#sorry i like using my days off to not do anything
gladiatorcunt · 2 days
father charlie asking you to call him father during sex is making me tweak
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cw: 18+ mdni, fem reader, pussy EATING, let him be a little more openly crazy in this one, trope typical dub con and corruption kink but you're just as crazy so you think that you're doing the same thing to him, bible verses as dirty talk, inaccurate religious practices, religious slut shaming/degradation (?)
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Your thighs are already shaking and he’s only kissing up your inner thighs, so cute, so sweet. “That’s it, little lamb, lie back for me.”
Your skirt is pushed up to pool around your hips, the wood of the pew you’re sitting on leaving an already uncomfortable ache in your hips.
Father Charlie kneels in front of you, right out in the middle of the open. Sure, it’s after hours and no one is on the premises but the two of you, but God is still here. Isn’t he? Watching in judgment as the man meant to be your spiritual leader sups at the fountain of your cunt.
He smiles when you start squirming and immediately slaps the inside of your thigh, harsh but genuine in its tough love, “Ah ah ah. I thought I told you to lie back and take your Father’s tongue in your pussy like a good girl.”
The candle’s flames flicker as you pant and stare down at him, he looks so handsome in the soft orange glow, like an angel. But isn’t it the demons who sneak down to earth and seduce unsuspecting whorish women into damnation? Father Charlie could never be a demon in your eyes though, and he knows this more than he knows every verse of the good word by heart.
He could desecrate you with a nail gun and you’d bend over and spread your legs, bleeding out on the beige carpet. But you’re his special girl, his darling wife to be and you know better than to do anything that would force his heavy hand.
“I-I’m so sorry, I won’t do it again.” You plead, the thought of losing his favor for even a second causes you genuine distress, "Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account.”
“I-i’m so sorry, who?” He mocks, pitching his voice higher and spitting on your clit. “I won’t do it again, who?”
“F-father. I’m so sorry, Father. I’ll be listen you, I swear.”
“You’re going to be a good girl for me anyway, like a real child of God should.”
Your soft sighs turn into even softer moans when he redoubles his efforts and leans forward to kiss your throbbing clit. A crucifix that tastes as electrifying as a star, he moans as your natural musk invades his senses. He’s so happy you’re on an off shaving day too, there’s just enough hair peeking through for some to come off on his tongue with every swipe.
Father Charlie moans into your puffy pussy, speaking in tongues into your folds and sliding his tongue in your sopping hole. He smacks his lips together when he pulls back to breathe, smiling up at you and licking away the sticky string of you that clings to his mouth.
“Maybe I should have this cunt for communion, draft my sermons laying in between your thighs. You should’ve never taken this job, little lamb. Now even God himself couldn’t keep us apart.”
A flash of light, and his nose bleeds onto your pubes. Then the vision’s gone, and Father Charlie’s burying himself back into the heaven that is your sloppy pussy.
You run your fingers through his hair in a frenzy, but you obediently sink into the shooting pain in your pelvis as you slump into the pew.
Father Charlie’s eyes glint like rubies as he eats you like a starving man, your water turning into wine as you flood his taste buds with your juices. His knees strain in the confines of his dark slacks, digging into the church floor, but his precious lamb is worth every twinge of pain. They’d be added bonuses, anyway. He hums a few lines of a hymn, the melodic vibrations give you tingles.
You squirt minutes later when you lock eyes and he nips at your clit, fantasizing about chewing it into a heart. He chastely pecks the bud through your orgasm and into overstimulation, which is always his goal. Father Charlie’s favorite game is to make you come for every sin you confess to in your last confessional.
“You’ve been eating what I’ve recommended, good, you’re fattening up really nicely, dear.” He comments with a quick squeeze to your mound, laughing at your exhaustion.
One down, six to go. You’re blessed with a guilty conscience.
“Go in peace.”
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thelostconsultant · 2 days
Coffee addict
pairing: Max Verstappen x reader
summary: The coffee machine dies late at night. Max (and Daniel) comes to your rescue.
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“No, please, don’t do this to me.”
Max looked up when he heard your voice from the kitchen, and as he moved there to see what was happening, he heard your quiet pleads for something to start working. He couldn’t remember ever hearing you sound like this, so defeated and sad, and it made him wonder what was happening. And when his eyes fell on you as you wept next to the coffee machine, he had a bad feeling that it was related to your favorite item in that kitchen. 
Before he could ask you, though, you noticed him and immediately rushed over to where he was standing to wrap your arms around him, seeking comfort by burying your face into his chest. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked while his hand rubbed your back. 
“It doesn’t work. The screen went dark and I can’t make it work again. I tried everything,” you sobbed. 
Now, here’s the issue. You loved coffee. You were addicted to it. While he chose to drink a Red Bull to stay awake, you made yourself a nice, steaming cup of espresso from your favorite type of coffee beans several times a day. It wasn’t healthy, he knew that, but you were so happy as you sipped your favorite drink that he didn’t have the heart to stop you. Sometimes he managed to convince you to cheat, to drink a decaf coffee, and on days like this, you stuck to normal coffee in the morning and in the evening. 
He gently peeled you off of himself to take a look at the machine, but no matter what button he pressed, it didn’t do anything. With a sigh, he looked over at you. “I’m sorry for your loss.” You nodded as you wiped your tears with the sleeve of your hoodie. “Okay, it’s late, I’m sure I won’t reach a store to buy a new one, but how about going to that coffee shop around the corner? They must be open.”
You glance down at your phone that lies on the kitchen counter. “No, they closed half an hour ago,” you reply sadly. 
“Oh.” Max thought for a second, then raised a finger with a wide smile. “I have an idea. You stay here, I’ll be right back,” he said quickly before pressing a soft kiss on her lips. 
Once he’s sitting in his car with the engine running, he presses a few buttons on the touch screen to start a call. It rings a few times, then a familiar voice cheerfully greets him. “What do I owe the pleasure of getting a phone call so late?” he asked with a laugh. 
“Daniel, I need your coffee machine, I’m on my way to your place,” he states without hesitation. 
“My coffee machine? You know I use that, right?” 
“Not that one, the backup you kept after switching to the newer model. It’s an emergency, I’ll return it tomorrow once I buy a new one. Please?” he tried. There was a long sigh on the other end of the line, and this made him worry. “What is it?”
“I gave it away since then,” he replied. Max cursed under his breath, fighting the overwhelming need to hit the steering wheel. This was the best idea he had, and even this didn’t work out as planned. His friend let out a thoughtful hum that broke the silence, making him listen once again. “I have a big thermo mug, though. I can fill that for you,” he offered. 
Thanking both the universe and Daniel that there was a solution to the problem, he managed to calm down by the time he parked the car in front of the building the Aussie lived in. When he entered his apartment, he was welcomed with a sympathetic look. “The love of your life is suffering from withdrawal symptoms?” he asked, a barely noticeable smile visible on his lips. 
Nodding, Max followed him to the kitchen, then leaned against a counter with his arms folded over his chest. “She’s quite literally grieving right now. She was crying when it didn’t turn on,” he explained. 
Daniel poured each cup into the mug, but he listened to the story of the broken machine, sometimes coming up with suggestions. He even questioned if it was even plugged in, an idea that made the Dutchman groan. “Yes, I did check if it was plugged in. It was, yet it doesn’t work. I’ll go and buy a new one tomorrow, and I’m genuinely thinking about buying a simpler backup machine.”
Fifteen minutes later he entered his apartment, calling out for you immediately. You padded over to him with a questioning look, and when your eyes fell on the mug, your gaze full of hope and happiness moved over to his face. He nodded with a smile and handed it to you, but you chose to hug him instead. 
“You’re my hero. I love you so much,” you mumbled into his chest. 
He kissed your head, then moved back to once again offer you the mug. “I love you too. Now, drink before it turns cold. And tomorrow morning I’ll go to that coffee shop to get you a cup, okay?”
As you took the precious item from him, you let out a thoughtful hum. “We could have breakfast there,” you suggested. 
“Anything you want. Now, I’m getting into the sim rig for that race. Don’t stay up too late,” he warned you kindly before giving you another kiss.
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cherubunie · 2 days
run ~ sunghoon x reader
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ଓ ⋆˙⊹ [ 성훈 ] ☆ sunghoon can't help but watch his favorite little toy go absolutely crazy, you unbeknowingly give him exactly what he wants; not only your blood , but your pussy as well.
word count ; 2.6k
sunghoon x reader | heavy cnc , slight manhandling , smacking , dacryphilia , mask-kink , fingering , stalking , chasing / prey + hunter , blood consumption, slight knife play, degrading, slight praise, sadism / masochism, you live in the woods , you're also kinda dumb... sorry . not proof read. since its spooky season and I felt like sharing my thoughts.... enjoy you fucking freaks.
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sunghoon kept quiet as he stalked through your house , making sure not to step on the places where your floorboard squeaked. you were fast asleep under the covers , breathing steady and your eyes fluttering as they moved behind you lids. sunghoon liked watching you sleep , it almost made him feel as if he were sane.
he'd been stalking observing you for a while , his interest peaking when he saw you working your little day job in the book store down the road.. you were oh so kind to him; helping him find everything he needed, walking around the store with him in order to find a book he had been wanting, you were just so sweet.
he caught on to the hidden compliments you threw at him whenever he would come into your book store, making him smile and blush like crazy. you would even try flirting with him a little. you started looking forward to the times sunghoon came in, the way he would talk to you made you feel like you were special, and you were honestly thinking about asking him out on a date.
he liked watching you walk to and from your job, playing with your dog when you came home, he liked how you would light a candle and read in your room before bed right after doing your skin care routine and oh how he loved watching your dainty little fingers fuck your pussy. your nails freshly manicured in your favorite color.
ever since his little, fascination with you, a side of him was unlocked that he never new about. a side of him that he hides from everyone. you know what one says though; the more you keep things bottled up, the bigger the explosion was going to be.
now here he was, watching you fast asleep in bed, as your parted lips let out breathy sighs. he wonders what you're dreaming about.
maybe you dream about him the same way he used to about you. oh he doesn't sleep anymore unless he quite literally passes out. you've consumed so much of his person that its like the two of you are one now !
his hand brushes over your soft cheek delicately, coming down to the skin of your lips as he presses his thumb down onto your bottom one, feeling your breath fan his digit. he shudders, taking in every single one of your features
that was until you started to stir awake. sunghoon curses for being in your room for too long, knowing that you normally get up at 3:30 in the morning to go pee and get a glass of water. he shuffles out of your room quickly before your eyes fling open.
you heard something.
you could have sworn it. you sit up, your eyes adjusting to the dark room before they land on your bedroom door.
it was closed.
you always close your door before you head to bed. here it was, wide fucking open. fear runs through your veins, your hand shaking as you go to lift yourself up off the bed. you slip out of bed, wary of your surroundings as you make your way around the house. sunghoon can see your figure in the dark as he hides himself behind your couch, crouching down so you couldnt see him. you walk into the kitchen, flicking on a light and turning around to observe your area.
sunghoon has a clear view of you, watching as you shakingly look around for any sign of break ins or anything. you turn around and stare at your front door.
its open.
wide fucking open.
the darkness from outside seeping into your home. you just stare at the front door, your hands folded into your chest while your eyes are as big as the sun, staring straight out of the door and into the darkness.
sunghoon chuckles at how cute you are.
maybe you shouldn't have left it unlocked
sunghoon shifts slightly, but just enough for your head to snap to his. you scream as soon as you see the masked man in the corner. you dart behind you counter within a fraction of a second and run to grab a knife. sunghoon is quick on his feet, meeting you in the kitchen and trapping you in the room. you scurry around your silverware drawer, not finding any of your sharp knives.
"what the fuck!" you scream in fear. you never touch your sharper knives unless you have to. sunghoon chuckles behind you, and you swear you can just fucking die on the spot. you spin around, the tall man stands inbetween you and the rest of the house. your eyes dart around looking for something- anything to use to defend yourself that you can reach for quicker than he can.
nothing, not a single fucking thing in sight. you suddenly get an idea; the only way out was to run turn around and run out the back door, having a small chance of survival if you were to run into the woods behind your house.
"dont be stupid.." he warns, your biggest knife sliding out from his belt loop, his fingers coming to play with the pointy end of it, twisting it in his fingers. you hesitate, your body shaking as your mind screams at you to run.
your eyes drink in his figure. the shape of his arms defined by the black shirt he's wearing and a black pair of jeans that match. under different circumstances, you would be unbelievably turned on due to the ghost face mask covering this mans face. you breathe in through your nose, holding it as your body spins around, acting before you can think.
you work fast to unlock the door, swinging it open and slamming it shut behind you within a second.
"I said dont be fucking stupid" he leaps over the counter, beginning to run after you, his long legs and toned figure gaining distance on you quickly. the light from your house disappears as you make it to the tree line, your feet beginning to scrape against the ground of the woods. your breathing is heavy as you move as you run for your life. sunghoon watching you disappear into the shadows, following in after you. he listens to your feet hitting the ground, twigs and leaves crunching under the pressure of your body weight.
you turn around to see if you had gained any distance, but scream as you see him hot on your tail. your body feels like its going to give out underneath you at any given second and your feet begin to bleed against the rough ground. tears stream down your face as they blur your vision.
you're terrified.
you grab onto a small tree and make a sharp turn, hissing as the bark cuts into your hand. sunghoon follows you, watching your every move like a hawk as he does so.
"you can't run from me, y/n" you hear him tease you. you spot another tree to make a sharp turn at, but before you can reach out to grab it, you trip on a huge tree root that's growing above the ground. you stumble, your body hitting the ground in a tumble, leaves get in your hair and you feel your nose start to bleed. before you can process what happened, you feel a hand on your throat. your eyes shoot open as the masked man now stands in front of your aching body.
his fingers press against your artery, threatening to cut off your oxygen.
