#sorry im a bit annoyed today and that didn't help
approximateknowledge · 4 months
welp it happened
-my post: "i think [character] is transfem"
-someone in the notes: "oh i actually think [character] is transmasc but they can be genderfuid or nonbinary maybe, 'just to make the situation more outrageous' (<exact words)"
like... yes i know that's a popular headcanon, i am aware and that's valid, but did you *have* to leave a whole paragraph about it on my post specifically about the character in question being transfem?
really one of those "should we throw a party?"-moments
like, just make your own post about it next time?
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fluffylino · 10 months
you never liked arguments
-very fluffy, pure fluffiness
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water ran down your body. you didn't like this feeling that you felt. nothing made sense anymore. your mind was a mess.
you despised it so much because of how your parents were.
unecessary. things could be cleared quietly without shouting and getting angry with eachother. it reminded you of your father. his harsh words. the shouting. the swearing. the silent treatment.
although what hyunjin did was minor. he would never curse at you or call you names regardless of whether he was annoyed.
what happened today was a mistake. it had escalated to the point that hyunjin was ignoring you. at this point you couldn't even blame him. maybe you were being emotional. but it did bring back bad memories of arguments.
you hadn't even realised your breath had got stuck in your throat. tears blurred your vision. your head felt light as the water became hotter. steam filling up the bathroom.
"baby!" hyunjin yelled, kicking the door open. you hadn't even heard him. his hand tugged you out, before you could even comprehend anything.
"thank god you left the door unlocked. i was searching for you"
he pulled you flush against him. you couldn't hold your tears in anymore.
"I don't like this, i hate it" you sobbed out, shaking against hyunjin's body that was embracing you.
"i'm sorry, my angel...i'm so sorry my sweetheart" you could feel the pain in his voice. you couldn't help it. everything was triggering and you were unable to control your emotions.
"i don't want to fight. i can't...it hurts"
without caring, he pulled you out not bothering if you were naked. he sat you down on the counter near the sink. your legs dangled down, and he wasted no time to hug you. not bothering that his clothes were getting wet.
"its okay you're okay we're okay" hyunjin reassured, his arms wrapped around you. his fingers stroking your back.
"breathe baby..i'm here" he whispered, pulling his head back to wipe your tears.
"we're never arguing again" you shivered, suddenly hit with a cold draft. you wrapped your legs around his hips.
"im cold hyunnie" you muttered, voice cracking while pushing yourself against his body. he was warm and his soft shirt felt nice against your bare skin.
"lets shower together, hm" he suggested, hands steadily holding you. he rubbed your bare back soothingly. you couldn't bring myself to nod, instead opting to try and look at him.
his eyes were teary and his eyebrows furrowed with worry.
"my pretty baby, don't cry please. i'm sorry" he kissed your forehead.
"i'm so stupid. please forgive me." hyunjin softly pecked your nose.
a small gesture that made your heart hurt with how genuinely heart felt he was being. carefully he carried you, making you stand under the shower. it was perfect. you watched as he took his soaking wet shirt off and tugged his pants and everything else off. hurriedly stepping into the shower. to be as close to you as possible. his body pressed against yours in the misr intimate lovely way possible.
"my gorgeous darling" you cried harder when he cupped your face to place a chaste kiss on your lips.
"i'm sorry...i'm sorry for not talking to you. it was childish and dramatic of me to do that"
"i'm s-sorry too" you mumbled. maybe you were being a teeny weeny bit emotional.
"i'm the one whose sorry baby...you did nothing wrong"
another kiss to your face. the water was hot against your skin but his body provided you with a warmth that reached your heart.
"I love you so much, my love...please never forget that"
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mika-mp3 · 4 months
The treasure is all mine!
-Prologe- (Chapter one, chapter two) Genshin Impact x Creator!Reader
warnings: first post ever! almost swear word, the most classic start to a SAGAU fic ever (Im sorry I dont know hot to start else), no y/n used, gender neutral ,english isn't my first language so propably spelling errors, I don't know how Aranaras talk. (I professionally ignored that quest.), characters might turn yandere in the future
summary: After playing TCG your screen becomes strangely white. It starts glowing brighter and brighter and the light seems to suck you in? That can't go wrong... right? Suddenly you find yourself in a forest, not remembering anything but meeting a little creature that might be able to help you out
characters: you, your mom (no this is not a joke), aranara!oc: Aramasu
word count: 1.359
wattpad version here
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"THIS BI-" you yelled at the screen. The third time. The third time you lost at that damn card game, and the third time you got annoyed because of it. "How?? How can this be so hard? It's the same technique I always use when I play normally! It works against bosses; why not now in the Genius Invocation TCG? I was so close this time too!" With a frustrated sigh, you let your head fall back. On the screen was still the word "defeat," big and plastered onto a red background for extra drama. Seriously, who had this idea? It's just frustrating at this point. Not even the recommended teams online seemed to work. You even tried copying the other players' teams that defeated you, but you still lost anyway. Why were you doing this again? Oh right... rewards.
Another sigh escaped your mouth when you heard your mother's voice from the kitchen. "Darling! Come down, dinner is ready!" A small smile crept on your face. 'Darling,' a nickname your mom gave you whenever she was in a good mood. Seems like work was quite alright today.
"Coming!" you answered, the dinner smell already reaching you by the time you finally mustered up the courage to sit up. Looking at the screen one last time, you decided to stop playing Genshin Impact for today. You had already done your dailies and everything else you felt like doing. Seriously though, doing dailies started to feel like a chore. That's why you were more than happy to open chests and explore instead. Standing up, you turned the game off and watched the screen go black.
Or... did it?
You were just about to leave the room when it lit up once more, but not with the loading screen, just plain white. "What the..." A bright white light filled the room, instantly blinding you. With your hands lifted before your eyes, you managed to get closer. "What is this?!" you said, a bit of fear in your voice. This had never happened before! You didn't even know that your screen could be so blinding! Just when you were about to touch it, everything went dark. Dark and warm. That's all you felt. Looking around frantically, you tried to make sense of the situation. It was still bright outside, so it shouldn't have been so dark now! Maybe just the aftermath of the blinding light?
"Darling, are you okay?" You heard a voice in the distance, but it felt oddly far away, as if it went further and further away with every word spoken. "M-.. Mom?" you asked, but there was no answer. It was still very warm. So warm. Slowly, you felt yourself grow weaker and weaker. Soon your knees gave in, but you didn't fall while your eyes closed shut. Before you could say anything else, your consciousness had already left your body. . . . . So... comfy. It was so warm, like on a sunny summer day when you lie down on the grass and just enjoy the fresh air. Talking of which, whatever you lay on felt just as nice. The sounds of birds could be heard in the distance. After a couple of minutes, you opened your eyes and saw...
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A vast expanse of vibrant green, stretching out before you. You're lying on a bed of soft moss, the texture cushioning your body like the most luxurious mattress. Above, a canopy of trees sways gently in the breeze, their leaves creating a symphony of whispers. Sunlight filters through the branches, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow that dance around you.
You sit up slowly, feeling the softness of the moss beneath your fingers. The air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the earthy aroma of the forest floor. You take a deep breath, the freshness of the air invigorating you. The sounds of chirping birds and the distant babble of a stream create a soothing background melody.
As you look around, the forest feels both alien and familiar. Massive trees with trunks wide enough to house entire rooms rise majestically around you. Their leaves are an array of colors, from the deepest greens to shimmering golds, reflecting the sunlight in a magical display. The forest floor is dotted with flowers of every hue, some glowing faintly, adding to the otherworldly atmosphere.
Confused, you try to remember how you got here. The last thing you recall is the blinding white light from your screen and your mother calling you for dinner. Your thoughts are interrupted by the feeling of something soft nuzzling your hand. Looking down, you see a white rabbit, its fur pristine and its eyes large and expressive. It seems completely at ease, cuddling against your hand as if it belongs there.
With a gentle touch, you stroke the fur of the rabbit. It nuzzles into your hand, happy and content. A gentle smile spreads across your face. Have you ever felt so at peace before? It's hard to say when you don't remember anything from before. Not like it matters now. Nothing matters. There is no reason to question anything at all. Not why this wild rabbit is so calm and cuddly with you, not scared at all. Not why you don't feel certain things, like hunger or thirst. It's all so nice and warm and cozy.
Wait, there is something. Some feeling, not very familiar, but you still recognize it. Are you being watched?
Yes. No, no, it can't be that. Probably? Turning around, you scan your surroundings. All the bushes, the trees, and their leaf crowns, then you see it.
It isn't threatening, more weirdly familiar than anything. The small creature is floating above the ground with a little cute 'hat'? One word pops into your head as the creature comes closer: 'Aranara.' But how do you know that? It feels natural, like knowing the name of a dog or cat. Aramasu. This little Aranara's name is Aramasu.
"You're not a Nara," says the curious creature.
You answer, "No, I am no Nara. That's what I believe, at least."
With a soft smile, you reach out, cupping the little Aranara's face. It looks up, surprised, almost speechless. The warmth soothing through its body by the mere touch of you.
"What might you be doing here, little Aramasu?"
The rabbit, still cuddled up in your other hand, seems very happy with the encounter. The Aranara isn't surprised that you know its name; it feels truly natural.
Aramasu's eyes widen slightly, then it relaxes into your touch. "I was just wandering, like I always do. But today felt different. The forest whispered to me of a new presence, something... special."
You look around; the forest seems to glow with a subtle, otherworldly light, as if acknowledging Aramasu's words. The trees sway gently, and the air is filled with a soft, harmonious hum. It feels as though the entire forest is alive and aware of your presence, welcoming you in a way that goes beyond mere coincidence.
"Special?" you ask, intrigued. "How so?"
Aramasu tilts its head, studying you with a curious expression. "You have a light within you, one that resonates with the heart of the forest. It's warm and soothing, like the embrace of the earth itself. It's rare to see such light in anyone other than the forest spirits."
The rabbit nudges your hand, drawing your attention back to its soft fur. You feel a sense of contentment and belonging, unlike anything you've ever experienced—or at least, anything you can remember. The forest, the creatures, even the very air around you, all seem to sing in harmony with your presence.
"Perhaps," Aramasu continues, "you are more than what you think you are. The forest recognizes you, and so do I."
As you ponder Aramasu's words, a sense of purpose begins to stir within you. Though you may not remember your past, the present feels vivid and alive, as if this is where you were always meant to be. The forest, with all its mysteries and wonders, seems to be waiting for you to discover your true self.
