#sorry i just love risu so bad
doroinoue · 4 months
i wish more people would talk about how genuinely cool and interesting risu is sometimes cuz like Yeah hes babygirl hes silly hes stupid but Also hes a literal merciless freako who, despite not fully controlling his magic, is SO cocky about it like. "Cursed? MOI? "
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he gets so full of himself because he KNOWS he will fucking kill everyone in his surrounding. even if hes not fully in control of curse by this point he still feels zero remorse for what he consciously does. he Challenges people to kill him, to try and see what he can do to them.
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and he especially takes joy knowing those who wronged him get what they deserve, almost in a sadistic way
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like motherfucker went above and beyond just to kill his killer, who he KNOWS (by that point) is the boss of the cross eyes AND (TECHNICALLY) HIS BEST FRIEND TOO.
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he literally does not care who he goes up against, even when he loses, hes just so determined to fuck up everyone who has inconvenienced him.
actual most spiteful character ive seen. i love him so bad
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petrichormore · 1 year
(It’s time for a 4halo ramble and analysis into their current relationship! Everything that follows is about the characters, I’m not using the q! because I’m lazy. I also want to repeat that while I am a 4halo shipper this entire rant is me explaining why I don’t want them to get together right now or anywhere in the near future. I don’t really consider this 4halo neg but let me know if you want me to tag it as such - they have the chemistry and in a distant future I could see it - but the fluffy 4halo that everyone seems to be imagining right now? I can’t see it happening. Toxic 4halo is another story entirely though and not what this ramble is about)
Okay you have been warned (THIS IS LONG):
not saying I’m not a huge 4halo enjoyer because. I am. But I do hope they don’t actually “become canon” or get into a relationship for the foreseeable future. Because the only realistic way that will end is in a giant, heart-wrenching break-up after like. 2 weeks. And I don’t see the ship recovering from that I’m gonna be honest.
Look. They can barely communicate as they are right now, any kind of committed relationship between them would end in fire and brimstone - especially when you take into account the power imbalance that is already causing problems.
Forever has not apologized for jailing Bad, even though Bad has asked for it (a rare show of communication on his part) and he might not apologize ever because he thinks he’s in the right. Somehow Cellbit is the only one to have apologized despite being the one calling for Bad’s head the most during the actual furniture incident. Anyway, Bad knows Forever thinks he’s in the right. And Bad also knows Forever wielded his presidential power to keep him jailed - so if Forever’s not sorry and he believes he was right, what’s to stop him from doing it again - in Bad’s mind, that is. There are actually quite a few things keeping him from doing it again, chief among them being that he doesn’t want to lmao. But Bad wouldn’t know that, would he?
I just- The imprisonment hurt Bad’s trust in everyone so badly that he destroyed every waystone in his base - and he when he found out Pac had someone gotten in anyway, he destroyed the waystone again. I don’t think people understand how long he’s been contemplating doing that. I don’t think people understand how many times he’s decided against destroying his waystones. It takes a pretty big fuck up to get him to do that. It takes a fuck-up of pretty tremendous proportions. And he did that last bit with Pac extremely recently too, which means he hasn’t forgotten.
And that - the whole furniture fiasco - that’s not a misstep that will just smooth over if Bad and Forever just care about each other hard enough. They already care about each other deeply - it didn’t stop the conflict. It’s not something everyone can just sweep under the rug with the power of love and no actual communication. Or at least I hope it’s not. It shouldn’t be. Any relationship the two get into right now will be steeped in distrust and wariness on Bad’s part due to the amount of power Forever can choose to use against him at any moment. And even if Forever hadn’t imprisoned him, that would still probably be the case, albeit to a much lesser extent. But Forever did imprison him, so now Bad’s not only wary of Forever turning on him in a hypothetical sense - he has past experience with that exact scenario. He has reason to distrust. It’s not paranoia in this instance; it’s genuine, rational distrust, which is even harder to alleviate.
By the way, that’s not even taking into account that Bad now knows of the existence of a drug that can brainwash Forever into potentially abusing his power against his own will. Think about how scary we all thought the drug-induced marriage proposals were. Think about how much scarier it would’ve been if Bad and Forever had actually been dating at the time. I’m not going to get into the risus potion here, or what implications it has for Bad’s trust in Forever - or more accurately, the trust he has in Forever’s position of power - because that’s too fucking complicated for my silly brain right now and this is long enough.
So basically: how is a relationship between a president and an anarchist supposed to work? Is Bad supposed to shut up, abandon his core principles, and do whatever Forever wants? When he opposes/attempts to help Forever improve the voting system he’s not being ‘immature’ - he’s acting in perfect accordance with his own belief system. There are points where he does act antagonist in an immature manner but in those instances he is very obviously being dramatic on purpose (and Forever does it as well). Him thinking Forever’s voting system isn’t fair isn’t him being immature, it’s just him being politically opposed. And Forever - what about Forever? Is Forever supposed to throw away his entire presidency? Oh, Bad’s an anarchist so that means Forever has to give up everything he’s worked so hard to accomplish, all the plans he has, all the good he’s desperately trying to do despite the fact that the nature of his position is scaring his loved ones away? He’s supposed to let everyone boss him around? Just because his crush hates government? Really? See, none of these options sounds particularly healthy, but their friendship isn’t even healthy right now so I can’t see them somehow reaching a better alternative.
Idk if you couldn’t tell I don’t like it when people non-jokingly boil down Bad and Forever’s political arguments as something that’ll be solved if one of them gives in or apologizes. Because they won’t. Because neither of them is wrong. Forever was partially right when he told Bagi that nothing he does as president will ever satisfy Bad - Bad is an anarchist, the fact that a government has been forced on him in the first place is already a fundamental problem - and that’s not wrong of him! It’s a genuine difference in beliefs and neither of them is wrong! Bad is not somehow automatically wrong because he’s an anarchist, and Forever is not somehow automatically wrong because he’s the president. Grrr bark woof grr bark, etc… you get what I mean.
(TLDR; if 4halo becomes canon right now it’ll crash and burn instantly and kill everyone on board which I don’t want to happen. Therefore I don’t wish for it to be canon.)
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kazemi-archive · 2 years
Ship your moots?
Hq boys for some of my lovely lil moots <3 I know I missed some but I only did like 15 here bc overwhelming I’m sorry
@zorotits — Lina w Kyōtani. Literally the first boy I associated you with and you were the first to ever make me simp for him. You and him fight all the time and then it gets so flirty (read: you get so flirty) and he doesn’t know what to do. Gets so flustered around you for reals and you get the biggest kick outta it. Just kiss already god.
@mattsunkawa — Echo w Mattsun. Specifically me Mattsun and Makki. We’re a package deal. No but really I think Mattsun would totally protect you and take care of you but still be silly and joke around with you. Definitely going to get drunk with you and sing loudly (even if he’s terrible).
@northofneverland — Wendy w Kita. KITA! You’re his queen and there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you. Cross the galaxy for you change everything if you asked—without you asking. He wants to take care of you in every way, you’re only working if you want to. He adores you bby.
@nanamoonie — Aimsies w Semi. He’s gonna write and sing you songs. He’s down so goddamn bad for you. He���s always gettin caught watching you with a silly lil smile on his face. Blushes so hard when he gets caught too but he just can’t help it.
@maplesuna — Maple w Atsumu. Hahaha he’s such a simp too. He tries to get your attention so much in the most annoying ways. Any of your attention is good in his eyes even if you’re yelling at him for doing something dumb. AND YOU HATE THAT IT WORKS. You find yourself smiling and you’re immediately wiping it off your face like—no shit not that annoying fuck 😂
@toorumi — Bay w Oikawa. Is there another answer? No. You’re Mrs. Oikawa. Pls tho I think you’re def there to bring him back down to Earth, remind him to take care of himself and he loves to take care of you too. Make sure you’re happy and loving everything around. High energy for you but will calm down if you need it.
@sookisaurus — Risu w Tendou. He adores you and your energy (just like me) thinks you’re his literal angel. He’s got so much love to give to you and sometimes treats you like a princess—sometimes bc it’s when he’s not being an absolute menace and stickin things on high shelves or holdin them above your head.
@haithamuse — Esther w Suna. He’s a menace too. I swear if you’re not paying attention he’s whining until you let him stick his head in your lap when you’re playing games. Doesn’t even wanna talk either just be attached to you. But you make him super soft and he’ll do anything you ask.
@unknownspecies — Zoya w Ushijima. He’s got the patience to deal with your psycho ass (affectionate). You’re like a feral child hanging off his arm I swear. Like he’s just so calm all the time but he can’t help the small smile when you’re being crazy. Thinks you’re adorable.
