#sorry im a hashtag fake fan
half-doomed · 1 year
Happy soul punk day! Here's a playlist for other stuff patrick has worked on outside of fob!
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napsaps-archive · 1 year
hi everyone i took a nap ! my head hurts
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marblerose-rue · 2 years
i forgot we have polls and i cant reblog and add a poll so heres the original post
canon cats in a hunger games setting . regardless of arc* (<continued in tags in case this gets reblogged)
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heyalma89 · 2 years
I made the mistake of going on Twitter to see the Matty Healy hashtag. I also have seen some of your posts and boy oh boy! I really hate seeing fans saying "good riddance to the fake 1975 fans!" Or "good now there's more room in the pit!" Let me tell you something I am not a "new fan" I've been listening to the boys for years now. Why does it matter if someone is a new or old fan? People are disappointed in Matty's words/behavior. I'm not saying any of us are in a relationship with him but you know if you've been in a toxic friendship relationship etc. I have been in toxic friendships and toxic relationships. You know how people are pointing all of these bad things to YOUR face and you go "no but they're really sweet like the other day they did.." and you go on and list all of these amazing things they've done that's what it feels like for those people that are defending him. Does that make sense? I'm sorry if it doesn't I upset people by that comparison.
He doesn't need defending he is a GROWN man. I feel like it's really dangerous when people can't admit that their favorite things are problematic. Im exhausted years after years seeing and hearing all the shit he does/says and people just saying "Well that's just Matty clearly you don't get it! Or that's his sense of humor!" Funny enough I'm working on an art project for school and we had to bring in object that meant a lot to us and I brought in a 1975 album and I ranted about how much the band meant to me when I was feeling lost and confused when I first listened to them. Yesterday when I started I had heard what he said I sat down to do my project and felt sad and really incredibly disappointed. If you're one of those fans who want to argue and defend him please keep scrolling and just have a nice day genuinely 😊
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fawntastic · 2 years
my "im sorry women" moment was when I was drawing chell portal (tonight) and I misspelled "aperture" (hashtag fake portal fan)
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piratebay · 3 years
im at wci it's a lot of. whiplash
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eulchu · 2 years
DREAM FORGIVES BUT I DONT! it is inevitable that the internet realizes they were unnecessarily terrible to him, dehumanized him, and did shit to him that was so far out of the realm of being normal for "canceling" someone (like... i know its normal for our fandom to deal with at this point but what other wave of cancelation has EVER had a hashtag solely devoted to fucking doxxing the person being canceled. and posting their alleged address. when has that ever happened en masse for literally anyone else getting "canceled." like what the FUCK) and it's likely he will become beloved and his positive impact will be realized. however i have loved dreamie my dreamie for over a year and a half... even before i got super into him and dteam i was neutral to him and even liked him based on the limited interactions i would see him have with other creators i liked. like i have no guilty conscious bc i have never treated anyone the way some people treat dream. and i wont be fake and accept it when that happens and theyre trying to like relieve their guilt or whatever by being like Guys maybe hes good :/ HES BEEN GOOD!!!! im evil and mean and gatekeepy anyone who has ever said terrible horrible shit about him does Not get to suddenly become a fan when that day comes. ok sorry the drolo demons took over for that one.
he's really been good 😭 and i will NOT send those people public dthreats because dreamie wouldn't like that but i hope they know im killing them all with my mind
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a-jynx · 3 years
:0 uh more Dream smp stuff?? cause y’all liked the other one??? (Georgenotfound edition & kinda long)
being Dream’s sister was rough already so imagine how tough life gets when you start dating one of his besties???
you met george through dream - obviously - and well.. putting it kindly, you hated each other. I mean, HATED each other! It always became a rivalry between you two, shooting down one another’s video ideas and never compromising until Sap or Dream stepped in.
“why do you hate him?” dream groaned as he watched you dislike ANOTHER Georgenotfound video. you glanced up at your freakishly tall brother before scoffing
“because he’s a spoilt brat and.. and he shouldn’t expect everyone to grovel like you do.” you scoffed, as Dream groaned, scrubbing his hands over his face.
“nope, nuh-uh you green tellatubby i’m not befriending him.”
“you’ve been hanging out with techno and tommy on discord too much.. Anyway, just.. please TRY and get along with him? at least pretend for a little bit - the fans get all protective and will baby him before they defend you..” dream’s voice trailed as he sat next to you, making you huff.
“ofc they’d baby him.. and it’ll be fine - I’ll be fine, Clay! I’m a big kid, some trolls on the internet won’t upset me.” you grinned, wrapping an arm around your little brother’s shoulders. he rolled his eyes before poking his index into your ribs, causing you to yelp.
“okay, but i warned you and i’ll try and help if stuff gets too much, okay? remember you’re my sister.. i still worry about you.”
“okay, don’t get sappy you waking tree! we have a stream to start,”
which lead to now.. A Geoguesser and Jack Box stream with the Dream Team ft. y/nwasnttaken - it started out awesome! The chat was having a blast having their boys stream, the guys were happy to be streaming, and you were having a great time.. until George came after you for guessing the wrong country..
“seriously, y/n?? you were, like, a million miles away!” george snorted as sap and dream joined in the laughter, you sighed before faking a short laugh.
“please, you usually suck at this game and it was one bad guess while you’ve been guessing wrong foe the past five minutes.” you couldn’t hold back the slight venom in your voice as the discord grew an awkward silence as chat began to grumble about the sudden change in atmosphere.
“chill, y/n/n, i don’t think George had an real issue, right Gogy?” sap nervously chuckled, he knew just as well as dream that for some reason you and george were always at one another’s throat.
“yeah, i had to ill intent, it’s called playful banter, y/n lighten up, honey,”
“is this just go after y/n day or what? i don’t mean to be an asshole but you’ve been after me the entire stream! and maybe the fans and you guys don’t care, but it’s hard to act like im not affected by you constantly bashing me and then laughing when dream or sap - or even yourself - get it wrong!” you grew quiet once your piece was out in the air, your heart was pounding against your ribs and you felt like you were going to be sick. “i..”
“no! no, it’s… im just going to go, you guys have a good stream.” you quickly exited the discord call, closing out of all your tabs and leaving yourself to stare at your shrunk form.. oh shit..
you grabbed your phone and opened Twitter, a mistake honestly, it was already trending.. clips, screenshots, and the #nightmareofasibling in the US. you gawked at the screen - tapping the hashtag, you should’ve listened to Dream..
‘i knew they were lousy but my god it’s a game..’
