#sorry if these are incoherent my ass is dead on the floor lol
froschdoesstuff · 4 months
May we receive inkblade headcanons?
Absolutely!! :D this is before the finale part 2 obvs so these might bite me in the ass by oh welll. Most of these are about Oisin.... whoops... but he's still my beloved I have faith (please please please Please)
Despite if Oisin is evil or not (not going into THAT discourse) I like to think that his crush is or at least was genuine on Adaine and was still there, but that Jace decided they could use it to their advantage in the plan (cause Porter wouldn't be able to think of that, he thinks adaine is Baelwyn ffs).
On that I think it formed in a wizardry schools 101 type class in freshman year cause a head canon I have about Oisin is that he is genuinely interested in divination but conjuration was seen as more beneficial for the rat grinders. I think it is a thing where he just saw her as so interesting and knowledgeable but didn't know how to approach her cause let's be honest, killing Doreen on the first day would be scary news to ANY other freshman too.
I think that Oisin is a little bit miffed that Adaine is very good when it comes to knowing what to summon and when, like the mephits in the Last Stand, especially with the rage crystals he currently has, because from an outside perspective things do seem to come easy to Adaine.
IF Oisin is brought back and is purified from the rage (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE) I think he would probably apologise so much for the quip before the storm and Dragons and while Adaine will definitely a while to get over it would eventually find it funny. Like yeah, slightly deserved for making fun of a random dead lady...
I have a head canon that they have spoken before and were paired for a group research project in freshman year but Adaine was pretty focused on the mystery so she doesn't remember it. Despite having Tiberia they did get an A on their assignment (not 100% cause its Tiberia.) Oisin still has the paper they wrote saved on his laptop.
That's all I have the now they're not great cause I'm sick af but ya!!! I hold out the slightest bit of hope...
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miyagihawk · 4 years
Reader x Hawk imagine where you're cheering him on at a tournament.. I don't really know what more.... I just feel like some cute stuff would happen 🥺
ahhh this is so cute!! thank you sm for the request <3
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his biggest fan | eli “hawk” moskowitz x fem reader
warnings: maybe some mild swearing? a bit of violence (karate) and mentions of anxiety.
summary: you cheer on your bf hawk at his karate tournament
a/n: this doesn’t really follow the show’s storyline ? let’s just say hawk won instead of miggy lol i also don’t know how karate things work so sorry haha
word count: 906
Your boyfriend Hawk invited you to watch him compete at the All Valley Tournament and you were nervous. You’ve never seen him do karate because his sensei doesn’t let non-students loiter around the dojo, so this tournament was going to be the first time you see Hawk in action.
It honestly scared you to think about him getting hurt. He’s had enough bruises and black eyes from practice, and that was just practice with his own teammates. In a competition setting, you worried that someone could seriously injure him.
“Hey,” you heard his voice from beside you, snapping you out of your thoughts. He reached his hand over to hold yours.
You two were on the way to the arena where the tournament was being held, and Hawk could sense your anxiety as he drove.
“It’s gonna be fun, don’t worry about me Y/N. I’ve trained for months and they have strict rules at this kind of thing,” your boyfriend said soothingly, caressing your hand with his thumb.
He was jittery for another reason. You’ve never seen him fight and he was scared that he would mess up in front of you. The truth is, he really cares about your opinion of him and he wants to be nothing less than the best for you. He doesn’t want to let you down.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, I don’t want to make you nervous with my nervousness. I just care a lot. About you,” you explained, letting out a deep breath to ease your qualms.
“I’m just worried that I’ll get my ass kicked and you’ll leave me,” Hawk chuckled, but little did you know there was some truth behind it.
“Oh that won’t happen. I know you’ll win,” you smiled at him. He leaned over during the stoplight to give you a quick kiss before turning his attention back to the road.
The arena was huge and there were more people than you expected. Being alone, you easily found a seat that was close to the fighting floor. Hawk’s parents never supported his new identity, so you were the only one who was there for him.
As the announcer started to introduce the different teams, your heart raced in anticipation.
