#sorry if i sound rude or kinda incoherent i just woke up
totallytrucked · 3 years
I was scrolling at your blog and i saw that post of you talking about twoybr obc haters and people can have different opinions BUT it is so much easier to say that something that was maded years after is better
Let me explain my point
Something made in 2006, not wroted by gays, and its not offensive, if it was wroted today, people would probally consider it offensive, but it was in 2006, the times were COMPLETELY different, in 2015, everything was already different, changes happened on 10 years, homophobia still exist, but its different anyways
It seem that people can't understand that there were times that being gay was so much harder and the representation was so much worse and small
Imagine if someone in 2006 saw the obc version and thought: "omg i see myself in that gay character, maybe i am gay and that is not disgusting"
People can have different opinions but imagine being that person who fell awakened by spring awakening obc, that version make someone day
ok i will shut up and stop my essay
I NEED to talk about this with someone
I have a discord if anyone is interested
No one is going to be interested but
Hope is always a choice
oooh this is a very interesting ask :) first of all I am an obc hernst stan and my problem (like yours) lies with the writing and the few audience members that are laughing hysterically. I completely understand that the scene could mean a lot to young gay people in 2006 (it means a lot to me, a young queer person in 2021) and I do agree that the writing is a bit off. and yes, the audience does receive woybr better in dwsa and other, more recent productions, because of ~changing times~ which is good!
also I think audiences just latch on to woybr because it comes after very intense moments in the show? it's basically the only instance in act 2 where the show isn't completely dark and depressing (it's right after left behind and totally fucked, and right before whispering) so people are going to see it as a time to release some pent-up tension
anyways thank you very much for the ask and your opinions! I'm always down to discuss sa stuff :))
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britishassistant · 5 years
Bothering To Look 2
Finally answered @camellianswer’s submission! Hope you enjoy it!
Of course, what that weirdo needed and what he actually got were two different things entirely.
Upa was rudely reminded of this fact when he woke up in an infirmary bed with Samon-San glaring down at him, holding Upa’s hat.
His entire body ached in a way it hadn’t since the pig’s gang was busted up. He felt like he’d gone through ten of Enki’s brutal training regimens in a row, and then had several chi draining talismans slapped onto him.
“If you ever pull a stunt like that again,” His supervisor informed him. “You’ll be reorganizing all the warehouses in every Building I can get permission from for the remainder of your imprisonment. And you’ll have American food for every meal.”
Upa pulled a face. “But it’s greasy.”
Samon-san shook his head and, worryingly, let out a strained and slightly helpless laugh. “Tough. That’s what you get for removing your talisman without permission, you little shit.”
Removing the talisman?
What was Samon-san talking about?
He tried to sit up. Why were there so many plastic wires attached to him?
Oh god, there was even a pair up his nose.
“Hey, hey, don’t pull that out!” Samon-san’s hands were oddly gentle as they caught his wrists, “That’s your oxygen feed, you need that to breathe, 58.”
Upa scowled as his supervisor pushed his hands down. “I can breathe just fine on my own.”
He wasn’t sulking. He wasn’t.
Samon-san’s expression changed. If he didn’t know better, he’d say his supervisor looked...lost. Like he used to whenever his brother was brought up. “You— you couldn’t, for a while there. You drained so much of your chi that for a while there, the doc wasn’t sure if you wouldn’t just— just shut down. Your organs were struggling to bear the burden of so much power being used all at once.”
“Well, that’s because some of them came from trash.” Upa muttered, studiously staring ahead. It was a meditational method. Detaching his mind from his body, which was not trembling as though it was a leaf in a gale. Not at all. Breathing in deeply was merely to aid in the meditation, and had nothing to do with his suddenly racing heart.
He. Was. Fine.
“...How much do you remember?” Samon-san was speaking in a soft and cautious voice, which Upa hated, just a little bit. His supervisor didn’t do cautious. He was a rallying force, charging straight ahead, reckless and impetuously kind because that was all he knew how to be. No artifice, no lying, no sugarcoating.
Upa furrowed his brow. Before he ended up in this bed, with these wires and the weirdly cautious Samon-san, he was—
His breath caught in his throat.