"no no please, please dont hurt me" you say as he places the tip of the knife on your thigh, trailing it up your skin and under your night gown. your breath shudders under the cold metal, your arms feeling weak after you just landed on them, your full body weight crushing them in an instant.
"aww, begging already sweetheart?" he coos at you, his knife finding your clothed clit and you can't help yourself when a whimper exits your throat. your head hurts as he throws the knife to the side, his fingers coming to rub against your clothed heat instead. your hands fly up to grab his arm, attempting to push him away.
sunghoon's grip on your throat disappears, a harsh sting on your cheek making you gasp as he slaps you across the face before grabbing both your wrists in his hold and pushing them into the dirt above your head.
"stop fucking squirming and take it" his fingers pull your panties to the side as he enters two of his digits into your wet cunt, and you feel embarrassment rise to your cheeks at the squelch your wetness makes.
"you're so wet, you like it when I use your body? what a fucking whore" you squirm under his fingers, your hips grinding into his hand and your legs kick out as he pumps your pussy, his fingers curling in and out of you.
"please" tears cloud your vision again and all you want to do is disappear.
"that's right, squirm for me a little more" a sob racks out of your throat, your wetness increasing as his fingers work inside you. your walls clamp down on his digits. you bite your lip hard enough to draw blood and you can taste the iron on your tongue.
you squeal out when you feel the coil in your tummy, your back arching off the ground and your legs begin to shake. sunghoon chuckles to himself, your pussy sucks in his fingers almost as if they're begging for his cock.
he knew today was the day he was gonna use your body. the way you purposely left the door unlocked and your curtains open, the way you looked outside longly before you had gone to bed, your bedroom window being cracked as your fingers fucked your pussy pathetically. he does it better, and you knew as much.
he sees your change in demeanor, your walls flutter around his fingers and your arms buckle in his hold. he tongues his cheek before he rips his digits out of you, your orgasm being stripped away from your body and you dart your head up, a scared whine leaving your lips as you hear the buckle of his belt come undone. you begin to thrust your heels into the ground, an attempt to get away from the man once more.
he looks back up at you, shaking his head with a 'tsk' before his hand comes away from his belt to slap your puffy cunt, a squeal erupting from your mouth. he takes his belt off completely, working to undo his button and zipper. when you hear his pants shuffle, that's when you know you're all done for, but that doesn't stop you from putting up a fight.
you kick his leg, earning you a loud "fuck" from the man and your wrists slip from his grip, but before you can claw your way out from underneath him completely, he grabs you ankles and drags you against the hard ground, your body under his as you notice his hard cock sprung against his abdomen, pearly beads of precum leaking out of his pink tip.
you whine as his free hand comes to wrap around your throat once more, squeezing down and you almost lose all ability to breathe. your head feels fuzzy, but you still fight anyways. your hands grab at the mask and rip it off, your eyes widening when you see who it is.
"s-sunghoon ?" you choke out in surprise. he chuckles at your reaction, his fanged teeth on display. his fist pumps his cock as he leans over your trembling figure, his face coming down to yours as he licks the blood off your cheek, a scratch littering your face from your earlier fall.
you whine under him as he pushes his tip against your sopping hole, your pussy wet enough he was able to slide in with ease. your back arched as you curled into him, your hands coming up to grip his hair in your fingers and yanking, attempting to pull him off. he hisses under your grip and his hand lets go of your throat, earning you yet another slap across the face. just as his palm met contact with your cheek, he began to thrust his dick inside you roughly, his thrusts demanding and concentrated. you scream at the pain of the stretch, his cock splitting you open in a sting.
your hands fall from his hair, moving towards his hips to push him away
"s-stop f..f p lease ! h-hoon no !" you squeal as his tip presses up against your cervix. his thrusts dont falter at your desperate attempt to get him away from you, your pussy clenching down on his length as your moans fill the cool, autumn air. the trees hum in tune with your beautiful melody, sunghoon groaning.
"shut up and take it and I might let you live" his threat hangs in the air over your head and you whine, your hands letting go of his body, coming up to grab his biceps, one holding your legs apart and the other is digging its palm into the ground, holding him up above your frame as he fucks himself into you.
your jaw slacks open, the prettiest of whines and whimpers dance off your tongue in pleasure. sunghoon drags his lower lip inbetween his teeth, your cunt sucking him in as he graces your sweet spot with every thrust.
"please f-fuck oh my god" you beg- not having a clue in the world what for. your body is tingly and your head is light. your head turns to the side and tears roll down your cheeks, your mouth kisses sunghoons hand that holds himself up, and he can't help but laugh at your cuteness.
"god you're so fucking adorable when you cry, pretty" you hum at his words. his hips rock against yours, your hole fluttering around him like a butterfly's wing. the coil in your stomach tightens and you feel your orgasm approaching, and sunghoon can tell because you get that look in your eye as your body begins to convulse. he curses under his breath as he sits up.
he grabs your legs and forces them over his shoulders, his body pressing down on the back of your thighs as he brings your knees to the sides of your head, folding you in half. your eyes widen at the deeper angle, your hands moving towards his back as your nails dig into him.
"you still want me to stop, precious?" he looks into your eyes and you can't help the pathetic way you shake your head slowly, a hushed whine fills sunghoons ears as a protest. his thrusts pick up pace again, fucking you into the dirt beneath you.
"that's what I fucking thought" your legs feel like jelly as sunghoon presses them up against you, your orgasm from before begins to wash over you.
sunghoon snakes a hand down in between your sweaty bodies, rubbing sloppy circles on your clit and you finally feel yourself begin to spill over. with your legs wrapping around his head, you cream all over his dick with a scream, his cock hitting all the right angles.
he doesn't care. his pace doesn't let up as he fucks you through your orgasm, overstimulation beginning to make your body convulse in his hold, your pulse picking up the pace even more.
"n-no , 's too much pl-please !" your hiccuped sobs of desperation egg sunghoon on further, your clit pulsating against his fingers.
"we're not done until I say we are, understand?" you nod your head, taking his dick pathetically, your eyes begging and your mouth telling him to continue with your sounds.
"you're gonna take my cock like the pathetic little girl you are" he spits at you, venom in his tone.
you might be just as sick as he is, purposely leaving your doors unlocked knowing who was going to be barging in this late into the night.
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gothlcsan · 2 days
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Jaehyun has always been one of your closest of best friends, never thinking anything would happen between the two of you. Until one night, one dream changes that completely.
genre smut, non!idol jaehyun, fem!reader
tws wet dream, best friends, deep throating, cum eating, pet names, no mention of protection or aftercare, not proofread
author’s note welcome to day two of kinktober! i will be back next week with two new fics ~ ! using @dreamlandcreations kinktober list <3
word count 1496
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Placing your coat onto its hanger, you take off your heels, shifting so that your phone is safely tucked between your ear and shoulder.
“Mhm, I just made it inside. Thank you again for dinner and your new book, I’m thinking of starting it soon.”
That gains a laugh from the other end.
“Have you read any of my books?” Jaehyun questioned.
There’s a small pause.
“Well, no, but I still buy them thank you!” You retort back.
He thanks you for that, the two of you falling into casual conversation until he makes it home, bidding each other goodnight before hanging up. Quietness fills out your apartment, debating what to do with your nail between your teeth. Having decided on showering quickly before getting into bed, you let your hair air dry, pour a glass of wine, and grab Jaehyun’s new book as you climb into bed.
Brushing the cover with your hand you feel the lettering, liking the title considering it was ironically before bed for you.
Before Sleeping.
Opening the book to the first page you get engrossed in the novel. Much to your surprise it’s filthy, the glasses of wine heightening the blush blossoming over your face and legs. You didn’t know Jaehyun wrote like this, your lip tucked between your teeth as you made it halfway through before deciding it was time for sleep. Your heart raced in your chest, eyes heavy due to the sudden sleepiness paired with the alcohol, nodding off rather quickly.
“Are you awake?”
You’re asked again, humming, feeling your body being rolled over so you’re flat on your back. Eyes fluttering open as you see Jaehyun over you. He’s still wearing what he wore last night at dinner, sleepily asking what he was doing here. Jaehyun brushes the hair out of your face, the pad of his thumb brushing across the entirety of your bottom lip.
“I missed you, sorry if I came at a bad time.”
Shaking your head you tell him it’s okay, the room going quiet until you offer him to lay down, cuddling into him instinctively. He doesn’t speak as he cups your face, your breath hitching as he brings you into a kiss, your lips in perfect harmony. Jaehyun felt warm, this isn’t real you thought, ignoring the voice in your dream, letting Jaehyun engulf. His cologne was inviting, gasping as his large hands started exploring your body.
“Jaehyun..” you softly moaned, clenching around nothing as he sat up, removing his shirt. Your heart leapt, forgetting how fit your best friend was under layers. Lifting your hand up you place it against his abs, his hand wrapped around your wrist as he brings it down to feel his growing bulge. Gulping at the size, you blush as he talks dirty, the words familiar but not able to pinpoint why.
“Look how you affect me, this is all your doing.”
The sound of his belt being undone makes the wetness between your thighs grow, gasping slightly as his trousers are pulled down, not expecting him to have nothing on underneath them. He’s large, your eyes unable to move past that, Jaehyun chuckling asking if you liked what you saw. Shamelessly nodding in response. Jaehyun says something you’re not able to make out, your eyes widening as he manhandles you so you’re sat up, your face dangerously close to his dick. Staring up at him he gives you a smile, bushing your bangs back as he tells you to open your mouth for him. You obey, opening your mouth, Jaehyun placing two fingers against your wetly warm tongue. The pressure is thrilling, wrapping your lips around the digits, humming as he pushes them toward than back between your lips in a rhythm. You feel like you’re on cloud nine, your own fingers falling to rub your clit, gasping for air when he removes his fingers.
“What an impatient brat, you need more already?”
You nod.
With little to no time for you to process, he’s pushing his dick into your mouth, the sudden intrusion making you gag slightly. He seems to be into it by the way he’s collecting a handful of your hair, saying you looked so pretty with him in your mouth, bringing his hips back to snap back forward into your mouth. Tears welled up in the corners of your eyes as Jaehyun picked up his pace, pushing deeper into your throat, stretching perfectly for him. Hearing his raspy voice curse and compliment how good your throat felt around him, makes you feverishly delve your fingers into your drenched cunt. It’s sloppy, one hand wrapped around his thigh as the other worked yourself, eyes scrunched closed as you swallowed around him, Jaehyun’s grip on your hair tightening in response.
“Fuck, I’m,” Jaehyun chuckled, his voice breaking being a sign he was already close, his breathing heavy.
He places both of his hands on either side of your head, fucking himself deep in your throat. Pushing your nose deep against his pubes, his groans loud as he finally tips over the edge, cumming deep down your throat. You swallow what you can, Jaehyun pulling out, panting as you try to catch your breath, having already cummed around your own fingers a moment prior. Feeling dizzy from the lack of oxygen makes you smile up at him with hooded eyes, Jaehyun calling you a good girl as he plants kisses across your face. He leans down just a bit so that he’s able to whisper in your ear, your body small compared to him.
“Time to wake up, doll.”
Sitting up with a gasp, you rub the sleep from your eyes, turning your head to look at the time. Reality sets in quickly as your fingers trailed down between your legs, feeling how wet you were, pulling your hand back in embarrassment. Looking down to see the book next to you, your stomach ignites in flames, realizing you had dreamt you and Jaehyun as the couple in the book. The dream replays in your head, your hand instinctively moving back down to your cunt, biting down on your bottom lip thinking about him.
Being this worked up it’s not long before you’re cumming around your fingers, whimpering as you fish for your phone off the bedside table. You’re not thinking clearly, dialing Jaehyun, groaning as he answers. His voice is thick with sleep, asking what you needed so late in the night, breathlessly moaning in his ear as you touch your sensitive clit.
“Jaehyun, can you please,” you’re cut off by a trembling sigh, swallowing hard as you continue.
“Please, I need you, can you please come over?”
There’s a pause, hearing him move around on the other end of the phone. Asking if he was still there, Jaehyun’s voice returned, making your stomach erupt in butterflies.
“I’m on my way now, be a good girl and don’t touch until I get there, alright?”
His voice is thick, smooth, assertive, nodding before giving him an audible response. He hangs up, covering your mouth as you remove your fingers from your cunt to wait on Jaehyun.
It’s a minimum of fifteen minutes when you hear the sound of your door being unlocked, the shuffle of shoes being removed, Jaehyun knocking on the bedroom door before coming inside.
“Fuck,” he says with a smirk, removing his coat as he walked closer to you. Covering your exposed body with your hands unsuccessfully as he sat on the bed next to you. His hand hits something, watching as Jaehyun pulls something from the mess of your sheets, a smug smirk growing on his face.
“Ah,” he lifts his book up for you to see. “This is what’s got you like this, hm?”
You blush profusely reaching to grab the book from him but he’s quicker, Jaehyun placing it on the floor as he moves so he’s looming over you. His body is much larger than yours, caging you between him and the mattress, a shocker gasp coming from you. Placing his hand on your chest he drags it down your curves until it’s just hovering where you wanted him most, clenching pathetically around nothing.
“Jaehyun.. please,” you whimpered, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck, your fingers intertwining in the ends of his hair. Lifting his eyebrow feigning innocence he purposely pressed his fingers against your clit, making you jump, pulling him into a feverish kiss. Feeling insanely incredible as your lips work together, his large hands exploring you in ways that you didn’t know were possible, pulling back to catch your breath looking into his deep brown eyes.
“You look so pretty,” Jaehyun says, earning a deep blush from you as you pull back into another kiss.
“Please shut up and fuck me.”
“Yes ma’am,” he laughs against your lips, repositioning you so that your legs are wrapped around him.
Thankful for this being reality and not in a heated dream.
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clockwayswrites · 17 hours
Cozytober Day 4: "Thank you for putting up with me."
“Walls?” Danny prompted after another few sips. “Filtering?”
“Oh, sure. Stay upright for a moment,” Jason ordered.