-to be continued-
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Thank you so much for reading! Fell free to give me feedback and ideas how to continue this!
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luvyeni · 1 year
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pairings. sugardaddy!jaehyun x fem!reader
wc. 1.5k
warnings. daddy kink, fingering, unprotected sex, nipple play, doggystyle, tub sex , bratty reader
synopsis. jaehyun coming home after getting a call from the bank.
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"why would you leave still have paris today and then milan." jaehyun's assistants voice spoke through the phone , as he walked through his penthouse , smiling at all of the luxurious store bags all though out the house. "i know johnny , but i have some business here to take care of , you got paris , and i'll meet you in milian." he opened the door to the bedroom , the music coming from the bathroom intriguing him.
"sir how can i- john you got this , call me back when it's done." he hung up , taking his suit jacket off , more bags cluttered the room. he knew you did this out of spite , that you were being a brat— he didn't care though , these items didn't even put a dent in the his bank account.
he made his way to the bathroom , opening the door to where you sat in the tub filled with bubbles , head back , face mask on as the music played on low.
"does spending my money all day give you this much stress?" you notice the voice , not looking up , sighing. "no , but my boyfriend being away for 2 months does , the spending money just helps ease the pain a little bit." he bit the inside of his cheek , knowing he walked right into that one , being a ceo of your own company requires him to be away sometimes , leaving you alone for long periods of times.
"thought you were supposed to be on your way to paris?' annoyance laced in your voice. "i was, but i got a call from the bank , you spent so much money today , they thought someone stole my card." he sat on the seat where you hung your towel and speaker. "are you not gonna look at me?" you opened your eyes , glaring at him. "you said i could spend what i want."
"i did say that , but i know how much you normally spend." he said. "and you don't need three new bags , especially if it's the same bag , just a different color." you shrugged. "now i can match my outfits.
"did you miss me baby , is that why you're acting so bratty." you rolled your eyes.
"don't flatter yourself jae- that's enough." his voice was deeper , getting annoyed with your attitude. "you know i hate leaving you , but if i didn't you wouldn't be able to spend thousands in a day for no reason , so fix your attitude." he said , bending closer down to your level , you decided to be reasonable , opening your eyes again , sitting up , the bubbles and water covering your boobs.
"good girl , now apologize , apologize for being so mean to daddy." your thighs clenching together , jaehyun notices the water moving. "baby is horny , is that why you're acting like this, maybe if you apologize , i'll give you what you want." you pouted , whining. "you're not apologizing fast enough princess , you must not want anything." he tried to stand up , but you quickly spoke up.
"im sorry , for being mean to daddy." he ran his tongue over his bottom lip , sitting back down. "good girl." his hand made it's way into the water , cupping your heat , you moaned as his fingers rubbed figure 8s on your clit , rolling your clit through his fingers. "d..daddy please." you whimpered.
"you want more?" you nodded , stretched you out with his fingers. "that's it , let all that nasty attitude go and let daddy apologize for being gone for so long." his fingers fucked into you , as you grabbed on to the sides of the tub , your knuckles turning white from gripping too hard. "daddy making you feel good love?" you nodded , but jaehyun didn't do that , stopping. "when i speak to you, answer me love." his tone sweet , but his words were nothing short of a threat.
"y..yes , daddy."
he continued on , his pace speeding up. "fuck! daddy , im gonma cum , please let me cum." you moaned , he hooked his fingers , hitting that spot , over and over , making the knot in your stomach tightened. "go a head and cum , cum on daddy's fingers. your legs closed around his wrist , as you came on his fingers. "that's is love , you feel good?" you whined. "in , i..i want you to get in." "want daddy to join you?" you nodded. "pl..please."
he stood up , unbuttoning his shirt , taking it off. "pretty baby enjoying the show?" he smirked , unbuckling his pants , letting them fall to the bathroom floor , his underwear next , his cock standing proud against his stomach. "move over some love." he sat down , the tub giving both of you enough room.
"come sit." he patted his lap , you climbed into his lap , your heat coming into direct contact with his cock , you mewled , you were so sensitive , after not having jaehyun here , anything was gonna make you melt. "you needed me that baby , i'm not even inside you yet and you're moaning like that." he smirked. "pl..please i need you." you grinded down in his cock , he groaned. "come on beg for it some more baby." he said.
"d..daddy please , please put it in." he bit his lip , he loved hearing you beg , grabbing the base of his cock , lining it with your heat , letting you sink down on his cock , the water moving sloshing. "that's it baby , sit on my cock." you rocked your hips , back and forth. "oh fuck baby , that's it ride my cock." he groaned. "s..so big." you moaned , as he took a hold of your boobs , rubbing the soap around your nipples , pinching them. "so fucking sensitive baby." he fucked up into you.
"i'm gonna cum baby , come on and cum on my cock." he reached back into the water , rubbing your clit , much like before. "im gonna cum , daddy, please let me cum." he groaned , his orgasm creeping up on me. "fuck me too , go ahead love cum for me." your face dipped into his neck , as you bounced on his cock , your orgasm washing over you. "fuck!" you screamed , shaking, clenching around him , he delivered three more sharp thrust as he came. "shit!"
you both caught your breath , before he helped you out of the tub , wrapping the towel around your body , he gripped your waist , whispering in your ear. "im not done with you just yet , go into the room." he slapped your ass , as you walked into the room , following behind you.
once you get to the room , he grabs your towel , letting it fall to the floor. "get on the bed baby , ass up , face down baby." he watched with a smirk , as you obeyed , your ass on display. his legs dipped into the bed , behind you. "such a pretty ass." he slapped it , making you yelp. "oh fuck! daddy please." you wiggled your hips against him. "so needy baby , just made you cum twice , and you want more?" he spread your cheeks , your pussy was soaked. "you're dripping love." he spat on your cunt , you mewled as he rubbed your folds , jerking his cock off , lining it up with your whole , pushing roughly inside you.
"fuck!" you both moaned , your body was weak as he grabbed your hips , fucking into you, watching your ass bounce as his hips hit it. "look at this ass." he squeezed your cheeks as fucking into you deeper. "shit , daddy!" you screamed , face against the pillows. "such a spoiled brat -shit- give you everything , and you always want more and i give it to you." he grabbed your hair , pulling it as he fucked you.
"do this all for you, buy you pretty clothes , take you on expensive clothes , fuck you how want." he let your body fall back against the pillow , drool coming out of your mouth , your legs felt like jelly , but that didn't stop your orgasm from coming at you full force. "d..daddy , im gonna cum." you screamed , he groaned as you tightened around his cock. "cum." he growled , biting your earlobe.
"fuck daddy!" you screamed , cumming. "that's it , shit , fu..fuck im gonna cum." he came inside you , with a few thrust , pulling out, some of his cum painting your outside folds.
"you okay baby?" he left little kisses on your shoulders. "yes." you breathed. "let's get you cleaned up." he let you lay down , while he got dressed , grabbing a rag to clean you with , putting his button up on your naked body , carrying your body back to the bed , laying you down , climbing in behind you , pulling your body close to his.
"what are you going to do with all these items?" he massaged your scalp. "i'm gonna use them , maybe i'll take a trip somewhere while you're gone." you squeezed his bicep. "what if i take you with me to milan , i'll do my business there and then we'll spend a week there alone." you looked up at him. "really?" your eyes lit up. "of course baby , if it makes you happy." you kissed his lips.
"im so excited , gonna do so much shopping." he questioned. "don't you think you've spent enough of my money." you shook your head , teasing. "not enough." he glared at you , his hand coming down to pinch your ass. "ow." he laughed kissing your pouted lips.
"daddy's spoiled brat."
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cyberkitty1 · 1 year
pt 2/2 of the crybaby reader x earth42 Miles Morales
MAJOR MAJOR spoilers!! read with caution.
i said tomorrow night but I worked my butt off to get it done today!!
Aaron makes his way to Miles and room not even bothering to knock, I mean why would he? He just watched his nephew make his own girlfriend who would do anything for him cry. He was beyond furious.
“So now we are just going around making people cry?” Miles smirks at him “man I am literally the prowler? all i make people do is cry and beg for their life” he says almost laughing.
Aaron sighs pinching the bridge of his nose.” you are not supposed to let your job interfere with your normal life, you know that. Now you’re chasing your girl, the girl your supposed to love away? are you serious?”
Miles looks at him annoyed “ why wouls you care all she ever does is cry, shes happy she cries, shes mad she cries, shes sad she cries, man even when shes bored she cries. its annoying” he says holding his face in his hands.
Aaron walks to the bed and sits next to him. He’s never been put in this situation so he doesn’t know what to say. “ you’re dad was a lot better doing this than i ever was.” Miles visibly stiffens, this was the first time he’s brought up his dad since his funeral.
“ Miles I know you have been through a lot, more then i ever will but that doesn’t give you a reason to act that way towards her, she only wants whats best for you and she loves you with everything shes got. I would kill for a person like that to be in my life. I know you reacted like this because you feel you don’t have anyone to talk to but i’m always here man you know this.”
He wrapped an arm around his shoulder.” So don’t be taken your anger out on your girl she just loves you ok?” Miles sighs realizing, he was way to harsh in you you shouldn’t have been ignoring you and now he feels like a fool.
“ Yea, ill talk to her tomorrow” Aaron smiles, “ good I don’t need the only person who can get you to open up gone, now do i?” he says laughing a bit.
* Next Morning *
You didnt get a wink of sleep that night you where thinking about all the things you could have done to upset him that much. You werent mad just confused, confused as to why he would react that way. Of course you will still love him but this still hurt.
You were lost in thought when you realize someone texted you, it was Miles? You wasted no time to open it.
miles. can you come over later today?
you. yea
miles. dress comfortable
you were nervous, was he breaking up with you? You had no idea what to expect with how you guys left everything yesterday there was many directions this could go.
Hours later ( im lazy )
You got ready and made your way over to his place. Knocking on the door he answered “hola cariño ven conmigo” he helped you in with a warm smile taking your hand. Shutting the door behind you he led you into his bedroom sitting you down on his bed. He stood looking at you kind of nervous? he started:
“Voy a decir esto en español para que todo salga bien. Te amo mucho y siento mucho haberte tratado de una manera que nunca te mereces. Lamento haberte hecho llorar y haberte hecho sentir que hiciste algo mal. Todo lo que haces es amarme y tratarme bien, pero yo te traté como si no me importara. Y por eso lo siento mucho y espero que lo encuentres en tu corazón para perdonarme.”
