#sorry if this isn’t actually rae lol but every other one is so i’m guessing it is haha
legendofthe3divas · 1 year
I’m honestly not sure how I’d cope if you changed your pfp at this point
now i am actually guessing this is you, rae, bc every other one is you. but didn’t rlly think my pfp would actually affect you lol
i was actually thinking of changing it a while back. i tried out some other images (of little mix ofc) but they didn’t rlly suit it as i’m used to this one haha
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shadowjack12345 · 4 years
An alternate meeting: what if BB didn't join the Titans until much later?
Thanks, @knightb172
"Welcome aboard, Beast Boy," Nightwing said as he clasped the young man's hand in his. They both smiled at each other. Nightwing managed not to ask of the ears were part of the mask or just covered by it.
"It's an honour, Nightwing," he said smoothly. The other Titans strode forward to welcome their new member... save one. Raven hung back in the shadows, her eyes narrowed at the newcomer.
"It is good to have you join us, Beast Boy," Starfire sang. Tall and statuesque with golden skin and hair almost down to the floor, it was genuinely impressive that Beast Boy didn't stammer in return.
"On that we agree, Princess Kori'Andr," he answered. Starfire actually blushed a little, embarrassed at the title.
"Oh, that is not necessary. Starfire will do nicely," she said. He nodded once in agreement.
"I read the dossier Mento sent us," Cyborg said, arms folded but with a warm smile. Once again, Beast Boy was admirable calm in the face of Cyborg's physical presence."Impressive stuff." Beast Boy smirked.
"The whole dossier? Unless Mento's embraced brevity recently..." he started. Cyborg laughed.
"No, it reads like an academic paper. A very long, very dry academic paper. But... well, maybe 'read' was the wrong word. Gotta be some advantage to having a computerised brain, right?" Cyborg joked. Beast Boy nodded in comprehension.
"I'll take your word for it. Well, thanks everybody, I guess I'll go unpack or... wait. Are we missing someone?" he asked. Nightwing looked around and spotted Raven lurking in the corner. He waved her over and, though she rolled her eyes, she joined them.
"Hello," she said, curtly. She didn't extend her hand.
"Um. Hi," Beast Boy replied. She narrowed her eyes at him again before turning on her heel and leaving the room. Cyborg chuckled awkwardly.
"Don't take it personally, man. That's just how Raven is, especially when she doesn't know someone," he said.
"Sure, no problem. No problem at all."
Raven sat on the couch, book in hand, revelling in rare solitude in this space.
"WHOA!" she said, less dignified than she might have liked. Beast Boy stood behind her, eyes wide behind his goggles.
"Are you okay? I didn't mean to startle you," he said. Raven, on her feet and breathing heavily, calmed herself a little.
"You... you snuck up on me. No one sneaks up on me," she said, more perplexed than upset.
"Oh. Is that bad?" he asked.
"It's different. I don't adapt to change very well," Raven grumbled. She sat back down. Beast Boy walked around to the front of the couch so she could see him.
"I was going to ask if I could watch the TV but it looks-"
"I can't read you," Raven interrupted. Her brow furrowed as she looked up at him. "Is it the mask?"
"Read me? Oh! Right, you're an empath. Well, if you work with someone like Mento, you end up building a strong defence against psychic intrusion. That must include your senses as well," he surmised. Raven's head cocked to the side.
"Can you turn it off?" she asked. Beast Boy blinked. Did she not realise how personal it was to ask to see someone's emotions? Actually, she probably didn't - it was her norm, after all. He shook his head.
"It isn't conscious. It'd be like asking me to switch of my immune system: I can't," he explained. Raven crossed her arms and looked away. Was she... pouting? "Maybe this could be fun," he added. Raven gave him that curious look again.
"Fun how?" she asked carefully.
"Well, it's gotta take something out of conversation if you always know what the other person is feeling, right? Now you get to try getting to know someone on equal footing. The old fashioned way," he said, a little enthusiasm creeping in as he spoke. Raven's eyes narrowed even more.
"You sound awfully certain that I want to get to know you," she said with quiet menace.
"Um. Well. Right. Well. Oh. Right. We-"
"One condition: I get to ask what you're feeling if I need to," Raven said. Beast Boy took a deep breath.
"Okay... if I get to do the same. And we don't have to answer if we don't want to," he said. Raven grimaced.
"Fine." Beast Boy extended his hand. Raven vanished.
"Why do you wear the mask?" Raven asked. She sat at the table with Beast Boy. He chewed thoughtfully and swallowed.
"Why do you wear the hood?" he said.
"That isn't an answer," Raven said.
"You first."
"But I asked first," she complained. Beast Boy smirked.
"Maybe it's personal," he said. Raven raised an eyebrow.
"Is it?" she asked. He only smiled and ate another mouthful. "If I tell you about the hood, will you tell me about the mask?" Beast Boy grinned and nodded. "The hood is traditional amongst my people."
"Is that all?" he prodded. Raven frowned. How badly did she want to know about the mask?
"Sometimes... I can't hide what I am, but sometimes - most of the time - I don't like people to see me for what I am," she said. Suddenly, her face flushed brightly, while Beast Boy's smile vanished.
"My mask. Um. I added it to my suit when I was a kid," he said before sighing heavily. "Because of Nightwing. Well, Robin at the time."
"Wait. This mask is because you were Nightwing's fan?!" she hissed. "I told you all of that just to find out you had a childhood crush on Nightwing?!" she cried, loud enough now to draw the attention of the others in the room. She seemed to twist and tower over Beast Boy, growling quietly... then vanished, leaving only silence.
"Hey, uh... I have a girlfriend," Nightwing added with a shrug. Beast Boy smacked his forehead and groaned.
There was a knock at Raven's door. She only curled up more tightly in her sheets.
"Raven, it's me," Beast Boy said, muffled by the door.
"Go away," she said flatly.
"Ask me what I'm feeling," he said. Raven emerged from her bedding and fixed her door with a withering stare.
"What?" she snapped.
"You wanted to be able to. Ask me," he insisted. Raven stood and walked to the door but left it closed.