‘they always act like they’re better when they aren’t, poor gogy 💔😔’
‘i feel bad for dream and sapnap - they have to live with that 😳’
‘@y/nwasnttaken you disgust me and i can’t believe they even tolerate you. rot’
each @, each tweet was one wishing for your demise or saying that the dream team deserves better. maybe they’re right but you had a right to stand up for yourself! sure.. it was a over a geoguesser game but dealing with that for an hour in a half, anyone would be tired of it.
tears were already starting to drip as you hastily wiped at your cheeks, attempting to keep the water works at bay. it got harder when a ping went off from your phone, indicting another tweet was made at you. even with your blurred vision you frowned as @GeorgeNotFound popped up.
‘Regarding the stream, I do not hate y/n. Nor do I want hate sent to them. I will not tolerate any of my fans hating on one of my friends, it was partly my fault for antagonize them.
I care for them deeply and I hope they know how sorry I actually feel and the guilt rushing through me while I write this. I hope you can forgive me, sweets.. @y/nwasnttaken’
you hiccuped a laugh, a small smile breaking across your lips. you liked the tweet before heading to discord to find your messages had been blown up - Niki, Wilbur, and George had sent you multiple messages asking how you were. Selecting George’s messages, you grinned..
‘y/n?? hey come back to the stream’
‘i was kidding, come on, this is how we work..’
‘okay, i’m starting to get freaked out cause you’re not answering and twitter is spamming- shit i need to fix’
the messages had stopped for a few minute before a small video was sent, showing george in his recording room.
“y/n i’m honestly really sorry, it was dumb of me to keep poking at you when you looked and sounded like you didn’t like it - it’s just.. that’s how we’ve always been! i just.. please message me when you can? i know dream’s already pissed at me, and sap won’t stop threatening me to fix this now - even though they laughed too - BESIDES the point… just message me soon?” he sheepishly sent the camera a small smile, his cheeks and nose a slight red. you couldn’t help but roll your eyes before quickly typing him.
‘y’know i have half a mind to be pissed at you, but.. i’m sorry too. i should’ve have blown up at you or the others, especially on stream.. can - can we hop on call and sort this out?’
Gogster is typing… Popped up instantly, making a smile flash across your face. Suddenly a call chimed in, making you jump slightly before clearing your throat and answering the video call.
“Y/N!! Oh my god, you answered- ah, i’m so sorry I just, teasing each other and acting like we hate each other was always our act and I know i pushed it too far on stream,” George continued to ramble as you shook your head.
“George, Gogy you’re rambling..” you mumbled as he looked back at the camera, clearing his throat with a sheep smile on his face.
“uh, sorry.. look, can we just.. try again?” he muttered as you broke into a dazzling smile.
“we can, but I still get to call you Gogster..”
George broke into a loud laugh, you joining in with his contagious giggle. He nodded, clearing his throat again as he sighed gently.
“That’s all i ask, y/n.. but can i tell you something? dream and sap have been nagging me for the last couple of months to mention this..” His voice trailed as you nodded, rolling your shoulders and sinking further into your chair.
“i may not get along with you, British brat.. but you can always talk to me,” you smirk as George coughs out a laugh, shaking his head as you broke into a grin.
“you’re jealous that I have a hot accent, but seriously.. i.. Y/N I’ve liked you for a while and I’d like for us to try,” his voice trailed out as you blinked, staring at the dark brunette before giggling.
“i.. i actually have a trip coming up, to come see Niki and Wilbur.. I wouldn’t mind adding another person.” You trailed, sheepishly glancing at George as a large smile broke across his face, making you giggle as he quickly nods and laughs.
“Wait, really?! But- But we always- We.. Oh my gosh!” safe to say.. George was at a lost for words and you couldn’t help but be excited for these next two weeks to fly by..
and ofc dream and drista and sap made bets - dream bet you guys would date because of drama, drista just bet that you’d go on a date but would want to kill each other, and sapnap bet you guys would want to instantly date - some were more right than others, but in the end,.. Y/nistaken & Georgewasfound became trending and knocked the harmful trends down
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It Doesn’t Matter What They say [Corpse Husband]
Hey! This is my first time doing something on Tumblr. If you’d like, go to my Wattpad because thats where this story comes from! Also, sorry if its not accurate. Im still knew to the Corpse_Husband fanbase and the people the people he is seen playing with (-Cr1tiKal and Pewdiepie] and im not familiar with personalities 
Summary: No one knew of Corpse and Y/Ns relationship. Until Corpse thought it was a good time to reveal it and maybe to make the people who simp way too much over him calm down a bit. he thought it was a good idea, so did Y/N. But the fans were not happy..
Corpse really loved Y/N. He loved her so much that he let her see his face- a week after they met. They met online through Twitter and became best friends, and they totally hit it off. Y/N made Corpse happy, and he trusted her with all his life. Y/N was small, cute, and innocent. She had a soft high pitched voice and was short. She was the exact opposite of Corpse, and that's what he loved about her. He loved when she wore his hoodies, they were always way bigger on her and the sleeves went over her hands. He loved how kind she was. Y/N was a sweetheart, and Corpse didn't know how he was able to score this hard.
Y/N really loved Corpse. He loves so damn much it might kill her. She was happy she got her phone fixed after it stopped charging, if she didn't this wouldn't have happened. They became best friends and hit it off, and she loved when she made Corpse smile. She knows his real name- but calls him Corpse because that's what he prefers. She knows his birthday, his favorite foods, his favorite songs, his personality, how to cheer him up, she knows everything. She loved Corpses deep voice and how it soothed her to sleep. She loved how tall he was compared to her. She loved sitting on his lap while he made his videos and did his streams. He loved wearing his warm hoodies and snuggling up to his chest after long days. Corpse was the best, and Y/N didn't how she was able to score this hard.
Corpse and Y/N thought it would be a good idea to reveal their relationship to the world.
So they did.
In his last stream, he was playing Among Us and decided to tell everyone about Y/N. His exact words were "Guys by the way, I think it's pretty important to tell you guys that I now have a girlfriend. Her names Y/N, and shes the sweetest little thing."
"I'm not little!" Y/Ns voice rung out from behind him. She was sitting on his bed watching him play. Everyone he was playing with freaked out at how soft and high pitched her voice was.
"Her voice is the exact opposite of Corpses, how is this possible?" Felix said with a laugh.
"How can a demon score with an angel?" Charlie commented.
"She sounds so cuuuute!" Poki said, already falling in love with Y/N even she never heard her voice.