“From Reseda under the instruction of Johnny Lawrence, we have Cobra Kai Karate!” The man yelled into the microphone, and you cheered loudly along others in the crowd.
You grinned as Hawk walked out, looking handsome in his gi. You admired as he soaked in the applause with a smirk; he was in his element.
His eyes search the crowd for you and when he finally finds you he sends a wink that makes your heart swell.
You watched the matches before his, and your anxiety from earlier seemed to be returning. You don’t really know much about karate, but you knew the students you’re watching are really good. You’re not doubting Hawk’s talent, you’re just scared he’ll get hurt.
As you watched from the stands, you made eye contact with your boyfriend. He loved watching your reactions to his biggest passion; the way your eyes shine in wonder at how people can react so quickly to a hit to the face.
“Eli Moskowitz from Cobra Kai and Justin Martinez from Canoga Park,” the announcer called.
Hawk confidently strided to the middle of the mat, face to face with the boy from the other team. His expression is smug and you swooned; he looked so badass.
Then they began, and you feel your heart drop everytime the other kid sends a close hit. But Hawk is fast. You might be biased as his girlfriend, but he truly was just so good.
He dodged every hit and kick, advancing towards his opponent with better speed and agility. You knew his competition was already dead meat.
You thought he looked so beautiful; anyone who saw him would agree that karate was what he was born to do. His passion for the sport was so obvious in every move he made, you loved that fire in his blue eyes.
As the referee called Hawk’s point, you cheered in celebration. The people next to you started to look at you weird, but you didn’t care.
It was a blur as he progressed in his matches; win after win you would jump up in excitement and he would blow a kiss your way. “I love you,” you mouthed to each other.
Then came the final round, and you were in awe at how talented your boyfriend is. He was about to win the All Valley Tournament.
And he did.
You wanted to cry because of how proud you were.
He was being swarmed by his teammates, all of them hyping him up with incoherent chanting. He loved the attention, but he just wanted to see you.
Pushing past the small mob, he smiled so big when he saw you running towards him. You jumped into his arms, and peppered his whole face with little kisses. In your presence his tough guy exterior was gone.
“I’m so so proud of you, my baby! You freaking won, holy shit! I didn’t even know you could fight like that, it was just so good!” You marveled in his arms, and he looked at you with adoration as you praised him.
Sure the trophy and the title of champion was cool, but he was just so happy that he made you proud.
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saphyrenights · 5 years
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
Stargate SG-1
Star Trek: Voyager
Teen Wolf
House, MD
Xena: Warrior Princess
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
I don’t dislike anyone on Voyager, which is rare for me. I give Neelix a lot of shit, but I do actually like him. A little. :) When I was a kid, Tom Paris was my fave, probably because he was a Gary Stu who never got called out as a Gary Stu, and that appealed to me in middle school oop. As an adult, tho, I love Seven of Nine. She probably has the most character development of anyone on the show. Harry is second, but poor guy never got promoted. Not his fault, but it stunted some of his potential development ;_; So, I’m gonna say Seven of Nine.
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Rodney McKay. I was so glad when they shipped his annoying ass off to Atlantis. I know the writers were presenting his constant misogynistic harassment of Sam as “humorous,” but it really wasn’t. Sam deserved better.
3. What is your favourite episode of 4?
Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh. God. Ummm....this list is way too long. Since it’s been a really long time since I bothered to remember individual House episode names, I can only describe the episode. It’s in the show’s final season when Shit’s Getting Real, and the writers are finally like “lol fuck it” and wrote Wilson sobbing to House, “I need you to tell me that you love me!” Suddenly, all of that subtext from over the years became canon. The little jokes, the winks and nods, they all paid off in the end. I remember being FLOORED that a network show just Did That. I’m just sad that Wilson had to be literally dying before we got it.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
Again, it’s been a VERY long time since my memory needed to be this sharp for an old show, but I’m going to say all of the seasons EXCEPT for the last one. It was all over the place, and then Xena just fukkin dies. I get that it was a noble sacrifice, but why couldn’t Xena and Gabrielle live happily ever after? Gabby becomes a famous bard, Xena opens a dojo or something, they get married, do a lil farming on the side, boom. Done. Happy ending. But nooooo....
