#sorry i had like 40 jokes lined up for this chapter ive been keeping this all in for months
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qoldenskies ¡ 1 month ago
thank god kitsune didnt leave behind a corpse because if she did do you think they wouldve taken her back home to donnie like cats presenting a dead mouse to their owner
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kl4us4 ¡ 6 years ago
Request: Could I request a Bellamy Blake imagine with the lines, “Don’t you do it Y/N. Don’t you dare fall in love with me.”
Okay, here’s the thing: You‘ve never thought someone was beautiful until you met Bellamy Blake. For a long time you - and all your friends - assumed you just weren’t interested in being with someone. Then, he happened. You had always heard stories about Bellamy being mutual friends but fate and the universe never let you come face to face with the unknown boy. All you knew about the boy was that he was daring, adventurous, and courageous; yet extraordinarily kind and caring. Then, you came to Earth.
“Someone’s about to open the doors.” Clarke clenches her jaw, eyes darting towards the front of the Dropship as she speeds to the door. You follow hot on her tail, your eyes just as wide as hers. “Stop!” She shouts, her tone frantic and chilling, “The air could kill us all.”
“If the airs toxic then we’re dead anyways.” The deep voice that replies to your friend almost makes you frown. He sounds kinda rude. Shifting beside Clarke, you furrow your eyebrows and are about to put your two cents in but then he looks at you.
It feels like a kind of pause, like a kind of recognition but not quite. At least not on your part. “Anything to add on, sweetheart?” He chastises you, his hand on the ship's entrance.
“I have a name.” You mutter, unable to drop your gaze from him. The freckled boy just smirks. His eyes remain on you as he opens the dropship door, and the place is flooded with fresh air and light. Pandemonium ensues as people rush out like a nest of crazed ants. You, being weak and distracted, get pushed around easily and almost no one seems to care.
“Woah, Woah, Woah,” You feel two hands on your shoulders pull you back slightly, away from the bustling crowd of teenagers who are finally free from their cage. “You should learn to be a little more careful.”
Facing the man behind you, you see the familiar face that enticed you not two seconds ago. “Thanks.” You mumble.
“It’s fine.” He replies, “Y/N.”
“You know me?” You wonder, eyebrows furrowed as you wait for his answer.
He hums, “I know of you. I’m Bellamy Blake.” He introduces himself, giving you a small smile.
You smile up at him, practically knowing him already. “Funnily enough, I know of you too.”
“I hope you’ve heard good things.”
“50/50.” You hum back, gesturing with your hand. He’s taller than you, and it makes your stomach turn when you look up to see him gently smiling down at you. “I’ve been wanting to put a face to the name for a while now.” You admit.
“Well?” He responds with a small smirk, “Do I live up to your standards?”
Your raise your eyebrows, almost letting out a laugh, “Nah,” you joke, “you’re shorter than I expected.”
He nods for a second, pursing his lips comically, “And you’re feistier then I expected.”
“And that’s a bad thing?”
“No, not at all.” He shakes his head, looking you up and down and nearly making your chest explode, “I only let strong women ruin my life.” His smirk seems infectious, and for some reason, it feels like the dropship keeps getting smaller and smaller. After all this time keeping you two apart it’s as though even fate and the universe can’t pull you two away now. There’s just this intense and magnetic force pushing you two together like compensation for such a long time as strangers.
“God, do you have to do this to all my friends?” Octavia announces, breaking you away from her brother. Bellamy just stares at you, letting out a sigh as he realised your attention on him has been interrupted.
You’re slightly angered at yourself. ‘All my friends’? Did you just nearly fall for a player? Oops.
“Only the pretty ones.” He sighs, looking towards the ground awkwardly.
“Well, have fun letting them ruin your life.” You smile back, bouncing away from him and towards Octavia who had come looking for you. You pass her and head outside so you don’t notice the annoyed look she gives her brother, who just gives her an exaggerated shrug. Bellamy leans against the wall, sighing at the loss of heat now that you’re not beside him.
You sit beside the wall, book in hand as the world passes by around you. Your muscles ache from working and you’re so tired you may just fall asleep right here and now. But your book keeps you up. You’ve read it maybe 40 times since you were 10 years old and you’re about to make it 41 until-
“Whatcha got there?”
“You’ve never seen a book?”
“I’ve never seen that book.”
“And you’re never going to. Run along.”
“Oh,” Bellamy breathes, inching closer to you, “But I’ve been such a good boy today, Y/N.” He banters... at least you think it’s banter.