"Awwe now I feel lonely." Sykkuno said, sending a sad face in the chat which made them all laugh.
"Nice to meet you all!" Y/N said, walking over to sit on Corpses lap. She was wearing a familiar black hoodie that was way too big on her. Hmm.. wonder whose it is.
"Wha- are you wearing my hoodie again? I was looking for it all over." Corpse had a smirk plastered on his face and looked Y/N over. She was wasn't wearing any pants- but she knew that smirk meant he was just teasing her, they don't make love very often. They just have late night cuddle sessions and kisses.
"I hid it from you so I can wear it." Y/N said a little sheepishly. She was a little awkward talking to Corpse like this infront of everybody. But by how his friends greeted her, she knew they liked her. She was sure the fans would like her as well.
"Wow. You know I was very cold without that hoodie. I had to wear this plain white t-shirt that made me even more cold." Corpse shook his head in a teasing way. Though Y/N was very soft and innocent, so she thought he was being serious for a second.
She frowned, "I'm sorry! I'll give it to you now-" She started to take it off but was stopped by Corpse.
"Ay ay ay ay- no no no, it's fine I was just joking Y/N." He chuckled, hugging her tightly.
"How is she so pure?" Toast muttered, sitting there in disbelief.
"Shes so innocent." Aoc chuckled, already liking this Y/N girl. She really wanted to play a game of Among Us with her, she seemed like such a nice girl to play with.
"Corpse you better treat her like a queen or I swear to god I will-" Charlie was cut off by Sean.
"SHe sound so perfect for Corpse, I'm for ya dude." Sean said, knowing what to come with that sentence.
"Oh how dare you cut me off. I was about to speaks of wisdom!" Charlie said.
"You were about to say profanity. We need to protect this bean we know as Y/N" Poki said.
Charlie sighed, "Fine. But you better expect a fucking DM Corpse!"
Y/N decided to play along with this, She looked curiously at Corpse and said "Babe? Whats fucking?"
There was audible gasps, and Corpse looked at her in complete and utter disbelief. His little innocent bean just said the no no word, it was forbidden in her vocab.
"pretty sure Corpse already took it if you know what I mean."
"Ew what the f--feck?"
It was a fun night for Y/N and Corpse. Y/N enjoyed her time talking to the others and studying Corpses strategies as an imposter. She was excited for when she was gonna be able to play with them, she really looked forward to it. After the stream, Corpse went to record a video reading some more fan written horror stories. Y/N went and laid on the couch, waiting patiently for her boyfriend to finish up his recording- which was going to be a while. She scrolled through her phone, watching a few of Corpses videos and looking at photos of them on her camera roll.
But she made a mistake by going on Twitter.
"Corpses gf is so fake lmao"
"Y/N does not deserve Corpse! Shes sounds like such a bitch"
"I hope @T/N and @Corpse_Husband break up. I hate their relationship already 😭"
"Y/N sounds like a hoe and isn't worthy of Corpses time."
"I bet Corpse is so tired of @T/N lmao. its obvious in his voice loooooooool"
"I hope Y/N dies so i can get a piece of deep daddy 🤩🥰"
"I already hate Y/N and I haven't even seen her in any other vids XD"
"Yoo they sound like they hate her lol. I bet they're just putting on an act to make her feel better about herself."
The DMs, messages, and comments on her posts were even worse..
"You don't deserve Corpse. Fuck off hoe."
"You aren't worry of Corpses time."
"You're such a user."
"I bet Corpse really hates you."
"I hope you fucking because Corpse doesn't need an ugly hoe like you in his life"
And they just got worse and worse. Y/N was shocked, why are they hating on her so fast? Does Corpse really not like her..? Is she really not worthy of his time..? NO! She pushed them away, Corpse loves you, and that's truth.
But even so, Y/N couldn't stop reading the messages. They were all so mean.. Only a few people stood up for her. She felt her heart break, everyone hates her... Just despises her! She felt tears run down her face. She cuddled into the hoodie, pulling the oversized hoodie her H/C hair. She felt hurt and hated, like no one wanted her, not even Corpse- the person who loved her the most.
After an hour, Corpse decided to take a little break from recording and check on Y/N. He missed her soft voice and her cuddles, so he was on a mission to get just that thing. He stood up from his gaming chair and gave a nice long stretch and ran a hand through his black hair. He walked to his door, slowly opening it and quietly walking through the hallway. He planned to scare Y/N, and sense it usually takes him hours to finish his recording she wouldn't suspect a thing.
But when he got closer to the living room, he felt worry and concern overwhelm him. He heard the soft sobs and cries of his beloved girlfriend. He rushed into the living room, sitting on the couch and picking her up to hold her in his arms. "Hey babe- are you ok? Whats wrong?"
Y/N didn't say anything, she just snuggled into Corpses chest and hugged him tightly as she sobbed.
"Babe, you can tell me anything, you know that? What's wrong? Did someone say something that hurt you on stream? Wait- is it what Sykkuno said? Baby I'm not gay he's just a friend and you know that, it's just a joke that we're-"
"I-i-its not that.." Y/N muttered out.
"Then whats wrong?" Corpse asked, his voice full of nothing but worry and concern.
Y/N grabbed her phone and turned it on. She went on Twitter on looked up the hashtag 'HateY/N' and told Corpse to scroll through.
She watched as he scrolled through the tweets, and his expression twisted into one Y/N has never really seen before, anger. Oh he was livid. How could they say those things at his beautiful, sweet, and happy girlfriend? He thought his fans would support him and Y/Ns relationship. Why didn't they care?
He read some of the battles, some people loved Y/N.
"Bro stfu. Y/N is perfect for Corpse."
"lmao what? Shes ugly asf"
"Seriously? If you really cared about Corpse you would support him. Now fuck off."
Corpse pulled his own phone out and hopped on Twitter,  instantly typing a response to everyone who has been hating on Y/N.
He said "To everybody who has been hating on @T/N, my girlfriend. I love her with all my life and I do not like how some of you guys have been treating her. She has changed my goddamn life, and all this bullshit you guys have been spitting has made Y/N cry. So please.. just please stop."
After that, Corpse threw his phone onto the carpet and hugged Y/N tightly, kissing her temple softly. "It doesn't matter what they say, I will always love you Y/N."