@daiception — Nini w Daichi. Big softie. He’s absolutely smitten with you. Stars in his eyes as he watches you giggling at something. He’s always buying you new things too that you swear to him you don’t need. Always comes home to kiss you and brings a small trinket too.
@blkladyelle — Elle w Tsukishima. He’s a little shit but you love him. I feel like you’d be a mix of his two favorite reactions. Like he’d catch an attitude and half the time he’d get you with it and the other half it would just rile you up. Either way he’s smirkin cause it got your attention.
@kagejima — Rae w Meian. Big beefy man. I literally cannot even see his name without thinking of you. Treats you right, opens doors for you and helps you in and out of the car and bends you over for him carries you Princess style and kisses you sweetly after wrecking you.
@nyaaaaanma — Kisa w Kenma Kenma Kenma!!! You and him Mmhm. He’s so soft for you and you both are each others cats. Curling up together for naps and soothing each other by running your hands through each others hair as y’all just vibe.
@tnypwz — Coco w Kageyama. You’re literally his and he is yours. Married. The cutest couple. He’s obsessed with you. Literally would go out of his way to do anything for you. Just wants to see you smile because he thinks it’s the warmest he’s ever felt.
@ohtokki — Laura w Komori. I just think he’s so sweet to you as you are to him. Literally adores bringing you small gifts randomly and just surprise visits and kisses and silly little conversations to make you laugh.
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maz1e · 2 years
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\⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/﹒✦ → yuna’s new post!
nightmares + nakahara chuuya .
#. synopsis! — chuuya had a nightmare . #. characters! — aizen risumi . #. warnings! — so ooc chuuya, swearing, not proofread fluff. #. word count! — 450 #. masterlist!
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"i should've seen it coming."
risumi sobbed like a kid, wiping his tears with his left arm while clutching his left right side as chuuya watches from afar.
risumi is clearly injured, chuuya wanted to kill― no― torture whoever laid a hand on his boyfriend. from afar, he could tell that they were speaking terrible rumors about him, talking bad about him as an executive of the port mafia, it was kind of bound to happen but he hoped that it wouldn’t happen.
“I’m gonna kill you― you’re a nuisance risumi.” the words got stuck on chuuya’s words as he realized something horrible.
he was the one holding the gun, he was the one who shot risumi and they weren’t talking about his profile, they were talking about him. risumi.
"fuck off risumi. I don't need you." he says again. his own throat was going dry as blood was dripping down his hands, one was holding a gun, one was holding a knife.
what the fuck.
chuuya jolted awake, sweating profusely, his eyes were glistening with tears as his head was painful, probably a hangover. he patted the bed beside him and it was empty. was it real? is this guilt? risumi. where’s risu—
“babe, what’s wrong?” chuuya heard from the other side of the room.
his hand went to his nightstand where his gun was resting, he was in shock, overwhelmed by the emotions.
“chuuya! chuuya― calm down, what’s wrong?” risumi ran towards him as he immediately held his hand to avoid unwanted friendly fire.
chuuya looked at him, teary eyed. it was not like him.
“you’re not dead?” he asks as he releases the unloaded gun from his hand as it hits the hardwood floor.
“i took a shower my love, i’m not dead.” said risumi in a worried but also sarcastic tone as chuuya grabbed a nearby stuff animal as he struck risumi’s head with it. “ow!― sorry― just kidding―”
“fucking dimwit.” chuuya says and risumi laughs. “go put on some clothes.”
as risumi laughs, he did a quick kiss on chuuya’s lips as he ran off before chuuya could strike him again.
before it could register into chuuya’s mind, risumi threw on a baggy black tshirt and pajama pants as he giggled mischievously.
“YOU ASS—” he began yelling as risumi ran out of the bedroom. 
chuuya breathes heavily as his shoulders relaxed. he was glad that it was only a nightmare but he will not let risumi escape after the little stunt he pulled so he got up and ran to god knows where.
the chase didn’t last at least 10 minutes as the couple chose to sleep on the couch.
“I love you, chuuya.”
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devinescribe · 3 years
Hatter Troubles
This is basically a chapter where your dad is Hatter himself, finding out about the relationship, or that they like you or something.
You two thought it would be best if he didn't know. You loved your father, but the way he had been acting recently, about the games and the cards in total, made you two keep quiet.
You couldn't sleep. After your dad saying he was going to play in all the games coming forth starting tomorrow, your mind wouldn't stop playing through every worst case scenario. The thoughts running through your head made you stay up, staring up at the ceiling. 'Want Arisu...' you thought. He'd always made you feel better when you were sad or after a particularly hard game. So, you decided to go visit Arisu. Sure, it was the middle of the night, but who cares? Hopefully not him. And if you knew him, he was probably up. But there was a small chance he wasn't. You hoped he was up, so you wouldn't feel bad about waking him.
You got out of your bed quietly heading to your door. You opened it softly, looking out into the hall cautiously, hoping there was no militals walking around on their patrols. Especially Aguni. You could tell Niragi or Last Boss any lie, and they'd be easily tricked. Well, Niragi was a bit harder to trick, but he usually didn't care, and would mind his own business. You tread quietly to Arisu's room, knocking on the door once you got there.
You heard shuffling from behind the door, and saw the doorknob twist. The door opened, and there was a sleepy Arisu standing in front of you. He yawned, rubbing his eyes tiredly, giving you a tired smile when he saw it was you. "Hello?" He greeted, although it sounded more like a question than anything. "Hi... I'm sorry for waking you up... can I come in?" You asked, feeling bad you woke him up. "Yeah, come on in. And it's no problem. If you woke me up, it must be serious," he said, stepping aside for you to be able to come into his room. "No one saw you, right?" He asked, yawning as you stepped into the room. You shook your head, and he closed the door.
      He lead you over to his bed, sitting down. He asked you to do the same, but you rejected his offer, feeling a bit to anxious to sit down. "What's wrong?" He asked, sensing your nervousness. "It might be stupid, but when dad said about him joining all the games starting tomorrow... it's just made me uneasy. I can't sleep," you explained, pacing on the floor. He nodded, and grabbed your hands, bringing you into him. You fell onto his lap with a short shriek. "Risu! Stop, you can't do that!" You laughed, lightly pushing his shoulder. "Oh yes I can," he smiled back.
He smiled down at you on his lap, before sighing. "You know... when Chota hurt his leg, I was so worried. So... as a way to get over the fear and anxiety, I talked to them about it. I think... If you talk to your dad about how you feel, it could make you feel better," Arisu advised, rubbing your shoulders. He was just trying to make you feel better about the situation, sharing his personal experience, hoping it would help you. He gave you a kiss to your forehead. "Mmm... you're the best boyfriend ever," you muttered into his neck. "Well, it's my duty as the best boyfriend to take care of the bestest, most amazing girlfriend in the world," he laughed, as he begun to tickle you. You screamed, laughing and trying to get him to get away from his attack. "A-arisu!" You squealed, trying to get him to stop. The once quiet hotel room was filled with laughter, and screams.
You two had started chasing eachother around the room, you trying to escape his attack, and him trying to tickle you. You had fallen on the bed, tripping over something on the floor. In an attempt to save yourself, you had grabbed Arisu's shirt. So that's how you ended up in the position you were in now. You were under Arisu, your arms above your head, and to stop from crushing you,  he held himself up on his forearms, caging you in. "Woah, I was not expecting to walk into that," a voice said from the entrance of the room. You froze, turning your head slowly to the door. "H-hi dad," you stuttered as Arisu got off you. Arisu stayed quiet,  and looked down, waving awkwardly. "I- I promise we weren't doing anything. I tripped and he fell a-and we got like... that..." you explained, a blush on your face. "Ok... I mean, it's none of my business what you two do," Hatter stated after clearing his throat awkwardly. You let out a quiet sigh of relief. "I don't mind you being with him, just be careful," Hatter said. "Thank you," you said, walking over and hugging your dad. "Now, get to your room. It's late, and I might let you be with him, but sleeping in the same room is a no for now," your dad said, giving you a soft smile. "Ok... Bye Arisu! Thank you for your advice. Goodnight dad," you said as you walked out the door.
"If I break her heart I'll throw myself off the roof, don't worry."
"I... was not expecting that, but ok. Deal."
"But on that note, I would never hurt her. I promise I'll always protect her."
"You keep that promise for me, ok kid?"
(Reader has a noise sensitivity for sudden loud noises for this specific one)
Hatter had honestly never paid attention to you two. He assumed you would never be into a guy like Niragi, so what did he do? Ignored it.
