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lucksea · 27 days ago
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weird mirrors
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cina-full-moon-xanadium · 4 years ago
experience with phase 1 heisei kamen riders
Kuuga: Hooooly shit. Holy shit. This one’s a spiritual experience. There is absolutely fucking nothing like it in Kamen Rider aside from maybe ZO and it had such an impact on me with one of... in fact no, the greatest execution I’ve seen of a non-violence message and the best understanding of what’s important in reviving a classic series that I’ve seen. This show is just about perfect
Agito: You know how flowers posts about Agito? Yeah it’s exactly like that and I fucking love it. It’s not like completely over the top stupid but it is stupid as in that’s what’s built into its DNA and it benefits the goofy relationships in a way that I just rarely ever get from Inoue’s work and I’m shocked that I do like it so much despite him liking it. Lovable cast, solid mystery and plot, insane shit happening, a lot of things happening on a meta level that says a lot to me based on the type of person I am. Just a really really good show
Ryuki: I’d be lying if I said I out-and-out liked this show, but I’d also be lying if I said it wasn’t genius in its deconstruction of the franchise. Ryuki is a show I respect more than anything else for how much it believes in what it’s saying and how far it pushes what it’s saying and how much it goes against everything Kamen Rider is but it’s always always for a specific point it’s making. Really good show, at the end of the day though it’s not for me
555: This one’s a bit like Ryuki for me in that I think it’s good but I just respect it? Just a lot more extreme where unlike Ryuki it hasn’t come around to me actually legitimately liking it. Because I mean it is good, well it’s not, but I mean it is, but like, but it’s not really but yeah it is. Loved Takumi and Kiba, not sure on many others, don’t know who Delta is and Kusaka can go to hell <3
Blade: Now this one. This one. Thiiiis one. It’s not a good show but it’s also the best and I love it? Immensely?? Like Agito it’s a very stupid show but unlike Agito there is absolutely nothing clean or clearly-cut about it and nothing about it should work from its disjointed character arcs to its unclear direction to all three thirds of the show being wildly disparate but. Everything works. It’s never boring and they’re all fun in some way and because I’m gay the ending hit me like a ton of bricks. The perfect bad show that’s good
Hibiki: hhhhh. Okay. Tell me if you’ve heard this one before. Loved the first 29 episodes! Pretty much everything after that fucking sucked so hard oh my god! So I’m just gonna ignore post-29 because it doesn’t matter it literally doesn’t matter and focus on how good 1-29 are because like Kuuga it’s a super unique show where there’s nothing like it in all of Rider and everything it’s doing is for a purpose. Which I mean makes sense when Takatera’s on this show as well. It’s so chill and relaxed and nice and comfy and yet also contrasts a coming-of-age story with demons destroying giant crabs with music. The whole tone of it is wonderful and something that just makes me happy to recall. I love this 29-episode show :)
Kabuto: girl i dont know i dont even know. It... I don’t really remember much about it? I don’t know how I feel about anything that happened other than liking Gatack and Sasword (whose ending was awful)? The hopper bros are in it? The dark kitchen arc happened? It’s all a blur for me sorry. None of it worked for me at the time and I’d be lying if I said much of it works for me now. Just not a show I vibed with
Den-O: Now this is the good shit this is ABSOLUTELY the good shit. First of all, messy story! Very messy story! Do not really think much of what was going on with Yuuto and Sakurai and all that stuff and I couldn’t get into that. But I don’t really care when this show is just fun as fuck? Which is before saying it’s also a load of emotional bricks to the face? Do I have to convince anyone here that the Imagin are fun, or that you get so emotional over any time it looks like they’re gone for good, or that this little mini-franchise has so much going for it? It’s a magical show, and one that smartly prioritises emotion above plot in a way that’s extremely Heisei Kamen Rider. Love this show
Kiva: nope
Decade: This is a good show shut up. Literally shut up sit down this is a GREAT show that knows precisely what it is about and is screaming that meaning at you through every visual. I mean sure obviously some stuff like Narutaki doesn’t carry through that well and making you watch a post-series movie for the ending isn’t great, but what matters for me is that in retrospect this is a season that like Den-O might not have the most solid story but is so high on character and fun and emotions that’s impossible not to love. It’s hard to look past its flaws for sure but if you get over it for a few seconds you find something absolutely fantastic
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scoups4lyfe · 3 years ago
Hi, screenshot anon here (I'm anon I can name myself how I want lol) I dont think I put my question right, I was referring to the images for your reactions (I'm dumb and English is not my main), but I just can't imagine watching the show like 1 second and *bum* screenshot, I will be too invested to pause. Also (because this is already long so why not :/) what kamen rider series have you already seen? Sorry if I'm being annoying 😅
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(<333 super cute nickname you've given yourself.)
Haha your question wasn't wrong perse -- just not specific enough around what you actually wanted to know :'D.
For my reaction images,,,,some I already have saved onto my computer because I regularly send reaction gifs/memes as inside jokes to Nacho and J and just extended that to my liveblogs
and some of them I actually went and searched for to properly convey the emotional experience I was going through in that specific moment LOL!!!
I know what you mean about being invested lakjsdflkajsdlf.
Idk maybe its because I'm sharing the experience? That I'm able to pause? Kind of like I'm bringing you guys with me like "DAMN can y'all BELIEVE that? Holy guacamole!!"
hahaha makes pausing easier I'd say :'D.
LoL again don't worry about sending long asks <333! I love 'em.
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Kamen Rider Series I've seen:
Kuuga (finished)
Black (unfinished)
Agito (unfinished)
Ryuki (barely started)
Faiz (unfinished)
Blade (finished in the span of an entire weekend)
Kabuto (unfinished)
Den-o (unfinished)
Kiva (finished)
Decade (Only seen 1 episode)
W (Finished. Owned)
000s (Finished all at once.)
Fourze (Finished)
Wizard (barely started; unfinished)
Gaim (finished)
Drive (started, unfinished)
Ghost (Watched while airing; life happened; unfinished)
Ex-aid (Watched while airing; finished)
Build (Watched while airing; stopped around episode 23; didn't get finished until like early august 2021 while I showed Nacho and J the series / rewatched from start to finish)
Zi-O (Started while airing; my school banned the only website I had to access tokusatsu so I spent the entire rest of the year sending complaints LOL; never got back around to finishing it)
Zero-One (Seen maybe 5 episodes? Unfinished)
And Saber <333 the show gifted to me by God for conspiracy theory reasons <333,,, started while airing, got to around episode 3 and then got distracted and never came back to it -- LOL
Annnnnd we already know where I'm at with Revice <33.
oh!!! also!!! I WATCHED the entire first season of Amazons --(the fked up web series,,, not the showa one LOL); I also own season one.....lol; and watched season 2 as it was airing and uhhh never finished it.
Ze end~
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kullijuustosiivu · 8 years ago
Vastaappa kaikkiin niihin kysymyksiin. Sun seuraajat nauttis
Tää saattaa olla virhe….