He leaned forward enough to snag his work bag and rifle around for his tablet. Danny gamely stayed upright, but slumped back against Jason as soon as he could. To his credit, Jason juggled Danny, his own hot chocolate, and the table with ease.
Soon the wall’s specs were pulled up on the screen and Jason was chatting away about everything that worked and didn’t work with the current construction of the walls. There was no denying that Gotham had particular needs with freak weather changes, temperamental plants, and poisonous gases. But it was good to see Jason so excited about this start.
By the time that the mugs were long empty and Jason as running out of steam, Danny took a deep breath and it came easily. There were no more words or worries or frustrations clogging up his throat. There was just him. He closed his eyes and let out the breath slowly.
Jason stopped talking and pressed a light kiss to Danny’s temple. “Hey there.”
“Hey,” Danny said with a soft smile. “Sorry about the silent invasion. I know I didn’t exactly give you a heads up.”
“Coming home to find you in my bed is never a bad thing,” Jason said. He leaned forward to set his things on the coffee table before taking Danny’s empty mug too. “Besides, I didn’t add you to my door code for you not to visit. You’re always welcome here, boo.”
“A dangerous offer,” Danny said.
“I know what I’m getting into,” Jason replied. He pressed another kiss to Danny’s forehead before he took the mugs to the kitchen.
Danny stretched slowly. “Lies. I am a man of mystery!”
“Danny,” Jason said, giving a dry look from over the kitchen island. “You spilled being a Meta two weeks into us knowing each other.”
“I’m not a Meta, it’s a medical condition, and besides, you were so worried about me getting randomly killed on the streets of Gotham. I had to do something to reassure you!” Danny made himself get off the couch. He grabbed Jason’s work bag and took it over to where it normally hung by the door. He fished the folder out of the front pocket—work Jason would insist on doing over the weekend—and took it to the desk that sat in front of one massive window bays.
“Not a man of mystery.”
“I could have secrets! I could have lots of secrets.”
“Yeah, and what’s one of them.”
“I,” Danny started as he made his way to Jason, “would kill for your hot chocolate.”
Jason laughed and wrapped his arms around Danny’s waist. “Not a secret, and please don’t. I would be forced to cover up the murder and then various members of my family would give me that disappointed look.”
“Your family always sounds so interesting.”
“You could meet them yourself at dinner tomorrow.”
Danny froze. Danny froze and he knew Jason felt it by the the way his brows drew together and his mouth twitched almost into a frown.
“I’m sorry—” Danny started at the same time as Jason tried to say, “Forget I said anything.”
They both closed their mouths with a snap.
Danny broke the silence with a sigh. “I just… soon, okay? I just want to be… better.”
“You don’t have to be better, Danny. They’d love you just like this.”
Danny shook his head. “I just… can’t. I know you want me to meet them, but I just can’t yet. I know it’s… I know that… just…”
Jason quieted Danny with a kiss. “It’s okay Danny, when you’re ready.”
“Thanks for putting up with me.”
“I’m not ‘putting up with you’, Danny,” Jason said. “Giving you room isn’t putting up with you. I like who you are. And I know you aren’t ready, but my family would too. We’re all fuck ups, we’ve got no room to judge anyone.”
Danny gave a little startled snort of laughter. “You’re all Waynes.”
“And the Waynes are fucked up. We’ve been in Gotham too long, fucked up is part of the DNA.”
“You’re adopted.”
--- AN: Danny, poking at Jason's hyperfixation to have some calming chatter.
Gods I've missed writing these two ;-;
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dinner. l Joel Miller
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Summary:  he took you to a nice place
Warnings:  just fluff, Joel is a little insecure, one or two bad words
A/N: nothing special. your feedback is very important to me and I thank you for all the reblogs, comments and likes. 🖤 sorry for all the mistakes
short stories from life. [masterlist]
"Why are we here?" you asked as you both stood in front of a place that was something like a local family restaurant in Jackson.
"You'll see. I hope you like it." Joel replied and opened the door for you.
You entered a brightly lit room filled with pleasant music, and your nostrils were immediately filled with a pleasant smell. The tables were covered with neat tablecloths, and the sounds of work came from the kitchen.
You looked around the place uncertainly when an older woman approached Joel, smiling politely.
"Everything is ready, come in." she said, pointing to a small table by the window.
You must have looked scared, because Joel gently touched your arm and led you to the indicated place. He pulled out a chair for you and you sat down, hiding your hands under the table.
You didn't understand much of what Mrs. Russo was saying, but she was so polite and so happy about your arrival that you just nodded your head, agreeing to everything she suggested. After a short while, she disappeared behind the kitchen door, and you looked at Joel.
"You said I shouldn't plan anything for the evening, but... What the hell are you planning?" you asked quietly.
"I thought you might like it here. Was I wrong?" you saw the concern in his eyes and how nervously he squeezed his hands.
"It's lovely." you replied, "But..."
"I told you once that I wanted to take you to a nice restaurant." Joel reminded you, and you nodded. "Maybe it's not perfect, and maybe I should wear something better..."
"It's perfect." you quickly cut him off, seeing Mrs. Russo approaching you with two steaming plates. "Thank you." you added almost silently.
His eyes brightened. He could just sit there and look at your delighted face as you ate your pasta with bolognese sauce, or when Mr. Russo brought the wine he kept in the basement for special occasions. This whole evening was even more than he had dreamed of.
You both could forget about your usual, everyday worries and pretend that the world had stopped for you for a few moments. It was perfect to just sit there, talk or be silent, enjoy the moment.
As you started to leave, Mr. Russo asked Joel to step aside for a moment, and you had the opportunity to exchange a few pleasantries with his wife.
"Joel is truly a wonderful man." The woman stated, looking towards the talking men. "I don't know how we would have managed without him."
"What do you mean?" You asked.
"Oh, he didn't tell you anything, sweetie?" The woman looked at you with a charming smile. "For the past few weeks, he's been helping us renovate the kitchen. It was too much work for my husband! We had to fix some cabinets, the oven, and we had a problem with the pipes too. A lot, a lot of work! And Mr. Miller never once complained, although some things really bothered him."
You didn't know. Joel left the house every day, but you never asked what he really did.
"We wanted to repay him somehow, and he only asked if he could invite someone here for dinner. How could we refuse!" the woman added, tenderly squeezing your arm.
A smile automatically appeared on your lips, but a thousand questions were buzzing in your head. Soon you said goodbye and you and Joel went out into the darkened street.
"Did you like it?" he asked as you took a dozen or so steps, slowly heading towards the house.
"Yes, it was wonderful." you answered, but then you fell silent again.
You felt that Joel was watching you with concern, but at that moment a real hurricane of thoughts was rolling through your head. A moment passed before he spoke again.
"Are you okay? You seem a little worried. Did I do something wrong?"
"Oh, God! No!" you quickly denied, "It's just..."
You stopped and looked at Joel. He seemed worried and uncertain. Just a moment ago everything was perfect, and now he had the impression that something changed, but he didn't know what it could be.
Maybe he had given himself too much hope? Maybe he was wrong in thinking that you liked him, that you would want to spend time with him like this? However, you were already so ingrained in his life that he couldn't imagine a single day without you in it.
He didn't know what these feelings were, they scared him a little, but he knew perfectly well that he would do anything for every smile from you.
"Joel..." your voice sent a cold shiver down his spine "Why didn't you tell me that you worked for them?"
He shrugged, "Does that change anything?"
You weren't sure about that "Mrs. Russo told me that you only asked them for the possibility of inviting me there for dinner." The man lowered his head, clearly avoiding your gaze "You could have asked for anything. Why that?"
There was a short silence, and you were sure you stopped breathing for a moment. Joel shifted, clearly uncomfortable with the question.
"I told you that I wanted to take you to a place like that." he finally said.
"Yeah, but I didn't think..."
"That I was telling the truth?" he smiled weakly. "I'd like to take you to a lot of places, darling, I really do. And I don't expect anything in return, because I'm probably already imagining too much, but... I like seeing you smile, and I like when you're close to me. That's all."
You saw how embarrassed he was after those words and you knew that it took a lot of courage to tell you such things. Something powerful filled your chest, and you unconsciously smiled.
"Joel..." you sighed. "No one has ever done anything so wonderful and selfless for me. You just... Fuck!" your voice broke, Joel made a move as if he wanted to approach you, but you raised your hand stopping him. You took a few quick breaths and looked back at him. "Thank you, Joel. Thank you for everything."
"I wish I could do more."
"You're enough."
You were only two steps away, but a moment later your arms were wrapped around his neck as you snuggled into him with all your might. A strong arm wrapped around your waist, and another hand stroked your back.
The world stopped for a moment once more.
Thank you for your time.
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@steddie-spooktober day 3: apples | rated: G | wc: 998
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“Wow, he’s really good at that.” Robin remarks as Eddie sloshes back up out of the bucket with yet another apple caught in his grin, “Who'da thunk, huh?”
“Yeah…” Steve breathes, watching Eddie’s hair drip down over his forehead and down his neck, “He’s really good with his mouth.”
Robin chokes on her most recent swig of cider, “I’m sorry, what?!”
“Uh…” Steve feels his face turn hot, “Huh? I didn’t say anything.” He moves to turn away back into the Hoppers’ cabin, an excuse of the bathroom or a new mug of cider ready behind his teeth and Robin on his heels
“Oh no you don’t; you explain yourself this instant Steven Marie Harrington!” She demands, voice much louder than he’d like it to be, “What did you just say about Eddie Munson’s mouth??”
“Nothing that anyone—especially the Eddie in question—needs to hear! Quiet down!” He whispers in a harried tone.
He pulls her into Hopper’s tiny bathroom, snapping the door shut behind him.
“You have a crush on Eddie Munson?! Our Eddie Munson?”
Steve leans back against the door and sighs, letting himself sink to the floor. “Still too loud.” he says, not actually meaning it.
She must’ve been able to tell that he’s trying to stall, so she sinks onto the shallow edge of the tub to wait. One of her knees knocks against the bowl of the toilet, the other against the wall.
“I think I have for a little while now. Since spring break at least.” he confesses, now that he’s in the proper position to do so, here on the bathroom floor.
“You found time to get your first crush on a guy since figuring out you’re bi, and it’s during yet another upside-down related catastrophe.” Robin states rather than asks. “You’re something else, Dingus.”
“Gee, thanks for your support.”
“You have it always, obviously,” she waves him off, “Just surprised that the first I’m hearing about it is when your horny lizard brain tells me for you.”
“It’s been getting really annoying lately.”
“What, having a big gay crush on someone? I feel you.”
“No, lizard brain is being really annoying lately. But yeah, also that.”
Steve’s gaze is stuck on the slightly mis-matched piece of linoleum between his feet, but sees Robin nod her head in his periphery.
Neither say anything for a solid 45 seconds, until: “So what are you going to do about it?”
“Something… eventually… maybe…” he hedges, “Just ‘cause he’s into guys too doesn’t mean he’s into me.”
“Oh yeah, of course he isn’t.”
He rolls his eyes at the sarcasm. “I’m being serious Robin.”
“Me too.”
Steve finally looks up at her.
“Don’t give me that look, I’m being serious about my sarcasm, Steven. Of course Eddie’s into you; you saw how he was flirting with you during the whole Vecna fiasco!” Robin flails her arm around in emphasis, “How he’s been flirting with you ever since.”
“What if that’s not just for me though, he’s annoyingly charming to everyone!”
“He may be charming,” She grimaces (“Hey!”), “But that doesn’t mean he’s out here flirting with anyone!”
“He just feels comfortable with me.”
“Everyone our age knows about Eddie, Steve, and he’s still been his same dorky self with all them. You’re the only one he’s been flirting with nonstop.”
Steve opens his mouth to respond, but closes it again. 
Damn, she’s got a point.
Eddie never calls Jonathan ‘sweetheart’, or Argyle ‘big boy’... he’s heard him say once that Hopper was his first crush when he’d had one too many drinks, but she’s right.. Eddie’s only flirty with him.
Steve suddenly feels all swoopy inside. And it must show on his face somehow, because Robin says “Ew gross, you’re thinking about him aren’t you?”
“No, I’m thinking about Hopper– of course I’m thinking about him!” Steve grins, then pushes him up off the floor. “Okay, okay, I just have to make it through the rest of the day, and I’ll ask him out tomorrow when he comes in to bother us for a free rental at work.”
He looks down at Robin, searching her face for any sign that it isn’t a good plan.
She nods, “Good. Now where are you going to take him?”
The answer to that one was simple, “Movie date at my place.”
Robin snorts, “A bit presumptuous, eh Stevie?”
The floaty feeling in his gut turns into a boulder, “I mean— That’s not what— Obviously I’d love it to—” he cuts himself off for the last time at the smirk on her face. “Oh fuck you.” He shakes his head in fond exasperation as he turns, heading back out of the bathroom.
Robin’s teasing him still when the back door opens and Eddie waltzes in, the round, decorative basket Joyce had been using to put all the apples people fished out of the barrel in his arms and a(nother? The same?) apple lodged in his teeth.
He spots them and puts the basket down on the island, spinning dramatically to lean onto the tabletop to face them.
His hand comes up to grab onto the apple, snapping off a bite and sucking away the juice as he takes it away from his mouth, “Hey Stevie, Birdie,” he says over a mouthful of crunching fruit.
Steve blinks once, then turns to Robin, “I’m not going to survive 'till tomorrow.”
Before she or Eddie can react, Steve is striding across the room and pulling his sodden friend to him in a tart, apple-flavored kiss.
Robin says something about being lookout, but Steve’s too busy feeling Eddie’s mouth on his.
Until Eddie pulls back that is.
“Shit– Eddie, I’m so sorry, I—” Steve stops when Eddie’s finger comes up between them.
Eddie chews once, twice, a third, then swallows down the rest of his bite.
“Okay,” Eddie breathes once his mouth is clear. “Now, where were we?” He tosses the apple over his shoulder and descends upon Steve once again.