(I'm going to say this in Spanish so that everything goes well. I love you very much and I am so sorry that I treated you in a way that you never deserve. I'm sorry I made you cry and made you feel like you did something wrong. All you do is love me and treat me right, but I treated you like I didn't care. And for that I am very sorry and I hope that you find it in your heart to forgive me.)
You waited and listened to him through and through and when he was done you spoke. “ Miles I will forever love you, you know that. I know that you are going through something but why didn’t you tell me? why don’t you talk to me? why wont you let me in?” you said holding his hands.
“No quería que pensaras menos en mí, que me consideraras débil.” You look at him sympathetically “ Miles I would never, never ever think of you as weak ok? Whenever you need me I will be there with you, I love you miles so much.” and with that, you were crying.
(“I didn't want you to think less of me, to consider me weak.”)
“mi princesa por favor no llores odio cuando lloras” he said wiping your tears away “ I know and i’m sorry that i’m always crying about everything i know it annoys you” you say sniffling. He feeling you pulling at his heart strings, feeling the worse he has felt since his father’s passing.
("My princess please don't cry I hate when you cry"’)
“ahora me tienes a punto de llorar mami, te quiero mucho y me arrepiento de haberte dicho que te encontré una llorona. Nunca debí haberte dicho eso, eres mi todo, ¿lo sabías? Debería disculparme contigo, lamento haberte tratado de esa manera, ¿me perdonarías?” He said with tears in his eyes.
(“Now you have me about to cry mommy, I love you very much and I regret having told you that I found you a crybaby. I never should have told you that, you are my everything, you know that? I should apologize to you, I'm sorry I treated you that way, would you forgive me?")
You held his face looking into his eyes with so much adoration. “ Miles I will forever love you, I forgive you, I will forgive you ten times over.” You said resting your head on his. After a few minutes he wipes his tears saying “ I forgot I wanted you to watch a movie with me if you forgave me.” You smile at him giving him a kiss.
“ Thank you Miles,i appreciate it all.” he sighs “ Ma, stop saying stuff like that I need to be saying sorry to you” he says looking you in your eyes.
And with that he sits on his bed back against the headboard with you tucked into his side, eating snacks and watching your favorite movies.
( this or this )
He suddenly turns to you and says “te amo mas que la cantidad de estrellas en el cielo” he says looking into your eyes. You turn to him resting your hand ok his face, hearing your voice that sounds like honey.
("I love you more than the number of stars in the sky")
“yo tambien te amo mi principe”
( "I love you too my prince")
Part 3 of the earth 42 Miles spoiling you will be done as soon as I can 🙏🏾
A/n: overlook the fact that i spelt honey as hunny 😔 ( its changed now)
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prazinos · 2 years
Disclaimer ~ I do not support Percy Hynes White, this is about the character and not the actor.
WARNINGS ! ~ none just fluff <3
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You hated Xavier Thorpe. There was no other way to put it.
In your mind he was arrogant, annoying, and stupidly attractive.
You hadn't always hated him though, your first day at Nevermore he gave you a tour of the school and you were even friends with him. But then over break, he just ignored you. Didn't text you, call you, he ghosted you completely.
Even when you got back to school he ignored you. It was like you were the plague to him.
And then he did start talking to you again. In a way. You became rivals, academic rivals. Always competing over the answer. Honestly your fellow peers and teachers were getting sick of your bickering.
But you couldn't help it, you hated him and you needed to prove that you were better than him.
You got your serial studies exams back today. And you were more than confident that you would get a better score than Xavier.
Looking down at the paper Mr Grimrose had given you, you smiled at the score
You looked over to see Xavier not smiling at his paper and your smile grew.
He glanced over at you and if looks could kill, you would be dead. You pouted at him dragging a finger down your cheek in a mocking way telling him to cry about it.
He rolled his eyes before the bell went off. And he practically stormed out of the room.
'You have got to give it a rest' Enid said walking up behind you
'No way, he's a douchebag'
'It doesn't matter if he is Y/N, you should just talk it out with him'
'Or you can just gouge his eyes out' Wednesday said coming around from behind Enid.
'Thank you, somebody who's trying to help' you said gesturing towards Wednesday.
Enid rolled her eyes
'I'm sorry Cara Mia but he has been a bitch to Y/N' Wednesday said turning to Enid.
Wednesday knew that the nickname would make Enid smile. It always did.
You rolled your eyes smiling at the two before walking out the classroom, being stopped by Mr Grimrose.
'Miss L/N'
'Yes Mr Grimrose?'
'I need you to give this to Mr Thorpe. I gave him the wrong test by accident'
'Mr Grimrose why don't you ask Enid or Bianca to give it to him?'
'Because I'm asking you Y/N'
Mr Grimrose is normally your favourite teacher. With his interesting Owl like face and bird like legs and feet. his small rounded glasses and always wearing a fancy button up with a vest over top.
you groaned taking the paper before walking out the classroom, heading towards Xaviers dorm.
Knocking on the door a bit too hard, you took a step back waiting for Xavier to open the door.
You were met with Ajax instead, him giving you a quizzical look
'You seriously cannot have smoked all the weed I gave you already'
'No of course not I'm not that bad'
'What're you doing here then'
'Can you give this to Xavier' you asked him shoving the test towards him.
'Oooh damn I really would but I have to help Wednesday get Enid a birthday present' He said before slamming the door
Enids birthday was in February. Its July.
You sighed, knowing where Xavier would be. Where you and him had gone to smoke weed many times. Where you would listen to music together and talk about whatever rumours were going around.
Don't cry.
Making your way to the stupid shed, you didnt even knock before stepping in. There he was. The stupid boy that had made you cry countless times. Listening to music about to uncover a canvas, before noticing you.
taking out an earbud he faced you directly narrowing his eyes at you.
'What are you doing here'
'Grimrose told me to give you this' you said slamming down the test on the stool next to him. He glanced down at it smiling
'You still didn't beat me you know' you said snarkly
'God everything has got to be a competition with you'
'Oh that is rich coming from you Xavier' you spat not looking at his face. 'Like you don't rub it in my face when you get a higher score than me' You continued
He didn't respond, opting to sigh annoyedly
'You just can't take it when somebody is better than you Y/N'
'Excuse me?'
'You heard what i said, you can't take it when somebody is better than you'
'You are not better than me Xavier, you are nowhere near better than me, you stopped responding to me, you started glaring at me in the hallways, you started showing off your test answers'
He didn't speak, you had to egg him on, get some sort of response
'Why'd you do it?'
'That's not an answer'
'Because I couldn't handle my feelings'
'I couldn't handle falling in love with you'
You stared at him. He's not really confessing his love for you is he? You looked at his face, no indication he was lying.
Yes it was true that you as well had a crush on him, you told him during one of your highs that you were crushing on him. You were on facetime with him, talking about anything and everything and then you ruined everything.
'You know, I've been crushing on you for like, ever'
That was right before he ghosted you. Those ten words ruined your friendship. But now you suppose it wasn't
Your eyes were tearing up, too many emotions were filling you, hate, sadness, love, anger
before you knew it, tears were streaming down your face. And he wiped them away.
There was your Xavier. Your sweet, kind, handsome Xavier.
You looked up at him, noticing the look of sadness that had washed over his face.
He leant down, gripping your jaw softly in his hand,
His lips were on yours
His lips were on yours.
It soon turned to an erratic make out, him backing you into the desk against the wall, him lifting you onto the desk, wrapping his arms around your waist loosely
Your arms wrapped around his neck as you deepened the kiss. he was stood between your legs and it was almost amusing how he still had to crane his neck so much to be able to kiss you.
'Yo Xavier I got some good stuff just begging to be-'
You broke apart at the voice, Ajax standing there, a bag of rolled joints in his hand, his mouth agape.
He pulled out his phone before you and Xavier could move from the position you were in, snapping a photo. Your eyes widened, about to yell at him before he ran back out the door.
Xavier's head turned back to you. Smiling dopily at you, he leant back down reconnecting your lips.
after a while you both parted, panting heavily.
'So what are you painting?' you asked him softly.
he smiled nervously
'its nothing really' he said
you smiled devilishly, hopping off the bench before he could pull you back and went over to the covered painting.
you pulled back the black sheet to see a painting.
of you
your mouth dropped open, as he walked over, scratching the back of his neck, a nervous habit.
'I thought you mainly painted your dreams?'
'You are in my dreams'.
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n3tworksucks · 1 year
i was wondering if you would write hc about carl dating a girl w depression ? or like how he would act in a relationship when his partner is struggling mentally
warnings; mental illness, medication, lmk
word count;660
so, let's say yall were friends before you started dating, yeah?
so if you told him when you guys were friends, obviously he'd care and he'd say he'd be there for you.
which wasn't a lie.
he really was there for you and he really did care.
but when you guys started dating, and once he realized, like, what was happening to you.
it was a whole nother level of care.
and before, of course he new how bad depression is, probably being able to see it a lot, but its different now.
hes still there for you and he tells you a lot.
I can see him already being clingy, so I can see him being with you a lot.
not even just because you're struggling mentally, but because he's your boyfriend and he loves you.
but if you want your space, he totally understands and will give you all the time in the world, he'll wait for you.
he'd wait behind a closed door, or he'd wait at his house and with you at yours.
speaking of, he doesn't mean to be all on you about this, and he knows you can take care of yourself.
but sometimes he doesn't want you to be home alone a lot.
he'd want you to stay the night or two at his house.
again, not just because you're struggling. he loves you, and his family too..
or if you have a rough home situation, he'd 100% tell you you can stay however long you need to.
though he had to convince fiona a little bit about that, because she doesn't wanna feel like she has to take care of you as well, and don't get me wrong, she loves you and wants you around, but she just needed a bit of reassurance I guess.
but in the end, she, and the rest of the family welcomed you with open arms.
so back to carl.
if you take any medication, he'd honestly try his best at not trying to bug you about it.
like asking if you've taken them today.
but when he does, hes not just doing it for you, hes asking for himself as well, so that he knows your gonna be ok.
and I can see you and Ian kinda relating to each other for that, like talking about how it could be annoying, but you're happy he cares.
or if you see a therapist, he'd be more than happy to take you, and if not, that's ok.
if you're just feeling really, really down, you don't wanna get out of bed, no motivation to do anything.
he'd try and help somehow.
like bringing you food or water, or staying in bed with you. or he'd even clean a bit for you. only for you.
and if you're just struggling with school maybe, he'd offer to help with what he can, and he'd feel kinda bad if he can't help, but after he tries, he'd go to lip for help, then help you.
and if you're dating before he left for military school, when he decided to go, he really thought about it.
he didn't wanna leave you, but once you told him to do it for the 20th time, he went lol.
the day before he leaves, he spends the whole day with you, telling you how much he loves you.
and just as hes leaving, and saying goodbye, he'd hug you the longest, and give you kisses on you're face and he'd tell you how much he loves you.
in general, his go-to when it comes to trying to comfort you is physical touch, next to that is affirmations.
he loves hugging you, and kissing you, and telling you how much you mean to him and stuff like that, it makes him feel good too.
even if he doesn't 100% know what you're going through in particular, he'd try his best to and hes doing his best.