"What are you feeling right now?" she whispered.
"Foolish. Embarrassed. And very, very sorry. I'm sorry, Raven. I was just teasing, I never meant-"
"Are you saying it's my own fault for telling you my secrets?" she accused.
"No! I... listen, I shouldn't have even joked that the mask was personal - you can't sense when I'm kidding or not. I'm sorry I made you feel like you... exposed yourself. Made yourself vulnerable," he rambled. "Okay. I came here to apologise and I have. I'll leave you be for now." Raven heard his steps move away from her door. Her anger and embarrassment had faded and she leaned against her door and slid down to the floor. Suddenly, she heard Beast Boy's footsteps rush back to her door.
"Actually, I got one more thing. I'm not sure if it's a good idea but I'm doing it. Can I see you, Rae?" Raven's eyebrows raised at that. A nickname? With a sigh she stood and opened her door. Beast Boy smiled when he saw her, still wearing a blanket about her shoulders.
"Hi," he breathed.
"Hello," she responded, coolly. He took another deep breath, seemingly to psyche himself up for something.
"Okay. I know what you're dealing with is more than just a self-esteem or self-image problem but I can't not tell you. Raven - you are extremely pretty," he said, a little laughter in his voice. Raven blinked back at him.
"Excuse me?"
"I just wanted to say it, just in case you needed to hear it. You're beautiful, Rae. I know that isn't gonna magically fix everything but... I couldn't leave it unsaid," he finished. "Well. Goodnight."
"Take your mask off. Please," Raven said. Beast Boy froze in his tracks. His hands moved up to his mask - why did he even wear the thing? He was green, it wasn't like he could masquerade as a civilian in his downtime. With a nod he reached up and undid the various clasps that held his mask in place, lifting it from his head and running his fingers through his flattened hair.
Raven stared.
Of course his hair was green. Everything about him was green. Especially his eyes. His eyes that were staring back at her. They were somehow even greener and more inviting then Starfire's eyes, but the hair was still the problem. She clasped her hands together behind her back to stop herself from running her own hands through his hair as he had done. He squirmed a little under her intense gaze, and she finally averted her eyes.
"I see the ears are real," Raven blurted. Beast Boy did a double take.
"You thought they might not be?" he asked.
"After our conversation, I thought they could be Batman-inspired," she said. Beast Boy's mouth hung open. Wait. Was that... was Raven smiling? She was!
"Oh wow..." he breathed.
"Excuse me?"
"Sorry. Just thinking out loud. I'm gonna go now, okay?" he said. Already turning to leave. Raven watched him for a few moments before calling after him.
"Thank you! For what you said about me," she said, getting quieter with every word. He turned and, without the mask, Raven could see the blush.
"You're welcome," he answered, gently. Raven seemed to fidget, unable to look at him.
"You're pretty as well!" she shouted before retreating into her room and slamming the door. Beast Boy's mouth hung open again.
"Well," he said, shaking himself. "I am never wearing the mask again," he chuckled before heading to his room, a visible skip in his step.
Well, this was fun. I don’t really go in for AU but I’m not even sure this counts lol.
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vampireloreskill · 6 years
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Get To Know Me 
tagged by @fourfinefreshfishforyou a billion years ago, thank you so much!! i actually Did have fun filling this out even if it took me forever 
 anyone who still wants to do this can say i tagged them!
1. WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? Who wrote this? A fed??
3. BIRTHDAY? This year
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? Would you believe me if I said Warriors
5. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS OR GHOSTS? Ghosts no, aliens sort of... I’m not sure I buy into whole other civilizations but I find it hard to believe that there isn’t some kind of life outside of our planet even if it’s just bacteria 
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? Rick Riordan is pretty cool
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG?  Your Type - Carly Rae Jepson
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? I’m a big fan of defenestration
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO?  Your Type - Carly Rae Jepson
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? I don’t like to blanket recommend shows because everyone has such different tastes
14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE TO WATCH WHEN YOU’RE FEELING DOWN? Tbh I just mope around until I either feel better or give up and go to sleep
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? This is an Assassin’s Creed and Sims zone ONLY
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? Strangers on the internet knowing my second biggest fear
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? Objectively it’s probably my ability to see things from other people’s perspective but TBH I much prefer my sense of humor and ability to laugh at my own jokes whether or not anyone else finds them funny 
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? My inability to self moderate
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? I want to say neither,, but I may be leaning towards dogs in recent years :/
20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? Winter, but lately Autumn has been sneaking up on it
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? Being small... I loved hiding in tiny spaces and being picked up
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? *cowboy voice* Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time...
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? Dark brown
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? At this point it’s basically black but I still like to say dark brown
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? God, my family, probably a lot of people idk I catch feelings easily
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? Literally no one but God 
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? A lot of seemingly random celebrities, if you count constantly reciting names in specific patterns as thinking 
32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? I’m not sure what the opposite of shrug emoji is but the answer is still no one
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? I’m not, but someone needs to tell me that
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? I’m not sure I have any phobias? Irrational fears, Sure
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? I REALLY want to get into dollhousing
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? I know I said Les Misérables in a previous tag meme but I now remember that I actually read the first book in C.S. Lewis’s space trilogy a while back more recently
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Spider-man: Into The Spiderverse which was........ AMAZING 
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? When I was younger I had a lap harp but that’s about it
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? I’m not a fan of naming names in this context sorry!
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? A lot, but I’ve concluded that for any powers gained I would inevitably just end up becoming a super villain and/or batman so hard pass
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? When I first wake up, and just lie there trying to hold on to what I was just dreaming about
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? It’s basically physically impossible for me not to grin like a fool watching Wander Over Yonder
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? Does Wii Bowling count
47. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER OR NOTE TO SOMEBODY? I don’t know? Probably when I wanted to wake up at a certain time
48. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? Sometimes? Depends on how possible it is that I could fall
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? Dry skin currently 
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? I was going to say no but I have the distinct feeling that I have even though I didn’t remember absolutely anything about it except maybe the auditorium?
54. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WORRY ABOUT? Not growing as a person
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? Not really, but I do like the ability to turn on lights if I need to
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? My vocal cords were made for Christmas carols and little else. But yeah, sometimes.
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? I’m not... sure?
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? I’ll let you know when I’ve found it
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? Where I already do
63. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE? I feel like I could make an educated guess in an emergency
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? I feel like it’s probably pop or disco tbh
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? Jesus 
68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? Here and there, the only series I’ve actually read all the way through is Cable & Deadpool (2004) but I want to get into Venom
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? Not to be cliche but injustice of any kind
70. DO YOU PREFER TO READ ON AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE OR WITH A REAL BOOK? Real book, I like turning pages and the way the cover fits into my hands. Can’t say I’m a fan of the smell though.
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5′2 or so
75. CAN YOU COOK? If it involves anything other than a microwave or a toaster then,,, no
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? Vampires, villains in love, wood paneling 
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? Intrusive thoughts, Marius Pontmercy, mint flavored toothpaste
79. WHAT IS YOUR SEXUAL ORIENTATION? Bisexual but like it’s Complicated. Also this is the first time I’ve ever actually said that directly so ✌️🎉
80. WHERE DO YOU CURRENTLY LIVE? A fed wrote this
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Earlier this month
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? I don’t really follow any, but I used to be obsessed with the videos of this one guy who acted out crossovers of DC/Marvel characters with action figures and had a really great voice
84. DO YOU LIKE TO TAKE SELFIES? I do! I just never do anything with them once I’ve taken them lol
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP? I don’t have one right now, but I adore choose your own adventure ones
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? Pretty good with my adoptive parents. I want to be closer with my birth mom but I don’t... really know how to go about that without being a disappointment. Never met my birth dad which has been eating at me somewhat lately.
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? Do you take me for a clown
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? Yes, I’m a nondenominational christian 
92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OF THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? The ocean, it’s teeming with life and I find it bafflingly fascinating how there’s still so much we don’t know about it
94. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING? Almost every single time we go shopping in Sam’s Club I get inexplicably feverish and nauseous and feel like I’ve thrown out my back until we get to the check out. That and I may have a dairy allergy? But honestly my stomach is acting out every other day so who knows really.  
98. DO YOU PREFER THE FOREST OR THE BEACH? Aesthetically, the beach, but forests are less sandy
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR?  mmMM I don’t really lie, like, seriously about stuff that I can recall? I’ll jokingly say stuff that blatantly isn’t true and even then I sometimes feel guilty and confess seconds later. Unless you count lying by omission? Or saying stuff like “I’m fine” LMAO. The World May Never Know
101. WHAT IS YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE? We Don’t Discuss Harry Potter On This Blog, but ravenclaw all the way and any test that tries to sort me into hufflepuff isn’t Valid 
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? Generally just when I’m alone
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? I’ve tried, but I just don’t have the attention span for it asdfgh. Sometimes I write down my dreams though.
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Convince someone else to pick it up and check for ID
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? That’s a personal question
111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? Count Dracula from Monster Family (2017) ok so,,, i know he tried to freeze the entire world because a married woman rejected him but LISTEN
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? Mm, not karma per say, but I do generally think that what goes around often comes around in way or another
117. WHO IS THE SMARTEST PERSON YOU KNOW? Idk! there a lot different types of smart people
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? Nice try, but someone might actually read this
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? I’m basically nocturnal so... yeah
120. WHAT COLOR ARE MOST OF YOUR CLOTHES? Various jewel tones
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? Not that I know of
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 21
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? I can’t really think of one right now
125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? Whichever I’m in the mood for!
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alwaysraineh · 6 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
tagged by @little-bi-kingtrashmouth (like three days ago whoops sorry kell ily)
Nickname: ????? ummmm Rae, I guess? Rach sometimes but idk if I have an actual real nickname mostly its just my sister or my best friends calling me idiot
Height: 5′10
Last Movie I saw: honestly I don’t remember so my two guesses are Over the Hedge or Bohemian Rhapsody
Favorite Artists: Hozier, Jon Bellion, Kodaline, Bear’s Den, Brendan Urie, Harry Styles, Khalid, Enrique Iglesias, Juanes, Queen (okay I’m gonna stop here cause there’s too many)
Song stuck in my head: for the past couple days it’s been Grow As We Go by Ben Platt and I Want to Break Free by Queen, cause that one is just always up bumpin in my brain
Do I get asks: I mean sometimes??? Very rarely
Other blogs:  @siemprelluvia (a travel blog I ran for approximately a month in 2017 lol it has since been abandoned)
Following: 324
Amount of sleep: about 5ish hours I think? I’m typically laying in bed trying to sleep for about 10ish hours a night tho and I’m just really bad at actually sleeping
Lucky Number: 8 or 20
What I’m wearing: gray brand new pajamas!!! I’m still v excited about them! They’re grey and they’ve got houseplants all over them and it’s a pair of really comfy high-waisted capri-like pants and a little cropped sleep cami and it’s super cute
Dream job: something to do with animals??? right now I’m trying to get the science-y jobs with wildlife, but I also would love a conservation center or a zoo that’s actually a good zoo. Also park ranger, game warden, pretty much anything in nature. But also I’d really like to get some books published and try out being a flight attendant???
Favorite food: uhhhhhhhhhh oh god you can’t ask me that. Uhhh okay so cheesecake, obviously, love me some good cheesecake. Pretty much any Latin American food that isn’t seafood, tiramisu, f r u i t, chicken pot pie, and lots of types of bread
Dream trip: wanna Oh gosh I want to go back to Peru soooooo badly but also Canada was fun? I want to go back to Alaska. All over Europe and South America and a small desire to go to different parts of Asia as well?? but roadtrips and stuff around the US with my friends would be amazing also
Play any instruments: I used to play bass drum for marching/pep band and various percussion for concert band and I know enough about piano to plunk but not to sound good
Languages: English and Spanish (competent and probably fluent but not comfortable enough to call myself fluent or bi-lingual) and like three words apiece from various other languages
Random fact: I have a collection of teacups that my mom keeps slowly adding to for when I have my own house with a place to display them
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: cats sleeping in little balls with their little toe beans sticking out, mounds of soft and fuzzy blankets, houseplants and succulents, llamas and alpacas and fat and fluffy animals, Smokey the bear, christmas lights, a pile of pens and half-filled notebooks, loose lined paper with story notes scrawled across every inch of available space, scented candles
I don’t think I know 21 people so I’m gonna ignore that but I’ll try and get a few at least so if you wanna do this you can!!
