#sorry just obsessing over a yule ball au
t1oui · 2 days
thinking about james who does not understand social cues AT ALL driving lily up the wall bc she’s trying to be his wingman but he sucks at flirting/making moves/knowing when to flirt and/or make moves etc
james and regulus dancing together and lily is standing off to the side trying to motion for james to kiss regulus and james is just like “huh?” and reg is like “what are you looking at? look at ME” and finally she gets fed up and grabs remus and kisses him and then turns to james like DO THAT and he does
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eevee-of-rivia · 3 years
Black Paper Emerald Letters
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Summary: Hogwart!AU where Lilith and Loki are best friends (and both slytherin) but she’s in love with him. 
(I’m really bad with plots sorry)
Pairing: Loki x Fem OFC
Word count: 2,3k
Warning: nothing, so much fluff
 A/N; So @nevenabadr​ asked me for a Loki one shot so I finished this old Hogwarts!AU I hope you’ll like it! 
     Lilith was sitting in the common room of Slytherin reading the book she had         lent her a few days ago, her best friend and captain of her Quidditch team,           Loki.
The girl was very focused on a particularly eventful point in the story when, at one point, she was distracted by the noise of footsteps and a female voice. Curious, she decided to go and check it out thinking it was a freshman girl who had just come in and had difficulty finding the female dormitory. Lilith did not have time to get up from the couch on which she was sitting when she saw Loki hand in hand with a Ravenclaw girl chuckling and whispering things in her best friend’s ear. "Sorry pet, I thought no one was here," Loki said, watching the black-haired girl. Lilith did not have time to respond because the Ravenclaw girl began to leave kisses on the boy’s neck in front of her, suggesting he go to his room and continue the fun there. With a Sly smirk on his face, Loki laid a hand on the life of the blonde girl who was with him leading to the stairs leading to the male dorm greeting her best friend with a small wave of the hand. Left alone Lilith took a few deep breaths trying to calm down before letting the tears flow freely that now wet her cheeks. The next day "Wanda you don’t understand! Loki doesn’t like me and couldn’t make it any clearer than that," Lilith said, wearing her knees to her chest, leaning her chin on them to look her best friend in the face. "Lilith.." It was the only thing the girl could say as she tried to console her friend, putting an arm over her shoulder and lightly holding her shoulder. "Maybe I’m just not enough for him Wanda. I mean, look at me and then look at him. He’s a god and I’m just me. A nerd who spend all of her time in the library reading books or studying for some exam" "Lilith, I know that you won’t believe me but I can assure you that you are an amazing girl and if he doesn’t see that well He’s a total idiot." The redhead said looking at her best friend and taking her hands. "You’re just saying that because I’m your best friend.." objected the girl shifting her gaze by focusing her attention on some Gryffindor boys.
Wanda glanced at Lilith before continuing her speech. "You are wrong my dear, I say this because it’s the fucking truth. You’re an amazing, sweet, empathetic, funny girl. You are not like the others Lilith, you are special and I can assure you that I’m not lying to you, I will never do that" The girl looked at Wanda for a few seconds in the eyes before wiping the tears, which had formed in her eyes just before, with the sleeve of her shirt. "You don’t understand. I will never be enough for him. And I know what you are gonna say but he’s not like you see him, I saw the real Loki, and it’s different from what everyone thinks. He’s so sweet and kind but also so broken and scared and.." Lilith sighed slightly before turning her back on Wanda, who was also standing at the time. "I love the true Loki and this will never change even if he will never love me back. I will be always here for him" and, without giving her best friend a chance to answer Lilith ran away into the dorms locking herself in her room until the time of her next lesson.
That night Lilith had just returned to her room after finishing classes for the day. He was exhausted and his only thought was to take a shower, lock himself in the room and sleep until the next morning. The girl was going to lie on the bed when she saw that on her pillow there was a letter resting on it. She was slightly confused and amazed by that thing but didn’t give much thought, thinking it was a letter from her friend Wanda, worried since they had not seen since that morning since Lilith had missed both lunch and dinner, preferring to focus his attention on studying for upcoming exams, spending all his time in the library.
Lilith was about to ignore the letter, preferring a hot shower when she noticed a particular detail: the paper was black and, above it, were drawn details of silver color. "This can’t be Wanda," thought the girl taking hold of the letter deciding to find out its contents.
There was a long minute of silence after Lilith opened the letter. She was amazed by its contents: a piece of paper, also black, on which had been written, in emerald green, a poem.
Nocturnal poetry
Dressed in the whitest silver you’d smile at me
Every night I wait
Silent I lie with a smile on my face
Appearance deceives and the silence betrays
As I wait for the time
My dream comes alive
Always out of sight
But never out of mind
And under waning moon
Still I long for you
"It is not signed," said the girl after having read the poem several times, and after having inspected countless times the letter and the sheet on which the poem was written, in search of a clue as to who might have written it. Exhausted by the long day, Lilith decided to put the paper on the bedside table next to her bed, deciding to take the letter the next day to her friend Wanda and look for some clues together about the person who could write the letter.
Exhausted by the long day, Lilith decided to put the paper on the bedside table next to her bed, deciding to take the letter the next day to her friend Wanda and look for some clues together about the person who could write the letter. "Wanda you aren’t listening to me! I said that it isn’t signed!" He repeated Lilith for the hundredth time, trying to be heard by his best friend who, at the time, was inspecting the poem along with her boyfriend, Vision. "That means you have a secret admirer Lilith!" exclaimed the girl while on her face appeared a small grin at the thought of her best friend with a secret admirer. "We must immediately start looking for him!" he continued, taking the black-haired girl by the hand. Lilith shook her head. "No Wanda, I don’t want to find him" "But, why'" asked the girl with a confused expression on her face. "You know why," she said by not looking at her best friend. Wanda sighed slightly and gave the girl a gentle look. "It’s ok Lilith, I know that you love Loki but maybe this is your chance to let him go and to finally be happy. I’m not saying that you should forget about Loki in just two seconds but that maybe you could give this guy a chance." Lilith remained somewhat silent, thinking of the girl’s words before nodding lightly. "Maybe you’re right, Wanda, but I’m not ready to look for him yet. Let’s wait a few more days and see how things evolve, please" the girl asked to her best friend who nodded before heading to class together with Vision who had remained all the time in silence.
A week had passed and, not having received any new letters, Lilith forgot what had happened, thinking that it was just a joke.
But the girl had to change her mind when she entered the school library and, in the place where she always sat, she found a black scroll rolled on itself and tied with a piece of emerald fabric.
She looked around trying to figure out who might have left it there but soon realized that she was the only person in the library at the moment.
Lilith hesitated a bit before taking away the emerald fabric before opening the black scrolled.
The content left the girl speechless: it was another poem written for her.
I can see how you are beautiful
Can you feel my eyes on you
I see reflection of me in your eye
You touch me in many, many ways
Obsessed by you, your looks
Well, anyway
"I would destroy the world if you were hurt, Lilith"
Lilith had been speechless.
Who wrote that letter? Why were the letters always left anonymously?
She had no answer to any of these questions so she decided to sit down and think better about who might be the author of those poems.
Maybe this time he left some clues by accident.
More than two hours passed and Lilith had not yet found any clue that could lead her to the author of the poems. The girl snorted slightly away from the chair where she was sitting slightly from the table in front of her. Deciding to focus on something else, the girl hid the scroll in her favorite book, before studying for the exams that she would have to face in the following days. It was evening and Loki had not seen his best friend since that morning when they had met to have breakfast together. Concerned about Lilith, the boy decided to go and find Wanda to ask her if she had any news of the girl, and when he found her, she told him that she had not seen her since that morning but that he would probably find her in the library studying. Loki nodded hsi head and quickly went to the library.
