#sorry if these’re a bit short. i just don’t have much to say here!
remxedmoon · 3 months
8, any post-game things you'd like to see?
i’ll be honest i’ll eat up just about Anything that’s postgame related i am Not picky. seeing siffrin recover and talk to their family is nice!! i like it!! i like seeing how siffrin was affected by the loops!!!! and how the party reacts and accommodates them!!!
i personally enjoy scenes involving the dagger, just because it’s really interesting to see how different people cover it. like. how it’s brought up, how it’s dealt with, etc. idk, those kinds of scenes tend to be the ones that stick in my brain the most. in a good way!!
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blitzturtles · 3 years
Title: First Kiss (Sort Of)
Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo
Pairing(s): FuMis
Summary: [FuMis_Week2021 / First Day of FuMis Week: First Times, Marriage, Betrayal]
He’s terrified. With a heart beating too fast and bounding so wildly that it leaves his sternum aching. He feels light-headed from the effort it takes just to keep his breathing under control, and it’s all he can do to keep on his feet, rather than sink to the floor. God knows his legs are weak under him, ready to give. It’s the only thing that keeps him from running now.
(Takes place after Purple Haze Feedback.)
Notes: Btw, I'm doing a writing / fic giveaway! Check out this post to see how to enter. Goes until 8.25.21!
Fugo stands in Giorno’s office, awkward and stiff with a mask covering the lower part of his face. He’s waiting; the office is empty, devoid of even the Don’s presence. The air is stiff without Giorno, as if the life has been sucked out of the room in its entirety, and all that’s left is a broken shell of a man boy. Standing alone, and awaiting his judgement.
He’s terrified. With a heart beating too fast and bounding so wildly that it leaves his sternum aching. He feels light-headed from the effort it takes just to keep his breathing under control, and it’s all he can do to keep on his feet, rather than sink to the floor. God knows his legs are weak under him, ready to give. It’s the only thing that keeps him from running now.
This meeting is one that he’s desperately awaited for weeks, but has continuously put off since he last saw Mista. He’s only spoken to Giorno; every other familiar face has gone unseen, and it isn’t for lack of trying on anyone else’s part. They ask; Fugo says, ‘no’. They ask again, and Fugo refuses to relent. Refuses to give up his self-imposed exile. And no amount of convincing from Giorno has been able to change his mind.
Until now.
Until his selfishness got the better of him, and he asked the Don to set up a meeting (‘Don’t tell him it’s me,’ he remembers all but begging) between the single most important person in his life and himself. A shadow of who he once was.
If he could only get his legs to move. To get one foot in front of the other. It’s not too late to back out now. He knows Giorno will cover for him. Won’t mention his name. Won’t speak of his cowardice, but that’s unfair to Giorno. Worse is, it’s unfair to Mista; Mista who’s been asking after him for weeks now. Mista who still sends barely comprehensible texts to his phone in between short-but-sweet voicemails. Mista who loves so unconditionally, and continues to expect nothing in return.
Fuck, Fugo truly is the worst kind of person. He wipes at his eyes to try to clear them of the tears that begin to build in the corners. He’s so caught in his own, spiraling thoughts that he doesn’t hear the door open, much less someone step inside.
“Fugo?” The name doesn’t quite break through the cacophony of self-hatred swirling in Fugo’s mind, but the second attempt-- the quiet, “Panna?”-- is more successful.
Fugo’s eyes snap up. He’s a wild, frightened animal in that moment with a gaze that shifts past Mista and locks onto the doorway, but Mista shifts so he’s blocking the one and only exit.
“Hey, you okay?” Mista asks, quiet and gentle, like Fugo hasn’t spent countless days avoiding him. Leaving him out in the cold with no explanation. No timeline of a possible return. Just. Nothing. And Fugo knows how he’d feel if he were in Mista’s shoes right now, but he only sees worry in those dark eyes.
It’s not fair. In fact, it’s wrong, and Fugo is less than human for putting Mista in this position in the first place.
“Panna,” Mista repeats when Fugo still hasn’t responded. He steps closer with a touch of hesitation. He watches Fugo, waiting for a sign that he’s misstepped, and that only makes Fugo feel worse, but it doesn’t stop Mista.
“Don’t,” Fugo breathes when Mista gets close enough to reach out and touch him.
“Don’t what, Panna?” Mista asks, fingers already outstretched and reaching.