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?Tumblr viesti? “Miehän sanoin että täällä mun huoneessa tulee kuuma”Whatsapp? “Miks laura mun vaatteet on taas pois?”En ees tiiä kelle oon oikean tekstiviestin joskus lähettäny2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?Ööh…. exä nykyään, jätämmä sen siihen3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?Riippuu huumeiden vakavuudesta, pilvestä ylöspäin ku lähetään nii alkaa kiinnostamaan että miksi näin4. Is your last name longer than six letters?Joo, huimat 8 kirjainta5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?Taisin päätyä siihen että olin selvinpäin6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?Ööh…. vissiin @viviun menee siihen kategoriaan? Mut parempi näin päin että se meni poskelleen :D7. What does your last received text say?Nonni :D8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?En tiiä, en laskenu9. Where was your last kiss at?Bussipysäkillä10. When is the last time you saw your sister?Ehkä viikko sitte11. What do you drink in the morning?Riippuen meenkö töihin vai oonko kotona, kaljaa tai kahvia12. Where did you sleep last night?Omassa sängys13. Do you think relationships are hard?En tiedä kyseisestä aiheesta tarpeeksi että mulla vois olla mielipidettä :D14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?Säästäisin rahaa että pääsisin sinne festareille oikeesti, nyt se on vähän hiinä ja hiinä.15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?Vähän awkward mut eikhän se siitä 16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?Sadetta plox17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?En ainakaan livenä18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?Tota…. en?19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?Saa nähä, en usko :P20. Does anyone like you?Kaikkihan minusta tykkää, olen ihana 21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?En taia, ehkä poskelle22. Is the last person you kissed gay?Ruttisko? Ehkä ;)23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?Montaki, yhen kans pitää olla jopa töissäki24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?Mulla on 225. In the past week have you cried?Jep26. What breed was the last dog you saw?Semmonen… söpö pallo se oli, en mie tiiä rotuja :D27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?Miten siellä suihkussa vois kuivatella, sinne mennään kastumaan?!28. Have you ever kissed a football player?En taida29. Do you think you’re old?Tumblan mittapuulla joo, en oikeasti :D30. Do you like text messaging?Onhan se ny parempaa ku soittaminen31. What type of day are you having?Kello on 10:12, en oo nukkunu koko yönä ja tajuan pikkuhiljaa että tässä menee koko loppupäivä. Ihan hyvä32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?En nenää, huulta oon joskus miettiny mutta taidan jättää väliin33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?Kylmä on 5/5, tää kesä ei voi loppua tarpeeks nopeaa (Ja rovaniemellä ei ees oo ku +9)34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?No totta munassa35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?Suhde on kiva36. Are you a simple or complicated person?No miten helvetissä miun tää pitäs tietää, oon kait mie omasta mielestäni yksinkertanen :D37. What song are you listening to?Slipknot - Wait and bleed 38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?noin 80% ajasta ainaki39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?Pariki40. What made you start liking the person you like now?Tällä hetkellä en silleen tykkää kenestäkään, jätetään tää vielä mysteeriksi siis41. When did you last receive a text message?Juhannuksena 17:1142. What is wrong with you right now?Unirytmi kusee eikä mulla oo kaljaa eikä rahaa43. How well do you know the last female you texted?No se on se viviun, katso kysymys 39.44. Does anyone disgust you?Joo yks Mister Fedora ihan pikkusen pistää puklututtaan45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?Just nyt? Saako käyä kahvilla eka? Ehkä46. Are you in a good mood right now?Semi, väskyttää jo pikkusen47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?Kuinkahan monta kertaa saan sanoa näihin kysymyksiin vastaukseksi @viviun? No viviunin kaa ny kumminki :D48. What color shirt are you wearing?Tämmönen sininen 49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?”Sie oot aukassu tänne 2 täyttä kaljaa ja laittanu nukkumaan” taisi olla @cookiecthulhu50. Anyone you’re giving up on?Enkai :)51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?Enkai mie ruttista voi vihata52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?En tietääkseni 53. Do you like rain?Onhan se kivaa ku kuuluu sitä rips raps ääntä 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?Jos ite juon 2-3 konttia viikossa nii olisin aika mulkku jos alkaisin kärtyilemään siitä että se partneri jois :D55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?No daa, totta kai56. Do you like to cuddle?Katso aikasempi vastaus57. Are you shy?En pahemmin, alkoholi poistaa moiset ropleemat kivasti58. Do you get along with girls?Miun kaverit alkaa pikkuhiljaa oleen tyttöjä 3 jokasta poikaa kohtaan, haluan uskoa että ne ei kaikki vihaa mua59. Have you dated the person you texted last?Melkein mut en60. What do you carry with you at all times?Tupakkeja, sytkäri, avaimet, lompsa ja puhelin. 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?Totta munassa, mie antaisin haamun vaikka syyä multa toisen jalan jos siitä sais miljoonan, varsinki ku haamuja ei ole olemassa62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?No olen kerran kestäny63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?En muistaakseni vielä64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?On se65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?Ruttis kävi kyläilemässä koko viikon66. How old are the last three people you kissed?25, 25 ja en tiedä kuka ees kolmas on ollu67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?    maksaisin, en mie osaa näitä maalata68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    Lebardi69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    Yks joku parkkeeraus e-z-park härspäkkä joka oli siinä ku ostin sen70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?    Ketä kuka hä?71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?    Androidi72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    Juu ei niitä oo tänne lappiin asti rakennettu73. Do you like diet soda?    En, Syöpästä pissaa kaikki lite limukat74. What color are the walls in your room?    Vaaleat75. Are you 16 or older?    Ihan pari vuotta vanhempi vaan76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    en77. Do you have a job?    On ja ei, oon keikkakokki 78. What are your initials?    T.R.M.L79. Did you ever have braces?    Eip80. Are you from the south?    En :D81. What does your last status on facebook say?    “Tässä on laura nyt prooffia kauan me ollaan tunnettu”82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?    En83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    Äiti84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?    En 85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?    Wonder Woman, erittäin laadukas leffa 86. Do you smoke?    Valitettavasti mun tupakkalakko kosahti eli joo87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    En osaa käyttää korkkareita ja käytän sandaaleja lähes jokapäivä, vastaako kysymykseen?88. Is your phone touch screen?    Herran vuonna 2017 joku kysyy että omistatko hiblatus näyttö puhelimen, mitä vittua mie teen elämälläni89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?    Pidän sitä silleen ku se haluaa ittensä sotkeutua90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    Kerran91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    Altaassa, nuissa luonnon lätäköissä on tullu liian monta kertaa jotain öttimöttiäisiä perseeseen kii92. Have you ever made out in a car?    Olen93. …Had sex in a car?    En94. Are you single or in a relationship?    Sinkku95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    Nukuin96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?    Uutenavuotena97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    Kyl se asiansa ajaa98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?    Ei99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    Kysyppä vaan monta kertaa100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?    En ainakaan kovin monen101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    Kerran tai kaks102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    TIK TOK AROUND THE CLOCK PUT THE PARTY ON STOP!!!!103. Do you have any tan lines right now?    Ei oo, kunnon nörtit ei mee pihalle104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?    Joo en vitussa xDJoo tää oli virhe, tähän meni ½ tunii
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gokaihearts35 · 8 years ago
My top of Kamen Rider Heisei
Here is my list of Kamen Rider series that I've seen.
Before I had only seen super sentai but I decided to start seeing Kamen Rider, I started by Kuuga and went in chronological order. The Top is in order of the series that I liked more for the series that I liked less, the series that are in the last positions do not mean that I did not like it, I just liked less but until today I have not seen a series that I found bad.
1) Gaim - Probably the best-written Kamen Rider series, with multiple twists and complex characters, even Kouta not being one of my favorite characters, and some Riders could be better used or Mai who was not one of the best female characters, but Central plot made me love the series, every episode happened something and everyone was surprisingly great, even enjoyed the end, I know it was controversial, but it made perfect sense with the story. The series may not have had some of the most charismatic protagonists but all the complexity of various characters and their various twists and turns made this series one of the most fun to watch Mitchy was one of Kamen Rider's most well-written character, I liked his development and even liked the end of it, he having to learn to live with what he did and everyone treating him well, even though he thought he did not deserve it, Takatora was a Good character I liked the end of it, because Kouta bringing him life to take care of Mitchy makes perfect sense, it would be something that Kouta would do, Ryoma was a very nice and complex character, Yoko was very charismatic But the character had some problems in the way she was written, all the fact that her goal was to follow The king of the world and his inexplicable attraction to Kaito that while it was fun was also a very confusing character and in the end it seemed that he liked to lose to Kouta, in fact individually He and Kouta were not very good characters, what made them great and fun to see was how Were related and how each influenced the other, surprisingly Zack even though not appearing much was one of my favorite characters in the series, the Over lords in the end were not important, but it was a good thing because what was important in the series was the relationship of human characters to each other, their ideological struggles that mattered. The series while not having villains or the more charismatic protagonists had one of the most engaging and complex story and that's why I enjoyed it so much.