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biracy-draws · 2 years
sorry for being cringe fail and mispronouncing serens name im a hashtag fake fan </3 /lh
No sweat you and literally everyone else
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28gucci · 6 years
a super long and sappy happy pride post 🌈
just a heads up this post is going to be super sappy but it’s just how i’m feeling 🤷🏻‍♀️ i just want to say that i love being in the lgbtqia+ community more than anything in this world. it feels so good to say that and be out (at least on the internet). i don’t think i would be as comfortable with myself as i am now if it weren’t for 1d and the 1d fandom. 1d has always been an escape and a fun time for me since i was in 7th grade and i’m now going into my sophomore year of college!! that’s insane to me. this group of five random boys was able to bring me out of my shell and helped me realize that being bi or non-labeled isn’t a bad thing and that i should embrace who i am no matter what. with that being said, i don’t think i’d be as happy as i am now without the friends that i’ve made in this fandom. i still get into depressive states from time to time but i’m lucky enough to have the friends that i do and that support me and cheer me up whenever i’m feeling down. now it’s time to thank everyone individually because you all deserve it,
@lickmybooty - abby!!! you are my favorite straight person on earth i swear. you are the kindest person and you are so funny and sweet and i love all of our moments talking about strange and hilarious tinder profiles and messages in the wee hours of the night. can’t forget about our rabbit sessions either those are always so fun shout-out lil meat
@bunnyteethies - BECCA!!! i love you so so so so much!!! i’ll forever be grateful for you creating the harrie gc and actually picking me to be in it. i’m so glad that you’re in my life and i consider you to be one of my best friends and one of the most special people i know. you are so giving of yourself and so loving of everyone. i would do anything for you and i hope you know that. you’re also one of the funniest people i know like some of the jokes you were making on rabbit the other night when we were reading bad imagines had me ROLLING. anyway ilysm and u r the loml
@rosepetalnails - angie i would die for you. you are so precious and kind and i’m so glad you messaged me that one night when i was driving back to texas after i was hyping you up telling you to post a selfie agdjdhdk i love how much you care for everyone and always have something nice to say and you never leave a message left unreplied (is that a word lmao) to. you always make me happy with every message you send and i can’t wait to meet you in july!!! also ur a fellow ziam and i love you so much for that agjdhejd
@biofthetimes - alex!! we haven’t ever talked personally but you presence in the harrie gc is so amazing. i love that you’re always awake at hours you shouldn’t be bc same and i also love your little stories about things that go on in you life like that time you met a fellow gay in the elevator (or lift since ur a brit) i think it was (yikes if i remembered the story wrong). anyway i love you and i hope you know that!!!
@magneticxclouds - avery!!! you are such a sweetie and so creative!! your happy pride picture today was so gorgeous i’m so happy to have a friend as talented as you!! i also love that you aren’t always super active in the gc so when you are it’s like a little treat like woohoo avery is here right now!! i love you!!
@ot4tat - bella my fave celebrity and cello player hjdjskdh you are such a cute talented little bub i would die for you. i still haven’t read your fic yet (hashtag fake fan) bc im prolonging my inevitable death but i know it’s wonderful and perfect. you were the first person i ever made a moodboard for and i loved it!! you got me to do something i had never done before and it was amazing!! i love you so much and i wish i had an inch of the talent you do, you’re going to do big things bella and i can’t wait to see how far you’ll go!!
@thefirstfloralsuit - brenda u are one of my faves. you are the only one in the gc that appreciates soggy cereal as much as i do agdjgdkd i can’t wait to meet you at the harry concert in july!! it’s going to be so fun and wild ilysm
@shesuchaneggplant - dany!!! another talented bub!! all of your art is so so so good!! you are always so nice and kind to everyone and i love all your little voice messages you are so cute. and you get to see harry tomorrow!!! i gotta finish this post soon before he kills you ahksis. i’m also gonna name you queen of the smut gc because you always pop off with smutty art at any given time and i love it. anyway, i love you so much dany and i’d die 4 u
@blueguccisparkles - emily!!! nice url btw ;) you are so cute and adorable and i love you so much you are so kind and lovely!!! i loved your promposal video so much omg it’s one of the cutest and funniest things i’ve ever seen. i’m super jealous you get to meet becca next year but i’m so excited for you too!! i hope y’all have an amazing time at the shawn concert omg!!! ilysm emily!!
@louissinginghome - baby em omg i would take a bullet for you. you’re one of my favorites babies of the gc. you’re so cute and so not afraid to be yourself and i aspire to be like that one day <3 i’m honestly at a loss of words to say what all i love about you you’re so special and amazing ilysm
@hsbunnyteeth - izzy bub i love you a lot and i love how excited you get about things especially taylor swift, she may not be my favorite person, but i love how happy she makes you. you deserve the world and all the love in it. you are such a sweetie and i love you so much
@freelouisankles - logan!!! your url is always a mood™️ i love you a lot and i’m happy you’re the mom of the gc you always give the best advice and are always so caring. i would also die for you and your pins omg also!!! chaco bffs!!! ilysm!!!
@cactustyles - mara aka queen of hontent. you are always so smart and helpful when someone asks a question in the gc and you’re also super calming to me for some reason? idk you just give me super chill vibes and i love that about you. i also live for all your selfies and work stories even if they aren’t always good lol ilysm mara!!!!
@sweaterpawslou - meg!!! omg i would die for you in a heartbeat you are such a ziam and i love it and you’re absolutely adorable and every reaction selfie you send is my favorite picture gah meg i love you so much idek what to say but i live for every time you say “hi lomls” it makes me so happy to see it!!! i love you lots and lots egg
@sparklehiddies - silvia!! iconic url wow. you are so kind, harrie alert, and also super funny i love you a lot and you’re my favorite streak i have on snapchat!!! we’re almost at a hundred which is insane!!! ilysm silvia!!