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divider from @saradika-graphics!
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 19 hours
𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗔𝗰𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗕𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗨𝗽 𝗮𝗻 𝗜𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆 | 𝗛𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗣𝘁𝟐
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Warnings: None
Hyung Line x Reader. Angst.
Days had passed, and the tension between you and Chan grew unbearable.
You had tried contacting him, but he’d buried himself in his work, refusing to answer your calls or texts, and every attempt to approach him in person was met with cold indifference.
It was as if he had sealed himself off from you completely, and the guilt gnawed at your insides like a festering wound.
It wasn’t until one late evening, when you found yourself standing outside the studio again, that you realized something had to give. You couldn’t let things end like this - not over a misunderstanding, not when you cared about him so much.
When you loved him so much.
Pushing open the door, you saw him sitting at the same desk, headphones on, eyes glued to his laptop screen. The music played softly in the background, but the atmosphere was anything but peaceful.
You cleared your throat, and when he didn’t react, you took a deep breath and spoke.
"Chan, please. We need to talk."
For a moment, you thought he was going to ignore you again, but then he pulled off his headphones and glanced over his shoulder. His eyes were tired, and there were dark circles beneath them, evidence of sleepless nights.
"There’s nothing to talk about," he muttered, turning back to his screen.
“Please,” you said, your voice pleading. "Please."
He tensed, when he heard the hurt in your voice, and then sighed, pushing the chair back but not looking at you, his shoulders tense. He turned to you, his brown eyes tired and sad.
"I’m sorry," you began, your voice barely above a whisper. Afraid if you spoke any louder it might shatter.
“I didn’t realize how much you were carrying, and my words...I didn’t mean to make you feel like I don’t see everything you do. Because I do, baby. I see and appreciate everything."
He flinched at your words, but remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor. You sniffed and wiped the tears you had so miserably failed to keep in. You missed him. Even if only for a few days it felt like eons.
“I know you’re the leader, and I know you have the weight of so much responsibility on your shoulders,” you continued, wiping your eyes, as more tears fell. “But you don’t have to do it all alone. You don’t always have to be strong. I can be strong for you too if you just ask.”
You hiccup, trying to control your shaky voice. "I want you to ask I don't want you to hurt anymore. Please...you can ask for help too. You don't always have to take everything on yourself. I only said what I said because I wanted to convey how upset I was seeing you tire yourself out, Chan-I...I don't want you to be tired anymore."
You were furiously wiping at your face, feeling like a child not able to properly convey their emotions.
“You don’t have to carry that burden by yourself. You’re not alone in this. The members, your fans, me...we’re all here for you. Please just ask us. We'll do anything for you.”
Chan's hands fidgeted in his lap. You felt the urge to run into his arms- you selfishly wanted to have him comfort you. When he was the one who needed comfort in this moment.
"I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry-" You weep. "I miss you, Channie...so much...I don't want you to be mad at me anymore. I'm sorry. I really am..."
For the first time in days, his eyes met yours, and the raw emotion swirling within them took your breath away.
“I’m scared,” he admitted, his voice cracking, muffled by the sleeve of his sweater, which his face was buried in. “I’m scared that if I stop, everything will fall apart. That if I’m not there, something will go wrong, and it’ll be my fault. And that if I ask for help and things go wrong; you'll be to blame when you've done nothing wrong.” His voice was low and sad, and you could tell by the tightness of it he was trying to hold back tears as well.
Your heart ached as you listened to his confession, realizing just how much he had been hiding behind his calm exterior. How he took on stress to make sure any possible stressors wouldn't arise for those he loved and cared for.
"Oh, baby..."
He closed his eyes, his body trembling as the weight of his fears and insecurities finally crashed down around him.
He then looked up at your eyes that mirrored his own.
It seemed like the sadness in yours took his breath away too. Seemed like it shattered all the resolve he had left as he stood up and you launched himself into your arms, pulling him so close that your bodies would have melded together if possible.
You hiccupped out more sobs as you clung to him.
For a moment- a split second he wanted to remain angry, and he resisted -but then he collapsed against you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he buried his face in your shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” he choked out, his voice muffled against your shirt. His tears wetting it. “I didn’t mean to push you away. I never mean to do that baby, I'm sorry.”
You held him tighter, tears slipping down your cheeks as you whispered, “It’s okay. I promise.”
You stayed like that for what felt like hours, holding each other in the dimly lit studio as the walls between you slowly crumbled. And in that moment, you knew that no matter how heavy the weight on his shoulders was, you would always be there to help him carry it.
The next morning, the air between you and Minho was still thick with tension. You had barely slept, and when you shuffled into the kitchen, you found him already there, making coffee in silence. He didn’t even look up when you entered the room.
You stood there for a moment, unsure of what to say. The weight of last night’s conversation hung between you like an invisible barrier, and every second that passed without him acknowledging you made the distance feel even greater.
He slid over a cup of coffee to you without as much as looking at you, and as you held the warm drink in your hands they began to tremble.
"Minho..." you began, your voice hesitant, unsure how to approach him. “Can we talk?” Your fingers tapped against the cup nervously.
He didn’t respond immediately. Instead, he took a slow sip of his coffee, his throat working, and eyes fixed on the countertop. For a moment, you wondered if he would ignore you altogether, but then, without turning, he spoke.
“What exactly do you want to talk about?” His voice was flat, and that cold edge you feared had settled firmly in place.
You bit your lip, nervousness and guilt warring inside you. “What I said last night...it came out wrong. I didn’t mean-”
“You think I’m cold,” he interrupted, finally turning to face you. His expression was unreadable, but the hurt in the brown eyes you loved so much was impossible to miss. “It’s fine. I get it. I’ve heard it before. Its nothing to take to heart.”
You shook your head, stepping closer to him. “No, you don’t get it. I don’t think you’re cold. I know you’re not.” Your fingers gripped the cup to the point your hands were hot, and you set the cup down so you wouldn't drop it.
Minho bit his lip now. “Really? Because that’s not what it sounded like last night.”
You took another step toward him, your heart aching at how distant he felt, even when you were standing right in front of him. “I’m sorry,” you whispered. “I shouldn’t have said that. I didn't mean it al all.”
He looked away, his jaw tightening as he leaned back against the counter. “It’s not about what you said,” he muttered, his voice low as he looked at his coffee. “It’s about the fact that...maybe you’re right. Maybe that’s all people see when they look at me. Thats all they ever say so when you said it- the person I love most in this world...it made it feel...true.”
His words hit you like a punch to the gut. You could hear the vulnerability in his voice - the fear of being misunderstood, of being seen as something he wasn’t. Because he truly wasn't.
And suddenly, you understood how deeply your careless words had cut him.
You reached out, gently placing your hand on his arm. This time, he didn’t pull away, but his gaze remained fixed on the floor. He set his coffee down as you searched for words to say.
“Love, look at me,” you said softly, your voice trembling. Slowly, his eyes lifted to meet yours, and you could see the storm of emotions swirling beneath the surface. Something sparking when he saw the shine in yours.
“You’re not cold,” you said firmly, holding his gaze. “You're - not cold at all." You swallowed the knot trying to form. "You’re kind. You’re thoughtful. You care about the people around you more than anyone realizes. And maybe you don’t always show it in the way people expect, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. I see it. All the time.” The knot was relentless and made a home there, your voice breaking slightly.
He stared at you, his expression unreadable, and for a moment, you weren’t sure if your words were getting through. But then, slowly, his shoulders slumped, and the tension seemed to drain out of him. He allowed you to hold his hands.
“It’s just...hard sometimes,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t know how to be any other way. I'm not cold I just...aren't feelings a precious thing? I don't know how to not be the way I am. It feels normal to be 'serious' and 'cold' like people say. I don't feel that way. I feel loved and loving. I just don't show it off in...big ways...” He swallowed. "Maybe that makes me mean and cold."
Your heart broke at his confession. You had always known Minho to be one who kept his emotions in check, one who always seemed to have everything under control. But now, standing in front of you, he seemed so vulnerable, so...human. Which you had always seen him as.
“You’re not mean or cold,” you said, your voice thick with emotion. You pursed your lips to keep yourself from crying, but it didn't work. “You’re human. It's okay to have different ways of showing emotions and letting people in. I'm sorry I made you feel that way.”
He looked at you, his eyes softening as the walls he’d built around himself began to crumble. “I forgive you, lovely. I was just being petty...I’m sorry I shut you out,” he murmured, his hand reaching up to gently touch your cheek. “I just...didn’t know how to deal with it. I don't want you to ever see me that way.”
You pouted, you bottom lip jutting out as you cried silently, your brows furrowed to try to stop yourself mid cry.
For the first time since last night, a small, genuine smile tugged at the corner of his lips and Minho chuckled quietly. He moved his thumb to your lip and looked at you.
"It's going to get stuck that way, Darling." He kissed them and then pulled you into a hug, his arms wrapping tightly around you as he rested his chin on top of your head, rubbing circles on your back gently as you sniffled into his chest.
“It's okay my love,” he promised softly. “I’m sorry I scared you by ignoring you.” He said guessing the exact reason why you were crying. "Shh, it's okay. It's all going to be okay..." He cooed softly as he rocked you back in forth. "I love you. So much. I love you." He placed a soft kiss on your head, and you buried into him further earning a laugh.
In that moment, everything felt right again. The weight of the misunderstanding lifted, leaving only the warmth of his embrace and the quiet understanding that, no matter how sharp his edges, you would always find a way to soften them.
The next morning, the apartment was eerily quiet. Changbin hadn’t come out of the bedroom since last night, and you had spent the night tossing and turning on the couch, unable to shake the guilt that weighed heavily on your chest.
You knew you had hurt him, but what made it worse was that you hadn’t even realized how deep his insecurities ran. Changbin was always so strong, so confident - but now, you saw the cracks in the armor he wore every day. And it hurt you that you had hurt him.
You took a deep breath, gathering your courage before walking to the bedroom door. You knocked softly, your heart pounding in your chest.
“Changbin?” you called out quietly. “Can I come in?”
There was a long pause before you heard him say, “Come in.”
When you opened the door, you found him sitting on the edge of the bed, his shoulders hunched, his head bowed. He didn’t look up when you entered, and the sight of him like that broke your heart all over again.
You sat down beside him the bed dipping, close but not touching, waiting for him to speak first since it seemed all the words left your mind.
After what felt like an eternity, he finally broke the silence. “I’m sorry for last night,” he said quietly, his voice filled with exhaustion. “I overreacted.” His voice was sad and quiet and you felt the power of the initial guilt amplify tenfold.
You shook your head, the tears threatening to spill making it hard to speak. “No, I’m the one who should apologize. I didn’t mean to make you feel like you weren’t enough. That’s the last thing I would ever want to do, Binnie, please believe me.”
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, still not looking at you. “It’s not your fault. I just...I’ve always felt like I have to prove myself, and becoming an idol made that even harder, you know? Like I have to be the best since everyone is watching now. And when you said that...it just hit me in the worst way. Because it's you.”
You nodded, understanding dawning on you. “You’ve always been hard on yourself.”
Changbin let out a bitter laugh. “Yeah, maybe too hard. But I don’t know how to be any other way. I feel like if I stop, if I’m not constantly pushing myself, then...I’ll lose everything. I tried so hard to get.” His eyes met yours.
Your chest tightened at his words. You knew how much he put into his work, how much he cared about being successful, not just for himself, but for everyone around him. But hearing him say it out loud, hearing the fear and vulnerability in his voice - it was almost too much to bear.
“You won’t lose anything, let alone me.” you said softly, reaching out to take his hand. You had noticed the look in his eyes and wanted him to be assured that you would never leave him. “You’re already so much more than enough, baby. You’re talented, hardworking, and you care so much about everyone around you. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone. Especially not me. Or the guys. Or your family. We all see how much you put in everything.”
He finally looked up at you, his eyes filled with emotion. “Sometimes, it feels like no matter how hard I try, it’s never enough. And when you said what you did...it felt like you were confirming it. And you're the...last person I would want to hear the from.” His adam's apple bobbed up and down as he put his forearm to his eyes. "Damn, I didn't want to cry." He mumbled. "Give me a second."
You squeezed his hand and waited for him to collect himself. Once he did you spoke, your voice trembling with emotion. “I’m so sorry I made you feel like that. I never wanted to hurt you. You mean so much to me, and I think you’re incredible just the way you are. More than I deserve, BinBin. Truly.”
Changbin’s expression softened, the tension in his shoulders slowly easing. “I know you didn’t mean it. I was just...in my head. It’s something I’ve been struggling with for a while.”
He let out a long breath, the weight of his insecurities finally surfacing. “I just don’t want to disappoint anyone. Especially you.”
Your heart ached at his words, and you gently cupped his face in your hands, forcing him to meet your gaze. “You could never disappoint me, Changbin. I love you for who you are, not for how hard you work or how much you achieve. You’re enough, just as you are.” You look into his eyes. "You may not be perfect, but everything about you is perfect to me."
His eyes shined, and for a moment, he looked like he was about to break. But instead, he pulled you into a tight embrace, burying his face in your shoulder. You held him close, feeling his body relax against yours as the tension finally melted away.
“I’m sorry I shut you out,” he whispered against your neck. “I just didn’t know how to handle it.” His lips brushed against it softly and you felt a warmth wash over you.
You pressed a kiss to his temple just as gently, your heart swelling with love for him. “It’s okay. I'm sorry as well.”
Changbin pulled back slightly, his forehead resting against yours. “I'm going to talk to you more about this stuff. I don’t want to keep shutting you out.” He kissed you again, but this time on your lips, and you felt a wetness.
You smiled softly, brushing away stray tears from his cheeks and lips. “I’m always here for you, no matter what. And I mean always baby.”
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss, as if sealing the promise between you. Then moving into a slow and lazy kisses as he pulled you down onto the bed with him.
You stayed there, cuddled together and kissing until the early afternoon, everything just as perfect as the man beside you.