Fugo catches his hands in the air. Squeezes with just enough force to emphasize his point. “You don’t want to see what’s underneath, okay?” He knows what’s under his mask. The gnarled tissue greets him every day in the mirror. Giorno’s offered to heal it for him on two, separate occasions, but the Don has since dropped the subject, which Fugo is grateful for. He can’t bring himself to erase the scars on either side of his face. They mean too much, as a reminder and a path forward.
“I think I do,” Mista answers with a cheeky grin. It’s half-assed and fooling no one. Fugo can see uncertainty. If only he could find the words to impress upon Mista. To make him understand, but Mista’s always been stubborn. Take six bullets and keep going kind of stubborn (though Fugo’s heard that Mista’s broken that record. Much to his horror.)
Rather than fight a man that he knows can out stubborn him, Fugo drops his hands and lets his arms hang slack at his side. He takes a slow, deep breath and holds it in, while his eyes remain downcast. He can’t bring himself to watch the reaction.
“Oh,” Mista breathes when he gently unhooks the mask with his fingers and pulls it forward and free from Fugo’s face. The scars are mostly healed, though there’s some persistent redness that indicates their freshness. Each one extends from the corners of his lips and wraps around his cheeks. The ends disappear into his jawline, and he knows they’re unsettling. Unsightly. There’s a reason he keeps them covered, and it’s not to spare his own feelings.
“I-” he starts, or tries to, but Mista’s surging forward with both hands cradling Fugo’s cheeks. He’s mindful of the scars, but there’s no sign of avoidance. Any thought that Mista is disgusted goes out the window when Mista captures his lips in a kiss. Their first since his return, despite the two having met a few times between the Boat and the incident that led to his new scars.
Mista grins at him when he pulls away. This time, it’s a genuine, beaming thing that could blind a man. “You look badass, Panna,” he says before Fugo can speak. “Seriously, you think these’re going to freak me out?” His thumbs gently caress over the knotted flesh. “Do you know how many bullet holes I have?”
“That’s different,” Fugo answers immediately, but his voice is weak. His heart feels like it’s skipping too many beats, and he feels like he might float away if Mista dares to let go.
“It’s really not,” Mista tells him with a humorless laugh. He leans in to kiss Fugo again. This time with a bit less urgency. It’s slow and gentle and perfect, and Fugo wants it to never end. He can feel his cheeks growing wet, which he expects. What he doesn’t expect is that, when he opens his eyes, he finds he isn’t the only one crying.
“I’m sorry,” Fugo breathes when they pull apart. He shifts against Mista’s hold, but Mista doesn’t let him pull away.
“Don’t be. I’m just glad you’re here,” Mista says. He brings their foreheads together gently and closes his eyes.
Rather than fight Mista, Fugo decides to give in. Just this once. He can have something nice for a moment. Something he can’t ruin no matter how hard he tries, because Mista won’t let him.
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megatraven · 7 years
when i dream of you
I sorta combined three of the requests I got, which were bubbling blowing, surprise kiss, and music and turned them into one fic. Belated fic for Adrino day!
Pairing: Adrien/Nino
Summary: Sometimes your dreams can be so great that you don’t realize when you’ve woken up, and that’s just what happens to Nino when he falls asleep in the park.
Nino wasn't the proudest to say it, but he had far too much time on his hands. There was only so much music he could make with the equipment he had at home, and that was if it was a good day for creativity.
Unfortunately for him, he'd hit a dry spell in that department. So, rather than sitting in his desk chair as he thumped his head against the wall in the hopes it would inspire him, he put on his coat and beanie and headed outside.
Autumn had recently rolled around, and while the air was brisk and nipped gently at his nose, he had no problem sitting out beneath the trees for hours on end. It only took him a few minutes to arrive at the park he so often frequented, and he was pretty happy to find that most of the benches were free.
Sitting down at his favorite spot, he leaned back, pulled on his headphones, and turned his music on. The bustling city around him melted away, drowned out by falling leaves and the beat of his music.
Nino's fingers tapped to the rhythm effortlessly, and slowly, without even realizing it, his eyes slipped shut. He dreamed of golden hair and laughter that made his heart flutter. Perhaps that's why, in the blink of an eye, he woke and thought he was still dreaming.