It had been just another boring meeting, talking about the games, theories, how many had died. All normal things at the meeting. Except when a topic that had everyone going back and forth came up. Niragi, seemingly having enough of everyone being so indecisive on something he viewed so easy, stood from his chair, slamming his hands onto the table. You jumped in your seat, closing your eyes tightly. You grabbed onto the edge of the table tightly, your knuckles turning white. He noticed, but kept on with his business.
At the end of said meeting, he found you out in the hall. 'I've got nothing to lose by talking to her. Well.. except maybe my head, but besides the point. Let's see where this goes.' He thought, hoisting his riffle onto his shoulder as he walked over to you. You noticed him, and smiled to yourself. "Hello Niragi - San," you greeted, turning to face him. His brain froze, but he shook his head, ridding from the rather nasty thoughts he was having. "Hey there," he said. Your eyes looked him over, focusing on the gun. "You got safety on that thing?" You asked, nodding over to his gun. He shook his head. "Why would I? No rules," he reminded. "I prefer archery to guns, but anyways, was there something you needed Niragi?" You asked, holding your hands behind your back. "Uh, yeah. Why did you jump in the meeting? Don't lie saying you didn't, because I saw," he asked, looking at you. His eyes seemed to study every detail of your body. "Oh.. you saw that? I'm sensitive to sudden loud noises," you explained. He made an 'oh' sound, nodding awkwardly. "Well... good luck at the games tonight!" You chirped, patting the top of his head. He stared in shock, watching you walk away. "Did she just?" He muttered to himself, "I think she did."
"Hatter, I can take care of her," he responded to the man in front of him. "I don't trust you with my daughter. She's special to me, I don't trust you won't kill her, so no," Hatter said, a smile on his face, though the subject was making him rather annoyed. "Listen, I wouldn't hurt her. Besides Aguni, I'm one if not the most powerful of the militals," Niragi stated. "Then I'll just send her with Aguni, I'm glad we had this talk!" Hatter deflected, wanting Niragi to give up. But, he underestimated how stubborn Niragi was. "Then you'll have no one to go with you in your games. I can and will protect her. Send her with me tonight. Her visa expired soon," Niragi almost begged, but he didn't. He had some self respect as to not beg, especially over a girl. Maybe back in the old world he would, but now? No way. Hatter thought for a moment, taking into account how out of character it was for Niragi to act this way. "Fine. But if she comes back with so much as a scratch, you will feel what it's like to be at the receiving end of your gun," Hatter threatened. Niragi left the room after, and shuddered. He was not really scared of anything, but an angry overprotective father had now been added to the list.
There were many situations where your noise sensitivity was bad. Case 1 being the horns that sounded before the games. Case 2 being guns. And case 3 being yelling. So that's why you stood shutting your eyes tightly, holding your hands over your ears. "N-niragi, stop too loud..." you whispered besides him, hoping he heard you. He heard you, and stopped, looking to you. You were shaking your leg, eyes screwed shut, and hands over your ears. "I'll deal with you later," Niragi spat at the guy in front of you two as he led you off to a desolate corner. "You ok?" He asked. "I didn't think you cared, but yes, I'm ok," you responded, still twiddling your fingers. "I don't care. But your dad does," he said. Obviously he cared. "Oh... um... thank you for that. He was getting a bit... touchy," you thanked. Truth was, Niragi has been watching the guy ever since he went up to talk to you. Niragi was a great liar, as much as people thought he was a moron with a gun. Once he saw the guy touching you, and your face of obvious discomfort, he decided to step in.
"Learn how to defend yourself against people like that," he stated, going to leave. "People like you, you mean?" You said, stopping him in his tracks. The way you had said it without fear or hesitation made him turn back to you. "People like me?" He questioned. He tried to hide his smirk. It was interesting to say the least. You were just acting like a scared little mouse. What happened to her? "People like you. People who think hiding their weaknesses makes them less weak. People who bully the weak, because they've been the weak. People who hate the weak, only because it reminds them of what they were. So when I say people like you, I mean people who have finally snapped. They're tired of getting pushed around, so they use their newfound power to push others around,'' you stated. You kept eye contact with him the whole time, watching for a reaction. He had none. 'How boring...' you thought before you sighed, walking away. Suddenly, he grabbed your wrist, pushing you into the wall. He trapped you, having his arms on either side of your head. "You don't know anything about 'people like me' but I know a lot about you. Especially your weakness," he whispered. You stared back, unsurprised by his actions. "People like you are so predictable," you both said at the same time. "Predict what I'll do next then," you said. "You'll hit me, try to run away, and I'll chase you," he guessed. "Wrong," you whispered, grabbing the collar of his shirt, pulling him to you. "So wrong, it's funny," you whispered, your lips centimeters away from his. He ran his tongue over his teeth. "You piss me off. Switching in between the shy, sweet one to the independent, badass, tease," he said. You giggled, letting him go. You started walking off, leaving with the words, "See you tonight at the game!" He stared off at where you had been not even a minute ago, thinking about what had just happened.
"Dad, I promise I'm ok! Niragi protected me," you giggled as your dad checked for the hundredth time that you were ok. Niragi stood behind, waiting for this to be over. Hatter sighed. "I guess you protect her just fine," he said, walking off. Niragi rolled his eyes, starting to leave the room again. "Thank you, Niragi. I wouldn't be here right now if you hadn't helped me back there... I made a stupid mistake. Um... I'm sorry about what I said earlier, I wasn't trying to be rude... or a tease," you said, grabbing his arm. He chuckled, turning to face you. You let his arm go, seeing as he was paying attention to you. "No problem. I'm the one who asked to go with you, so it would be stupid of me to let you die. And apology half accepted. I'll be off now," he said, going to leave once more. "Hey, um... do you want to walk around?" You asked. "Can't. I'm going for target practice outside the Beach," he said, nodding his head to the riffle over his shoulder. "Then I'll go with you," you stated. "Loud noises. You don't like them, remember?" Niragi said, trying to get you to stay. What had happened earlier today was still definitely fresh in his mind. "... I can deal with it... please? I just want to talk? Please?" You pleaded, looking at him with the puppy eyes. 'Goddammit... say no, say no, resist against the cute girl.' "Fine. But only this once. Let's go walk around," he said, giving in. 'You fucking idiot...'
By just this once, he meant it happened all the time. You two had gotten closer, and Hatter had definitely noticed.
Niragi watched the party going on in the pool area from the balcony of one of the rooms. You had explained your noise sensitivity to him in a bit more details. Like, listening to loud music was ok, because it wasn't sudden. Which is why you were who he was watching currently. He saw you waving at him with a smile. He waved back, smiling to himself. He could see you laugh, before one of the girls pushed you into the pool. He winced. "She's not going to be happy about that..." he muttered to himself before laughing a bit. "She likes you, you know," a voice said behind him. He quickly cocked his gun, aiming it, before seeing it was Hatter. He let out a sigh of relief, putting the gun down. "Just me. No need for alarm," Hatter laughed. "Like I was saying, she likes you. Won't shut up about you in fact," Hatter repeated. "Sure she does," Niragi stated sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "Believe what you want. But, in any case, she does. And before I wouldn't have let you near her, but after seeing how you've stopped some of your usual habits, and how you protect her, I'll allow it. It's only fair," Hatter said, before leaving.
"I didn't change shit. Crazy old man," he whispered to himself. 'Well, we did stop banging on doors if she's near. And started killing the traitors when and where she won't hear. We tried to stop making loud noises at meetings if she's there. And we still go on walks when she asks us to, even though we said only once.' His mind told him. He scowled at his thoughts, realizing they were right. He walked back over to where he was, scanning the party for you. "Damnit... where'd she go?" He muttered to himself, not being able to see you. "Where'd who go, Gigi?" A voice said besides him. He turned to the side quickly aiming his gun again. "Jesus fuck, (Y/N)!" He shouted, seeing was you. You squeaked at his sudden shouting, hiding behind your hands. They shook slightly, and he cursed himself for yelling at you. "You can't sneak up on me like that, you could get hurt you damn idiot," he sighed, putting his gun down. " 'M sorry..." you apologized. "It's... it's fine, just be careful," he said, patting your head awkwardly. Your hair was wet, and you were dripping water onto the cement floor of the balcony. A few minutes went by, and neither of you had spoken. You stood in comfortable silence looking down at the party going on. Niragi had been trapped in his thoughts. They went between wanting to scold you for the nickname you had used, and telling you how he felt. After a few minutes, you spoke up.
"Can I do something a bit crazy?"
"Uh... Crazy is good most times, so... go ahead."