There he found Lilith asleep on her school books. Shaking his head slightly, Loki approached where she was. The boy stared at her for a few seconds before stroking her hair and then leaning his hand on her shoulder, lightly shaking her and waking her up. "You fell asleep again, you know," Loki asked her with a smirk on his face. "Shut up Loki" she grumbled making her friend chuckle. "Come on, go to bed. It’s late" the guy ordered her before heading towards the door leaving Lilith alone.
His secret admirer decided to remain silent until one fateful evening. It was only a week before Yule’s ball. Lilith had arranged with Wanda to go there with her. Lilith had decided to wear a long green dress, with a dark green bodice, which she was trying on in her room at that time. The girl was admiring herself in the mirror when she saw a letter appear on her pillow. But, this time, the letter appeared different from the others. Lilith ran to her bed to take the letter noting that the color of the paper was different. It was no longer black, but it was bream, but the letters remained emerald. The girl did not analyze the letter for a long time preferring to read its contents. Solitude’s upon my skin A Life that’s bound by the chains of reality Would you let me be your Endymion? Bathe in your moonlight and slumber in peace Enchanted by your kiss in forever sleep I live for that night Come to the garden in 30 minutes, you’ll find me there waiting for you.
Lilith couldn’t believe her eyes, her secret admirer wanted to meet her that night. But there was only one problem, Lilith was still in love with Loki. Sighing slightly, the girl grew strong, deciding to meet her secret admirer to explain that his heart belonged to another. It was not long before the girl, after changing to something more comfortable, headed to the meeting place repeating in her head the speech that she had prepared for when she would be face to face with the boy. Minutes passed before Lilith found herself at the meeting place, looking around for her secret admirer. It was not long before he saw a figure, a little in the distance, illuminated only by the light of the moon. "You have finally arrived" a boy whispered in her ear and, at that moment, Lilith saw the figure disappear and felt some hands taking her back. But the thing that most confused her was the voice of the boy who whispered in her ear, she knew that voice. The girl turned around only to find herself in front of her best friend who smiled at her. "Darling-" was the only thing Loki could say before Lilith started crying and then suddenly hugging him. "You idiot!" she said with her face hidden in her chest.
"Don’t cry pet, please" he Softly asked her before taking her chin between her thumb and index finger making her look into his eyes. "I’m sorry if I haven’t told you sooner but I wanted to court you properly" "But-but But I saw you that night with that Ravenclaw girl that night and-" Loki stopped her by cupping her face with both of his hands before kissing her. "Stop your rumbling and let me explain. I thought that you weren’t interested in me, not in a romantic way, so I tried to distract myself in another way by dating other girls. But nobody could ever be as special as you. And then, one day, I heard you talking with Wanda about me and I heard you saying that you love me. I love you Lilith and I want you to go with me to Yule’s ball. Would you be the princess of this prince" Lilith did not hesitate for a second before carrying her arms around Loki’s neck and kissing him shortly thereafter. "I would love to" she whispered on his lips.
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kalimagik · 4 years
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Hello Lovelies! I know I have been kind of MIA recently other than responding to asks, but I hit this pretty fantastic milestone of 1.3k followers and have been wanting to do a writing challenge for some time! (I’ve had my prompts written for about a month, but I wanted to post it when I was getting less busy) 
I cannot thank you all enough for the continued support and love on here. I appreciate every single one of you <3 I hope to get back into writing soon, but until then, I think I can fill myself with reading for submissions to my writing challenge! 
With the holidays coming up and my love for the Christmas season, I’m giving my challenge that type of theme, but do not feel obligated to use a holiday theme for your writing :)
So let’s get to it! 
When you finish, please tag me [ @kalimagik ] and tag #maggieswinterwritingchallenge
Please reblog to increase its reach and participation
If you write more that 1k, please use the “Read More” or “Keep Reading” function
The Usual: Two prompts per person and no more than 2 people per prompt! 
For Tropes and Winter Holiday Scenarios, no more than two people for those either and try to only take one if you use them (You can do this in addition to prompts if you’d like!) - Of course, you can utilize a trope in your work even if you don’t claim it, I don’t mind! 
Send me an ask with your chosen prompts, scenarios, or tropes, as well as the character you wish to use. 
Can be Character X Reader or Character x Character - it doesn’t matter 
I primarily write for the Harry Potter fandom, but if you would like to write for Marvel or ATLA or LOK, I will most likely read those because I’m obsessed with both of those universes as well! 
If you would like to choose a Winter Holiday Scenario, but do not see a tradition or holiday that you celebrate, please let me know and I will add it! I would love to see everyone’s traditions, but I do not know all of them, so please share them with us all <3
NO SMUT PLEASE! I just haven’t been in much of a smut mood, so I would like to keep this happy and for everyone! 
NO INCEST OR TEACHER/STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS PLEASE! If you write one, I will most likely read it, but I will NOT be reblogging it. 
If you have any triggers at all, please make sure to use them so everyone knows what to expect. 
There is currently no end date for this! 
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1. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you” 2. “What are you bloody talking about? This is brilliant!”
- @pregnant-piggy : Blaise Zabini x Reader 
3. A: “I can’t do this” B: “Let me help you then”
- @protect-remus : Zuko x Reader
4. A: “You didn’t!” B: “I did” 5. “Don’t be so daft” 6. “That looks really nice on you” 7. “WAIT! Don’t go in there!” 8. “Voilà! I was right” 9. A: “You let me win, didn’t you?” B: “The smile on your face was well worth it” 10. “I’m too cold. From my nose to my toes” 11. “He/She looks just like you”
- @angelinathebook : Harry Potter x Reader
12. “Don’t scare me like that!” 13. “That smells reeeally good. What is it?” 14. “Can’t someone just show up with a cookie or something?” 15. “Why hasn’t my Mr./Ms. Right shown up yet? I am a catch after all” 16. “Wait up! I wanted to thank you for everything you said back there”
@starkidpotty​ : Harry Potter x Reader 
17. “I can’t imagine anything better” 18. “Why does this always happen to us?” 19. “Let’s hide here and avoid everything else” 20. “You can’t possibly do all that, can you?” 21. “See, you never had to be anything more than yourself” 22. “I can’t wait for the next adventure” 23. “And this happens all the time?” 24. “I don’t know what you expected from me” 25. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’ll be fine”
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1. A: “Us being together. Liking each other. It just doesn’t make sense!”     B: “Love, what’s meant to be doesn’t always make sense. It just is”
- @the-moon-and-the-book : Sirius Black x Reader : It Just Is 
2. “Can you kiss me already?”
- @liilyevanss​ : Harry Potter x Reader 
3. A: “Everything is so beautiful” B: “You’re beautiful” 4. “You’re so cute when you talk about what you love” 5. “I want to spend my life making everyday for you better than the last” 6. “My arms are always open for you, you know that” 7. A: “Smell this.”  A/B: “it makes me feel so warm inside” 8. “How did you know that this is what I wanted?!? I love it! Thank you” 9. “Can you just cuddle me now?” 10. “You smell nice” 11. “Let’s get married. I love you and you love me. That’s all there has to be to it”
- @remmyswritings : Regulus Black x Reader 
12. “I think I just won our bet, love” 13. “You can do it, darling. I promise I’m not going anywhere” 14. “You’re cute when you’re mad”
- @pregnant-piggy : Blaise Zabini x Reader 
15. “I honestly get lost in your eyes every time” 16. “You make me feel safe”
- @angelinathebook : Harry Potter x Reader
17. “I didn’t have a home until I found you” 18. “Do you want me to shout it from the top of the Astronomy Tower? Because I will. I LOVE (insert name)!”