@thepinkvelvetprince - zahra i cannot tell you how long it took me to find your url oh my lord agdjgdkd u are my lemon bae rose queen and ilysm you are my fave sustainability queen as well and i’d die for u
i think that’s everyone in the gc (that’s active that i y’all to!!) if i missed you i’m so so so sorry and i love you a lot but i’m gay™️ and have a terrible memory!!!
anyway i love all of you so so much and i’ll always be super grateful for 1d for bringing us all together!! happy pride 🌈🌈🌈
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kuraagins · 7 years
Some Danatole YouTube au headcanons (I'm sorry)
Based off some asks from @melchirits' blog They have a prank channel Because OF COURSE they fucking do It starts off with Dolokhov being like "let's prank Pierre and put it on the Internet" And Anatole comes up with a MASTER PLAN of putting a piece of paper that says some dumb shit like "ur gay" in one of his books. They film Pierre opening the book and he's just like "??????? Okay???????" But these two fucking assholes think it's the funniest thing, and they do that laugh that prank channels do where they just scream into the camera. And pretty much immediately they start to get a following (Because they're two attractive guys on the Internet the teenagers can SHIP THEM) So they just do more dumb shit to Pierre (and occasionally Ippolyte and Hélène if they're around and in good enough moods that they won't kill them) Balaga helps them out sometimes And their YouTube channel starts to get pretty big Anatole decides to start streaming as well because he likes video games (and also attention) So one time on a stream Hélène comes in and is like "tolya you should make out with Dolokhov for a prank" Because the girl KNOWS her brother is lowkey gay for his bff And Anatole is like "IM NOT GAY IM NOT GONNA KISS A DUDE I LIKE WOMEN" But also everyone in the chat is like YOU SHOULD KISS HIM Because like I said... The internet Ship Them Anatole is a slut for views and attention so he's like "WOW guys I can't BELIEVE you're MAKING me do this y'all are CRAZY, kissing boys is GROSS" And he just grabs the camera goes into Dolokhov's room (because I just decided that they live together in this au) and MAKES OUT WITH HIM Like.... Not a little peck on the cheek like Hélène was expecting There's like tongue and everything Anatole pulls away and they both go super red because they're both so in love with each other but they can't even admit it to themselves let alone each other And Dolokhov is sat there completely dazed And Anatole gets super scared that Dolokhov is gonna get mad at him (because his dad maybe used accuse Anatole of being gay because our boy loves his fashion, which is why he tries to repress his feelings for Fedya???) So he just thrusts the camera in his face and is like "HA ITS A PRANK BRO I GOT U NO HOMO" and runs out the room flustered as hell Dolokhov is just left sitting there like "yes this is fine..... I am 100% okay that my best friend-and long time crush-has just made out with me as a prank" Everyone in the stream chat is going crazy Hélène is Shook Anatole promptly ends the stream early with some weak ass excuse like "oh suddenly I am very sick goodbye" He begins to regret kissing Fedya because MAYBE HE HATES ANATOLE NOW But it does get them more followers so... And now there's thousands of fanfictions about them Anatole googles himself because of course he does and shortly after The Incident he finds some 'danatole' fanfiction And he's like what is this danatole they speak of He reads a couple(hundred) and is like HOLY SHIT I WISH THIS WAS REAL LIFE It's Balaga that comes up with idea of a fake feud "It'll get you a fuckton of views Anatole. A fuckton." Both Anatole and Fedya love the views So Balaga writes diss tracks for them both and gives them ideas for some vague tweets "Can u believe some people just won't stop talking about their foot fetish smh" "When someone u care about takes ur sister out to the opera instead of u #ratsthesedays" (I KNOW 'rats these days' is a very northern British thing but PLEASE guys I find it so funny thinking of Anatole saying it) And then they release the diss tracks Millions of views Everyone is choosing sides There's 'team Anatole' and 'team Dolokhov' merch Anatole calls his fans the 'Anatole kuragin-ers' Dolokhov calls his fans something even dumber like "tHE FIERCE SQUAD" "Anyway fierce squad don't forget to like comment and subscribe and dab on those haters like Anatole kuragin" So then Anatole takes it a Step Too Far And he tweets something like "lol I bet @crazygoodshot was totally into that time I kissed him as a prank #DoesFedyaDolokhovIsGay?" (Anatole is an obnoxious hashtag user fight me) About 5-10 minutes later he walks in on Dolokhov SOBBING And Anatole freaks out It takes him like a good forty five minutes to calm him down because Dolokhov is genuinely devastated He thinks that Anatole knows he's gay and is in love with him and that he hates him for it Eventually Anatole calms him down enough so that Fedya can speak and all he can get out is "do you HATE me Tolya" before breaking down into sobs again Anatole is heartbroken that HE'S done this to Dolokhov so he deletes the tweet and once Dolokhov no longer has any more tears to cry they Anatole takes him out for coffee Buys a drink and a cake for him to try and make up for what he's done All Dolokhov can do is stare blankly at the table He's a whole mix of emotions He's angry that Anatole would out him like that, upset that his friend clearly dislikes him for enjoying the kiss, confused as to why he would tweet that out because this was just supposed to be a bit of harmless fun for the Views Anatole tries to apologise but there's nothing he can say that makes Dolokhov feel better They sit in silence for over an hour and Anatole ends up blurting out "I love you" And Dolokhov looks up for the first time in confusion and Anatole looks at him and says "I'm in love with you Fedya" And Anatole gets all shy and flustered because he finally told Dolokhov about this crush that he'd bottled up for years Poor Dolokhov still doesn't get it he's like "love me in like,,,,, a friend way?" NO YOU FOOL HE LIKE LIKES YOU And once Fedya has come to terms with this after Anatole has gone on some big ramble about how beautiful he finds him Fedya confesses his love for Anatole And they spend the rest of the day holding hands and doing cute couple stuff!!!! Someone sees them and posts a picture of them holding hands and I'd like "are danatole really feuding????" And then the eye emoji about 10 times The picture goes VIRAL Anatole and Fedya make a video a couple of weeks later explains that the feud is over (they're both too proud to admit it was all fake tho) and now they're dating and in love!! And then everyone writes Dan and Phil-esque fanfiction about them BYE
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twisted-sparks · 7 years