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3?
Season 5 was completely deleted from my memory through a very complicated and delicate brain operation I never told y’all about it. So it’s still Sciles. Feels good, man. :)
6. Who is your favourite couple in 2?
B’Elanna and Tom. But if I could picked a polyship, it’d be B’Elanna/Tom/Harry. 👀
7. What is your favourite episode of 1?
"Abyss” is almost always at the top of my list, but “Orpheus” is damn good, too. I’m picking both of those, and you can’t stop me.
8. What is your favourite episode of 5?
“The Bitter Suite!” It’s a really fun episode. And I remembered the name of it. :)
9. What is your favourite season of 2?
Probably season 4.
10. How long have you watched 1?
I started watching in season 3. SG-1 was still on Showtime, and aired on Friday nights. I usually had football games to attend (I was in marching band), so I’d set up the VCR to tape the show, and I’d watch it when I got home. My first full SG-1 ep was “Legacy.” I caught up with the first two seasons in syndication, and I was all caught up by the time season 5 came around. 
11. How did you become interested in 3?
I read some Big Wolf on Campus fanfic that crossed over with Teen Wolf. So I decided to watch Teen Wolf to see what all the fuss was about. I’m not going to go into details, but the fic I read wildly mischaracterized the show. I’m glad I checked it out for myself. I ended up loving Scott McCall so much, in spite of that stupid fic.
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Robert Sean Leonard.
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Yeah, I’m gonna echo Divvy here and just say, “Fuck you” to this question lol
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ?
SG1 literally aired over 100 more episodes that Teen Wolf, so um, math.
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
A dying patient of the week who watches all these doctors hash out their personal drama over my deathbed while I collect all the tea they’re recklessly spilling, and then I get cured at the last second from a stupid disease I got from eating cat litter or something. Don’t ask why I was eating cat litter. That’s not for House’s team to decide, which is why I didn’t immediately tell anyone I ate cat litter when I was first admitted. All I know is that at least six of those doctors are fucking each other, one is on meth, and another one definitely killed a guy on purpose.
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
Teen Wolf and House? Sure. Melissa transfers to New Jersey, Scott eventually follows her since a couple of his pack members are already on the east coast after they all graduate high school and deal with the bounty hunter mess. Scott decides to go to med school (some of his vet school credits might transfer, who knows), and he ends up at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. He only sees House in the halls, because I don’t want Actual Ray of Sunshine Scott McCall coming in direct contact with House. He hangs out with the ducklings, tho. And he does rounds with Wilson, who takes a huge liking to him and his ability to literally make patients feel better just by holding their hand...ohhh, this could be a fun sandbox to play in. I just might...eat...some sand...  
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
Jack and Maybourne. I SAID IT! Oh, and Daniel/Martouf because I shipped it when I was in like 8th grade lmao. Everything else I’m thinking, like Sam/Janet, Daniel/Teal’c, Jack/Daniel, Sam/Martouf...none of those are that unlikely. Aside from the dead people, but y’know.
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
Let’s be honest; the writing on both Teen Wolf and Xena was never anything to get excited over. Huge plot holes, inconsistent characterization, incoherent plots, they all pretty much made up the overall experience of watching these shows. But I didn’t watch for that stuff. I just liked fun stories and nice characters. I don’t care if they didn’t make sense. Xena jumps 10 feet straight up in the air and somersaults through an open window while catching her chakram mid flip? Fantastic! Everyone in Beacon Hills suddenly becomes broke af and are struggling to pay bills because it serves the plot for one season and one season only? Great! Gabrielle gives birth to an evil doppelganger? Okay! Where did Kira go? Huh? WHere DID SHE GODOHDOJDLJD
tl;dr: neither one lmao
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
There’s no competing with Jerry Goldsmith. Sorry, Massive Attack.
Cool, cool, cool. I’m going to tag: @anomalagous , @runicscribbles, @kimmykun, @intthewoodsomewhere, @lozenger8, @elfysparkles88, @theboywiththepurplesocks, @tombwolf, @carelesswhisper41, @pissoffghosts
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