- @the-moon-and-the-book : Sirius Black x Reader : It Just Is 
- @shaynawrites23 : Remus Lupin x Black!sister
19. “Just knowing I was coming to see you is what got me through the day” 20. “We can run away, just don’t look back.” 21. “I want to love you today, tomorrow, and everyday from now on if you’ll let me.”
- @iliveiloveiwrite : Fred Weasley x Reader : Love Me Now, Love Me Always
22. “I would choose you all over again” 23. “Sleeping next to you is always so much more comfortable” 24. “I can’t picture being here without you” 25. “You are my sunshine” 26. “My whole heart belongs to you” 27. “I would love to have my heart broken by you” 28. “Don’t get too excited, there’s more where that came from” 29. “You are literally my favorite person ever” 30. “How did I not know you during school? You’re impossible not to notice”
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1. “Don’t go, we can work on this! I swear!” 2. “It isn’t working anymore. I think it’s best if you leave.” 3. “I wish I could forget everything and be with you, but I can’t. I’m sorry” 4. “Please take this anyways. It was for you after all...” 5. “You’re like a beautiful dream, but dreams end and I have to wake up sometime” 6. “Let me kiss you one last time and then I’ll go” 7. “You hurt me, (insert name)! You hurt me and I won’t be able to forget that!” 8. “Just leave me alone” 9. “I never want to see you again” 10. “Give me a second chance, please! You won’t regret it” 11. “Please, please, I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen” 12. “Don’t cry, you’re making it so much harder for me to say what I need to say” 13. “I watched you change to be what they wanted you too, but this isn’t the you I fell in love with” 14. “You’re being a prick and I don’t like it”
@starkidpotty​ : George Weasley x Reader : Should’ve Known Better
15. “But I trusted you” 16. “GET OUT! GET OUT RIGHT NOW!” 17. “Life isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. There’s a real darkness out there. There’s a darkness in me” 18. “I’m not talking to you right now” 19. “I am so mad I could snap my wand” 20. “Go away before I hex you” 21. “Just know I will always love you, even if you don’t love me” 22. “I tried so hard to be your friend, but you make it so difficult for me” 23. “Can you just sit with me for a bit?” 24. “It’s odd. I should be crying, but I can’t. I’m content with my decision” 25. “We’ve been through so much. You can’t just throw it all away!” .... “Yes I can because it’s better for me” 26. “You have to let me go. It’s the only way to move on” 27. “I’ll never forget you”
- @snitches-at-dawn : Cedric Diggory x Reader 
28. “Don’t doubt my love for you” ... “I’m trying not to, but it’s so hard” 29. “I can’t keep being strong for both of us. It is wearing me out.”
- @heloisedaphnebrightmore : Charlie Weasley x Reader 
30. “It’s me or him/her. I can’t handle feeling like a second choice anymore”
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1. Opening presents 2. Baking cookies 3. Picking & decorating the tree 4. Going Caroling 5. Going to a Holiday Party (office party, family party, a Yule Ball, your choice!) 6. Christmas Shopping 7. Watching Holiday movies together 8. Seeing Christmas Lights 9. A day of lighting the Menorah (whichever or all of them, you choose!) 10. Introducing a character to your holiday 11. If you have any holiday traditions of your own you would like to incorporate, please do! I would be happy to add them
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1. Soulmate au
- @liilyevanss​ : Harry Potter x Reader 
2. Roommates au 3. Coffee Shop au 4. Bookshop au 5. Best Friend’s Sister/Brother
- @shaynawrites23 : Remus Lupin x Black!Reader 
6. Enemies to Lovers 7. Friends to Lovers
- @iliveiloveiwrite : Fred Weasley x Reader 
8. Unrequited Love 9. Fake Dating au 10. Dating because of a bet
Tagging Some Mutuals to see if y’all would want to participate, but are in no way obligated to 
@iliveiloveiwrite @heloisedaphnebrightmore @teheharrypotter @pregnant-piggy @weasleysflowr @dogweedanddeathcaps @remmyswritings @shaynawrites23 @acciotwinz @angelinathebook @with1love1anu @poppin-potter @birdie-writes @nebulablakemurphy @theweasleysredhair
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zigsexual · 4 years
various yule ball shenanigans (trr hogwarts au)
drabble about yule ball drama and dumb idiots who can’t communicate for the trr hogwarts au. in a perfect world, there would be some prior context for how this all came about, but an au drabble is an au drabble and i need to stop obsessing over making it into a full fledged fic lmao.... hope this tides u guys over until i finally post my mawell fic aslkdfj im a rat sorry lov u all!!
They’re sitting in the common room when it happens. It starts innocuously enough, Drake practicing his levitation spells for Charms (still failing) while Maxwell watches and provides exactly zero helpful input. Riley has only just entered, nose pink from the cold, unwinding a scarf from around her neck.
“Hey Riley,” Maxwell calls as she passes by the both of them, heading towards her room. “We’re meeting up tomorrow afternoon for extra bludger practice with the alternates. Just confirmed it with the Captain.”
“I can’t tomorrow,” she says, breezing past in an unusually casual way.
“Hold up.” Maxwell makes a face at her. “What do you mean, you can’t? You don’t have other plans. I would know.”
She pauses, turning around to look at him in annoyance. “You don’t know everything about me. And as a matter of fact, I do have plans. I’m going shopping with Hana for a Yule Ball dress.”
“You’re going to the Yule Ball?” Maxwell raises his eyebrows. “I thought you were protesting.”
“I was,” Riley seems to savor answering, looking him square in the face while she does. “But then Liam asked me.”
Drake drops his spell immediately, the tea falling along with it, but Riley merely raises a hand and deftly redirects the mug to a nearby side table. Maxwell, meanwhile, is outright staring. 
“Liam?” He says, flabbergasted. “Drake’s Liam?”
Riley bristles. “He’s not anybody’s Liam, he’s just himself. And he asked me, so I said yes.”
“Because I wanted to.” She frowns, folding her arms across her chest. “I don’t see either of you asking me, anyway.”
“When did he ask you?” Drake says, too taken aback to even bother with Maxwell’s line of questioning. “Today?”
“It was a few days ago, actually.” Riley is clearly trying to act casual about the whole thing, fiddling absently with her wand, yet the furtive glances she keeps sneaking at the two of them are anything but. 
“A few days?” Maxwell repeats. “You never said anything!”
“I’m saying it now, aren’t I?”
“But... why did he ask you?”
Her eyes flash. “Is it so hard to believe I’m likable?”
“That’s not what I meant—“
“I’m going to bed,” Drake says, standing abruptly. He doesn’t meet Riley’s eyes, only sweeps up his things from the table and moves briskly towards the sleeping quarters. He can feel their eyes boring into him as he leaves, but it’s better than having to spend one more second in that room wondering how on earth he could’ve been such an idiot. 
Riley. Of course it would be Riley. Spunky, intelligent, athletic Riley, with her long dark hair and ever-present laughter. Why else would Liam spend so much time with them, go to their matches, stay for holiday? He’d probably asked Hana to introduce them in the first place. 
Drake tosses his bag on the ground next to his bed, sitting down on the mattress with a sigh. He stares across the way for a moment, eyes unfocused, before falling back onto the comforter. 
He can’t even be mad. She’s his best friend. 
Maxwell finds him like this not too soon after, barging into their room in that unceremonious way he always does, instantly taking up space. “Can you believe that?” He says, as though they’re merely continuing a conversation from seconds ago. “And she’s not even lying. I checked.”