I’m sorry that i always have to complain if i come up here once in a while, but there is an issue again i just have to get off my chest. And ofc its about top & his birthday hashtagging “scandal” If you wouldn’t know (but i highly doubt that there are any fan that havent heard the story) korean vips asked intl fans before top’s birthday that we should not trend any hashtags on twitter, because we should keep the silence & protect this sacred day & him from stupid badmouthing people. BUT ofc the intl fans are pure justice warriors that now suddenly decided to break out from this & finally end this quiet peace - so they literally shitted on the kvips whish. All right, i said, everybody is free enough to do what they want to do. Personally i supported kvips with the silent celebrating but i didn’t had any opposition against the hashtag thingy (i just havent reblogged birthday wishes with it). Then, at the end of the day a big blessing came: top’s precious mom posted a pic w/ him on her ig acc. Everyone was joyful, and finally we could saw his face: he is with his loved ones, freely, peacefully, hopefully happy as well. But what happened after, that is what fucks with my head right now & i seriously question some intl fans’ decency & respect towards others & the situation. A clever twitter user literally called the silent-suporters - that kindly told the others not to celebrate too loudly - fake.  Wow, now thats very interesting. What’s more interesting is this question: “who tf are you to still act like you know it all better..they gave us a sign that we can stop being silenced..are you that blind to see?” Well, to answer it, i happily stay blind for the rest of my life, but you being this stupid & ignorant is much worse and incurable, believe me - because, in fact, that’s not a sign. Calling such a precious & generous act A SIGN is very disturbing, nasty, ugly & just simply unacceptable. Top’s mom uploaded that picture to make us sure: he is okay, he is w/ his loving family & he is celebrating this day calmly just how he deserved. BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN HE IS READY TO COME OUT FROM THE SHADOWS & YALL CAN FINALLY SHOUT EVERY LITTLE SHIT OUT. What really enraged me is that we all should be happy that she was so generous that she gave us a gift - because she could easily decided not to. But because of her we could see him. He is allright & looks so good. But some dumbass justice warriors living in the west side feels obligated to rebel & take this way more seriously as it is and so they can call this as a “sign to finally open our mouth” and even USE TOP’S MOTHER’S NAME AS A PROOF. NO. JUST NO. THIS IS DISGUSTING. THE ONLY GOAL OF THAT PIC IS HER MAKING US SURE THAT TOP IS WELL. NOTHING ELSE. ‘Til top HIMSELF not decide to step in the spotlight again, nothing - i repeat - NOTHING IS A SIGN FOR YALL TO OPEN YALLS NASTY BIG MOUTH TO & TALK BULLSHIT. “he didn't get censored or cropped out anymore.... “ SO WHAT? He still didn’t come out and im pretty sure he had A LOT OF CHANCES TO DO SO SINCE THEN. Now, what do you think why he is hiding ever since? Simply: because he feels he aint ready. And whats funny is that seemingly everyone knows top so well, but as i see, yall aint shit. Its a well known fact that he has mental illnesses - thats why his life is a little bit harder than others’. Another big point here is that he is still serving his military enlistment. Those things are all very huge deciding points & that’s why kvips thought it will be better for every one of us to shut up. Don’t forget that this happened way before the pic, so you cant even use this as a justice card... But of course YOU are the CLEVER ONE that knows everything & everyone else is dumb. Nice try, but next time try harder because it didn’t work :) I mentioned that they act like they know top but in fact, well... it feels like they talk about someone else they dont even know. This sentence probably shows how much: “we are not going to keep silent anymore because THAT might harm him more than anything... “ Said by probably someone that witnessed what happened when everyone opened their nasty mouth even when the poor man liked something on ig & the public started to criticize him - or the recent accidental ice cream picture uploading issue. Literally that’s what caused him more harm than anything: that yall just cant shut the fuck up when yall finally should. Logic?? ZERO. And the cherry on top: “just stop acting like you know better than his own Mum”... Bih... the only one here acting up like she is in the middle of the happenings IS YOU. You dont have to be Einstein to know these basic things abt him & draw the conclusions, you just have to be a decent human being that actually cares. Oh... sorry, i forgot that appeariently you aint one because advertising yourself as a justice warrior is more important than thinking sane. Wow. So good. But you know what really makes me sad? That we can argue on sns abt these, then log on & off like nothing happened, but the only one that suffered & got damaged is not us. Nobody will ever know better than him how hard to live with this, or how he should think twice abt little things like posting a pic, showing face or whatnot - simply because he made a mistake he already paid for. That how he have to face things day & night. Because im pretty sure he started healing slowly, but i have a feeling that it will bother him & still wound him for a long time just to think abt it. That’s why yall should be just happy for what you got & stop acting up. Be a decent, understanding human being without acting a know-it-all brat. Because he still needs time to heal more to finally step out confidently - and intl fans knows half of it. Kvips at least can sense whats best for him. Intl’s? All yall did was telling blatant assumed shit all over the place & never helped the situation - but in fact sometimes it got worse because of it. So now yall can measure the thing that REALLY IS HAPPENING. And not what yall think its right to do at the moment.
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Maya and her part!
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Recently a fan tweeted Marlene asking if mayas storyline was over and she replied saying their may be a bit more to it. So I went back and tried to see what I could make out of the maya clues and how she fits into everything. 
I always love maya and emaya but her character always seemed a bit sketchy at times kinda like alison. (remember this)
when her and emily first meet she seems REALLY interested in getting to know emily, she was asking tons of personal questions about ali and herself, answering questions with a question, and she was being super friendly and almost choosy with her words, almost as if she had other intentions when she met her. What if she was told to get close to her? (Kind of like ezra & cece already knowing who all the girls were and jenna already knowing alison) 
In S1: “The jenna thing”, maya meets spencer and when her and emily go back to her house she says “I get your connection to spencer, you both like to win.” and emily replies “well winnings great but usually if I do my best im happy with the outcome.” and maya chooses to move the topic to spencer by asking how she feels about winning which always kind of stuck out to me. Emily tells her spencer HAS to win.
I just never quite understood why Maya only really asked questions about spencer, I know you could argue she was just trying to get to know emily but throughout the episodes maya’s in we don’t really see her interested in knowing about all the liars to me it seemed like she asked about spencer only because she reminded her the most of Ali.
& then maya moves the conversation to Alison again saying how she seemed like she was always the center of attention. Then tells emily she usually runs from those girls. Em says “you don’t look like the type of girl who runs from anyone” and Maya moves the convo to something else. (WHO U RUNNIN FROM MAYA)
Also later in the night when emily turns around maya immediately goes and cuddles with her almost like she KNOWS emily was in the closet. She said she had a boyfriend & i dont think it was something she just did in her sleep. + the A alerts afterwards were right on time, something was up. 
this also happens again when they kiss in the photo booth and A steals the strips right away. & maya tells emily not to worry about it that it there was probably just no more paper & drags her away. MAYA WAS IN ON IT THE WHOLE TIME. She was used to bring em out the closet and let A use it against her. 
Also in S2: “I must confess” Maya is scene wearing the exact same tory burch boots -A ordered online. (couldnt find a pic though)
But I think somewhere along the way maya started to really develop feelings and wanted out but A/AD or someone connected to them had stuff on maya forcing her to stay in it so she chooses to run away but A gets her first and kills her before she can get far.
Now lets go back to what I said earlier about her kind of acting like Alison
In the pilot maya asks emily if shes ever smoked and em replies No. Maya says this and the way she says it for some reason really just reminds me of something Ali would say. 