@scorcherman13 @spacegaylra @tennisxiu @magicdecat @velociraptortilla @grffnmcelroy @itskhepri @keiragaytley
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
Everyong as Wanna one members! And pls do everyone 😊
ho boy– there are legit 28 of everyong,,, 29 including hana sO i kept this short huhu basically just their @ and why they remind me of that member lol this lowkey turned into my opinion on everyong
Everyong as Wanna One Members
Wanna One as Shit Everyong Says
Yoon Jisung
@deepdickdaniel ariane !! one of the moms of everyong,,, a whole sweetheart !! and fr they’re both absolute visuals // @chimchimaliensuga stephanie !! smth about stephanie just reminds me of jisung like,,, i can’t even explain // @perkwoojin jAS IM SO SORRY I FORGOT YOU FHAKFHA IM SO FAKE OML okAy bUT you remind me of jisung bc you’re vv sweet and sometimes vv random (ily im sORRY--)
Ha Sungwoon
@alliwannado-w1 iris !! they’re both,,, eXtra yes and idk i can imagine iris pulling out a toaster from a backpack– // @whatabrightplace tina !! yOU MAKE ME SOFT HHLAF but at the same time you hype me up // @hwinkinghwi xuan !! aiGhT i feel like sungwoon would reminisce a lot and we just reminisced abt the – fairy and geronimo stilton –
Hwang Minhyun
@pwjins alliSON !! y’all are extra in like??? an elegant way i cannot describe it as anything else– // @wannasseu cyn !! both visuals first of all– seCOND cyn appears to me as an ‘elegant’ (lack of a better word) person w a crazy side // @wannamoon juju !! we’ve talked like,,, twice bUT you seem like a vv nice person! pLuS when we did talk you were like,,,, aesthetically pleasing idk
Ong Seongwoo
@mongniel aurora,,, i swear this isn’t bc of aurong hahah but !! you both seem quiet (to me lol) at first bUt then there’s like this whole other side to you – // @ennergetics rae !! e x t r a – rae, in general, is a super exciting person to me laflhlhf// @w1talks angela !! whenever we talk, angela’s funny and i just immediately associate humour w seongwoo lol
Kim Jaehwan
@pinksausageduo dAIN– oml,, one of the oldests (i think ???) who watch as chaos unfolds (legit aurong lmao) :)) // @wannabl hana !! we haven’t talked in like,,, a month bUt you both have A+ humour aNd you’re both generally fun ppl hlflhfa
Kang Daniel
@onlyjihoons ZELIA HALGH okAy zelia a t t a c k s everyong w fancams every now and then, it’s just as rude as daniel– // @kanggdaniell steph !! we also do not talk often bUt– you’re q nice and soft wth 
Park Jihoon
@fromwannaone annie !! annie’s like,,, an aesthetically pretty dork (in a nice way lmao) which is how i’d describe jihoon tbh // @xiupch shuri !! shuri is new !! but omg she’s like??? so sweet alrfeady wthka // @starrywinters sheena !! sheena is so well well-rounded and nice like omg gkahfkhaf
Park Woojin
@wanna-17 cathy !! cathy is actually so nice i– aight so cathy,,, the talent is endless i s w e a r // @woojiniee diamond !! other than being absolutely whipped for woojin,,, smth about your humour just reminds me of woojin honestly i can’t even be specific–
Bae Jinyoung
@ycungmin li !! li is so nice and guess who else is,,, baejin,, ye li seems v chill and fun at the same time like baejin // @danieverie elli !! we have talked once bUT elli is legit so nice and talented like a certain person baejin // @jsioos meike !! it’s been a while since we’ve talked but like??? meike seems like a vv chill person wih an exciting personality??? does that make sense
Lee Daehwi
@hiyawoojin rissa !! i might sound v biased here but daehwi is adorable and gUeSs wHat so is rissa!! vv soft ppl // @euigones eunice !! yO it’s been a while bUT eunice is v funny and daehwi never fails to make me laugh lmao
Lai Guanlin
@daehwifi tbh both mae and tiffy remind me of guanlin – aight so mAe is a v cool and nice person i’m seriously just ‘w o w’ 25/8 // tiffy !! oml both tiffy and guanlin are such endearing ppl honestly @daehwifi i’m highkey weak for them
i’m doing this at 1am pls save me from my MiNd–
anywhoodle gUYS anyone reading this all of these blogs are sosososo good i recommend each of them !!!
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Hello there, everyone!
 I’m back by popular demand (and also because I have really enjoyed writing as of late when I cannot fall asleep and have been enjoying this unexpected spark of creativity) with a follow-up to my previous story I posted less than a week ago! I wasn’t too sure how to go about this, but I’m currently leaning towards a series of interconnected mini-fics that are part of the same story but are titled individually…maybe?
Well…I’ll give this a go and see if it works out as well as I am hoping it will…I tagged everyone who let me know that they would like to be tagged, but if you want me to start tagging you in future stories I write or want to be removed from my tagged list, please don’t hesitate to let me know! 😁
Also, I absolutely love all the feedback on my previous story, so feel free to let me know what you think of this one!
So this (as well as my last fic and most of my stories to come) is based on actual events from my own life, so it all takes place in modern times not the mid-late 90′s like the actual show (if you couldn’t already tell lol), and I took some creative liberties to find the right balance between MMFD plot and my love life drama…This picks up where the other story left off and is kind of just a filler/transition chapter (sitting pretty at about 1,880 words), but have no fear! I shall be kicking the flirty vibes up a notch in the next chapter that is gonna be posted incredibly soon! *wink, wink*😉😉
Banter, Beastie Boys, and a Budding Friendship
Rae continued responding to customers for the rest of her shift in a daze, still reeling from Finn’s unexpectedly flirtatious interaction with her that morning.