“Why are you upset?” Drake rolls onto his side, watching as Maxwell splays on top of his own bed across the way. “It’s not like this affects you.”
“I’m not upset,” Maxwell counters, frowning up at the ceiling. “I’m... it’s on your behalf. I’m upset for you.”
“I don’t need your manifested pity, but thanks.”
“How do you have any friends, Drake? Seriously.”
Drake lifts his head up to frown in Maxwell’s direction. “Aren’t you supposed to be cheering me up or something?”
“No, I came in here because I’m upset.” Maxwell pauses, seemingly realizing what he’s said a moment too late. “Upset for you. You made me upset.”
“Sure.” Drake falls back down against his pillow, closing his eyes. 
“It’s just so weird that she didn’t tell us,” Maxwell continues, seemingly oblivious to Drake’s disinterest. “I mean, that’s big news, right? You’d expect her to tell us, wouldn’t you?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you think she likes Liam?” Maxwell sits up at this realization, looking over at Drake with wide eyes. “What if she’s going with him in like, a romantic sense?”
“Christ, Maxwell, I don’t know.”
Maxwell bites his lip, looking out into the distance, suddenly pensive. “I just don’t get it. I don’t get why she wouldn’t tell me. We tell each other everything.”
He goes quiet, still staring at nothing in particular, brow furrowed. The silence stretches on long enough for Drake to actually hazard a glance over in his direction. As much as he loves moments of solitude, they’re few and far between where Maxwell is concerned. 
“You okay?”
Maxwell looks down at his hands, twisted together in his lap. “I don’t understand girls.”
At Quidditch practice the next morning, Riley sidles up to Drake before their huddle, resting a hand on his arm. “I’m sorry,” she says, her voice as gentle as a whisper, and equally as soft. “I don’t know why I didn’t say anything to you, I just…”
He focuses intently on his broom, not quite ready to meet her eyes. “You don’t have to apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“But it feels like I did, you know?” She frowns, looking down at her hands. “I owe you more than to act like that.”
Drake shakes his head. “You don’t owe me anything. You’re my friend.”
“I owe it to you because I’m your friend,” she insists, “It was shitty of me, okay? It was.”
He isn’t quite sure what to say, so he just nods.
She sighs, running her fingers through her hair, somehow leaving it even messier than before. “If it makes any difference, I don’t feel that way about him. I’m not that much of an asshole, I promise.”
“I know,” Drake says, “but... maybe he feels that way about you.”
“It would be stupid of him. He doesn’t even know me, not really.”
Drake shrugs, shoving his hands in his pockets. “He doesn’t know me either.”
Riley turns to look at him, jaw set in determination. “Well, he should. Because I know you, and I think he would be lucky to have that privilege.”
He shoots her a small smile. “Thanks, Brooks.”
“I’m serious. You and Max are some of the only people who’ve never judged me for where I come from, not for a second. Maybe you don’t think that’s a big deal, but when you’ve never had a family and then you get the chance to go to this incredible place filled with actual magic, only to be called ‘mudblood’ by half a dozen assholes before you’re even off the train…” She sighs. “It means a lot, okay? It means everything.”
“Look, I’d never jeopardize our friendship for anything. I’ll tell Liam I can’t go.”
“No, don’t do that. It’s okay, really.” 
He can tell by the way she looks at him that she doesn’t believe him, which is fair, because he doesn’t believe himself either. “You’re sure?”
The Captain interrupts before he can answer, perhaps a saving grace in itself. “Brooks, Walker — if you’re quite finished?”
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8zs · 5 years
Yule Ball
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(gif is not mine) 
Pairing: Gryffindor! Hongjoong x Slytherin! Reader
Genre: Fluff, hogwarts au, angst ??
Words: 1.808
A/n: This is my first imagine ever, so please be nice... Also, requests are open!!
Here (y/n) sat, infront of their mirror adjusting their hair. It was their for seventh year, meaning they could go to the yule ball alone. But did they want to? Originally, they were just gonna go with their friends, Seonghwa and San. Of course, your friends being the most handsome slytherin guys, got asked by some girls and without putting too much thought into it, they said yes.
So here you were, sitting in their dorm room, staring at yourself in the mirror. “(y/n), I’m really sorry we said yes… But in our defence, we thought someone would ask you, too!” San said as he put his arm around your shoulders. “Yeah.. It’s okay, guys. Just have fu- Seonghwa your tie is, well, come here.” Seonghwa walked over to you and you stood up from the chair you were sitting in. You adjusted his tie and smiled weakly at him. He pulled you in for a hug and soon you felt another pair of arms around you. “Guys, it’s fine. Really! I’ll just hang out with that hufflepuff guy, Yunho. Yeah, no worries.”
Yunho and you had been friends since first year, so he knew when something was up when the day before the yule ball you walked into class with a sad face.  “Hey, (y/n), what’s wrong?” He had said as he grabbed your arm and sat you down next to him. “No one’s asked me to go to the yule ball with them…” Yunho hid his smirk and quickly replaced it with a comforting smile. “That’s okay, (y/n)! I’m going alone too, if you want, we can just hang out together!” You weakly smiled at him. “Yeah… That’d be nice.” Before you properly finished your sentence Yunho spoke. “Who did you wanted to go with, then?” Your cheeks turned red and you pointed your head in the direction of the red haired boy who was laughing with his fellow house mate. “Hongjoong?!” Yunho whisper-yelled with wide eyes. You kicked his leg and put your finger in front of your lips, telling him to be quiet. “Yeah, dumbass..! We’ve sat next to eachother in some classes for years now and I thought he was into me… Or maybe I thought that because I’m into him, I don’t know. I just, really wanted him to ask me…” You said with a pout, cheeks as red as your aunts lipstick. You had never told anyone you liked the Hogwarts Triwizard champion. He was a Gryffindor for Merlins sake! What would your housemates think of you.
Yunho chuckled. “You know, I could just ask him to ask you. We’re really good friends…” Shaking your head, you looked down. “I want him to ask me because he wants to go with me, not because he pities me or something. Besides that, he’s probably going with Yena. Look at her she’s basically glued to his arm.” Yunho didn’t even need to look over to Hongjoong to know that you were right, Yena’s always been obsessed with the red haired Gryffindor boy.
What you didn’t know, though, is that Hongjoong wanted to ask you so bad. And he had a plan. He wanted to wait until the last moment and then ask you. All of his friends, and even your friends knew, but they didn’t want to ruin his plan, so they kept quiet. So many girls (and boys) had asked him, and he politely told them he already had a date. His plan was waterproof, or so he thought.
It was the night of the yule ball and every student was either perfecting the last finishing touches, or on their way to the hall where the yule ball would be held. So when Hongjoong was on his way to the slytherin lair, as he liked to call it, he saw you exiting through the portrait with no other than Mizuguchi Yuto. A student from Mahoutokoro, located Japan, who was also a Triwizard champion. Hongjoong’s mouth was agape as he stared from a distance and quickly hid behind a wall. He saw Mingi walking to the hufflepuff dormitories. “Mingi! Hey! Asshat!” Mingi recognized Hongjoongs voice and he quickly walked over. “What’s wrong, Joong?” “Did you know that that Yuto guy would ask (y/n) to the yule ball? When did he ask them? Are they together? What?!” Hongjoong said in one breath. Mingi chuckled. “Did you really think (y/n) would stay date-less? Come on, Joong. They’re one of the most beautiful yet intimidating Slytherin students… Of course someone was gonna ask them.” Hongjoong looked down. “Yeah… Yeah, you’re right…” Hongjoong had never looked this defeated in all the years Mingi had known him. “Hey, cheer up dude. There’s lots of good looking intimdating Slytherins around.” He shook his head. “No… Whatever, I’ll just go with Yena...” Mingi’s eyes widened. “Uhh, well okay then, have fun?” Hongjoong shrugged and walked off.
