#sorry ladies I'm gay
luccfher · 2 years
steve/eddie/robin/nancy/max/dustin/lucas x kas!male!reader.
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N/A: You fuckers. Believe me, I am VERY grateful for the great support my first story got! As I said, it was my first time writing on Tumblr or writing something itself. In time I will try to find my "correct" and comfortable way to make my stories/oneshots/headcanon/canon etc!
+ If you like this type of content/story, it will help me get more inspiration for the future if you like or reblog! (or follow me). Whatever you want, you're free, my little duck. ♡
I'm going to emphasize something and that is that in the part where it is said that the reader is naked, you can really let your imagination run wild. (I say this because there can be both amab or ftm, honestly that doesn't matter, both are valid! ♡).
Summary: After the third victim of Henry/Vecna/01 he decides to “banish” you leaving your adrift in a completely different world than the one you were already used to. According to him, he no longer needed you because his plan had gone perfectly.
Warnings: detailed injuries.
ㅤAlthough this story doesn't contain anything ㅤsexual I still recommend that women o fetish ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤpeople don't read.
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—Ugh... My- my back..—: They're your first words when you woke up in another dimension that although you belonged before, you were snatched from that one several years ago. Your skin was completely pale, full of burns by the sun and by the pavement that boiled without forgiveness from God himself, Your naked body was surrounded by a white blanket that increased the heat and suffocating air. As soon as you became aware of what was happening, you couldn't help but feel pain and burning in your back, You let out a desperate and fearful scream causing several police officers who were securing the area to lift the blanket, them and some other people around when they lifted the blanket they all gave disgusted looks and even many of them began to say that you were an undead, a demon or Satan. The pain did not let you hear or think clearly, someone or something had scratched you to the point of leaving very noticeable marks because the blood was still fresh. They were deep wounds according to you, you could feel every ripped muscle and your weak bones.
—Kill that thing!—: Apparently everyone had forgotten about that boy who they were blaming minutes ago for your “death”. Weakly you stood up to try to run, but when you wanted to run it was impossible because the burns on your feet and your malnourished body didn't help much, you wanted to escape at all costs and it was what you did with a lot of effort, your legs were weaker and you felt like a deer learning to walk. In the end you ended up falling off a cliff which led directly to the forest. You didn't know what to do or where to go, the whole town already knew who you were and surely they were looking for you to kill you, due to the great loss of blood you crawled under a rock and fell asleep, you were waiting for death as soon as possible.
That hope of dying asleep was extinguished when you heard a boy with long, curly brown hair curse a guy named Jason and how he had ruined the best year of his life. You quickly sat up and moved your body to a part of the rock where you couldn't be noticed.—:Look at me, I'm Jason and I blame the first guy I've been picking on for years, blah blah blah:—Apparently he was so focused on his business that he ended up sitting a few meters away from you, so you tried to make as little noise as possible or else he might end up walking away and look for the rest of the town to lynch you.
You spent a while listening to the idiotic things of the boy who, to a certain extent, seemed to be telling them to you. Time passed and he tried to fall asleep telling himself that everything will be fine by dawn. He had finally fallen asleep, you were determined to get closer to see him completely and not just let yourself be guided by the shadow you saw half an hour ago, you were delicately approaching for two reasons, your injured body and because you feared that he would do something to you.—:pretty:—you whispered under your breath and ran your fingers over her hair and cheeks without even touching them, although there came a time when you rested your hand on her shoulder.—:Who the hell are you? Will you hurt me?:—A brittle and somewhat thick voice came out of nowhere, it was that boy who by inertia took your wrist and clumsily squeezed it tightly.—:my wrist.. you're hurting me:—you exclaimed letting out internal moans due to the pain, you knew that the pressure exerted would leave you with a bruise.
—“shit, I'm sorry.”
—“no problem.”
—“Correct me if I'm wrong, but.. you're naked?”
—mhm? oh!:—you were dying of embarrassment and you didn't know how to cover half your body, you were so nervous that for the first time someone from this town wouldn't treat you in a disrespectful way.
—:don't worry! take my jacket if you want, I don't need it so much now:— he got up to be able to take off the black leather jacket and give it to you carefully.—:And..uhm, why- why are you like this? naked..:—He turned around so you could put on your jacket more comfortably but he kept asking questions about your appearance.—:I was banished.. from a place:—The tone of your voice diminished as you remembered things, since at the end of the day that was Henry, he rejected you but then when he needed something from you he came back to look for you.
—“Oh, I see, problems with your parents?”
—No.. no, Henry and his stupid plan-:—And once again, your mouth was faster than your thought.
