#sorry its not an update to my ten thousand wips but with the new movie and all.
goodnightmoonz · 10 months
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All That's Fair
by goodnightmoonz
They are just kids, all of them and they are fighting -- killing -- for their lives. Who thought peacetime could be so deadly?
-------------------- 100 years ago Sozin’s genocide of the airbenders did not go as planned what followed was a total war that lasted two decades and was only ended by a deep famine. The world seemed to be over, millions upon millions died and fighting increased. Then 49 years ago that ended with the power of one person. The war brought rapid technology improvements and the world was modernized. What came next was The Hunger Games. What came next for Katara… well you'll see
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ktrosesworld · 7 years
50 Questions for Fic Readers
I just felt like answering some questions (source post @braveten)
1. What fandom(s) do you read?
Doctor Who and TenInch Fic
2. If you could request more of a certain type of fic, which would it be?
I would love for more people to take up the challenge of writing TenInch Fic ... so many DT characters that need some loving
3. What is your favorite all-time fic?
It’s not possible to pick just one!?!?!?!? It would be a toss up between stories written by @whoinwhoville @kelkat9 @jellyneau-xo @studio-forty-two @natural--blues @licieoic @pipertennant ... okay i’m stopping there because this list will get really long
4. Do you ever re-read fics? How about triple-read?
I quadruple read, quintuplet read, sextuplet read, septuplet read ... some I read every six months or so because I need to live in those worlds
5. Do you prefer angst or fluff?
6. Do you prefer long fics or short fics?
7. Name some incomplete fics that you wish were completed.
Blimey ... umm ... okay ... here’s a short list
Bad Wolf by @licieoic Shades of Blue Series by @bluedawn0123 [Edit: oops I had the wrong author] Out of the Ashes by @mercwithamouth Meetings Series by @wildwinterwitch Every story ever abandoned by throughanamberfocus especially The Zeppelin Verse
8. Talk about the ships that you read.
Doctor x Rose is the beginning, the middle and the end but really I’m all about the story ... if it’s good and captures my imagination I’ll read all sorts of little and giant ships
9. Do you read smut?
Of course!!! And you do too ;p
10. What’s the most hard-core smut or kinky fic you’ve ever read (be honest)!
I’ve read some really weird stuff in the wee hours of the morning ... but as for the ones I really enjoyed
Claimed by @licieoic Metacrisis: Jack by @fogsblue  Four Dimensional by Annissa
11. Do you read AUs?
I LOVE AUs!!!!!!
12. List a few of your favorite AUs.
Gallifrey Records by @allrightfine and @gallifreyburning  Perfect Match by @lastbluetardis  TARDIS Bookstore by @ofstormsandwolves A Ghost Story by @kelkat9 Evolution of a Scandal by @rishidiams Elsewhere by @fadewithfury Heartsmith by @licieoic Arkytior: A Snow White Tale by @natural--blues 
13. What type of AUs are your favorites? Give a general description.
See the list above :D
14. What makes you give up on reading a fic?
Mainly if I don’t like the way the characters are written or if the story is not put together well ... having said that I’ve persevered with some really crappy writing for a story idea that captured by imagination
15. What makes you pick up a fic, what makes it sound interesting?
It’s different every day because my reading tastes change with my moods
16. Name a fic that made you cry (or that made you come close).
The Time Loop series by @weezly14 ... every single damn time my poor heart hurts just thinking about it
17. Name a fic that made you laugh a lot.
Psychedelic Pollen and Dalek Squirrels by @kelkat9 ... tell me you’re not laughing already just at that title :D
18. Do you have a fic recommendation page or master list?
Do @timepetalsprompts and @teninchfic count as rec pages???
19. How many fics do you think you’ve read before?
Easily tens upon tens of thousands probably even into the hundreds of thousands now
20. What’s the weirdest fic you’ve ever read? Describe it.
I read one where the Doctor’s penis had it’s own personality and I think it was detachable and possibly changed personality when the Doctor regenerated ... it was one of those that you kept thinking the author was on some fairly serious drugs when they wrote it but you just can't stop reading it
21. Do you read crack!fic?
I think we should just take it for granted that I read all types of fic
22. Name a few of your favorite crack!fics.
Once again favourite ... okay the first one I thought of was ...