When Yuto had  asked you, literally the second you stepped out from behind the portrait, you couldn’t help but feel appreciated. Atleast someone had thought about you. So, of course you said yes, he was really sweet and cute. You were on your way to the hall when you saw Hongjoong walking hand in hand with Yena, you felt tears in your eyes but immediately choked them back. Screw him, if he wants to go with some obsessed puppy, that’s his business. You walked into the hall with Yuto and you guys sat down at a table.
As soon as Yunho, San and Seonghwa saw you walk in with Yuto, they all collectively choked on their drinks. San’s date, Jisun, and Seonghwa’s date, Jiwon looked over to you and gasped. Jisun spoke up, rather confused. “W-wasn’t Hongjoong gonna ask them? What..?” Nodding, Yunho said “Yeah, what the hell is this?” San shook his head. “I’m gonna talk to Hongjoong. Seonghwa, you talk to (y/n).” Seonghwa gave a stern nod, grabbed Jiwon’s hand and off they went. Jisun stayed at the table with Yunho, she wasn’t close with Hongjoong so she didn’t wanna be nosy.
“Hey! Hongjoong!” San smiled as he approached the older boy. “Can I talk to you for a second? Alone?” Yena rolled her eyes and headed to the bathroom. “What’s up?” Hongjoong said as he and San did that handshake. “Weren’t you gonna ask (y/n)? What happened?” Hongjoong’s lips turned into a thin line. “Yuto asked them before I could.” “Well, waiting until the last moment isn’t exactly the smartest plan…” “Dude, shut up, I know.” San shrugged. “I wish I could help, dude, but there’s not much I can do… Or can I?” San smirked and patted Hongjoong’s shoulder. He cupped his cheek and grinned. “Be patient, my love.” San said and walked off, leaving Hongjoong rather confused and slightly disgusted.
In the meantime, Seonghwa had talked to you and found out Hongjoong hadn’t asked you, so you just said yes to the first guy who did. Which, Seonghwa thought was valid, he was just disappointed in Hongjoong. Yuto was getting drinks and food, and at that moment you saw San walking over to you and Seonghwa. “(y/n)! Please, come with me. You  have to help me with something.” Without getting your answer he grabbed your hand and dragged you to an open classroom. He, quite literally, shoved you in there and locked it. “San! You piece of shit! Let me out!” “Nope~” He sang and you heard him walk away. You just sighed and sat down at one of the desks. “God, if you hear this, please make sure they aren’t doing something dumb. And make sure I don’t die here..” You heard the music all the way to where you were sitting and you hummed along.  
Minutes passed and suddenly you heard the door unlock. “San, I swear to Merlin if you don’t let me out of here ri- Oh.” You turned around and all you saw was Hongjoong stumbling into the classroom and then you heard the door lock again. You two stared at eachother and you sat back down. “Shouldn’ you be with Yena? What are you doing here.” You said in a stern, but quiet voice. “Shouldn’t you be with Yuto?” Hongjoong asked. You shrugged. “He will survive without me.” After minutes of silence, Hongjoong spoke up. “Are you and Yuto together now..?” “No. I don’t like him.” “Do you like someone?” “None of your damn business.” “Listen, (y/n), Seonghwa told me you wanted to go with me…” Staring at Hongjoong, a wave of sadness hit you again. “So?” “I… I really wanted to go with you. I had a plan, which I now realize was fucking dumb, to ask  you last minute. I kinda told that to everyone, that’s why no one else, well besides Yuto, asked you… I’m sorry, I should’ve just asked you when it was announced…” “Yeah.” Hongjoong sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “I like you lots, (y/n). And I know you like me, too. Did I ruin my chance with you?” You smiled to yourself and looked at him. “I don’t think you did…” He smiled back at you. Suddenly, the booming music changed to… Something slower. You heard San’s voice booming from the hall. “This is for all the lovebirds out there, take that special someone’s hand, and dance the night away.” You rolled your eyes and smiled. Your eyes focused on Hongjoongs face, he looked so handsome… But the moonlight that shined through the windows of the classroom right onto his face, made you feel like he was more than just handsome, or beautiful, or ethereal. He was so much more than that.
“Do you maybe wanna dance?” He whispered, and you couldn’t help but nod. You stood up and grabbed his hands, and you two started dancing. The way his eyes were so focused on you and the way the music wasn’t as loud, made you feel like you were on a different planet. Just dancing with the boy who you’ve liked for some time now. And then the song ended, but you didn’t stop dancing. He kept waltzing with you and you were having the time of your life. Little giggles from both you and him breaking the silence. “Can I kiss you…” All you did was lean in and close your eyes, and then you felt his soft lips on yours. It felt so perfect, like this moment would never end. You pulled away, and smiled at him. Your heart beating so fast, but feeling so content. And then you saw something move from the corner of your eyes. You turned your head and saw San and Yunho standing in the door. “You fucking assholes!” You yelled at them and ran to do the door. They quickly got out and you and Hongjoong followed them, laughing as San tripped over the carpet.
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kittenshift-17 · 6 years
Hey so you’re like the fucking queen of thorfinn/hermione fics but I was just curious if you have any favorites of your own? Sorry if you’ve answered this before, I don’t want to waste your time!!! I hope your new year was nice!!! 💕💕
Thanks, I hope your new year is going well, too. I assume you’re asking what my favourite Thorfinn/Hermione fics are, in general? Is it too obvious to say that mine are my favourites? I wouldn’t be writing them, otherwise. LOL. Unless you’re asking which of my Thormione fics I like the best?
A few fics by other authors I recommend, though I’ve yet to read them all, myself, that feature the pairing are:
Parolee and His Princess - by @canimallow - Summary: Hermione was easy to overlook with her sensible shoes and her dead-end Ministry job. Thorfinn was easy to ignore as a criminal from a past most were eager to forget. When their paths cross years after the war and he's accused of a terrible crime she knows he didn't commit, she will risk everything to keep an innocent man out of Azkaban.
Uncut Thread - by @MaryRoyale - Summary: The Ministry had tossed Thorfinn Rowle into Azkaban to rot. The only problem with that was Hermione Granger. An unclaimed life debt, a worried mother, and protected status only serve to complicate the issue.
The Golden Mage’s Captive - by @freyaishtar - Summary: After Harry Potter's fall, Death Eater Thorfinn Rowle declares Hermione Granger a spoil of war—granted by Voldemort for reasons unknown. Captured after nearly a year running, Hermione faces an uncertain fate as Thorfinn's prize & returns to a world shattered by Voldemort's twisted intentions.
Heartlines - by Nautical Paramour - Summary: When the Grangers can't afford to pay their food rent, they give their only child, Hermione to the Rowles. Raised in their household, Thorfinn has come to expect that she will always be around, even when he finds someone to marry. Unfortunately for him, she's also caught King Tom Slytherin's eye. Historical AU. Anglo-Saxon AU. Thorfinn x Hermione. COMPLETE!
The Library - by georgeheesto - Summary: Thorfinn Rowel is determined to show Hermione Granger exactly who she belongs to, even if it means letting her suffer for a little while.
The Reluctant Marriage - by crochetaway - Summary: Hermione and Thorfinn have a reluctant marriage, which hinges on Hermione becoming pregnant. When Thorfinn wants nothing to do with her, Hermione takes drastic steps. Oneshot. Complete.
