#sorry i just word vomittee
withahappyrefrain · 1 year
Okay but Jake Sersin is such a jungle gym type of dad.
Like my friend, her kids run up to give her hugs and kisses and cuddle with her on the couch. Or they'll give some of their blanket to her. But with their dad, they just attack him out of nowhere and start to climb on him. Occasionally challenging him to the odd wrestling match just when he's relaxing and watching tv.
That's exactly how I see Jake and Venus with their kids. Like out of nowhere, Jake will walk in with a kid hanging off of his back, one clinging to his leg, and he's holding the littlest one on his arm, maybe getting chewed a bit. He's grown so accustomed to it, it's nothing anymore. He does occasionally overdramatize just to get them to laugh or to turn Venus on and have her want another kid, but he swears it's just to make the kids laugh.
Or during family movie nights, they older kids will send the younger one in first to ask Venus is she could move, because they want to sit next to Jake and the minute she moves, they're all ganging up on him, but they needed to make sure Venus was out of the way first.
Also definitely the dad where the kids will ask him if he could throw them in the pool instead of them jumping off the edge.
Also, Jake and Venus as parents???? Definitely the parents from Easy A
I love that we all agree they'e the parents from Easy A!
Venus is just hanging out on the beach with their youngest one, Evelyn, (who isn't crawling yet) and hears Jake laughing. She looks to see Emma on his back, Colette clinging to his leg, and their toddler, Thomas, in his arms, laughing up a storm.
"Mama look!" Colette yells out, "We got Daddy!"
Venus gets Evelyn's attention, who just giggles at the sight of their siblings using Jake as a jungle gym. Venus can see the heart eyes forming in Jake's green eyes at the sight of his youngest's gummy smile and adorable laugh.
"We make some pretty adorable kids," Jake sits next to V, joining in on her watching Emma and Colette show Thomas how to make a sandcastle. Evelyn reaches out to Jake, who quickly takes her and places her in his lap.
"We do," for a moment, Venus forgets to breathe because she's too busy admiring how Jake is holding Evelyn up so she's 'standing' on his thighs. Evelyn's little hands are pawing at Jake's chest, giggling as he moves her up and down.
"Soon, she's gonna be able to stand by herself," Jake states, a sly smile on his face.
"Yeah, and then she'll be crawling," Venus replies, wondering if this conversation is going where she thinks it's going.
"And before you know it, she's going to be off playing with them. And we'll just be here," Jake leans over, his mouth now near hear ear, "Alone."
"Jacob Thomas Seresin, are you implying we should have a fifth child?!" She all but rips off her sunglasses, looking at her husband with the same death glare that made him fall head over heels in love with her in that parking lot, all those years ago.
"No! I mean, we could," Jake adds quickly, seeing the death glare turning into something that scares him a little.
He takes a deep breath, "We could also start fostering. I talked to Bob since he and his wife have done it, and contrary to popular belief, there are babies in the system who need parents. And I know that's something you've always wanted to do, I remember you talking about that on our fourth date and -"
Jake's rambling is cut off by Venus placing a chaste kiss to his lips, followed by a quick peck on his sun-kissed cheek.
"I think that's a great idea, but why don't we wait until this one," Venus leans over to place a kiss on one of Evelyn's chubby cheeks, "Is close to being potty trained?"
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