Those words were all that was said before you pulled him into a kiss.
"I like you. A lot, actually."
"Are you ok?"
"Mhm. Totally fine. I like you too.''
"Does this mean I can call you Gigi now?"
"No way in hell princess." (No way in hell senpai-)
It was almost an instant connection with Chishiya and yourself. You two had a relationship in which everyone could see you guys liked eachother, but no one had confessed. You two acted like a couple too, so many people were confused. He didn't say anything, not because he was scared... ok, well maybe a little bit, but because he didn't want to have a weakness. You also had the impression he only liked you as a friend, so no matter if you liked him or not, you assumed he wouldn't like you.
"Chishiya, gave you seen (Y/N)?" Niragi asked. "No. Why are you looking for her?" He responded.  "None of your business," Niragi scoffed, walking off. "I suddenly have the urge to find (Y/N) to piss him off," he stated to himself, shoving his hands in his pockets, and walking off to go find you.
He eventually found you in the meeting room. "Hi Chishiya," you greeted, your back still turned to him. "How'd you know?" He asked, walking besides you. "You walk quietly, and your walking pattern is distinct. And you don't smell like alcohol, chlorine, or booze," you stated. "Noted... Anyways, Niragi is looking for you," he stated. You groaned, hanging your head. "Is he? Alright... guess I'll see you later? There's a meeting tonight, so... see ya then," you said before leaving. He watched as you walked out, your footsteps getting softer the further you got. "Something's up with her, but what I can't figure out,"he muttered to himself.
When he returned to the meeting room, there was a couple of people. Hatter wasn't going to be at tonight's meeting due to some other business, so the number two was in charge of this meeting. Among those people were you and Niragi. You laughed at whatever Niragi had said, making Chishiya huff. He sat down in his usual spot, glaring at Niragi who was still talking to you. Why did he feel the need to talk to you so much? Hadn't he been out the whole afternoon with you?
You finally sat down besides Chishiya smiling at him. "Hello again," you greeted. "So what did the psychopath want with you?" He asked, a tone of anger in his voice. "Target practice. Dad wants me to be prepared, and since Niragi is one of the best shots here, he's been teaching me. Not alone of course, Aguni is there. Obviously," you explained.
A few minutes into the meeting, you yawned, looking out sleepily. "Stay up late again?" Chishiya whispered, keeping his eyes out on the table. "No... they just have me on night patrols... I'm so tired," you whispered back. He nodded, going back to paying attention to the meeting.
Not even a minute later, he felt a weight fall onto his shoulder. He looked out of the corner of his eyes to see you asleep on him. He smiled to himself slightly, before looking back to the meeting, acting as if nothing had happened.
After the meeting was over, Aguni asked if someone could take you back up to your room. Many of the men there offered to do it, but Chishiya stepped in. "I'll take her. She fell asleep on my shoulder, and honestly the 'princess of the Beach' shouldn't get touched by the dirty hands of these men," Chishiya states, using sarcasm and his usual tone of knowing better. Aguni held back a laugh at his words, but nodded. "You sure you can carry her?" Niragi asked. Chishiya knew this wasn't Niragi wanting to take you back to your room, it was Niragi poking fun at him. "I've carried heavier medical equipment. Please shut the fuck up and let me through," Chishiya said, hoisting you up. Niragi scoffed, walking away.
Chishiya carefully placed you in your bed, covering you up with blankets. " 'Shiya... Stay," you muttered, grabbing his hand. He froze up for a minute, looking down at your sleepy eyes. With your other hand, you held your body up. "Only... only for a little bit. Until you fall asleep," he muttered, getting into bed behind you. You turned, hugging him tightly. "Thank you 'Shiya... you're the best," you yawned, quickly falling asleep. He ran his hand over your hair, not wanting to get it caught and wake you up.
"You need to take better care of yourself... honestly, it's one thing if I don't, but you? You need to live through these games," he whispered, knowing full well you wouldn't wake up. "You're so sweet.... I really wonder why you stay around me... You're asleep, so it doesn't matter what I say, but I hope you know I... I quite like you. A lot actually. So... yeah," he whispered his confession, softly getting away from you. "Dream a little dream of me," he sang as he left the room. A song he'd heard once. But it was fitting. He hoped you dreamed of him.
When he went to leave, he heard someone call out for him. He turned to see Hatter, Aka, your father, Aka, the person who could kill him for what just happened in your room.
"So, she asleep?" Hatter questioned. "Yep. No funny business, I promise. I just stayed with her till she fell asleep like she asked of me," Chishiya stated, placing his hands up in mock surrender. "Oh, I have no doubt. She trusts you, so I don't have a reason to kill you. Yet," Hatter said, a bit too cheerfully for Chishiya's tastes. "Trust me?" He asked. "Yeah. Likes you too," Hatter mentioned. Chishiya felt a weird feeling in his stomach. Like... is that what they called butterflies?
"Likes me? Really. Interesting," Chishiya commented. "Won't shut up about you, actually. Chishiya this, Chishiya that. It's annoying sometimes, but...  it's nice to see her happy," Hatter said, smiling too himself. Happy? You felt happy around him?
"She hasn't been this excited or happy about anything since... since she was very young. I don't really mind you, just... don't hurt her," Hatter stated, walking away. Chishiya was still trying to reel in the fact that you liked him. You talked about him. To your father. "I'll... I'll confess when she's awake next time."
Last Boss
"Taka! What're we doing today?" You asked when you reached the target field. He jumped, startled by your voice. "Oh... hello (Y/N)... and we'll be doing basic blocking and striking today again," he mentioned. You smiled, and nodded. You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and watched his face slowly turn pink. "You're so cute," you teased. He looked away, stretching his hand out to you. You grabbed it happily, pulling him along.
There was only two people allowed to touch his katanas. You and him. That's it. You because you were his lovely amazing girlfriend, and Jim because... they're his. Obviously.
His body was behind your own to position you as he was teaching you, making sure you were correct before moving on.
"OK and then I can do thi-" you didn't get to finish your sentence because as you went to strike, you fell. Instead of letting Last Boss witness the utter act of embarrassement, you brought him down with you.
You landed on top of him, still holding onto his shirt. "Well... we've been in this position before haven't we?" You questioned with a sweet smile on your face. He blushed, knowing what you were referring to. He sat up, you still in his lap. "Come on, there's no need to be shy about it Samu," you giggled, kissing his forehead. "Well no... but yes?" He responded. You shook your head, kissing his lips. He pulled away almost immediately, making you pout. "We could get caught," he said, his hands resting on your waist.
"You're dad would quite literally kill me. And if not him, Aguni. You're aware of how scary that man is, right? And how protective both of them are of you?" He stated. You frowned, knowing that Last Boss did not enjoy PDA. Especially since no one knew about you two.
He sighed, caressing your face with one of his hands. "I... fine. But we have to be careful."
A few innocent kisses and touches turned into a full make out session that left you both gasping for air, and wanting more.
"So uh... is this what you meant by Last Boss helping you?"
You had never jumped away from anything faster than you did when you heard your father's voice.
"H-hey dad," you stammered, looking around, not wanting to meet his gaze. "Hi, so just wanted to let you know we have a meeting in a bit, and to be ready. That's it," he said nonchalantly. A but to nonchalant for your tastes.
Your DAD had just walked in on you two making out, and that was his only response? No fucking way.
"I-im sorry about... about that," you apologized, looking down in shame. "Don't apologize for that. Who cares. As long as you're safe and happy, I could care less who you're with. Plus, he's decent. And pretty smart, so I'm ok with it," Hatter explained, patting your head. You smiled up at him. "Thanks dad," you said. "No matter what, you'll always be my little princess, so... go have fun. I'll let you two be," Hatter stated. "Oh, before I leave, Last Boss?"
"Hurt her, and I'll hurt you back, got it?"
I love the idea of Hatter being a supportive dad who's just like "as long as they love you and you love them, who gives a fuck?"
And honestly. I just needed some fluff today.
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thenixart · 4 years
Unedited Dorohedoro fanfic (opening of chapter 1)
What do we say to Death?
-Location: Hole?-
“Uhg...” Consciousness comes back to Ton like a hammer to the side of his head. Searing pain radiates from his temple to his ear that only increases as he gets up. He groans, “Oww.”
Taking stock of his surroundings, Ton is absolutely certain that he is no longer in the Hole shopping mall. There was no sign of the door he just opened or the wave of sludge that washed over him. Not even the hallway he’d just been in with the numbered doorways. The place he was in now looked decrepit, like a building long abandoned and left to rot. The ground was uneven, cracked and broken in places, large slabs that looked like they’d been moved and some point before being dropped. Massive metal pipes, plastic-covered soft grungy tubing, corroded iron girders, walls with struts, and studs visible. It felt like a half-finished construction project left in the rain.