Dangerous Little Games - by amortentia1992 - Summary: Voldemort may have died but the deatheaters still won the war. On the run Hermione hides in the muggle world, the recipient of creepy packages with threating messages for her future. But as she finds herself playing a dangerous game, an unlikely hero rises.
Muggle Hunt - by crochetaway - Summary: Every Muggle-Repelling Charm in wizarding Britain falls. The wizarding society collapses. Hermione finds herself hunted and alone, when she stumbles across the first wizards she's seen in months. A story of how sometimes our worst enemies become our allies. Heed the warnings inside.
I’m also fond of the below, though they are poly!fics, rather than just Thorfinn/Hermione
Murder Me Softly - by @freyaishtar - Summary: Upon Harry's death, Hermione finds herself & other Muggle-borns at Voldemort's mercy. Forced into marriage with not one, but two of his loyal followers, she's certain his intention is to break her. Neither she, nor her grooms are aware of the Dark Lord's true purpose in creating such matches, or that emotions may trip up his grand design.*Poly-Marriage Law Fic*
Hecate’s Children - by @freyaishtar - Summary: With Voldemort's demise, Harry rises as the new Dark Lord, only to vanish as the dust settles—taking his Death Eaters & Hermione with him. In hiding, he puts a plan into action to conquer not only Wizarding Britain, but the entire Wizarding World. And it involves his best friend—whether she likes it, or not. *dark!Harry, werewolf!Hermione* (Antomione/Thormione)
Foxglove & Wolfsbane - by @freyaishtar - Summary: Once an Age, the brightest Muggle-born witch is granted an honor—she becomes a prize in the dubiously-titled Foxhunt, where magically selected wizards compete to claim her. That is, if they can survive the event's werewolf-infested forest. And if the prize can survive an outcome the Foxhunt never before produced—being captured by two wizards.
And, because I’m shameless, below are links to all of my Thorfinn/Hermione fics. LOL.
A Promise Unspoken - by Kittenshift17 - Summary: Thorfinn Rowle had a mission: Ruin Hermione Granger's life like she'd almost ruined his. To trap a lion cub is easy, but when this little lioness grows up Thorfinn will have to walk a knife-edge between hate and love to avoid her sharp claws. Revenge is a dish best served cold and unspoken promises are deadly.
Splinter - by Kittenshift17 - Summary: Captured by the Dark Lord's forces, Hermione assumes her their death is imminent. She finds herself wishing that were so when she is instead given over as rewards to one of Voldemort's loyalest Death Eaters; Thorfinn Rowle. Bloodied and bruised she's the bait that will lure Harry to Voldemort and finally settle the battle.
Bend or Break - by Kittenshift17 - Summary: The mission should have been simple. Seduce a Death Eater for capture and interrogation by the Order, who would hold him hostage until such time that his usefulness ran out. Hermione had agreed to help with the seduction part of that mission. She didn't agree to babysitting an angry Death Eater in a remote safe house. And she sure as hell didn't agree to Thorfinn Rowle.
Devils’ Angels - by Kittenshift17 - Summary: Hermione applies to foster the children of Thorfinn Rowle, Antonin Dolohov, and Fenrir Greyback while the convicted Death Eaters are in prison. The Ministry is more than willing to let her take up the role no one else wants, there's just one catch. She's got to gain 'permission' from their father's to raise the boys. And she will. By whatever means necessary.
Firewhiskey Nights - by Kittenshift17 - Summary: Paroled to preserve their magical bloodlines, Thorfinn Rowle and Antonin Dolohov are just trying to get on with their lives. A drunken one night stand between Hermione and Thorfinn, coupled with Dolohov's obsession with the curly haired witch, lead them toward a series of unexpected, but not entirely unfortunate events.
Mistletoe and Rabid Tinsel - by Kittenshift17 - Summary: *ONE SHOT* Thorfinn Rowle spots a certain curly-haired witch struggling with some tinsel and can't resist intervening. And he's not the only one interested in seeing the two of them snog. Mistletoe and Rabid Tinsel are a dangerous combination, especially with the Yule Ball looming.
Lover, Please - by Kittenshift17 - Summary: *ONE SHOT* Hermione and Thorfinn have what can only be called a rocky relationship, but it's not like they believe in everlasting love.
Jailbird Blues - by Kittenshift17 - Summary: Convicted of her crimes in the lead up to and during the war, Hermione Granger is carted off to serve life in Azkaban. Rubbing shoulders with her fellow convicts, Thorfinn Rowle, Antonin Dolohov and Rabastan Lestrange, Hermione does everything she can to hang onto her sanity, her dignity and her magic. Even caged birds sing. No matter how bad things look from behind bars.
Trick or Treat - by Kittenshift17 - Summary: *ONE SHOT* Hermione was minding her own business and counting her candy until a certain Viking wizard snatched her away and seduced her with the sweetest of treats.
Witch Hunting - by Kittenshift17 - Summary: On All Hallow's Eve pagan rite must be observed. Older than muggle hunting, the Witch Hunt is a time honoured tradition with one goal in mind. Binding witches and wizards for eternity. There's just one little problem, if you want to catch your witch, you've got to run her down. And just as the fox runs from the baying hounds, these witches are going to put up a fight for freedom.
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kimjongdaely · 6 years
The Wizarding World of EXO [Chapter 9: Kim Jongin and the Love Potion]
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All EXO members
Summary: Welcome to the Wizarding World, ten years after the Second Wizarding War. Now, nine students at Hogwarts each have their own story to tell, secrets to discover and identities to grow.
Chapter 1│Chapter 2│Chapter 3│Chapter 4│Chapter 5│Chapter 6│ Chapter 7│Chapter 8│Chapter 9│Chapter 10│Chapter 11│Epilogue
“Literally everyone has a date other than you, Jongin.” Sehun says casually as he opens his box of Chocolate Frogs and it immediately jumps out. “Agh! Why are these things so hard to eat?”
Jongin frowns, sinking into his seat in the Hufflepuff common room. “Date? It’s not like it’s Valentine’s Day, or the Yule Ball. I don’t need a date.”
“That’s what a dateless person would say.” Sehun teases, a grin on his face. “But who knows, maybe someone will slip a Love Potion into your drink.”
Jongin shivers at the thought. That would be terrifying. “Love Potions are banned at Hogwarts, Sehun.”
“That won’t stop everyone.” He points out with a hum. “Alright, I’m going to go meet my girlfriend. Have fun with your single ass.” Sehun lets out a loud laugh when he leaves.
Jongin rolls his eyes. He doesn’t understand the big fuss about finding a date. He can very well go to the Hallowe’en Feast alone.
“Hi Jongin.”
Jongin smiles at the group of girls that greeted him, and just with that simple gesture, the girls immediately burst into giggles. A little confused, Jongin gives them a small wave before quickly moving on in the Great Hall.
He finds his usual seat next to Sehun and Jongdae, who are talking animatedly about their plans for the Hallowe’en Feast. Jongin sits down, overhearing something about Jongdae’s dragon and how it might be a surprise guest once Professor McGonagall approves.
Jongin mentally groans at the fact that his friends all have a date. Curse Sehun for making him suddenly hyper aware of his date-less status.
“Hey, Nini.”
He lifts his head at the familiar voice. A close friend of his sits down across from him, her smile bright as usual. He finds himself unconsciously smiling back—she always seems to have that effect on him. “Morning.”
“Ready for the Hallowe’en Feast?” She asks, eyes gleaming with excitement. “I can’t wait!”
“Right.” Jongin tries to smile, though his excitement is steadily diminishing. “Can’t wait.”
She frowns, tilting her head sideways in concern. “What’s wrong?”
Jongin rests his chin on the palm of his hand, replying unconvincingly, “Nothing.”