Adrien's hand pulled away from his shoulder. "Hey, Nino," Adrien greeted with a soft laugh. Just as before, Nino's heart soared at the sound. "Mind if I sit with you?"
"Uh, sure, man, of course." Scooting over so Adrien didn't have to be squished against the arm of the bench, Nino silently prayed he would never wake up.
Adrien sat relatively closer than Nino would've figured, but it was a dream, so it wasn't that odd. They sat in comfortable silence for awhile, Nino eventually replacing his headphones with earbuds so Adrien could listen too.
Unsure if he should act on any of his feelings, Nino began tapping out the beat of the song again, only stopping when Adrien looked at him strangely.
"What? What's wrong?"
"You're... nevermind, I'm sure it's just in my head," he said, looking away.
"Nah, dude, come on, just tell me."
"Your rhythm, it's... you aren't tapping to the music like normal. It sounds off, that's all."
Off? Nino thought, his eyebrows furrowing. He looked back over at his finger and followed the beat in his head only to find that Adrien was right. Instead of the music, his finger followed the pounding of his heart. Wincing, he stopped and pulled out his earbud.
"Sorry, I didn't even realize I was doing it," Nino apologized, adjusting his beanie.
"No worries, man. Is there something on your mind, though? We can talk if it'd help!" he exclaimed, shifting slightly closer. The caring and gentle smile he wore combined with the worry in his eyes warmed Nino to the bone, enough that he was certain he could shed his jacket and hat and still not be bothered by the breeze that had picked up.
Of course, that's not something Nino could tell Adrien. After all, they were best friends, and he really didn't want to make anything awkward between them.
"Oh, sorry. It's nothing," he answered, although it didn't look like Adrien was convinced. Then again, Nino thought, it isn't like any of this is real. No repercussions, right?
"I don't wanna force you to tell me or anything, but seriously, you know I'm always here for you, right?" Adrien asked, concern leaking into his voice now. He turned to face Nino, and set a hand on his shoulder like he had done so many times in the past. There was such a short distance between them just then, and the way Adrien stared up at him, straight into his soul, it was... perfect.
Screw it, Nino finally decided. He grabbed Adrien's face and closed the gap that separated them. Their lips pressed together, and Adrien's response was almost automatic. It was a bit messy, their teeth had clacked together at least twice, and it was over before either of them knew it.
Adrien was bright red when Nino opened his eyes. His face was incredibly warm, and it even spread to his neck and ears, but he didn't regret the kiss. If anything, he wanted to lean in for another one, because the first, despite their inexperience, ranked number two on his list of awesome things that had happened to him. (Number one being the birth of his brother, but that was neither here nor there.) Thinking that might be pushing it just a little, he opted out of it.
"So, um. That. That's what was on my mind," he said, finally breaking the silence and sounding way more calm than he felt. "In case you were still, ya know, wondering."
"I, uh. That is.. It was wow but i mean i wasn't expecting, I was... do you really like me like that?" Adrien prompted, flustered but not backing down.
Nino opened his mouth to answer, but paused when the hand Adrien had on his shoulder shifted. It seemed they noticed it was still there at the same time, because Adrien immediately pulled his hand back and rubbed his neck with it instead. That made Nino smile a little.
"I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't, man. Shouldn't you know that already?"
"Uh, well, you've never said anything, so I really didn't have a clue before now."
"Well, yeah, but I mean, this is a dream, so... you should... you should..."
Adrien, still blushing deeply, shot him a confused look and shook his head. Nino's eyes widened impossibly large and he practically flew off the bench.
"Dude, I just kissed you!" he shouted, pointing at Adrien with one hand and covering his own mouth with the other. "Holy fucking hell, I just kissed you, oh my god this isn't- it's not-"
"Not a dream?" Adrien helpfully supplied.
"It's not a dream! I thought for sure it was but youwokemeup! And I didn't realize it!" He buried his head in his hands. "I didn't realize it."
"Nino, Nino, it's okay!"
Through the slits of his fingers, Nino watched as Adrien got up and approached him.
"It's not like I don't return your feelings or anything, and even if I didn't, it's nothing to be embarrassed about."
"I know, I know," Nino groaned, his hands muffling his words. "It's just-" his head shot up- "wait, did you just...?"
"Say I like you too? Yep, I sure did. I feel like I haven't exactly been subtle about it, but I'm glad it's finally out in the open."