“Nana.” Writhing on the ground, head bleeding from where he’d hit the edge of the table when he went down like a pile of bricks, nails ripping deep desperate trails of red in his sternum and throat, eyes rolling back, gasping, choking, dying—
“58? 58! Upa!”
He was snapped back into reality, his breathing unaccountably ragged.
Samon-san had a firm grip on his shoulders. “Nana’s alive. She’s fine. You saved her. There’s nothing to worry about.”
Upa felt his uneven pants slowly begin to calm as his supervisor’s words sank in. Nana—Nana was okay. Nana was—
His supervisor finally cracked a smile at the sheer incredulity in his charge’s voice. “I forgot you were asleep for that part. Kiji was loud enough to wake the dead. His inmates kinda lost it as well.” He leaned in and added in a conspiratorial tone, “I think even the Warden was losing it a little bit.”
But that’s—
Nana always locked himself in the bathroom stalls when changing on the days Buildings 3 and 5 had exercise together, the one place where no cameras were allowed to look.
He always got mad at his perverted cellmates whenever they went on and on about women’s underwear.
He always liked the characters in Nico’s games and anime who were hiding their true identities, particularly those who were masquerading as the opposite sex.
He always refused to see any doctors and hid when Kagu-8 was around.
“Holy shit.”
Samon-san began laughing. Hysterically. Which was highly rude of him, no matter how welcome the sound was, because surely no one had laughed at Samon-san when he’d figured it out.
A shadow fell over him.
Then its owner landed with all the force his bony frame could muster, which was surprisingly a lot considering how skinny he was. It was enough to drive all the air from his lungs, leaving him hacking as his assailant wrapped him in an octopus-like hug and continued blubbering incoherently.
“25, get off of him!” Samon-san howled, tugging at the infectee’s clothes.
“NO!” Nico tightened his grip beyond what Upa thought was possible, squishing the last of the air left out of his body.
This was it. He’d survived Hachiman, Enki, and even the backlash of his own chi. But it was going to be his wannabe disciple who killed him.
“Nico, he can’t breathe!” Came a voice that sounded like the useless lockpick’s.
“You’re choking him!” That one sounded like Liang’s.
“Ah!” Blessed air filled his lungs again as the bear hug finally loosened, and Nico allowed himself to be hauled off of the bed. “Sorry Shishou! I’m really sorry!”
Upa wheezed, and settled for glaring at him. “Yo-you will be.”
Of course, that just made the otaku giggle and beam. “I’m really glad you woke up, Shishou!”
“Ah geez,” The worthless scumbag appeared from behind the white divided curtain. “You kids nowadays have too much energy. Even Liang couldn’t catch him once he realized you were awake.”
His eyes softened. “How’re you feeling? I could whip up some painkillers if it hurts.”
“No, you can’t 71! You’re still restricted from producing pharmaceuticals! And how the hell did you guys even get in here anyway?! The door was locked!” The supervisor yelled.
“Hello.” Said the slow-footed lockpick.
Samon-san turned purple.
Liang crept closer while their supervisor was yelling at the Building 13 inmates. “I watered your cactus. The trash hasn’t extracted anything from it yet.”
“Thank you.” A thought struck him. “How long have I been asleep?”
“Two weeks.” Liang sucked in a deep breath, grabbing one of Upa’s hands and staring at him intently. “Never ask me to do that again. Do you understand?”
“Do what?” From what he could recall, the martial artist had barely been involved in Nana’s crisis. The only thing he’d been able to do in the end was remove—
Liang squeezed his hand and let go. “I can’t lose either of you. Please keep that in mind.”
“Hmph. If you’re going to make so much of a fuss about it, I guess it can’t be helped.” The qigong master shook his head, ignoring the warm feeling in his chest, only to be elbowed in the gut again when Nico clambered onto the bed beside him.
“I wanna stay with Shishou! Nana said to look after him since he couldn’t say goodbye! So I’m staying!” He yelled, hugging his “master’s” arm to his chest.
“Nana’s gone?”