Lordstorm and his LiveJournal Adventures by @kelkat9 
23. Has fluff ever made you cry? What about angst?
Oh I’ve definitely cried at both
24. What’s the longest fic you’ve ever read?
The Life and Times of Daniel Ulysses Barrow by ceeare ... it was over 500k but unfortunately the author took it down to “break it up in to readable pieces” and has never finished publishing it again ... it was one of those ones that will rip your heart out
25. What’s your opinion on reading dubious consent or no consent?
Once again it all depends on the story ... there are some where its sex pollen induced which I’m completely okay with ... but then there are some stories that describe rape as if it’s just a normal sex scene which I am very much against ... I’ll stop reading those stories immediately and never look back
26. Name a type of fic you’ll never ever read.
I try not to say never ever because there are ships that I thought I’d never read but then got desperate for new stories and discovered some amazing authors who made me fall in love with ships I had in the notp bucket ... I’m looking at you @basmathgirl in particular
27. Name a type of fic that you wish there was more of.
teninch fic and doctor piper fic ... I just love authors challenging themselves to write new characters
28. Who are your favorite fanfiction author(s)?
This gets me into trouble ... okay authors I’ve not mentioned yet that I love to read ... @caedmonfaith @thedistortedmirror @emkaywho @faithosaurus-fics @justbygrace @lixabiz @lostinfic @nannyogg123 @nopondintheforest @perfectlyrose @doctor-who-hears-a-horton @rudennotgingr @tenscupcake @veritascara @whatwecanfic ... there are soooooooo many more but this is quick list from my following page
29. When you find an author you like, do you follow them?
Absolutely!!!!! If I fall in love with one of their stories I want to read everything they’ve written
30. How often do you read fanfiction?
EVERY DAY ... for many many hours ... before I go to sleep ... when I wake up ... whenever I can
31. Do people know that you read fanfiction?
Well everyone on here knows ... in RL ... well I’ve made vague mentions about reading Doctor Who and Broadchurch stories online but don’t get into specifics ... although I did get my Mum addicted to A Million Holes Poked in the Soul by @nannyogg123 
32. Do you leave reviews after reading fics? If so, what do they sound like?
I used to write comments after every fic I read but it was slowing down my reading now I only leave comments on things I really enjoyed and felt compelled to comment on ... so they tend to be gushy :D
33. When you read a good fic, do you go to the author’s page?
Definitely, I always want to read more stories by a talented author
34. Name a common type of fic that you cannot stand.
You’ll probably hate me for this but ... I’m not a fan of the drabble ... there I said it let the backlash begin
35. Name all the Work in Progress fics that you are currently reading.
hahahahahahahahaha ... umm sorry ... currently I have 40 update notifications of individual stories in my email ... and that’s just the ones I haven’t caught up with yet ... oh and some of them I’m a few chapters behind so I’ve opened the new emails to keep the count down so I don’t feel so bad ... the reality is that I’m probably reading about 60-70 WIPs ... this post is long enough without me adding this list to it
36. Has a fic ever left you unable to fall asleep or think about anything else?
Heeled by @jellyneau-xo ... I don’t think I’ll ever be able to own a pet again ... actually all of Jelly’s stories have me thinking about them long after they’ve finished
37. Are you good about keeping up when reading Work in Progresses?
Despite what I’ve said above I’m not that bad ... although I tend to delay reading fics I love so I get a nice big chunk of reading in one go
38. Name some of your favorite fic recommendations pages.
See all the rec pages by @allegoricalrose ... definitely some quality reading there :D
39. Name a fanfiction author that you’re scared to talk to because they’re so amazing.
I remember being terribly scared about talking to @kelkat9 and @whoinwhoville because I am so in awe of their writing but they are both absolutely beautiful people and you should definitely reach out to them to talk about writing and all things DW and DT :)
40. Have you ever written fanfiction or considered it?
I once was strictly a reader only and then I wrote a little thing and then another and then @pipertennant and @studio-forty-two kept encouraging me to write more and more and well I guess I have to call myself a fanfic writer now
41. Name a fic that has a perfect ending.
Don’t make me choose ... as long as they have a happy ever after I’m good
42. Name a fic that you wish was longer.
43. Do you read OT3 fics commonly? Have you ever?
I love ‘em especially ... Loved ‘verse and Lostverse by fid_gin and unfolded73
44. Do you mainly read TV shows, movies, or books?
umm yes?? DW and TenInch fic cover all of that don’t they??
45. Do you read fanfiction about Anime?
No, I’m claiming generational age gap ... I’ve never really got into Anime
46. If you could imagine the perfect fic, what would it be like?
The one yet to be written ... don’t know who the author is yet
47. If you had to introduce someone to fanfiction with a few fics, which would you suggest?
For TenInch Fic ... Providential Contingency by @studio-forty-two and tennantmeister ... they created the genre with this story ... I know I talked them into it ;)
For DW ... blimey there are just so many ... take a pick of any of the ones I’ve recc’d above
48. Have you ever read a fic containing character death?
Yep, and written one ... and writing another ... shhhhh it’s taking a while to write it and this time I’m not going to publish it until I’ve finished it
49. Do you have an AO3/Fanfiction.net/LiveJournal page? Link it.
This is me on AO3
50. What sites do you typically use to read on?
I started reading on Teaspoon but now I read almost exclusively on AO3 ... I like being able to leave kudos and get notifications of responses to comments :)
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