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jesterthestar · 7 months
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☆ | author's note : hello ! Im so sorry for not posting for so long. :33 I have been feeling bad lately , but now that i spent most of my pocket money on energy drinks ... or vapes ( i have been drinking one per day for 20 days straight ) so it gave me an idea.
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★ | warnings : gn!reader ; fluff mostly ; cursing ( from reader mostly ) ; modern!human!alastor ; might be un canon ; can be seen both as planotic and romantic ( no specifics ) ; reader is in university ; alastor and reader are both in their early 20s ; in this AU alastor is not a murderer.
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Well it has been a while since you properly slept.
Your grades , for the most part weren't great so you spent hours to days studying without a stop until you were just dizzy from not eating for days on end. And not only that but your grades were still hot shit , which worried you since you didn't want to lose your scholarship. It wad already rare , so you were "blessed".
As you opened the apartment door the sounds of jazz met your ears , Alastor was already home. You didn't want to make your boyfriend upset , mostly about your habits , but you didn't know what to do to keep yourself a bit fresher than you wanted to be. You drifted into your thoughts as you took of your coat and hung it , then stepped into the apartment... well , stumbled. It would be much more fitting.
"Ah , dear , didn't notice you there ! How was your day?"
Alastor said with a smile as he helped you with your bag.
"Shitty , as usual. I think i'll fail geomtery this semester."
You exclaimed. Alastor chuckled as he led you to the kitchen.
"Well i think if you actually were healthy your grades would be much better so i-"
"Al. Babe , you don't have to take care of me , im not a child. It's only a month until the exams so i need to study non stop."
You gave him a gentle kiss on the head. He always cooked for you , every evening so by now your humble little apartment was nearly a food storage. You felt guilty and ungreatful , he worked hard and you just ended up brushing it off.
You went to the fridge and took out another energy drink... for gods sake it was the 3rd one today. Alastor took your wrist before you could open it.
"Darling i insist... and i'd prefer that you stopped drinking those ,it's bad for the heart ! And i don't want you getting more sick. Besides , it's saturday and i think you should give sunday out to take care of yourself."
You stared at him with your tired eyes. It was ... true. Everything he said was true. You barely payed attention to him even , which made you feel worse. You sighed before you brushed off his hand.
"Last one , Al. I swear i'll eat later."
You opened the can and took a gulp.
You realized it barely even helped you at this point , even though you had like a whole stash in your fridge. It was now a mere apitizer for your pathetic little life.
"Ugh , fine."
Alastor calmed down a bit and as you sat down at the table he placed a plate in front of you then sat across you , just watching you.
"You're not gonna eat ?"
"Oh , i already did."
"You know you don't look any better than me."
Alastors expression became annoyed. You looked like a skeleton and could barely lift up your bag, which wasn't that heavy because it was all just notes and papers.
"Fine , fine , im sorry."
You said before a shaky chuckle escaped your lips.
"You better be."
"Oh nooo , im so scared of mister thin tall and bad."
He forced out a laugh.
"Be greatful that mister thin tall and bad keeps you fed."
You couldn't complain about that. Your boyfriend was an absolute charmer. You decided to continue eating in silence.
"Maybe i'll have the honor to sleep with you tonight instead of you sleeping on your desk ?"
You just nodded. The idea was great ... but you'd lose 8 hours of studying.
"What do i get in return?"
"Oho , what do you get ? I think you got enough. Consider it... payment."
You laughed at your boyfriend.
Honestly you sometimes thought how'd you even get him into your arms. He was the one to initiate every move at first. Gifting you various gifts and even helping you with your home task, which you failed... plenty of times. He was such a charmer , and you were a clean paper. It seemed irrational
You snapped out of your thoughts... literally , ad Alastor snapped his fingers in front of your face.
"Eat up. We have to go to bed soon."
"I love you."
Alastor stared at you for a good moment before he slowly chuckled with a sweet voice.
"I love you too... but you still hsve to eat."
His hand lifted up to your face and wiped the corner of your mouth with a napkin.
What a sweet night.
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♱   | ok but i would LOVE to live like that. I cry for 2 hours straight when i come back from university or work. ( average adulthood life )
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doritochoi · 1 year
Private Flight | J.W
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pairing: jung wooyoung x reader
genre: non-idol!au, smut
warnings: boss & secretary relationship, unprotected sex, fingering, wooyoung is obsessed with your boobs bcz why not.
summary: Wooyoung asked you to book a private flight, but then things happen between you two.
Working as Wooyoung's secretary wasn't that easy.Well, no one could resist him. How could you not resist him when you saw him every day. He was extremely attractive and sexy. Every time when you tried to call him or went to his office, he wasn't there. He was at the gym. Next to his office it was a room where he worksout. No one was allowed in that room unless there was something related to wor
Of course you were in love with him.How can you not be? The way he spoke and looked at you was different from the other coworkers, but you thought that this was only happening because you were his secretary.In fact, you were his favorite secretary.
His office was separated from yours by a glass window where you could take pictures of him. Pictures that later made you masturbate in your room moaning his name. It made you lose your mind.
Today you are working in your office, drinking your coffee, looking at the screen in front of you showing many pictures of Wooyoung. You made a special stick with the name "My fav pictures of Wooyoung". You always look at them when you are on your lunch break. While you were looking at the pictures, someone knocked on the door and pulled the handle, making you panic and quickly take out the stick and pretend to work. It was none other than your sexy boss, Wooyoung. He came directly to you, fixing his tie, which was a little untied. Another attractive thing that Wooyoung was doing.
"Cutie, book us a flight" , that nickname was so annoying, but you loved it so much.
"Us?", you were confused, why would he make you book a flight just for the two of you. Usually when you book flights besides you and Wooyoung, the other coworkers also come. But this time he said us, does that mean you will be on a private plane only with him? No way.
"Yes, we have to attend a business party", you nodded and he turned around leaving your office.
While he entered his office you received a message. "I want you to be pretty tonight, and I will come to get you". Wooyoung liked to come and pick you up. When you entered in his car, you saw how he drove with one hand on the steering wheel, again it was something you found attractive.
Preparing for that party, you still hadn't realized what "pretty" meant to him. So you put on a velvet mini dress. You didn't take any underwear. Bad idea.
The car ride was silent, only Wooyoung was giving you a few stares licking his lips. When you arrived, the plane was already there, he opened the door for you like a gentleman.You entered the plane and wooyoung already disappeard. You sat down on the couch, not noticing that the light was too bright and you could see through that mini dress. Wooyoung came with his shirt almost unbuttoned. You were reading a newspaper and he was staring at how you were dressed. From top to bottom. When you saw a shadow in front of you, you knew it was him. He had some wet strands of his hair on his forehead, he was sweating. The sweat also falls on the neck, making it look so fucking sexy.
"Wow, I didn't know you were so desperate..", you widened your eyes at his words
"What-", he cut you off saying that he found something that belong to you.It was your special stick.
"You know I can help you, right? You just had to ask me."
"Im sorry, but i dont know what are you talking about..."
"Cancel the party", he quickly called someone, then after hanging up, he approached you.
"Why did you cancel it? I really wanted to be there"
"I really want to fuck you right now, destroy you so you can't walk until tomorrow" ,
Saying this, he connected his lips with yours, tasting every bit of them.Taking your waist, he puts you on his thighs, feeling his aching member. He broke the kiss, looking at you with lust. His hands roamed all over your body reaching your boobs. At this moment, Wooyoung thinks he got his hands on the sexiest boobs of his life. He caressed one of them with slow movements, and put the other in his mouth, sucking the nipple so hard that you moaned his name. He was so fucking obsessed with them and you like that. He reached down with his hand, touching your clit, surprised by the fact that you were not wearing underwear.
"You think you can fucking tease me like that?", his voice was angry putting a finger inside you.
"When you are at home..." the movements accelerated, "...lying on the bed"... then he stopped and slid his fingers towards your entrance,"...looking at my pictures and imagine that this is me..." His voice was shaky and breathless, when two of his thin fingers plunged into you. "Doing this?".
How dare he tell you that you think he is one of your fantasies.You didn't say anything, you just moaned as his fingers entered you.
"I-Im sorry..."
You gasp as the tip of his cock slides into you. He rubs his thumbs gently over your skin where he holds you down roughly, smirking at the mess you done. "Fuck, you're taking me so good". He slaps your ass leaving red marks and making you to feel a strange sensation in your tummy. You were close. So close.
"Cum baby-fuck, cum for me", and after some thrusts you came all over his cock, you wanted to say something but only you could do was to collapse on the other side of the sofa, Wooyoung laying on top of you and holding you in his arms.
"Maybe if you didnt dress like that i wouldnt fuck you", he kissed you making you moan again
"So round 2"?
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gavisfanta · 9 months
Can I request a image of where aurora and her friend which is the reader are at her house cause she was staying over and Gavi comes over for Christmas and he meets her and he falls in love with her and Gavi parents and aurora help set them up
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this story also has two parts so I'll add 1t here as soon as i wrote it!!!
sunnary: You're Auroras friend, you went over to eat dinner at her house at Christmas eve and you finally tell her that you had a crush on her brother. After that Aurora tries to get you close.
warning: none
Aurora welcomed you with a hug into her house
As you made your way throughout the famillar hallway you and Aurora decided to go into the kitchen to grab a drink and then head to Aurora's room.
