#sorry i’ve just been. thinking about this for a while
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enchanted-by-fae · 3 days ago
I Love You (and That’s All I Really Know) - Azriel x Reader
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Pairing: Knight!Azriel x Princess!Reader
Summary: You were his princess, and he was just a knight. Azriel was ready to prove he's worthy of your love.
4.2k words
Warnings: Jousting (nothing graphic), fluff, slight forbidden romance, angst kinda, author knows nothing about swordplay or jousting, Az doesn’t have his shadows, Eris is a bad guy in this, low key this is just adorable.
A/N: This is my first one-shot so hopefully you guys like it! The title and the story itself were influenced by Love Story by Taylor Swift. I was also kind of inspired by the first episode of House of the Dragon and the movie A Knights Tale
Azriel knew it was wrong. You were his princess and he was just a knight. The grand tourney would be held on the morrow and Azriel was ready to win. Not just the tourney but your affections as well. He needed to prove that he was worthy of loving you. 
The knight had been in love with you for years. He was best friends with your brother, Rhysand. They grew close as brothers, training together to one day become the greatest heroes your world has seen. Alongside their other best friend, Cassian, the three were inseparable. 
Azriel still remembers the day he first met you. He was still just a squire and didn’t even know who you were at first when he saw you. All he had seen was a girl chasing a rabbit on the grounds and he couldn’t help but be curious as to what you were up to. He saw you run into the forest after it, leaving him to chase after you. He would’ve felt responsible if something had happened when he could’ve prevented it.
“Hello?” he called out, not wanting to admit he actually was quite afraid to enter the forest alone. He had rumors as a child that sprites and faeries occupied this land and he wasn’t ready to learn the truth just yet. Azriel waited at the edge of the forest for your response but he never heard one. 
“Okay Az, man up,” he spoke aloud to himself. He took the first steps into the forest, looking for a sign as to where you could've run off to. “Sprites, if you live here then I beg you to please leave me alone,” he rambled. Azriel was able to find his bravery the further into the forest he ventured. He was going to be the world's greatest knight after all. After searching for a while Azriel began to question if you even ran in this direction. “Miss? Are you there?” he called again. 
He stopped for a moment to take in the surroundings, “where did you go?”, he pondered. Most people thought Azriel hated talking, in reality he just didn’t like people brushing him off. He found that the less you talk the more people pay attention when you actually have something to say. Of course, he never was like that with Rhys or Cass. His best friends were the only people he could truly be himself around. Another time he loved talking? When he was alone. He loved talking to himself. Who better to listen to him than- well, him.
“Okay,” he sighed out, “this better not be some game. I’m starting to get freaked out.”
“I didn’t mean to scare you,” a soft voice said behind him. Azriels eyes practically sprung out of his head as he completely stilled, scared to death at the mystery voice.
“Oh, sorry. Did I scare you again?” a girl. It was a girl speaking. Az let out a massive sigh of relief, finally being able to breath again, and turned to face the person he’s been searching for. You were the princess. He hadn’t recognized you as such when he saw you run off.
“You’re highness,” he immediately bowed. You just stood there, giggling. Azriel couldn’t help but be annoyed at that. “I came looking for you, not wanting to see you in trouble,” he explained. 
“Trouble? What kind of trouble?” you questioned.
Az thought that surely you couldn’t be serious, “well the forest is a dangerous place. It’s rumored that sprites and faeries live here.”
“Oh, well I haven’t seen any sprites. And I don’t think I’ve seen any faeries either,” you beamed. “I just came to help a rabbit friend,” Azriel thought at that moment you must be insane.
He looked at you quizzically, “a rabbit friend?”
You nodded your head, “yes- well, I mean that we’re friends now. He had a thorn stuck in his paw and the poor thing was in pain. We get along quite well now!” Azriels brows furrowed and you just giggled at him. “You think I’m crazy, don’t you?” you laughed. He had never heard such a lovely sound before. If he could, Azriel would only listen to your laugh forever.
“I’ve just never heard of someone having a rabbit friend before,” he reasoned. 
You just gave him a small shrug before starting the walk back to the palace. “I’m not crazy, just so you know,” you told him. Azriel just looked at you, in hopes of an explanation. “I just think that animals deserve the same respect and love as people. We did invade their homes after all.”
Azriel had never thought of it like that before but he supposed you were right. There’s something so beautiful about nature but then people came along and built palaces and villages. Taking over the land. He admired the way your brain works.
“Hey, you’re my brother's friend aren’t you?” you inquired. 
“Yeah, Rhysand and I are pretty close,” he answered. 
You looked at him with a smile, “he has good taste in friends then. Thank you for coming after me,” you gracefully inclined your head in gratitude.
Azriel offered a smile in return, “of course, princess.”
“Please, call me Y/N,” you asked him.
“Of course, Y/N,” he corrected. Just then he remembered he hadn’t told you his name, “you can call me Azriel.”
“Azriel,” you tried it out. “I like it!” you proclaimed. Now Azriel was offering you a chuckle of his own. He couldn’t remember the last time someone who wasn't Rhys or Cass got him to laugh. In fact, he couldn’t remember when someone who wasn’t his friends got him to talk this much. 
The two of you made your way back to the palace, chatting the entire way back. 
“Well, Azriel, I should get back to my lessons. I’m sure my tutor is having a fit,” you explained. “Thanks again for the escort,” you then started the journey to your study and Azriel just stood there watching you walk away.
“My pleasure, Y/N,” he whispered to himself. 
The two of you maintained a steady friendship throughout the years. You grew into a lovely young woman. Always compassionate towards your people, and you still cared a great deal for animals. You also were pretty brilliant. Azriel found himself amazed at some of the things you came up with. Your mind was one of the things he loved most about you. 
As you and he got older, he found himself falling more and more in love with you. He almost confessed it to you just a few months ago at your nameday celebration, but he chickened out at the last moment. He was just a knight. They typically didn’t marry princesses, especially bastards like him.
He did have a plan, however, to make his love for you known. The king was throwing an upcoming tourney to celebrate Rhysands marriage to Lady Feyre. The champion prize was having a wish granted by the king. He planned to ask you for a token of luck before he was to joust and when he won, that will be when he asks for your hand.
“Princess Y/N,” Azriel greeted as he found you roaming the gardens, guards lingering behind.
A graceful smile bloomed across your face, “Az, please just call me Y/N,”
Azriel shook his head, a smile of his own appearing, “I just like to tease you.”
“Well don't! It’s not nice to treat your princess that way,” you justified.
“You just said to not call you princess!” he exclaimed. He loved it when the two of you had these playful arguments. They made something in his stomach pleasantly twist.
You were trying to remain serious but couldn’t help the laugh that escaped, “you should still treat me as a princess.”
If things went his way tomorrow, he would treat you as a princess everyday for the rest of his life. He just slightly bowed his head towards you, “of course prin- Y/N.”
You gave him a playful head shake at his correction. “Are you ready for the tourney tomorrow,” you changed the subject. 
Azriel tries not to give away his plans for tomorrow regarding you. He wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise. “Of course I am,” he shrugs nonchalantly.
You turn towards Azriel, who's now walking beside you in the garden. He watches as you study his face slowly, looking for any signs of deception. Azriel has known you for a long time but you've known him for a long time too. You know all of his tells just as well as he knows yours. Yes, you were definitely onto him.
“That's great Az,” you say finally. He lets out a silent breath of relief.  “I’m sure you’ll win, the only other real competition is Cass,” you add.
Az paused, he completely forgot Cassian was jousting too. He should tell Cass of his plan to propose to you. His friend was enough of a romantic that Azriel was sure that he could get him to throw the competition. 
Cassian married Lady Nesta just a few months ago and they were disgustingly adorable. Lady Nesta was the eldest sister of Rhysands new wife, Feyre. He thought it was nice how his brothers found sisters to wed. He was even happier to have you all to himself now that Cass was out of the way. There were a few years where all Cassian could do was flirt with you. Azriel had never been more jealous in his life. He eventually snapped and let his brother in on his affections for you. His friend backed off after that.
“Oh, I’m not worried about “The Lord of Bloodshed”, or whatever he wants to call himself,” Azriel teased. Cass had started to call himself that after the first battle the three of them fought together. Az had never seen anything like it, he was almost demon-like out there. It was strange as Cassian was much different when he was with his friends.
You just giggled at Azriels teasing, “You’re not worried about perhaps the greatest knight this kingdom has ever seen, Sir Azriel?” Az couldn’t help the fluttering of his heart as you used his proper title. 
“Trust me, sweetheart, if anyone here is the greatest then it's me,” he confidently replied. Azriel didn’t miss the flush of your cheeks at the term of endearment used. 
“Then I wish you luck,” you curtseyed, “I shall see you on the morrow then?” 
Az gave you a bow and took your hand in his, placing a delicate kiss to your knuckles, “you shall.” Your face flushed to deep crimson before pulling your hand back and stalking off back towards the palace
Azriel found Cassian in the training yard, and he wasn’t alone. He found his two best friends in an intense sword fight. Both of them were very good. Az found peace in knowing Rhysand wouldn’t be competing tomorrow, as the tourney was to celebrate his marriage. That just left him to deal with Cassian, who at that moment knocked his opponent on his ass, leaving Rhysand as the loser. 
“Well, well, well, look who decided to show his face at training,” Cassian called out to Azriel, helping pull Rhys back to his feet.
“Nice fight,” Azriel turned towards Rhysand, “sorry you had your ass handed to you.”
Cassian let out a chuckle, “he sure as hell did.” Rhysand was not amused, scowling at them both. “Oh wipe that face off, Rhys. You’re probably just tired,” Cass smirked, “Feyre wearing you out?”
Rhysand just looked at Cassian with a devilish grin, “something like that.” 
Azriel just stood there, laughing at his friends. “Cassian, could I speak with you about something?” he asked. Cassian just looked at him with a quizzical brow.
“Why do you just need to speak to Cass?” Rhysand questioned, “I am your prince, after all.” Azriel was starting to ponder if pulling rank was a family trait. 
Azriel never actually told Rhysand about his love for you. He didn’t want to make him uncomfortable but he supposed it would be nice to have both his best friends backing him up tomorrow. 
Azriel took a deep inhale before speaking, “I’m going to wish for Y/N’s hand in marriage when I win tomorrow.”
Rhysand and Cassian dropped their swords simultaneously, staring at Azriel.
“You- wait my sister?”
“Finally!” The two exclaimed at once. Cassian wrapped his arms around Azriel, “you have my congratulations, brother,” he beamed.
“You knew about this?” Rhysand questioned Cass. 
Cassian let out a sigh as he backed away from embracing Azriel. “yes, Rhys. I knew,” his response laced with guilt.
Rhysands confusion grew deeper and deeper. The only thing holding Azriel together was that he didn’t seem angry. “How- how long have you been in love with my sister?” Rhys asked.
Azriel shit his eyes, breathed, and reopened them, “since the day I met her.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Rhysand seemed more hurt than the fact his best friend was in love with his sister. 
Azriel felt guilt coursing through him, “I didn’t know how you’d react. I thought you’d be angry,” he confessed.
Rhysand just blew out a sigh, “Why would I be angry?” It was now Azriels turn for confusion. “I honestly couldn’t think of a man more deserving than you to marry her,” Rhys informed.
“You truly mean that?” Az couldn’t contain the small grin he had.
Rhysand nodded, “of course,” he walked over and clapped Azriel on the shoulder, “she’d be lucky to have you. And you’d be lucky to have her.”
“Does this mean I have your blessing then?” Azriel queried.
Rhysand gave him a wide grin, “of course, although it’s not mine you need. How do you plan to convince the king?”
“I have a plan,” Azriel told his brothers before bringing his attention back to Cassian, “I need a favor.”
“Anything,” Cassian responded. Azriel informed his brothers of just how he’ll gain your fathers approval.
Azriel was set to fight his first match against a knight he had never heard of until before today, he was good. Not as good as Azriel, however. Azriel beat opponent after opponent, the crowd cheering his name. He loved the rush of the sport but if he was being honest with himself, he only cared if you were cheering his name. Which you were.
Azriel picked out your voice instantly, as it was the loudest. He looked at the royal box where you were seated on the left of your father, Nesta on your other side. When you weren’t cheering for Az, you were conversing with the lady. Azriel thought it was sweet how well you got along with her and Feyre. The latter of whom was seated next to Rhysand, on the opposite side of your father.
Soon Azriel found himself going against Cassian. During the conversation they had the day prior, his friend had agreed to lose. He felt bad asking it of Cass, but Azriel needed to win. 
Azriel saddled himself on his horse once more and did a quick canter around the arena. He stopped just below the royal box.
“Princess Y/N” he called, using your formal title considering how public you currently were. His heart skipped a beat as you appeared before him.
“Yes, Sir Azriel?” you questioned, a mischievous smile gracing your face.
“Might I have a token? For luck,” he raised his lance high enough for you to bestow your favor. You nodded your head before you darted off to your seat to grab your gift.
“For you, good sir,” you came back with an intricately weaved wreath of flowers, placing it down on his lance. You leaned over the balcony just enough for Az to hear, “Win my heart, Sir Azriel.” You smiled at his dazed expression before returning to your spot besides the king. 
Azriel just sat there on his horse, amazed at what you had just said. He finally snapped back into reality and rode back to his starting position. He was ready to win your heart. 
Azriel was at his end of the fence, waiting for the signal to face off against Cassian. You were so close. Finally, Cassian emerged from his end of the barrier. Azriel looked towards his friend and noticed that he was riding a different horse. Then he noticed that the suit of armor was not the one Cass wore. And the killing blow was when the knight took off his helmet and revealed the face of Sir Eris.
Azriel called for a time out before the joust could begin, needing to check what happened with Cassian. He took off on his horse towards the opposite end in search of answers.
He arrived towards his new opponent, “Sir Eris, what has happened to Cassian?”
Eris let out a scoff, “you mean that idiot?”
Azriel glared at him, “yes, him.”
“Oh, well you see,” Eris began, “he lost.”
That wasn’t right. Cassian doesn’t lose. Especially to fools like Eris. Azriel never liked him. He was always full of himself. Thinking he was better all because he was to be the king of his own kingdom someday. Rhysand was in line for his own throne, and his friend still maintained humility.
“I doubt that is the truth of the matter,” Azriel defended. He hadn’t seen every tournament today, he was busy competing on his own as there were multiple tournaments being held. It was all meant to lead up to this, the grand finale. Azriel hoped that Eris was just making a show of himself, rather than telling the truth.
“Oh but it is,” Eris smirked, “I knocked him down myself. See for yourself.” Azriel followed to where Eris’ line of sight went, the royal box. 
There he sat, next to his wife. Cassian was hanging his head in his hands, upset by the defeat and that he wouldn’t be able to help his brother any longer. Nesta rubbed comforting circles on his back and you moved to sit at his feet in hopes of cheering him. 
“I wish you luck, Sir Azriel,” Eris mockingly bowed his head before placing his helmet back on.
Azriel galloped back to his end of the arena. He took a few deep breaths, thinking everything through. He knew he could take down Eris, but it would’ve been helpful if he had the guaranteed win he had with Cassian. If he lost, he’d never be able to marry you. He had to clear all the negativity from his mind. He would win. He could do this. Azriel would do as you told him and win your heart. 
The signal went off for the grand finale to begin. Eris galloped down first, charging with might. Azriel followed almost instantly, securing his helmet. Focus. He needed to focus. Azriel, with direct precision, aimed for Eris’s shoulder. It would earn him a few points if the blow landed. 
It didn’t. The blow just missed Eris and instead one landed on Azrael's shoulder. One point for Eris.
Their squires handed each of them a new lance, set to begin round two. They began their gallops down again. Eris landed another blow on Az on his shoulder. Eris now had two points on Azriel.
The third round would be the last if Eris landed another blow. The first to three points wins so that meant Azriel had to get at least one point, in hopes of continuing longer with a chance of a comeback. He had another option as well. If he knocked Eris from his horse then he would automatically be declared as the winner. 
Az blew out a breath, “okay, I can do this. Just knock Eris on his ass,” Azriel rambled to himself. He never could break the habit. “Easy enough,” he confidently whispered.
Azriels squire handed him his final lance, desperate to get this over with and to make you his at last. The two nights began their descents towards each other, lances ready to deliver their final blows. 
This time Azriel aimed further in, closer to Eris’ chest. He galloped and galloped. He had something to fight for. Someone to fight for. You. All he could think of was just how lovely you are and how he so desperately wanted to you to be in his arms.
Azriel landed his blow. Eris missed. He missed and was immediately knocked off his horse. He had done it. Azriel won. He removed his helmet and let out a laugh. Not because it was funny, but because he gets his wish and Eris gets nothing.
Azriel trotted over towards the royal box, ready to face your father. He got off his horse smoothly and there you were, looking at him in a way he had always hoped you would.
“Sir Azriel,” the king started, rising from his seat, “it seems as though congratulations are in order.”
Azriel kneeled before his king, “thank you, your majesty. The honor was mine.”
“You do understand what you receive for your victory, yes?” the king asked. 
“Yes, one wish granted,” Azriel nodded breathlessly. He could hardly contain his nervous excitement. 
The king took a moment, “that is correct.” The king began walking towards Azriel until there wasn’t much space left between them. “Stand,” he ordered. Azriel did as he said, rising to meet his king's eyes. “What is it you would wish for?” he asked.
“I would like to ask for the hand of Princess Y/N,” he nervously asked. Azriel took a fleeting glance towards you, making eye contact. He wanted to spend forever looking into your eyes. Azriel lost his nerves completely, knowing you were looking at him with such admiration. 
“I wish to make her my bride. I wish to make her happy for the rest of her life. I wish to love her, and to hold her. I wish for Y/N, my king” Azriel requested in his most authoritative voice. 
The king's face was one of indifference, “are you not a bastard?”
Azriel won the tourney. His birth status should not matter anymore. He was tired of the obstacles in his way. He felt his temper bubble to the surface. That was when Az felt a gentle hand place itself on his forearm. He looked to his side, and there you were.
“Father, the rules stated the winner would have any wish granted to them,” you came to his defense. 