After a long night under that rock, you and the boy were trying to explain several things that happened since the first death, you finally got to know who Jason was and why he had screwed up everything, likewise he also knew more about Henry/01/Vecna. It was a night full of laughter, discoveries and to some extent full of tears for both of us—:Look, I don't know if you know dustin, but I hope I can get in touch with him in the morning and ask him to bring some clothes, okay, vampiboy?:—A “yes” came from your lips as you hugged your legs and buried your head between them. That night they also came to introduce themselves to make the atmosphere less heavy (Eddie's idea!), the truth is that you didn't know why he gave you such a strange nickname.
—“Eddie, what's..."vampi" mean?”
—“Well, they are like bats, but human and they feed on human blood, they don't like the sun because they burn if they get under it”
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—“Eddie. Holy shit. Are you okay?”
—:Nah man, pretty... pretty goddamn far from okay:—You listened to Eddie while you just hugged your legs and rest your head on them.You listened to Eddie while you just hugged your legs and rested your head on them. His plan was to introduce them to his new deadlooking friend and pray to God that everything went well.—:that's near Cornwallis and Garrett-:—Munson was stopped by Steve before realizing the location:—:I know where that is:—After that you only heard how Dustin told him repeatedly that they were coming, they didn't even give him time to tell them the clothes or that he was accompanied. You started to overthink how he would deal with them and how he would explain to them without the need to tell them that you are almost dead.
When he finished speaking he noticed how you were looking at a fixed point and you hardly moved, it was very obvious that you were worried about the fact that he didn't have time to ask them for some food or clothes as minimum, he didn't know how to cheer you up or comfort you, he was going through something hard too, how could he help you if he constantly heard people cursing at him through the news. It's Eddie though, so he started making lame jokes about the situation and surprisingly got a smile out of you causing your fangs to look pretty visible.
When they finally got there the first thing they saw was Eddie throwing himself off a small rock and saying to Dustin “butthead”, You still didn't come out of hiding until the brown hair started talking about how he had met a new friend, everyone was surprised since he claimed that he had had a long talk with a vampiboy and since he was someone close to a guy named vecna—:Poor, running away is getting to him:—Max exclaimed mockingly as he kept his arms crossed and turned around to face the forest.—:No... I'm here..:—When you came out from under the rock you felt the looks of fear/shock from most, you looked at the ground while one of the girls, Robin, he was covering your naked body with his body—:Why the hell r you all staring?! Let's go, we have to get clean clothes for... I'm sorry, what's your name?:—Several woke up from that trance after seeing you halfnaked and noticing the pale color of your skin.
Arriving at the truck you sat in the trunk in front of Eddie, you felt how he was constantly looking at your hands and lips, perhaps he was very amazed since minutes before he almost had a cardiac arrest when he saw very widely your fangs. Throughout the trip you complained when several holes in the street passed, since, Ever since you were under the rock, you never told Eddie about your injuries.—: Guys! I don't think we should take a complete stranger with us... what if he attacks us or something? Eddie said he was close to vecna and-:—Lucas was interrupted by Max with a blow to the stomach with his elbow, it was not the right time to talk out loud about what was right or wrong, only they knew why they helped you.
You managed to hear Lucas and it was for this reason that Max elbowed him. You let out a sigh and ignored all noise just by closing your eyes, this was tormenting you so much, you felt that all this was almost a vision of Henry or even an illusion to torture you, your thoughts were diminishing little by little just like your guard.—:He's falling asleep, Eddie... could you?:—Steve said without concern and giving him a small gesture that was enough to know what he really meant, Eddie just nodded and gently settled your head on his lap and the rest of your body he tried to accommodate it for the remaining space that the trunk had. He didn't know where to place his hands and he hadn't thought about putting them on you, he had noticed from the beginning that you felt discomfort in your back, in the end he ended up putting his hands behind his head.
During the trip, everyone began to make theories about how a human could be in such conditions, however they did not deny that you had very... particular things.—:vampire?:—It was the first response that was obtained from Lucas after a time.
— “hey, guys... maybe he was right?”
— “What?”:—They all said the same answer.—
— “It would be like a type of "vampire", rather something similar to a vampire bat. They are characterized by consuming animal blood, but the thing it's that he can survive 6 months without food, now the question is... where he come from?”
—:I think the answer is very simple, if monsters and shit have come out of an alternate world, why shouldn't a vampiboy come out?:—For a moment most of them stared at him after his sudden and ironic response, but he wasn't wrong and less so after the talk they had had under the skull rock, everything made sense. As soon as they got to Steve's house, he and Eddie tried to pick you up so they could get in, when they managed to make you aware of the situation you started denying strongly and unconsciously your nails on the Munson boy's arm.—:Light... makes my skin... u-uhm...:—The lack of words made you feel useless, you didn't know, or rather, you couldn't find the right ways to express what you needed.