The hours dragged on painfully after Hyunjin had left you standing in the kitchen. The apartment felt too big, too empty without him, and your mind kept replaying the argument over and over again, picking apart every word you had said, every hurtful implication that had slipped out.
You hadn’t meant to wound him. Whenever you had wounded him, you never did it intentionally. You loved him too much to do that.
You had only wanted to comfort him; to let him know he didn’t have to bear the weight of perfection like he thought he had to. You didn't want him to continue working himself to the bone; making himself tired trying to fit a mold that others wanted to fit him into. But instead, you had used your words to unintentionally cut deeper into the very insecurities he worked so hard to keep hidden.
It was nearing midnight when you finally heard the soft sound of the bedroom door opening. Hyunjin stepped out, his face pale and his eyes red-rimmed from crying. He looked fragile, vulnerable in a way that broke your heart all over again.
“Can we talk?” he asked quietly, his voice so small it made your chest tighten with guilt.
You nodded quickly, standing up from the couch. “Of course. Of course.”
He walked over to you, sitting down on the couch beside you, though there was still a noticeable space between you. Hyunjin seemed hesitant, his fingers nervously playing with the hem of his oversized sweater. He then laid his head into your lap. You hesitantly threaded your fingers through his hair, until he leaned into your touch, letting you do it freely. The silence was thick, heavy with unspoken words and raw emotions.
“I’m sorry for what I said earlier,” he began, his voice shaky. “I didn’t mean to lash out at you. I was...I was scared.”
You blinked, surprised by his confession, your hand pausing. “Scared? Of what?”
Hyunjin swallowed hard, his eyes half lidded as he spoke. “Scared that you see me the same way I see myself. Flawed. Not good enough. I’ve always had this fear...this feeling like I’ll never be able to live up to the version of me that people expect. And when you said what you did, I thought...I thought it was proof that even you felt that way. And I don't want you to feel like that about me. At all.” He whined quietly.
Tears welled up in your eyes again as you listened to him. You had known Hyunjin struggled with self-doubt- struggled with the fact that people only saw him as a pretty face- a perfect face, but hearing him lay it all out like this, so raw and vulnerable, made your heart ache for him.
“I would never think that,” you said softly, reaching out to take his hand with your free one. “You’re everything to me, Hyunjin. And I’m sorry if I made you feel like you weren’t enough, or your weren't fitting the mold others want you to fit. I only said what I did because I hate seeing you push yourself so hard. I want you to be happy. I don't want you to see yourself as flawed. We all are- but how is that any different. I love you. I don't want you to be perfect- I want you to be you.”
He looked up at you then, his eyes filled with so much pain that it made your breath catch in your throat. “But what if I’m not good enough as me?”
Your heart broke at the vulnerability in his voice, and you squeezed his hand tighter, shaking your head, swallowing. “You are more than good enough, Hyunjin. You are so talented, so kind, and you work harder than anyone I’ve ever known. You don’t have to be perfect. Again, I love you for who you are, not who you think you should be.”
Hyunjin’s lower lip trembled, and for a moment, it looked like he might start crying again. But instead, he sat up, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in the crook of your neck. His grip was tight, almost desperate, as if he was holding onto you for dear life.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered against your skin. “I’m so sorry for pushing you away.”
You held him just as tightly, your own tears falling freely now. “It’s okay. I’m here. I’ll always be here. You don't have to apologize Jinnie...”
For a long time, the two of you sat there in each other’s arms, the weight of the argument finally starting to lift. Hyunjin’s breathing eventually steadied, and you could feel the tension slowly draining from his body as he relaxed into your embrace.
When he finally pulled back, his eyes were still red, but there was a softness in them now, a peace that you hadn’t seen in a long time.
“I’ll try to be better,” he said quietly, his voice thick with emotion. “I’ll try not to let my insecurities get the best of me.”
You smiled at him, brushing a strand of hair away from his face. “I'll try to be better with my words as well. We’ll work through our issues together. You don’t have to do this alone.” You touched his cheek and smiled.
Hyunjin nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He kissed you gently. When he pulled back, his forehead rested against yours.
“I love you,” he whispered, his voice filled with so much sincerity that it made your heart swell.
“I love you too,” you whispered back, your hands gently cupping his face. “More than anything.”
@abovenyx @wolfs-archive @oddracha
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@panbish-1209 @fxiry-vtt @sseawavee
@shuporanporang @amarecerasus @softkisshyunjin
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@leezanetheofficial @tr-mha-fan @bubbly-moon
@redstayrosie @whatdoyouwanttocallmefor @courtnort455
@modesttiger @night-storm7 @ka0ila
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luvnami · 2 days
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hey, chat?
author's note ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ streamer!sanemi has been PLAGUING me | kinktober 2024 mlist content warnings ₊˚⊹ petnames, implied sex toys, masturbation, fingering, blowjobs, handjobs, under-desk, low voyeurism, leg humping, x fem! reader, ageless/minors dni (18+), 900+ words
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when your boyfriend’s job has him in front of a computer for most of the day, sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands when you get horny – literally. ovulation is no joke. you’ve been panting in bed, fingers squelching deep within your swollen pussy, trying to get a sliver of the pleasure that sanemi’s usually adamant on providing you with. 
it’s just not the same.
your fingers aren’t as long, the sadly discarded dildo doesn’t hit your favourite spots, and your vibrator’s dead. you just want to be satisfied with a few hours of absolutely animalistic bareback sex. however, sanemi’s in his gaming room, streaming to his thousands of fans at the moment. thankfully, your horniness knows little to no limits. 
you get off the bed and stumble next door. the door clicks open.
“babe?” sanemi pulls one side of his headset off when he hears you, turning around in his chair only to see you absolutely ruined. his jaw sets. 
you bring a finger up to your lips. a few messages pop up in his chat about how sanemi’s girlfriend must have appeared off camera. 
you’re wearing an oversized shirt with the collar cut open. one side hangs off your shoulder, showing off the curve of your neck and flesh of your chest. you get on your hands and knees and crawl under sanemi’s desk, careful to stay out of view of the camera. 
his legs widen to accommodate you between them. sanemi swallows thickly. if he had to be wholly honest, this isn’t the first time that you and him have done anything particularly lewd on camera. sometimes he has you talk with his chat, controlling a vibrator stuffed into your cunt off screen; or teasing your clit as you play a minigame and edging you when you fail the in-game objectives. 
this, though? this is new. 
“sorry chat, my girlfriend just came in to check on me.” sanemi readjusts his headphones and swivels back to his monitor. 
a few messages aw-ing and cooing at him for being a sweet boyfriend enter the chat. he rolls his eyes and tells them to shut the fuck up, then unpauses his game and goes back to exploring the area he had been in earlier. 
you practically drool at the sight of sanemi in sweatpants. call it cliche – whatever. you just want him in any one of your holes right now. 
you wiggle the band of his sweatpants and briefs below his hips, pulling his soft cock out. sanemi talking to his chat drones into background noise as you dig in. he swears, knee bouncing and nearly hitting the table from underneath. 
“fuck, i thought there was a spider next to me,” he grumbles in excuse.
sanemi’s quickly grows hard as you make sure he’s nicely lubed up for your throat, spitting on his tip and using your hand to pump his shaft. his thighs flex and he lets out a heavy huff in an attempt to play off any noises he might make out of pleasure. your knees dig into the flooring as you lean forward. 
“is this the right spot? we’re supposed to-” sanemi chokes on his words as his tip hits the back of your mouth, then inches into the tightness of your throat. 
your nose flares against his skin. you stare up at him through your wet lashes and for a moment, sanemi thinks that this is a very bad idea. he loves fucking your throat till you’re hoarse and gasping for air. on stream, however, is another deal. a rush of adrenaline surges through him and he swears he gets even harder.
“we’re supposed to find the boss here. let’s keep explorin’.”
sanemi wants to look down at your lips wrapped around the base of his cock, but he’d rather do anything else but give his chat something to spread on twitter like wildfire – especially not when it involves you. 
you give yourself a few seconds to adjust. your pussy drools, sticky and dripping onto the floor below you. you start to move your head and fuck sanemi’s cock with your mouth. you hear him swear, although you’re not sure if it’s from the game or because of you.
his thighs clamp down on either side of your face. you whine as the pressure stops you from moving too freely. your hand touches the sensitive skin of his inner thigh and sanemi jolts, trying his best to relax. 
each little gag you make drives him closer to the edge as you suck, lick and kiss his length, occasionally pulling off to use your hand to jerk him off. he feels dizzy. he should end the stream, call it quits and just fuck you till he’s satisfied, but there’s some sort of heady rush knowing that you could be caught at any moment. 
your hand dips between your thighs to play with your clit. the cock in your mouth muffles your moans, but the noises don’t escape sanemi. he spares you a quick glance and he nearly groans out loud. you look so pretty with your blown out pupils and drool-smeared face. he can see the curve of your tits through your shirt, jiggling with each movement you make. 
“chat, i think i have to end stream earlier than expected,” sanemi breathes. 
you move your hips closer to his foot and roll up his sweatpants. he loses composure for a second when you press your wetness against his ankle, swirling your legs and rubbing your clit against his skin. sanemi can feel the heat of your pulsing pussy. 
“sorry. i’ll make it up to you guys another time. see ya.”
he’s never clicked ‘end stream’ faster in his life.
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In His Arms, the World Pauses
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☪WORD COUNT: 1.8K (this came out so short im so sorry)
☪GENRE: established relationships, talks of stress, Felix being a comforting baby for us, we love to see 
☪PAIRING: Felix x Fem!Reader
☪Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - October 2024
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The door clicks shut behind you, and the familiar quiet of your apartment feels heavier than usual. The day you had felt like you'd spent it in hell and all you wanted to do was crawl into your bed and cry.
You let your bag slide off your shoulder, followed by your jacket, but you don’t move any further, you just stand there for a moment, staring at the floor, unsure if you even have the energy to take another step.
The world around you felt as though it was moving at a million miles an hour while you were standing still unable to grasp at anything to help you catch up with anybody else around you. 
"Babe?" Felix called out. He'd heard your car pull into the drive but you hadn't come straight through to the living room as you usually would. You heard Felix move from the couch, and within seconds, his arms were wrapped around you from behind, pulling you close. For a moment, you’re too stiff to relax, your muscles still tense from the day, but as his warmth sinks in, you release a shaky breath and lean into him. 
“Hey,” he whispers softly into your hair. “Rough day?” He whispers already feeling how tense you were in his arms and he wanted to do everything he could to make you feel better. The tenderness in his voice undoes you, and before you can stop it, a sob escapes your throat. You bury your face in his chest, clutching at his shirt like it’s the only thing keeping you from falling apart. 
“It’s… it’s just so much,” you manage to say, your voice cracking. Everything you'd been holding in finally escaped into a ball of tears as you shook your head at him.
“I feel like I’m drowning, Felix.” You admit, your eyes blurry with unshed tears. Felix's breath caught in his throat but he just held you tighter, rocking you gently in the hallway as he nodded his head. While he didn't know the stress of your job and studies he was always going to be there to listen to you, whatever you needed. He was your rock.
“I’m here, baby. Let it out.”
“I had three IEP meetings today,” you murmur into his shirt, your words thick with frustration and exhaustion. Remembering the meetings you'd been in and the stress you'd gone through with every single one of them.
“None of them went well. I’m trying so hard for my students, but I feel like I’m not doing enough. And my thesis…” You laugh bitterly, but it comes out more like a sigh. You'd been putting that off for so long it was now becoming impossible to ignore. It was due soon and you hadn't even written your fucking name on the paper yet. How did anyone ever even manage any of this?
“I haven’t even started the paper I need to write. I’m so behind, Felix. I don’t know how I’m supposed to do it all.” His heart beats steadily against your ear, grounding you, but it doesn’t stop the flood of emotions swirling in your chest. This job was everything to you, and being a special needs teacher is what you love to do, but it takes everything you have some days. Balancing that with your master’s program… feels damn near impossible.
“You’re doing so much already,” Felix says, his hands rubbing slow, comforting circles on your back, the act soft and gentle as you looked up at him. 
“You give so much of yourself every day. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed.”
“But if I fall behind, I’ll be failing my students…” Your voice trembles as you pull back to look at him, your eyes brimming with tears. The last thing you wanted to do was fail yourself but your students meant more to you than anything else sometimes and you never wanted to feel like you were letting them down.
“And myself.” You whispered defeatedly. Felix smiles weakly as he moves his hands to cup your face gently, wiping away the tears that spill over with the pad of his thumb. Your heart hammering roughly against your chest as you look up at him,
“You’re not failing anyone, least of all yourself. You’re one of the strongest people I know, and you’re doing everything you can. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to need help. It's okay to ask for help,” You close your eyes, leaning into his touch, letting his words wash over you. Sometimes you liked to try and push yourself so only you could do things but he was right. You knew he was deep down.
“I just… I don’t know how to make it stop. It feels like I can’t catch my breath.” Felix presses a kiss to your forehead, his lips warm and refreshing after the day you'd had and he smiled a little as he felt your body relax a little.
Felix pulls away slightly, just enough to look into your eyes, his hands still resting on your shoulders.
“Why don’t we just forget everything for a while, yeah?” he says, his voice soft but full of warmth. 
“Come on, let’s get you comfy. Tonight is all about you.” He taps your nose softly and you let out a weak smile and nod, feeling a little lighter already, and let him lead you to the couch. It felt good to finally let go of everything you'd been holding back for months even if it was just talking about it for a little while. 
The two of you sat down on the sofa and you let out a small sigh at the feel of the cushions, they felt just like a cloud beneath you as you sank into them, and before you could even say a word, Felix grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around your shoulders.
"Don't. Tonight is about you and I'm not going to take another word about it," he warned you, pressing his lips to your temple as he slowly got up from the sofa and smirked at you. Before disappearing into the other room for a moment, you take the opportunity to close your eyes, exhaling slowly, trying to let go of the day. 