“Yes but, Y/N, he’s a bastard,” the king justified.
“I love him, as he loves me,” you proclaimed. Azriel had no idea that you truly returned his feelings. Of course he suspected, that was why he had done all of this after all. Hearing it from you made his chest thunder with excitement. You loved him. 
The king looked between the two of you, “you truly love him?” he asked his daughter.
“Yes father, I do. Please grant him this wish,” you began to plead. 
Your father looked towards Azriel now, “you truly love her?” he asked Azriel, repeating the same question he had for you.
“I do,” Azriel said without a second thought. “I love her and wish to make her my wife,” he continued, looking down towards you. 
You felt his gaze upon you and turned to make eye contact with him, giving him a smile he had never seen you wear before but he somehow loved this one the most. “Please, father” you begged once more.
The king examined Azriel once more, then brought his gaze to you. “Very well, the two of you shall be married,” he declared loud enough for most of the arena to hear. Soon enough applause and cheers filled the open space, the crowd rejoicing in the news. 
With that the tourney came to a close, the king and his royal guard taking their leave. Azriel spared a quick glance to his friends as they left with Feyre and Nesta, presumably to give him a moment alone with his fiancée. He loved that he could call you that now. And soon, you'd be his wife.
When everyone in the royal box left and the two of you were as close to being alone as possible, he went to gently take your face into his hands. “Why didn’t you tell me you love me?” he asked you.
“Well, why didn’t you tell me you love me?” you retorted. 
Azriel let out a chuckle, “you have me there, princess.”
“I’m sorry I never told you. Truthfully,” you removed his hands from your face, pulling them close to your chest, “I’ve loved you since the day we met.”
Azriels eyes bulged, “you- you have?” You just gave him a shy nod in response. “In the name of honesty,” he breathed out a laugh. He couldn’t believe you loved him just as long as he did you. “I’ve loved you since that very day as well,” he confessed.
You giggled, “we’ve both been rather foolish, haven’t we?”
“Yes, my love, I’m afraid we have,” he giggled with you. Azriel wasn’t planning on wasting one more second. He removed one hand from yours, taking it to place back on your cheek. His thumb softly stroked the skin there. He leaned down, hovering just above your lips. “I love you, Y/N,” he breathed out.
“I love you, Az,” you whispered back just before he closed the distance. Finally, after years of waiting, he sealed your lips with a kiss. He had won your heart just as you had won his.
A/N: I've had this idea in my head for a little while now so I'm very happy I finally got around to writing it! You are all so amazing, I really appreciate all of your support 🥰❤️
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Everybody’s on the Call Line (Jason todd x gn!reader)
Humor, fluff, established relationship. whole batfam gets involved. Reader is a hacker
This happened because I read the latest coffee shop au from @jjenthusee (and you should too!) and I remembered that I can also write cute fluff. So here this fic is, straight from my drafts where it’s been languishing for months. Anyway.
Swearing, as always. No use of y/n. I don’t know how long this is
Jason eases himself carefully onto the fire escape, metal creaking beneath his boots. He stifles a groan. He’s taking a risk sneaking into your apartment like this, he knows he is. If you wake up and see Red Hood snooping around outside your window, you’ll probably call the cops. But he’s tired as all hell, patrol was long and stupid, and your apartment was closer. Jason will just slide in while you’re sleeping, stow his gear where you won’t find it, and collapse into your bed. In the morning, he’ll just say he let himself in with the spare key you gave him. Easy. All he has to do is disable the window alarm he’d gotten for you, and then he’s home free.
The alarm trips, and Jason moves to silence it but then realized it doesn’t matter, you’re still up, working at your computer.
He freezes as you glance over your shoulder, then turn around to face him. He still has his gear on. Shit.
“Uh, hi,” you offer, looking at him with a curious glance as he races to figure out an excuse. “I don’t think we’ve met before?”
This throws him for a loop. You’re reacting very well to a vigilante crawling through your window at 2:30 in the fucking morning. But you’ve given him an opening, and he’s going to take it.
“No,” he says shortly, wincing behind the helmet. He’s never spoken to you like this and instantly hates the tone he’s using, but he’s got a persona to keep up. Or something.
You nod, seemingly unfazed. “No worries. Do you work with Red Robin?”
What? Why are you asking about Tim? Do you have some secret Red Robin crush that he’s going to have to push Tim off a building for?
Dumbfounded, Jason answers, “Uh, sometimes?”
You nod again. “Do you think you could give something to him for me?”
What the shit is happening right now?
As if to help tip Jason’s world off its axis, you’re interrupted by a tap at the window. Jason looks to see Red Robin crouched on your fire escape. You wave him inside.
“Hey, Escher,” Tim says. “Hood.” Jason has no idea what the fuck is going on.
“I’ve got the script,” you say, holding out a flash drive to him, but Tim shakes his head. “No good. They updated the security.”
“Well, shit.” You turn and dump the USB stick into a glass of water on your desk. “It’s a paperweight now. Only took me five hours to figure out.”
“I know,” Tim says, clearly frustrated. “They keep outmaneuvering us.”
Wait, wait. Jason’s still three steps behind you. “Escher?” he demands.
Both you and Tim turn to look at him, frowning. “Like, M.C. Escher? But, spelled ‘emcee,’” you say, as if that explains anything. “It’s my screen name.”
“You two know each other?”
“Yeah, we work together.” Tim raises an eyebrow. “You didn’t know that?”
Jason shakes his head, and Tim looks at you for a flash of a moment before turning back to Jason. “Sorry,” he mouths, shrugging. Jason waves him off. He’ll deal with that later.
Tim turns back to your computer screen, but your eyes stay on Jason, narrowing. “What does it matter if we work together? Do I know you from somewhere?”
Shit. You were always too sharp for your own good. Jason’s tongue is glued to the roof of his mouth. “Uhh…”
You fold your arms over your chest. Behind you, out of your field of vision, Tim grins at Jason, delighted. Asshole.
“We don’t normally work with civilians,” Jason says, fishing for an excuse.
You sniff, rolling your eyes. “And yet, here you are. Which, the way, you haven’t explained. What are you doing in my bedroom?”
Fair. What is he doing in your bedroom? Would it freak you out if he said he was a burglar? Too late for that now.
“I told him to meet me here,” Tim says, pulling Jason’s ass out of the fire. “Sorry I didn’t tell you first.”
You shrug. “S’okay,” you say, spinning back around in your desk chair to face the screen.
Over your shoulder, Tim mouths, “you owe me.” Jason gives him the finger.
“Do you have a safe copy of the new security system?” you ask, looking at Tim intently.
He shakes his head. “Not yet, Oracle is working on duplicating it.”
You slump down in your chair. “Drat. I hate waiting.”
“Yeah,” Tim sits on the floor next to your bed, knees to his chest. “She said it’d be ready in a few hours.”
“Balls.” You fidget with a pen on your desk.
“Hold on. How did you start working with Red over here?” Jason asks. He knows you work in tech, that you’re a programmer, but he didn’t realize you were building code for fucking Batman.
Tim laughs. “I found them solving random problems on a Swedish forum.”
Jason blinks. Okay.
“Well, yeah. You found me there. Oracle found me hacking your comm links,” you grin, pleased with yourself.
Holy shit. “You got into the comm links?”
“Yeah,” you nod, satisfied. “I’ve done it twice now,” you add smugly.
“Don’t tell B,” Tim warns. “He doesn’t know. Oracle said she wouldn’t tell.”
Wow. You must be the real deal. He wonders if he can get you to fuck with Bruce’s plans, just to be a shit. "How long have you been working for the Caped Crusader, then?"
"I don't work for Batman," you say primly, as Tim sighs. "I help him out when you guys can't get your shit together."
Jason snickers under his breath. "Sore subject, huh?"
"They don’t like B," Tim confirms from the floor. "If you did it would make everything easier," he grumbles.
"It's stupid," you insist. "Come on, how is this a viable solution to any long-term problem?"
Jason laughs outright as Tim sputters. "He's a detective! He detects!"
"Then why does he have to dress up like that?" you point out. “You can be a detective in normal clothes, you know.”
"He needs armor, he keeps getting shot at!"
"Explain the cape, then," you shoot back. "Justify that monstrosity."
"It's fucking idiotic," Jason adds, piling on gleefully. "It'd be different if he could fly, but he just hops around."
Tim gasps, affronted, while you crack up in your chair. "Thank you. I mean, look at yourself, Red. You're sitting on my bedroom floor in a goddamn cape."
"It looks cool," Tim says defensively.
"No," you counter, "that looks cool." You point your finger in Jason's direction, and he feels his face heat up.
"Oh, come on," Tim scoffs. "You think his costume is cool?"
"Uh, yeah," you say, eyes taking Jason in as you nod. "Very cool. Very hot."
"Oh my god," Tim mutters. "It's tactically stupid. Why are his forearms exposed?"
"So I can see how muscley they are." You stare at them, eyes wide. Jason coughs awkwardly, and your eyes flit back up. "Sorry," you say, not sounding sorry at all. "I like leather."
"Of course you like his costume," Tim mutters under his breath.
"What's that supposed to mean?" you shoot at him, and Tim flusters. "Why do you care if I don't like your costume?"
"Yeah," Jason adds, letting some menace fall into his voice. "Why do you care if they don’t like your costume?"
"I didn't—I wasn't trying to—"
"I have a boyfriend," you interrupt, looking at Tim scornfully.
"They have a boyfriend," Jason parrots, grinning behind the helmet.
"Oh my god. I know you have a boyfriend. Relax," Tim pacifies you. "Relax," he adds, nodding at Jason. Jason grunts.
Before you can argue further, there’s another tap at your window, and Cass slips softly into the room. You light up. “Hello, my love!” you greet her excitedly. Cass raps you on the top of your head, and you beam up at her. Your hands twitch toward her before you stop yourself, folding them in your lap. Cass turns to Jason, placing her hand carefully on his arm. He bumps against her, waiting until she pushes back lightly. She then moves onto Tim, tugging gently on a lock of his hair, before depositing a flash drive on the desk. You snatch it up eagerly.
From Oracle, Cass signs.
“It’s O’s duplicate!” Tim plucks it from your fingers, driving it into your desktop.
“Be nice to her,” you warn, running a hand over your computer as the file loads. Strings of code write themselves across your screen. Jason moves forward to get a better look at you. He can’t help it, he wants to see you in action. Your face is scrunched up, tongue between your teeth as your eyes flash back and forth, following the cursor. “It’s incomplete.” You squint at Tim. “What gives?”
Tim tsks. “I don’t know. Let me get Oracle.” He puts a hand to his ear. “Oracle, come in.”
Barbara’s voice answers in Jason’s ear. “Here. I know, I know, it’s not all there,” she says, annoyed. “Let Escher know that I had to reverse engineer it from what we found.”
“She says she has to reverse engineer it,” Tim repeats.
You drum your fingers on the desk. “Okay, what else does she know?”
“What else do you—”
“Hold on, this is stupid,” you interrupt. “Can you, like, put her on speaker? Actually,” you click over to another screen, enter a command. “You’re broadcasting live, O.” Jason hears Barbara’s sigh through the speakers of your computer. “That’s three times,” you add smugly.
Jason let’s out a low whistle. Damn. You’re really good at this.
“We've got to stop meeting like this, Escher.” Barbara almost sounds amused. “How did you get in this time?”
“Hiya, babe.” You click back to your project. “That’s for me to know and you to never find out. I don’t want you closing your back door.”
Barbara chuckles. “Red and I will shut you out.”
“But for how long? I’m too slippery, baby.” Jason almost blushes underneath his helmet. It always trips him up when you talk like this.
“I had to reverse engineer the code from what it spit out when I tried to get in this time,” Barbara explains. “Can you fill in the gaps?”
“Some of them.” You type quickly, deleting code as you get error messages and retyping just as fast.
“Wait, here��” Tim points to something on the screen.
“Yeah, okay,” you back up to where he’s pointing and add something.
“There’s something about the updated security,” Barbara adds. “I think there’s a pattern somewhere.”
“Where?” you demand.
“I don’t know. Gut feeling. But I think I’m right.”
“Do you think there’s something generating new code?” Tim asks. “Like, a program that’s spitting out new security?”
“Oh.” Your fingers still on the keys, face relaxing. “Yeah. Good call, Red.” You scan the code again, scrolling back to the top. “Okay. This changes things.” You start from the beginning, erasing whole sections of Barbara’s work and typing out new code. “Well, shit,” you laugh under your breath. “This is some sexy-ass code we’re looking at.”
“You can fill in the blanks?” Jason asks.
You glance up at him. “Of course I can. I wrote it.”
“What?” Tim shouts. “This is you?”
“It’s me,” you confirm. “Guilty.” A small smile plays around your lips. “Sorry.” Cass steps forward, pinching your ear until you yelp.
“Fuck, Escher.” Tim rubs the bridge of his nose. “I didn’t know you were a traitor.”
“Chill, bird brain,” you say defensively, leaning out of Cass’ reach. “This was from, like, five years ago. I needed some cash.”
“You could be on B’s payroll,” Tim offers.
You snort as Barbara huffs a laugh over the comm line. “Fat chance, I’ve been trying to convince them for months.”
“I’m not a fucking lapdog. I play by my own rules,” you insist.
“Yeah?” Jason can’t help but push you. “And what rules are those?”
You cock an eye at him warily. “The rule of not tying my kite to some lunatic.”
Jason nods. Can’t argue with that one.
“Anyway,” you turn back to the computer. “Because I wrote it, I can build you the malware.”
“To get past the security or to neutralize the program spitting out new code?” Barbara asks over the line.
“Dealer’s choice,” you say, then stick your tongue between your teeth as you squint at the screen. “I can make both happen.”
The comm crackles in Jason’s ear. “Oracle, come in,” Bruce barks.
Tim whips his head toward you with a crack. “Nothing from you now, Escher,” Barbara warns. “I’m patching him through.”
You grin, eagerly pretending to zip your lips.
“Here,” Barbara answers.
“I heard from one of my informants,” Bruce’s monotone growl fills the room. Jason catches you roll your eyes and almost bursts out laughing. “They’re going to get into the controls for Blackgate prison.”
“This is Black Mask?” Barbara clarifies.
Bruce grunts as your eyebrows shoot up. “This is Black Mask?” you whisper, except you’ve never been very good at whispering. Tim slices a hand over his neck to silence you as Jason moves to your computer. He’s been eyeing the program you’re using to broadcast the comm connection, and he thinks he’s found the mute button. He taps a key and then turns his head toward you. “Off?”
You nod. “Off. Thanks. This is Black Mask’s security?”
“Yeah, he’s making a move against the jail. He’s going to get some of his guys out,” Tim explains.
“Hmm. Hmm hmm hmm.” You tap your fingers against your chin.
“What?” Tim folds his arms over his chest.
“I originally sold it to the Falcones.” You flick your hair out of your face. “Guess they sold me out behind my back.”
A security program that’s making its way through the mob? That’s���really useful, actually.
“Can you get in and stop them?” Bruce asks.
“Maybe,” Oracle hedges. “Hold on, I have to call in reinforcements.” She mutes Bruce’s line. “Escher, you’re up.”
“Wait, you want it now?” you say, aghast. “Christ, how long do I have?”
“Act quickly.” Bruce orders. “My intel says they’re moving at 3:45am.”
Your eyes fly to the clock on your monitor. “What the fuck!” you screech. “That’s in forty minutes! I can’t do it in forty minutes! I have to break through my own walls!”
“Escher,” Barbara starts, just as Tim says “listen, you have to—”
“I can’t, it’s not enough time!” you wail.
“Hey, hey,” Jason cuts in. “Easy. Don’t worry, love. You can do it.”
You look at him fearfully. “You haven’t even told me what to do!”
“Just get past the security,” Jason says patiently. “Don’t worry about shutting down the whole program.”
You nod at him, eyes wide.
“Deep breaths, now,” he instructs. “Come on, in for two, hold, out for four. We’ll do it together. Ready?”
You nod again.
“Okay.” Jason sucks in a breath, loudly so it’ll register over the modulator. You copy him, inhaling, holding, and exhaling on his rhythm. After a few breaths you shake your head, turning back to the computer.
“Alright. I can make it happen.” You resume typing, eyes narrowed as you focus.
“We’re alright, B, I’ve got someone on it,” Oracle says, satisfied.
Tim turns to Jason, clearly impressed. Jason shrugs. You’ve been together for a while now, he knows how to pull you out of a spiral.
He turns back to you. You’re ripping through code at a hundred miles an hour, hunched over the keyboard. Jason grimaces, he’s always trying to get you to sit up straight to help your tech neck. He’ll have to rub out the knots in your shoulders later.
Jason feels Cass’ eyes on him, and he tilts his head toward her. Less than forty minutes, she signs to him. I’ll have to take it back to the Clocktower.
Jason’s thought of that. He evenly points his chin in your direction. You can handle it, he knows you can. Cass nods.
Tim coughs quietly, and Jason raises his head to look at him. “You want the keys to the castle?” he mutters.
He means code you built that generates new security programs. Jason nods. “But that’s just between us, yeah?” It would be loads easier for Jason if he keeps the code out of Bruce’s hands. Black Mask has been operating in Jason’s territory, and Jason has a long string of investigations against him, well-beyond the scope of this Blackgate shit. Bruce needs to keep his nose out of it.
Tim scoffs. “Fine. Seems like you should get first dibs anyway.” He nods towards your desk where you’re still working stubbornly.
The room is silent, all three of them letting you work. After a few minutes, Tim steps toward you. “Here, you need any hel—”
Jason throws an arm out to stop him, just as Cass grabs his wrist and tugs him backwards, shaking her head. He holds up his hands in surrender.
Fifteen minutes later, you rap your knuckles on your desk. “Oi, peanut gallery!” You spin around in your chair, smiling wickedly. “I solved your case for you!”
“It’s not a case,” Tim mutters, and Jason scoffs.
“Don’t be jealous, RR,” Babs says over the line. “You can both be the prettiest.” Tim splutters as you laugh delightedly.
