#sorry if this appears in anybodys tags when u search shit up i hate when that happens
cotton-corduroy · 5 years
@carelessslither tagged me in this so im gonna do it. cool? cool.
Do you make your bed? not unless im having people over. someone told me once that making your bed made a comfier enviorment for bacteria and i hate the way those fuckers look under a microscrop so i tell myself im not making my bed so less microorganisms leave me alone. but really? i dont give a shit. fuck water bears (not actually i mean like those whores w the flagellum n ameobas fucking cucks)
What’s your favourite number?  i have 4, making me pick between them is impossible. 27 29 36 41. first 2 are dates- ill let you figure out the other two.
What is your job? ive been a cashier at target for a year come say hi ill let u steal a pack of gum im real good friends w our security guard
If you could go back to school, would you? oh i would in a heartbeat. i cant go to school rn and it hurts knowing that my life cant exactly go where id like it to.
Can you parallel park? idk what paralellel means
A job you had that would surprise people? i got paid once to imput data for a shopping cart on a website. also not really a job but i volunteered at a bunny rescue and helped them clean over 40 cages every saturday morning.
Do you think aliens are real? of course, and anybody who doesnt is pretty self centered to think were the only planet out here that sustains life
Can you drive a manual car? whats a car
What’s your guilty pleasure? sims 4 lets plays on youtube- usually by james turner (ive seen his entire super sim challenge LP, binge watched it across a real bad mental health week). also i think i can add playing minecraft (w my partner but thats nowhere near the guilty part) onto this list now
Favourite colour? yellow 
Favourite type of music? the type that makes you grit your teeth and raise an eyebrow at. questionable talent from the lead singer and dingy guitar. the lyrcis are about smoking cigarettes again and being real fuckin sad. (brian sella if u read this im sorry)
Things that people do that drive you crazy? recently its been people who respond to my “how are you?” at work with “i need bags”. but in general its being talked over. and the fact i cant stop fucking apologising for everything. im annoying lol
Do you like doing puzzles? doing jigsaws actually makes me feel so fucking insecure bc they take me forever. i dont have the brain (or eyes? i suppose) for it. one of those things i try to avoid so i dont hate myself, stupid as it sounds. like damn vin its just a puzzle. (but i do like a good challenge- like solving shit is fun n rewarding but im such an overthinker and over-connect-the-dot-er that it never goes well) can you tell i didnt know if they meant puzzles as in riddles or puzzles as in jigsaws? askdjf
Any phobias? i have aquaphobia, which has been pretty managable up until lately. i also still get a sinking feeling in my stomach whenever i see a large fish in person (i used to have gnarly icythophobia but thats just from child me and a bad supermarket). and fuck isopo.ds i hate them i hope they all perish
Favourite childhood sport? probably baseball? horse riding wasnt rly my thing n football got boring bc i was goalie n i wasnt allowed to sit down n make daisy chains. also i loved eating sunflower seeds.
Do you talk to yourself? too much honestly. either to get out of a meltdown or im triggering one
What movie do you adore? the labyrinth. i can watch it over and over and over. 
Coffee or tea? i love a good cuppa but im gonna have to say coffee bc i drink it way more often
First thing you wanted to be growing up? i vividly remember this bc we had a board in my year 3 class where we wrote what we wanted to say- i wanted to be an author. i only remember this bc my classmate named jeremy said he wanted to own a golf course but i read it wrong n thought he wanted to be a golf course. a comment ab my inadibilty to read and ironic desire to be an author was promptly pointed out
i tag: nobody its 2.30 in the morning and ive been rambling ab myself for 20 minutes. nobodys gna actually read this and i litchrally am so braindead rn idk who any of u ppl are or what my name is i just wanted to chat 
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