You weren't sure how long your eyes had been closed but it wasn't until you heard the familiar theme song of the TV show you love playing. It was the show Felix knew you'd seen almost 12 times already but it was your comfort show, the one you watched once a year to make yourself feel better. 
“You don’t have to do all this,” you start to say, but he waves you off with a gentle smile. He knew how much you loved the show and he knew that no matter what you were going through it had always been there to help you.
"You don't even like the show-"
"Yn, I'm doing this," He smirks at you,
“I want to. You deserve it,” he says, grabbing the remote and settling beside you, his arm immediately finding its place around your shoulders. 
For the first time all day, and maybe in a few weeks, you feel a little bit of peace and you melt into Felix's side, watching the show as your favourite characters said the lines you knew off by heart at this point.
After a few minutes, Felix kissed the top of your head, making sure the blanket was still wrapped around you tightly before he got up. 
“Stay right here. I’m going to make you something to eat.” You glance up at him, 
“Felix, you really don’t have to—” He places a finger on your lips, playfully shushing you as a smirk tug on the corner of his lips. There was nothing he wouldn't do for you tonight. 
“I insist. You’ve had enough on your plate today. Let me take care of you for once.” You let him go this time, watching as he heads into the kitchen. You can hear the sounds of him bustling around—pots clanging, the soft sizzle of something on the stove—and it makes your heart swell. You know he’s not the best cook, but he’s trying, and that’s what matters most to you. Usually, it was always you that was forced to look after everybody else and you had to admit it felt kind of good to have someone else do the looking after for once.
Soon, the smell of something warm and comforting fills the air, and Felix returns with a tray. There’s a simple dinner—pasta with your favourite sauce, a little side salad, and even some garlic bread that he must’ve heated up. Your stomach growled at the sight of it and you licked your lips, you'd barely had time to eat all day and you were almost sure you could go for a second portion of this.
 He sets it on the coffee table in front of you, then disappears again briefly. When he comes back, he’s holding your favourite snacks: the chocolate bars you like to keep hidden in the pantry and a small tub of ice cream, then there were savoury and sweet treats, everything you could think of was lying there.
"You’re spoiling me.” you laugh as you slowly sink onto the floor in front of the table. Felix grins at you and sits down beside you again, placing a soft kiss on your temple as he nods his head. 
“That’s the point.”
You eat together in comfortable silence, Felix occasionally offering to feed you a bite just to make you laugh. The weight of the day has faded now, replaced by the warmth of his presence and the delicious simplicity of your favourite foods. When the dinner is done and the plates are set aside, he pulls you closer, his arms wrapping around you securely.
The TV show plays in the background, but you’re barely paying attention now. Felix’s hand moves in slow circles along your back, lulling you into a deeper sense of calm and your eyes start to get heavy. The day’s stress feels distant, a memory you no longer have to carry for the night.
“You’re too good to me,” you mumble, your voice heavy with the beginnings of sleep. You can feel your eyelids drooping, but you don’t want to move from his lap. Not now, when everything feels so perfect and safe. Felix smiles down at you, as he runs his fingers over your cheekbones and shakes his head.
“I’ll always take care of you,” he whispers. 
“Now close your eyes. You deserve some rest.” You don’t argue. You didn't even have the energy to argue with him, you couldn't even move from where you were sat. Instead, you let the sound of his heartbeat beneath your ear and the steady rise and fall of his breathing lull you into sleep. You can feel his hand gently tracing patterns on your arm, his touch so soft and tender.
And in that moment, everything else melts away. The stress, the deadlines, the pressure—they all dissolve, leaving only you and Felix in the quiet of your home.
"Goodnight angel," he whispers as you finally fall asleep in his arms.
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@chiisaiblog @sw33tnight @kaitieskidmore97 @laylasbunbunny @stayconnecteed @saymyspringrain @toplinehyunjin @katnisspeetaprim @acciocriativity @just-aelia @choisoorin @straykids5star @midnightfrog625 @beccaskz @scarletemeterio @halesandy @junhannies @gothic4under4lord @lixie-phoria @soulphoenix1618 @aerastus @jin-from-the-block @lensfilm @elizaschuyler18 @piratequeen-impact @kpopsstuffs @chaeyoungs @delulu18 @xyahrinx @katsukis1wife @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @blairscott @4-chan-inpadella @niktwazny303 @moonlight-the-writer @armystay89 @hadassahchan @yxngbxkkie @s3ungm1nxxl0ve
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aangelkeii · 2 days
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❝𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐀 𝐊𝐎𝐙𝐔𝐌𝐄❞ | Oops - Tweet, Missy Elliot ❦ ❀
Kinktober Day 3: Cock Warming (k.tober 2024)
A/N: GOD DAMNIT. okay so i rushed this im sorry it's not my fav but it's what you're gonna get. i'm so tired rn i should've listened to my girlfriend bro oh my gawd. also the photo of him on the ground is really tasty ngl
`✦ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹
wc: 1.7k (hmm..) | warnings: fem! reader, singular use of the word 'cunt' (sorry, couldn't be helped), cock warming obvi, uhh li'l praise? literally the tiniest bit, this goes on during a stream so like.. voyeurism? viewers are adults dw, pornstar! kuroo is mentioned cuz i think that's so funny, kenma whines. o.0.
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Wake up, eat a protein bar, turn on the computer, stream for however many hours, sleep for 3, repeat. 
That’s been Kenma’s routine for the past few weeks. He’s been doing charity with Kuroo, ‘Kodzuken: After Dark’, a cheesy title for a program where he does what he regularly does, just for an all-adult audience. He’s dealt with the guy for this long, and he’d do this stupid thing for him. It’s not good for him, though. It’s absolutely terrible, visible in the dark circles under his eyes and the extreme exhaustion written across his face, but he’s been doing this kind of thing for so long that he doesn’t see anything wrong with it.
You beg to differ.
Of course, you support him through his career because it’s what makes him happy (and what makes the money), but it’s gotten to a point that you’re living with a walking zombie instead of your sweet, loving boyfriend. You don’t want to be annoying and pester him about his unhealthy habits, but sometimes you just have to be stern with him. 
Sending him a quick text while he was streaming, asking if he could come to bed soon, proved to work somewhat. He did curl in next to you earlier than he usually did, but it was still considerably late at night. The worst thing about his habits is the fact that even with a total of 21 hours of sleep a week, he still manages to look so good, and feel mostly unaffected by it. Most of his exhaustion comes from the drop of adrenaline after a good stream.
You decided to do something about him. Not in a regular way, but in a way that would make him understand.
In the middle of a stream, you opened the door to the office and peeked your head in. Kenma heard the door creak a bit and muted his mic, turning in his gaming chair and pulling one side of his headphones off of his ear. 
“What’s up?” He muttered, half of his face illuminated by the harsh light of the computer. His hair was tied back into a ponytail, stray pieces tickling his cheeks every time he moved his head. 
“How’s the stream?” You made sure that your face isn’t visible to the webcam. Kenma didn’t want you to show your face to his fans just yet. You understood, flattered that he cared so much early on in your relationship. Even if it’s been 3 years since then, he still stood by his words. “Jus’ wanted to check in.”
He looks back at the screen, reading the chat as they greet you with ‘Lady Kodzuken’, a title that started off as a little joke. It’s the only thing they call you now, not knowing anything about you. “It’s good.”
He looks back at you, giving you a look over while his eyes are away from his nosy viewers. “You going to bed soon?”
You shrug and step into the room, softly closing the door behind you. Kenma’s hand hovers over this stream deck in case he needs to change the screen, but you walk to the side of his desk where the webcam can’t reach. Your hip leans against the desk, his eyes following your every move.
“You gonna come with me?” Your tone is a bit snarky, but mostly teasing. 
He looks back at the screen, the look on his face answering your question. You figured he wasn’t, but you’re still slightly annoyed. “There’s a few more levels, then I’ll join you.”
Nodding slowly, you peek around the screen to read the chat. They’re asking where you went and what you were doing.
You step into frame, and Kenma barely reacts in time to switch the screen, going to ask you what you were doing when you took his face in your hand. Your warm palm pressed gently into his cold cheek makes his eyelids falter just a bit as he relaxes. You soothe his cheekbone with your thumb, looking down at his golden eyes. He has a small look of confusion, brows upturned in question.
“Can I stay here with you?” Your soft voice has him nodding before you even finish your sentence. He doesn’t question you when your free hand goes to the drawstring of your pajama pants, undoing the tie and shimmying them down your legs. It’s only when you step out of them and reach for the waistband of his sweatpants that he snaps out of the trance you put him in.
“Wait–” your hands freeze at his hip bones. He has an internal battle with himself, debating on whether or not he should just end the stream and take you to bed like you wanted or let you sit on his lap with barely anything separating the two of you, but your thumbs delicately brush over his lower stomach.
He gulps and releases a shaky breath, reading the look in your eyes. You don’t plan on just sitting here with him. You’re planning something more.
He nods and you resume your actions, tugging the waistband down, and he lifts his hips for you to pull them off entirely. His hand rests on your hip as you settle on top of his lap, arms wrapping around his neck. He knows immediately that this was a mistake.
He can feel how warm you are, seeping through his bones and warming him from the outside-in. Your knees settle on either side of his hips, digging into the back of the gaming chair, and lean down to kiss his neck.
He feels you shift on his lap, seemingly accidental, but the purposeful roll of your hips down on him tells a different story. The seemingly innocent kisses and tender touches was just a ruse for you to fuck him.
“Babe, I’m streaming,” his voice strains when your fingers creep underneath the band of his boxers, peeling them down enough for his hardening cock to spring up. Your hand palms him, pressing the head against his sweater and leaving a small wet spot on the fabric. It’s embarrassing to him.
“I won’t be bothering you,” you spread the pre cum down his cock, taking your hand away to pull your underwear to the side, sitting against him and rolling your hips. He slips between your lips, knocking against your clit over and over, the stimulation enough to make you clench around nothing. When you raise on your knees and press his tip to your slit, his hands shoot up to the sides of your thighs in warning. 
Sliding down on him slowly, giving yourself enough time to stretch out around him without hurting yourself, Kenma’s already a panting mess beneath you. When the back of your thighs meet the top of his, a pitchy noise leaves his lips and his head falls back in an attempt to control himself.
“Go back to your stream, baby.”
His eyes dart to yours alarmingly, looking at you as if you were crazy. You expect him to continue on like he’s not buried to the hilt inside of you? How can he act like everything’s normal?
You lay your head back into the crook of his neck, taking in a deep breath of his hoodie, tightening your arms around him as you settle down. A slight shift of his hips has you clenching around him and his head feels like it’s going to roll off of his shoulders. But, he does as you say, unmuting himself with a quiet apology as he switches the screen. Now, he wishes he had set up that screen for when he’s not using his webcam.
The rest of his stream goes by agonizingly slow, periodic twitches of your cunt around his dick that makes him buck his hips involuntarily. You have an impressive talent of keeping yourself dead quiet at times, and he’s entirely grateful for that at this moment. The chat questions every time his face burns a darker red and his bottom lip is pulled between his teeth, but he brushes them off with some lame excuse. Either his chat is clueless or stupid, because it should be entirely obvious that he’s stuffed inside of you while you cockwarm him with no care in the world. 
His tip keeps nudging against your sweet spot, and after a torturous hour of small, faltering movements, your hips start to pick up in speed. Kenma slams his hand down on his stream deck, switching to some random idle inimation and muting his stream before his hands grip onto your hips, head falling back with a moan. He hasn’t gotten softer with little to no stimulation, only growing painfully more hard. He can feel how wet his boxers have become from how you’re dripping around him, and it’s overstimulating when you increase your speed even more.
“Oh, oh fuck, mmmhn, s’good,” he babbles on, mouthing near your temple, head foggy and determined to come. The slight praise sends a bolt of electricity between your legs, clit pressing harshly into his pelvic bone, stimulating a fire inside of you. It’s a sudden rush of want and need that forces Kenma to reach up to the back of your neck, dragging you away from his neck to slam his lips against yours in an effort to muffle the pathetic whines that pour from his lips. The warmth of his cum inside of you is enough to make you come, too, huffing out your own noises of pleasure as you ride it out on top of him.  
It feels like forever until the heat finally subsides and you lie limp on his lap, arms circled around his torso as you catch your breath. Kenma ends the stream quickly afterwards and plans to tweet out an apology or something, saying it was a technical difficulty, hoping to god that no one points out the obvious signs of his bliss with you. He knows that it’ll spread like wildfire if even a single person mentions it, but he’ll worry about that later.
“I didn’t like that,” his breathless voice speaks into the quiet air.
“Oh?” Your head lifts, slightly worried. Did you cross a line? 
He looks at your face, pupils dilated and face warm from the rush of blood throughout your body. “An hour was too long. We could’ve been in bed by now.”
Your worries are forgotten. You smile and lean closer to kiss him, cradling his face in your hands.
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© aangelkeii - do not repost, translate, plagarize, or claim any of my works as your own.
taglist: @ggriwm @ppsucker3000 @cstandsforchaos @jakeyjakies @cphlo @dumbwaystolive
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Over the next few months things were going well hubby embraced our new lifestyle and started getting used to his new sexual limitations. He only gets to eat my pussy when it’s full of cum he gets no more sexual intercourse or blow jobs or hand jobs those are reserved for my boyfriends. My next significant adventure was Josh he was a very good friend of my husband we would often go out with him and his wife. I honestly never really found him attractive but since he started having issues with his wife he was hanging around allot more. One night he was hanging with hubby watching a game and it was the first time I really noticed him checking me out. I was in my yoga pants and a tank top and I caught him several times looking at my ass of course me being a tease I made sure to bend over a few times and give him a really great view. The upcoming weekend we had plans as couples to have them on our boat. When Saturday morning came around he called to say his wife wasn’t feeling well and couldn’t make it and if we wanted he would bow out too. Of course my husband said don’t be silly come hang out with us. I have to admit I took a little extra time picking out my bathing suit.