“Nice job,” Jason says, placing a hand on your shoulder. You grin up at him. He catches Cass and Tim share a look, sees her sign something too fast for his eyes to follow.
“Batgirl’s bringing it to you now, Oracle,” Tim says as you unplug the flash drive and hand it to Cass. You wave to her as she slips through the window.
“My backup came through,” Babs reports to Bruce. “They’ll be obsolete in a few minutes.”
“Copy.” The line fizzles as Babs cuts him off.
“Fuck yeah,” you grin in satisfaction. “Nothing like hearing that overgrown Bat say ‘copy.’”
Jason cackles as Tim rolls his eyes. “Oracle,” he says loudly. “Hood was in the dark about our friend here.” His eyes flick to you before he looks at Jason meaningfully.
And just what the fuck does he think he’s doing? Jason all but snarls at him.
“Huh. I could’ve sworn you were smarter than that, Hood,” Barbara admonishes.
“Shut up, O,” he grumbles. Jason glances at you to make sure you haven’t caught on to what they’re talking about, but you don’t seem to be paying attention; you’ve pulled up Steam and are scrolling through your game library.
“Maybe it’s time to clue them in. Take off your party hat,” Barbara says meaningfully. Tim nods forcefully.
“Butt out,” Jason says half-heartedly, but it doesn’t stick. He’s been thinking about telling you about Red Hood anyway; you’ve been together for a year and a half. He’s been…well, he’s scared. But maybe he shouldn’t be.
“We’d have to vote on it,” he says gruffly. Tim pumps his fist in the air. “In person,” he says meaningfully. Comm links aren’t safe, apparently.
“You have my vote,” Babs says confidently. “And Batgirl’s, too, she’s here.” Barbara pauses meaningfully. “I’m happy for you, Hood.”
“Me too!” Tim pipes up immediately.
“Yeah, yeah,” Jason waves them off, like his heart isn’t pounding. “Can you call everyone over?”
“Roger that.” Barbara seems pleased. “Hood is asking us all to meet near him,” she broadcasts aloud. “Sending you coordinates.”
Dick, Steph, Bruce, and Damian all copy. Jason steels himself. “Alright, RR, time to go.”
You glance at him as he moves toward the window. “Heading out?”
“Yeah,” Tim answers. “Got a big family meeting to get to.” He grins at Jason.
“Okay. See you around. Nice meeting you,” you say to Jason, before turning back to your screen.
“Uh, yeah,” he says uncomfortably, while Tim snickers. “See you later.”
The troops have already assembled two rooftops over. “Hood, what’s the situation?” Bruce asks sternly.
“The situation,” Tim starts happily, “is—”
“Hold on,” Jason cuts him off. “Disconnect comm links.” He watches warily as everyone takes them out of their ears.
“Compromised?” Dick asks with concern.
“Uh, yeah.” Jason scratches the back of his neck. “Listen, uh…” he looks at Tim helplessly.
“Jason’s dating Escher.”
“What!” Dick screams as Steph claps her hands together excitedly. “Why didn’t you tell me you were dating anyone?”
“Fuck, yeah!” Steph interrupts. “This is great! Escher’s the freaking best!”
“Language,” Bruce says as Jason takes off the helmet to glare at Steph accusingly.
“We play Minecraft together,” she explains. “I didn’t know you two were dating!”
“Wait, hold on. I thought you all knew about that.” Jason shifts his glare to Tim.
Tim shrugs. “Only me and Babs knew,” he says.
“Timmy, why didn’t you share!” Dick groans, bounding over to ruffle Jason’s hair.
Jason pushes him away, trying to swipe his feet out from under him. Dick dodges easily, throwing a light right hook in return. “Wasn’t any of your business, now was it?” Jason says gruffly.
Tim looks at Dick, raising his eyebrows. “Didn’t want to get on his bad side.”
“Fair.” Dick grins softly at Jason, bumping shoulders with him. “Nice job, Little Wing.”
Jason blushes. “Yeah, yeah.”
“Congrats, Todd, but why are we all here?” Damian interrupts.
“I’m gonna tell ‘em,” Jason says simply. “About this. If it’s cool.”
“Fine with me,” Steph says instantly.
Tim nods, “seconded. Babs and Cass say it’s fine with them, we asked before we went dark.”
“Well, who am I to stand in their way,” Dick half-jokes, but he’s looking at Bruce with serious eyes. So is Jason.
“I’ll follow Father’s ruling,” Damian says stoutly.
That leaves the big man himself. Bruce smiles gently. “Of course, Jaylad. We’re all happy for you.”
Jason blushes all over again. “Thanks, old man.” He lets out a breath.
“But we have to ask Duke,” Bruce adds meaningfully.
“I texted him, he says it’s fine,” Tim says quickly. “But also, uh—” he holds his hand to his ear.
Warily, Jason puts his comm back in. “Jason, what the fuck!” you shriek. “What the fucking fuck is this!”
“I forgot to disconnect,” Babs says sheepishly.
“Jason, you ass! Why didn’t you tell me you ran around in a fucking costume?” you shout down the line. Steph and Dick keel over laughing. Jason realizes everyone has taken the liberty of putting their comm back in.
“Baby, please,” he says resignedly.
“Baby?” Dick mouths, beaming.
“Don’t you fucking ‘baby’ me!” you holler.
“Babe, you are a hacker,” he points out. “How come you didn’t share that with the class?”
That makes you pause. “Fair fucking point, I guess,” you mutter. Jason sees Bruce try to tug the comm out of Damian’s ear, but Damian dances out of reach.
“Uh, also, can you cool it with the swearing?” Jason asks. “There’s a kid here.”
“…if it’s Robin I am going to throw up.”
“Hello,” Damian says helpfully.
Your end of the line is silent.
“Hey, Escher, it’s Spoiler!” Steph cuts in. “Nice job shacking up with Hood.” She eyes Jason evilly.
“This is a fucking ambush,” you grind out. “Jason, you fucking ambushed me.”
“Language,” Bruce orders gently. Tim just about busts a gut while Jason waves frantically at Bruce, shaking his head rapidly. “Nice to meet you over the phone,” Bruce adds. Dick gives him a thumbs up.
“…likewise,” you say eventually. “I hope you’ll excuse me, but this has been insane, and I’m disconnecting. Jason, get your as— get back here after you’ve finished your family dinner.” Your end goes dead.
“They seem nice,” Bruce says after a moment. “We’ll have to talk about how they got into the comm links,” he looks at Tim reproachfully.
“See you later, Hood,” Dick says easily, nodding at your building.
Jason turns back to your apartment. He can already see you in the window, arms crossed over your chest. You’re trying to scowl at him, but he can see the smile trying to escape.
He shrugs his shoulders, grinning. You throw up your hands but beckon him anyway. Come on, come back.
Don’t worry, Jason’s coming.
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sheerfreesia007 · 3 days ago
Fitted Love
Pairing: Lee Felix x Reader
Word count: 2,385
Content warnings: Soft smut, MDNI, Fluff, insecurities
Summary: Felix has invited you to be his plus one for a Louis Vuitton event and you need to be fitted for a dress for the event. When Felix notices that your mind is starting to grow dark with your insecurities he reminds you how perfect you are for him in the best way possible.
Yeobo: Honey
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The room is busy with activity as you stand on the large white pedestal in front of the Louis Vuitton designer and her team of assistants and jewelry designers. Felix is going to be attending an event that’s hosted by Louis Vuitton and has asked you to join him for the event. Louis Vuitton had personally told Felix that he’d love to design a dress for you so the two of you were currently at the design studio for Louis Vuitton trying to find the perfect dress for you to match with Felix for the event. You nod your head at the assistants as they move about you while you stand on the pedestal in front of the large mirrors. The design manager is standing to the side with her hip cocked out and a deep furrow on her brow as her eyes trail up and down your body that’s displaying one of the creations. She moves closer to you and smooths down the fabric at your side and you watch her silently hoping that this would be the last dress that you try on today. It has been hours since Felix brought you to the design studio and you’ve lost count of how many dresses you’ve tried on now after the design manager asked for the fifth dress to be brought out. You hold your breath and widen your eyes slightly hopeful that your torture will finally end but the manager sighs softly before shaking her head and you’re let down once again.
“It’s not right.” she says woefully before turning to her assistant. “Bring out the emerald green one please.” She instructs and the assistant nods before rushing out of the room. You try not to sigh too loudly but a soft one slips out of your mouth and the manager looks up at you with an apologetic look. “I’m sorry sweetheart. They’re just not sitting right and I don’t want to give you a dress that doesn’t fit you well and make you feel good in it.” she apologizes and you shake your head as your insecurities start to rise up inside you.
“No, no. It’s not your fault.” you tell her with another shake of your head and she smiles brightly at you with a determined look.
“Don’t worry I’m pretty sure this next dress will be the one. I’m sure of it. I think I’ve finally figured out what looks best on you. I’m sorry for it taking so long.” she said with a hopeful smile on her face while you nod your head at her. Your eyes dart over to the mirrors and you begin to critically gaze at your body as you stand in the beautiful dress. Your mind begins to whisper dark hurtful words that make you frown softly as you feel that they’re only the truth that you don’t want to believe. Just as you’re beginning to spiral in the dark thoughts you spot Felix sitting in a chair behind you not far from the pedestal, his legs are crossed at the knees and he’s resting his elbow on his knee while his chin rests on his fist. You can feel his eyes taking you in silently and you shift slightly at his attention which causes his eyes to dart up to yours. A gasp is punched out of your chest when you see how dark his eyes have gotten after watching you get changed into the different dresses since you got here and you know exactly what that look means, he’s ready to pounce on you as soon as the room clears. You’re trying to catch your breath as you take in his stoic expression while his stormy heated eyes make your pulse raise like that of prey being hunted. Your mind instantly empties of any dark hurtful thought about your body and you’re reminded of how his body moved against yours last night in bed, the way his hands gripped you tightly and held you flush against his body as he worshipped you with his mouth and body. Lust and desire spike within you and you’re suddenly drowning in the lustrous memories of how Felix made you reach your high three times last night.
Suddenly the assistant came walking back into the room holding a dress bag, and you’re slammed back into reality as your thoughts and memories popped like bubbles in your mind. You distracted yourself by watching her hang the bag up and unzipping it to show the stunning emerald green dress to the room. It’s absolutely beautiful and you’re feeling slightly unsure as your eyes take it in, would it fit you right? Would it look as good on you as it does on the hanger? Another assistant began helping you out of the dress you were currently wearing and as you stepped out of it your eyes caught onto Felix’s heated stare as he gazed at your exposed body. He shifted in his seat a little bit and you knew he was getting more comfortable. No doubt he was hard after watching you get undressed. You shifted on your feet feeling exposed and at his mercy while all he was doing was sitting there looking at you. Your body flushed with heat and you watched as a soft knowing smirk slipped onto Felix’s mouth before his eyes captured yours in another heated stare through the mirror.
“Alright, I think this is the one.” the manager said pulling your attention away from Felix, allowing you to begin breathing again without feeling the pressure of Felix’s attention. You step into the dress and the assistants help close it at the back and you sigh out in relief. The dress feels luxurious against your body and your eyes darted to the mirror while your mouth fell open slightly at how beautiful you looked in the dress. “Yep, this is the one.” the manager said and you nodded your head happily in agreement with her. Your eyes then darted over to Felix and saw him staring at you with lust filled heated eyes as he hid his mouth behind his fist.
The manager continues to adjust the dress on your body only pinning certain places so that the dress hugged your body perfectly effectively showing it off in the best way possible. You shifted from foot to foot as you felt Felix’s eyes raking up and down your form before the manager clapped her hands together loudly.
“I think that’s it. We’ll make the adjustments and deliver the dress to Felix as soon as it’s done. On the day of the event we’ll have a whole team to help you dress and get ready.” the manager informs you while the assistants help you back out of the dress and into a silk robe. You nod your head at her thanking her and her team before they all file out of the room leaving you and Felix alone together. Your eyes find his in the mirror and he’s suddenly standing at a glacial pace before stalking towards you. His gaze keeps you pinned in your spot on the pedestal and your body shivers under the silk robe.
“Do you know how absolutely beautiful you look?” he asks softly as he comes to stand in front of you holding his hand out for yours. He helps you down off the pedestal and guides you to stand in front of him as he positions the two of you in front of the mirrors. His hands slowly glide down your sides and you’re suddenly shaking in his arms knowing that this was going to be a repeat of last night.
“Felix.” you say in a whisper and he tuts out in sharp staccato beats before one of his hands comes up to rest against your neck guiding your head to stare into the mirror.
“I need you to watch Yeobo. I’m going to show you how stunning you are and I need you to watch.” he husks out to you as his mouth places open wet kisses against the back of your neck. You gasp as the hand that’s not resting on your neck slides up the front of your body and tugs the knot of the belt on your robe, the fabric hiding your body loosens and then his hand is sliding underneath the silk material to cup your breast in his large hand. You moan brokenly as your head tips back against his shoulder and your back arches prettily for him thrusting your breast into his hand. “No, no Yeobo. You need to watch.” he scolds you gently, gripping your neck a little tighter in his hand.
Your answering gasp is loud in the empty room as you drop your head forward to stare into the mirror as he continues to grope at your chest under your robe. The hand around your neck falls away to grope and cup your other breast sliding the silk off your body exposing more of your skin and lingerie as you whimper at his ministrations.
“Look at this body.” he instructs you and you try to focus your eyes on where his hands are gripping you. “So perfect for me. You fit in my hands like you were made for them. Made for me.” he husks out as he grinds up against your ass. You groan when you feel his hardness pressing up against you and make a conscious effort to keep your eyes on the mirror as he moves his hands against you. His hands glide up to your shoulders and gently slip the material from your body to let it pool at your feet before his hands are moving once again, one goes back up to your breasts but this time to pinch and flick against your straining nipples while his other travels down to slip into your underwear. “Oh Yeobo, have been this wet for long?” he asks huskily while nipping at the skin on your make making you keen and cry out loudly.
“Felix, please.” you whine out to him as your hands come up and slam against the mirror in front of you. He chuckles low in tone as he crowds you further against the mirror pressing his front flush against your back and grinding upwards into you.
“My poor Yeobo. Wet and needy for me even when your mind is trying to tell you lies about your body. Don’t worry Yeobo I’ll make sure to chase all those lies away as I show you how much I worship you. Just like last night yeah?” he coos at you and you cry out loudly once more as you press back against him.
Suddenly you’re gasping as your bra loosens against your skin and Felix helps you take it off letting it fall to the floor with your robe before his hands slip into your underwear and guide it down your legs. You step out of them and he’s back on you, his clothed body flush against your naked one making you moan for him. You can hear the sound of his zipper sliding down and then the weight of his hardness against your ass makes you whimper.
“Tell me Yeobo. Are you perfect for me?” he asks you and you stare at him dazedly through the mirror while nodding your head quickly. You’re consumed by you lust and desire for him and only want him to ease the ache inside your core. “Tsk, tsk. Use your words pretty girl.” he coos at you scolding you.
“Yes, yes I’m perfect for you. Please Felix, make me feel beautiful.” you moan out to him and he smirks at you through the mirror.
“I could never say no to you Yeobo.” he tells you before he’s suddenly slamming into you. You gasp and choke on air as you feel him stretch you out as you fingers curl against the mirror. You shift back against him trying to get him to move but he stills your hips for a second taking a moment to breathe with you. “My perfect little Yeobo. You feel like home to me.” he tells you and you cry out at his sentiment just before he pulls out and slams back into you. His hips thrust and cant up against you while he leans over you, his hands gripping your hips tightly and his eyes boring into yours through the mirror.
The two of you are a mess of hurried desperate thrust, high pitched whines from you and low deep grunts from him. His mouth is hot and wet as he kisses your neck and shoulders licking against your salty sweat slicked skin as he moves harshly against you.
“C’mon Yeobo, show how much you love it when I worship you. My pretty little Yeobo, no one can compare to you. You’re the only one for me. So beautiful, so sweet.” he coos at you lovingly and you’re gasping for air as your orgasm starts to rise up within you like a hot tidal wave of lava ready to singe and burn you with it’s magnitude.
“Felix, Felix, Felix. Please, oh god. Please!” you cry out and he groans softly at your words as you clamp down on him. Your orgasm suddenly drags you under its hot grip and you’re screaming loudly into the air as your back arches and your knees lock while your body begins to shake uncontrollably. Felix’s hands come up to cup and grip your breasts before he’s slamming into you once, twice, three times before he stills and you feel his release spurt into you. You whimper at the heat of it all and begin to melt against him as his arms wrap securely around your body holding you close to him.
“That’s it Yeobo.” he coos at you while holding you up. “Look how beautiful you are. My stunning gorgeous Yeobo.” he whispers to you as you both stare at each other in the mirror. He kisses your cheek sweetly and you giggle softly at his actions and how contrasting they are to what you both just did. “C’mon let’s go home. I’m not done showing you how perfect you are for me.” he instructs you and begins to help clean you up and dress you to head home.
SKZ Taglist: @kayleefriedchicken, @babigriin, @inlovewithstraykids, @channiesrightasscheek
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alwaysanundertone · 2 days ago
high sex drive | poly! marauders x fem! reader
hurt/comfort + smut
TW: NSFW, piv, non-protected sex, oral (f/m receiving)
Sirius was drawing patterns on your thigh, the tips of his fingers grazing the supple skin there ever so slowly while his head rested on your belly. Your other two boyfriends were cuddling each other, they were all spent after coming many times, so why weren’t you?
You found every touch maddening, it didn’t make sense for you to be so wound up; it wasn’t like you hadn’t gotten off, because you had, and plenty of times.
The problem was your sex drive. Your desire wasn’t something that your ex boyfriends accepted, nor did they deem it normal, one of them even suggested to go see a sex therapist one time, and you did. The session failed to give you answers, and after some time you just gave up, resigning yourself to a life of not voicing your own needs.
It went good, as good as faking being satisfied would go, but it wasn’t that bad after all. With these guys, though, it was really difficult to just pretend.
You looked up, finding three pairs of eyes focused on you. “Mh?”