"Cool. Cool cool cool cool, no doubt, no doubt. So, uh, I didn't freak you out with the sudden kiss or anything?" he asked, putting his arms down.
"Nope! I was a little surprised, but it's nothing I hadn't thought about. And when you told me that's what you'd been thinking about, I felt pretty relieved because that meant there wasn't something wrong." His cute grin turned into a smirk, and he narrowed his eyes a bit. "By the way... if you didn't realize I had woken you up... does that mean you were dreaming about me?"
Nino spluttered. "No! I mean, yes! But not like that!" By the time he shut his mouth, his face grew even warmer and Adrien had started laughing softly. "Come on, dude," Nino groaned, fighting against a smile that threatened to spread across his face.
Plopping back down on the bench, he scratched his head through his hat and sighed. Adrien followed suit and sat next to him, even closer than before.
"So, I kind of snuck out of the house tonight and I don't really feel like going back yet. Wanna hang for a little while longer?" Adrien asked, looking at Nino with hope in his eyes.
"You know I love when we hang out, so for sure. I think we might have some stuff to talk about, but that can wait for later if you want."
"Yeah, can we save it for tomorrow or something? I just wanna relax and not worry about anything like labels tonight."
"'Course, dude. We can go back to listening to some music and blow some bubbles for awhile."
"That sounds pretty nice," Adrien admitted, relaxing into the bench.
Handing over an earbud, Nino started the music back up and took out the small container of bubbles he always had on him.
After blowing a few, Nino commented, "These're a lot prettier at night. The lights bounce reflect off of them and it's really somethin' else."
"Yeah? It'll start getting dark pretty soon, so maybe I'll get to see it, huh?" He nudged Nino's shoulder with his own.
"Yeah! I'll put em away for right now since I'm getting low on soap, but when it starts getting dark I'll take em back out. Sound good?"
"Sounds great. Thanks, Nino."
Together, they settled into a comfortable silence, save for the music that played in their ears. Adrien's hand laid between them, and just a couple minutes in, Nino set his phone on his lap and grabbed Adrien's hand in his own. Adrien didn't say anything, but his fingers did tighten around Nino's, and that was that.
When it came time to take the bubbles back out, their hands remained intertwined and Adrien's head rested on Nino as they whispered their hopes and dreams into the wand and set them free.
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bettsplendens · 7 years
Slightly over a thousand words of Alzu waking up with a boner and using it as a teaching opportunity for a living suit of armor. No warnings, there’s just a werewolf jerking off for an audience of one. A knot is present but is not put to proper use due to lack of somewhere to put it. 
I don’t know, it’s past midnight and I thought this might be cute. 
“Nnh- hm, eh, Almul. ‘Lo. ‘s up?”
Alzu panted a lazy grin up at the suit of armor sitting on his legs, head lolling to the side, then blinked and glanced down at his crotch. “Ah. ‘s me. I’m up.” He cackled, tail wagging absently as he got a look at his own crotch, and glanced up at Almul after a moment. “Eh- oh, right. Ya ain’t got tha’, wouldn’- yeah, m’kay, y’ wann’ see?”
 Almul had already been tugging on Alzu’s waistband with a clawtip, and they responded to the question by nodding and pulling a bit harder. Clearly, something was going on, and they wanted to know what. There was, what- okay, right, people had things in their pants, but- this was something a bit more than usual, wasn’t it?
 “Yeah- a’ight. ‘ere- okay. So- I tol’ ya ‘bout masturbatin’, yeah? M’kay- that iiis-“
Alzu wriggled around until he was comfortable on his back again, now with Almul sitting between his legs, and worked his shorts down off of his hips until Almul could see properly. “Yeah. Tha’ is wha’ we call an erection. Mos’ people jus’ say ‘boner’, though, slang term’n’all. So- ‘ere. Real careful, ya got sharp bits, bu’ touch.”
Almul tilted their head to the side, slowly reaching out with one hand, and pressed the side of their finger against the tip of Alzu’s shaft- trying to touch without bringing any sharp bits too close. They didn’t like the texture, though, and withdrew with an unhappy squawk of metal on metal. Too smooth, no thank you- too much like the sort of skin they didn’t like.