Samon-san deflated from where he was puffing himself up for another round of yelling. “...She was transferred to a hospital on the mainland five days after we discovered the truth. From there, what happens to her is up to the Japanese and British governments.”
“Oh.” He was...surprised. Except not really, because he should’ve anticipated this, even if Nana had been male.
He wasn’t disappointed at all. He wasn’t.
“The kid was pretty banged up, even though you managed to get to hi–her in the nick of time. She needed some minor surgery that Otogi-san couldn’t do on his own.” The trash sank down onto the next bed over. “Plus, it would be pretty irresponsible of the warden to keep a little girl in a male prison like this. I even heard that in Building 3, some jerks tried to get into the room where she was.”
“Hani and Trois are scary when they want to be.” The lockpick supplied solemnly from where he was perched on the end of the bed.
So it seemed the perverted cellmates had a use after all. Good.
“I’m gonna pretend I never heard that...” Samon-san grumbled. “Unfortunately I still need to question you, 58, to submit a more complete report to the Warden about what happened. But I figure that can wait until you’re coherent and can remember more about the incident in question.”
“Thank you, Samon-san.” He was tired. Was this what people called an emotional rollercoaster? If so, it was exhausting.
“Okay, you guys, out.” The supervisor pointed to the door.
“Eeeh? No fair!” Nico protested, hugging Upa harder.
“C’mon Samon-san, would another minute really hurt?” The worthless scumbag wheedled.
“I think it’s fine if you just leave us here with him.” Liang stated bluntly.
“Monkey’s being a jerk again.” The useless piece of trash added.
It was with much grousing that the four stood up and filed out, though Nico promised to return with every good anime and manga he could think of tomorrow, no matter how much Upa asked him not to. The scumbag teased that he would use his cactus in medicines unless he got better quickly, to which Liang kicked him and swore that would never happen. The lockpick just said “Get well, Upa.” and ambled out.
Upa wondered if he even had a reason to come along in the first place.
Samon-san placed his hat next to the bed. “Ah, that reminds me; your relatives would like to pay you a visit next week, if you feel up to it.”
Upa felt his throat close up slightly. “I’d like that.”
Samon-san nodded, and then reached into his pocket. He brought out Upa’s mini-Nana, and a small tablet, and placed them in Upa’s lap. “Before she left, 07 gave me this. It’s her goodbye to you, since you weren’t awake when she left. I figured you could watch it on your own, since whatever’s on it is between you and her.”
He walked to the door, and flicked off the lights. “Goodnight, Upa. See you in the morning.”
He probably intended it to be a touching moment. But the problem was that Upa could barely find the tablet in the dark, let alone the button that turned it on.
His supervisor could be kind of stupid at times.
The Nana in the video was pale, and had bandages wrapped around his neck and chest. He looked about as tired as Upa felt, but he mustered up an awkward smile for the camera anyway.
“H-hey Upa-san! Long time no see, huh? I guess... ahem, anyway. I just wanted to say thank you. For saving me. I don’t know how on earth you did it, or even why...I was always afraid you didn’t like me very much— wait, forget I said that. I didn’t mean— Aargh.”
He took some smug satisfaction in the way Nana buried his head in his hands. Good. The pest deserved to suffer for irritating him and for assuming his feelings, no matter how correct the assumption might once have been.
“The point is, I am really, impossibly grateful that you stopped me from dying from that cockney bastard’s ability. Even if you did overexert yourself and put yourself into a coma like A COMPLETE JERK—” Nana paused and swallowed. “I’m-I’m sorry for yelling. It’s just— you’re my friend, Upa-san. You are one of the best friends I have been lucky enough to have in this place. I don’t ever want to see you hurt on my account, got it? EVER. I’d rather swallow needles, or break a bone or, or listen to one of Trois-senpai and Hani-senpai’s debates about underwear... okay, maybe not the third one, because that’s seriously painful, but the first and second ones definitely.”
So it was okay if Nana got hurt then, if it spared the best friends who could help? That was an unacceptable double standard. He absolutely needed to be forced to listen to his cellmates’ argument as punishment.