As you walked past the livingroom you saw Aurora's brother, Gavi, sit on the black couch.
He looked up at you but in the same second you turned around, you have always been too shy to talk to him.
Well, have a real conversation with him, ofcourse you said hey, and bye, and maybe you two exchanged one or two words while eating dinner but nothing more.
Today was however something special, today was Christmas Eve and not only you but Gavi also hoped that you two would have a longer conversation this night.
You also couldn't deny that he wasn't good looking. You have known Aurora for a very long time and she was your Bestfriend since the beginning.
That led to you being close to Gavi at all times. The thought of him kissing you entered your mind many times while you sat at the dinnertable with his familly.
you kind of felt guilty that you had a crush on your Bestfriends brother, you were also scared that this little crush you had on Gavi would destroy your friendship with her.
You had to tell her somewhen you just couldn'tdecide when.
"So, are you excited to eat with us?" Aurora
pulled you out of your thoughts as you turned your head back to her from the floor.
"Oh l'm more than excited, I could die for your mom's steak, you know that!" You said and she smiled softly while taking a sip from her glass of water.
"Oh I know, and my mom does too, she made them just for you this year." Aurora couldn't help but smile at your huge grin.
You've been to their house countless times
before but her mom's steak was to die for. Her mother adored the way you ate the steak with such a big appetite and loved it too.
Luckily she's eating her because that steak is to die for." Gavi suddenly walked into the kitchen and went to get a glass of water too.
"Didn't you say that you hate that steak?" Aurora looked at you, Gavi was behind her and when she rolled her eyes at him you let out a small chuckle.
"Nah, I love it." He poked Aurora's head and then walked out the kitchen again. She gave him a heavy side eye before looking back at you. You laughed a bit at the interaction between thetwo siblings.
"So, wanna go to my room?" She asks after a few second and you nod your head.
After about an hour of you two just gossiping about your old friendgroup you two heard footsteps outside the room.
"Aurora" Gavi opened the door so suddenly it made you jump. As he saw that he scared you a bit he smiled softly at you.
"What?" Aurora asked, she didn't even realizethe small interaction between you two.
Gavi's attention was now on Aurora.
"Mom said you two should come downstairs. Dinner is ready." Gavi said and left the room, making sure to leave the door open.
"He's so annoying." She stood up and before you stood up too, you exhaled deeply. She made a weird face."Is everything okay?"
"I have to tell you something, but promise that you wont be mad at me. You said quietly and she furrowed her brows together
"Oh my god are you pregnant? She asked in a sarcastic tone and you made a face as she burst out laughing.
"Rora, this is serious." You tried to hide that smile that was creeping up your face whenever you saw her laugh.
"Okay, sorry. she cleared her throat and fixed her posture. You inhaled sharply.
"I might like Gavi but Im not sure about my feelings tho." You lowered your voice so that her family downstairs couldn't hear you talking.
She stared at you with her mouth hanging slightly open. "You like Gavi?" She started to raise her voice a bit.
"Psst, shut up." You covered her mouth with your hand. "Don't tell anyone." You removed your hand after she nodded.
"Are you mad?"
"What me? No, please, marry him. So we can be family,. Oh my god I will be the cool aunt! My god we have to plan your wedding immediately! She squealed and you shushed her by putting your hand over her mouth again
"Aurora!" You whispered aggressively and she smiled.
"Aurora come downstairs right now!" Gavi yelled from downstairs and she nodded at you.
"I won't tell anyone I promise." She told you while you two walked down the stairs side by side.
"Won't tell what?" Gavi asked, he was standing at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at you through his lashes.
"Nothing." Aurora flashed him a smile and you two walked over to the table.
As you all sat down by the table Aurora's mom looked at you as you smiled at the steak.
"And y/n, do you like what you see? She asked sarcastically with a huge smile.
"Oh I love it, thanks so much for making it." You smiled and started cutting the meat. You put a smaller piece into your mouth and let the salty meat flavour blend in your mouth.
"I'm really sorry but I'm just trying to make sure that it's good." Aurora's mom said again and you smile while chewing.
After you were done you looked up at her again. "It's amazing, even better then what I remembered." You smiled at her.
"I see you secured yourself a save seat at the table with that sentence." Aurora's dad said and you laughed.
"Oh I'm sure she would love to stay here, atleast for the night." Aurora winked at you and you shook your head as you gave her a look.
"Of course, she can sleep in the guestroom." Aurora's dad turned to face you.
"She can just sleep in my room." Aurora suggested and that made Gavi look up at her. You watched as his eyes scanned her face and then you also looked at her.
"You don't even have a big enough bed. Gavi said and you looked at Aurora again to see how the conversation between the two would continue.
"Oh my god right!" She gasped. "But luckily you do!" She said and suddenly you felt your cheeks heat up while you shook your head.
"Your right." Gavi said and your heart skipped a beat. "She can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch."
You couldn't help but feel somehow disappointed, there was just a tiny bit of hope that maybe just for one night you could be close to him, breathe the same air as him. Maybe even breathe in his scent and feel his presence
"Is that okay with you? Aurora's dad asked.
"Yeah, of course, thanks so much." You nodded your head and then Aurora gave you a small smile.
Oh gosh the way you loved her.
After helping her parents clean up everything. Aurora, Gavi and you sat down on the couch to watch a movie.
"Did I help or did I help?" Aurora asked you with a sly smile on her face.
"You did help." You smiled at her and she leaned back.
"What a great friend I am."
The movie was finished and you and Aurora just went upstairs, she wanted to give you clothes.
"Okay, so now we can go over to his." Aurora handed you a couple of things you needed and then you two walked over to Gavis door.
She opened it without knocking and he was there shirtless. Of course you have seen him shirtless before but it shocked you everytime.
"Hi" He mumbled and then he waited for you to come inside.
"Thanks for letting me sleep here." You mumbled and Aurora crossed her arms as she stood in the doorframe.
"Yeah, no thing. Bathroom is there, you can use whatever you want." He pointed towards the other door leading to his bathroom.
"Thanks." You mumbled and Gavi walked past you and Aurora.
"Let's go downstairs too." She nodded her head towards the door and you agreed while putting down the things she gave you on the bed.
"Aurora honey, are you gonna come with us for a quick visit at your Uncle's place? Her dad asked as soon as you two walked into the livingroom.
"Yeah sure. She agreed pretty fast as you just stood there, next to her.
"Gavi already agreed to hang out with you, or is that how he said it? I don't know." Auroras mom laughed.
"Okay, then I'll see you after we get back." Aurora hugged you and you nodded as you walked into the living room.
"Are they gone? He asked and sat up on the couch.
"Yeah, they're gone, why?" You asked and he shrugged his shoulders. You couldn't help but look at his body, it was literally perfect.
"Don't know." He muttered under his breath.
"Okay." You said and sat down next to him, looking at the tv.
"Hey Y/n, He turned to face you. "Can I ask you something?"
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yinorathedragontamer · 4 months
Hi 👋 can I please request
Fem reader cat king.
Reader stories is backwards &
Everyone finds out from a ghost that can’t keep quiet. Thanks 😊 
a/n: i'm so sorry, but i don't quite understand what you mean with "Reader stories is backwards", but i did try to write something anyway, with an established relationship between the Cat King and fem! reader, and a ghost yapping too much and basically everyone finding out. i hope you don't mind that this is a bit short, i hurt my finger so typing kinda sucks and i'm pretty busy today with school work, so right now this was all i could do. feel free to request more in the future though, although i mainly write short-ish fics, like drabbles, i'm always available to write more <3
Pairing: The Cat King x fem!reader
you honestly have no idea how this happened.
you and the Cat King were always so sneaky and careful about your relationship, putting on your best poker faces whenever someone walked in and nearly caught you two, pretending to be absolutely annoyed with eachother when someone mentioned you two in the same sentence.
yet apparently, that wasn't enough, because some random ghost seems to fangirling about you and the Cat Kings relationship.
infront of everyone.
Edwin, Charles, Crystal and Niko.
all four of them.
staring at you.
it doesn't exactly help that there's an oh-so-random cat right outside the window, staring at you.
you, ofcourse, recognized him.
and so did Edwin, apparently, as he ushered the rambling ghost away immediately.
"that's aces, mate, i mean, i don't get why you like him so much, but to each their own" Charles quips, much to Edwin's annoyance.
"no, it isn't great, its awful! let me guess, he sent you to keep an eye on me?" Edwin nearly looks like he'd faint, if it weren't for the fact that he's a ghost, and ghosts don't pass out.
"guys, i can explain, i swear" you seem nearly nervous about it all, so you open the window, to let the Cat King inside.
once he's inside, he shifts back to his more human appearance, and he shoots a wink at Edwin, which causes you to jab your elbow in his ribs, making him grunt.
"look, i've been with him for over a year now, and i really care about him.
he's really not so bad, he just cares about his cats, his friends, so to say" you try to explain.
"i'm serious, im not here to spy on you guys, i genuinely want to stay friends with you, but i didn't know Edwin was the one he put the bracelet on, and when you told me, i thought it'd just be better if i didn't go 'you know, that one person thats trapping you in this town? yeah, he's my lover'" you smile a little nervously, and the Cat King kisses your cheek.
"yeah, she didn't mean it in a bad way, i'm just that seductive to her" he mentions with yet another wink, causing everyone in the room to groan in annoyance.
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madisonstarss · 2 years
After Hours (SWITCH!Ryan Howard x SWITCH!Reader SMUT)
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warnings: smut, angry sex/make up, reader swears like a sailor, daddy kink, slight degraition, teasing, not proof read
p.s sorry for the kelly hate, i love kelly but it helped move along the story
The end of the day finally came after a long day of work and most people were heading out. You walk up to Pam's desk as she started getting her stuff together. "I cant believe Toby is making me work late." You let out a groan, "Escpically since Ryan's staying after too. He's been getting on my fucking nerves. Just because were not offical doesn't mean he can flirt with Kelly in front of my fucking face."
Pam offers you a symptheic smile, "Just don't talk to him and he'll come to his senses to apolizge. Im sorry I would love to stay and talk but Jim and I have dinner reservations tonight."
"Thanks Pam, have fun." You give a small smile and walk back to your desk.
You bang your head into your desk. "I can't fucking focus this shit is so boring." You say to no one in particular.
"Well no shit it's boring, its work." Ryan smart mouths as he head over to the printer. You give him a death stare.