“Nini is upset he doesn’t have a date.” Sehun butts in, singing out loudly. Jongin tries to shush him up immediately, his skin growing too hot with embarrassment.
She lets out a small chuckle, “Jongin, you can get a date easily. Literally all the girls are swooning over you.”
Not you. Jongin clears his throat. “I don’t want a half-assed date.”
“Well,” she says pleasantly, completely oblivious from the way he’s looking at her, trying to somehow telepathically ask her out. “I hope you find the right date.”
“Just ask her!” Jongdae whispers, gesturing towards her.
“Shut up!” Jongin pushes Jongdae away, laughing nervously in hopes she didn’t hear. She blinks at them, utterly oblivious to what they’re talking about.
“Uh, I’m going to head to class.” Jongin mutters quickly, trying to make a quick escape, glaring at Jongdae and Sehun as he gets up, who are trying hard to stifle their laughs.
“This is stupid and ridiculous.”
“Just take it.”
Sehun sighs dramatically, holding the offending thing in his hand and wagging it in front of Jongin. “Come on! I didn’t go all the way to the famous Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes and waited in line for an hour just for you to reject me!”
“No. Love. Potions!” Jongin screams back, shaking his head and crossing his arms. “That’s just immoral. Love can’t be forced, you know?”
Sehun sighs. “You sound like Baekhyun—but guess what? Baekhyun has a freaking date.”
Jongin rolls his eyes. “Whatever.”
“Losers can’t be choosers. If you won’t ask her out, use the Love Potion.”
“I said no!” Jongin exclaims, exasperated. “How many times do I need to tell you?”
“Fine.” Sehun agrees, a little bit too quickly and before Jongin could react, the taller male pushes him towards the table where a cup of tea is sitting there, cooling down. Damn, Sehun came prepared.
Sehun easily grabs Jongin’s hand, pressing the Love Potion into his palm.
“No, Sehun!” Jongin growls, trying to pull away and in the struggle, the bottle opens, falling straight into the cup of tea. Everything is suddenly quiet as they stare at the cup, then at each other.
“Hey guys.”
They both jump, spinning on their heels to find her right there at the doorway of the Hufflepuff common room.
“Hey!” Sehun greets, a little too enthusiastically. “I have to go! Have fun guys.” With that, he stealthily slips out, leaving Jongin to fend for himself.
Jongin immediately plasters on a convincing smile, standing to block the cup of tea. “Hey! How are you?”
She looks at him weirdly before shrugging it off, setting a bag down on the round wooden table. “I bought some candy! Go ahead and choose some.”
“Oh, cool!” Jongin grins widely, excited about the candy like a child.
“Can I drink this?”
“Yeah.” Jongin says absentmindedly, too busy digging through the bag but then immediately stops, eyes widening in horror. “Wait!”
When he turns around she had already taken a long sip. She blinks at him, surprised. Jongin’s jaw drops, watching her with uncertainty. “You…drank it?”
She nods, and then a dreamy smile blooms on her face. “Jongin…can I kiss you?”
Jongin splutters, eyes wide as he takes a step back. “I—No.”
Her face immediately falls, tears brimming her eyes, her lip wobbling. “Why? You don’t love me?”
Hearing that so bluntly makes his head swim and heart soar. She loves him? No, it’s just the stupid potion.
But she looks so hurt and heartbroken that Jongin can’t help but sigh, whispering what he wanted to tell her for the longest time. “I love you.”
Suddenly she beams, practically jumping on Jongin, wrapping her arms tight around his torso as she buries her face against his chest. “I love you too, Jongin. I love you so much.”
Jongin smiles as he wraps his arms around her too, holding her close. Even if those words are the product of a Love Potion, it makes him so insanely happy. A bittersweet kind of happy, since he knows this isn’t real. Yet he so desperately wants it to be.
He supposes he can live in this dream for just a little bit longer.
And then he’ll kill Sehun.
“You need to go to class.”
“No!” She whines, clinging onto him tightly, a pout on her lips. “I want to be with you!”
“But we have different classes!” He groans as he tries to pry her off. Five hours in and he’s starting to get annoyed. He knew Love Potions don’t equate to real love, of course, but rather more like an obsession or infatuation.
“I don’t care.” She declares. “I’m not leaving your side.”
Jongin lets out an exasperated sigh, having no other choice. “If you go to class like a good girl, I’ll give you a kiss after class.”
Her eye light up, and if she had a tail it would be wagging like crazy. “Really?”
“Yep.” Jongin manages a smile. “Promise.”
“Okay!” She beams, immediately running off to her class. Exhausted, he slumps into his seat immediately when he enters the classroom.
“How’s the day going?” Sehun asks pleasantly, a knowing grin on his face. “Feeling loved?”
Jongin growls at Sehun. “It’s terrible! I told you Love Potions are a bad idea. She’s literally infatuated with me, and not in a cute couple-y way.”
Sehun raises a brow, a chuckle escaping his lips. “Well I think it’s going quite well.”
“Sehun!” Jongin hisses just as the professor enters the room. Sehun takes this opportunity to ignore Jongin’s death glares and instead pretends to be a good student.
“I’m going to kill you.” Jongin grumbles under his breath.
“What was that, Mr. Kim?” The professor asks, and Jongin immediately plasters on a sweet smile.
“Nothing. Sorry, sir.”
“Nini!” Jongin mentally groans. She jumps onto his back, arms tight around his neck as she nuzzles into him. “You promised me a kiss!”
Jongin closes his eyes in dismay. As much as he wants to kiss her, he can’t. Not while she’s like this. That would just be terrible. “Uh, right.” He sets her down gently, turning towards her and holding her hand in his awkwardly as he tries to think of an excuse. “I meant, uh, you know, later. I want it to be special.”
She pouts, eyes watering. “But you promised after class—”
“Soon.” He says, sincerely, meaning more than she will know. “But not now. I’m sorry.”
She frowns. “Do you love me?”
“Of course.” He answers without hesitation, looking deep into her eyes. Oh, if only he could actually say this in front of her normally. “I love you.”
She sighs, seeming accepting his answer. She follows him to the Hufflepuff common room, and Jongin taps the code to the barrel.
Sehun and Jongdae along with a few other students are littered about the room. Jongin sits down next to his friends, and she follows immediately.
“Aw, you two are so cute together.” Jongdae tries to stifle his laugh.
Jongin has is arms crossed. She’s practically draped over him, might as well be sitting on his lap, with her arms wrapped tightly around his and her head resting on his shoulder.
He would have loved this kind of position, but it’s not her. Now, he just feels irritated.
“When does the potion wear off?” Jongin asks wearily, trying and failing to pull his arm away.
“Um I think it lasts for about 24 hours.” Sehun answers thoughtfully. “Though I’m not too sure. Might last a month for all we know.”
“You’re kidding.” Jongin groans, throwing his head back. “I hate this.”
“I thought you love her.” Jongdae points out.
“I do.” Jongin says exasperatedly. “But not like this. Love Potions are so fake and temporary. I want her to love me back for real. This is just…” He wrinkles his nose gesturing towards her. She merely blinks up at him dreamily. “This is just straight up obsession with me and that sucks.”
“Hey, don’t worry.” Jongdae lets out a reassuring smile. “I’m sure she’ll be back to normal tomorrow.”
Jongin sighs, glancing down at her. “I hope so.”
Jongin jumps at the voice, glancing nervously as she comes over. She seems normal, not clinging onto him or asking for kisses. She just sits across him like usual at the breakfast table, grabbing for food.
“Morning.” He mumbles, clearing his throat awkwardly. “Do you, uh, remember what you did yesterday?”