2) Drive - In the beginning I did not expect to like the series so much, but from the twenty began a series of episodes that made her become one of my favorites, Shinnosuke was a good protagonist, I loved the whole story that had about his father , I did not expect to like Go and Chase so much when I started the series, but all his developments were great and Go at the end of the series that looked like the real hero, his whole story with Banno was great, the Roidmudes to my surprise as the Series developed were very nice characters and their deaths were very sad but good scenes. What really surprised me was how much I liked the Special Investigation Unit, I did not expect to like them so much, even though there were several comedy scenes they had, they also had several exciting scenes, they became some of my favorite supporting cast by Kamen Rider.
3) Agito - One of my favorite series, it's like an improved version of Kuuga, Shouichi is one of my favorite protagonist of Kamen Rider, of course all the other characters are great too, Hikawa and Ashihara are great characters, even though Ashihara Only bad thing happened to him in the series, everyone who approached him died. The series until it took a long time to really start, but starting from episode twenty she became great and that's where it really started , Made me like the series was their complex characters and how they acted, the police while it was not as good as Kuuga had Ozawa who was a great character and loved his scenes with Hojo, he was a character that several times I hated , But in the end I even liked the character (it was a well written version of Kusaka) I liked that at the end of the series it was implied that he stayed with Ozawa, Mana was surprisingly charismatic and I liked her and her scenes. I do not have much to talk about anymore I just loved the show.
4) Ryuki - The war between the Riders made this series one of my favorites, Shinji, Ren, Kitaoka, Asakura were great characters, very charismatic and all the other characters had their own motives to fight, it was a series that Which relied heavily on the relationship between the characters, even with a confusing ending that did not explain several things I really liked the series, the end of Yui was very sad, she was one of the best female characters in the franchise, of course there are the reporters, they were useless, Reiko should To have discovered about the war well before, but in the end she and the others were of no avail. Even with some problems in the end, thanks to their complex characters (Asakura were not quite complex, but did not need to be) and their bittersweet finale made this series one of my favorites.
5) OOO - I loved the series, the relationship of Eiji and Ankh was great, the development they have made it my favorite double of Kamen Rider. Data and Goto were also a good pair, I loved the Greeds and the message of the series, Hina even not appearing much I liked her scenes with Ankh and her doubts about what to do. Even without a great story the characters made me love the series, mainly because of Ankh.
6) Kiva - I loved the series, even with some problems it had in history, I think people exaggerate when they talk about their defects, of course the Arm Monsters should have had more prominence. The characters of the past were more charismatic than the present: Otoya, Jiro, Yuri and Maya are the best characters in the series, the relationship between them must have been one of the most complex of the franchise, the characters of the present did not have the same charisma And development than those of the past but I did not expect Taiga to become such a good character in the series, he had a good development. The time travel was not as bad as people speak, it was important for Wataru's development and gave good scenes. I was saddened by Mio's death, but it was important for the development of Wataru and Taiga (I hope she will be revived in the future), I thought there was missing an episode about Taiga's relationship with Shima. I felt sorry for Yuri, she was much better than her daughter, I really did not like Megumi, but Maya was also a great character, actually Maya and Yuri were the best characters in the series. The love triangle of the past was fun, I loved Yuri's conversations with Maya about love, for example, Maya's scene asking why Yuri would save Otoya after he betrayed her feelings, Yuri then tells her that she loves him, that This is love, which makes Maya think what love is; The scene of Yuri ending with Otoya and the last scene of both interacting are some of my favorites in the series. Yuri and Maya have the best development of the series, so they are my favorite characters of the series.
7) Blade - The Kamen Rider series with one of the best finals, Kenzaki and Hajime were good characters, their development was great, Tachibana and Mutsuki were sometimes annoying but not terrible characters, they had their moments and good development, I liked it Of the central story of the series, the war to become the dominant species, the series did not have a great villain but did not need, what was important was the relationship of the characters to each other, even being a very simple series, but with its grand final made the Series be great and without many flaws.
8) Kuuga - The series looked more like a police drama than a children's series of super heroes, Godai was a great protagonist, his relationship with Ichijo was great, one of the best pairs of Kamen Rider, of course all the other characters are also well Developed, all the cops are great characters, the Gurongi had some really macabre and heavy scenes, it was like watching a police series fighting against serial monsters killers, but I still did not like the end of the series, N-Daguva-Zeba was not a character The series did not have a complex story, but it did not need to, the cases against the Gurongi were great,and it was the characters that carried the series, all are great and With their own stories and developments.
9) Faiz (555) - Takumi and Kiba were great characters and had a great relationship, the Orphonochs Rouge Were many charismatics, in fact the relationship between the characters in the series is quite entertaining, even with some misunderstandings, Kusaka must have been one of the characters that I most hated of the franchise Mihara was not important, practically an extra.Even with a bad end, with no sense of termination, I loved the series because of the various characters that I found very charismatic.
10) Ghost - I liked the series more than I was expecting, of course there are several problems, such as the search for the Eyecons that was initially very fast, the ghosts they needed to be real characters, they needed more attention, Being in the series, Makoto should have a bigger importance in the end because of the Deep Specter Ghost Eyecon. I felt that something was missing in the story, but even with these problems I liked the series, Akari is a great female character, the series is never stopped, there is always something that changes the status quo, the development of Makoto and Alain are great , They make the series worth it, I really enjoyed the World of Gamma and the message of the series, I liked the Gammaizers and how they behaved like a computer, I liked that in the series almost everything had a logical and scientific explanation. Even with several problems I really liked the series
11) W - Shotaro and Philip are great characters and have one of the best relationships to each other in Kamen Rider, but the series has Akiko one of the most annoying female characters in the franchise, the Sonazaki Family were good characters, but I have to admit that they are not some of my favorite villains, what happened , felt that something was missing, it does not help that the Foundation X steals their role as final villains of the series, but the last scene of them family until it was exciting, the Cases of the week that were the highlight of the season, About Philip coming back to life while it seems meaningless, i liked it since Shotaro was so sad, it seemed even that a part of him was missing and gave a good last scene of the Sonazaki family, and Wakana deserved this scene for his development to give a perfect circle.
12) Kabuto - The series has good characters, Kagami and Tendou were good characters, I liked their relationship and how they developed, especially Kagami, but the series has several problems in the script, the disappearance of Hiyori, the little use of Daisuke, he does not even appear in the final stretch, the little importance of KickHopper and PunchHopper that in addition to useless comedy scenes they were not important in the story, they did not even fight in the last episodes, Tsurugi also ended up turning comic relief, they ignore for quite a long time the fact that he was a Worm, but even so I still liked the character and his relationship with Misaki and his last episodes were great, Kagami's father should have appeared more. While I admit that the series has several problems in the script, I quite enjoyed practically all the characters and their developments.
13) Den-O - I liked the series, it was fun and funny, but it had a terrible ending, the villain did not make sense (who was Kai?), Ryotaro and the Imagins are not some of franchise's favorite characters,the best of the series was Yuto, one of the best secondary Rider, all his history, development and his relationship with Airi were great, including had one of Kamen Rider's best movies: Episode Red: Zero on Star Twinkle.