On the screen, the child’s expression grew pensive, changing until it seemed more mature somehow. “...I’m being transferred to Ken’non Hospital tomorrow. They’re going to see if the damage that bloody chav’s command did to my heart means that I should have something called a—a stent fitted. I don’t know what that means and I don’t really understand all the details, but I know it’s to keep me safe...”
He looked around, as though to check he was unobserved, before staring directly at the camera. “I’m not gonna insult you by sugarcoating it, Upa-san. There’s a 99% chance I’ll never be able to see you, or anyone else here, again once I leave this prison.”
“I mean, there’s no way that cockney bastard’s gang is going to forgive me for landing their boss back in jail. There’s a 44% chance that whatever members escape arrest come and try to shoot up the hospital to get revenge. I’ll try to take down as many of those bastards as I can before too much damage is done, but I can’t guarantee I’ll survive.”
What the hell was he talking about? Yes, in his experience, gangs usually did that, but if he was that scared, why didn’t he tell the Warden?
Nana cleared his throat and continued. “Also, the Elf bastard who attacked me in the corridor in Building 13 isn’t likely to leave well enough alone. There’s a 45% chance he’s going to try and nab me for his supervisor to “fix”, and if he’s someone who can infiltrate the most secure prison in this world, I doubt a hospital will be much of a problem for him. I’m kinda torn between offing myself to spite him and just letting him do it, since Jyugo-san turned out okayish, I think? I don’t know. I don’t know.”
He rubbed the space between his eyes, seeming weary all of a sudden. “In-in addition to all that, there—there are—people—who don’t—don’t like me, very much. There’s a 50% chance they’ll get involved first. I’m good at running from them, but. It’s just a matter of time. I know that. They only need to get lucky once. And Game Over.”
He let out a little laugh that sounded more like a sob. “God, I’m scared. I’m so, so scared. I dunno why I’m telling you this. I just. I don’t wanna leave. I really, really don’t wanna. I love it here, Kiji-san’s here, Hani-senpai and Trois-senpai are here, Nico-san and you are here. I’m safe here. But after yesterday... the Warden won’t listen, even if I do explain. Everyone treats me like I’m glass now. I miss how you treated me. I miss being Nana.”
Upa wanted to scream at the crybaby for telling him this, wanted to scream at the Warden for sending him away. He knew that weirdo needed protection, he needed to tell Samon-san, he needed to tell every guard in Nanba to go out and get Nana back, he didn’t want him to die—
But then something happened.
Nana breathed in deeply, and seemed to settle into himself. The fear in his eyes, while still present, was pushed down slightly by a look of new-found defiance. “But...well, this is more, Hani-senpai and Trois-senpai and Uno-san’s thing than mine, but... there’s a chance. A 1%, almost impossible chance that I’ll survive all of that. And that I will see you and everyone else again, be it in prison or out. So maybe this is only my own selfishness, and totally naive and unrealistic, but I’m gonna bet on that chance. I’ll put everything I have behind it, even if it is a sucker’s bet. Because I want to make it happen. I’m going to make it happen.”
Upa stared at Nana’s grinning face, sharp and desperate and alive. “So I hope you bet on that chance too, Upa-san. Because I swear I’m not gonna rest until I’ve turned this “goodbye” into a see you soon~.”
The video ended.
Upa set the tablet back down, watching the blue light of the screen illuminate the ceiling.
Idiot. Did that cowardly bowl-cut crybaby with eye bags instead of a spine think if he said that like a protagonist, he would actually change anything?
Well, whatever.
If that crybaby didn’t make that bet happen, he would never forgive him. He would find a way to imbibe his ghost into the doll-version of himself if that weirdo dared to get himself killed.
Breaking News: Local police report that an armed assault has been carried out on Ken’non Hospital at 7:00 AM this morning. It is unknown whether multiple parties were involved in the assault, but there have been no fatalities thus far, though many patients and personnel are wounded, with some in critical condition. However, the young woman famously released from Nanba Prison, ||||||||| |||||, has been reported as missing following the assault. Police are investigating certain leads, but urge members of the public to come forward with any information they might have about the young teenager’s whereabouts.
Dead End 2: Sucker’s Bet
Enter coin to play again?
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