#sorry if the id isn't great im tired hDKSJGHASDKJH
quippip · 2 years
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he doesn’t want to lose him again!!!
[Image ID: A digital comic of Helmut Fullbear, Bob Zanotto, and Hollis Forsythe.
In the first panel, Hollis is reading a clipboard and says “This job isn’t very dangerous, but we can still take all the help we can get.”
The second panel features Helmut standing next to Bob. Bob is looking very nervous and wringing his hands, while Helmut thoughtfully says “Ooh! A good old fashioned mission! Sounds kinda fun, eh Bobby?”
The third panel focuses on Bob as he worries with a thought bubble by his head. In the bubble it reads “The Mission:” and then depicts a small Helmut looking very upset, saying “Agh I’m dead! For real this time!” The thought bubble is then interrupted by real Helmut saying “Uh- Bobby?”
The fourth panel zooms back out to show Helmut wrapped in thorny vines, glancing concernedly at Bob as he says “We don’t have to go.” Bob is embarrassed as he exclaims “Ah! Sorry!”. End ID]
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