And it reeked.
A familiar kind of raw sewage, wet mud, and rotting corpses kinda smell. The boss’s scent. Strongly emanated from the thick sticky reddish-black liquid dripping from him. It was some kinda sludge, grainy and thick and not unlike the stuff he’d see in the bathtub as a kid after the boss had done his weekly shower. He had an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach about this. Using his relatively cleaner undershirt he wiped the muck from his face and set about trying to find his comrades.
“Saji!” He shouted at the top of his lungs. One hand cupping the side of his mouth and the over carrying his now ruined undershirt. “Tetsujo! Ushishimada! Damnit guys where did you go?”
There’s something niggling in the back of his mind like he’s forgotten something very important, something he saw in the dark fluid that washed over him. As he walked he realized that this place is far far larger than it first appeared, starting to look more like a rotted rundown city not unlike Hole. Just worse. And in places freakishly organic. 
He stops and there is a hole in the ground not too far ahead filled with clay-colored bubbling muck. An arm sticks out of the hole and lays limp along the ground. Seeing what is probably a person in trouble he rushes to action. 
“Hey! Hold on tight!” He grabs the hand and pulls, bracing himself with his weight on his back leg and not the leg close to the edge of the hole. The pit looks nasty and he doesn’t know if the edge is stable or not. The mud makes a horrible sucking sound as he wrenches the person free. Whoever they are they’re fairly slim with long hair and absolutely covered in the muck.
Using his undershirt he cleans the person’s face and after clearing the layer of grime his heart jolts-- “Natsuki!”
He clutches her close and can’t help but shout, “Hey! Hey! Hey! Wake Up! Natsuki!!”
Then he realizes that she isn’t breathing. 
“Shit!” He lowers her back to the ground and tries to pull up those CPR lessons from back in the day. Medicine along with fighting were the two main things that the boss actually taught them. He inhales as deeply as possible then locks lips with her and forces that air into her lungs.
“Natsuki! Don’t die!” He downright orders as he starts with chest compressions. Using his full upper body strength he pushes down directly on her sticky bare chest and then releases and counts. One... two… ten… thirty… forty-two… sixty-six… one hundred! “I said breathe! Damnit!”
Natsuki complies with wet coughing that forces red slime out of her mouth and nose. 
“Thank goodness!” He sighs in relief and cleans more of the gunk off of her. His shirt now irredeemable is left on the ground. As he looks at Natsuki’s naked huddled form turned away from him his mind swarms with questions and the nagging feeling that he’s forgotten something important. 
“Hey,” He says to get her attention as she seems to be very distracted about the whole nearly drowning thing. Ton takes off his jacket and drapes it over her shoulders. “Natsuki, how did you get here? Why are you butt naked? And how did you get to Hole?”
She says something. He knows she’s saying something. He’s looking right at her and can plainly see her mouth moving and she’s even gesturing with her hands. She’s saying something but he heard nothing. It felt like there was water in his ears and something he needed to remember. Whatever had happened to her didn’t change the fact that they were still lost in a strange and possibly dangerous place.
Compared to the other heavy lifting he’d done that day carrying Natsuki was a breeze. Hell, she was even smaller than Dokuga and Ton knew for a fact that he could bench press the other man without breaking a sweat. He picked a direction and kept walking.
And walking.
And walking.
And he is forgetting something important.
A flash of memory passed him by so fast that the only thing that registered was the sound of torn flesh. Ton becomes aware that he has a splitting headache. For some reason, it feels like it’s been hurting for a good minute and he just didn’t notice. Natsuki taps his shoulder and he notices that their surroundings are dimmer and the walls are oozing sludge. An uneasiness settles into the pit of his stomach and he has her hand him one of his knives from his jacket. He carries it in his mouth just in case danger appears and he keeps walking.
The feeling of danger passes and Ton fills the time and silence with idle chatter. Worry gnaws at his gut as they find no exit or any other people around at all. He knew he’d been walking for damn kilometers at this point. Worry turns to dread when he sees a hole filled with sludge. His protests that it couldn’t be the same hole that he pulled Natsuki out of are killed by the sight of his crumpled and dirty undershirt beside it.
He has remembered the thing he forgot.
The realization of death feels like the floor falling out from under him. He feels the pain in his head and ear and ah… That’s why he couldn’t hear Natsuki. The thing in the sludge tore through his head.
They were nowhere. Alone together in the void and fully dressed.  He was so very tired. 
“You’ve been here a long time, huh,” Words came slowly as his mind grew foggy. “I… wasn’t able to help you… I’m sorry...”
The darkness closed in.
Rough slender fingers closed around his hand and squeezed. 
With a jolt, they are thrown from the abyss. It feels like his body is full of pins and needles as his surroundings come into focus. They were laying in a hallway full of numbered doors in a pool of blood and back powder. What?
“Ok! I haven’t had a trip like that since that time Maki gave me a bad batch of Black Powder.” Natsuki’s voice croaked as she rubbed her temples. 
“Natsuki!” Ton shouted and engulfed her into a crushing hug. “Thank the devil! You’re ok!”
She hugs him back just as tight. When he lets go he notices her expression and the fact that he can see right through her to the door behind. Oh.
“Ton...” She says and her smile is tinged with sadness. She pokes him in the chest and he notices that he too is transparent. Weird. Weirder is the faintly glowing blue cord going from her wrist to his on the hand that she’d grabbed not too long ago. “I’m pretty sure we’re dead. Maybe ghosts or something?”
That made sense, given the whole weird ass gunky… limbo? (Limbo? That’s a word he hasn’t thought about in a very long time.) that they were just in. Plus his memories of something taking out a chunk of his skull and slashing up his ear. If the blood on the ground was his then he was extremely dead. But…
“That’s… not possible.” A touch of the past flashed behind his eyelids of a quiet conversation. A heavy hand on his head and flowery incense. A woman’s voice. That may be what happens, but that’s not remotely fair. And damn the devils for it. “Sorcerers go to hell when we die. Like immediately. Only humans turn into ghosts.”
Natsuki shrugged and an ‘I don’t know’ sound. “Big bro, all I know that this isn’t hell and that I definitely died.”
“...how did you die Natsuki? Last I heard Doguka sent you on a solo mission. Did something go wrong?”
She stood and turned her back to him. He heard her take in a deep breath then release it. “I was leaving the manor. For some reason, Dokuga insisted that I leave through the back exit. On the way out I ran into the boss. He… licked me. On the mouth. It was weird. Then he told me he wanted me which you know super exciting--”
“Eww! You like fifteen and he’s almost thirty!”
“Same difference! Still nasty!”
“As I was saying. Super exciting! Butterflies in my stomach and everything. Then he kissed me (btw the boss really needs to brush more often like hot damn) and...” She paused. He could see her hands shaking even while hidden inside of her poofy hoodie. “He used En’s magic. He filled my insides with mushrooms and cut me to pieces with his knives. He was… smiling. Smiling as he killed me.”
She buries her face in her hands and he’s there instantly one arm around her shoulders and another on her head. He makes a soothing sound because his words fail him. He wanted to say that the boss would never because… well, the boss half-raised him and the others. Saved their lives and gave them a reason to live. Sure he was pretty cold and blunt but he… Ton, Saji, Ushishimada, Tetsujo, and Dokuga… they all loved the boss and it was clear that they were loyal. That Natsuki was loyal. Why would the boss…
The one who killed me was a Crosseye! I’m sure of it. Risu’s voice bubbled up from a traitorous part of his mind. As Natsuki turned to cry into his chest he felt the phantom pains of his knives turned against him by Risu’s magic. Powerful rare magic. Yeah… the numbers on Natsuki’s smoke readings were pretty damn good and defense magic? Well that’s really fucking useful, isn’t it? If they’d have met under different circumstances if she hadn’t been a Crosseye and able to use her magic? Well, neither he nor any of the guys would have hesitated to take her head for the boss. That was the stone-cold truth yet something about it made him nauseous. 
Natsuki was a nice person. Hell, from what he heard about Risu before his death the kid was bright eyed and bushy tailed too. Actually in it for the cause and not the money.They were killed by the boss. The faces on the thing that killed me had cross eye marks, his brain supplied. Natsuki and Risu didn’t deserve to die.
“You can let go now.” Natsuki said, pulling away from him. She rubs her eyes and looks very tired. “Alright. So… what next.”
He shrugged. “No idea. Wanna find the others?”