14) Wizard - The series while it was had many cases of the week and the villains were very disappointing always failing,it seemed that history did not progress, always remained in the same status quo and also the bad use of Mayu, Wiseman and his story that could have appeared before, I really liked the characters and their relationship with each other , even though they were all useless,me like more of the series than other series that I found objectively better.
15) Fourze - While having a good story and well developed, I could not really like the characters, the Kamen Rider Club while legal was a bunch of useless characters who did nothing and most of the time were extras, the series is good but not did not make me care much.
16) Decade - The series while had many problems in the story and several times did not make sense, I have to admit that the four protagonists had a great relationship and in my opinion Tsukasa and Natsumi had one of the best relationship and chemistry between male and female protagonists in a Kamen Rider series, which usually does not do female characters well.
17) Hibiki - It was a good series with some charismatic characters, Asumu was the true protagonist of the series, Kiriya was an important character for the development of Asumu, I liked that in the end Asumu did not become an Oni, he wanted to make his own way, not Just imitate Hibiki. The series changed from episode 30, but not as much as people talk, Akira was put aside, she was a great character but lost her highlight in the series and the ending was a little disappointing, who were The Man and Woman? The series needed a central story, it was just character-centered episodes, should have a stronger central story
18) Amazons - First that even the episodes being larger were very slow, not much happened, in the end I felt that I did not discover anything about the company and the Amazons, was only focusing on the extermination group and the other characters without the necessary development, plus you can not understand how Haruka's head works. The series exaggerates in gore, But the central story of the series is a bit disappointing, if someone want to see a mature series, well written of truth and great personages I advise Kuuga.
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kivablog3 · 8 years ago
Spring Repost of “Why I Am Not a Pagan”
March 2017 -- I’m reposting this since the Spring Equinox is coming up, along with the festival of the goddess Eostre, whence derives our word for it: Easter. Along with the eggs, and bunnies too, I think. Fertility, at any rate. In wicca it’s the winter solstice which starts the new year, but for me it was Spring when the light truly came back: Daylight Saving Magic. So I think of it as the start of my own year. Also, I attended an open Dianic Goddess circle for the first time in my life. So I may even have to change the title. Maybe put the predicate in the past tense. Idk, maybe nothing will come of it, but I want to try. Happy Eostre, everyone.
Fall 2016 -- I wrote this for an anthology, about trans wicca and paganism, which was triggered by a conflict between terfy witches who wanted to have a ceremony for “all women” at a large pagan conference on the West Coast, but for “women-born women” only, and everyone else was appalled, not just us, and a conflict resulted over whether this was right or even acceptable behavior anymore. At the time I was convinced this was a hopeless cause, transfolx and Dianic Wicca, and thus wasn’t sure there was any point in arguing about it. That may be changing too, there are a lot of changes I am still unaware of. 
So, I wasn’t even a pagan, and kind of relieved about that when I heard that this conflict was still going on in the pagan community, fifteen years after it helped convince me I had failed, because I was just born wrong, and that was that. The Goddess did not see me. It certainly helped convince me I wasn’t a pagan; I had less than no use for a binary divinity, a Goddess with a God. And I wasn’t allowed to just follow the Goddess, so that was that. It was a long time ago.
But I had a story to tell that might be interesting to a few other people, since this still seemed to be a raging conflict ffs. Somehow this conflict at the pagan conference on the Coast resulted in a trans pagan anthology being planned by way of response in the UK, which my friend in Boston tipped me off to; she’s written books which have actually been published, some of them on paganism, and is just generally networked with everyone fun, queer, kinky and/or just interesting in New England and a lot of other places. So I just started writing this, which I’d been trying to do for months. It’s about an important turning point in my life, but the ending is mushy and incomplete because I was afraid of writing my own truth and not caring if someone else was upset by it. This is why the ending is sort of abrupt. It has to be revised and extended and tied together with other stuff that happened then. (And is happening now. There’s a bad case of abrupt going around lately. Alyssa Harley told me I should just write from the heart, and not worry about who else might or might not read it and how they might react. That my writing is first of all for me, explaining myself to myself; and it turns out I learn a lot of things about myself that I wasn’t aware of. Like most advice she gives me, she’s right about this.) [note: This all helped me see that what I really love doing is writing and then editing what I wrote. Some effort will be involved in figuring out things like where to submit finished work and how to write brief, informative cover letters which might get the submission passed up to an editor. Where to do open-mic readings, and which six minutes and forty-five seconds of my work did I want to read? This may all turn out to be very interesting and unexpected things may happen. But I love writing now, I do it most nearly every day So that’s a start.]
After I wrote this piece, sort of all at once, I looked at the publisher’s site, and saw that their catalog runs toward books which have lots of footnotes and a scholarly approach toward the subject at hand, and I have a feeling they’re not going to use this because it so isn’t that. [Note: In the event, it didn’t even merit a rejection email. ] But it’s the most important part of What Happened to Me, how I was out for years, how in the end I couldn’t keep going after 2001, and hid again, in plain sight, for a long time. 
So I’m going to keep working on it. I have a printout of Parts 2-3 I want to mark up and then incorporate those changes into the new version. But right now I’m in maintenance mode, learning about myself and trying to love myself and waiting for it to get warm. I’m much happier then, and it’s easier to be out, somehow. Coming out publicly caused a rebound, and a few days’ worth of migraines (tension + pollen + dry air = M, where M is any migraine bad enough that you have to turn all the lights off and you throw up). It’s taking a while to get up off the canvas and clear my head enough to continue to fight back. I don’t feel like fixing the paragraph breaks right now, sorry for any confusion. Anyway, here it is:
Why I Am Not a Pagan by Kiva Offenholley (The section letters/numbers are placeholders and not meant to be consecutive or even logical.) Part One A. So how do I tell this story? Where do I start? When I was poring over books on lesbian feminism in the library? [note: upon reflection, this is probably the point at which I lost the attention of the editor of the anthology. I assume it will get published at some point.] In the 1970s while I was in high school, reading everything I could find at the branch library and then becoming a page at the central library, when did I first run across witches? Who first mentioned the Goddess? I remember how powerful that particular idea felt when I first ran across it: that God was a woman, that there was another way. She wasn’t constantly promising punishment as well as or instead of love (so she wasn’t my mother, or G. the Father). She wasn’t scary—well, She wasn’t male, for one thing, and males scared me to death. I was supposed to be one, and I was really, really, really bad at it, and in Texas that still matters even now, a lot more than it should. It was worse then. I read some books that involved witches, even though I didn’t believe in magic per se (my sister kept trying spells and nothing much seemed to happen), which I understood then to be witchcraft. It wasn’t clear to me why belief in the Goddess necessitated not just ritual activities for their own sake, but ones which enable or prevent the use of invisible forces (the existence of which I have yet to be convinced of) to cause or prevent change in the real world, summoning spirits (see above) or even magic defined as creating change inside yourself using a Jungian approach to archetypes and ritual actions to focus intentionality and release energy. Maybe it’s because I was never in a Dianic coven, or any other kind, and I probably would’ve changed as I learned more. But possibly not. As it was, I just wanted to experience rituals because they are beautiful, and they are for Her. Ritual for its own sake. I may not believe in a deity—that’s Southern for “I’m an atheist”—but I have loved Her instinctively and completely, from the moment I learned of Her, and the idea of Her. And I hoped that maybe I could learn why I was made this way, why in my soul I felt like a girl. And it seemed to me that, if I tried, I could feel loved. Because I love the Goddess. B. It was clear even to me that one thing I definitely could not be was a lesbian separatist, which was a shame because I needed that too: I had nothing but rage and fear from men and for them, and wanted to live in or at least envision a world where we were in women’s space. I had only ever felt safe when I was with other women, or some of them at least. Most of them. Someone once called it “swimming in the safe sea of women.” I just wanted to count as a “woman” of some sort, maybe not