“Where did you go, dove? You’ve been awfully quiet. Sirius just asked you if you are hungry, we thought about ordering something, is pizza good?”
You refrained from blushing, hating the fact that you weren’t able to mask your true feelings even in a peaceful moment like that. “Sorry, I’ve just been lost in my own thoughts, I guess” You chuckled, sounding suspicious even to your own ears. “Pizza’s good, thank you”
You felt Sirius mouth closing over your inner thighs, its teeth piercing the supple skin there, making you gasp. “Come on, darling, you know you can tell us anything”
The thing was that every boyfriend you had started this conversation like this, telling you that it was okay, that he would have taken care of you, and then when they found out that they couldn’t change you, they’d start to call you a nympho, making you ashamed of yourself. So no, you weren’t sure you could tell them anything.
“You’re doing it again, love” James was looking at you through pleading eyes, it was really hard to resist him when he was acting like this, but you had to. The guys were the best thing that happened to you in a long time, and you weren’t willingly letting them go for something as stupid as your sex drive.
“Oh, uh” You blushed. “I think I’m just kind of tired, you know? Nothing crazy”
There was a moment of silence, then Remus spoke up. “This thing won’t work if you’re keeping stuff from us, dove. You have to understand the importance of trust, if you don’t want to talk about it now, fine, but at least tell us the main topic that’s bothering you so much you’re not even listening to us when we’re talking to you”
His words felt like a harsh slap to your cheek, bringing true tears to the surface, which you tried to fight against, to no avail.
“Sorry, I don’t want to bother you, I do trust you, it’s just-“
“Was sex too much? Were you unconfortable? You’ve been like this since we had sex, did we hurt you?”
Sirius sounded horrified, and you couldn’t help the words that tumbled out of your mouth, you had to fix this.
“No, no it’s quite the opposite actually” They were all looking at you expectantly, you sighed. “It’s just- I have a high sex drive, okay? And I hate it, I know it’s twisted and disgusting and not right but I need to get off multiple times a day and sometimes having sex worsens the situation because then I keep wanting more and I hate it, you evet got me off so many times I’m the worst girlfriend ever.” Now that the words were comung out of your mouth, you couldn’t seem to stop them. “And I’ve been to sex therapists but they don’t know how to turn this off and just- I’m so sorry you’re probably regretting even-“
“Do not finish that sentence for the love of God”
You furrowed your brows. “Sirius what-“
“No, I should be the one saying sorry, I’ve been torturing you for the past hour and I didn’t even notice it.”
“And you’re not disgusting” James piped in.
“Dove, it’s nothing crazy, we can just-“
“No you can’t fix it.” You couldn’t stop the words from coming out of your mouth even if you tried, years of shame weighting you down. “Every ex that I had told me that they could fix it but it just doesn’t go away and I know it’s a burden” You pressed your hands to your face, hating this situation and hating yourself even more for letting it happen.
“Dove, would you please let us finish?” You nodded, your hands firmly locked in place. “Okay, I was trying to say that you can tell us if you’re needy and we’ll be really happy to help. There’s three of us, and if we aren’t available, there are your toys, you know? I don’t know what douchebags you dated, but this would never be a burden to us” His eyes were pleading you to believe him, and you found yourself wanting to.
“I think it’s anything but a burden, darling” You blushed slightly at Sirius, who was now laying on his belly, his head hovering right above your centre. You squirmed unconfortably, he smirked at you. “I’m being mean, aren’t I? Hovering just above you, so close yet so out of touch” His lips were now grazing your earlobe, making you shiver head to toe, the movement of his hands on your inner thigh maddening. “Such a pretty little thing, so flustered, what do you want now, love?”
You tried to tell him, but being vocal about your needs was something you weren’t used to, especially after years of slut shaming in your past relationship. You tried to avoid his question, wriggling your hips. “You know what I want”
He tsked. “No, I don’t. Do you want my mouth?” He lightly kissed you above your panties and shorts, making you grunt. “Mh, interesting. Maybe it’s my fingers that you want?” He caressed your nipples over the thin fabric of your -James’s- shirt. “My cock?”
The moment was interrupted by a pornographic grunt, coming from a very flustered James. “Fuck that’s so hot” He palmed his dick over his boxer briefs, making you blush.
“Look at him, darling, you’re making him needy. I think we should give him a show.”
You whimpered. “Sirius, please”
“I can give you everything you want, love. Just ask me”
You swallowed your pride. “I want your mouth, please”
He tutted. “Where do you want it? Here?” He grazed your forehead, the slightest touch sending you ablaze with need.
“No, Sirius, fuck, I want it on my pussy, please eat me out, I’m begging you” You couldn’t recognize your own voice, it sounded breathy, restrained, too close to begging.
“Gladly, darling” He pushed your shorts down, ripping the soft fabric of your panties in two. You didn’t have time to complain, his mouth immediately landing right on your clit.
His tongue started massaging the little bud, making you gasp as he flicked it repeatedly, moaning while doing so.
“You’re so wet, darling, I’m kind of mad, you know? You were really trying to keep this from me, from us” You shivered as you felt his index finger teasing your hole slowly, making you arch your back.
As he entered you, Remus was right above you, his dick in his hand, stroking your cheek with his free one. “Open up, dove, make me feel good”
He didn’t have to ask twice, your mouth opening right as Sirius thrusted into you with his fingers. “Fuck, she’s so wet James, fuck the show come here”
Suddenly, all three of your boyfriends were on you, James lining the crown of his cock at your entrance as Sirius lips closed right on your clit, sucking on it hardly. You felt one of Remus’s hands right over your right nipples, pinching it slightly, making you arch your back.
Your head was spinning, you felt awfully close to orgasming. “Fuck, love if you squeeze me like that I won’t last”
“That’s fine” Sirius piped in. “That’s why there’s three of us, to keep her satisfied” He tutted as you tried to close your thighs. “That isn’t nice now love, is it? Keep them open for us, stay still”
You loved when he was mean during sex, loved how he made you feel like you were at his mercy. “Sirius, close, god”
He chuckled. “You’re already coming, aren’t you? You’ve been such a good girl, telling us what you need, I think you deserve to come” You felt Remus’s cock swelling in your mouth, you rushed to swallow every drop of him, trying to focus on it, but it was difficult when you had two of the hottest guys you’ve ever seen between your thighs.
“Come now, darling. Be a good girl and come for us”
It was all it took for you to explode, your mouth wide open, eyes shut as you gripped Sirius head with all your force. He wasn’t complaining, though, still lapping at you, while James got off inside of you, his thrust loosing force and rhythm.
Just as you were coming down from your high, you felt another cock probing at your entrance.
“Hush, love, I think you got one more in you, don’t you?”
You weren’t able to respond, your long-haired boyfriend immediately started rutting into you, his hips hitting the back of your thighs at a punishing rhythm.
“You’re so hot, fuck” The sounded that came out of you were pornographic, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, you could already tell that this orgasm was going to shake you thoroughly.
All you could manage to do, to say, was chant your boyfriends’ name like a prayer.
“Come on now, dove, give us another” Remus leaned down to kiss you, his tongue caressing yours, you couldn’t help but moan in his open mouth.
You obliged, drenching Sirius’s cock as your brain completely shut down. You could feel your boyfriend coming inside of you, but you just couldn’t bring yourself down to Earth.
You found yourself in a hot tub, James massaging your shoulders behind you while Remus stood kneeling outside of it, rubbing your feet.
“How do you feel? Good?”
You hummed, looking up at your long-haired boyfriend, your hand reaching up caress his face.
“Really, love? Me and Remus are both cuddling you, and it’s him you reward?” James’s tone had no bite in it, still you reached your other hand behind his head, scratching his scalp.
“Hey, it’s me who ate her out, it’s only fair, really” He winked at you.
There was a bit of silence, then you felt Remus hands wondering up your thighs.
He smiled at you. “I think I can get another one out of you, just relax against Jamie and let me do the work”
You moaned lightly, nuzzling against your boyfriend’s toned chest, wondering what you’ve done to deserve them.
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tojisteddy · 17 hours ago
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Sweet Ride | smut, 18+ MDNI, 1.2k words, softdom!Toji x sweetheart!reader
You’d been 3 months into your relationship when Toji Fushiguro finally realized that you, for some odd reason, loved letting idiots fuck you.
It must’ve been where that very minuscule masochism kink came from. Had to be.
He’d noticed the way you’d get shocked when he went to pay for— well- everything. Didn’t matter if he lost a shit ton from gambling and losing that day, didn’t matter if you went over your own set budget, didn’t matter that you didn’t ask because you didn’t want to look money hungry or if you quickly pulled out your card and paid. He’s sending $300 to you to make up for it. The man. Was going. To pay.
Toji also noticed the way you’d shy away when you realized he was actually listening to the words that came out of your mouth. Informing you that he hated that coworker of Sherl just a little bit more than you did. Plainly telling you ‘no’, he didn’t just want to see just your hair bone straight- he wanted to see your curly hair that framed your face (when you wanted to of course) and that he thought you would look good with any hair color not just the jet black. Or when you only went to make food that he liked,
“But this is what my ex-“
“—Mama, what do you really wanna eat? Tell me or we’ll both starve tonight.”
Truthfully, it irritated the fuck out of the man.
He didn’t get it, how someone so precious got treated like shit on multiple occasions. He kept reminding himself that you weren’t the problem, those fucking dick wads were.
But the irritation jumped back out when you rode him. He knew after that first time (just a week ago) that those fucking idiots didn’t know what the fuck to do with you. He’d cock his eyebrow up at you because he simply couldn’t hide the vexation of it all.
“You don’t like it Toj?” Your voice was hoarse, curls falling over your face, a pout forming.
It was clear the way you moved your hips back and forth, held yourself and didn’t use him for leverage, you rode your ex’s to get them off and nothing more.
More sins against God.
There had to be a scripture about it somewhere, “Never let thou spouse ride-ith you in cowgirl without her cumming.” Or something— the man didn’t know. He knew for a fact, only a bitch would never let a woman cum while she’s riding him.
“Toji? ‘M sorry, it must not be good.” You let out a shaky breath, trying to relax, not be too touchy. “ ‘S just harder cause you’re so… so big. ‘Nd I- fuck- mmm- don’t think I’ve ever had time to relax like this. I must be takin too long.”
Shit, you frowned, big brown puppy eyes looking down at the green eyed monster and his heart ached. He nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck, his poor pretty baby. Sweet doll, don’t you worry your little head. Your Toji would fix this little problem tonight.
And when you two were done, he’d beat the fucking breaks out of each and every single one your exes.
It would cleanse the soul.
“ ‘S okay baby, yer doin good. Need you to relax f’me. Want you to take a little bit more though, hm? You can take it, right? You’re a good girl.”
You bit your lip, nodding in agreement.
Such a good girl. Toji’s sweet ‘nd good girl.
Tojis hands pulled you closer. “How do I get ya to relax then? Can you tell me?” You felt your cheeks heat up, shaking your head and attempting to hide yourself in his neck. But Toji kept you still, playfully bumping your foreheads together with a chuckle.
“Let’s find out then,” His hands wandered, up and down your sides, then one staying at the small of your back, the other making its way to your pretty tit in his hand. Slowly massaging it in his palm. “Maybe you like it here?”
You whimpered in his mouth and Tojis scar moved upward in amusement, green eyes low. He left a trail of kiss from your cute cheeks, down to your jaw. “Or here?” Down to your neck, taking a few nibblies here and there. “Or here?”
You let out a soft moan, finally nodding your head.
“Words, mama.” He was stern but you felt the grin against your neck.
“T-there feels— feels so nice Toj.” The man hummed at your words, being sure to praise you with an array of kisses and hickeys for the world to see tomorrow on your neck.
“I-I can move now?” You asked. You felt so full with what he was giving you, but you felt so good with every little kiss the aching tip and veins of his member gave to your walls.
“Course doll.” He enterwinted your fingers, “Gotta take it nice ‘nd slow baby, don’t gotta go fast.”
You gulped, gradually lifting yourself up and down and rocking your hips back and forth, then repeating the motion. Your hands left his large ones, starting to use his shoulders as leverage, “There you go ma, there you fuckin go.”
He hissed, you were a god damn waterfall down there. Toji didn’t even know how the fuck you were still managing to keep him insider everytime you’d move up so just the tip was in, and slamming back down. When you tried to go faster a large calloused hand came down to your ass.
“B-but Tojiii,” you whined, slowly swiveling your hips one time to get a curse out of him. “Wanna make you feel good too.”
“ ‘Nd I ‘ppreciate Doll, I do. You feel so fuckin good too ma, but it’s not about me tonight, ‘s about you. Need you to really feel it deep in your pretty pussy.” He gave you a few thrusts, matching your rhythm creating the most beautiful smack smack smack your bedroom has ever heard.
“Take what you need babygirl.”
Toji had a way with words, he’d gotten a pornographic moan from it alone. Your nails dug into his shoulders, the meat of your thighs jiggling every time you came down. Slick drenching Toji’s cock, your thighs were burning but you kept moving. Chasing your high with every bounce on his fat fuck.
“Goooood girl, now you got it doll.”
“I can— I can take more Toji.” You stammered out.
“I’d loooove that sweetheart— shit ma- but not tonight. Ngh— This is just enough.”
“-Aht,” he grumbled, helping you move your hips as you got just a tad too slow for his liking, “don’t bite more than you can chew. Come on, you can make yourself and your boyfriend cum, can’t you?”
He didn’t have to tell you twice, you were grinding and slamming yourself down what you could take as hard as ever getting a loud from Toji. You were such a good and fast leaner, the man would have to keep you. Train you to do other things, soon enough you’d be able to take all of him. You were fucking pulsing like a over worked heartbeat around him as a wave of emotions smacked you over the head, a string of fuck fuck fuck and Toji Toji Toji leaving your mouth.
The man growled, giving your ass a few harsh smacks as he rapidly thrust into you. You never knew when you were cumming so you never vocalized it.
You’d work on that too.
Quickly pulling out, spurts of his cum hit your stomach. You both were panting messes, Toji’s pink lips meeting your temple, then your soft full lips.
“Good fuckin job, mama.”
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a/n: ride the dragon by fka twigs
most recent masterlist
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bernardsbendystraws · 1 day ago
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You Don’t Own Me
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
Chris Sturniolo lives by his own rules, refusing to be controlled. Some see him as a rebel, a troublemaker—but is that the full truth? Meanwhile, Y/N is focused on making the most of her last year of high school, determined to have a normal teenage experience. But when their worlds collide, they realize they may have more in common than they ever expected.
WARNINGS: Mentions of kissing, mentions of family death, bra touching, talk of needing to piss ? 
A/N: This chapter is LONG. Lmk if we like it being this long or if I should break it up next time sorry! Proofread by @darksturnz (ty lovely girl!)
With love and big tits, Rose
P7: Bras & Piss
wc: 2700+
Not even a single insult. Chris barely even lingered in the main room with Matt and me—like he couldn’t even fathom breathing the same air as me. 
It hurt. The dull ache in my chest seems to worsen everytime he ignores me. Even though it’s only been a couple of days, it still just felt different, and not in a good way. 
Luckily, Chris hadn’t caught me loitering in Matt’s room to help him out with his date with Mia. Although, part of me wish he had. Maybe then he’d at least ask or say something mean. And I just wanted him to say something—anything. 
“Pleaseeee?” Matt begs, his hands clasped as if he’s praying, the same plea falling from his lips yet again. 
Ever since I helped him with his outfit, he hasn’t stopped pushing one idea—he wants to make it a double-date. That way, it wouldn’t have to be so awkward at the beginning. 
But who the fuck was I gonna take on a double-date? The only men I’ve talked to recently are Chris, Jimmy, and Shawn. 
Chris is just not an option. Even though Jimmy’s sweet, that would be weird as fuck. And Shawn…well, I’m still mad. But I have to pick. And I can’t let Matt down—not when I see how much effort he’s putting into this girl. If I couldn’t have a perfect love story, at least I could watch it. 
I stare at his contact on my screen with distaste, my gaze flickering from my phone back to Matt sitting across the table from me.
“But you and her will have so much fun—”
“Please! I don’t know what I’m doing and I just…I’d feel a lot better if I know you’re there,” he says, his face contorted as if he’s in pain. 
Sighing, I look down at my screen with hesitation. My fingers brush against the key, my cheek pulsing with a sharp sting as I feel my teeth gnaw into the muscle. 
I may hate Shawn right now, but I don’t hate Matt. Matt felt like the first real friend I had made in a while, maybe even ever. And this would help our friendship grow, maybe I’d even like Mia as a friend too.
|  To Shawn: Hey, do you wanna go on a double date with me this Friday?  |
I send the message before I can rethink the wording. My nose scrunches as I see the read receipt pop up immediately, three dots moving on the screen as I watch Shawn type back. 
|  From Shawn: Fuck yeah ;)  |
Ew. How did I ever think this man was crush-material? Before that dumb party, it was like some sort of unspoken thing, we were always flirting, always touching more than just friends typically would. But now even the thought of his dumb brain coming anywhere close to me made everything in my stomach churn uncomfortably. 
“Thank you, you’re the fuckin’ best!” Matt cheers, walking over to me, pulling my head in his hand before planting a platonic kiss on my head. His arms shoot up in the air. He does a stupid little victory dance, nodding his head to an imaginary beat. 
“What the fuck.” I look over, seeing Chris staring at his brother incredulously, scratching his head before nodding his face from side to side, turning around and walking back down the hallway. 
It’s the first time I’ve heard his voice in days. For some reason, it makes everything inside of me feel a little bit lighter, like it’s some sort of relief. 
Maybe he’s easing up. 
I shake the thought off as Matt sits back down, blabbing on about anything and everything. 
It’s nice to have a friend. 
Matt was helping return the favor. It felt weird to bring a boy in the house, my mother was definitely judging. But I needed help. And I liked Matt’s style the first day we talked, plus—who the fuck else was I gonna ask?
“What do you want to wear?” he asks, flipping through the clothes in my closet while peeking his head over his shoulder to look at me sitting on the bed. 