"I don't remeber asking for your input."
"What is your deal with me today?" He snaps back, you could feel his glare burning into your back.
"I don't know, why don't you tell me what's your fucking deal with Kelly. I get that shes pretty but she never shuts up and is more annoying than Dwight. I don't get what you fucking see in her." You growl.
He goes silent for a moment.
"Where not dating y/n. I can do what I want." You hear his footsteps coming towards you.
"Fine if that's how you want it that I guess I can stop coming over to your place." You turn around in your chair so your facing him. You stand up and look up at him. You could pracitically see the steam coming from his ears.
"Whatever. Kelly is a lot better in the bedroom."
Oh no he didn't.
That was your final fucking straw. As much as you hated his guts right now, he always turns you the fuck on.
You smash your lips against his. He immetiadly kissed you back. The kiss filled with fire and heat. He quickly broke away though, "Jump." He quickly said. You did as told and he grabbed your thighs and placed you on your desk. He pressed his lips aganist yours again. He bit your lower lip so hard that you let out a gasp. He took this oppurtuinty to sneak his tounge into your mouth, checking out the framillar area. Your hands moved to his chest and quickly unbuttoned his shirt. Your ran your hands along his abs, outlining them.
This wasn't enough. You needed more of him. All of him. You let out a whine agaisnt his lips. "Your so needy." He teases.
"Can you just shut up and fuck me." You complain.
"Be patient." He orders. He pulls your skirt down. "No underwear? You're such a bad girl." He takes your legs and places them on his shoulders. He dove his head into your legs. Butterflies filled your stomacehe as you felt his could wet tounge on you. "
Oh Ryan." You throw you head back in pleasure. You accidently thrust your hips.
"I said patience pumpkin."
You couldn't take it any fucking longer. You pushed his head away from you making him look up at you in confusion. You push him into your chair, making him sit down.
You unbuckle his pants in a haste and pull down his pants along with his boxers. His dick springs up when released, you can already see the pre-cum. You licked it off and slowly take it in your mouth. Ryan seems to lose his patience as well. He shoves your head making you take it all in. You start to gag and start bobbing your head. Ryan lets out groans of pleasure. You gently grind your teeth againist it. You slow down and swirl your tounge at the tip.
You get up and sit on his dick. Slowly moving back and forth. Ryan unbuttons your blouse and throws it on the floor. He starts fondling your breast and gently pinching your nipples. You increase your speed and move faster. Ryan moves one of his hands down to your waist to help guide you and keep you from falling off. His eyes stayed glued to your breasts and they moved with the rest of your body. "Fuck..Daddy." You moan
"Your so hot baby." He takes the hand that was on your breast and moves your hair back. "Please don't stop."
You feel your high coming and grab onto his shoulders for support as you go as fast as your can. "Fuck..Fuck!" You scream as you both reach it and you feel his warm fulids fill inside you. It was your favorite feeling in the world. You come to a full stop and rest your head on is shoulder. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer.
"Don't think this will make me stop seeing Kelly." He whispers into your ear."
"Fuck you man whore."
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cherry-romper · 4 months
E. Jaeger. - Staying Behind
Warnings: None
Contains: GN!reader, Fluff
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"Hey, we're heading to the market, do you wanna come with?" Sasha's voice echoed into the near empty room. You and Eren had been tasked with cleaning before you took your day off. You looked over at Eren to see what he wanted to do. 
"No, thank you, Sasha. I was planning on doing some extra training," Eren shook his head as he continued to sweep. You had to admit you were slightly disappointed at his answer. Going to the market with everyone would be fun, and you didn't know when you'd get a chance like this again.
"Are you sure? I think it will be fun," you tried to convince him to go, but he just shook his head again.
"No. Im okay," he replied bluntly, almost annoyed.
You looked over at Sasha with a sad face, which she returned. "Well, the offers still open if you want to come, Y/N," she spoke.
Of course you wanted to go, watching the gang mess around would be hilarious, but a thought popped into you mind that made you hesitate. You'd get alone time with Eren. "Actually, I think I'll stay with Eren," you replied.
Sasha looked slightly taken aback by your words, "Aw, com' on," her accent started to peak through, "think of all the meat just waitin' to be bought." You could see her salivating at the thought. Eren looked at you with a questioning look.
"I'm sorry. You know big crowds aren't really my scene. Plus, I have things I'd like to do around the barracks," you explained to the both of them. Sasha just sighed in return and waved goodbye. As she left she was mumbling something along the lines of "more meat for me then."
Eren was still looking at you. He didn't even say goodbye to Sasha he was so confused by why you'd stay. "Jeager? You alright?" you asked as you approached him.
"Why?" was all he said.
"hm?" you began to sweep again and didn't even bother looking up at him. "Why, what?"
"Why stay?" You couldn't tell him the real reason you chose to stay because you thought you'd come off as creepy. You racked your brain for some kind of excuse.
"Well...I thought you'd get lonely." For fuck sake, that's even worse. You physically cringed at what you'd said. You even heard Eren shift a bit. You daren't look up at him, you were sure he was currently giving you a disgusted look of disapproval. Gripping the broom tighter, you waited for Eren to say something.
I beg your pardon. Your head shot up at his voice. Now, it was your turn to give him a questioning look. "I'm glad you chose to stay," he smiled at you. Am I hearing this right? 
"I was worried that I'd be on my own, I'm not going to lie. If I was, Captain Levi said he'd make me clean all day, so you saved me. Thank you."
You just stood there, slack-jawed staring at him. Those were the last words you though Eren Jaeger would have said in that moment. To think he actually said 'thank you.'
"Hello? Are you okay?" Eren waved his hand in your face to snap you back.
You let out a string of flustered sounds and started to sweep the floor, "uh, yeah, totally!" 
He cocked a brow at your reaction, but went with it either way. "Come on. The faster we finish cleaning, the faster we get to hang out," he stated as he began sweeping the floor again. You couldn't help but blush at his words. Today was going to be a good day.
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thegoober010 · 7 months
I have a bit of a different request this time! (It’s not Mettaton, I know, shocking.)
Could you do some Sans x reader headcanons? Preferably hurt/comfort if thats alright :33
TW/CW -> None really- Just a depressed reader!
word count -> 1k/1164! I didnt write as much on this post sorry!! im pretty tired rn its 1:15 am where im at rn LMAOOO
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"Are you alright?"
Fuck your life, you just came back to the house after a long, grueling, shitty shift. You were so tired you almost collapsed onto the snow before you even made it home. You just wished it was peaceful for once, that you didn't feel burnt out, overwhelmed all the time, you just wanted to sleep and never wake up, maybe then you wouldn't feel so tired. As you opened the door you placed your bag on the couch and made your way to San's room, who was not only your best friend but your boyfriend as well. He always helped you, even though you didn't particularly enjoy talking about your feelings to him especially on nights like this he was always there for you, always making sure you were okay and took care of yourself and had a good rest after these long days. You mumbled to yourself as you opened the door to his room until you realized. "Fuck he's not here." You grumbled. You rubbed your temple as you sat on his bed, you were stressed and you needed him. Why can't he just be there for you? Why does he always have to be off somewhere else and then appear late whenever you need him. It pissed you off even more, you knew you were thinking irrationally, he was always there for you it's only a few times where he can't be and is busy, you were just too stressed to think properly though, too stressed to even think about anything else besides how badly you just need someone to help you out right now. You crawled on top of his bed, covering yourself with the blanket. The shift was honestly terrible, many customers were overly rude at Grilby's today, mostly newcomers, and it was so damn busy you couldn't really do much about those people/monsters, you were so frustrated by all the orders and all the insults thrown your way, in fact you got way less tips than usual which caused you to be even more upset, money wasn't much of a problem but come on! Tears swelled up in your eyes from all the built up frustration from not just this shift, but all the past shifts that were almost the exact same situation, you hated working on those days and how underemployed that place was because you had to work twice as hard due to that as well.
After a good 10 minutes of you laying on the bed, muttering to yourself about all the stuff that happened and about how much you just needed someone for once and crying silently, you heard the door creak open. You wiped away your tears quickly with the blanket, shifting slightly and pretending to fall asleep. You knew it was sans and if he sees you like this he'd ask, and you don't want to bother him with any of your problems. "I know you're not asleep." Sans said walking up to you, he sat on the bed near you. "What happened?" he asked. You let out a sigh as you hugged the blanket tighter. "I don't want to talk about it." You grumbled, your tone annoyed with a hint of sadness. Sans stared at you for a bit before fixing your hair. "Are you sure? I mean you've been coming home more upset than usual, is work alright? Anything happening?" Sans questioned, his tone of voice growing more concerned. You furrowed your brows as you could feel the corners of your eyes sweet up with tears once more. You covered yourself with the blanket, not even daring to look at Sans. "Stop it, just STOP. I told you I'm fine! You don't have to pry into every little detail of my life I just want you here with me I don't want you digging into this I told you I'm fine, I just wanted you here with me, fuck." you yelled at first, calming your voice down as to not wake up Papyrus and to try to calm yourself down. Your voice cracks, you didn't really mean to come off as rude, you're just tired, you don't want him to get worried or to try and fix your problems, you just want him there with you, to give you a hug or just give you comforting words, you don't want him prying too much into this, you don't want him getting worried.
Sans seemed taken aback by your remark. He stayed quiet for a bit before nodding, he understood how you felt. Everyone has different ways they deal with this situation and how they want others to react, some want others to pry into their life and try to help solve their problems, others just want them to be there with them during this but not get too involved in the situation and many other things, everyone reacts differently to this much stress. Of course he was a bit shocked and to be honest a little hurt by your words but he knows you're just stressed and don't mean to be rude. He truly does understand, he knows how you feel, so he will be there for you. "You're obviously not fine, but I understand you don't want me to be involved in the situation, you just want me to be there for you, I understand." Sans replied, he gave you a comforting pat on the shoulder before laying with you on the bed. He let out a long sigh as he crossed his arms behind his head. "Take some deep breathes, that usually helps with stress, and make sure to sleep well." Sans said, you nodded. "Come on, let's take a few deep breathes." Sans said, you rolled your eyes but it does usually help. You did as he said and took a few small and quick deep breathes, trying to make the tension in your body disappear and just try to relax. "Feeling any better?" Sans asked, you shook your head no which caused him to chuckle a bit. "Yeah I kinda thought so. Deep breathes won't immediately make you feel bette but it helps with tension, for now just rest, cry if you want, I'm here for you alright... I won't judge you for being emotional okay. I love you too much for that." Sans said giving a reassuring hand on your shoulder. You nodded, you turned your head to face him and give him a small smile. "I appreciate that.." you muttered, he gives you a quick nod. "No need to do that, just rest, I'm here for you. No matter what happens remember that okay, I'll always be here for you." Sans replied, he wrapped an arms around you, pulling you closer. You let out a soft sigh as you moved closer to him, you closed your tired eyes and felt yourself slowly start to fall asleep in his arms. He kept his arm wrapped around you and watched you slowly fall asleep.