fully female yet, if it was a problem, but I’d sit in the back and not get in anyone’s way…. They had somehow gotten undisputed custody of the real-world carrying into concrete action of the idea of the Goddess, and despite having read histories like The Creation of Patriarchy by Gerda Lerner, or Starhawk or Merlin Stone, of course, anything I could find, my only connection to the other universe, I wasn’t supposed to feel like I belonged. Avidly reading, and thinking and feeling all this stuff that made me feel like I not only belonged inside the circle, that it was the place I would be safe, but that it was the only place outside a classroom that I could ever discuss Gerda Lerner with someone else. I just kept reading, and tried to understand why some radical feminists hated us so much. We were less than or other than women, according to the women who hated us; we were less than or other than human. We were used for ideological target practice. It was like the inverse of being hated by Southern Baptists, the result was the same. It was a part of why I finally skidded to a halt, and detransitioned in 2001, after the period described here. It seemed that Goddess-centered religion was destined to be controlled by those unknown women, like the music festival in Michigan: my spouse, having attended once, assured me that I would consider it close to hell on Earth, between the mud and the rain and the bugs and the heat and the mud, given that my idea of roughing it is a hotel room with no minifridge. But I would’ve liked to have had the option. Around that same time, 1999-2000, I had a nasty encounter in a local institutional setting which I can’t or won’t really identify here. It was with two of the people we now call TERFs: an angry ideological one, who’d just joined the institution, to attack me viciously—none of my friends, no one, ever told me what she’d said while I was out of the room, so it must’ve been awful—and a reflexively 70s-grounded person in a position of authority to unthinkingly and unknowingly privilege TERF 1’s painful past, which was bad, over mine, which was pretty goddamn awful but which never really came up since it still wasn’t really clear to TERF 2 what the hell exactly I was, anyway, even though I had been around for nearly ten years. For a long time it seemed like she could barely greet me civilly when we on occasion ran into her on the street. But she never turned up at parties, which was what mattered, and so it really didn’t seem to matter, at the time. Years of work, living out as a woman among women who loved women in our wonderful little neighborhood: making and deepening friendships, learning to love our little world especially after our son was born, since we still had large lunches on Saturdays then, and he was so darned cute, and everyone loved him. And then I began the estrogen, and it was like I’d had my finger in a light socket for decades, had sort of learned to put up with it, like chronic pain, but it felt so good when I got to take my finger out finally, I felt so relieved when it stopped. All this time I’d been preparing myself, learning to not be afraid, not afraid to let myself Be. To do what someone has described as the most difficult thing you’ll ever do. But that was apart from this story, and it all started just as the getting-TERFed part (for which we then still didn’t have a term) was getting truly awful, so I truly needed something good to happen. And I thought I could finally use all this learning, all that reading I’d done for decades. And I was looking for a spiritual guide, too, it turned out. B. I took a class called Women & Religion in 1987, at Hunter College (from Dr. Serinity Young, who is now at Queens College CUNY and is still a wonderful teacher and human being), and one day while I was enthusiastically talking with the professor after class—it was the only way I talked with her, enthusiastically; I think she even taught me the origins of the word “enthused”—I casually let drop that not only did I want to major in Women’s Studies, I actually would really kind of like to become one someday. Like, medically, you know? And so she had the sad duty of letting me down as gently as humanly possible, but clearly someone had to tell me, I think she must’ve thought, and so: not only would I not be welcomed by a Dianic coven, any of them, she explained, I would face open hostility from radical feminists in general. That what I really wanted wasn’t feasible after all. That the team I wanted to join didn’t want someone like me as a member. That it was genuinely impossible, apparently; some of them hated us. At least I learned this from one of the gentlest souls I have ever known, it hurt less that way. I used to read a lot of those expensive little scholarly/theoretical radical feminist quarterlies they sold in the 80s for like $7, in the newsstand in the Pan Am Building back in the day. I had run across this hatred toward trans folks before; I just didn’t realize that it was so prevalent. That it was widespread, for some people it was an ideological litmus test. What Serinity told me did not completely surprise me, but the extent of what she described did. My best friend back then, who was from Long Island—think “where suburbs were invented”—said of course she was “a feminist, but not the kind that goes to demonstrations.” She may have even used that old saw about being in favor of equal pay, everyone said that back then if you asked if they were feminists. Her girlfriend at the time said that she wasn’t one, and that moreover she didn’t date feminists because she didn’t like women who don’t shave their underarms. (I do. I’m Old School. But I have to admit I was confused by all this.) So this idea and ideal, “Feminism,” had given me hope of a kind for years, feminist thealogy providing a Great Mother figure which I really needed when my own mother was beating me, sometimes unconscious, but never quite killing me; and I never quite killed myself either. I wrote stories and drew sketches and imagined a science-fiction future where there was a Lesbian Nation, a refuge for women of any orientation and a force in the world fighting for women. I had this belief that the world could be different or we could build a new one even, a better one, this escape hatch from the hatred of a world full of men, and most of them had hated me practically since I was born, it seemed to me. Because I wasn’t nearly enough like them, and far too much like a woman—the escape hatch was useless, it wouldn’t work for me because under the rules I could never ever be a woman. I would have to live the remainder of my life as a man because there was no such thing as “transsexual lesbians.” I might as well have spent years studying a dead language. Because the women who spoke it apparently wouldn’t talk to me. I tried to not care, but it involved a lot of nights of crying, and after that one class I gave up on Women’s Studies, on the idea of finishing my degree, and on the idea that I could even possibly not be male. I must be some kind of a gay man, then, I thought yet again, dejectedly, struggling with the limited rôles “permitted” in the old order. I guess I’m gay, I’m just not sexually attracted to men…I spent years in painful solitude, rarely dating (and always women) because I didn’t fit anyone’s pattern. I was born in the Friend Zone and apparently would die there. I just kept wishing I’d been born a girl, not a boy, like always: the existential mistake that felt like grief, that I wore like a suit of armor you can never take off, like walking in sunlight in a darkness that would never lift. Again, I didn’t quite kill myself. I wrote some simple performance art pieces, just monologues really, about how much I hated it all, and delivered them on open mic night at the old Dixon Place, Ellie Covan’s apartment on First Street. Maybe I could express this misery through art, squeeze some of the pain out onstage, writing monologues I wouldn’t have been able to sit through if I hadn’t written them myself. And then, in 1991, when I was 33, I met my future spouse. I invited her to come see my performance at Dixon, and we suddenly fell for each other, and everything changed. C. When I officially finally came out as trans—or “transsexual” as we used to say—it surprised absolutely no one. My wife identified as lesbian when we first got together in 1991, and being part of the lesbian/bi women’s community in the Slope in the 90s gave me a context and a place to want to be, since unlike most trans folks I was “transitioning in place.” Meaning that coming out as trans didn’t automatically destroy my personal relationships, as happens to so many of us then and now, and so I didn’t have to start over somewhere else, creating a new identity as if you’re in a Gender Relocation Program. It also meant (and now it means, again) that people who knew me as male before, not friends but deli clerks, auto mechanics, the bagel store staff, everyone, will have to adjust. It was the hardest thing I’d ever try to do. But it finally seemed doable. It seemed perfect, not just doable. We lived in Park Slope, in Brooklyn, which was a wonderfully diverse and welcoming lesbian community in the 1990s, and the Slope was still a place young lesbians starting a career in New York could move to and find an apartment at a reasonable price. All that new energy kept the neighborhood interesting. The lesbian social universe was arrayed around the karate school, and my wife had been at the school since before we met. I saw people I knew every day, just walking down Seventh Avenue. We had a baby, then I started taking estrogen. We were so happy. Then, as it happened, in the Spring of 2000 I met a cis woman who was already a witch and we tried to start what she assured me was indeed the First Trans-Friendly Dianic Goddess Circle, which ended up being the Last Trans-Friendly Dianic Goddess Circle, sort of. There are others now, I am told, who don’t even care what gender you are or aren’t, but this was the turn of the century, and it was still well-nigh unheard of.