Rae had occasionally glanced at Finn, half expecting him to be more focused on her than on his computer screen as he had been earlier; however, she was repeatedly met with nothing more than his profile as he worked diligently through one customer conversation after another.
First he couldn’t stop staring at me and now he won’t even look at me or acknowledge my presence? What the fuck kind of game is he playing!?
Just before their shift ended, while Rae and Finn logged out of their computers and prepared to leave work for the day, Finn cleared his throat a little too loudly and turned his desk chair towards Rae, trying to get her attention.
“Uhm, Rae…” Finn mumbled, breaking the nearly three hour awkward silence that hung in the air between them.
“Yes, Finn…” Rae replied hesitantly .
“I just wanted to say sorry again about taking your spot next to Izzie today.”
“Uh, it’s fine, Finn. Maybe a bit of time apart could do Izzie and me some good, ya know? Time makes the heart grow fonder and whatnot…” she replied with a small smile, which Finn returned quickly before almost leaping from his chair, scanning his badge on the small machine on the wall as soon as the clock chimed signaling the new hour and rushing out of the building.
Rae was still sitting in her desk chair staring blankly ahead at her computer screen that had turned off automatically from lack of activity when she felt a small hand gently placed on her shoulder.
“Hiya Rae, are you okay?” Izzie asked, her usually bubbly tone of voice tinged with concern as she broke Rae from her concentration.
“Erm, yeah, I’m fine Izz…I guess I just zoned out a bit. Let’s go, yeah?”
Rae stood from her chair and followed Izzie as they both scanned their badges at the machine near the door before exiting the building.
Izzie and Rae walked in silence in the direction of Rae’s apartment—as they had every day they worked together for going on a month now—before Izzie spoke up.
“So how weird was it that Finn sat with us today? When I got in there were lots of other places he could have sat, even some near his friends that he almost always sits with, but he just walked up and asked to sit next to me,” Izzie continued rambling while trying to elicit more of a reaction from Rae than the ambiguous grunts and mumbles of agreement she had been getting thus far.
“I really am sorry I let Finn take your spot today. You’re not mad at me, are you Rae?”
“Izzie, of course not! I could never be mad at you, Izz, and I know you didn’t let him take my spot intentionally,” Rae assured Izzie as she gently leaned her head on Izzie’s shoulder and squeezed her hand as they walked.
“So Izz, I noticed that you and Finn were having a bit of a chat today…did he seem to be acting a little bit off to you?” Rae asked, trying to seem disinterested in the question as she asked it.
“Other than the fact that today was the first time he ever spoke to me directly or sat by me,” Izzie chuckled slightly before continuing, “no, I suppose not. Why? Do you think he was acting particularly strange today?”
Did Izzie really not notice how weird Finn was acting today? Is it possible that she hadn’t noticed all of his staring or his cheeky comments about how much he liked my “lipstick” today? What a load of shit that was…
“Erm, no, I suppose not. I just wasn’t sure if he had talked to you about why he sat near us today instead of his usual spot, or something…”
Rae and Izzie parted ways when they reached the outside of Rae’s apartment building, hugging each other goodbye and telling each other to enjoy the rest of their Monday.
Rae walked into her apartment, putting down her purse and hanging her keys on the hook next to her door, before walking straight into her bedroom to change into more comfortable clothes.
After changing into her favorite comfy black leggings and tie-dye t-shirt, Rae climbed onto her fully made bed, lying down and covering her eyes with her arm, heaving a deep sigh.
I know can be pretty fucking mental at times, but I couldn’t have possibly made up everything that happened today between Finn and I…could I have?
As Rae walked to work on Wednesday morning, iced coffee in-hand, she debated possible scenarios with Finn that could unfold today during her shift at work that had been occupying her thoughts since Monday evening.
Come on now, Rae! You know Finn couldn’t have been being serious on Monday. He must have just been having a laugh, but he realized he had taken it too far, which is why he was less talkative toward me for the rest of our shift.
Content with that explanation for the odd sequence of events at work earlier this week, Rae walked around the corner of the office building and through the entrance.
Rae scanned her badge at the machine on the wall and walked briskly towards where her seat beside Izzie remained vacant.
“Hey Rae! I made sure to save your seat this time.” Izzie chirped, giving Rae a friendly smile.
“Morning Izz and thank you!” Rae replied as she leaned forward to give Izzie and hug before taking her seat.
Both girls got logged into their computers and began responding to customers’ messages when the intro to Sabotage flowed out of the speakers of the radio on the other side of their row.
“Finally a decent song! Can somebody please turn it up so we can properly enjoy this musical masterpiece?” Rae called out loudly to no one in particular, hoping that someone at the other end of the aisle would oblige.
“Of course, girl, but really? Beastie Boys is a bit too mainstream for your tastes, don’t you think? I had much higher expectations for you Mae!” Finn responded with his go-to cheeky smirk as he walked toward the row Rae and Izzie sat in and turned up the volume on the radio.
Rae rolled her eyes at his snarky comment and his refusal to call her by her name, but smiled and gave him a nod as a sign of thanks anyways.
God, I love it when he calls me “girl” like that…Focus, Rae! I know he doesn’t mean anything by it.
“Is this seat reserved for someone in particular too or can I sit here?” Finn asked, casually bumping Rae’s chair with his hip before sitting in the seat to the right of her.
“Oh, of course not Finn! Just go ahead and take a seat wherever you want to. It’s not like my response would have stopped you from sitting down wherever you pleased anyways!” Rae quipped, her voice full of sarcasm and mock irritation, to which Finn chuckled and gave her a smile that made his eyes and nose scrunch slightly.
Well, at least some things never change…
“Hey Mae, did you get that email about this week’s meeting?”