"Sleep well, I'm here, okay."
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genre: fluff, established relationship
warning(s)!!: alhaitham cringes at y'all (fun sucker), typical kaveh & alhaitham banter, no-gender mentioned for y/n, lowercase intended sorry im lazy
w.count: 2.1k
synopsis: kaveh is always forgetting his keys one way or the other, you try and keep his mind focused on what he keeps missing. he misunderstands your question 'aren't you forgetting something?'
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a/n: much love to @birinboom for helping me choose this title and letting me annoy her with my banners for hours. smooches
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you dont have to live in the same house as kaveh and alhaitham to know kaveh's morning routines of which he has several. sometimes he'll wake up early- be it a rare occassion- and peacefully make some coffee or review a few blueprint drafts then get ready for the day. others he's a bit more speedy, already dressed by the time he makes it into the kitchen for coffee and already having mehrak at his beck and call so they can get a move on.
but mostly, it consists of him oversleeping from hardly getting any sleep at all, rushing out of his room with his hands pushing the last of his red bobby pins in, yanking mehrak's handle with anything but an apology, and hoping that anything he needs for the day is already inside the sentient briefcase. he'd get a coffee somewhere at the akademia, or from some client if they're so kind, or even from you if you happen to run into him.
he never remembers everything though. most infamously, his house keys that are usually hanging by the door or somehow end up in alhaitham's possession. on those days, when you wake up in your own home devoid of all the chaos a morning with kaveh could include, you somehow always know when it's one of those days when he would be locked outside with no way in.
'alhaitham,' you call out to the grey-haired bookworm when you see him in passing through the akademia's halls on his way to work no doubt. he stops his strides and looks over his bare shoulder to see you coming over, hands full of material for your daily tasks.
'what is it?'
'do you have kaveh's keys today?' you ask quietly in the halls, making sure no one was within earshot since kaveh tried so adamantly to keep his living at alhaithams a secret.
alhaitham didn't verbally answer you, but he did pull out his own grey key revealing nothing attached to it. if he had it, normally they'd be stuck together by the keyrings. you nod and hum, waving to him before dismissing yourself since you didn't need to keep him from his work. only two options left:
kaveh forgot it at home or your gut was telling you wrong... for once.
you knew that your partner had a few meetings with clients today, but you weren't exactly privy to where those meetings would take place. whether it be their homes or somewhere like puspa cafe for the reason that it was surrounded by the noise of the public.
you decided to wait until later on in the afternoon to continue your investigation- he wouldn't notice until then anyways. besides, you had work to do today as well and he'd feel bad if he knew you spent your time running around looking for him instead of working. he didn't want you to fall behind on your tasks at his expense.
the said tasks at hand were fairly mundane and didn't pertain to anything of great stress. working for the akademia was stressful all on its own, but it could be worse. luckily, your relationship with alhaitham- the acting grand sage- was smooth enough that when you needed his approval for something he was quick to hear you out and then make a decision. you lightly chuckle at the memories of kaveh finding out he had rejected something from you for whatever reason and chewing his roommate's ear off later because of it.
kaveh could be high-strung about certain things- your duties and work for example- even when he didn't need to be. so you had advised him that any further pressing on why the acting grand sage told you 'no' (which shouldn't happen in kaveh's perfect world), wouldn't be necessary. the rejection made sense when you inquired further on it and all you would need to do was make some adjustments and try again.
it was the same type of drive you wish he'd have with his own stubborn clients. when something in a blueprint doesn't or can't work out due to literal safety and impossibility, you wish he'd just tell them so and just say no. though almost always, he caves. he's proud of his work, but you also know it weighs heavily on him as a 'genius architect'.
that overloaded, perfectionist mindset was exactly why he always forgets the small things not pertaining to work.
the middle of the day comes and just before it goes by with the tick of the clock hand, your name is called from afar. you could see your blonde worry-wart coming your way with mehrak close behind him. you stop in your strides in order for him to catch up with you and once he's within arm's distance he's slinging one of his over your shoulders to give you a small side-squeeze.
'running errands?' he asks before he's taking the books and files out of your arms and nods his head in the direction you were previously going. you learned long ago to not fight him on when he takes things from you so he could carry them in your stead. your arms had started going numb from the distance between your workspace and alhaitham's office where they were soon going to be delivered anyways.
'yup. documents and files for the acting grand sage to go over and review.'
'eugh,' kaveh shivers, 'can't you just refer to him by name? i doubt he cares if you drop the titles when you aren't even around him.'
'it's not very professional, kaveh. when im working i need to address him properly.'
'i dont see why. he wouldn't correct you if you just used his name.'
'he'd correct you though.'
'yeah to get under my skin!'
you laugh at the rise you start to get out of your lover before you lightly grabbed onto his bicep using it to tether you both together while his hands were occupied with your workload. the rest of the trip was filled with mindless, idle chatter- his favorite kind when with you. the moment you knocked on alhaitham's office door he had half a mind to stay out in the hall, but he couldn't just give your paperwork back to you. he had to see the duty of carrying your things for your through, even if that means getting a few rips from his grey-haired roommate.
'here are the documents i told you about before. they just need brief reviews and filing.'
'thank you,' alhaitham told you without so much as looking up to you. he knew kaveh was with you though. 'kaveh,' he started, 'y/n came to ask me if i had your keys this morning.'
kaveh basically dropped the paperwork on the desk since the acting grand sage decided to bring that up in the middle of the blond setting them down.
'they have a knack for suspecting when you have forgotten them,' alhaitham continued while kaveh distressingly looked to make sure no one was listening in while aggressively shushing him. alhaitham knew how to push his buttons.
still, kaveh was quick to search his person while you stood beside him amused. he pats his pockets and pants down, and even mehrak's digital expression twists, idly hovering nearby. acting anxious on his master's behalf. kaveh looks at you bewildered when his search comes up empty.
'how do you always-'
'i just do.' you answer him. 'dont worry, if the acting grand sage is kept busy you can stay at my home until he's back.'
'you're more than welcome to keep him,' the rip to kaveh went discarded as the blond just kissed your check in appreciation. 'please keep that out of my office,' alhaitham sighed. kaveh just sneered childishly at his previous underclassmen.
'consider that payback.'
'for what exactly?'
'oh, 'for what', he asks. for your little attempt to pester me just a moment ago!'
'oh, my apologies. i thought you hadn't heard me.'
'well, i did!'
'boys,' you intervene before they both get too worked up. 'i don't want to listen to you both squabble, so if that's all you need from me acting grand sage, i'll be going.'
'yes,' alhaitham sets his sights back to you, 'that'll be fine. thank you.' he thanks you again before you turn and start making your way out. kaveh makes it a point to grab your hand and swing your interlocked limbs dramatically on the way out, just to show the other man what for.
on other days, you're lucky enough for alhaitham to allow you to stay over with kaveh. he allows it for a couple of reasons: it keeps kaveh from hammering away on projects all night because he won't let you sleep by yourself and you have a tendency to placate the blond so the mornings can run much more smoothly than if it were just the two of them. also, you make coffee for both of them and any chance he gets to drink coffee he didn't have to go through the effort to brew himself gives him just a bit more time to himself and his books.
you were standing in the kitchen of their shared home in one of kaveh's open-back shirts. you had tried one on for fun once since they were so interestingly designed and found the open fabric was nice to sleep in since it didn't trap the stuffy sumeru night air.
as usual, alhaitham was the first awake and walking around. you shared sounds of morning humming before you give him his coffee and he meanders off somewhere to read. not long after, kaveh was waking up and stumbling bleary-eyed into the kitchen lured by the smell of coffee. you also hand him his mug of coffee with too much creamer in it and he receives it along with a peck to your lips.
'hmm,' he hums still groggy. 'your lips are warm.'
'well, i did drink come coffee myself. probably from that.'
'really? i didn't taste it.' he teases, wanting to try and 'taste' the coffee you drank before alhaitham shouted from the other room.
'take it out of my kitchen..!'
you spend the morning sharing kaveh's space and helping him get dressed and ready. he let you braid his hair and place his feather behind his ear. he helps you get dressed and flatten out any uncomfortable wrinkles in your clothes. along the morning quiet, he would place kisses anywhere he could. on your nape as he helps adjust your collar. your shoulder before you pull on your shirt after discarding his. on your wrist when you're braiding his hair messing it up in the process so you have to start over.
neither of you would talk much, but the messages conveyed through actions and small kisses are enough for an early day. you both hear alhaitham leave which lets kaveh loop his arm around your waist and swing you around playfully to his chest and hold you there for a bit before you both finally finish up.
just before kaveh leaves ahead of you since he doesn't let you open the door yourself, you snag the long, dark ends of his hair and effectively stop him. he whines before turning to you.
'aren't you forgetting something?' he racks his brain and even merak looks confused behind his shoulder with digitally upturned brows. he runs a quick mental checklist before a look of understanding crosses his face. he steps back over the threshold and the toes of his boots tap against yours. you weren't expecting the sudden proximity as you lean backward and almost stumble before his arm is wound around your back and his other hand gently guides your chin up.
behind the walls of the entrance and cracked open door, he kisses you sweetly. once on your lips, then the corners of your lips, then your cheeks, and then one more peck to your lips. he looks at you satisfied and only leans his chest away from you as you lift your arm.
'that was very flattering, but i meant these.' you both start laughing at the sight of his keys dangling between the two of you. his small keychain bearing witness to the overly affectionate kisses early in the morning.