Part Two A. The Center—once upon a time, a long, long time ago, it was the Gay Community Center, hence the venerable web address: gaycenter.org, then the Gay and Lesbian Etc., then the Lesbian and Gay But Not Bi, Definitely Not Bi Center, then the Lesbian, Gay & Alright, Already, Bi Center, then they finally went to LGBT, this was along about when they—whoever “they” were, the ones who ran The Center, and whoever they were, they seemed to arrive a tad tardily to each of these transformations. And as I recall they were still coming to terms with the whole adding-the-T part, and it hadn’t happened yet, or maybe it had already happened but I sincerely didn’t notice, I was busy: the spring of 2000, a beautiful warm spring with a lot of sunny days, at least as I remember it. The Center was in the Swing Space, the temporary building that they were operating out of around the turn of the century, so that the old school building could be turned into, in time, the space station command center-&-caffeine bar-fronted miracle of architecture and fundraising you find there now, over at 218 W. 13th Street. But this was the between-time, somewhere out near where the old “The Vault” S&M club had once been, around the corner of this triangular wedge of real estate just below 14th Street, around Ninth Avenue. I am told that there were rather a lot of directions given then that began, “You remember where The Vault used to be? You walk a block down past it, hang a right….” So I was on my way out of the Swing Space one day, after trying to do some kind of transgender networking, and I passed a woman with beautiful eyes, in warm fuzzy hippie clothes and interesting jewelry, with Tori Amos-like long wavy red hair and some kind of energy or sense of purpose about her. She had some kind of small bag or satchel with her. We passed, she smiled, I smiled. She saw the “Trans Dyke” button I had on—possibly the only such button extant at the time in the US if not all North America, unless the inspired artist/buttonmaker had made more of them. It was drawn by hand, in colored pencil, with TRANS DYKE written across it in large, friendly letters. I’d found it quite by accident among an assortment of handmade radical buttons in a cigar box, at an alternative bookstore in Montréal when I’d visited with K. the previous winter. I couldn’t quite believe my luck: I was still hesitant to say what I was aloud, but buttons were no problem. [K. had very supportively agreed to come with me to freaking Canada during hockey season so I could see a Canadiens game at the Centre Molson (now Centre Bell). I was clearly out of my mind. We lost a set of keys and came back two days later to the same parking spot on a hunch, and we found them in the snowbank, two feet down, where they’d landed. It was cold. I love Québec, but go in the summer.] That button was just perfect at the time for me, still a novel idea a decade after Kate Bornstein came out as lesbian and trans in OutWeek magazine. That was the first time I asked myself that ages-old queer question, “So you mean I’m not the only one?” So just wearing the fucking button around the Center felt somewhat defiant, improvising a sort of pronoun-sticker years before they existed, saying who I was. It mattered. I was wearing it on my jacket, all the time since it wouldn’t stay on my backpack, and she turned around and asked me one of those life-changing questions: “Hey! Would you like to come help me with a transsexual-friendly Goddess circle? I’m going to hold one upstairs!”
Well. I had sort of been waiting 25 years or so for someone to ask me that. So sure, yeah, I’d love to, I may even have said something like, “I’ve waited years for someone to ask me that!” and I headed back with her into the Swing Space elevator, and up. I helped her set up the altar furnishings. Candles (couldn’t actually light them because of building regs plus sprinklers going off) and statues, I think, pretty scarves and cloths and jewelry. It wasn’t anything complicated, but it was amazing to me just to be there, suddenly, seemingly by chance. Friends of hers came, a trans couple from New Jersey showed up, and we held our ceremony, greeting the Spring Equinox and thanking the Goddess for the new season. I forget details from there, just that I helped her clear up afterwards and the two of us talked. What sort of thing are you into, she asked. Going way back, really, I said, I’ve read about the Sumerians and their religion. “Inanna.” “Right. The earliest written records we have of Mesopotamian religion. And they mention servants of Inanna, they’re like two-spirited, I mean, both-gendered or something…” She knew the word for them. We talked some more, about sort of Jungian stuff, like what images spoke most powerfully to me? The Great Mother, primarily, “possibly since my own mother was, um, she was nuts.…” She nodded to let me know she “got it,” as far as survivor stuff, then I went on: “I hope you don’t think this is weird, but I’ve always been fascinated by the temple prostitutes in Sumeria. The service of the Goddess, through the celebration of sex itself.” She gave me one of those dazzling smiles. “No,” she reassured me, “I don’t think it’s weird at all. In fact, it’s also sort of what I had in mind….” Wow. “What’s your name?” I asked, finally. “Yana.” “I’m Kiva,” I said. And so it began. B. She had come to New York a few years before, and with her fascination with the Goddess already intertwined with the Marian devotion she had learned growing up in the Roman Church. She was Catholic, but not Christian, I think she said, Catholic to the extent of the Marian practices which she’d been taught and had read about. Then she became a Dianic witch and studied all sorts of other women-focussed practices across denominations that all fed into Goddess history. She felt the church was the people who turned up, all of us flawed, but it wasn’t her primary interest. The Black Madonnas, devotions related to marriage and a safe delivery, “churching” women after a birth, implying they were impure afterwards; different beliefs from Eastern Europe, the Orthodox, from all over, but mostly she’d read a lot of what I had, particularly European and Middle Eastern religious history and especially the odd or neglected corners of it, the backwaters like the three villages in Syria that still used Aramaic in their services, the witches of the mountains in their different forms, Babayaga, all this off-the-beaten-path stuff. Ishtar, Istar, Ester. Enna, Enana, Innana. Timelines, conjectures about periods without written or archaeological records, or ambiguous sites like Çatal Hüyük. It was more or less pre-Google, so any kind of conjecture could possibly be true, depending on how late at night it was. We talked about labryses, and Crete. We talked about goddesses, and witches, and magic, none of which, I explained, I really believed in, I was just sort of fascinated by it all, you see. I was just stubbornly atheistic as a default setting, since I was a recovering Southern Baptist. We touched on Bokononism when I brought it up; I don’t remember if we got around to the Cathars. I’d never met anyone before her, outside of that class at Hunter in 1987, who’d even heard of Çatal Hüyük. We talked and talked, for hours, for days and days, about all of these things, and all of them at once, it seemed like. Everything was connected. We’d read the same books. A lot of the same books. We talked about who we were, how we identified, how we got to where we were. She talked about how she got involved so deeply in trans women’s activism (and, “no,” she replied when I asked, “I’m not transgendered;” it was clearly a question she got sooner or later from each of us.) We didn’t have the words “cis” and “trans” as such then, “cis” still dwelled quietly as a prefix in old Latin and French dictionaries. At the time we called cis women “GGs,” genetic girls, or “biogirls,” both of which were self-deprecating, self-devaluing, and inferiority-reinforcing terms we came up with all on our own, as a community; as for ourselves, I learned soon that to save time and avoid arguments over changing terminology such as “transsexual” (“ss,” not “s��, dammit) and “transgender,” and who was and wasn’t really a whatever, we called each other by this diminutive term no one outside our little world seemed to have heard of: “trannies”…. She’d been homeless not all that long before, and it was trans women, sex workers out working the street in Manhattan, who kept her from starving, let her sleep on couches, nursed her to health, and I gathered that somewhere in there she’d fallen in love, too, and by that point she’d come to love us as we were. And so she was an ardent lesbian trans ally at a time when we didn’t have many (we didn’t have the term “trans ally” yet, for example) and a lover of other trans women when few cis women openly were—for a while she and K. wanted to start a support group but I think they’d have been the only ones there. Like K., she was was a gem cut in a distinct pattern. She was unique and unafraid. And she loved us. Yeah, I had sort of a crush on her. She was magical. She asked me to help her start a pagan meeting circle, a stable, ongoing Goddess-focussed Dianic circle. A Dianic circle like any other, except this one would welcome trans women. It was dedicated to lifting up trans women spiritually, meeting what in Yana’s eyes was an obvious