I shrug. “Matt, I don’t know. Maybe something comfy, but like…I don’t know,” I whine, huffing as I roll my eyes. Why did this have to be so difficult? Shawn was probably gonna wear what he always wore—black jeans and a long, loose T-shirt, the ones that always had a sports number on the back. 
“What about this?” Matt pulls out a skirt. 
I immediately shake my head. “Hell no. It’s too windy, I’m not dealing with that.” 
He points, nodding as he shoves the article of clothing back into place before shuffling through more options.
“Hey, um, what even happened that night? You know…with Chris,” he mutters, his voice quieter than before. 
My face scrunches as I think back on the memory. “I don’t even know. He showed up at window at like, 2 in the morning—”
“How did he know it was your window?” Matt asks, cocking his head to the side as he turns to look at me. 
I shake my head quickly. “We made awkward eye contact when he was taking a walk—but that’s not the point. He came here, bribed me to go on a walk—”
“How did he bribe you?” Matt quips. He holds his hands up defensively as I glare at him.
“Trevour, duh.” I state, the obvious information dripping sarcastically as I let out a dramatic sigh, “Then, we went for a walk. It was… nice?” My voice rises almost as if I’m asking a question. Matt nods slowly, his scrunched face unrelenting as I continue to explain, “He gave me an apology. I mean, he didn’t say sorry, but like—well—you know what, I don’t fucking know, okay? All I know is that we came back here but my window had slipped shut. He was gonna sleep on the floor, but he just couldn’t and we were too tired to argue and—”
“And then you cuddled like a married couple?” he cuts in. 
I click my tongue against the roof of my mouth, squinting at him as I cross my leg over the other, resting my hands on my knee. “Matthew, shut the fuck up. I’m going on this date for you—I’d rather lick a toilet seat, fuck a splintered broom, and—”
Matt cuts me off, walking over and shoving clothes into my lap. “What about these?” he asks. 
Looking down towards the fabrics, I purse my lips to the side. Baggy cargos, a tight fitted black long sleeve shirt with lace details, and a maroon bra—
“WAIT SORRY!” he panics, grabbing the bra and throwing it aggressively back into the closet, “I just didn’t wanna hear about you fucking a splintered mop or whatever the fuck so I panicked and I—-I didn’t mean to, I swear!” he shouts, his eyes bulging as he covers his mouth with one of his hands. 
My face relaxes and I swallow thickly. He didn’t mean to, it’s fine. He saw my fucking bra, but it’s fine. 
“You’re lucky we’re friends and I like your dad,” I whisper lowly, my eyes twitching as I inhale a shaky breath, “-or I would slap your man tits so fucking hard they melted off your scrawny fucking chest, you stupid little—”
“Oh my god, wait! This is like—just another level of friendship for us then! Think of it that way,” he says, slapping my arm lightly. 
Is this bitch for real?
“I’m gonna go change in the bathroom,” I announce, stalking off towards the bedroom door. I turn around and point my finger directly at his chest, watching as he gulps. “Don’t touch a thing,” I warn. 
Matt nods quickly, clasping his hands together as he stands deathly still. 
At least he’ll be the only one touching my bra tonight. 
It wasn’t awful. 
Burst of colors and history are painted throughout canvases hung on the colossal walls. Matt and Mia had already ventured off. In fact, it didn’t really seem awkward at all. 
It made me smile watching their brief interaction. Matt was being an absolute fool, scratching the back of his neck like a damn dog. Mia, however, was shy, but excited. Apparently she really liked all of this. She loved it even more when she realized Matt would listen to her rant about each masterpiece for hours on end. 
Shawn was fine. It wasn’t anything special, but it wasn’t uncomfortable by any means. I think he could sense my stiffness, being able to understand that whatever we had going on had taken a big step back. 
“How’ve you been? Tessa said you guys haven’t hung out for a while,” he points, his hand swinging obnoxiously between our bodies. I think he was trying to hold my hand without directly asking. And it was fucking annoying.
I rub my lips together as I try to keep my gaze pointed ahead. “Yeah, I guess I just haven’t had much time with the project and all,” I answer. 
That’s a lie. I had time. Honestly, I've been kind of bored recently, but he didn’t need to know that. 
“Shame, we miss you, ya know?” he teases, bumping his shoulder into mine. 
They miss me? 
My body slumps a little more with each step. I see Matt and Mia from the corner of my eye, a smile crawling on my face as I see him utterly infatuated with her presence. Maybe that could be me someday, having someone who wanted to understand the most pointless things about me. 
“Heyyyy,” he waves his hand in front of my face, pulling my attention back to him as I feel my cheeks flush. Damn. I’m like a fucking iPad kid when it came to everything. “If they're too distracting, we can venture off further…you know, just us,” he suggests, his brows lifting on his face as he licks over his lips. 
His face is even pissing me off. Why is he looking at me like that?
“Shawn, I’m still upset with you. You drove drunk,”
“I only had a few drinks, you’re being fuckin’ dramatic,” he interupts, huffing as he rolls his eyes. 
Only a ‘few drinks’ could do a lot of damage. 
I wonder what Chris was like before he lost his mom and his brother. Maybe it was someone like Shawn. Someone so incapable of taking any sort of accountability, someone so… careless. 
Silence sinks into the air. A brush of heavy tension weighs downward as I try to create just the slightest bit more of distance between us. 
“Hey, hey,” he coos, quickly tugging my hand into his before cradling it with his other. I look up at him as he stares down at me, my face twisting as I gaze around us. “I’m sorry, okay? It’s dumb, I know. I just… I guess I just wanted to have fun and make sure you had fun too, alright? That’s all it was, it won’t happen again. Swear,” he says, pulling our hands apart and interlocking our pinkies. 
My eyes squint harder at him before I let out a deep sigh, slowly nodding before retracting my hand back to my own body. At least he’s taking accountability. 
“We’re gonna go get ice cream, you guys wanna come with?” Matt asks, stalking towards us with a stupid smile on his face. My eyes fall down, seeing his hand pulling Mia’s lightly, his thumb swiveling against the back of her palm. Oh, he’s so fucking adorable with her. 
“Nah, go ahead. I’ll drive her back, go have fun,” Shawn answers before even sparring me a singular look. 
Bitch. He’s not even my boyfriend and he’s trying to speak on my behalf. Yeah, this isn’t gonna work. 
“Are you sure…?” Matt’s eyes trail to mine. 
I purse my lips before giving an affirmative nod. They’ll have more fun alone. “Yeah, go ahead. Don’t have too much fun,” I joke, offering a small wave as they walk down the marble flooring, disappearing past a corner. 
The sound of Shawn’s chuckle makes my face furrow, my lips curling into a tight line as I raise my brow at him. “What’s so funny?” I ask
Shrawn shrugs. “Just couldn’t wait to get me alone, could ya?” he teases, playfully wiggling his brows and sparing me a wink. 
I chose this over ice cream? 
That date hadn’t ended awful, but definitely not good, either. I was still waiting for Matt to finish up. It had been hours at this point, but I couldn’t find it in myself to be anything but happy for him. 
I didn’t know where else to go. I felt really drained, I just wanted someone to talk to. This was the only thing I could think of. And even though it seemed a bit odd at first, it felt normal, as if this was something that has happened at least twenty times before.
“And then what happened after Matt and Mia left?” Jimmy asks, petting Trevor nuzzled up in his lap as he gives me his full, undivided attention. 
He was more than happy when I showed up knocking at the door. I was just glad it wasn’t Chris who answered. And speaking of, I still didn’t know where he was. Probably in his room or something. 
“Well…” I look up to the ceiling, retracing the memory as I explain, “It wasn’t bad, I guess? We used to, I don’t know—flirt? But he’s just so…I don’t know how to explain it,” I groan, sinking further into the couch. 
Jimmy laughs. “Then what went wrong today? He seems sweet enough, why were you even mad at him?” he asks. 
My eyes scrunch close. I wasn’t gonna tell him that detail. I had already told him too much, definitely more than I should have. 
“I think he was gonna kiss me and I…I don’t know. I just kinda brushed it off and asked him to drive me home and well… here we are,” I sing, covering my face with my hands. 
The old man looks down at Trevor as he rubs the dog’s ears. “Maybe you just gotta get out of your head and give him another chance, kid. Whatever he did, just put it aside and try things out. I mean, thank god for my wife giving me chances. If not, she would’ve left me in the dust when I accidentally got paint in her damn hair,” he breathes out gruffly, laughing dryly at the reminiscent memory. 
A smile climbs on my face as I listen to his tone get softer. The slight joke holds meaning, a lot of meaning. No wonder Matt was so sweet, he knew how to treat a woman. Chris on the other hand? Maybe he did at some point. Definitely not now though. 
“Thanks, Jimmy–”
“What did I say!” he exclaims, standing up and ruffling my hair, “Call me J-Dawg!” 
I shake my head with a vicious laugh. “I’m not calling you that.” 
The man shrugs before stalking off towards the garage. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m gonna go fix this damn light switch in the garage, keep Trevor company until Matt gets home, alright?” 
I don’t have time to offer a response as I hear the heavy door click shut. My eyes drift over to the snoozing dog, my heart melting into a puddle as I watch his closed eyes flicker with a vivid dream. 
He could be dreaming of going on a walk—a walk with her, a woman I’ve never met—a woman I’d never get the chance to meet. 
Maybe Chris dreamed of her too. Maybe that was why he didn’t typically sleep well. 
“I need to pee, hold on, Trev.” I announce to the dog, slightly shaking my head at myself. Not only is he a dog, but he’s dead asleep. Did it really matter if I let him know? 
As I start to get up from the couch, I freeze hearing his voice. 
“Why’re you in my house? And why are you telling my dog you need to fuckin’ piss?” 
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ifwdominicfike · 3 days ago
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matt cant handle a little bit of edging
── .✦. ──
“m-mama please, please —“ his hips eagerly try to buck up to meet your hand at a faster pace, soft whines leave his mouth while you look at him with a smug look. “c’mon baby, hang in there f’me alright?” you noticed his stomach tense up and immediately pull your hand away, leaving him whining uncontrollably while throwing his head back. “nooo noo come back mommy please- i’ve b-been so good for you please!” his legs shake as he tries to pull your hand back onto his aching cock.
you can’t help but giggle at the state he’s in right now, so desperate, so needy, so willing to do anything just to come. he then tries to sit up to gain some kind of control — which you don’t know where this came from, but he fails miserably. you run your hand up his pale chest and push him back down onto the bed. “what’re y’doing sweet boy hm? you’re that fucking stupid and needy that you think you could control anything right now?” you laugh right in his face.
“no, no mama- im sorry, m’so sorry please just- wanna come mama” his teary eyes almost make you give in, he always knew how to use that stupid pout to get his way every single time. “oh but you look so pretty for me, look at you about to cry, because what? all because you need to come?” your hand comes back to grip onto him, making him gasp and moan.
tears stream down his face while he lays beside you, whining about how much he so desperately needs to come. you almost feel bad, but how could you? not when he looked so adorable all teary eyed. “i-i’ll do anything mommy — just please, please m’beg- beggin’ you, i’ll be the best boy ever ..” he rambles on, hoping that you take at least some kind of pity on him and let him come.
you decided that he had enough, “alright baby, i’ll stop being so mean, right? mama is just so mean to her sweet boy..?” you tease, you shift down until your mouth hovered over his leaking tip. “ooh- fuck please ple-“ you cut him off by running your tongue up and down his length, rendering him speechless. the only thing that can be heard now his pathetic cries and whimpers sounding basically like, “oh yes- mommy ri-right there yes!” “m’all yours, s’all i’ll ever be.”
- avery’s note ˚ 𝜗𝜚˚⋆。-
i fucking love sub!matt i need him so bad.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 - @http-bellaa @chrissv4mp @jetaimevous @chrisbrowser @submattenthusiast @flouvela @sturniolosiphone @chrislova @sophand4n4 @mattsfavoritestar @mattslolita @y3sterdaysproblem @strnilolover @cayleeuhithinknott @cherrynflowergarden @sturnsmia @slut4chris888 @marrykisskilled @chaossturns @emely9274 @sturn777 @sturns-mermaid @st7rnioioss @whore4mattsturniolo @courta13 @pip4444chris @amyiasturnl @tezzzzzzzz @mattsstarlet
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orikixx · 2 days ago
Blueprints & Heartbeats (9/?)
Part: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Featuring: Nanami Kento
Cw: fem reader, wc 2.8k words, not proofread
Summary: academic rivals to lovers! a mixup in the architecture group project forces you to team up with Nanami Kento, the serious and stoic student. But maybe, he isn’t as brooding as you thought?
Author's note: to the anon who motivated me to continue this.. thank you😭 I’ve been working on it for a while so I hope you guys like this💕
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It’s almost 4 pm now, and Nanami is mentally beating himself up over whether he went too far, opening himself up like that to you. He’s pacing around his dorm, nervously eyeing his palette, colorful oil paints laid out in neat, deliberate swatches, a few small brushes and a glass of water waiting nearby.
You knock on his door, a little hesitant. It’s not as if you haven’t been here before, but this time, it feels… different. The air surrounding you is buzzing, barely able to contain your excitement as your foot impatiently taps against the pavement. “Wonder what’s taking him so long,” you murmur, raising your hand to knock again, yet this time, it lands on his broad chest.
“Good afternoon, y/n. Sorry for the wait.” The moment you look up at him, there’s a big smile plastered on your face, and you happily step inside. Nanami looks at you, dumbfounded, until he finally closes the door. “You’re such a dork, Kenny”. He sighs at that, trying to be as little awkward as possible when you hug him, your small frame lost in his.
Nanami feels like he’ll never get used to you, even as you sit on the stool he’s set in front of his own, looking like you belong exactly in his dorm room. “You’re staring so much, didn’t even start drawing me yet!” “I’m.. figuring out your proportions.” He mentally curses himself for that, knowing that with the amount of time he’s spent observing you, he remembers every single detail about your face.
Suddenly, you light up. “Do you need me to do any specific poses? I can think of a few.. interesting ones”. Nanami groans loudly, causing you to giggle.
“You’re so uptight again, is something wrong?” Your eyebrows furrowed, a small pout on your lips, as the man in front of you suddenly won’t take his eyes off the canvas.
Nanami feels blush creeping up his neck, and he remembers his conversation with Gojo, thinking about how maybe he should get over himself and ask you out today.
“I’m all good. You just look very captivating today, even more than usual.”
“You can’t just say that!”
Nanami is unsure of what to respond to that, having mustered up all his courage just to tell you that last sentence. He blushes furiously now, picking up his graphite pencil and starting to roughly sketch your features. When his eyes finally dart in your direction, he can tell you’re blushing as well.
You try relaxing your face from your former pout at his sternness, not wanting to make this assignment any harder for him. “So.. do you have any other friends, that I don’t know of?” You hear Nanami sucking in a breath, and try your hardest to keep a natural expression.
“Not really, no. You’re the only one who stayed long enough to make me open up.”
You smile at that, though it’s a rather sad statement. “Would you mind keeping that expression for me?” Nanami’s eyebrows are now furrowed, staring at your face with concentration.
“The smile?”
“Yes, it makes your eyes appear lighter.”
You smile harder at that, and when Nanami finally looks at the canvas, picking up a small brush, you can see a small smile forming on his lips as well.
Nanami feels like his heart might explode out of his chest. The girl he’s been wanting for… well, too long, is currently giving him fuck me eyes without even realizing it. He tries focusing on the drawing instead, soft oil strokes on white canvas, when you speak again.
“You think it’s time for another brainrot lesson?” Immediately, a loud groan follows, making you laugh. “Whatever you want, y/n. Just stay still.” “Whatever you say, Kenny.”
You ponder for a moment, thinking about which brainrot should you teach the poor man this time. “Alright kento, you got two options yeah? When John Pork is calling, do you pick up or not?” “Who is John Pork?” Nanami sounds so serious it scares you, and you hold your laugh in.
“I’ll show you later. Now, since we’ve got plenty of time, what do you know about low taper fade?” “As far as I’m concerned, it’s a haircut, correct?” “You sound terrified, Kento”. Nanami gets up from his stool, now towering over you.
“Such a bratty little thing.” His fingers come up to trace your cheek, almost, before he stops himself. “Stay just like this for a moment,” Nanami says, surprisingly soft. You, of course, obey, looking up at his face, body looming over yours.
Nanami observes your face, trying to etch it into his soul. “Can I..” he murmurs softly, rough fingers brushing against your jaw. You nod, and he gently traces your cheek. You can feel blush spreading all over your neck, surely dusting your cheeks pink.
“Kento?” You look up at him, heart thrumming so loud he must be able to hear it as well. “This is necessary for the process, y/n.” He whispers that, hazel eyes lingering on your lips as his fingers trace your temple.
Your face is on fire now, eyes gleaming as you try catching Nanami’s gaze, yet his eyes are glued to your lips. “You know, you could kiss me if you want to that bad,” you say softly.
In just a moment, his hands are off you, and he’s facing away. “Fuck, too far? I didn’t mean to Kento, I was just-“
“For the love of god y/n, you sit here looking like a fucking angel, and then you say these things..”
Nanami pinches the bridge of his nose, and you sit there, speechless, for the first time.
“You.. what?” Nanami sighs, finally turning back to look at you. “It would be so wrong of me, to kiss you without even asking you out first..” You stand up, feeling his warm body almost touching yours, and you sigh.
“Well then, you better ask me out Kento, we don’t have all day”. Nanami notices, of course, that although you put on a confident front, your fingers nervously twirl the edge of your tank top, and your eyes are somewhat worried, looking up at him.
He tries to stay composed, ears bright red when he takes your hand is his bigger one, bringing it to his chest.
“Would you like to go on a date with me, y/n? I would love to take you to out, if you would allow it.” He braces himself for rejection, even though he knows you feel the same, as your big, gleaming eyes now happily squint at him.
“Fuck yeah, took you long enough, silly boy,” you say happily, arms immediately wrapping around him. You smile so hard your face hurts, burying your face Nanami’s chest, squealing like a little girl until you feel his hands on your shoulders, gently prying you away. You pout at him, crossing your arms and huffing as he chuckles. “Now..” he murmurs, leaning down and finally kissing you.