“Why not?”
It doesn’t take them long to find Ushishimada, Tetsujo, and Saji who are now rather loudly looking for Ton. Which was nice. 
“Where’d that dumbass go?” Ushishimada was saying when Ton and Natsuki caught up with the rest of the group. Rude. Ton stuck his tongue out at him. 
Natsuki waved her hand in front of Saji’s face as he read a sign about where exactly they were. “I don’t think they can see us.”
“Nope. Let’s see if this works,” Ton took in a deep breath, “HEEEEEEEEEEY GUUUUUUUUYS!!!!”
No response. Huh. The guys continued with their conversation and Ton shuddered when Tetsujo walked right through him like he wasn’t even there. Tetsujo stopped and his shoulders tensed and his eye darted around. Oh! Perhaps? Before he could try again his attention was drawn to the horrible wall of ooze pulsating further up the hall. About around where he’d woken up. Very familiar black slime.
“Ewww, you see that?” Natsuki said, pointing at it. Ah good, he wasn’t just seeing shit. 
“Whooa!” Tetsujo’s hand flew to his sword because apparently he saw that shit too. 
“What’s wrong Tetsujo?” Saji did not see it.
“I--I dunno,” Tetsujo was on high alert now. Granted it didn't take much to really set him off. Man carries his sword even to the bath, he’s got issues. Not saying that the rest of them don’t have issues but Dokuga and Tetsujo were the most paranoid people Ton knew. “But just now something..”
The phantom wall of slime vanished the moment Ushishimada’s shout caught their attention. He’d picked up the powder trail and found the door marked with Ton’s blood. Door nineteen.
“Shit! Ton we have to do something!” Natsuki shouts as she reaches out for the guys. Her touch fails to even raise the hair on the backs of their necks as they open the door. Ton’s nerves feel like they’re on fire, his attention locked onto the bloated monster inside of the room and the meaty sucking noises it was making. It wasn’t the only thing he saw. From the blood spatter patterns and bullet holes in the wall it looked like there’d been a gunfight in here recently. Even from this angle Ton could clearly see that it looked like the boss had been partially decapitated, the top of his head flopping a bit as he… ate. The boss was eating something. 
“...Is that really what the boss looks like now?” Natsuki’s voice was barely audible as the pain in his ear returned. His head throbbed and half of his face felt raw and torn. There was static in one of his legs and it felt like his guts were falling out. 
Ah, well that’s that then. 
A hollow feeling slithered inside of Ton as he detactedly watched Tetsujo, Saji, and Ushishimada’s excitement at finding the boss turn into unease and confusion and then morph into horror as they discovered what Ton had already figured out. There was something weird about seeing your own corpse. Even weirder to see someone who you genuinely loved just going ham on your carcass like your guts were made of bacon. Something that was almost a laugh escaped Ton’s ghostly lips as the puns caught up with him.
Though looking at the boss, he definitely didn’t get that big by just eating him. Hell most of his carcass wasn’t even in him yet. There was a lot of blood everywhere. And there was no way the boss could have gotten to this room on his own and as strong as Dokuga was this was pretty damn far to carry that thing on his own. And definitely no way that Dokuga would have made such a sloppy attempt at decapitation if he had reason to harm the boss. So a firefight in which someone hurt the boss and the boss ate the resulting bodies. As well as Ton because... he’d shown up. The boss had still been hungry and he’d shown up and as far as the boss had been concerned Ton was food.
The monster that was the boss pulled his torso closer and seemed to hesitate for a moment before digging its claws into the flesh of his chest and tearing it open to get access to the organs inside. Ton felt that. Pain seared through his ghostly body and his ribs snapped and popped in time with his real ones as the boss tore out his ribcage. 
Saji was the first to act. His voice was shaky, begging, and on the verge of screaming as he tried to pull Ton’s remains away from the boss. “S...Stop. Stop it already! That’s your friend! Have you forgotten that?!”
Was the boss ever actually their friend? The part of his heart that would always remember being beaned in the face with a burger, the one and only time the boss shared food that was meant for him. The fun trips to the fancy restaurants.The fighting as a team. But… really it was more the boss tolerated them while they loved him unconditionally. Well sort of. The boss… Kai… saved their lives when they were kids. Gave them a reason to keep on living in these shithole worlds. Not the reason they told themselves or the recruits but reason enough. To be useful. To feel protected. To be provided for and free from want. That’s probably as close to loved as a bunch of losers like them could get from someone (something because the boss was never quite like a proper person now was he?) that powerful. They used the fear of Kai to use others. And the boss used them. And threw them away once they were no longer useful to him. Simple.  
And yet it made the traitorous part of Ton’s heart burn with rage.
They’d been loyal! Saji deserved better than to be on the verge of tears playing a pathetic game of tug of war with one of his best friend’s rib cage while begging the man who half raised them all to remember that comrades aren’t snacks. They’d been kind! Ushishimada should have been home, helping Ton cook up a hot breakfast for their brothers in arms instead of sinking to the floor in grief.  They tried to make things better! He didn’t want to see Tetsujo vomit from stress and feel the need to draw his against someone he trusted, it was like watching something get irreversibly broken. 
Like a match in a methane mine heat burned through the numbness of Ton’s incorporeal body. (And how dare that bastard actually finish eating his body while the others were breaking down!) There was a fight brewing and the odds are astronomical bad. Neither he nor Natsuki could really touch anything or be heard. Tetsujo was the most ready to fight but he was emotionally shaken. Saji was still in denial and Ushishimada was in a worse state. And Ton knew exactly how fast Kai’s horrible horrible tube mouth was even if the monster could barely move the rest of its overstuffed body. Then the odds decreased rapidly when it called upon the magic it stole from Natsuki.
That didn't stop Ton for instinctively reaching for his knives. What did stop him was the large gloved ice cold hand grabbing his wrist. Colors muted and time slowed enough for him to actually be able to track the movement of that whip quick tube mouth as the monster simply bit a chunk out of Ushishimada’s chest. Instantly killing him with Saji following soon after and about as gruesomely. From the corner of eye a shadow flies out and over the corpses of his friends, pausing briefly and then flying back out of sight. 
“Ton!” Natsuki calls out in alarm and he sees a similar shadow wrapped around her. 
“Hey!” He shouts turning around quickly the hand still firmly grasping his wrist. The figure before him causes a shiver to run down his spine. Her face was a skull partially obscured by a gas mask not unlike the mask of that Aikawa dude (the one who tried to stop the boss who the boss turned into... ), there was even a thick black tube running from her mask that dropped down in loops around her waist like biomechanical intestines. Thick leather armor reminiscent of firefighter gear largely concealing her figure. She towered over him and Ton was not a small man. The black scythe in her other hand felt like a solid threat.
“You are dead,” Death said, sounding tired which given all of the recent killings she probably was, “Rejoice. These problems are no longer yours. You can rest, forget, and move on. Your friends will meet again in Hell.”  
His friends will meet again in Hell? “But I’m still here now. I could help Tetsujo survive.”
“Buy doing what? You are one soul against a mountain of angry dead. Even if you did manage to kill the host, and he’d probably thank you for it the poor boy’s been trying to stop himself for years… even if you did kill him your living friends are unlikely to survive the birth of that thing. Either they’ll be eaten very soon or just after the kid gains its own physical form.” 
“Host? That thing?” There were puzzle pieces coming together but so much that he still didn’t know enough. And why… hadn’t they been taken to Hell? Ton had to assume that those shadows that ghosted over Saji and Ushishimada’s bodies where their souls getting harvested. But… “Why did you say my friends will meet up again in Hell?”
“You certainly are nosey,” Death sighed. One of her tubes looped around him and she let go of his wrist. She altered her grip on Natsuki to a singly less restrictive loop around the girl’s waist. “And I still have so much work left to do.”
“Ok but--” Ton started only for everything to go dark.
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clownsgobeepbeep · 4 years
So I have some questions form the story part you wrote. How is Pepper doing after that in fact how would be everyone after that my gosh ;7; I'm sorry I know it's gonna be a long answer so you take your time
Mkay let’s see
Cosmos has been calmed down, technically got smacked and guy passed out. Okay not really but yeah ^^’ He’s not gonna wake up anytime soon, but he’s down and no longer hurting anyone or wrecking havoc
Jelly...sigh, she’s angery, or was. She’s just so.....deep sigh. She doesn’t know how to feel, but she is anxious...Ryder reminded her of that one thing and it put her into a shock. At the same time, everybody just be targetting her kids. Also, she’s shook because she finally saw uncle Lucky(again, after so many years) when he helped with Pepper
Pepper is exhausted, his body was possessed by two people and...it’s just not a nice feeling? He no doubt is resting, he just doesn’t want to go out for a long while. And like, he’s mad that he was right about Cantarella being bad; he’s very worried about Bubbles and everyone else.