I knew he would be checking me out so I put on a really sexy one piece leopard print that was high cut in the back to show off my ass and also showed some nice cleavage. He got to the dock around lunchtime. We had some rosé and some sandwiches. He admitted to us that his wife didn’t come not because she was sick, but because they were arguing. The conversation was more between me and him at this point he was explaining his marital situation and problems that they were having and I found myself feeling sorry for him. He really seemed so thoughtful and sweet. I have to admit I was really attracted to him.
The wine definitely help me feel sexy and I flirted with him as much as possibly could I made sure he got great views of my ass and down the front of my bathing suit I let him put lotion on my shoulders and my back every chance I got I put my hands on his back and his waist until finally he started putting his hands on my waist and my ass from behind. He seemed a little uncomfortable with hubby around so I made like it was just innocent flirting and I was a little bit drunk. When it was time to leave I volunteered to walk him up the ramp and off the dock I told him to call me if he needed to talk and I made sure he had my number I gave him a big long hug his hands slid down by my ass i gave him a quick little kiss on the lips and he pulled me closer forcefully and gave me a nice long kiss while he was feeling my body as much as he could.
After our kiss, I acted playful and told him he was being a bad boy and we went our separate ways. When I got back to the boat, I made like nothing happened, and I didn’t mention anything to hubby. Although he obviously saw me flirting with Josh all day he didn’t mention anything either later that night we were watching TV and I just whispered in his ear. I think your friend Josh really liked my bathing suit and I went up to bed I really wanted him to think about it all night.
Sunday was uneventful Monday late morning
I got a text from Josh thanking me for talking about his marriage and listening to his problems he said it really meant a lot to him. I said, of course, anytime I really enjoyed talking to you too. A little while later, he texted me again and we exchange texts about vacation plans, and summer and boating he then said to me I hope me texting you is not making you uncomfortable. I took this opportunity to be a little bit of a flirt and I said of course not it could be our little secret and I gave him a 😘
A few texts later, he asked me what I was doing for the rest of the day. I told him I was going to the gym to work out. He asked me if I was wearing my yoga pants. I said yes I’m wearing my Lululemon. Why do you ask? He said you looked so hot the other day in your yoga pants when I saw you I said I know I saw you looking at my ass. I asked him if he wanted to see a quick pic so I sent him a nice pic of my ass in my Lululemons. Later that night he text me saying he’s been looking at my picture all day with a heart so I sent him another one I had taken earlier in my bra and panties and asked if he wanted to meet me for lunch tomorrow. He said he was dying to see me that he would leave early and meet me anywhere I want
I told him to meet me at the boat at 2pm and bring us something for lunch that I would bring the wine. Our texts were getting more heated I asked if he wanted me to wear a bathing suit or some sexy lingerie he said I was making him so hard and choose the lingerie. Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough I did some morning errands put on a sexy black lace bodysuit under my clothes and text Josh I was on my way.
I sent hubby a pic of me in my bodysuit and text him I had a lunch date with a new boyfriend and I want you to think about me all afternoon giving him my pussy don’t text back.
I got to the boat and got everything ready I put out wine glasses out made sure our cabin bed had clean sheets I took off my clothes and waited in my bodysuit sitting on a little sofa we have off the kitchen area. Being with hubbys friend was making me so wet. Josh finally walked in i told him to come sit next to me I asked him how he liked my bodysuit and he just started kissing me he kissed my lips, and my neck worked his way down to my tits and was kissing my nipples through the bodysuit, telling me how sexy I am and how he’s been dreaming about this for so long he really took his time touching me and kissing me he finally undid the snaps on my bodysuit started licking and kissing my pussy. He said I tasted so good. I told him I didn’t want to come that way. I took him into the cabin and laid him on the bed told him I couldn’t wait to feel his cock. I undid his pants and pulled his cock out. It was so big and hard. I begged him to put it inside me so he rolled me over and I helped him guide his cock in my pussy. He felt so good fucking me. I asked him please not to come, I want you to keep fucking me let’s cum together we both couldn’t take it much longer. After a few more strokes I heard him start moaning, and we both came almost simultaneously. we laid there for a bit while he was inside of me and then he got up and totally took off my bodysuit. We laid there, kissing he was kissing and feeling my nipples a lot. He said they were really sexy, I was rubbing his cock and when I fell it get hard again, I knew it was my turn to make him feel good. I started sucking him and licking him, I took his whole cock in my mouth I knew by his grunts and moons that I was making him feel great. He asked me to please stop. He said I just need to fuck you again. He pulled me onto the bed and flipped me over and entered me from behind. He was really fucking me hard. I had another orgasm in just a few seconds, but he kept going for another minute or two and then gave me another huge load. We took a little break and went back out into the kitchen area had a glass of wine and ate some sushi that he brought he mostly talked about how happy I made him the last few days while he was sitting drinking his wine, I climbed back on top of him and straddle him, I started kissing him and I could feel him getting hard immediately. His cock went right back into my pussy and I was sitting on top of him bouncing up and down on his cock. I begged him for one more load, I told him to please come inside of me and fill me with his cum. This time was not as quick. He was really fucking me for a long time until he finally came. I needed a few more seconds and then I came right on top of his cock. We kissed and cuddled for at least another half an hour before it was time to leave. I told him he was amazing and I can’t wait to see him again after he left. I straightened up and got dressed. I text hubby to ask him where he was and he said he was on the way home from work how was lunch? I told him I was freshly fucked. I have three huge loads of cum in my pussy for you to eat. I’ll meet you at home. I got home just a few minutes before him. I greeted him at the door in my bodysuit. I asked him if I smelled like sex because I have been getting fucked all afternoon while you were working I handed him my phone And told him to read this whole conversation and come upstairs I’ll be waiting for you. When he walked into the bedroom, I told him not to say a word. Just come here and eat all your friends Josh’s cum right now and that was our first experience with humiliation
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petrichor-han · 2 days
locked up; bang chan
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PAIRING | bang chan x afab!reader
CAST | bang chan
WC | 0.8k
GENRE I smut
WARNINGS | explicit sexual content, switch!reader, switch! chan, explicit language, one use of "baby girl" but otherwise gender neutral, chastity cage, orgasm denial, humiliation, degradation, role reversal
SYNOPSIS | punishing your naughty boyfriend takes a turn. (kinktober day two: bang chan + chastity cage)
A/N | repost from my deactivated nstw, @/elysianjinnie.
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It was hard to ignore the whimpering, especially as it continuously got louder the more you tried to ignore it. You reached for the TV remote, pausing the movie that had been playing, and turned towards the source of the sound. Your boyfriend was sat right next to you, thick fingers pawing at your arm to get your attention, pathetic sounds escaping his throat. You stared down at him, disgust clearly written upon your face, but he didn’t seem to care as his sparkling eyes looked up at you hopefully, glad that he’d finally gotten your attention.
“What the hell do you want?” you snapped, snatching yourself away from his grasp, making his smile fade.
“I want—I want you!” he whined, pulling at your sleeve, “please, I’ve been behaving myself all day!”
“And that makes up for how you misbehaved all damn week?” you said, scowling. Chan shrunk down, as if he were a small animal that had just been struck. It almost made you feel bad, seeing your big beefy boyfriend submit to you with just words said in a stern voice. It was nearly enough to make you reach into your pocket and pull out the small silver key so that you could unlock his cock, caged away in a small barred tube. You could hear it clicking against the metal zipper of his jeans as he shifted around, clearly uncomfortable, but you did nothing, instead unpausing your movie and turning up the volume to drown out his annoying sounds.
But you watched him out of the corner of your eye, watched him palm himself only to wince as the metal bars ground painfully against his soft cock. He kicked his feet in annoyance, glancing over at you quickly to make sure you weren’t looking, then undid his pants slowly. You watched rather than punishing him straight away, curious as to what he was planning to do. He couldn’t do much, especially given his situation.
He slipped his caged cock out of his pants and boxers, breathing deeply as the cool air hit his hot, flushed skin. And you were right—he couldn’t do anything else. You watched him toy with his dick, or at least attempt to, through the cage.
Finally, he noticed you were watching, and with glassy eyes, he looked at you with such desperation, such pain, that you decided to finally give in. “Baby wants to be touched that bad?” you asked, turning off the TV and turning all of your attention towards him. He enjoyed the fact that you were only paying attention to him now, wiggling a little as he shoved off his pants and boxers, kicking them somewhere as you eyed his dick, which was twitching in the cage, moving even though it was in a confined space.
“Yes!” he said happily, “please touch me! I’ve been good, and I promise I’ll continue to be good!”
You shushed him, grabbing his dick, making him gasp, though your loose grip hardly brushed up against his skin. You tugged on the cage a little, frowning as he whined. “It looks like it’s stuck,” you said, pretending to be dumb, “if only there were a key.”
“There—there is! It’s right there!” he cried, pointing to the silver key you’d purposely left hanging out of your pocket.
“This? Oh no, this is for something else.” You grinned evilly at his hope fading, taking out the key and tossing it on the coffee table, trying to fool him further. “I seem to have lost the key for your cage. Sorry Channie.”
“It needs to be off!” he cried, reaching back down to try and take it off himself.
You crossed your arms, feigning sorrow and shaking your head. Tears of frustration and humiliation welled up in Chan’s eyes, and he tugged on the lock harder—actually breaking it. He laughed aloud as he pulled off the cage, his cock hardening and swelling up almost immediately. He tossed the cage aside and pushed you down roughly, hands pinning your wrists to the couch. “You’re such a fucking liar,” he growled, grinding his now-hard cock against the crotch of your pants, “I know that’s the right key.”
“So why’d you break it then?” you grumbled, trying to pretend like you weren’t resisting the urge to buck your hips up into his.
“It was cheap anyways, I knew you wouldn’t really care.” He leaned down to kiss you, one hand travelling up your neck and squeezing gently, making you twitch.
“I guess that’s my punishment for buying cheap shit,” you mumbled into the kiss.
“Along with this,” Chan chuckled, pulling away from your lips. You looked up at him blearily, finally realizing what was happening. He clicked one handcuff into place around your wrist before going for the other. “It’s gonna be a long night, baby girl.”
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© petrichor-han 2024, all rights reserved
please consider reblogging and/or leaving a few kind words if you enjoyed this fic :) tumblr posts revolve around reblogs, and i’d appreciate the gesture!!
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rotthepoet · 2 days
I'm back again w my obsession w pathetic!Lorenzo ✌️😗
Because he so so so obessed that it's comical. There's us strutting down the halls very nonchalant n behind us is Lorenzo trailing after us like a puppy with heart eyes while other students stares like wtf ain't u an asshole who tf is this
"how has your day been?"
"let me carry that for you sweetheart"
"youre gorgeous today as well"
"please, I need a kiss or I might die"
"did you like the flowers this morning?"
"one date, one date is all I ask for"
And he's yapping and whining our ears off and blocking our way and we feel a headache growing and side eye his stupid pretty face and tell him to behave and fck off
And then the mf, cheekily but trust he's so serious, goes "I'll be a good boy and behave if you give me a kiss" xx
- 🎹
lorenzo is literally our dog like???? Hes following us around shopping and pulling the cashier aside to tell her to charge only his card for whatever you and your friends buy. Literally buying your love.
Its a constant “cmon just one date. Just one time, thats all i ask” and a constant “no” but damn does he keep trying.
He’s trying extra hard all the time now. In class, on the pitch, just making himself nicer. We do not care(we kinda care)
Lowkey he sends his friends after you to try and coax you into dating him. He loses his marbles after one of them comes back with a lipstick kiss on their cheek(we were feeling quite devious and silly!!)
He’s downright pathetic for us, annoying the living shit out of us before we finally snap, holding his chin and glaring down at him, demanding he knock it off.
And his pathetic little whine and “yes, ma’am… anything for you”
Nd holllyyy shit does that do something for me- i mean us- i mean ITgirl!reader. I mean i hate lorenzo fuck that guy
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figurantedefilme · 3 days
marry me — sam winchester.
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pairing: sam winchester x gn!reader
cw: just fluff, very cliché, no use of s/n, established relationship, brief mention of canon-typical violence, thoughts about marriage, hugs, kisses, use of nicknames by sam and reader (honey, sweetheart, baby, my love), small appearance by dean, poorly edited.
summary: you woke up and decided that you should marry sam as soon as you could.
a/n: okay, this was VERY short, i'm still learning how to write this kind of stuff, i'm not very creative, but i needed to write this to take a weight off my shoulders, i loved so so much this shit with sammy ;(( sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, english isn't my first language!! enjoy ;)
sam masterlist <3
It was a day like any other after a long hunt. You woke up, Sam was sleeping peacefully next to you in the shared room. You looked at the time on the clock; it was 7am.
Sam was half hugging you, one of his big arms under your back, another hand on your waist, one of his legs folded between yours, the sunlight coming through the gaps in the curtain, illuminating his face in such an incredible way, and you could see a small smile on his face, he really was at peace. You loved it when he slept so well like that, no nightmares, no worries transmitted on his face, just the peace of a good night's sleep.
You thought a lot about it, about how much you wanted to wake up every day with Sam by your side, like, have a life with him, maybe even retire from hunting, get married, a house further away from the city, or even live in the bunker, it didn't matter, you just wanted to be with him until the end of your lives, be his forever, and have him for yourself too.
Sam started to wake up, a big smile on his face when he saw you there beside him. "Good morning, honey." he said in that sleepy voice. "Marry me." You said simply, admiring your boyfriend's beauty, having barely woken up.
"What did you say, sweetheart?" He turned to the side, propping himself up on his elbow to look into your eyes. "I said marry me, my love." You smiled what was probably the biggest smile of your entire life, then leaned in and kissed Sam on the nose.
"Wait," he sat down on the bed, and you followed his action, sitting in front of him. "What's wrong?" You saw how the expression on his face changed, something like surprise, with a hint of confusion. "Are you serious, baby?" He said, taking your hands and looking deep into your soul, he really wanted to know that.