You stay still for a second, caught by surprise, before your hands immediately tangle in his hair, latching onto his lips like your life depends on it. One of his hands cups your cheek, moving lower to trace your the curve of your jaw before settling at your nape, drawing you deeper into the kiss.
The kiss is slow, deliberate, a taste of something sweet, long desired. Nanami’s lips are firm and surprisingly soft, tasting of coffee and something that’s just uniquely him. You can’t help yourself but bite on his lower lip, making him gasp and let go of the kiss.
You whine at the loss of his warmth, hands moving from his blond locks to grip onto his broad shoulders. Standing on your toes, you whisper in his ear- “You’re so annoying, I barely got to taste you”. Nanami blushes furiously, his hand wandering down to squeeze your hips.
“How am I the annoying one, when you sit here, looking at me with these tantalizing eyes?”
It’s your turn to blush, burying your face in his chest again. “Ugh, you have to stop doing that Kento!” You whine, and he chuckles, kissing the crown of your head.
“Come on, I need to finish your portrait.” With a sigh, you slump back onto the stool, and Nanami sits down at his. He picks up the brush again, continuing the gentle strokes on the canvas before speaking again.
“I’m sorry if I have been.. harsh, with the kiss. It’s a little embarrassing, but I have been craving you for so long, I couldn’t help myself.”
You smile, using all your willpower to not get up and kiss him again. “It’s alright Kento, really, I wanted you for a while as well,” you say, happily watching his cheeks changing shades of red.
“I can’t focus when you tell me things like that y/n. It makes me want to.. never mind.”
“You’re so shy it’s almost funny,” you say with a giggle, making him groan. “Do me a favor, just this once, and talk about anything else, please?”
You can’t say no to his defeated face, so then Nanami quietly cleans his paint brush, listening to you ramble about some show you’ve started watching recently, and how you think he’d like it.
After about an hour of rambling on your side, and hums of agreement on his, the portrait is finished. Nanami carefully places the canvas aside, the oil paint still wet, sticking onto his fingers. It’s almost 6 pm now, and you remember promising Gojo you’d meet up later today. You get up from the stool, quietly walking to stand by Nanami as he washes his hands in the kitchen sink.
The smell of the paint lingers in air of his dorm room, and you sneakily wrap your hands around his waist, hugging him from behind. “Would you mind staying for a little while more?” “Can’t, I promised Satoru I’ll see him today,” you say, smiling when he turns around to look at you. You rest your chin on his chest, looking up at his chiseled face.
“Then I’ll see you tomorrow. Will it be okay if I will pick you up at 7 pm for our date?” “Of course Kenny”. Nanami hums, and you let your body melt against his, his arms wrapping around your lower back as you savor the warmth.
“I can drop you off wherever you two are meeting, if you would like that.” “Awww, Kento you’re so mushy already, love that,” you say and giggle, laughing when he groans and buries his face in your hair. “Seriously though, I wouldn’t mind, thank you” and with that, you plant a small kiss on his cheek.
Still in his embrace, you pull out your phone, calling Gojo. You bicker for a couple minutes, eventually agreeing to meet up at some café downtown. When you hang up, Nanami is already there with his car keys in his hand.
“Are you ready to go? Or do you want to stop by your dorm first?”
“You’re too sweet Kento, and I’m good, we can head there now” you poke his nose before opening his dorm’s door, standing there as you wait for him to exit. “Ladies first,” you snicker with a small smile as he passes you, sighing and shaking his head disapprovingly. After he locks the door, he swiftly opens the passenger seat door for you, humming when you murmur a thank you.
Nanami gets in and starts the car, and once he’s on the highway, he puts his palm on your thigh, thumb brushing the soft skin. “I’m honestly surprised, I thought you’d only be driving in the 10 and 2 position,” you snicker and put your hand on top of his.
“Maybe I’m careful, but I can’t help myself when a beautiful woman is sitting right beside me.” You smile at that, stroking his palm as he stares at the road ahead. After a little while you get to the café, and Nanami pulls over just long enough for you to kiss him and say thanks. “Text me when you need pickup, okay?” “It’s okay, I’ll just walk ba-“ “Just text me.” You sigh, and with another kiss you part ways, as you see Gojo waiting for you at the entrance.
You sigh internally, knowing what’s about to come as you walk towards the white haired man. You approach him, and before even entering the place, he immediately jumps on you with a hug.
“What the fuck was that kiss? Girl you better tell me everything” Gojo almost yells that, and you quickly hush him down, walking inside.
After getting your matcha, and Gojo his overly sweet latte, you two sit down. “Okay so before I start you gotta promise not to yell again, I can’t have everyone here staring,” you say with an eye roll, and he eagerly nods. “Whatever you say, just fucking tell me already!”
You almost laugh at his whiney tone, before telling him about everything that happened with Nanami today. You can tell he’s having a hard time containing his excitement, and when you tell him that Nanami insisted on picking you up as well, he damn near cries.
“There’s no way, he’s definitely obsessed with you y/n” “Stop that, we just kissed!” You bury your face in your hands and whine, cheeks burning as you remember the feeling of Nanami’s lips on yours. “Either way, you clearly like him more than you let on,” Gojo says with a big grin.
“What’s up with that smile? You look creepy as fuck,” you snicker, watching him dramatically feign offense. “Can’t I be happy that my best friend finally got a normal boyfriend?” “He isn’t even my boyfriend yet!” You sigh, sipping on your matcha and leaning back in your chair.
“Oh you want him soooo bad, you’re just clueless to it idiot,” Gojo says, grinning again. You decide to stop fighting with him, and change the topic.
“Did you and Kento, like.. tell something to the professor? When you handled her?” You ask, your voice quieter now. “We did, I thought Nanami told you she won’t come near you again” you sigh, facepalming as you remember that night.
“He did, but we’re supposed to have a class with her tomorrow so I’m wondering how it’s gonna go..” Gojo sighs, grabbing his phone. “I’ll text him, we’ll find a way to handle it before class” he says reassuringly, shooting Nanami a quick text before putting the phone back down.
After another hour of the two of you yapping about absolutely everything, you decide it’s time to go. You send Nanami a text, asking if he’s still okay with picking you up, and he immediately replies that he’s on his way.
Gojo leans over the table, peeking over to read your texts. “Fucking lovebirds, I told you he’s obsessed!” Saying that grants him a smack on the head, making him huff and puff as you two walk outside, and he waits with you until Nanami gets there.
When his car pulls over, you both say goodbye with a quick hug, and you happily walk over to the car, getting in and landing a small kiss on Nanami’s cheek, much to Gojo’s delight, who’s still watching you and how flustered the man beside you gets.
“Thanks for coming Kento, you really didn’t have to,” you say softly, a big smile on your face. You feel like a kid, getting excited to see him when you’ve left his place only a couple hours ago, but you can’t help yourself.
“Of course y/n, it’s my pleasure. I want to make sure you get back safely.” He starts driving, and again puts his hand on your thigh. You don’t say anything this time, you simply play with his fingers for the entire drive. When he stops in front of your dorm, you unbuckle your seatbelt and turn around in your seat, now facing him.
“Have a good night Ken, hope you have sweet dreams”. You lean in, and he cups your cheeks, warm lips enveloping yours, and you whine into the kiss. His tongue prods at the seam of your lips, asking for entrance, one that you grant him, moaning softly as the muscle invades your mouth.
Fingers gripping his hair, you break the kiss, panting, your eyes gleaming. Nanami blushes, his breath eventually slowing down. “You too, pretty girl. I’ll see you before class.” You nod and hug him, and then leave the car, entering the dorm building.
You can hear him driving off, and enter your dorm room. You take a deep breath, and finally allow yourself to happily jump around and squeal happily. You can’t believe this, that Nanami actually did all of this just for you. The way he’s changed, everything he said today, sounding all too poetic coming out of his pretty lips.
You sigh dreamily, getting into your pjs, and comfortably cuddle under the thick blankets of your bed, wishing you had asked him to stay over. You may miss him already, which you find slightly embarrassing, but you know you’ll see him tomorrow morning, and you just can’t wait.
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Divider credit: @soulari
Taglist: @yourname-exee @realalpacorn @zayuriluvs @galactacium @queenofthekill @nuhahani @nanamineedstherapy @des-todoroki @linaaeatsfamilies @darkstudentsaladbakery @sttaejoon-blog @sosole
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starrdream · 2 days ago
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Unsatisfied apology
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Anakin Skywalker x f!reader summary: Anakin wants to make up... includes: not really smut but it's talked about and implied, whiny Anakin, make up sex, fast finishing, no orgasm
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Your ex has fucked just about any girl that would let him in hopes of getting over you. As if your friends reminding you constantly wasn’t enough, anyone passing by his room could hear clearly. News flash, it didn’t help him one bit.
Though, the rumor that he still wasn’t over you did feed your ego.
One night, you were mindlessly revising for some tests you had later that week when a knock disturbed you. 
“Baby, please open the door. I need to talk to you.” The whiny yet familiar voice still made your heart skip a beat. Or two.
He must be drunk. You thought.
“What?” You huff as you open the door. Not only were you met with a completely sober Anakin, you were met with a crying one too.
Tears streaked down his rosy cheeks, eyes puffy and red. Who knows how long he was crying for.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, voice laced with concern.
“Can we talk?” He sniffles.
“Yeah” You blurted out before you could even think twice.
Opening the door further, you let him in. Ankin takes a seat on your bed and waits for you to join him.
The second you sat down he started ranting about everything.
“Baby I missed you so much…”
“I fucked up really bad, I know.”
“You’re all I ever think about.”
“I’ll never be over you.”
“I’ve been awful since the day we broke up.”
“No other girl compares to you..”
“Please..Give me another chance, my love.”
He pleaded and whined, all while still sobbing. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t considering it. Just one look at those blue eyes was enough to tear down any kind of resistance you’ve built over time.
“Please baby.” He begged. “Nobody is as good to me as you are. I’m so sorry” He whined, staring at you through teary eyes.
“I don’t know Ani..” You sighed, shoulders slumping.
“But you’re thinking about it.” He straightened up, a hint of excitement in his voice. “Please” He breaks off into a sob. “Let me make it up to you.”
With that, he pushes you down on the bed gently, climbing on top of you.
“Ani-” You try to protest, placing your hand on his upper arm. Unfortunately your voice comes out as a desperate whimper more than anything else, only urging him on.
“I’m so sorry for how I treated you baby” He mumbles, slipping your shirt off. He continues mumbling incoherent words that are interrupted by sobs and hiccups as he undresses you.
“Please say you forgive me..” He stares right into your eyes as he palms himself through his pants before slipping them down to free his rock hard cock.
God knows how long that was there.
“O-okay, I forgive you” You mumble, trying not to laugh at how childish he looks.
“You’re just saying that.” He pouts, sobbing again.
The next 5, 6 minutes of your life were the most confusing ones ever. 
Anakin is borderline desperate and his movements are jerky and uncoordinated. He's ground against your thigh like a puppy for at least 3 minutes before finally pushing his erection into your warmth.
He is good in bed, but this? If you didn’t know any better you could’ve easily brushed him off as a virgin.
He's whining and whimpering with every shallow thrust, his entire body shaking with the force of his sobs.
Obviously, he did NOT make you finish before he did. He didn’t make you finish at all. The second he spilled inside of you, he collapsed on top of you while breathing heavily.
Upon realizing you were still very much unsatisfied he cried again.
"I'm sorry..I'm so sorry baby. I'm sorry.." He kept mumbling over and over for another 5 minutes through his soft cries.
Shoulders shaking, face going numb as he cuddled you. The tight hold he had on you while crying loosened overtime as he fell asleep.
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justiceforvillains · 2 days ago
Don't you care about the Casualties
➽ PAIRING : Vampire Bangchan x Fem Reader
➽ SUMMARY: The Kingdom maintained a fragile pact with vampires, promising no harm would come to either party—until the King's greed got the better of him. As punishment, the powerful vampire Lord Bang claims his firstborn child as his own, sealing the fate of the royal family in a cycle of vengeance and bloodshed. Twenty-four years later, Bang's son, Chan, discovers the king's daughter, Y/N, who is blissfully unaware of her family's dark history, setting the stage for a clash between human innocence and vampire vengeance.
[Part 1]
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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the forest in a golden glow, Chan crept through the dense underbrush, the air thick with the scent of damp earth and wildflowers. His dead heart almost thumped heavily in his chest, a concoction of emotions swirling within him. Anger and disgust surged as he neared the small wooden hut where supposedly Minho saw the escaped King and his family Living in, the laughter echoing like a hollow bell in the silent woods.
From the shadows, he could see her, Watching her tend to a patch of vibrant flowers, her delicate fingers brushing against the petals, lips curling into an innocent smile. She was a vision of carefree joy, utterly ignorant of the shadows that loomed closer.
But way too soon he could see that she noticed that someone was watching her with the way she kept looking around, She might not be as stupid as he thought, a jolt of recognition coursed through Chan. Those eyes—the same striking hue as the blood that cried out for vengeance—captured him momentarily.
Chan’s expression hardened, and the disgust he felt emanated like heat from his skin. How could she embody such innocence while bearing the mark of her Family's sin? He took a step back, wrestled momentarily with the turmoil inside him, when suddenly, Y/N's voice sliced through the tension.
“Anyone here?!” she called out, “You don't have to be scared!”
Chan’s lips curled into a smirk, scared? HIM of HER?!
a wicked plan igniting in the recesses of his mind. Her naivety was almost amusing; it seems she thought of him as some kind of helpless animal.
A flicker of amusement danced in his crimson eyes while a darker thought simmered just beneath the surface. How easier it would be to weave his way into her life and use her, the daughter of the king, as a pawn in his father’s revenge.
and with that he made up his mind smiling evilly as he emerged from the shadows
he stepped into the slanting rays of dusk, letting his mask of friendliness settle around his features. “I’m sorry to intrude,” he said, his voice low and laced with uncertainty. “I think I might have lost my way.”
She regarded him with a mix of caution and curiosity. “And what brings you this far into the woods?”
“I was looking for shelter,” he admitted, trying to keep his expression earnest. “I…I didn’t mean to stumble into your garden.”
As she studied him, Chan felt his heart race. He hadn't abandoned his plan for revenge, no. Instead, He will betray her just as her father did. “I’ve been wandering for far too long,” he continued, his voice trembling slightly. “I don’t have much—just the clothes on my back and… the hope that someone might help me find my way again.”
Y/N’s gaze softened slightly, and her defensive posture loosened a fraction. “Where do you want to go?”
He took a hesitant step closer. “there should be a Village here somewhere”
Y/N tilted her head slightly, her brows knitting together in thought. “There is a village not too far from here,” she said, her voice warmer now. “I can show you the way if you’d like.”
As the words fell from her lips, a flicker of triumph coursed through Chan. He had struck the right chord; the innocent girl, so eager to help, was completely unaware of the darkness he harbored within him. “That would be wonderful,” he replied, injecting a hint of sincerity into his tone.
She smiled, and with an inviting gesture, she turned toward a narrow path that meandered deeper into the woods. Chan fell into step beside her, his heart racing—not from the thrill of danger, but from the satisfaction of his calculated deceit.
“Thank you for your kindness,” he said earnestly, deliberately keeping his tone soft and appreciative. “In times like these, it’s rare to find someone willing to help a stranger.”
Y/N glanced at him, her eyes sparkling with empathy. “Well, everyone deserves a little kindness, don’t you think? Especially in these troubled times.”
As they walked, the forest around them began to change, the dense trees giving way to a clearer path. Rays of twilight filtered through the leaves, creating a dappled pattern on the ground. Chan could feel the weight of his plan pressing down on him like the thickening night air.
“So, what’s your name?” Y/N asked, breaking the silence as they emerged into a small clearing.
"Chan," he replied smoothly, allowing himself a brief smile. “And you?”
“Y/N,” she answered, her cheeks flushing slightly. It was as if just saying her name made her bloom even more in the fading light—a simplistic beauty that belied the complexity of the world around them.
As they continued walking, Chan studied her profile, the innocence still radiating off her like a protective shield. Yet he could see the shadows that haunted her family, the burdens she carried unknowingly. It made his resolve all the stronger. He would not only take his father’s revenge; he would turn this woman's world upside down.
“What made you venture out here alone?” he asked, feigning curiosity.
Y/N chuckled lightly. “I often come here to escape—to enjoy the beauty of nature. There’s something calming about being surrounded by these trees and flowers.” She paused, glancing back at her garden, now a distant memory. “And it reminds me that there’s still goodness in the world, despite everything happening beyond the forest.”
Chan’s expression darkened momentarily as her words struck a nerve. Goodness? All he saw was betrayal and greed in this kingdom, all rooted in the bloodline she belonged to. But he quickly masked his emotions, forcing a sympathetic look as he replied, “It’s a beautiful way to look at things.”
As they approached the perimeter of the village, the air was filled with the sounds of life—laughter, music, and distant chatter. It felt foreign to him, a world that seemed untouched by the vendetta he carried.
“Here we are,” Y/N announced, her excitement infectious as she pointed toward the cluster of quaint, thatched-roof houses nestled among small gardens dotted with herbs and vegetables. “This is the village. It’s small but full of wonderful people.”
“Thank you, Y/N. You’ve saved me a long trip,” he said, meaning every word and yet spinning a web of lies in the same breath.
She turned to him, a look of concern suddenly clouding her features. “You’ll be careful, won’t you? The villagers can be a bit wary of strangers.”
Chan nodded, an easy smile gracing his lips. “I promise, I’ll be mindful.”
As they reached the edge of the village, his heart raced with anticipation, the plan carefully laid in his mind. With every step he took, the weight of betrayal grew lighter, overshadowed by the promise of vengeance.
“I should go,” she said hesitantly, her gaze lingering on him. “I don’t want them to worry.”
“Wait,” he said, reaching out to gently grip her arm. “Could we not see each other again? Perhaps I could visit your garden sometime? I’d love to see it in full bloom.”