 “Ah, eh- yeah, ‘s all- ain’t got fur there. Sorry. Bu’, tha’ aside- ya wanna demonstration? Yeah?” Alzu rumbled, tail thumping happily, and slowly wrapped a hand around his cock. He’d explained sex to Almul earlier, as much as possible without overwhelming them, but- nothing better than a practical demonstration. “M’kay. So- sometimes this ‘appens. People wi’ bits jus’ wake up wi’ their bits goin’. Sometimes it’s cos’a sexy dreams, sometimes cos’a nothin’. Me, t’day, nothin’. Jus’woke up like this. Sit back- ya watch.”
Hey, he didn’t have anything to do right now, he could indulge. Especially since it would be educational for his very curious friend.
Tail waving softly, Alzu grinned up at Almul, offering a good look at his body language, then ran a fingertip softly over the six narrow slits at the very tip of his cock. “Now… these’re only on th’ Lyca. Lookit- drip slick stuff, see? ‘Cos it ain’t any fun I’ everythin’s dry, y’gotta have slippery, so. ‘s usually th’ females o’ whatever species tha’ got the slippery, bu’ Lyca, ‘s both. So- rub m’self real soft an’ gentle ‘till th’ drippin’ gets down further, rub th’ slick ‘round a bit. Then, mmr- then th’ fun happens.”
Alzu stroked lightly at his own length for a minute or two, enough time to demonstrate that the dripping from the slits increased greatly as his arousal built, then quickly slid a hand around himself to spread the lube before squeezing around his shaft.
 Intrigued, Almul settled a bit to watch, listening intently as Alzu’s breathing sped up. It almost sounded like distress, but Alzu had his tongue lolling and the rest of his face relaxed, so he clearly wasn’t upset or in pain. Excited, then. Which fit, from what they’d been told about how this sort of thing worked. But- the fluid was interesting. Not a good texture, but- good to look at. Shiny. Shame it was more like skin than Almul liked, or they would have been much more interested in touching.
As Alzu’s breathing sped further, Almul leaned in further to watch until they were just about looking down at him, watching his hands and the shiny fluid between his fingers. Interesting sight, very interesting sounds- quiet moans, whines, noises they’d never heard from Alzu before.
 Alzu didn’t bother to take his time once he saw that Almul was fully intrigued. He rocked his hips nice and slowly, thrust up into his hand, paused to rub around the tip of his cock now and then, and that was it. As his arousal built, he added in the occasional squeeze around his knot, tilting his head to look up at his companion. “Yeah- th’ knot’s made t’ lock in, so- only does its thing if th’ dick thinks there’s somethin’ ‘round all o’ it tha’s worth knottin’ in. Gotta –hhah- fool ‘im.”
Hindpaws twitching lightly, Alzu aimed a happy grin up at his observer, shamelessly showing himself off.
When he came, it was with a soft, panting whine, tail thumping furiously on the ground, and he tightened one hand firmly around his knot.
He was awake now, and it was a very nice awakening.
 Almul chirped quietly in interest and reached, rubbing a fingertip through the silvery fluid spattered lightly up Alzu’s stomach, then lifted that hand to taste. Interesting. And- the sounds, also interesting. Really, this whole thing was very interesting, and they rather wanted to see what happened when two people got up to this sort of thing. It wasn’t as if Almul could get involved. Nor did they want to, urgh.  fluids everywhere and fur-less bits, but maybe they could watch? Did people do that sometimes?
 Alzu propped himself up on his elbows for long enough to lick his own stomach clean, “Yeah- c’mere. Now ‘s f’ warm.” Alzu declared, reaching up to pull Almul down for snuggles, then grinned and glanced down at himself. “Lookit. Usually- th’ whole thing goes back all soft, like here, bu’ I got a knot an’ that part stays all hard f’ awhile. Tha’ expands, see? Wants t’ be locked inside. So- gotta sit f’ a li’l while, be comfy, ‘cos pants ain’t gonna fit real good yet.”
 Okay. Almul allowed themselves to be pulled down to cuddle alongside Alzu, happy to share the warmth of their life-flame, and slowly reached to touch again- this time on the knot. Now that they were prepared, it wasn’t actually as bad as they had thought at first. Strange, slick, but hard underneath and not quite the texture of skin. Not that they were going to get grabby, these parts were delicate and Almul was not made for delicate. So they settled in, flopped on top of Alzu, and relaxed, resigning themselves to a bit more rest before Alzu wanted to get up and eat something.
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