#sorry if mobe ofvthus makes sense- i literally justcwoke up whenni started writing
xxcherrycherixx · 1 month
Never seen she-ra but I wanna hear the rant
Ok so
While she0ra as a show seems to have a pretty sweet goal of normalising people and relationships that aren’t the norm, it does something that i cant forgive.
It normalises abuse.
While it constantly shows us that shad0w weavers abuse is bad, it somehow then completely tries to erase all of catr0as abuse of ad0ra.
Cat0ra abused ador0a. Theres nothing you can say against that. She abused her emotionally, verbally and physically. She took every encounter after their split as a chance to hurt ad0ra as much as she could and enjoyed it. She tried to literally kill ad0ra, all because she ‘left’
Now i love toxic yuri and toxic yaoi and just some good angst in general, and if catrad0ra was just a non canon toxic ship i would probably eat the fuck out of it (ok maybe not, i do have some other issues with the show. *cough* the ableism *cough*)
But the ship is made canon. Cat0ra’s abuse is basically immediately erased by the writers with a shitty ‘redemption arc’ just because they wanted their catrad0ra. Cat0ra is suddenly the perfect girlfriend and wont ever lash out at ad0ra ever again, the two live happily ever after!
Thats not how it works. And that shouldn’t be how you portray that it works to children.
She0ra is a kids show. That is my biggest fucking issue here, if it was a show aimed for adults i wouldn’t give a fuck as much. But this is a show aimed to kids, and they basically just teach the audience that its actually a good idea to keep trying to fix your abuser because maybe it will change them and you can be happy together 💀
When the real lesson they should have taught is that its good to move on from someone who hurt you, that you can and will find other people who care about you without hurting you when you do something they dont like. The best ending would have had ad0ra realising how far this has gone and cutting cat0ra out of her life completely.
The canon ending completely disregards ad0ras trauma, it slaps you in the face and says ‘you thought any of that affected her? Haha she’s she0ra! Why would abuse ever affect her. You’re an idiot for worrying. Abuse? When? I dont remember abuse, shut up and watch her kiss her abuse- i mean her childhood friend 🙃’ it acts like this is the best ending for ad0ra, that this is the relationship she should have. But all i can think about is how she’s likely going to be abused again, what if she decides to break up? Do you really think cat0ra will just say “oh ok, thats fine im sorry it didnt work out” no. This is the woman who spiralled out of control and tried to destroy the world and kill everyone because ad0ra ‘left’ her once before, if ad0ra tried to break up with her its very likely cat0ra will lash out at her again.
Catr0a has a pattern of explosive anger and abuse, dont act like that suddenly has disappeared because shes with ad0ra now.
But the fans and the writers do act like that. They champion the ship as healthy and good representation, they somehow ignore all the abuse ad0ra suffers because they want their lesbians. I kind of understand why it was so big back when the show came out, we had hardly any representation and we clinged onto any we could get. But we have more now, we have representation thats good and healthy- why are people still treating catr0dora as good representation?
Its gross. Its really fucking gross. All i can think about is the young sapphics who watched the show and took away the lesson that they should accept and ‘help heal’ their abusers. It doesnt help that sapphics and other queer people get stuck in abusive relationships quite badly, especially those in areas where the queer community isn’t as large. ‘What if i break up with them and cant find another woman who likes women? I will be alone forever’ while im thankfully not in any abusive relationships, im currently seeing a girl who i don’t really feel a strong connection with. That “if i break up i will be alone” is very much a thought that goes in my head, i dont know other queer women, i dont know queer women who would want to be with me. And so i stick with her, because who else is there for me?
That is what i hate. The normalisation of abuse taught to a group who are already predisposed to accepting abuse.
Anyway support canon wlw ships that actively dont teach abuse is fine-
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