Y/N’s eyes widened with surprise but flickered with excitement. “I’d like that,” she replied softly, a blush creeping up her cheeks "I always wanted a friend!" She pulled away, leaving a spark of connection lingering in the air between them. “Be safe, Chan.”
As she turned to leave, Chan watched her vanish into the village, a wicked grin spreading across his face. He felt the thrill of the game begin anew, and the pieces of his plan slipping into place. She was just a pawn in his father’s game, He will avenge his family, even if it means destroying someone innocent along with it.
I know it's been a long time since i posted, i don't really like this chapter tbh, i will try to keep updating tho!
[Part 1]
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Taglist: @captainchrisstan @eastjonowhere @wazupitsmeh
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coquitokisses · 18 hours ago
Oh, baby! | Dean Winchester
Pairings: Dean Winchester x female!reader
Summary: reader had a one night stand with Dean and they find out she’s pregnant
Word count: 1.4k
A/n: I gotta be honest, this is from a fanfic lmao, which is supposed to be a crossover of Teen Wolf and Supernatural, but I haven’t published it yet and I’ve been wanting to write something about Dean for a whileee so I decided to just edit this lil thing I had and post it here cuz why not?
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“Hey, Cas, you’re back.” You smile sweetly at him once you saw him as you made your way to the library to help Sam with research
“Hi, y/n.” He replied with a small smile that soon turned into a confused frown
You noticed. “Everything okay?”
“How do you feel?” He asks
“I’m fine.” You replied, not understanding his sudden worry
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Cas, why? What’s wrong?” You questioned feeling a little alarmed by the way he was asking
“It’s just that I feel another presence.” He said
“Another presence?” Sam took his eyes off the laptop to look at Castiel
“What do you mean another presence?” Dean’s voice was soon heard throughout the library
“Is it bad?” You ask
“No,” Castiel shook his head. “It’s inside you.”
“Inside me?!” You were so confused right now “But what is it? Is it bad?”
“Is she okay?” Sam asked somewhat worried after hearing Castiel’s words
“She’s fine,” he replied and then looked at you “Can I?” he raised his hand
You nodded giving him permission to do whatever he had to do. Castiel put a hand on your forehead and then began to lower it down your body, but without actually touching it, until it reached your belly.
“Can I?” he looked at you, you just nodded
He placed his hand on your belly and that’s when he realized what was the presence he was feeling.
“It’s a baby,” he said, removing his hand
You almost choked. “I’m sorry, WHAT?!”
“A.. baby?” Sam was dumbfounded
“Wait, wait, are you sure?” Dean looked at Castiel
“Very sure,” the angel nodded
“It can’t be...” you put one of you hands on you chest. “Oh my God..”
“Are you really sure?” Dean asked again
“Yes, Dean, I am one hundred percent sure that I feel a baby’s presence.” Castiel snapped back
“This isn’t happening.” Dean ran his hands over his face “This is.. this is simply not happening.”
“Please don’t tell me you guys…” Sam looked at you both
“Sam, just shut up for a minute, okay?” Dean replied
“I- I need to get some air.” You muttered as you walked backwards like three steps and then turned around heading to the stairs
“Y/n wait!” Sam called out but you ignored him
You got out of the bunker and you took a deep breath trying to calm yourself down and not have a panic attack.
“This can’t be real..” you murmured to yourself
You raised your hands to your belly and you’re just standing there in shock.
Of course you wanted a family, but you knew that it was probably not going to happen due to the fact that you’re a hunter and you’ve been hunting basically your whole life. You knew how your life was gonna end. And you made your peace with that. Kinda.
Worst thing about all of this is the fact that Dean is the one who got you pregnant. You two used to hate each other, but throughout the years, you’ve learned to tolerate each other and well, you’ve basically been working with them since they had to deal with the angels pretty much.
He’s always had a crush on you and you knew it, but it wasn’t really that serious. He usually just flirted with you and most of the time you just ignored him.
Until a few weeks ago, while you guys were finishing up a case that Sam decided to let you two handle so you could work on your communication and your anger issues, because the week before that, you have to admit that you were both butting heads every five minutes, and it was driving Sam insane. So he sent you both to deal with a shapeshifter case in Wyoming and with a little assignment to work on your issues and stop behaving like kids. His words.
And you did worked your issues out. You just didn’t think it was gonna be by having sex, but hey, you weren’t complaining at all. He was perfect. And it was the best night you’ve ever had in a while.
And here are the results of that hook up.
It’s clear to say that neither of you are prepared, mentally nor physically prepared to have a kid.
And besides, how were you gonna raise a kid together if you can’t even get along for more than two days?
You got on your car and decided to go for a ride, just to clear your head. And while you were at it, you bought like two boxes of pregnancy tests just to be one thousand percent sure and because you would believe it more once you see it yourself.
You got something to eat after that and decided to use the bathroom at a gas station so you could take the pregnancy tests.
While you waited on the results, you were walking around in the small bathroom, thinking what the hell you were gonna do.
After a few minutes of talking to yourself internally, you decided to take a look at the four pregnancy tests.
“Oh god..” you muttered under your breath seeing the plus sign on the tests
After a while of just driving around, you finally decided to get back to the bunker. Once you open the door, Dean’s head turned to look at you immediately.
“Where were you?” He asked, leaving the book he was reading on the table
“I was getting rid of the little creature,” you replied
“Y/n.” Dean gave your a stern look
“I’m kidding.” You rolled your eyes. “I went for a ride and to get something to eat, anything else you want to know?”
You walked to where he was and put your hand inside the pocket of your jacket.
“In case you thought Castiel was lying...” you took the pregnancy tests out of your jacket pocket and placed them on the table. “It’s quite real.”
Dean looked at the tests in front of him realizing that this was really happening. He did believe Cas, but seeing the positive pregnancy tests, definitely made his mind finally fall into the acceptance that this was real. Very real.
Dean sighed. “Look, I know you’re not completely happy with this situation, believe me, I’m not either, but..-
“But we already did it and now we have to take responsibility, I know,” you said taking off your jacket “What I’m still trying to figure out is how you and I are going to raise a baby”
“I don’t know either.” He sighed
“This wasn’t supposed to happen” you pulled out a chair so you could sit and then you brought your hands to you face
“I know...” Dean said in a soft voice and leaned a little so he could look at you. “Hey,” he gently took you by the wrists, removing your hands from your face. “You’re not going to be alone, I’m not going for a pack of cigarettes and never come back.”
That made you laugh a little. “I know you won’t.”
“I’m just.. scared.” He admitted “Scared to raise a kid, scared that I might turn out like my dad and I don’t want that..”
“You’re not going to be like your father, Dean.” You said softly “And I’m scared too, like, I’m gonna be carrying a baby inside of me for the next nine months, I’m terrified that I won’t be a good mom.”
“I’m pretty sure you’re going to be an amazing mom.”
You smiled a little. “That’s kinda comforting.”
“I think we can make it work if we make the effort.”
“We hate each other.” You roll your eyes
He scoffs. “Speak for yourself, I don’t hate you, sweetheart, like, at all.”
You chuckle. “Don’t lie to yourself, you only wanted to get in my pants.” You joked
“Well yeah, but I don’t hate you.” He shrugged
“I don’t hate you either, you’re just.. very annoying.” You said
“You are too.”
You roll your eyes. “Right.”
“In all seriousness,” he started saying “I think we should give it a try.” He looked into your eyes “And you know, we would also be getting out of this life and finally getting a normal one.”
“That does sound nice.” You nodded
“It’s up to you, babe.” He said
You could see in his eyes that he was dead serious about this. He wanted this. He wanted to give it a try with you.
And after a few seconds of thinking, you finally responded.
“Let’s do it then.” You said and he smiled “But we’re not getting married.”
“I’m fine with that.” He said with a shrug which made you smile
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main masterlist
A/n: I think I can make this into a small series, should I? 👀
Likes, comments and reblogs will be appreciated! <3
divider creds @hyuneskkami
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crowleysgirl56 · 3 days ago
Sorry this took so long to get back to! I’ve had it in my drafts for ages but it took me a while to finish. Mostly because it kind of got away from me a bit. Didn’t mean to make it this involved, but the writing overtook me! Anyway it’s not exactly the scene you had in mind, but I had a vision so I ran with it! Hope you like it!
(Also, for fun, you can read my Wildest dream wish 27 and then Wildest dream wish 30 immediately before the below for further contextual scenes that I envision happen immediately before this)
The doors bust open in an almost anticipatory fashion allowing Crowley to properly storm inside, Aziraphale close at hand behind. Undoubtedly the shop sensed Crowley’s simmering mood half a street away and didn’t like the idea of scorched doors. Not a second time in any case. If the books were plants they would have rustled in fear.
Crowley paced the room like a caged tiger who’d skipped his last three meals. Aziraphale came to a calm stop in the middle of the shop, hands clasped in front, a passive look locked on his face. With pursed lips and a cocked eyebrow, he watched as Crowley stalked in circles, the demon casting casual glances back at the angel as he paced.
“Well?” Aziraphale finally said.
Coming to an abrupt halt, Crowley stood and faced Aziraphale. “Well what?”
“Aren’t you going to apologise?” His calm matter-of-fact demeanour lit a fuse in Crowley’s brain.
“Me?! What for? You left!” Crowley jabbed a finger towards Aziraphale’s face.
“Well you left first!” Aziraphale retorted, brushing the hand aside.
“Ooooohhhh we’re really going to do this are we?!” Crowley’s indignation boiled in the pit of stomach. Like a forest fire kept at bay, he’d put a barrier around his hurt and pain and loneliness, supressing his emotions for fear of exactly how much the fire would consume. Too late, the barrier was breached and his fury poured forth like an uncontrolled blaze.
“6000 years I’ve been listening to “righteous” this and “forgiveness” that, and “oh, it’s just all part of the plan Crowley” the great big In-fucking-Effable plan Crowley! We just have to follow along, but not to worry, Heaven will win! And finally, finally we do something, something that matters, something that means maybe, just maybe we might actually have a chance of being left alone, of being peaceful and, Ssssatan forbid, happy, like actually properly happy. And then after everything we’ve done, everything we’ve been through, everything they tried to do to you, you decide you need to go back to Heaven, we need to go back to Heaven! And what? Fix it from the inside?! Well you’re wrong Aziraphale! You’re just wrong, it’s broken and it’s never going to be fixed! And if you think that you can just come waltzing back into my life asking for help like nothing happened you’ve got another thing com-“
“He knows Crowley.”
Aziraphale’s calm interruption cut through Crowley like a knife. Stillness finally overcame him and chilled him to his core.
“Who?” Crowley already knew the answer but still rather hoped he was wrong.
“The Metatron” Aziraphale’s reply was quiet and dejected. Crowley finally met his eyes and was pained to see just how exhausted Aziraphale actually looked. He tried to summon the courage to ask the next question but Aziraphale clearly anticipated his thoughts.
“About everything. About the Arrangement, about all the temptations I performed, and all the blessings you accomplished. Everything, all written out in nice little accurate detailed reports.”
Aziraphale’s voice wavered slightly as he stopped to take a breath. Crowley felt sick. If Heaven knew, then it was only a matter of time before Hell found out…Crowley swallowed thickly forcing himself to remain calm. Well as calm as a demon with a death warrant can be.
“How?” he asked hoarsely.
Aziraphale rolled his eyes ruefully, “We weren’t exactly subtle Crowley.”
Crowley snorted as flashes of scenes crossed his memory. Strolls in parks, blatant dinners in open restaurants, frequent visits to the bookshop, rescue after rescue…he fell into the memories letting them envelopment him like a warm blanket, even as the comfort of the bedclothes were ripped away. All the codes, all the secret rendezvous, all the carefully constructed facades suddenly seemed so stupidly obvious, they might as well have been holding great big “Fraternising Demon and Angel right here!” sign. Though the flags probably weren’t necessary considering their escapades could be seen from space. He could have kicked himself for how utterly negligent they’d been. How irresponsible he’d been with his angel’s safety… He shook himself out of his stupor when he realised Aziraphale had continued quietly.
“He knows about us Crowley. They know- that is they think…well they believe-“
“What do they believe Aziraphale?” Crowley spat out. His ire was brought to bear as he fixed Aziraphale with a threatening glare. He could see Aziraphale still grappling with denial and was simply too tired to continue playing this game. He bit out each word as he spoke, “What exactly do you think they believe about us?”
The red in Aziraphale’s cheeks spread quickly to the rest of his face and halfway down his neck. Crowley tried very hard not to stare and schooled his face to remain hardened. Aziraphale fidgeted with the hem of his waist coat a moment before bursting out, “The body swap!”
This took Crowley off guard. All this time he thought it was about “light” and “good” and who the “bad guys” were. He felt the shame creeping up his spine. Azirphale must have sensed the drop in his anger because he rounded on him now, eyes blazing.
“I never went to fix Heaven, Crowley. I went to protect you!”
They were practically nose to nose. Crowley had never known Aziraphale’s fury, not to this extent and never at him. Not even when they argued over the holy water. It was palpable, like it could squeeze the life out of him if Aziraphale so wanted. The burning anger of the angels was indeed not to be trifled with. Yet trifle he would. He needed to know. Crowley imbued the rage letting it flow between them.
“Why would you do that?! Why would you protect me?!”
Aziraphale didn’t hesitate, his answer swift and clear.
“Because I love you, you stupid demon!”
“And I love you, you idiotic angel!”
They lurched forward as one, mouths crashing, bodies colliding, anger turning to passion as the flames morphed into burning desire. Crowley urgently walked Aziraphale backwards until they hit a shelf, books crashing to the floor. Crowley half expected Aziraphale to break their hold to tut at the complete lack of respect for the precious tomes, but was instead met with roaming, grasping hands pulling at buttons and seeking covered flesh.
“You. Need you. Now!” Crowley moaned, pressing kisses down the line of Aziraphale’s neck.
“Crowley there isn’t any time!” Aziraphale pleaded as he pressed himself closer to Crowley, burying his face into his shoulder, and clutching at the back of his hair.
“I’ll make time” Crowley growled and waved his hand. Dust motes hung in the air, the sound of London traffic ceased, and a dull suffocating throb in place of the absence of sound filled their ears.
“Angel” Crowley whispered fervently.
Azirphale lifted his head up to look Crowley in the eye. He stroked a thumb down the demon’s cheek, then silently taking his hand, led Crowley up the stairs. This non-time wouldn’t last forever. And they would savour every moment of it.
new season't 3 demand
aziraphale pushing crowley against a wall and kissing him with his entire soul in the middle of an argument about why he left. crowley yells "why would you leave everything you have? why would you leave me?" (breaking as he speaks and tears pouring) and azi just stops, walks towards him, and just kisses him with everything he's got, and without leaving more than an inch between their faces, whispers "I left to save you. you've protected me for six. thousand. years. and now they were going to destroy you, destroy your earth, and this was all I could ever do to save you."
then more discussion, tears, kissing, and crowley being absolutely wide-eyed she'll shocked at the first physical contact he's had with aziraphale since the f15 being that.
I wish I had this clear enough in my head to write out in a proper fic but do you see the vision?