She thinks for a moment, frowning. “Actually…no. I don’t.”
Jongin sighs in relief. “Oh, that’s alright.”
Her frown deepens, head tilting curiously at him and eyes narrowing. “Jongin, did you do something to me?”
Crap. He gulps, hands trembling yet he tries to act as natural as possible. “Uh…No—I mean…” He glances at Sehun and Jongdae who have looked away, pretending to be deep in conversation. Welp, guess he won’t be getting help from them. “Can I talk to you outside?”
She raises a brow in question, but nods, standing from her seat. She follows Jongin out the Great Hall, to the hallways. He fidgets, searching for words and piecing sentences together to somehow start.
“So?” She asks, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed against her chest. “What do you want to say?”
He bites his lip, sighing. There’s no way he can hide this from her, and when she asks he won’t be able to lie. He’s always been terrible at lying, especially to her. “I-I’m sorry.” He hangs his head. “Yesterday…I accidentally put a Love Potion in the tea you drank. I really didn’t mean to! Sehun bought it and I told him I didn’t need it but it fell in accidentally—” He cuts himself off, waving his hand in front of him as if to wave off what he was about to say. “Anyways, I’m sorry. I was just scared to ask you to the Hallowe’en Feast and ended up doing something so stupid. Please forgive me.”
He’s afraid to look at her, but then she places a gentle hand against his shoulder. Her eyes are warm and understanding, though there’s still a tiny bit of displeasure swimming in her irises. “Using a Love Potion was not right.”
Jongin nods, ashamed.
“Jongin, you should’ve just asked me.” She lets out a soft sigh. “I could never reject you.”
“Really?” Jongin perks up, hopeful. She lets out a giggle, and to his surprise, leans in to press a quick kiss against his lips.
Oh my goodness.
Jongin freezes, eyes wide as he stares at her in awe. She just kissed him. She just kissed him! His heart sours, head spinning with joy. A smile blooms on his face which matches hers perfectly. “So, will you go to the Hallowe’en Feast with me? As my girlfriend?”
“Of course.” She answers. “I could never reject you.”
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The Wizarding World of EXO Mini Masterlist
A/N: I’m trying to get the remaining chapters out as quickly as possible, so please bear with me! I hope you liked it!
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ted-hyung · 7 years
omg can we get a harry potter au? cz i feel like Wonpil would make the cutest hufflepuff ever who has an obsession with cute plants, and ofc what's the best way to ask him out except gifting an adorable smol cactus when you're an emotionally constipated slytherin named sungjin!
dude. anon-sshi. jsyk i’ve never written hp!AU before bc i thought it’d be too complicated to tackle aka i h8 it but sungpil. wow. sungpil feeds me well so here ya go. come off anon and reblog lmao or talk to me more about sungpil/wanna one/JJP/nct/monsta x i make the rules lel.
two weeks into triwizard tournament, wonpil is losing the joy he had for the strange plant someone gave to him as a gift; instead of the supposedly blooming red petals he’d been anticipating since he first got the mysteriously delivered plant about a month ago, the strange plant’s tiny stems had turned brown and woody and the petals shrunk dramatically.
“oh, hyung, i’m so sorry.” dowoon says, touching the white ceramic pot. they’re having their lunch by the great lake after raiding the kitchen with wonpil’s half-hearted yet still irresistible charm that house elves love. brian will join them in about half an hour after his potions class.
ah. what a waste of such nice weather! wonpil can’t seem to enjoy the sun even though he’s got the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbows and his tie loosened and his toes wriggling free out in the open.
“i know,” wonpil pouts. he chews on the turkey sausage and wonders what went wrong. he had religiously watered it and changed the fertilizer every week.
“cheer up, we’re about to experience our first yule ball ever,” dowoon holds up a piece of kimchi, offering it to wonpil who glomps it without a second thought. dowoon makes a delightful sound. “are you going to have the last kimbap?”
“no, go ahead.” wonpil sniffs, taking a swig of water and choking a little when loud giggles are echoing through the usually quiet surrounding.
“wow, it’s our rep park sungjin,” dowoon hums after taking a glance at the source of the commotion. wonpil looks up and sees the sixth year slytherin who got chosen as hogwarts representative for the triwizard tournament. the nice weather is really captivating even the currently hottest boy of their school; park sungjin is one of the very gifted muggle-born slytherins, always staying on top of his class and received the highest O.W.L.’s scores for transfiguration, defence against the dark arts, and potions last year. rumor has it, he only put his name in the goblet of fire because he lost a bet to his comrade park jaehyung, another sixth year muggle-born slytherin, who’s walking beside him right now.
“wonpil-hyung, do you know him or something? because he’s heading our way.” dowoon whisper-talks, and then clearing his throat and wiping his mouth with a napkin.
wonpil blinks. a group of ravenclaw girls who are seated not far from them are looking their way, or at a particular park sungjin, whose black hair is swept away by the wind. and with how his robe complimented his broad shoulders and the fact that green and silver look good on him, he looks like the heartthrob from witch weekly some underclassmen girls left behind in the hufflepuff common room.
wonpil answers dowoon’s question—no, i don’t know him—but he gets cut off by park sungjin’s simple yet weirdly heart-fluttering,
“um.” wonpil puts down his fork. “hi?”
upon thisclose, it’s clear that park sungjin is not that tall, especially compared to park jaehyung, who’s asking dowoon like he’s bored already,
“what are you having, kid?”
dowoon frowns. cutely. that was really unexpected anyway. “turkey sausage.”
park jaehyung shakes his head. “nah, thanks.”
“i have apple pie.” dowoon tilts his head, pointing to the said food and that gets park jaehyung to invite himself sitting on the edge of the picnic blanket.
“that’s more like it.”
wonpil smiles when park jaehyung nods at him.
“may i?”
wonpil scoots over to give space for park sungjin to sit next to him. he smells like citrus and he radiates warmth as their shoulders brush against each other.
park jaehyung has started eating dowoon’s apple pie in silent, staring, determinedly, to the great lake. dowoon raises his eyebrows and widens his eyes at wonpil, and wonpil doesn’t get to answer because park sungjin is asking him a question.
“did you at least like it?”
park sungjin nods towards the dead strange plant and wonpil almost squeaks at the realization that it was the hottest boy in school who gave him the cute but still dead strange plant!
dowoon has his mouth hanging open and park jaehyung is actually grinning. to the great lake.
oh my god!
wonpil knows he’s flushing red and it’s too late to try to hide it. he clasps his hands and scrunches his nose, guilt and surprise are written on his face. he goes to sit on his knees and park sungjin laughs at that.
“it’s okay, should have given you flowers to grow.” he’s got a big nose and pretty eyes, wonpil notices. “anyway, i’m park sungjin. sixth year student from slytherin. that’s park jaehyung, same grade and house.”
park sung—no, sungjin, holds out his hand for a handshake a tad bit too late because a) wonpil, just like the whole school, already knew who he is, and b) he exposed himself oh so nonchalantly like wonpil wasn’t over the moon the first few days after he found out someone had thought fondly of him! the strange plant came with a ribbon and muggle manufactured chocolate! wonpil loves chocolate and anything that rhymes with plant, strange or not!
“kim wonpil, fifth year. hufflepuff,” wonpil takes sungjin’s hand and bites his bottom lip or else he’s going to swoon. “that’s yoon dowoon, fourth year from gryffindor.”
sungjin smiles to dowoon and dowoon has his ugly, fake laugh that makes jaehyung laughs wholeheartedly.
“you both are cute,” sungjin mumbles, nods to the ravenclaw girls who wave at him, and asks the blue, blue sky, “have you got a date for yule ball?”
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