'thanks, sweetheart,' he tells you before gently taking them and placing them safely in his pocket. he kisses you one more time on the forehead and finally starts to make his way out with you to start his day.
at least he didn't forget them today since you were there to remind him. he can only wait on pins and needles for the day he can do this in his own private home with you and not one where alhaitham ruins the mood all the time.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
You Don't Have to Miss Me
Pairing - Reaper x reader
Warnings - none! angsty, but fluffy, but angsty lol (i also didnt proofread this at all lol, so if there are some funky bits, i really dont care lmaooooo)
Word Count - 1,954
Notes - i have been loving overwatch and then this hottie appeared and i was like... dangit. now i have to write for him smh. this is 7 pages on google docs lmaooo. im not the biggest fan of this one, but i thought i would just put it here for funsies lol. enjoy and have a good day and stay hydrated!! <333
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Gabriel woke up, completely exhausted. Nothing new. At least he had those few moments of sleep that made him forget about the pain. Even if it was only a couple of hours, it was bliss. But it still didn't make up for the times he would wake up with nothing but pain surging through his body.
He quickly got out of bed, trying to make himself busy before he thought too much about the pain. That was difficult though, especially considering just how bad it hurt. He was in agony. It's like he was going insane. He just wanted it to stop.
Gabriel jumped feeling his cat rub on his leg, hoping to get some attention. Gabriel leaned down with a small smile, petting it on the head. “I'll feed you soon, Grimm.”
Grimm mewed with curiosity as Gabriel walked to the bathroom immediately greeted by his tired face. The icing on the cake. On top of feeling like shit, he looked like shit too. Just great.
He was quickly pulled from his mind as he felt Grimm’s soft fur back on his legs. “Grimm, no kitties in the bathroom.” He held Grimm from under his arms, the fat thing going ragdoll mode just to annoy Gabriel. “Shoo, out.” Gabriel pushed Grimm’s chubby butt away from the bathroom and slammed the door, sad and lonely meows quickly following.
Gabriel just stared at himself in the mirror for a moment before taking a deep breath. He needed to take a goddamn shower. He already looked and felt like shit, he didn't want to smell like it on top of that.
Ignoring the sad meows from the other side of the door, Gabriel let the water from the shower cover his whole body. Nice and warm. Today was going to be a long day, best to start it off good.
His nice shower was quickly interrupted, however, when he heard his phone ring. Usually, he would ignore that sort of thing, but when he peeked his head out of the shower, he saw your name plastered on his screen.
He cursed under his breath and jumped out of his shower, wiping his hands dry enough to at least answer the call.
“Reaper! That you?!” He put you on speaker and could hear that you were in the middle of battle, gunshots and explosions going off in the background.
“Y-Yeah. What’s up?” He jumped back in the shower, washing the soap out of his hair.
“Are you in the shower right now? OH SHIT!” He heard a couple of gunshots in the background and then silence.
“Are you oka-”
“You still there, Reaper?”
“Yeah, I'm still here.” He quickly ended his shower and wrapped a towel around his lower half.
“Are you nearby at all?” You sounded out of breath.
“Nearby as in…”
“We’re in Spain right now. I was wondering if you-”
Gabriel laughed, drying off his hair. “Sorry, sweetheart. I'm at home in America right now. There is no way in hell I'm rushing my ass over to Spain in the next five minutes. Call someone else.”
“Ugh! You’re no help, you know that?!” You took cover and reloaded your gun. “EAT MY BULLETS YOU PIECE OF SHIT!! I'll call you later, Reaper. I should be back tomorrow morning. Oh… and about the other night-”
“I don't want to talk about it.” Gabriel put his finger over the hang up button, tempted to press it.
“Don't hang up, Reaper. I just wanted to-”
Gabriel hung up quickly. He didn't want to talk about the other night, nor did he want to hear about it.
— — —
“What an asshole!” You reloaded your gun and went haywire on the other team.
“Is everything alright?” Widowmaker ran up to you and quickly grabbed your hand helping you off of the ground.
“I'm fine. Just a little pissed, that’s all.” You couldn't help but talk through gritted teeth. You were on edge right now.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Widowmaker watched your back and you watched hers. Thank god you had her on your side.
“I mean… I do… but he asked if we could keep it on the downlow, so I don't think I can.”
“He? You didn't tell me this was about a guy!” Widowmaker’s eyes went shiny, ready for you to spill everything.
“Oh, shut up, Widow, it's not like that.” You rolled your eyes, giggling a bit.
“Sure it's not.” Her tone was mocking, but it didn't stop you from laughing a bit. “So, who is he? Is he handsome? Does he have muscles?”
“Not telling. Yes. Yes.” You quickly ran through her questions, keeping your eyes on the other team.
“Do I know him?”
“I'm not telling you that.”
Widow rolled her eyes and you both heard a loud, “FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!”, which meant it was time for you both to get out of there.
“Come on, y/n! Just tell me!”
“He would kill me if I did that!” You both hurdled over a bus and held the back of your heads for cover.
“I got it!” You heard loud music and looked up to find Lucio, who threw you a thumbs up. Quickly after his attack, there was cheering from the rest of your team.
You won. Thank god.
Maybe that would finally get Widowmaker to stop asking questions.
— — —
“Sooooo,” DVA walked over to you, taking a long sip from some fruit punch. “I heard you were uh… you know… with a guy?”
You nearly choked on your food that you got from the little celebration table for winning. Of course Widowmaker had to blab about this. You knew you should’ve kept your mouth shut.
“Look, DVA, it doesn't really matter, okay? Where’d you get the punch?” You tried to change the subject, but of course that wouldn't work for DVA.
“So, who is he? Is he a dirtbag? I hope he’s treating you well!” She put her hands on her hips dramatically and you shook your head, standing up to leave.
“It doesn't matter, DVA. And yes! He’s treating me fine, thank you!”
“But Widowmaker said you were pretty pissed at him.” DVA checked her nails and you froze. How much did Widowmaker say?
“What are you two talking about?” Widowmaker appeared, grabbing herself something sweet off of the table full of food.
“Oh nothing,” you walked over, nonchalantly taking some food for yourself. “Just that you're spilling the news to everyone about a guy that I'm friendly with.”
Widowmaker’s face turned a dark shade of red. “I-I'm sorry. I just thought-”
You giggled and patted her on the shoulder. “I'm joking Widow. But seriously,” your tone got low, getting close to her ear. “Tell one more person and you’re gonna get it.”
Widowmaker laughed nervously, but you gave her another reassuring pat. “You can't blame me for wanting to know about the mystery man, y/n.”
“I know, I know it's just-” You were quickly interrupted by your ringtone. “Sorry, Widow, I gotta-” You looked down at the name and your face went bright red. “I-I gotta go! Eat an extra cake for me, okay?!”
Why did Reaper have to call you now?
“Hello?” You found a small closet to hide in for the time being, far enough from the celebration. “Reaper?”
“Hey… uh…” Gabriel rubbed the back of his neck. “Are you busy?”
“No… I mean… we just won, so we’re kinda celebrating,” you scooted an old mop to the side, sitting on the ground. “But I'm not busy. I can talk.”
“Oh, congrats.”
“O-Oh! Thanks, Reaper! So… uh… what did you want to talk about?” Your voice was soft, trying not to attract any attention if anyone walked by.
“Uhm… you know what… nevermind. It doesn't really matter. Celebrate your accomplishment. You deserve it. See you tomorrow, alright?” Gabriel went to press the hang up button, but you stopped him.
“Wait… Reaper… what’s up?”
“I'm sorry.”
“Sorry? Why are you sorry?”
“Just,” Reaper sighed. “About the other night. I know we haven't seen each other in a while. I shouldn't have-”
“Gabe… I mean, Reaper. You don't have to apologize. Really. I just-” You were quickly interrupted by a knock on the door. “I have to go. We can talk tomorrow. Promise.”
“Wait, I-” You hung up the phone, leaving Reaper’s house in complete silence.
— — —
Gabriel woke up to the feeling of Grimm’s cold paws on his face. “Dude,” he sat up, his voice tired. “Who the heck let you in here? Did I leave my door open last night?”
Grimm mewed at him sweetly and ran his tail under Gabriel’s chin. He looked around the room, subconsciously petting Grimm. Something was off. Different. His door was open and so was his closet. Did he just forget to close everything the night before? Was he that tired?
Grimm jumped off the bed with a loud meow and quickly ran down the stairs. He was acting weird too. Was Gabriel just that tired?
He just remembers getting off of the phone with you and then…
Gabriel quickly jumped out of bed, slipping on some sweatpants, and ran downstairs, immediately greeted by the smell of eggs and bacon. He slid to the kitchen, pulling out his guns pointing them at… you?
“Woah! Put those down, Reaper!” You ran up and moved his guns down with a giggle. “Sorry! I didn't want to wake you up!”
Gabriel sighed with relief and leaned against a nearby counter. “I knew something was off in the house.”
You smiled and handed him a plate of breakfast. “I'm just glad you didn't shoot me.”
“Me too.” Gabriel chuckled softly and took his breakfast with a soft thank you.
“I'm not mad by the way, Gabe.” Your voice was low, your eyes glued to the window in his kitchen.
“You're not?”
You shook your head and turned your gaze to Gabriel. “We just… needed to talk. Maybe not that loudly,” you chuckled and took a long sip from your coffee. “But we talked, didn't we?”
“I guess… I just… I didn't want to yell at you like that.” Gabriel got flashbacks of a couple nights ago. You were just coming to visit. It had been years. You ended up talking… and then yelling… and then screaming. Some of it felt good, and some of it didn't. Some of it he meant to say, and most of it, he didn't. He knew you cared about him… he just didn't want to get attached. He didn't want to be a burden to you. He just… wanted you to be happy. And he didn't think that being around him would make that happen.
“And I didn't want to yell at you like that either, Reaper. I just… I care about you.”
“But you shouldn't.” Reaper could feel tears in his eyes that he quickly tried to cover. He couldn't cry. He wouldn't.
You walked up and cupped his cheek, smiling into his eyes. Something about seeing him without the mask made you feel special. Hell, maybe you were.
“Gabe, I-”
He couldn't help it. Those cute eyes. That sweet smile. Your soft touch. He cupped both sides of your face and leaned down to your level, pressing his lips to yours. You quickly sank in, throwing your arms around the back of his neck, pulling him closer.
He couldn't help but still love you. Even after you and Soldier left him. Even after he left you. He couldn't help but want you back in his life. He loved you. He loved you so much.
You pulled away, running your fingers through his soft, but messy hair. “Gabe. I miss you.”
“You don't have to miss me anymore.”
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