need. I said okay, and set to work. We were going to call it Two Spirit Moon Circle but I wondered if it might be appropriating a Native American term outside its cultural context. So I kept accidentally calling it Two Moon Spirit Circle, as if we were on Mars or something, and eventually we decided to call it that. Yana had a phone list of people who were supposed to be either interested or potentially interested. It was a handful of names and numbers, some of them names you weren’t supposed to use to ask for them with because they were still closeted, as transgender or as pagan or as both even, and in the (as it transpired, extremely unlikely) event that someone answered the phone, I said something vague, some preset phrase like, “I’m calling on behalf of Yana.” Several of them had no surname, just a name and a phone number. Some of them never did answer, a couple of numbers proved to have gone out of service, two or three of them didn’t need to be called because they were close to Yana. I still have the list around here somewhere, I saw it recently stuck in a book, and I was amazed by how much of it was blank space. There was no social media, no smartphones, and the Web was still in its toddler stage. It was all we had to work with. Somehow Yana had talked the NYC Metropolitan Community Church into letting us use their basement room after their services were over on Sunday afternoons. The MCC was originally organized as a gay-friendly church because there weren’t any other ones, except the Unitarians. Yana attended services there, which may have helped. And for a few months, we held circles nearly every Sunday. Yana tried to find more members; she knew the folks at what we shall refer to here as “T-House” on 16th Street in Brooklyn, which turned out to be three blocks up from me (the Slope was like that then). It’s gone down in history as “Transy House.” We never did get many people from T-House to attend our circle, or if we did it wasn’t more than once. The circle didn’t grow. C. I happily took on the task of writing up a ritual we could use for a special occasion, like the solstice. As it happened, I was enrolled at the New School for one semester, taking some class on religious symbols. So I had access to their library, and way back on the bottom shelf, full of the dusty volumes of history which no one used for research and which hadn’t been opened in decades, there was a really old series of books with the translated Sumerian scriptures in them. It looked ancient, so I checked the indicia and it was published in 1912 or something like that. In the 1900s, but before 1914. I forget now what they were called, and don’t particularly want to try googling for 20 minutes looking for it, but they were special messengers of Inanna, and they were both female and male together in one. There was a passage where Inanna made a promise to them—and we argued, by extension, you could include us, trans people, and gender-variance of all kinds too, I believe, although we didn’t quite have the freedom to imagine all that at the time. Inanna made a promise to Her two-gendered beings, who were special to Her, that she would protect them. Nothing complicated, nothing that other divinities wouldn’t subsequently promise to their special peoples, except that it’s hard to find one where the Goddess says she will protect us. But Yana and I both knew how far back you had to go to find a strong Inanna figure: as far as possible, in early Sumerian theology, some of the first written records of a religious belief system. I think it was from reading The Creation of Patriarchy by Gerda Lerner that I learned the story of how Inanna had gradually been weakened and eventually subordinated or sidelined in later Sumerian and then Akkadian theology; this weakening and subordination reflected the same thing happening to Sumerian women in reality, losing rights to buy and hold property, rights in inheritance, independent social existence gradually subordinated to the control of the father: patriarchy. This wasn’t the only society and time when this happened, but the Sumerians had left detailed real estate and inheritance records. I remember how exhaustively she went over and cited her source material, all those footnotes. My copy is still in the basement. I just brought up the laundry and I forgot to bring it up with me, but I guess the point is it touched on the area of ancient religions. So I looked in it for a reference which would help me find the huge old rebound-in-green volume of forgotten Sumerian scriptures that I needed: the story about Inanna trapped in the underworld. But I think in the end I just went down to the New School library, and pulled out a volume. It was one of those old-school, 2000-large-pages volumes that voluminous scriptures used to end up in. Bound volumes of Theravada Buddhist scriptures are about the same size and weight, you can probably find them in the 200s section of your public library, depending on how large it is. They have a very nice set at the Brooklyn Central Library. So I opened up the book, spine on my knee, and it more or less opened to the place I needed, the story of Inanna in the underworld and the transgender messengers she sent, and the promise she made. I took it to a table and started to make notes. Yana maintained that this was a small example of divine intervention, that She guided my hand, helped me pick the right volume, open it to the right chapter. I said I thought it was a coincidence, although I wasn’t too sure at the time. It’s possible also, I argued, that I wasn’t the first person to ever go looking for that particular story, and so the book opened to that page, more or less. Because the spine, mostly unspoiled through the decades by the routine damage inflicted by readers of books, probably had a single crack left in it from before. It’s possible that the volume, if it had been used before, was reshelved by the user sticking out slightly instead of flush with the other books, and so I unconsciously chose it (I used to be a library page—a minion—long ago). I recount this to illustrate what a stubborn subject I was and am when it comes to faith and belief. Yana knew about Jungian archetypes and self-actualization and so on, but I think deep in her heart she totally and sincerely believed in Her, that She exists, that She loves us, and that She had agency in the mundane world which she used to help us, if we but asked her. I was just never able to let go, to trust in someone I didn’t think existed. Archetypes, schmarchetypes: I needed Her to *exist*. I needed proof. 5. I read online a couple of years ago that there was some kind of all-pagan conference on the West Coast, where a group of Dianic witches held an “all women-born women welcome” Goddess ritual from which trans women were of course angrily and ostentatiously excluded. It was instructive to me, when I read about it, of something I’m trying to learn over and over until I believe it: apparently nearly everyone else had the decency to be appalled and regarded it as bigoted and ignorant of who we actually are. This book is itself one consequence of this conflict, I am told. In some parallel universe, maybe even nearby, where radical feminists and lesbian separatists of every kind had welcomed trans women into the community from the beginning, valued us, maybe even cherished us for our unique critique of masculinity, our courage in crossing the river of fire, I might be some kind of elder by now, possibly even considered wise. That, along with having transitioned, successfully, long ago. They do feel like they should go together, at least for me. It always felt logical. But I can’t claim a pagan identity now, retroactively, and have it become something that provided comfort and joy over the years, because it isn’t. It didn’t. It never happened. Just like I was never really a Christian after the Southern Baptists chewed me up and spit me out. Past age eight, I never really had the feeling that when I said my prayers, there was someone on the other end listening. By adolescence I knew that they hated people like me, even if whatever the hell it was that I was had not become clear yet. They hated just about anything related to sex that had happened after 1960. The various kinds of baptist churches were gradually taken over in the 1980s by fundamentalists, who had been kept at bay by conservatives for decades (sound familiar?) but now overran the Baptists and other evangelical churches. They voted for Reagan and gave birth to the generation which is now smitten by Trump. They are the real reason I left Texas. I tried for years to make Christianity work for me somehow—you don’t read Tillich on a whim, I spent months checking out everything I could from the library on theology. Fascinating subject, but to me it is fascinating largely as history and supposition. Yana used to say that it didn’t matter if I didn’t believe, it wasn’t a matter of belief; it was a matter of trusting in Her even though you don’t believe it will help. I tried to take the rituals into me, let out that little spark inside, let out the little kid in me. She’s still there, and she’s still scared to come outside, afraid of being slapped again. And for a while it was better. I even tried to meditate. I can’t meditate for shit, but I tried. Our little circle met until it didn’t. It wasn’t like herding cats so much as trying to teach