Izzie, Rae, and Finn continued working, the three of them making friendly conversation throughout their shift, the palpable tension between Rae and Finn from the last time they worked together almost completely forgotten; however, the occasional lingering stare from Finn that Rae picked up on gave the impression that there may be something more behind those stolen glances and the friendly smiles he gave Rae.
Thursdays were Rae’s least favorite day of the week. Normally Rae only has Uni in the afternoons on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but today she picked up a shift at work before her classes. Rae knew she was in no position to turn down an available shift at work now that she had bills and rent for her apartment to pay for, but she still could not help but second-guess her decision to pick up this shift which caused her to wake up 4 hours earlier than she normally would on a Thursday.
She was nearly half an hour into her shift that morning and was concentrating deeply on the concerns of the customer she was assisting when Rae noticed somebody was walking quickly down the row of desks but slowed to a stop a couple feet away from her chair.
“Rae? What are you doing here today? I didn’t think you worked on Thursdays…” Finn asked, his thick eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“I don’t normally, but I picked up a shift today to try to get a bit of money.” Rae replied with a shrug, still not fully diverting her attention away from the screen of her computer.
“Well it’s a shame that there isn’t an open seat for me over here, since I’m running so late for work, but I’m really glad I get to see ya today…Mae.” he added with a smirk before walking to the closest open desk, on the opposite side of the aisle from Rae.
Rae’s four hour shift seemed to be passing quickly, her attention only briefly being directed away from the customer she was assisting when she would look up to see Finn giving her a small smile and waving or shooting her a thumbs up of approval at any good songs being played on the alternative radio station blaring from the speakers in the far corner of the office.
Two weeks ago Finn had been a total dick to Rae every time she tried to be friendly and less than a week ago they finally got to a point where they were civil and would chat briefly from time to time, but now things felt…different.
Rae remained stuck in her thoughts a little while longer, secretly thankful that the awkwardness from Monday at work seemed to be long forgotten—at least by Finn—and it had not impacted their friendship that was still not fully developed yet.
When the digital clocks on the machine next to Rae on the wall chimed signaling that it was noon, Rae stood up to leave work when from the opposite end of the row she noticed Finn waving his hands to get her attention and she crossed the room, heading in Finn’s direction.
“Rae! Are you leaving already? I just saw a desk open up and I was about to move to sit nearby you!”
“Yeah, I was only working a short shift today, so I’m leaving now. “
“Oh, well…have a nice day, girl! I’ll see you tomorrow morning at work, right?” he replied looking and sounding a bit disappointed before smiling hopefully and looking up to meet Rae’s eyes from his seated position as she stood next to his chair fiddling with her badge in her hands as he spoke to her.
“Yeah, I’ll see you later, I suppose…Have a nice day Finn.” She walked out the door after scanning her badge on the machine, ignoring the confused look and eyebrow raise Archie had given her as she walked away from Finn’s seat.
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junker-town · 7 years
WWE Extreme Rules 2017: Full rundown and why you should care
Get ready for a show with some extreme (and not so extreme) stipulations.
Welcome to WWE’s annual tribute to 80s hair band, Extreme: Extreme Rules. I briefly considered making a reference to Extreme songs in every match preview, but let’s be real, I can only stretch my knowledge of “Play With Me” and “More Than Words” so far.
Anyway, here is Extreme Rules, a show that looks a lot different than whatever WWE had previously planned for it before Braun Strowman’s elbow needed fixing. As much as we miss Braun, this Fatal 5-Way main event they have planned to determine Brock Lesnar’s next victim opponent seems like it’s going to be pretty great. So, let’s dive in.
Rich Swann and Sasha Banks vs. Noam Dar and Alicia Fox (Mixed tag team match)
What am I looking at here? Gotta admit, we’re not off to a very extreme start. A mixed tag match is a tag match with additional rules, meaning the only thing extreme about this is how many rules there are. More like, uh, Extratreme Rules, right?
Sasha Banks and Alicia Fox had beef, and Noam Dar is Fox’s plaything, so he joined in on the action. Then Rich Swann showed up to back Sasha for some reason even though Cedric Alexander has returned from injury and has previous unfinished business with ex-girlfriend Fox and the Fox chose over him, Dar.
Why you should care: The coolest thing about this match is that WWE is trusting RAW regular Sasha Banks to get people to watch their cruiserweight show, 205 Live. Mixed tag matches can sometimes be a lot of fun — see Fandango and Summer Rae vs. Emma and Santino — but that’s when they’re played with the purpose of being fun. Too often we’re getting singles matches that happen independently of each other since intergender wrestling is not a thing in WWE, and it can be a drag. Hopefully this is closer to fun than yawn.
Also, I’m sorry that by clicking that link you were exposed to Alex Riley on commentary. There is no cure.
Neville (c) vs. Austin Aries for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship (Submission match)
What am I looking at here? Neville has been Cruiserweight Champion since winning the belt at the Royal Rumble, and has the longest reign in the title’s youthful history. Most of the time that’s just because he absolutely overpowered his opponents, but against Austin Aries, he’s had to resort to some rule-bending and cheating.
At WrestleMania 33, Neville thumbed Aries in the eye when the ref wasn’t looking. At Payback, he got himself disqualified when it appeared he was going to have to submit. So now, these two will face off in a submission match, meaning it’s a no disqualification situation where the only thing that ends the match is tapping out to a submission.
Why you should care: This feud has been wonderful, with both Neville and Aries bringing it every single week on the mic and even more so when they lock up in the ring. Is Aries finally going to wrest the Cruiserweight Championship from Neville here, or will Neville finally pull out all the stops — even the ones the fans he loathes like seeing — in order to finally put Aries away for good?
The Hardy Boyz (c) vs. Sheamus and Cesaro for the RAW Tag Team Championship (Steel cage match)
What am I looking at here? We’re still trying to figure part of that out. The Hardy Menz — hey, they’re adults now, and it’s not the 90s — are known for their ability in ladder matches, so when they got the chance to pick the stipulation, they naturally chose a steel cage match. So that the two big beefy dudes who recently turned heel with the express purpose of beating the Hardys to death now have a cage to assist them in their goal, I guess.