“Unfortunately, I’ve run out of gold stars to hand out.” You muse, shaking your head as you set your book down in your lap.
Leaning his arms against your knees, he rests his head against his hands and looks up at you with his big brown eyes. You nearly melt. Your chest is tingling and all you can do to stop form smiling is to think about the serious chapter you’re up to in your book.
“I can think of other ways you can reward me.”
“Did that line work on many of Octavia’s other friends?” You wonder, pursing your lips slightly.
He sighs, letting his head fall onto your thigh in defeat. “She told you, huh?”
“Yep.” You nod, a smile pressed harshly against your lips.
“You know she‘s never had many friends, right?” Bellamy states, sitting up and looking intensely at you.
“After what you did, I’m sure she didn’t.” You laugh slightly. He notices, his smirk growing at the sight of you smiling.
“Did she at least leave much to the imagination?” He wonders, leaning back onto the green grass as he sets you up. His brown arms flex perfectly and your eyes just brush over them, not giving him the satisfaction of him knowing you think he’s attractive.
Shaking your head, you cross your arms. “Not really.” You lie, teasing him.
“Oh, so you’ve been imagining me then?”
You pause, seeing how he set you up for that. He looks at you smugly, raising his eyebrows as he waits for your reaction. “Okay, that was a good one.” You laugh, shaking your head at him.
Bellamy laughs too, his eyes squinting slightly as he marvels in his own greatness for a second. Somehow the conversation continues on, and you spend the next hour talking and teasing one another. You never got to finish reading your book for the 41st time like you had planned. You even let him borrow it.
You were handling it, really you were. But Big Macho Man Bellamy Blake had to get in the way and be the saviour, like always. “Aim higher and a little to the left, take the wind into account,” Bellamy mutters next to you, his eyes glued to your frame.
Glancing at him from the side of your bow, you nearly break your focus to shake your head at him or to tell him to shut up. But instead, you do what he says, rolling your eyes when you notice him nodding his head. Straight down the middle of your arrow stands a deer, unknowingly taking its last breaths of air.
“Easy now,” Bellamy whispers, leaning in so you can hear him. You feel his breath on your neck as he talks and talks and talks and you’re not taking in a single thing that he’s saying. “Okay?” He asks, turning to face you but he doesn’t move back. You swallow, your lips parting slightly to answer him but you weren’t listening at all.
“Uh, yeah sure.” You nod back, eyeing him once again before turning back to the deer who has disappeared.
“You didn’t hear a word of what I said did you?”
“Uh, no.” You admit, putting your bow and arrow down. Watching the distance as Bellamy blabbers on about focus and attention, you notice something swaying in the bushes where the deer was. At first, you think it’s the animal, but then you notice more and more bushes as you block out Bellamy’s droning on.
“You’re not even listening right now, wow.” He shrugs, shaking his head as if he’s a disappointed parent.
“Sh, Bell, hold on.” You press a hand to his chest and he nearly gulps, feeling his heart rate quicken at the fact that you’re touching him and you called him Bell. But when he looks at you, he notices the concern and immediately he’s switched on and 100% alert.
Following your gaze, he sees what you see and dread fills him. “We need to go. Now. It could be more Grounders.” He mutters to you, pulling you by the arm just as the sounds of Grounders shouting to one another make you jump into action.
You hear them behind you but it’s like you can’t see anything, everything’s a blur of green trees and Bellamy’s frantic gaze as he leads you back towards the camp. Wait, the camp. “Bellamy! We’re leading them right towards the others, we can’t!”
“There’s no other way, we’ll die!” He shouts back to you, his grip on your wrist harsh and painful.
You pull against him and he nearly stumbles over, he turns around to look at you with an incredulous expression. “What are you doing?!”
You line up your bow and arrow, “Taking a shot.”
“Y/N, you don’t know how many there are. This isn’t a fight we can win.” He shouts at you, frantic to get you to safety. “We’re so close to the camp, there’s safety in numbers.” You don’t listen, but when he places a hand on yours, you feel everything pause. “Please.” He begs.
You’ve never heard Bellamy beg before. To anyone. For anything. You lower your weapon and give him a slow nod, “Okay... okay, sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry just take my hand.”
You do so, running back towards the camp gates as fast as you possibly can. The sounds of Grounders chasing you is constant and terrifying and you’re at the closed gates screaming desperately for them to let you in when you hear the piercing sound of something flying through the air and landing right next to your head. The gates open, you’re not sure what’s going on but you’re being pulled inside as the noise continues then ceases all at once.
