#sorry i mademyself emotional typing this answer. they love each other so much *holds head*
yuukei-yikes · 1 year
i think that after getting her body back takane just cant look at mirrors. she wants to fix her hair but if she looks in the mirror she'll get slapped in the face with the fact that yeah shes alive and has a body. like wow thats me thats how other people see me. its supposed to be comforting but for takane it isnt cause she feels so detached from her actual physical form and its as if shes living in a body that isnt hers. it makes her want to rip her skin off so she just asks haruka to tie her hair
YES!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXAAAAACTLY
at first takane running to be ene.... but does start forcing herself to stay bc nothing will get solved if she keeps running... and everything feels like a slap in the face. youre real, the last 2 years were real, ur life was real, YOURE STILL REAL and you will CONTINUE TO BE REAL takane loves being real she never meant to die she LIKES having a place in the world so of course she is incredibly happy!! but it's so damn SCARYYYYY!!!!!!! AND OVERWHELMING!!!!!!!!
with time she does manage but the in between still exists and it's not easy... i do think it's comforting sometimes though. i think it depends completely on the days like sometimes she's like YIPPPEEE and other times wants to rip her skin off. 💖 like being real is as comforting as it's terrifying.. touching, smelling, tasting is all weird and ur so right. looking at herself in the mirror is also so strange. while it's good it's still overwhelming and there is no adaptation process like either she uses opening eyes or she doesn't. it's either u run or you take it. all or nothing. and it's so hard to choose but she does and her body has so many damn FUNCTIONS!! WHAT THE HELL!!
and its so damn hard because everything is Too Much but haruka is there for her and is understanding and helps her and takane's like god. im such a freak. i should be fine!! everything is fine so i should be too!!!!!! and haruka's like you shouldn't BE anything it's okay to take your time ur already doing so much with just pulling through and not resorting to using opening eyes whenever you feel bad. AUUUGGGGHHthey make me sick.
sorry for making it harutaka there. erm. but harutaka💖 i will continue to make it harutaka. takane explains her avoidance to mirrors and haruka tells her that's such a shame youre so pretty. he isnt even flirting hes just stating it as fact. like i wish u could look at yourself because looking at you is nice :) and to him thats completely logical. takane's like. *sniff* whatever
ALSO HARUKA DOING TAKANE'S HAIR... AUUGGH AUUUUUGHHH *BITE BITE BITE BITE BITE* he would enjoy that so much. he tries not to be so obvious because takane's embarrassed and she hates that she can't do basic things. but he's glad she's relying on him!!! and he makes it clear she should never be embarrassed and he's always there for her no questions asked!!! takane's like ugh im sorry this is stupid. and haruka's like IT'S NEVER STUPID IT'S IMPORTANT TO YOU SO IT'S NOT STUPID‼️ AND IF CAN HELP YOU I WILL‼️‼️‼️
and also teehee... it's a bonus that he gets to play with her hair. he may be a little happy about that too but it's mostly about takane relying on him!! and being like the One person she seems to be oddly comfortable being physical with.
she still struggles with haruka of course but noticeably less than with others because... man. im sorry. takane is so over the moon haruka's back. she never thought this OR finding her body could be possible!! that's crazy!!!! and takane HAS this overbearing personality like even though ene cant physically be with anyone there's SO MUCH official art of her just being all over people. like hugging shintaro and stuff!!! THAT bit in the second novel where takane was worried abt haruka not coming back and when he does arrive she's so relieved she goes in for a hug before getting distracted!!??! TAKANE IS SO TOUCHY *is dragged away by guards*
ok but yeah harutaka all over each other but. takane's on this spinning wheel of OKAY and NOT OKAY. but she tries really hard because a simple hug is such a celebratory act of getting both her body and haruka back that she's just really motivated to make it work. ratio + hugs you hugs you hugs you hugs you!!!!!!! also haruka is the easiest NOT ONLY because he is her faaaavoooriteee person :3 but also haruka knows all the ins and outs of her term and conditions and is so patient with her and is honestly the one to set the boundaries because he sees how much takane's forcing herself and while it makes him happy she's so eager it is okay to take it slow and she shouldn't push herself so hard!! takane's mostly the impatient one like I SHOULD BE NORMALLLL!!! again HUGS YOU HUGS YOU HUGS YOU i think it'd be funny if takane's like hugging the air like I WANT A HUG SO BAD BUT IF I TOUCH ANYTHING RN I'LL EXPLODE!!!! and haruka's like I ALWAYS WANNA HUG SO TELL ME WHENEVER UR FEELING FINE :)
sniff sniff.... she's taken her own body for granted before and she lost it but she got it back and...she gets to feel the sun in her face again...the breeze in her hair... haruka's hand in hers..... it's difficult but it's worth it it's all so worth it *explosion* sorry. i love enomoto takane and i love harutaka
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