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& then later in the episode Spencer sees who she thinks is Ali in Mayas room (ali’s old room) 
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But what’s odd is that this person is wearing the same tank Maya was wearing the whole episode.
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now this can be explained in a couple ways, either:
1. maya found a blonde wig while looking through the dilaurentis house and tried it on to pretend to be ali.
2. that was really or ali or maybe an ali twin and she was talking to maya & wearing a similiar top? (this one seems too much but wouldnt be surprised if the writers went this way.)
3.maya bought a blonde wig & was really trying to pretend to be someone maybe a trick she learned from a real blonde she knew who liked to wear wigs & be someone else.
       - i’m thinking its this last one! (or i hope it is)
In S2E12: “eye of the beholder” Jason tells em & spencer that maya found some of Ali’s old things in the attic, “Like they were hidden” he thought they threw everything away but maya kept some things, maybe b/c she knew what they were for.
Another thing I wanna point out is maya has mentioned on more than one occasion (1.02 & 1.12) that she has trouble sleeping. I mean I would have trouble sleeping too if I was worried my secrets may catch up to me.
Now I know there a lot of maya theories & some have even said they think she’s A. I don’t think I could really hop on board with maya being A but I do think when mona said “MAYA KNEW” she really meant maya fucking knew, like she knew the game & knew what was going on & just how dangerous A could really be. 
Okay so, we all know there seems to be a couple different teams when it comes to PLL and their alliances. Theres, 
AD & Cece (& maybe someone else? idk yet still looking into this)
Theres the Liars 
Then theres AD’s pawns (Jenna, Noel, Lucas, Shana, Alison (sometimes), Garrett, Mona etc.)
Well i think maya started off as one of these pawns but like all the people above at some point they wanted out and like I said above its likely so did she. 
It’s possible that maybe Ali and Maya knew eachother prior to her disapperance maybe they met on vacation… at cape may.
I saw this picture when I searched up maya clues on google and I almost screamed! I think this Analyzing A tumblr acct found it so i’ll put her link:
Could this mean this is Maya’s unnamed brother? Did she also hang out with Ali, Cece, & Melissa during that summer? Or was she scared of them like she mentioned to emily about attention seeking girls like Alison?
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Now I heard from twitter it may be fake but still why would they make the mistake of putting it in the credits? Idk I just think it would be a nice twist for maya to have a deeper connection to Ali than just living in her house. 
UPDATE: MARLENE SAID WE’RE MEETING AN UNKNOWN RELATIVE OF MAYA’S! Some people meationed that reporter Aria went off on in 7.12 may be her brother but I couldn’t find a pic and I didn’t wanna sit through hulu commercials to find out so if someone finds the pic reblog it cause I wanna knowwww!
I mean we find out they had to have known each other either way or at least met before b/c they were both staying in the kahn cabin around the same time!
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Also when Ali and Maya’s body are found the scene is so similar they even play the same song.
I think at first Alison gave Maya the idea to fake her death & Noel, Garrett, & Jenna helped her carry it out. 
Marlene also posted this pic on insta w/ 2 dolls that w/ the hashtag #emison but to me the 2 dolls look more like ali and maya then ali and em. Idk I just think there’s alot more to their relationship than we know right now. 
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Now lets talk about the night mayas body was presumably found:
Maya trys to call emily but she cant get service so it never goes through, I don’t think this was maya b/c her phone was already stolen by this point. I think A just was trying to distract emily to mess with hanna.
Jumping ahead to when Mona falls off the cliff, we get a zoom in on her watch that says its 12am. The girls then go back to their houses and the cops have a body they think is Mayas.
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BUT we later see this video of Maya at the kahn cabin at 1:14am
So are we just really gonna believe it took the liars OVER 1hr & 30m to get to thier houses?? B/c maya had to have got kidnapped and then dragged over to emilys back yard from the cabin and murdered. Which just in my head doesn’t add up with the timeline.
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In addition to this I noticed when Maya gets pulled out of the cameras view it doesn’t necessarily mean she was captured by A, I think theres a good chance it was Ali who pulled on her to take her out of view and talk to her. We know Ali was staying there too so maybe she already knew where the cameras were and didnt wanna take any chances being seen seeing as this was before A supposedly knew Ali was alive. 
Now lets talk about after her “Death”:
We find out Maya went to the kahn parties often and met holden before, she was also friendly with Jenna, we see her get into a car with garrett the night she died (But we know he didnt kill her because he was arrested at 12am) & its when Nate (lyndon) is introduced and he is accused of being the one who killed Maya. 
Nate never openly says he killed Maya, in fact some of the things he says when he tries to kill paige kind of indicate he thinks emily has something to do with her death. 
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He says “Im gonna do to you, what you did to me. Im gonna take someone from you & you are gonna watch me do it.” 
Its also been speculated that Maya was involved in the night em dug up Ali’s grave b/c they used her bottle of pills to drug her (which was also prescribed after she died) & flashbacks she remembers having + jenna lies to her saying she found her on the street drunk when spencer asks why she lied she says b/c she’s protecting a friend.
This was also one of the flashbacks she remembers having,
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Most of me really does believe Maya did end up really dying sometime later before the end of season 3 or in the beginning of season 4 
The girls do find this carved into the dollhouse in S6 maybe AD found maya & took her to the doll house to be his Ali for a while before Mona got there.
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But idk i’ve also read alot of theories w/ extra clues and reasons she could indeed still be alive helping out emily and hiding from AD or might even be bethany young herself. So theres that lol. I’m just excited to know that Maya still is relevant b/c her character had so much potential, hopefully mar doesn’t fuck it up!!
Reblog & tell me what you think, do you think maya’s still alive or dead? & if she wasn’t the person in the body bag in 2.25 then who was? 
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No! This isn’t how you’re supposed to play the game! [Father!Corpse x Child!Reader]
Part 2 of Goddamnit kid, now they know I’m a single father! Warnings: None Summary: While streaming Among Us, Corpse decides to teach his kid Y/N how to play the game! A/N: And yes my warnings have the non-warning as well, just so you know what to expect from the story. Also, Requests for Cr1tiKal and Corpse Husband are always open! Ask or message me if you have any ideas. Also, message or ask if you’d like to be tagged- just please state what kind of fics you wanna be tagged be on. I’m always open to tag people! Request: Yes  Tag list:  @save-the-sky @alilshit @whatifwedo @hughugh20 @fleurmoon @bi-andready-tocry @itsminniekat @yoongi-holland @loraleiix @hacker-ghost @fanworrior @marvelous-musicals @annshit @unknown-and-invisible @letsloveimagines @hairbrush-anon @babyhoneystvles 
“Oh by the way guys I have Y/N here for the stream today.” Corpse said to his chat as he moved his little guy around in Among Us. “Hai!” Y/N said happily. Corpse had them sitting on his lap just chilling and watching their father play. It has been a couple months since the announcement of Y/Ns existence happened and everyone fell in love. Corpse did have to tell Y/N how to deal with it and not to share his identity to anyone who asks. He was enjoying a happy life, getting so much support by his fans and his friends. Life was good, for once. But with happiness comes sadness, and of course with friendliness comes hatred. And there was hate.