kittens to march down Broadway in lockstep and chanting, “The kittens/United/Will never be defeated!” Only you can’t find enough kittens. And around then, Yana began to vanish into what became an opaque relationship: a glom-on girlfriend who would never give her messages or call her to the phone, she was always “not here,” who eventually closed her off from everyone, or at least everyone at T-House, which was, like, everyone, but apparently the girlfriend thought it included me for some reason; and, long story short, after a couple more times I never saw Yana again. What really kills me is, I introduced them. For political purposes; Glom-on was trans and in a position to help. But the next thing I knew, Yana was telling me the old, old story: “well, you know, we worked all those late nights together on the protest, and next thing you know….” It was the greatest unforeseeable mistake I have ever made, to this day. 3. The Goddess lives in my heart, of course, some kind of small (yet apparently inextinguishable) light, otherwise I wouldn’t have had the strength to survive growing up and getting beaten, a few times nearly to death, by my mother the psycho vodka-swilling pillhead, or to survive living in New York for years with nothing but my sheer uncrushableness and a talent for proofreading. Without Her I could never have embraced my trans identity, then somehow detransition yet not fall apart completely, in a time when it seemed impossible after all to make it through transition as an out lesbian who didn’t pass (2001), and to survive until a time when it does seem sort of possible (2016). Without Her I wouldn’t be able to come back and embrace my trans identity, a choice which saved my life. But that light mostly doesn’t sustain me or reassure me or whatever; it just is me, it feels pain, too. It feels like She put it there, subjectively; like She made me, somehow. She lives in each of us, that light is the You that you hope to find if you look inwards far enough. Maybe that’s what the argument is really about, whether She lives in us, made us the way we are, whether that light is inside us and she really did make us women. Instead of monsters. I’ve met some boring trans people, but I’ve never a monster who wanted to destroy womenspace by demanding admission even though it has a penis. Mostly, we’re just kind of reticent, afraid of sounding too femme, or not enough, or just reminding people we’re different. Like clearing my throat, always comes out sounding deep. It’s like the current bathroom nonsense: as has been true already for decades, we’re just looking for a place to pee. Only now, everyone knows we exist. Maybe it’s the estrogen-wash theory, that high E levels plus maybe really wanting a girl can prevent a fetus with a Y chromosome from fully changing into a male, at least in the brain. I read a study that suggests there are genetic signatures of some kind in some sort of brain cell, and ours differ from men’s, they’re longer yet there aren’t very many testosterone receptors. (Sorry, I don’t have a footer for that.) I have enough material from age five up for another book or two. It took them years, until around age eight, to convince me that not only was I not a girl, but I wouldn’t turn into one later, it didn’t work that way, and when I grew up I wouldn’t be a woman. I’d wear one of those suits, like Dad, not a dress. I hated those suits. I thought this would be an essay about an attempt at forming a circle in the intersection of Goddess religion and trans women’s culture, because you want academic papers with footnotes and everything. But it turns out it’s as much about Yana as about the Goddess or Dianic wicca or other stuff you’d research and footnote and make a biblio out of. It’s all just from me; it’s my story, and what it is, too. My close encounter with having a pagan religious identity, my pagan identity, the one I wanted to at least try, before that identity zoomed past me, then looped around the Sun and shot back out into space, probably all the way to the Oort Cloud. It should be back in a few thousand years. It was Yana who embodied Her for me, and made Her seem real; so once Yana was gone from my life, that sense of the numinous, of spirit in everything, went away too, leaving behind a fondness for a hill with a circle of trees on it in Prospect Park where we used to go to talk and be. I don’t believe that in any of this I was in point of fact a pagan; I was an acolyte of Yana. I trusted her, I learned from her, I believed her, I miss her.
Part Three A. I am 58 now. I used to care so very intensely about this, I was so proud to be co-organizing a Goddess circle for women like us. That was 2000, and so much else was going wrong in my personal life that year, so this was special, something I tried harder to keep hold of even as it slipped further out of my grasp. When I was forced by events to detransition in April of 2001, it hurt like I was dying. I had to cut loose a lot of things to survive, and caring so intensely about this, since I was spiritually on my own once again, became one of them. Like with anything transgender, I didn’t want to know, I turned away, shamed by what felt like my epic failure, and I didn’t want to hear about it anymore. If I couldn’t have it, I couldn’t bear to look at others who could. Because they’d learned to go out dressed without trembling. Because they were living. I felt like the kid with her nose pressed against the glass again, looking in, like before, and it started to seem normal again to feel like I was permanently wrong, or at least I was too emotionally exhausted to fight. I suspended my transition, for 15 years it turns out. A lot of things have gotten better in the meantime, a lot more than I could’ve imagined. Like marriage equality isn’t a Thing, it’s the law. Hating on trans folks of all stripes on modern gay/bi women’s sites, like Autostraddle.com, isn’t acceptable behavior anymore, or at least TERFy posts draw multiple posts from allies. This is the generation we gave birth to, and they mostly as a rule just don’t believe in hate; and there isn’t an exception made to that rule for trans people. Yet it turns out this, the reason I’m a cynical atheist instead of a somewhat less cynical witch, is still a Thing in 2016. So many awful Things, Things that seemed unchangeable for queers for so very long, have changed in the last fifteen years, but this isn’t one of them. And we do this to ourselves. Queers who obsessively hate certain other queers. It seems so wrong now, when I think about it like that. So a friend of mine who is a writer and a witch told me about the call for papers. I intended to write something more like I might have written for an academic paper, and if I were still taking college courses I probably would have, MLA format and all. This is not that story, this is the story that wanted to be told. So I have I decided to try and tell the Tale of Yana and Kiva. I would’ve made a lousy pagan anyway. There’s the indifference to magic. I can’t meditate for shit. I feel antagonistic toward religion in general. I’m hopelessly cynical. I’m an atheist, for Chrissakes. B. Last week my wife K. and I went to Massachusetts to visit old friends. We stopped at my favorite used bookstore in the world, the Raven Used Books in Northampton, on Old South Street. Most of what I found in LGBT or Women’s Studies was from the 80s or 90s, when I was reading some of the same books I found there. I asked about transgender theory—I murmured “trans” and she thought I said “trains”, so I said, “transgender” in this slightly apologetic way I still do. She thought for a second and said they are largely a used book store (“academic” being a given) and that since the field has started growing so recently and so quickly, they didn’t have them in great numbers, yet, but when they did it would be shelved in LGBT. Which makes sense to me, really, since the oldest of the new wave of major works I have read are from about 2005 on. They haven’t had time to finish the cycle: first migrate in signifigant numbers onto syllabii at Smith, Holyoke, Hampshire, Amherst and UMass, to wax and wane in popularity and utility, and thence in time make their way to Happy Valley’s used bookstores, particularly to Raven. Where people like me buy them. Maybe they’re still waxing in popularity. I hope so. But this visit I wasn’t into languages or mediæval history or Buddhism, I was back where I began, at LGBT and Women’s Studies. And the future is so new here that the books I was hoping to find are still being used, rather than having been used. They have some mugs and bags for hardcore fans like me. But I already have two mugs. So I bought a nice copy of Carol Christ’s Laughter of Aphrodite, since I haven’t read it and thealogy is really sort of timeless, even if some of the people she was discussing and critiquing advocated then-current arguments which have become dim with the passage of time. (Remember, everyone: if you have a used book you haven’t read before, it’s new.) Laughter of Aphrodite came out around the time Christ (pronounced “krist”, with a short i) was co-editing the now-classic anthology which we used as our principal textbook for the Women & Religion course at Hunter College in 1987: Womanspirit Rising. I’m looking forward to reading it.
But, like I said, I’m not a pagan. Go figure.
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