn’t Adrien be getting back in town soon? You haven’t seen him in a while.”
“He got back this morning, but Adrien isn’t exactly the person I was hoping would keep me company tonight.”
Alya stood and kissed his forehead. “I think you’ll manage, Lahiffe.”
“Out of the way, Shell Brain,” Rena Rouge yelled as Carapace stumbled back into one of her illusions, causing it to evaporate into thin air.
“I know your little party trick is cute and all, but we kind of need help fighting right now,” he shot back, steadying his shield as a gray-skinned civilian-turned-minion ran at him. 
“Play nice, kids,” Ladybug warned, lashing her yoyo around a group of minions and pulling them away.
“Yeah, listen to your mother,” Chat Noir grinned. “Any idea on where the akuma is, my Lady?”
“Wow, that’s something I didn’t miss,” Queen B drawled. “Your little vacation was a nice time of rest from ‘my Lady this’ and ‘my Lady that’.”
“Geez, don’t be such a buzzkill, Queenie,” he teased, knocking away another minion. “Is it just me or are these guys multiplying?”
“Rena, give us some cover over there,” Ladybug pointed across the street. “I think that’s where our friend is hiding.”
“You’ve got it, Spots.” Rena Rouge lifted her flute and a dense fog began to roll out across the pavilion.
“Carapace, stay here and guard Rena so she can keep up the illusions. Kitty, you and Queenie are with me.”
“Your wish is my command, Bugaboo.”
“That was a command,” Ladybug shot back but winked to lessen the sting. The three heroes crossed the expanse, staying low so they wouldn’t touch the dense imaginary fog covering their advance.
Carapace held his shield ready but the minions began to fall back. “That doesn’t seem like a great sign,” he sighed.
“Are you thinking trap?”
“Either that or it’s time for their smoke break. Let’s wait a few minutes and then we’ll go check. I don’t want to mess up anything for the others.”
Rena Rouge nodded, keeping an eye on her illusions. “So tell me about yourself, Shelly.”
“Is there a reason you seem incapable of calling me Carapace?”
“Other than that fact that it’s a dumb name?” she asked innocently.
Carapace rolled his eyes but kept his focus forward. “Because Rena Rouge is just so much better. What do you want to know?”
“You’re the newest kid on the block. How’s it going?”
He frowned and glanced back at her for a moment. “How’s this going?” He lifted his shield in question and Rena Rouge nodded. “Uh, okay, I guess? I don’t know. Ninety percent of the time, I don’t feel like I know what the hell I’m doing.”
“Yeah, I’ve only been doing this a few months longer than you but I can assure you that so far that feeling has not gone away.”
“Good to know,” he grimaced.
“It can be hard, keeping this secret, huh?”
Carapace turned to her with a frown. “Yeah. It makes me feel like I’m lying to everyone. I mean, Chat knows who I am, but--”
“Chat knows who you are?” Rena Rouge stepped forward. “Is he the one who chose you?”
Carapace took a step back. “Uh, I think so? I mean, I talked with Master Fu but he was there so...I probably shouldn’t have told you that.”
She flipped her ponytail. “I mean, I know who Ladybug is so we’re pretty much even.”
He chuckled and she glared at him. "What?”
Carapace shook his head. “Sorry, you just reminded me of someone for a second.”
Queen B landed in front of them with a huff and the fog dissipated immediately. “Could you two stop flirting and come give us a hand? I swear, everyone on this team should be neutered.”
Nino yawned as he ambled down the steps of Adrien’s building. They had enjoyed a good night of video games and junk food and talking after Adrien’s two month stint in London. Nino had been unsurprised when Marinette showed up at Adrien’s door as soon as they had started to wind down. He appreciated his best friend at least trying not to spend every moment with his girlfriend  since his return. It did make him happy to see them together though. It had been a long time coming.
“You’re out awfully late, Handsome,” a voice drawled.
Nino looked up to see Rena Rouge perched on a lamppost. “Is there trouble?”
She waved a hand a gracefully landed in front of him. “I was dropping a friend off. It’s not safe to be walking the streets right now, you know.”
He shifted the strap of his messenger bag. “I can handle myself.”
She looked him up and down, curling her tongue behind her teeth. “No doubt.”
He frowned. “Right. Well, I need to get home.”
“To your girlfriend?”
He sighed. “I do have a girlfriend, if you’re trying to imply I don’t.”
“A sexy guy like you? I’d be shocked if you didn’t.”
“Okay, this whole flirty vixen thing is making me a little uncomfortable so I’m going to be on my way.” Nino stepped around her and began down the sidewalk.
“Wait!” Rena Rouge caught up with him and ducked her head sheepishly. “Sorry. This is the first time I’ve seen you like this and I wanted to try something and now I see how I’m coming off and...” She trailed off with a sigh. “It’s me, Nino. Alya.” She waved awkwardly and gave him a stiff smile.
“Al...ya...” He stepped back and looked at her with wide eyes. “What?!”
She winced. “I know. It’s probably a little bit of a shock and I’ve wanted to tell you and I wasn’t sure how and standing here on a dark street in the cold probably wasn’t the best move and that’s all on me but--”
“Are you done with patrol?”
She nodded and then frowned. “Wait, how did you know I was on patrol?”
“My place is closer. Let’s go talk.”
“Well, I’m going to kill Marinette,” Alya said before upending the rest of her beer. “I bet they’re having a good laugh at us right now.”
“If their moods were any indication when I was leaving, I think they have their minds on other things tonight,” Nino said, shaking his head. “Is there any way they didn’t know who the other picked?”
“Are you kidding me? Adrien wants to know what Marinette had for breakfast every morning because he wants to know everything about her. Believe me, they knew. Ugh, I so should have realized he was Chat. It makes total sense now.”
Nino chuckled. “Yeah, I’m feeling a little dumb about Mari.”
“What about Queenie?”
“No idea. You?”
“She’s the only mystery left.”
“Hey, I know that look. That’s the Ladyblog look. I thought you left that behind.”
“The Ladyblog is only on hiatus while I pursue my studies,” she sniffed. 
“You have to admit you want to know who she is now,” Alya prodded.
He grinned. “You never change, do you?”
“Constant is good.”
“Constant is very good,” he agreed. “Are we okay?”
Alya curled into his side. “We were both trying to protect each other. It seems kind of silly now, but it made sense before. This really is better. I didn’t like having secrets I couldn’t tell you.”
“I didn’t like keeping things from you either. It was eating away at me.”
“So yes, we’re okay then,” she smiled. “I still love you, even if you are a shell brain.”
Nino laughed, pulling her closer. “I love you too, my foxy girl.”
Buy me a coffee?
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