When they managed to understand you, they decided to take some clothes to the truck and that you will change in there, when you were finally about to put on a blue jacket with white lines, Nancy came in from the other side and very conspicuously noticed the large scratches that you had all over your back.—:what happened to your back?!:—His shout alarmed the others, causing them to approach in a hurry—:What are waiting for? bring alcohol, cotton and some bandages!:—That's when they started looking like crazy. Time passed while Nancy tried to heal your wounds and you just writhed from the immense burning when she placed alcohol to disinfect the wounds.—:Hold still, I don't want to hurt you more than you already are:—You resisted for a few moments and made the suffering end as soon as possible, obviously you had to bite your lower lip to not let out any kind of noise. Luckily the burning stopped when he put on some gauze pads with tape and the bandages.
When you put on your shirt, everyone settled back in their respective seats while they went over the plan to get on the boat to look for the portal.—:And exactly what will we do when we get there? 'Cause I highly doubt we'll all fit in one boat:—Eddie was as nervous as everyone except for one person in particular, you. You knew what everything was like in that world, every "secret" inside the upside down so you had to be answering thousands of questions that they asked in search of calming their nerves, obviously your answers were very few and were more signs than anything else.—:As i told you, robin, (y/n) can't go with us 'cause his wounds they don't heal at all:—You admired the way Nancy seemed like a born leader, and especially how everyone had listened to her... well, almost everyone since Dustin spent a lot of time with his idea that he should go within the boat because he had discovered the portal and apart because it was his compass.
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the end was very dry and perhaps without much desire, I know and I'm sorry for it, but my brain was not giving for more. T-T
I used as a reference to the reader's wounds a photo of a character that was played by Joseph:
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Without further ado, I say bye bye and please, be patient with the stories.
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acelessthan3 · 2 years
Man, pornbot problem so bad they started following me on snap and Instagram too
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thelaurenshippen · 10 months
ah yes, the sweet sting of rejection from a billion dollar corporation who believes that "action stories don't appeal to romance audiences", welcome back my old familiar friend
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coockie8 · 11 months
y did u say roys "spouse" not "wife"???
Unironically this is not a heterosexual man
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hazeism · 8 months
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will That Scene ever stop being irresistible
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fo-enjoyer · 5 days
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northwyrm · 3 months
I really like deep voiced woman and I was previously worried that it was a trans-chaser trait of mine but now I've found several cis woman who have low voices (due to smoking a lot or other factors) and I'm like damn girl I love your low low low voice.
When a lass speaks with bass I'm all uwu
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backwardblackbyrd · 2 years
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tits out for the girls✌🏼
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unhonestlymirror · 7 months
Lady Oscar:
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Also Lady Oscar:
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duncan-rohanne · 1 year
so wait a fucking minute v.e. schwab is gay, all the main characters are bi and WE ARE STILL STUCK ON A GENERIC STRAIGHT LOVE TRIANGLE???? HOW????
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mythvoiced · 2 years
-. after a 5 year wait, i can finally be back on my Fallen Hero bullshit that y'all didn't even know i was on
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masquenoire · 1 year
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“What can I say? My parents were sticklers for proper conduct.”
[ Gayness Level ]
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ilseofskadi · 1 year
childe has a gravitational pull specifically for les.bians
how else would you describe his immediate friendship with xinyan and yoimiya? also have you seen how many les.bians like him? he's just prime bestie material for les.bians everywhere
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jonquilandlace · 1 year
I'm spending time with my family and we're watching Singing in the Rain because my mom was feeling sentimental (I've never seen it before), and as a pansexual my gaydar has NOT STOPPED GOING OFF FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE CHARACTERS
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slowlyfriedicecream · 2 years
KH X The Sandman edits or something from someone who knows nothing about sandman but one of my best friends does
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I have never watched the Sandman in my life I get all my info from @nettoriley​ shoutout to them btw for making this happen and they’re also the one who told me to post these 
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honourable guest aka my little meow meow senti :) (aka the herrscher of sentience)
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shoutout to pngs too (got too carried away my bad)
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thatawfulgoat · 1 year
been seeing som nonsense going around.
just a little reminder.
you aren't a bad person if your favorite character is fair skinned.
You aren't a bad person is you prefer male characters.
Systemic racism and misogyny aren't going to be solved by yelling at people for not having a more diverse portfolio of blorbos.
And on top of that
People. Cannot. Control. Who. Or. What. They. Find. Attractive.
People. Cannot. Control. Which. Characters. Are. Written. And. Designed. Well. In. Mainstream. Media.
Sometimes a character just clicks with people. You can't just bully everyone into obsessing over more POC & female characters. It doesn't work that way. If you have POC/female characters you personally love, great! Make fanart! Write in depth analysis! Show the world what you love about them and why! Stop cracking the whip on everyone else to do it for you!
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