#sorry if it peeters out towards the end I wanted to write more but I faded out and wanted to get something done for you!
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aceprosecuties · 8 years ago
So I've been really sick lately, and I was thinking about some sick day Blackmadhi. Like Simon doesn't hear from Nahyuta for a while and is worried but turns out he's sick with an especially bad flu. Simon immediately flys out to him in Khurain, to find him bedridden and really ill and sore. He's still infuriatingly pretty to Simon even when he's coughing, has a running nose, has to stick his head into a bin to throw up every hour but maybe that's the love talking. Que fussy boyfriend Simon
Ah,oh no!  I feel like so many people aresick lately and I hope you and everyone else gets better!  In case you’re interested, I did write aBlackmadhi sickficlet thing here, with sick Simon, so I’m glad you asked forthe other way around!  I hope you gethealthy again soon lovie
Simon’sleg was bouncing rather uncontrollably while he tried to focus on the papers infront of him on his desk.  He kepttapping his pen on the wood, periodically checking his phone to see if Nahyutahad finally gotten back to him.  It hadbeen a few days now, and Simon hadn’t stopped worrying, which had culminated inhim being even more hostile towards everyone who dared speak to him.  At one point yesterday, Debeste had asked hima rather stupid question, and Simon had scared him to the point of tears,leading to a harsh scolding from his boss.
Nahyutahad said he was feeling a bit under the weather the last he spoke with him, andof course with every day that went by without any contact, Simon startedfearing that what Nahyuta had originally believed was just a minor illness wasactually something major.  What if he wasin the hospital? ��Simon didn’t trustNahyuta’s advisers to let him rest when he needed to…what if they overworkedhim too much that he collapsed?
Many ofthe scenarios that Simon thought of were a bit far-fetched, but evenrecognizing that did little to alleviate his fears.  Soon…he caved.  He marched to Gavin’s office and banged onthe door, not even waiting for an answer before barging in.  Klavier was sitting on his ridiculous chair,and jumped a bit when his frightening coworker was suddenly barreling towardshim.
(this got longgg)
“HerrBlackquill!  What are you-”
“Silence, Gavin-dono.  I need you to give me Justice-dono’s phonenumber.  I know you have it.”
Klavierraised one of his eyebrows in curiosity and confusion.  “First off, Herr Blackquill, yelling atsomeone and then demanding a favor from that someone usually doesn’t lead tomuch success.  Secondly…why do you wantForehead’s number?  Since when did youand Forehead suddenly become close friends?”
Right…Klavierdidn’t know about Simon’s relationship with Nahyuta.  He had his inklings, but Simon neverconfirmed anything, much to his frustration. Simon growled, because Klavier suddenly had a large smug smile on hisface.
“Justgive me the number, Gavin-dono.”
“Itwould be highly irresponsible of meto just give our Forehead’s number to anyone who asks for it.  I need a good reason.”
“Ineed his advice on a case.”
“That’sthe worst lie you’ve ever told, HerrBlackquill.”  Klavier started lookingthrough his phone, humming some obnoxious tune while Simon fantasized aboutthrottling the man.  “Maybe…it isn’t Forehead that you wish to speakwith?”
“I do want to speak with him.”
“Aboutwhat? Or rather…about whom?”
Simongrowled again, but he knew he wasn’t about to intimidate Klavier into givinghim the number.  Not while Klavier lookedas arrogant as he currently did.  Hequickly thought about it, but his fears about Nahyuta’s well-being quicklyovercame his desire to not give Klavier Gavin what he wanted.  
“Fine, Gavin-dono, you win.  I want to call Justice-dono aboutNahyuta.  He’s been out of contact and Ijust want to make sure he is okay.”
“AboutHerr Sahdmadhi?  Now why would you care about him?”
“You’retreading on very thin ice, Gavin,” Simon snapped, deliberately omitting thehonorific.  But it did not faze Klavier,who just threw his hands behind his head. Simon could feel his eye twitch.  “Nahyutaand I have been seeing each other, alright? Now give me that number.”
“I knew it,” Klavier shouted, standing upin his excitement.  “I want to know-”
“Not right now,” Simon interrupted.  “Just-”
“Ja, ja. Here,” Klavier said, while texting Apollo’s number to Simon.  Once Simon heard his phone’s text alertsound, he was spinning on his heels and walking out the door, dialingApollo.  He heard Klavier shout out asarcastic “you’re welcome,” but he ignored it in favor of focusing on theringing tone coming through his speaker.
Apolloanswered, sounding somewhat hesitant. Probably because it was a number he didn’t recognize aside from thecountry and area codes.  Simon didn’tcare, though.  
“P-ProsecutorBlackquill?  Is that you?”
“Yes,I must ask you something.”  Simon ignoredApollo’s confused stammering and just continued.  “Your brother.  What is going on with him?”
“WithNahyuta?  Why…do you ask?”