"I've never said anything so serious in my life, Samuel," you replied, clasping your hands around his.
"Oh, of course I want to marry you, in fact, just wait here." He let go of her hands and turned to get out of bed, and went towards the dresser in the room, opened one of the drawers, and from the bottom, took out a red velvet box. "I've been planning this for a while, I wanted to wait until we had a day off and I could take you out to dinner and do it in a more romantic way."
He knelt in front of the bed, opened the little box, and reached out to take yours, you sat on the edge of the bed, almost crying and held his hand. "Do you want to marry me too?" He smiled big, and you simply started to cry. "Oh my god, yes yes, please, yes."
"I should be the one asking you please, you are the most important person in my life, and I would do anything to protect you from all this shit we keep fighting, just to have you for myself forever, my love." He took off the ring and put it on your finger, kissing your hand. He stood up and hugged you, wiping your tears.
"Oh, I love you so much." You said, and began to shower his face with kisses.
"What's that noise here? Who's crying?" Dean appeared at the door, wearing his robe with a cup of coffee in one hand.
"I asked her, Dean." Sam said looking at his brother, he held his wrist and pointed his hand so Dean could see the ring.
"Uh, finally, Sammy, I'm so happy for you." He said with a smile that quickly faded. "But can you stop making so much noise? It's only 7am, thanks." Then he turned and closed the door.
"Typical Dean," you said, laughing.
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drunkonh20 · 2 days
Winning Hearts in the Ring.
A/N: yours truly is back, i'm working and my shifts are pure shit, but imma make up for it folks.
modern day AU boxer Sevika, because we all want to see that, and thanks for my special anon for this request i hope i did you justice.
"C'mon Y/N it's gonna be fun, you promised you would come with me!!" Your friend whined as she takes your arm and shakes you gently. It is begining of autumn and your collage started which means s lot of studying because you are a third year of medical school and your intership starts as well, both for you and your friend actually. You two first met at the first day of classes, funny thing is you two are from the same town but never actually spoke until you two started collage. You first spoke only because you bumped into eachother while looking for your classroom. You remember it like it was yesterday.
"Y/N if you don't hurry up and find this damn classroom Mrs. Jackmann is gonna kill you." You thought to yourself as you were running up and down the hallways. Rushing and carrying your books at the same time because you, sadly, slept in this morning and forgot to pack your backpack. As you were right behing the corner you bumped into someone. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" You look up and see a blonde girl with such a soft face. "It's fine don't worry, I should be careful, it's just that if i don't find this class Mrs. Jacks-" "Mrs. Jackmann will kill me." You and the blond girl look at each other and started laughing. It was like fate, the universe wanted you two to become friends. "I'm Sonya, pleased to meet you fellow nurse." She puts her hand infront of you and you glady accept the greeting. "And I'm Y/N fellow colleague." You smile warmly at her. At that moment you knew you found your best friend and your soul sister.
"Pleeaseee I am begging you, I will go on my knees if I have to."
Sonya said as she was slowly getting on her knees beside you. "You can be a pain in my ass Sonya." You laugh as you typed into your laptop. You promised to go with her on a boxing match that is gonna be in a few days in the city. Sonya actually started training boxing and she wants to go to see the real deal for whats up for her. "Tell me when is this again?" You asked sipping on your coffee.
"It's on saturday at 8 pm, and don't you dare start the 'I have work to do' because we both know that you do not work on weekends because the doctors at the hospital love you and because of that they gave you every weekend off. Please Y/N I already got us tickets like a month ago." Sonya said with a straight face. When she wants something, she will go anything to get it, including you going with her. You stop typing for a moment, pretending to think about the situation. A small laugh escaped your lips and Sonya grabbed a pillow and smacked you with it.
"I KNEW YOU WOULD GO YOU LIL BRAT!" She laughed out loud, boy do you love to see her happy. After finishing your work you two hoppend onto a couch and watched your favorite show to end the night.
Fast forward to saturday.
"Y/N are you done in the shower??" You hear Sonya. "I'll be out in a minute!!" You said as you were done washing yourself. You went out of the bathroom smelling like a whole bath and body works. "For who are we smelling that good hmmm~?" Sonya teased and you just laugh it off, it's not like you would find a hot guy there right? You two girls got ready and went out of the apartment that you shared. It was a cozy little thing, made for two of you. It was a chilly night but you two thought it was a great idea to wear s dress, because why not eh. As the two of you got into Sonya's car you blasted your favorite songs and sang along as you were driving to the arena. While sitting in the passenger seat you look out the window and a jumbo poster catches your eye. It was a poster of the two boxers promoting todays match. At the same time by chance your music was cut by short commercal break.
"Tonight, the ring will burn as two elite boxers face off in a battle for supremacy! Join us for an electrifying night filled with intensity, skill, and heart. When: Tonight at 8:00 PM. Where: Eclipse Arena. Don’t miss your chance to witness history in the making! Hope you grabbed your tickets on time to be part of the action! Who will emerge victorious? Be there to find out!"
"OMG Y/N I CAN NOT BELIEVE WE ARE GONNA SEE IT LIVE!!! You will be amazed by this whole evening. Did I ever tell you that my favorite boxer Sevika is up in tonight finale??? Did I??" Sonya said happily and you just couldn't help but to smile because she was acting like a little child who saw a big rainbow lollipop at the store. "No you never actually told me who is your favorite boxer, but I will see her today." Just as you finished saying that you two pulled over at the parking lot of the Eclipse arena. And let me tell you, it was almost full to the brim, you were lucky to find a spot empty. You two got out and rushed to the main enterence of the big building. There was a lot of security, like a lot, with police also if someone decited to be dumb and start a mess. The line into the arena was huge, but thank God you were rushing so you weren't at the back.
"Tickets please." A strong, buff guy asked you two in a deep voice. Sonya gladly showed them in his face and the guy let's you in.
Entering a boxing arena to watch a match is an experience on a whole snother level. As you approach the venue, the anticipation builds. The sounds of chatter fill the air, mixing with the faint echo of gloves hitting pads in the background. Upon entering, you’re greeted by the vibrant atmosphere—bright lights that shine on the ring, filled with sponsors' logos. The scent of popcorn and hot dogs goes through the crowd. You and your friend navigate through the sea of fans, while others are animatedly discussing previous matches between the two finalists. Finally finding your seats, some smart assholes almost took your seats bit thank god Sonya basically has the additude to deal with people like them, you settle in as the energy pulsates around you. The crowd’s roar grows louder, especially as the fighters are about to be introduced. You truly never experienced something like this. It was exciting and adrenaline was rushing thought you like some kind of a drug. You see the host going into the right with a microphone in his hand. That's it, the two finalists are finally coming onto the stage.
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the main event of the evening! Get ready for an electrifying showdown as we present the finalists of this year’s championship! In the red corner, hailing from the heart of the city, known for her relentless drive and knockout power, give it up for the ferocious fighter, Sevika!"
Sonya basically goes wild, as she sees her idol with her own two eyes. You calm her down as much as possible so she doesn't faint from excitment. You look up the ring to see the host with the two boxers. He takes a minute so the crowd goes silent to introduce the second finalist.
"And in the blue corner, representing the pride of her hometown with an unmatched skill set, put your hands together for the formidable contender, Violet known as Vi! Tonight, they will battle it out for glory, honor, and the championship title! Let’s get ready to rumble!”
People being to scream as the match begins, the tension is electric. Every punch, dodge, and cheer from the audience intensifies the experience. You and your friend exchange reactions, riding the highs and lows of each round, caught up in the drama unfolding before you. The experience is more than just the match; it's the shared excitement between you and Sonya, and the unforgettable moments that make it truly memorable.
"GO SEVIKA KICK HER, YES, NO, YES SEVIKA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????" Sonya got out of her seat to exam the situarion further. It looked like Sevika was loosing, but it was only the first round.
You just sat there in ave. You've never seen such a woman in your life. What captured your eyes was her left arm. It was a bionic arm. You thought what happend to her. "Hey Sonya, what happend to her arm?" You got closer to your friend as you asked the question. "She had an accident a few years ago, from what I read, her team wanted the best for her and they got a new technology for her arm. Sevika's bionic arm is a highly advanced prosthetic designed to mimic natural arm movements and enhance functionality, allowing her to perform tasks with precision and strength." She said never tsking her eyes off the ring. You just nodded as you continued to watch the match. After the first round it got even more intense. It was two for two now. The last match decited who is the new champion. Before the third and final round the host said that there will be a thirdy minute break.
"NO WHY, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THAT LONG." Sonya fake cried and laughed at the same time. You got out of your chair to grab some fresh air, sadly to you, you didn't know some boy was behing you, following you outside. You stood outside drinking your soda while listening to chatter around you, people commenting on the match.
"Heeeey there beautiful hehe." You turned around and saw a somewhat drunk guy covered with grease from hot dogs aeound his mouth. Ew, you though to yourself ignoring him. He slid his arm aound your waist, but there was someone else watching the situation from afar. "Why don't you wanna talk eh, the cat got your tongue or am did I take your breath away?" The creep smrked and you just wanted to punch him right there and then. Looking around for a security guy or police but there were none on sight. Great, how can you camly get out of this situation? "Look man I'm not interested just leave me alone please?" You rolled your eyes. "Oh now you can talk, why don't we go to my place after hmm little kitten?" You almost puked. Finally turning around to face him you were about to start explainging some stuff about manners when a figure got behind him.
"Didn't she say she is not interested?" Ylu looked up behind the dude and saw her. Sevika. You looked at her in awe. You examed her face closely. Sevika has an expressive face, marked by sharp features and intense gray eyes that show both determination and a hint of softness, but at this moment her eyes screamed bloody murder. "Get back inside or else I'm gonna carry you inside piece by piece." She stared down at him, right after the guy ran inside for his life. Sevika looks at you, you can se some bruises and some bloody marks on her face. She looks at youand smiles a bit. A small 'thank you' escapes your lips looking down to hide your blushing face. "Anytime beautiful." She smirks taking a cigarette out of her pocket. You look up to her side and see one bad cut on her face. "You know that cut will be needing a least four to five stiches."
"Oh yeah, are you a doctor?" She takes a puff.
"Well actually, I am.. almost." You smile st her. She looks at you and takes your face into the palm of her hand. "Well then, you will be the one who will stich me up darling." She said taking another puff. Never in your damn life have you felt like this, never has someone made you feel this kind of way when meeting them for the first time. You stutter finding words to say something, she looks at you again. "Gotta get back inside, hope to see you still there to watch me win beautiful." She winked and went back inside the venue. You couldn't believe what just happend. Sevika, THE Sevika saved your butt snd flirted with you tonight.
'Sonya will never believe what just happend.' You thought as you went after Sevika inside. You got back into your seat and saw Sonya talking to a boy prolly not even noticing that you were gone for the whole thirdy minutes.
As you sat down the bell rang. The finale match has begun. You saw Sevika getting up from her corner. She was looking for someone. When she finally saw you she just winked at you and you couldn't help but to blush again. Sonya looked st you. "Girl, what was that??? Did Sevika just winked at you?" "Sonya, I will explain it later just watch the match okay." You said never taking your eyes off of Sevika, praying to god she will win. "O you have some explaing to do at home young lady."
As the final round approaches, the atmosphere is electric, the crowd roaring with anticipation. Both Sevika and Vi are visibly exhausted, sweat glistening on their brows. The bell rings, and they charge toward each other, trading jabs and hooks, each punch a testament to their grit. Sevika started showing signs of fatigue, begins to retreat, but Violet aka Vi senses an opportunity. With precision, she unleash a series of powerful combinations, landing clean shots that echo through the arena. The crowd erupts with each strike, urging Sevika on. In this moment both you and Sonya started biting your nails from anixety In the last minute, Sevika digs deep, channeling their remaining strength. She respond with a surprising counter, landing a solid right hook that staggers Violet. Time slows as the two boxers exchange blows, each seeking to gain the upper hand. As the final seconds tick away, the fighters lean into their last efforts. With just seconds left, Sevika delivers a devastating uppercut, sending her opponent to the canvas. The referee counts, and the crowd holds its breath. At eight, Vi struggles to rise, but they can’t beat the count. The bell rings, and the referee waves it off. Sevika raises her arms in victory, is declared the winner, her corner erupting in celebration while Violet, though battered, nods in respect. The match ends, marking another chapter in their fierce rivalry. The host enters the ring for the last time.
"We are thrilled to announce that Sevika has emerged as the champion of the boxing championship! Her dedication, skill, and determination have truly set her apart. Congratulations to Sevika for this incredible achievement!"
Both you and Sonya screamed. You could see Sevika looking at you, breathing heavily and she just smirked. You look at her and smile while doing the thumbs up. She laughed at you, couldn't help it.
After a while the crowd gets outside and so do you and Sonya. While walking to your car and chatting about the match you see someone ahead of you. It was Sevika, leaning over to the side of your car.
"I was hoping I can get your number beautiful." You see Sevika leaning onto your car. She handled you a pen and paper. You glady accept it and write it with a little heart next to it. You gave the items back and look at her. "Someone will need to stich you up hm?" You teased and she smirks, while Sonya almost had a full on stroke in the background. "O young lady you have a lot of explainging to do. Btw hi Sevika, I'm Sonya, big fan." She waved her hand to her. Sevika laughs along side of you at this whole situation. As you both settled into the car, the tension of the moment shifted into something lighter. Sevika chuckled, glancing over at you, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "So, what's your plan after the stitches?" she teased, raising an eyebrow. You smirked, feeling the chemistry crackle between you. "Maybe take you out for a drink, if you're up for it." Sevika's smile widened. "Count me in. Just don’t be surprised if I end up stitching you up instead." Sonya, still recovering from her shock, shook her head in disbelief. “This is going to be a story for the ages.”
As you drove off, the laughter and teasing continued, the night ahead full of possibilities, leaving you both eager for what was to come.
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