People did not trust Corpse with a child, sadly. The hashtag ‘CorpseCPS’ trended on Twitter before someone came out and told everyone to fuck off. But even if that hashtag stopped, that didn’t stop the haters. People still tweeted about it, hated on Corpses kid, and just been assholes. 
“Corpse Husband is not fit to be a father. He already told a majority of his fans about his mental problems, so do you really think he will raise that kid properly? #CorpseCPS” 
“Wouldn’t be surprised if Y/N will grow up to not be able to sleep at night. Just like their father.”
“I stg I bet Y/N is terrified of Corpse. Have you heard his music and seen his videos? I wouldn’t trust someone like him with a child, he could emotionally abuse them. Someone call CPS!!! #CorpseCPS”
“Who the fuck is accepting single fathers? Children belong to their mothers, not their fathers. I hope @Corpse_Husband realized how he fucked up and gives that poor kid back to its mother.”
“Bet that the mother of Corpses kid fought so much for custody on that poor child on god.”
“Someone save this child. #CorpseCPS”
It really got to Corpse, making him think he wasn’t capable of raising Y/N. Was everybody right? Was he going to mess this child up? He didn’t like thinking about, but his mind always trailed back to it. It worried him, the only thing he wanted was to make his kid happy. Was he doing a bad job? Was his kid going to grow up wrong? 
“Can you guys please let me live my life and raise my kid? Don’t think you’d feel good if someone said you weren’t capable of raising the kid you had. Jesus.”
Corpse Tweeted that when the anxiety and bad thoughts got too much for him, hoping this would calm them down. But one small Tweet doesn’t go a long way sometimes. He was glad most of his fanbase supported him, at least his friends did. And now he didn’t have to worry about the haters. Right now, it was streaming with Y/N time.
“Alright Y/N, you control the little astronaut like this..” Corpse put Y/Ns hand on the mouse and put his over it, moving his horned avatar through the halls on the screen. “Those red words are my gamer tag, Corpse. Red means im an imposter and white means crewmate. The goal of the game as an imposter is to kill everyone without them finding out its you. The crewmates need to find out who the imposter is an eject them.” 
“Okeh!” Y/N said excitedly and laughed.
Corpse smiled fondly. He loved Y/Ns laugh, it melted his heart. “Ok, see those cameras?” Y/N nodded, “You gotta be careful killing people around those, someone could be watching.” Corpse moved to electrical, “See? This is electrical. And there's, felix. Whoop, now hes dead.” 
“That was mean!” Y/N whined. 
“It’s the point of the game though!” Corpse quickly vented. “Okay, to kill people, you click this.” He showed Y/N how to kill people, “And to hop into a vent to get away, you click this.” He showed Y/N how to vent. “Now, during an emergency meeting you need an alibi.” 
“Whats an alibi?” Y/N asked, glancing up at their fathers face. 
“If someone blames you for wiping someone out, you have to have an excuse to why you didn’t do it. That’s an alibi.” Corpse explained, heading down the hallway. “So next time after the next emergency meeting, you will play! Sound fun?” He smiled when Y/N replied with an upbeat yes. Then a body was reported, “Ok Y/N, don’t tell anyone it was us, alright?” Y/N nodded. 
“Where was the body?” Poki asked. 
“I found it in electrical.” Sykkuno replied. 
“I did see Sean go that way.” Corpse said, making Sean instantly reply. 
“I was just passing by!” Sean argued, “What about you Corpse? Didn’t you go near electrical?” 
“It was you Sean I saw it wit my own 2 eyes!” Y/N called out, making everyone nearly die. 
“Well you can’t really argue with that one Sean.” Charlie chuckled.
“Vote Sean the council has decided.” Sykkuno declared. 
“Wha-- I- B--” Sean stuttered as everyone vote for him. Soon, they all watched him float into the abyss of space.
Corpse chuckled, “You’re my superpower Y/N. Ok, I’ll guide you along but its your turn to play.”
Y/N made a happy squeal, putting their hand over the mouse and moving the astronaut across the screen excitedly. Corpse guided them along, having his hand placed over theirs. “Ok Y/N, be careful. remember, there are cameras.” 
“Okie.” Y/N said, heading down the hallway. They walked around for a bit and Corpse helped them fake tasks. “Ok, see Toast? We’re gonna kill him.” Corpse checked for cameras, “Do you remember how?” Corpse asked. 
“Yah!” Y/N moved the astronaut forward, killing Toast. 
“Ok now vent, vent vent vent!” Corpse said, leaning forward and moving the astronaut to hover over the vent. Y/N stalled but clicked the right button, quickly venting right when Poki walked in. A dead body was reported, and they were back at the emergency meeting.
“It was Corpse!! It was Corpse!! I saw him vent!” Poki screamed, being way too loud to Corpse, but he didn’t mind anymore. 
“That wasn’t me.” Corpse lied, “Where was the body?” 
“I found it it navigation! You vented!” Poki said. 
“Mmm nah it wasn’t me. I was in storage.” Corpse lied again, making Y/N feel pretty damn bad. I swear, this child was so innocent. They couldn’t stand seeing lies and murders happening. So, they said “It was dad!” 
“HAH! They just exposed you!” Sean laughed loudly. 
“Oh my god the betrayal.” Charlie laughed as well. 
“Vote Corpse!” Poki yelled, “I told you!” 
“Y/N knows whats right.” Sykkuno said, voting for Corpse. 
Corpse gasped, “Noo! that’s not how’re supposed to play the game!” Corpse sighed, watching as everyone voted for him. Y/N frowned, “Im sorry..” Corpse hugged Y/N, “no no it’s fine. Just don’t betray me like that.” he chuckled, watching his astronaut float through space. He sighed again, “Better luck next time. Guess I have to train you how to be a ghost.” 
Y/Ns eyes lit up, “Yaaaayyyy!~”
~The End~
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