To be fair this has been a very one-sided feud in favor of Matt and Jeff so maybe they’re just trying to help Sheamus and Cesaro get back in the game.
Why you should care: Sheamus and Cesaro are dope as heck, and like 500 pounds of pure muscle and beatdowns waiting to happen to the Hardys. The Hardys are still kind of on the nostalgia portion of their return, where we haven’t been given much character other than “Hey, remember these guys? You used to like them!” — that could change with a loss of the titles, especially if, say, Jeff Hardy decides to do a reckless flip off the top of the cage instead of exiting it to win the match and retain the titles and it somehow backfires in the Hardys’ faces.
Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Bayley for the RAW Women’s Championship (Kendo Stick on a Pole match)
What am I looking at here? All you need to know about the setup is that this feud is built on the idea that Alexa Bliss keeps calling Bayley a child and Bayley’s reaction to this is to pout and stamp her feet and deny it while doing things like lashing out at Alexa Bliss with her fists or attacking her from behind. You know, mature adult stuff and not the emotional outbursts of a petulant child.
The Bayley we love might be dead, y’all. Or at least in a deep slumber, waiting to be woken by someone who can effectively write and understand her character.
Oh, also, there is a kendo stick on a pole and the two women are going to try to reach the kendo stick on a pole in order to take the kendo stick down from the pole and beat the other woman with the kendo stick from the pole.
Why you should care: Alexa Bliss has been incredible since showing up on RAW, awful Monday segment that WWE should never employ in any capacity ever again aside. She’s already beaten Bayley clean without cheating to take the RAW Women’s Championship away from her, so don’t be surprised if she also manages to win a match where she does not have to wrestle fair.
Or idk maybe Bayley wins and then screams “I’M NOT A CHILD” while sticking her tongue out and going “neener neener neener” to Bliss.
Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Miz for the Intercontinental Championship (No Champion’s Advantage)
What am I looking at here? So you might be wondering what the champion’s advantage is and why it’s not happening in this match. Basically, a champion can get disqualified and normally, the title will not change hands when that happens. For heels, taking away the champion’s advantage is a way to keep them from cheating their way to retaining. Ambrose is a face, though, which means in this situation, the focus is on what ridiculous things Miz has to do to goad Ambrose into getting disqualified.
Why you should care: One of my favorite matches has this same stipulation, and the heel in that situation was Christian, who is every bit as needling and annoying as Miz. He tried to get Randy Orton to beat him with a chair and slip up and get himself disqualified in a number of ways, and none of them worked... until Christian SPIT DIRECTLY INTO RANDY ORTON’S OPEN MOUTH while the two were in the corner. Orton did not, uh, take that well, and kicked Christian right in the beans as hard as he could, which cost him the title.
So, seeing how Miz causes Ambrose to similarly snap and forget himself long enough to drop the title should be great.
Roman Reigns vs. Finn Balor vs. Samoa Joe vs. Seth Rollins vs. Bray Wyatt (Fatal 5-Way to determine No. 1 contender for the WWE Universal Championship)
What am I looking at here? Well, this is something. Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Bray Wyatt are former WWE World Champions. Rollins, Finn Balor, and Samoa Joe are all former NXT Champions. Finn is a former WWE Universal Champion, the first one ever, actually, and he faced off against Rollins for that belt in its inaugural match. Now all five of these dudes get to wrestle each other for the right to face Brock Lesnar at, I kid you not, an event named “Great Balls of Fire.”
Yeah we were probably supposed to get Reigns vs. Braun Strowman in an Ambulance Match as the main event of Extreme Rules but as dope as those two are Ambulance Matches are just okay. This is better, especially if Strowman returns from injury soon and is ready to maim whoever is in his way again, anyway.
Why you should care: First of all, there’s basically no wrong choice for the winner here. Roman Reigns vs. Lesnar would only be wrong in the sense that it’s already been a WrestleMania main event and should be again someday, so the timing is off. Rollins as a face taking on Lesnar instead of fighting him as a cowardly heel could be a lot of fun. Samoa Joe deciding he doesn’t want to be suplexed, actually, and is going to choke Lesnar out would be wonderful. Finn Balor showing that the Demon can take on the Beast even if he’s significantly lighter and shorter than Brock is a thing I need injected into my veins.
And man, even though Bray Wyatt’s shtick has gotten pretty old, him vs. Lesnar could be something special just for the weird factor.
Whoever wins this match probably isn’t beating Brock next month, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they need to lose, either. And that’s a problem for Great Balls of Fire (lol), anyway. All we’re concerned about at the moment is what should be a great main event, which, by the way, should be great.
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Fifty Shades Darker: A Soundtrack Review
Quick Summary if you aren’t bothered to read all of this: Fifty Shades Darker soundtrack, listen to ‘No Running from Me’, ‘The Scientist’, and I guess listen to ‘One Woman Man’ if you have time.  But if you aren’t bothered click on it, it really wouldn’t be the end of the world.
Let’s all just be honest, if you’re like me, then you believe that the whole debacle that was the Fifty Shades of Grey film had one lone saving grace: its’ soundtrack.
I fell absolutely in LOVE with that soundtrack. (minus the one unintelligible Sia song on it) I mean, it created a passionate, burning love in me for the Weeknd, which drove me into the waiting arms of ‘Beauty Behind the Madness’.  That was an amazing album. (Shame about ‘Starboy’, but I’m not bitching about that right now.  Stop going off in a tangent, bad Becks)  So yes.  FSOG: Film? Not my thing.  Soundtrack? Very, very much my thing.
So, my love for THAT soundtrack resulted in me being extremely excited for the follow up.  The sequel, if you will, to what I believe may have been the best album of 2015.  Or at least, I believe it was now as not one other album that was released that year comes to mind.
(Minor tangent: I just googled it, and honestly? Not many good albums came out that year.  Sad year for music, then. Tangent over.)
So, yes, sorry, the sequel soundtrack.  The Fifty Shades Darker soundtrack.  Like anything you’ve ever built yourself up too much for, it was a disappointment.