Schrader...aaah. Gosh, he....aaaah...Well, first he was sorta happy-ish because he finally got to see the love of his life Ula again, though he did sense a bit of tension with Atlas. But after that...he really just had to let everything out after being told that he has a freaking mother, and that she’s been with him this entire time. And...his older brother...is his triplet!? What the fuck!? And the parent that’s been torturing him since forever is now dead! Because his son who will never exist killed them! This is too much to process, he literally had to take a break and just sit there with Ula.
Zeta wasn’t there but I can tell you that she’s...slightly joyous, only ‘cause Cuckoo is back, hurrah! Other than that, Zeta is angery. But first, she must watch after Clara.
Cuckoo is back, they are no doubt going to be in their wifey’s arms for a while before attempting to go out and fight somebody!!! However, Zeta will not allow such a thing uwu
James? Once again slightly traumatized? But he’s alive? So?...????
Ryder is no doubt rubbing his dumb ass after Lennie kicked it
Cantarella, I can tell you she’s getting a scold from Risus who is just plain disappointed
Bubbles and Arabella are somewhere safe, just...not doing much but they’re really not sure what they can do
Trema? Dead, very dead.
Walter, taking care of Davey and Cordie of course. That must be weird for them X3
Mmmm...that is both all I can think of, but all I can say just so I don’t spoil what comes next
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grotesquegabby · 4 years
I know I may have asked this before so you can skip it and I can try to find the OG answer, but how would your elders feel about mine? I believe you only did three of yours which is okay, just wanted to see if you were willing to do it for others
I found the og post huehue~ So I can answer for the rest of them. uwu I am totally willing~ some of these guys are assholes so I apologize ahead of time
Seraph: (golden bitch)
Risus - Eh suppose you are fine as long as you dont cause trouble for me.
Trituna - Would try and stay out of Tritunas way not because they are scared but because even Seraph understands the balance of things shouldnt be fucked with.
Conllium - this may come as a surprise but Seraph would actually like Conllium but wont admit it. They like Conlliums realm and how just....the way everything is. They wont admit this to anyone though x3
Cundolili - Would mostly be curious about Cundolili
Trema/Astute - would be neutral towards
Decla -  another they would be neutral towards
Nalia - Just wants to say they love Nalias outfit but wont say anything else x3
Sionis - booorrring.
Mecor - Another beautiful elder whom Seraph will be jealous of x3 but wont say anything about it.
Logium - wouldn’t really know too much about Logium so not too much of an opinion.
Zerneboh: (bastard mode activated)
Risus - a possible ally/friend/frenemy
Trituna - As one who destroys the balance of things they will hate each other.
Conllium - Wouldn’t like Conllium one bit.
Cundolili - Will be curious, as to who this is and why they will be replacing Conllium.
Trema/Astute - Would Tolerate more than Decla.
Decla - Would tolerate Decla but would not like them. Zerneboh loves absolute chaos and disaster~
Nalia - Wouldn’t like Nalia in the least but knowing Zerneboh he pretends to be friendly with almost anyone. Cause hes a bastard.
Sionis - would find them annoying.
Mecor - hmm~ Zerneboh might be a creep to her but there are those who wont let that happen so she will be fine. But what an interesting family~ he thinks to himself
Logium - No
Orfeo: (a little bitch)
Risus - would see a possible friend in Risus.
Trituna - Dont think He would like her. Balance....gonna fuck that shit up.
Conllium - Nope
Cundolili - uhhh
Trema/Astute - maaaybe?.....I...wait...no...
Decla - They deal with Risus they can handle Orfeo x3 so this is a Nope from him heheh
Nalia - Thinks they are beautiful will learn quickly not to be a creep to them
Sionis - ah fuck...
Mecor - beautiful~.... (dont even think about it Orfeo...)
Logium -well x3 I dont really need to say why these two wont get along lol
Risus - What he feels about Risus is hard to say, Pestilence is a complicated guy.
Trituna - Pestilence is iffy again here. Hes not one to always deliberately piss someone off like Famine or accidentally like War. I imagine these two would be an on off kind of possible friendship or allyship wise.
Conllium - A chill tree, a lovely place to be. Definitely would see them as a friend indeed. His contribution to the decorations are masks to hang upon their branches~
Cundolili - Would be welcoming to Cundolili. Curious about them,  but would never do them harm. Just as welcoming to them as they are to Mecor. uwu
Trema/Astute - Wouldnt mind Trema, though Trema might mind him. Pestilence can be annoying to some.
Decla - I feel the relationship here would be rocky considering Pestilence is Pestilence and they spread all kinds of sickness and destruction. But he is a chill guy who wouldnt mind chilling out if asked nicely. hes weird that way x3
Nalia - honestly seems like a really fun person. Pestilence would enjoy their company a lot uwu
Sionis - Doesn’t mind Sionis, chill, does a good job at their role. Even Pestilence loves Justice, especially when it happens to those who deserve it.
Mecor - Elder to be/New Elder, Pestilence would welcome her with open arms. He enjoys meeting new people. Would think shes a swell lady, lovely family.
Logium - Time is Time and Time is a friend to some and an enemy to others. But Pestilence has no issue with the Lord of Time in fact finds them quite entertaining and such uwu
Risus - is a torn between hating and wanting to help them in whatever they do. War is a complicated person and War does as War does.
Trituna - I think these two would have a tough time getting along.
Conllium -  I imagine she has tried to fight Conllium but failed to lift them cause she would try that. I imagine she would give up though and pass out next to them asleep x3
Cundolili - would want to know who this is as soon as possible. Could be a wrestle buddy you never know. x3
Trema/Astute - might find Trema kind of boring.
Decla - Wanna wrestle...at least? I think they would see Decla as a possible buddy. Something about Decla screams friend to War.
Nalia - I dont imagine these two would get along very well. War might not like how peppy Nalia is or seems. and Would try and void them.
Sionis - Wants to fight but in like a...friendly way. War isn’t so good at understanding friendship but she would Sionis as a possible ally and friend.
Mecor - Will ask if she wants to fight as a sort of welcome and to see how tough she is. You can turn her down its okay plus she will be told thats not how we welcome people into the council. Stop asking everyone to fight (its like that zodiac make up video where one of the zodiacs constantly is like wanna fight)
Logium - Gets the weirdest feeling they have to be super respectful. So shes gonna try.
Famine: ( the least liked of the horsemen)
Risus - eh...could get along actually. Famines is more leaning towards that side.
Trituna - Famine is the type fo fuck up balance. He and Trituna I dont believe would get along very well...
Conllium - He wouldn’t care for Conllium no reason specified why though
Cundolili - Wouldnt really have an opinion as of yet.
Trema/Astute - Wouldn’t have too much of an opinion but would tolerate Trema/perhaps even find some enjoyment in talking with them though Famines not much of a talker.
Decla - The things Famine does is in no way a sensible disaster...I imagine Decla would be trying to fix whatever damage Famine does. So they wouldnt get along either. Would find Decla annoying
Nalia - Would find Nalias outlook and attitude irritating. Too much positivity.
Sionis - For some reason I dont see these two getting along. I see Famine being kind of a dick to Sionis, it could be that Sionis is for justice/protection and such and Famine is...well Famine. So he would see Sionis as someone who would try and stop him from what hes doing.
Mecor - a newcomer who was fated to come. Hed share his piece about the Elders with Mecor and be on his way. Hes not very welcoming....so just ignore him the others will tell Mecor the same uwu
Logium - Mysterious being who Famine has honestly never seen. And hed be lying if he said he wasn’t a tad bit nervous to meet them. Something about this elder would send a slight shiver down his spine.
Risus - Oh crumbling biscuits....not another one.
Trituna - You are the elder of Balance, she would consider it an honor to meet them. Hope loves many of the elders like Trituna. Would show them respect uwu
Conllium - definitely someone she would fall asleep next to them. She would also go and talk with them a lot. Conllium is such a wonderful elder. uwu
Cundolili - Would adore Cundolili (- uwu-) even if their presence means Conllium is no longer around which would sadden Hope. She would welcome Cundolili with open arms.
Trema/Astute - somewhat nervous around but would get used to them uwu Knows they are not a bad elder like Risus or Zerneboh
Decla - This is a being who works very hard and deals with a lot. They deal with Risus and who knows what else. Definitely deserves respect
Nalia - Would Love Nalia, absolutely love them. Would definitely want to spend time with Nalia the most.