“Justanswer the question, Justice-dono!”
“H-He’sbeen basically quarantined in the palace with a nasty flu.  Rayfa told me that he hasn’t been allowed anycommunication devices in order to speed up his recovery…though I don’t understandhow that would help at all.”
“…Isee.  Thank you, Justice-dono.”
Withoutbothering to wait for Apollo to say goodbye, Simon hung up.
Hebought the first plane ticket to Khura’in, leaving the next morning.
Itwas obnoxious trying to get the people at the Khura’inese palace to let himthrough, but luckily, he was able to get Rayfa’s assistance in wearing down theguards and advisers.  He had to promiseher a few favors, but to see Nahyuta, it was all worth it.  Between the crown princess and the king-regent’sterrifying consort demanding that Simon be able to see Nahyuta, no one stood achance.
Simonran to Nahyuta’s room and had to stop himself from bursting loudly through thedouble doors.  He didn’t want to overlystartle Nahyuta, and so he decided to take a deep breath before slowly turningthe handle.
Itwas quite cold in the room; the temperature seemed to drop by a few degreeswhen Simon stepped in.  Nahyuta wassprawled out on his bed; his hair did not have its signature shine, and was notin its usual braid.  The monk triedsitting up a little bit when he heard an intruder, about to demand who wasdisturbing him, but even trying to sit up hurtso many of his muscles.  And, of course,the movement must have troubled something in him because he was coughinguncontrollably for a moment without even having recognized who was standing inhis doorway.  That coughing made hisstomach churn and it took no time before he was off the side of his bed,vomiting into the bucket that had been placed there.
SeeingNahyuta like that spurred Simon to rush over to the monk’s side, sitting nextto him and holding his lavender hair back and away from his face.  It took a few long moments before Nahyutafelt alright enough to sit back again, and he fell right into his pillows as helooked up to see Simon watching over him.
Hesmiled.  Despite his illness making hisskin pale and his hair dull and his nose runny…it was beautiful.  Simon moved some wayward lilac strands fromNahyuta’s sweat-soaked face.  Even thoughit was cold in the room, Nahyuta was hot to the touch.  
“Mypanda…what are you doing here?”  Nahyuta’svoice was raspy and hoarse, so Simon didn’t even scold him for the use of thenickname.  Instead, he just kissedNahyuta’s hand, lacing their fingers together tightly.  
“I…hadn’theard from you.  I was…concerned.”
“Heh…youoverreact, Simon.  I’m-”
“You’renot fine, clearly, so don’t say it.”
Nahyutalaughed a bit, though those laughs transformed into coughs pretty quickly.  
“Ijust wish our reunion could have been under better circumstances.  I know I don’t exactly look great right now.”
“You’rebeautiful.”  The words left Simon’s mouthwithout him really thinking about it.  
“Youdon’t need to flatter me, Panda.  I can’timagine that I’m very appealing to see right now, what with the sweat and thevomiting and everything.”  More coughsinterrupted some of his words, and he thought for a moment that he was going tobe sick again.  Luckily, however, he wasable to keep it down.
“Imean it, Nahyuta.  Frankly, it isannoying.  How gorgeous you are, evenwhile being this ill,” Simon said.  Hethought for a second, wondering if he should continue.  “…Maybe it is just the love blinding me toany of your physical ailments.”
Nahyutablinked a few times…allowing Simon’s words to sink in.  Despite how moving any of his limbs wassomewhat painful due to how sore his body was, he lifted his hand to Simon’sface, cupping one of his cheeks.  “I loveyou too Simon.  Thank you for coming allthe way here just to see me.”
Simon’sface heated up a little bit.  “Yeah well…likeI said, I was worried.  I don’t trustyour advisers to treat you well enough, so I figured I would have to come overand do it myself.  Have they been givingyou the appropriate medicine?  Been washingyour sheets?  Making sure you get enoughwater and stay hydrated?”  
“I was quarantined to make sure no one elsecaught this, so my contact with others has been minimal,” Nahyuta spurted out,groaning as he lifted his hand to his head – this headache was unbearable.  “You probably ought to leave too.  Wouldn’t want my panda to get sick because ofme.”
“Silence.”  Although Simon said his catchphrase, it wasfar less malicious or harsh than how he normally would say it.  “I didn’t come all the way here just to sitoutside your door while you suffer alone.” He surveyed the room; he could definitely clean some and then maybe getsome clean blankets and clothes for Nahyuta…it wasn’t good for him to just stayin the same stuff for so long.  “I’ll goget you some water.”  And, while he wasat it, Simon would have a few choice words with Nahyuta’s main advisersexpressing his distaste for how poorly they had taken care of theirregent.  
Hestood, but before he went to leave, he leaned over and kissed Nahyuta’sforehead.  The monk smiled, and for amoment, didn’t feel as ill as he did before.          
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