Don’t get me wrong: I think it was great for the film.  Full of cringey lines, and the overall sound was fairly cliche and tune-outtable.  (I know that’s not a word, but I think you get my drift? Hope so, anyway.  Moving on- ) So, I think it's good for what it’s supposed to be - just extremely disappointing considering what it’s following.  I personally wouldn’t recommend just sitting down and listening to the whole thing through, like I did.  But I would recommend skipping through and listening to a few of the songs - in particular Nick Jonas + Nicki Minaj’s ‘Bom Didi Bom’, John Legend’s ‘One Woman Man’ (If you the embarrassing, over-the-top, trademark lovey-dovey John Legendness of it), and would DEFINITELY suggest you give Toulouse ‘No Running from Me’ a go.  Yeah, I love that one.  It just has a great feel, seriously, it’s the highlight of the soundtrack for me.
Riiiiiiight, so, now it’s time for the more in-depth analysis.  Basically what I’ve done is I’ve broken the whole thing down into four categories: 
1. Yup, I like it, I feel the sexiness, ‘tis good. 
Right, so first up, the two Danny Elfman songs.  I like them, they’re nice.  I really get a Carter Burwell Twilight-style vibe from ‘On his Knees’ which is cute, (Don’t be confused by my describing a song called ‘On his Knees’ as cute, the title DOES NOT match what you’re listening to at all) but ‘Making it Real’ is definitely my favourite of the two. (even if it’s slightly reminiscent of that music that people play when you’re put on hold by phone-business people)  So, both cutesy, but let-downs seen as they’re written by DANNY FRIGGING ELFMAN!
Next, ‘The Scientist’.  Franchement, I debated putting this on number two, but in the end I figured if Elfman’s songs made it to number one, then Connie Bailey Rae gets up here too.  I actually like Coldplay - please don’t click away - and this is one of my fave songs by them.  And her cover is good, not as good as the original in my opinion even if she has a better voice then Chris Martin, but good.  So Connie gets up on the good list.
‘Pray’ makes it up here too.  I kinda tune out most of the lyrics, but it’s fun enough to listen to with headphones and when it’s a bit too loud. 
José James ‘I’ve Got You Under My Skin’.  Sweet cover, very similar to the original, woudn’t necessarily go seeking it out, but it’s nice.  Same goes for ‘They Can’t Take That Away from Me’, but I think he does a better job of ‘I’ve Got YOu Under my Skin’, personally.
Nicki obvo makes it to the top.  Gotta love me some Nicki Minaj, even if it’s shoved with Nick Jonas, and tbh he isn’t too bad in this one.  I give it 3.5 stars. Which, considering the rest of the soundtrack, is pretty good.
The penultimate song I’m putting in this category is my personal favourite from the whole soundtrack, ‘No Running from Me’ by Toulouse.  I literally don’t even know why.  It’s just got an amazing, sultry feel to it.  I love the lead guys voice, it’s just great, and jazzy, and smooth, and just ugh.  It makes me feel good to listen to it.  Definite favourite song from this soundtrack, hands down.
John Legend ends the coveted (lol) top category by the skin of his teeth.  Some of his more-cringey lines nearly cost him a place.  But in the end, it IS the soundtrack for a rom film released on Valentine’s Day of all days, so he gets a bit of leeway and makes it to the top. 
2. I can stomach it, not too bad.  Kinda cliche, and I forgot what it sounded like instantly, but not too bad.
Halsey is here with ‘Not Afraid Anymore’.  I like Halsey, ‘New Americana’ and ‘Castle’ are my jam.  She let me down with this, not gonna lie.  It’s not BAD per se, just not what I’d expect from her.  Very sad.
Tove Lo ‘Lies in the Dark’, The-Dream ‘Code Blue’, Joseph Angel ‘Empty Pack of Cigarettes’, The Avener ‘I Need a Good One’, and Rita Ora ‘Kiss Me’.  All forgettable.  So much so that I force them to share one paragraph of description, because I can’t remember anything about them to expand anymore.  So that’s them.
Little Charlie and the Nightcats ‘ Living Hand to Mouth’.  I mean, it’s okay, but nothing to write home about.  Generic, really, for it’s style, but easy to listen to.
JP Cooper ‘Birthday’ is here.  It has a promising start, I won’t tell a lie, but the hell are those appalling lyrics????? I wasn’t able to tune them out.  Narrowly, narrowly missed category three.  Still not 100% it shouldn’t be there if I’m being totally honest.
There just isn’t enough accompanying music to distract from the beyond embarrassing lyrics in ‘What Would it Take’ by Anderson East.  It’s playing right now in the background, and I am physically restraining myself from turning away.  It’s awful, but not so awful that - no, no you know what? I can’t.  It’s category three now.
3. Ah Lord, too much, I feel nauseous.  SKIP!
The Sia song.  ‘Helium’.  It is vomit-inducing.  I really, really, hate it.  “Even Superwoman sometimes needed Superman’s Soul” WHAT??? WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN??? WHAT??? Ah well.  At least I could actually understand the words that came out of her mouth this time round.  Sorry Sia. If it helps, I liked Chandelier?
‘Cruise’ by Kygo.  I mean, I was gonna put it in the second tier cause it’s poppy and kinda annoying, but pretty meh overall, but then I got to the way he said “Cruuuuuuuise” and that annoyed the shit out of me.  Then the lack bass drop after he said it a few times was frustrating as hell, ‘cause the song is so generic and cliche I was EXPECTING it, and felt cheated when it didn’t deliver.  It actually made me feel something in my stomach it was so frustratingly disappointing, and so, it got pushed into the ‘So bad I felt physically affected’ category.
Frances ‘What is Love’.  Initially was gonna go in category two, okay, but forgetful.  Then I recognised the song and NO.  Just NO.  This? This is BUTCHERY! Of a CLASSIC! I frankly found it offensive.  No.  Move on.
Anderson East ‘What Would it Take’ - see above.
The one Taylor Swift song on the soundtrack.  If you can, save yourself from becoming addicted by burying yourself in a hole, and avoiding any and every form of media.  If you don’t, it will find you.  And it will burn itself into your brain.
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