btw if anyone does want to write this I'd love you forever
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tubbytarchia · 3 days ago
I’ve recently rewatched dl and I wanted to find out if you had any thoughts on Pearl and Scott’s dynamic.. (double life or general idm)
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I've talked lots about Scott before, of how he twists the narrative the most and treats most relationships more as transactional. I will now immediately follow that sentence up with dear god please don't assume I hate Scott he's so interesting and compelling PLEASE don't think I hate him I beg of you I LIKE HIM I don't think he's evil and a villain he's just a bit fucked up like everyone else PLEASE just. believe me
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Me ^
Anyway now that that's out of the way. Scott I think has an innate need for connection but denies it in favor of weaving his own narrative that he is in control of, especially so in Third Life where to me, it feels like he sought out to find a tragic love story and he got exactly that, from his perspective anyway, what with the final sequence of him meeting Jimmy again in some imagined afterlife, the one part that was scripted and it shows. Love is a variable that he can't afford the risk of. I think the story with Jimmy that he weaved was more important to him than genuine affection. In Double Life he admits to having whittled Jimmy down to nothing in order to get something from him. But then along comes Last Life
In Last Life, whatever it was, something about Pearl really appealed to him if even subconsciously and he very genuinely cared about her imo. And that was a relationship that oddly enough started as purely transactional yet quickly developed into the most meaningful one I think Scott has had. Even when he faltered in returning Pearl's affection fully, Pearl didn't care and stood by him. Well exemplified by the time he kind of froze when Pearl was boogey killed by Lizzie, but Pearl didn't even think to hold his inaction against him. (Especially fun contrasted with Pearl accidentally breaking the rules in killing boogey Joel for killing Scott lol)
But all of that was the variable that Scott sought to avoid, so in Double Life he immediately uses what he can as an excuse to ostracize Pearl, almost as if to punish her for the crime of. loving? And I'm not about to claim that Pearl is wholly innocent but I'd argue that was unwarranted. Cleo and Scott are a great dynamic in a vacuum but unfortunately Cleo is also quite terrible (but then who isn't. It's a death game, they all are. Sorry I have to keep making these remarks because otherwise I get labelled a hater) and unfortunately fuels all the worst traits in Scott while Scott very readily sticks to her. They remain an encouraging pillar to Scott, it's just that the things being encouraged are like. Their ritual to slice each other with axes at full force just to stick it to Martyn and Pearl. Pearl often gets compared to Scott as equally physically harmful but idk personally I don't think the snow bucket compares to start-of-every-session-near-death-axe-crit routine. That's again not to say that she's innocent
Upon Scott spreading completely unfounded claims about her being crazy and malicious, she starts to adopt those claims. What else is she to do to get by? She has been nice to most players and nearly none of them want her around because of rumors despite her causing harm on accident at worst. She comes close to finally finding friends in Jimmy (Tango as well but mostly Jimmy), but ruins her chances by briefly playing into Martyn's "prank" and giving him Jimmy's horn without realizing it's importance to Jimmy, after which Jimmy tells her that she's no longer welcome on the ranch. She's effectively lost everyone and it is 90% due to Scott, not due to her actually acting the way she's claimed to as she only starts to go down that path after repeated rejection (sure she let herself be physically hurt to get at Scott, but it wasn't because of malice or having lost her mind, her doing so was reasonable anyhow but got twisted into something it wasn't. It's still wrong on her part and I do think she goes at least a bit insane as Scarlet Pearl surfaces, but the point is that she wasn't that when Scott started painting her that way)
Even in the very end, Scott retains control. He retained control of not only his narrative but contributed to most others' as well, painting Pearl as the exact character he wanted her to be known as in every POV outside of her own. And as they stand face to face as the last two survivors, Scott denies her any chance to change things, taking his own life instead whilst painting himself as noble in doing so
Scott is incredibly self-sacrificial but only when he gets something out of it, and because it allows him yet more control. He wants to be able to control when he dies, and he also gets to turn it into utmost grandiose statements of nobleness when he does, which then changes others' perception of him accordingly and directly or indirectly allows Scott to get something in exchange. His suicide in DL is no different, it was for him, not for Pearl
In Secret Life Scott also instils the idea of Pearl being untrustworthy in Gem
Wild Life. grrrr. Wild Life.............clenches fist. Pearl's personal hell
I think you can infer I was. scared to say the least about Pearl upon seeing her alliance in Wild Life. In the end though I ended up just being immensely sad and disappointed. Just about nothing worked out for Pearl, only for her trauma to be mocked repeatedly by Scott and Cleo
Pearl imo shows so many signs of regression, and she holds onto Impulse as the one member of her team that isn't actively taunting her, making it a goal for herself to see Impulse win, and it is that: for her, for anything to go her way, not so much for Impulse as much as she does genuinely care for him. She really doesn't spend that much time with him, she just needs a goal to work towards for her own sake. Pearl being unstable, untrustworthy and especially pathetic are all things that continue to get enforced within the alliance, where she's often spoken to like a ticking time bomb and the team's destructiveness gets relegated to her specifically. She recognizes not feeling good about it but she doesn't recognize everything that's at play in the social dynamics of their alliance or the extent of it
She becomes scared of people becoming resentful of her were she to make mistakes all the while Scott and Cleo start enabling her worst tendencies, aka Scarlet Pearl. They don't do this a large degree but they do make an explicit point of it, or at least Cleo does. Cleo is also however, if even vaguely, trying to mend the relationship between her and Pearl, where they occasionally encourage and defend her although it's not to a significant enough degree for Pearl to really realize. After Gem's death, Cleo is also there to help although Pearl is too distraught to appreciate it
While Gem's largely the catalyst for the "pathetic" notion that Pearl adopts to her detriment over the course of Wild Life, it only affects Pearl as strongly as it does due to her having gone through what she has, and because she's in a largely unloving alliance that fuels and reminds her of her wrongdoing. Just compare her mental state here to the one in Secret Life with the Mounders. Although it does have importance to her because she seeks reconciliation, she isn't allowed to forget about Double Life, she's not allowed to heal and grow around the grief of what's happened to her
And the final two notable incidents in her and Scott's relationship are 1. Her being made to feel like she needs to kill Scott, which she doesn't and ends up picking her own method of killing him to retain any semblance of choice, and 2. best summarized by my friend's Pearl POV analysis: "Scott is wearing my clothes. instead of villainizing me, our “reconciliation” has encouraged him to embrace the qualities he thinks I represent. he matches me, and we don’t talk about our past"
I state again that I like Scott, I like Cleo, I don't think they're evil or villains, at the very least in no cut-and-dry way. They're flawed and compelling and although I feel sad for Pearl and see Scott as largely at fault for what's happened to her, I care about Scott too and he's easily in the top 5 of most intricate Life characters to me that I enjoy dissecting
You know like. enjoying any character in any other fandom that is morally reprehensible in any way. I don't know why that's such a wild concept in traffic but sigh. I have to disclaim this unfortunately
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yara0546 · 3 days ago
Racing Hearts | Lee Jeno
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Anonymous asked : Hello! I'd love a scenario featuring  only Jeno. He's dating the sister of an F1 driver – either Max Verstappen or Charles Leclerc would work. Could it focus on him spending time with her brother, perhaps including them going to watch an F1 race? He's a known F1 fan, so that would fit perfectly. Don't worry if you don't know much about F1 or the drivers, also it's ok if you don't wanna do it… thanks <3<3<3
I'm sorry if you don't like it 🥲...
୨୧ Pairing : lee jeno x reader (Charles Leclerc)
୨୧ Genre : Romance, Comedy, Sports (F1), Fluff
୨୧ Word Count : 2,000 - 2,500 words.
୨୧ Disclaimer : This is a work of fiction from our imagination. It is not intended that the plot, theme, original characters, idols, etc. portray any real-life events/people. Plagiarism is NOT tolerated on this blog. If you believe we have copied an existing authors’ work, please message us privately. thank you and enjoy :)
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Jeno had been a Formula 1 fan for as long as he could remember, but he never imagined that one day, he'd be sitting in the Ferrari garage, watching the Monaco Grand Prix with his girlfriend’s brother Charles Leclerc.
Dating you was a dream in itself, but the added bonus of getting to spend time around F1 made his heart race almost as fast as the cars on track. However, today wasn't just about watching a race. It was about proving to Charles that he was worthy of dating his little sister.
“You sure you’re ready for this?” you teased, adjusting Jeno’s Ferrari cap.
“I’ve faced screaming fans, strict choreographers, and weekly workouts. I think I can handle one protective big brother,” he said confidently.
You laughed, but before you could respond, Charles strolled up, already dressed in his race suit.
"Jeno," Charles greeted, offering a firm handshake. "Ready to see what a real sport looks like?"
Jeno chuckled, used to the friendly banter. "Of course. But don't get too jealous if I decide to switch careers."
Charles smirked. "Let’s see if you survive the pit wall first."
You shook your head at them, sensing the silent challenge between them. "Play nice, boys."
Jeno was practically buzzing as he followed Charles through the paddock. The energy was electric—mechanics rushing around, engines roaring, the smell of burning rubber in the air.
“You okay?” Charles asked, glancing at Jeno, who looked like a kid in a candy store.
Jeno nodded quickly. "I think I just fell in love all over again. But don’t worry, you’re not my type."
Charles laughed, finally relaxing a little. “Good. Otherwise, I’d have to fight you.”
They reached the Ferrari garage, where team engineers were making last-minute adjustments to Charles’s car.
“You can stay here during the race,” Charles said. “Best seat in the house.”
Jeno grinned. “I feel like I just unlocked VIP mode in real life.”
A few minutes later, Charles was called to the grid. Before leaving, he turned to Jeno. “Take care of my sister while I’m out there.”
Jeno didn’t hesitate. “Always.”
Jeno sat on the edge of his seat, his hands clenched as the lights went out.
"Come on, Charles," he muttered under his breath.
Watching an F1 race on TV was one thing, but seeing it live, feeling the vibrations, hearing the engines scream past—this was next level.
Halfway through the race, Charles was in a tight battle for first. Jeno couldn’t tear his eyes away from the screen. Even when a Ferrari engineer handed him a headset so he could hear the team radio, he barely registered it.
“Box, box,” Charles’s engineer said through the radio.
Jeno turned to you. “Why does that sound serious?”
You bit your lip. “It means he’s pitting. But the stop has to be perfect.”
Seconds later, Charles’s car screeched into the pit lane. Jeno held his breath. Within 2.4 seconds, the tires were changed, and Charles was back on track.
Jeno exhaled. “That was insane.”
You squeezed his hand. “Welcome to my world.”
Charles finished second on the podium, and while he didn’t win, he was in good spirits. Back in the paddock, he found Jeno and patted him on the back.
“You didn’t jinx me. Maybe you’re good luck.”
Jeno grinned. “I’ll take the credit.”
Charles hesitated before adding, “You know, I was skeptical at first. But I can see how much you care about my sister.”
Jeno’s smile softened. “She means everything to me.”
Charles studied him for a moment before nodding. “Then you’re okay in my book.”
You wrapped your arms around Jeno from behind, grinning. “Told you they’d get along.”
Jeno turned to kiss your forehead. “Best day ever.”
Charles smirked. “Don’t get too comfortable. Next time, we’re putting you in a simulator.”
Jeno gulped. “Uh-oh.”
You laughed. “Guess we’ll see if my boyfriend can really handle F1.”
Jeno still couldn’t believe he had spent the day inside the Ferrari garage, experiencing the race from the best seat in the house. But now, the real test was about to begin—spending the evening with Charles outside of F1, where the driver could shift his focus entirely on him.
You had planned a small celebration for Charles’s podium finish, inviting a few friends and team members to a private villa overlooking the Monaco coastline. The golden hues of sunset painted the sky as music played softly in the background.
Jeno adjusted his shirt nervously, watching Charles pour himself a drink at the bar. You nudged him with a teasing smile.
"Why do you look like you're about to meet my dad for the first time?"
Jeno sighed. "Because your brother is basically F1 royalty, and I just know he's going to grill me about something."
You laughed. "Relax. He wouldn’t have let you sit with the team if he didn’t already like you a little."
Jeno still wasn’t convinced, but before he could respond, Charles called out to him.
"Jeno, come here!"
He shot you a look that clearly said help me, but you just gave him a playful push.
Charles leaned against the counter, a knowing smirk on his face. He handed Jeno a glass—non-alcoholic, since he knew Jeno wasn’t much of a drinker during promotions and performances.
"So," Charles started, "you survived your first F1 weekend in the garage."
"Barely," Jeno chuckled, taking a sip. "I think my heart stopped a few times when you were overtaking."
Charles grinned. "That’s how it feels to watch someone you care about in their element, right?"
Jeno nodded. "Yeah. I get that feeling when I see her in the audience at my concerts."
Charles’s smirk faltered slightly, and Jeno could tell he was about to get serious.
"Look, I’ll be honest," Charles said, setting his glass down. "When my sister told me she was dating an idol, I wasn’t sure what to think. Your schedule is crazy, your life is always in the spotlight… and she deserves someone who will be there for her."
Jeno swallowed. "I know. And I won’t lie, it’s not always easy. But I love her, Charles. And no matter where I am in the world, she’s always my priority."
Charles studied him for a moment before nodding. "I can see that. She’s happier with you."
Jeno exhaled, not realizing he had been holding his breath.
"But," Charles continued, "if you ever hurt her accidentally, intentionally, emotionally, or otherwise I will personally make sure you feel what it’s like to be at the back of the grid."
Jeno laughed, but the warning in Charles’s eyes was real. "Got it. No DNF for me in this relationship."
Charles cracked a smile. "Good answer."
You walked over, slipping your hand into Jeno’s. "So, how’s it going? Are we planning a family race or something?"
Jeno smiled, squeezing your hand. "Not yet, but I think I just passed his test."
Charles rolled his eyes. "Barely."
You shook your head. "You’re both impossible."
Jeno turned to Charles. "You know, I meant it when I said I might want to try the simulator one day."
Charles raised an eyebrow. "You think you can handle it?"
Jeno grinned. "If I can handle being on stage in front of thousands of screaming fans, I think I can handle a race car simulation."
Charles smirked. "Alright then. Tomorrow morning, 10 AM. My place. Let’s see if you’re more than just a fanboy."
Jeno blinked. "Wait, I was kind of joking... "
You laughed. "Too late, babe. You’re in now."
Charles clapped Jeno on the back. "Welcome to the fast lane, Jeno."
Jeno groaned, but he couldn’t help smiling.
Maybe this whole ‘brother in law bonding’ thing wasn’t so bad after all.
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solarismoons · 2 days ago
Mr. Martin rowing away with Janet is so ominous…
His acting is SO great. His mannerisms and the way he speaks is so perfect. “We deserve this.”
“It makes me sad.. That we couldn’t have gone to any of these places together.” NO one can tell me Maddie doesn’t like Wally as much as he likes her. That girl is in love.
I genuinely didn’t expect everyone to be right about Yuri and Charley! They recreated that pottery making scene!! I did not expect them to get freaky, but i’m NOT complaining.
IM GONNA SCREAM. The way Wally hooked his finger in her bra strap??? My heart is actually beating so fast..I know i’ve said this before, but the tongue is INSANE.
I love how the ghosts are having sex with each other while the living kids are literally crashing out.
I really wish we saw Quinn going into her scar for the first time… I really wonder what it would’ve looked like.
IM ACTUALLY CRYING. I did NOT expect to see Milo’s bare ass today, but DAMN… My jaw dropped to the FLOOR.
“It’s kind of hard not to think about everything that’s waiting for me here.” Ugh, don’t make me cry today PLEASE.
I’m a little surprised there was no talk of Maddie begin a virgin, since that seemed fairly important to her in the first season. I’m not complaining at all though, because WOW..
“Oh, god! I’m gonna need to guys to peel yourselves off each other and come down to the library stat.” The way Maddie nor Wally didn’t even TRY to cover up is killing me. They genuinely don’t GAF.
They were planning on torturing the other ghosts?? This just keeps getting worse and worse the more we learn.
“I’m glad it was you, too.” Please don’t make me like these two together…
‘Notice of suspension’??? God, i feel so awful for Simon. I never even thought of how this affected him. He’s missed so many classes countless times.. What about his future? He flunked that one college admission interview, too. If anything bad happens to Simon, i’m throwing a tantrum.
Oh my god… Poor Rhonda. I love her so much. Knowing she was alone with Janet and Mr. Martin for so long is just so horrifying.
I didn’t expect Dawn to be so involved! I love how she’s really not stupid or airheaded. She’s just a little eccentric. I’m so glad we got another scene with her.
This show is honestly a horror movie at this point… ‘Mr. Anderson’ being soaking wet, covered in mud with his head gushing blood walking around with a fireplace poker is terrifying. My heart is beating so fast.
Mr. Martins manipulating Janet is infuriating. I don’t even have the words to express how much I hate him.
Poor Quinn! I feel so bad. “I died knowing that everyone was mad at me.” My baby 😞💔💔.
“You can’t just leave me now.” STOP. I love them so much it hurts so bad.
I really didn’t expect Simon and Maddie to argue but it was bound to happen.
“Is this because of Wally?” I called it. I fucking called it. I KNEW this was going to come up. Kristian’s acting always gets me. I love Simon so much.
Patrick Gilmores acting is amazing. He somehow even sounds like Mr. Martin and it’s terrifying. Also, he’s lowkey hot and i’m not sorry for saying that.
Mr. Martin forcing Janet into the hellscape made me sick to my stomach.
This fandom is so smart it blows my mind. Everyone said Mr. South must know more about the scars than we had thought. I kind of thought he was just being melodramatic, but the more we saw the scars I changed my mind.
Everyone was right about the scar being Mr. Martin’s. This makes a whole lot more sense. The woman could’ve been his finance, considering the fact that we haven’t seen her before.
This episode was genuinely insane. I still haven’t even fully processed anything.
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save-the-villainous-cat · 2 days ago
Hiiii, can you please write something where both the hero and villain are extremely touch starved and they are in some forced proximity situation where they are close together and they both just cling to each other! I love your writing!
“Aren’t you supposed to be the smart one?” the villain mumbled, looking from left to right in the tiny supply closet, their back pressed against the shelf.
There was no room for movement, especially with someone like the hero right in front of them. They supposed there were downsides to being as fit as their nemesis.
“I didn’t expect us to get locked in…” The hero didn’t meet the villain’s eyes and the villain averted their eyes just as quickly. The villain didn’t want to think about it.
They didn’t want to think about the fact that they were chest to chest with their nemesis. That they basically couldn’t move in the slightest; not to the right, nor to the left. They couldn’t turn, they couldn’t switch positions - nothing.
The villain wasn’t claustrophobic and they didn’t think the hero was either. It wasn’t about the space per se, the villain assumed. It was about that one person, that one annoying person being this close. The villain took in a deep breath which pressed them even closer against the hero.
“Is this a prank?”
“Yeah, I guess. Someone must’ve seen us. Sidekicks can be a little mean. I just wanted to talk in private, I didn’t know it would be this…difficult in here.” The hero moved slightly - putting their hand on the shelf behind the villain - and the villain wanted to curse. “The door is definitely locked, I guess we’ll have to wait for now.”
They paused.
“So…uh…what exactly are you doing here?”
“I was asked to come here for negotiations,” the villain said. Their cheeks were burning. If the hero moved again like that, they’d both face a few problems within the next seconds.
“Oh, that explains the nice outfit,” the hero said. They could feel the hero’s warm breath on their neck. Christ.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” the villain asked suddenly. They couldn’t look at the hero and the hero wasn’t looking at them either.
At least they had undeniable awkwardness in common. How charming.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” the villain said. “We haven’t fought in a while.”
“Uh…We can start arguing if you want to..?” The hero moved again and the villain’s head started reeling when they realised how good the hero smelled. Had they ever been this close before? Close enough that the villain could notice that?
With the villain’s thigh basically between the hero’s thighs because of the space?
God, their hearts weren’t that much apart now, were they? What an awful thought.
“I’d like to avoid that, I just mean that I haven’t seen you around much. You’re not plotting my downfall, are you?”
“Unfortunately not, I’ve been busy in the office. Pretty tiring.” Yeah, right. As if someone as important and useful as the hero was being chained to a desk. A secret mission, maybe? “But negotiations, huh? You’re switching sides now?”
“Just some formal stuff,” the villain lied.
“Ah, cool.”
Both of them knew they were being lied to. And both were fully aware that the other was aware of it too. No escape. The villain feared they could only pray.
“I’m not avoiding you,” the hero said, whispered almost.
“Yeah, you said that already.”
“Sorry, I didn’t know if it came across properly.” Came across properly? The villain took in a tiny breath. It would have been very easy to lean against the hero and start melting.
“It came across, don’t worry.” It would have been very easy to lean against the hero’s neck. To touch their waist. “For how long do sidekicks imprison other people?”
“Uh…like 30 minutes.”
“Dear God.”
They were freed 20 minutes later, but the villain was pretty sure they’d been closer to hell than heaven.
For the next few weeks neither the hero nor the villain could look each other in the eyes when they were supposed to be fighting.
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