Sionis - Sionis would make Hope a bit nervous but she knows they are just a serious person. She would trust them and find them quite reliable uwu look up to them even.
Mecor - Would love to meet her, cant wait to meet her. Shes heard nothing but good things!
Logium -A very wise and calm being, Who Hope would feel compltely safe around. uwu Definite trust from the start.
Space Grandpa:
Risus - Would absolutely dislike them
Trituna - is someone they would enjoy being around. Space Grandpa isnt always one for talk but Trituna is someone they would enjoy spending time with regardless if they talked or not.
Conllium - Is one who would visit Conllium, unfortunately would not be able to sit beside them and sleep. Too big. x3 but They would love to chat with them, spend time with them.
Cundolili - welcome with open.....tentacles? arms? claws? something x3 they will welcome them. Offer any assistance if they so wish for it.
Trema/Astute - would remind him of The Void,
Decla - would feel bad they have to deal with Risus so much. Would offer an ear to listen. Space Grandpas a good listener. Definitely would see Decla as a possible friend.
Nalia - Loves how Nalia is, loves their attitude and personality.
Sionis - Admire Sionis, Dependable, a good person. Sees them as an equal like other elders among them.
Mecor - Would be welcoming, more so than normal with others. Mecor is family after all.
Logium -equal footing. A good being and wise, mysterious
Void: (This is more of how void would describe them..as Void is neutral to everyone)
Risus - one who causes trouble
Trituna - Balance, you are very important to the multiverse.
Conllium - a peaceful being
Cundolili - a young one, welcome
Trema/Astute - perfect neutrality
Decla - hard worker
Nalia - peppy one, they were once that way. It is nice to see another
Sionis - a being who watches, reliable.
Mecor - fated to be.
Logium - Father time is a thing theyve heard humans say. But Time is Time
Hope this was good~ uwu sorry I know its a lot
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devinescribe · 4 years
Quality Time
Arisu Ryōhei
I don't know, but let me tell you... I just have a thing for gamers. Kenma, Arisu, Niragi (in case you didn't know, he's a game engineer, leading me to believe he's a gamer, obvi)
So... welcome, to an Arisu Chapter. I noticed I didn't write that much for Arisu, and someone else pointed out we need more stories for him, so... here we are! This is very very much self indulgent, but still a (Y/N) story. It takes place before the games, and is pretty fluffy... and a bit spicy at the end. Also, forgot to mention, you're a famous streamer (sounds like something fun 🙂✌), and (Y/N) is plus sized, because not every girl can have thick thighs and be skinny, so... yeah. Reminder it gets a bit suggestive towards the end, as I mentioned before Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Swearing, gamer rage, body shaming (numero uno, don't do this it's wrong. Numero dos, it doesn't work bc you're a bad bitch) kind of suggestive at the end? I don't know. As always, feel free to tell me if I forgot any.
"Fuck! Babe, watch out!"
"Got him! Yeah!"
You two laughed, taking your attention off your screens for a second, high-fiving eachother before immediately going back to concentrating on t the game. Gunshot noises filled the air, as well as other noises from the game. The LED lights in your room turning from red, to pink, to purple. You had invited your boyfriend, Arisu, over to play games with you, which ended up in you streaming.
You were quite famous in the gamer community, being one of the more popular streamers. Since you were a girl, you got the occasional misogynistic asshole, but you always put them in their place. Many girls loved your page, and had told you that you inspired them by playing games and being unapologetically you. It was one of the many reasons you streamed.
"Damn it! Fucking hell, I died!" You raged, pouting slightly, and crossing your arms over your chest. "Shit. I died too," Arisu muttered angrily. You looked at the monitor, seeing the comments. "Oh, someone asked a question... Where are my parents? Pfft- I'm 23, I live by myself, but they are doing great, thank you," you laughed, seeing as a lot of people had actually been asking that question. Did you look that young? Arisu smiled, seeing you interact with your viewers. He leaned on his palm, watching you with a lovesick look on his face. He we saw some comments roll in, saying something along the lines of 'Get someone who looks at you the way Arisu looks at (Y/N)'. He blushed, but directed his attention back to you. He couldn't help that he loved you. And if everyone could tell by just his face, then so be it. Because then everyone would know it. That you were his, and he was yours.
"Oh, the outfit of the day? Yes!" You exclaimed, standing up from the gaming chair. Since you were such a big streamer, you could afford such a great set up. You always made sure Arisu came over to try things with you before you streamed with them though.
You were wearing a black mini skirt, and a dinosaur hoodie, because... dinosaurs are cute. You laughed, seeing the comments flow in, calling you cute and whatnot, until a paid message came in.
'Fat girls shouldn't have so many fans or a cute boyfriend' the automated voice said.
You laughed. "I'm sorry you feel threatened by my beauty, and that you're jealous my boyfriend isn't a shallow asshole. Trust me Sayaka, your username isn't discrete, thank you for giving me 10 dollars though!" You chirped, immediately noticing the username. It was some girl you used to go to school. She had become jealous of your success recently, seeing as she worked a boring office job. You two had actually been friends before this, but as of late, she had become an online bully to you. You didn't care, as you knew her words came from a place of envy. One day, you hoped you two would be able to make up, and be friends again. Arisu scowled. "I don't care how pretty any girl is, (Y/N) is the most beautiful girl in the world, in my opinion. You guys, be nice," he said, scolding Sayaka, and anyone who had said mean things. You laughed, seeing your boyfriend being protective. "Hey, how long have we been- oh wow... two hours? Um, so I think that's where we're going to leave the stream. Thank you all for the donations, kind words, and support. We really appreciate it. Hope you have a wonderful day or night, depending where you're from. If no one has told you, I'm so proud of you, and your achievements. You got out of bed today? Good job! You ate a full meal? I'm so proud of you! You did anything today? You're doing great! Bye bye now, and until next time, (Y/N) and Arisu... out!" You said, turning off the stream.
You let out a happy sigh, walking over to the bed. "Come on Ari~!" You sang patting the bed. He smiled, walking next to you. You grabbed the switch next to your bed, on the black nightstand. He sat on the bed in front  of you. You pulled him down, laying his head between your thighs, and handed him the switch. He looked up to the ceiling, and then up to your face. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Hm? I like you there. I can play with your hair," you said. He sighed happily, pressing a quick kiss to the inside of your thigh. You giggled. He started playing a game on the switch as you played with his hair, braiding tiny parts of it, and unbraiding them.
A few hours later, you were still in the same position. "Aren't you tired of being there? Do you want to do something else?" You asked, wondering if there was anything he would want to do. Your previous boyfriends would usually not even lay in between your legs like this. But, then again, your previous boyfriends were all douche bags who were embarrassed to be with you. "Not really. I could spend hours between your legs," he said, a bit of a suggestive smile working it's way onto his face. You blushed slightly, seeing the hidden meaning behind his words. You hit the top of his head lightly. "Arisu... don't be a perv," you giggled. He turned onto his stomach, leaning his head onto your thigh, his hand squishing the other. You laughed, seeing him love a part of your body you had been insecure about. "I'm not. Well... I am. But, I could. In both ways. When I say hours, I mean hours," he said.
You smiled, knowing he had no ulterior motives with his words. He wasn't the kind to flatter you just to get a quick fuck. He cared about you, and his words, while having a double meaning, weren't meant to butter you up. They were his genuine feelings.
He got up, bringing himself up to kiss you. You gladly accepted, kissing him back. He closed his eyes, the feeling of pure bliss he got by just being with you taking over his body. His warm hands cupped your face gently as he brought you closer. You smiled into the kiss, breaking away. Your forehead rested on his, your lips centimeters apart. "I love you. So much," you muttered. He could feel your words on his lips. He loved being so close to you. "I love you too. More than the stars in the night sky," he whispered back, opening his eyes to look into yours. You let out a shaky breath. He meant his words. "Let's test your words?" You suggested. His eyes widened. "Which ones? Because I promise anything I've said, I've meant. I've only told you the truth," he said, brushing back a strand of your (Dark/Light) hair that had fallen into your face. His hand rested on your cheek, and you leaned into his hand. "I don't doubt your words, 'Risu. Really, I know you mean them... and... how about we test your words of being able to spend-" you started, his face already turning red. You smirked, a teasing flint in your eyes. He knew the world of possibilities when you started to tease. You loved playing games, after all. But, so did he. Your competitions were always equally matched. You didn't need to finish your sentence. He already knew. "I'd... I'd like to test my words on that too."
I tried, I might have failed. Sorry it's so short!
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