You open your eyes, looking up at Bellamy who looks just as stunned as you. Maybe even more. You’re confused when he places a hand to his upper arm, pulling it back to reveal his hand coated in blood. Then it all speeds back up again.
“Jesus!” Your eyes widen, looking at the large gash left by a spear or arrow of sorts.
“Actually my names Bellamy.” He chuckles, then winces at the pain. Now it’s time for you to pull him around, holding his hand as you yell for Clarke in the dropship. You tell her what’s wrong, and you ask for help but you were obvious to the other people just coming into the dropship who had worse injuries than Bellamy. One woman had an arrow to her leg, she was one of the people guarding and opening the gate for you and Bell.
“You’re going to have to handle it,” Clarke tells you, nodding to you as if to say you can do it.
“Hey,” Bellamy states, getting your attention as he can see how out of it you are. He holds his arm tightly, and you can help but look at all the blood that’s dripping down him. “Don’t look at that, look into my eyes.”
“Okay.” You mumble, looking into his familiar and calm brown eyes.
“You can do this, it’s not that difficult so maybe even you can get it right.” He tells you, the corners of his lips lifted into a small smirk. You don’t appreciate the jokes at the moment, in fact it nearly makes you burst out crying. “Woah, Woah, hey I’m kidding. Y/N, I’m just joking. It’s going to be fine! I’m right here.”
You just mutter okay and breathe, trying to snap yourself out of it. “Okay, okay, tell me what to do.”
“Help me take my shirt off.” He asks, not wanting to release full pressure off of his wound.
“What? How?” You furrow your eyebrows, unsure of yourself. Maybe you can’t do it. Maybe you can’t do anything.
“Y/N, I need you to put both your hands on the cut. Apply a lot of pressure while I remove it. Then we’ll go to the alcohol, okay?”
You nod, stepping forward and nearly gagging at the sight. But it’s Bellamy, and he really needs you. “O-Okay,” looking into his eyes, you both begin to count down together, “Three, T-Two... one!” You close your eyes, placing both your hands under his sleeve and onto the cut.
Bellamy grunts, gritting his teeth as he throws his shirt to the floor. “Sorry, sorry!” You mumble repeatedly, feeling your chest tighten with guilt.
“D-Don’t... Don’t apologise to me, you’re doing great.” Bellamy breathes, his shaking hands pointing to a metal box next to Clarke. He takes over applying pressure to his wound. Rushing to it, Clarke just gives you a nod telling you that you can take it. Bringing it back to Bellamy, you open it and try not to freeze to ice when you see it’s contents. Of course you’d have to stitch him up, it’s a deep graze. There’s not way it’ll close up by itself. Bellamy must think you’re insane mumbling ‘okay’ and ‘youre fine’ to yourself over and over again; as if the next ten times you say it it’ll be true. But it isn’t. And your hands are shaking. And you feel like you can’t even see the wire missing the needles hole each and every time you try. “Y/N, come on.” Bellamy encourages you gently, watching you with urgent and tired eyes.
“I’m trying.” You whisper, biting the side of your lip as you try and try again. The movement of your chest rising and falling erratically makes your hands move even more. Bellamy begins to feel himself losing too much blood, beginning to feel woozy.
“Come on...” He urges more frantically, his voice harsh, “Y/N, you need to hurry...”
Grunting in frustration, you feel as though you could lose your mind, break down, throw the whole metal box against the drop ship wall. “Come on!”
His loud voice makes you jump. You pull the wire through the needle and lean in towards his arm, brows furrowed as you take the alcohol and quickly pour some on his arm. He grunts loudly, squirming in pain. “Stay still.” You order him, your voice just as tense as his was. It all places like a blur, trying to ignore the pain in his voice and the blood on your hands as you stitch him up. It looks as good as it can possibly be, seeing as it’s been done by someone not experienced. Grabbing the bandage, you jump at the feeling of a hand on top of yours. “I can take it from here.” Clarke advises you, her eyes full of sorrow and compassion. Taken off guard, you nod at her. Somehow you’re unable to speak though your lips part.
You look down at your red hands. They’re still for once. You thought that the hardest part had finished but then you look up at Bellamy, who’s been watching you this whole time, focusing on you instead of the pain. Clarke begins to wrap the bandage around his arm, taking away the sight of his pain.
“Uh, I’m- I...” You fumble. Bellamy just looks away, nodding his head slightly. He doesn’t want to see you leave right now. So you don’t. “I’ll stay until you’re done.”
Bell looks up at you, mumbling a quiet, “Thank you.” to which you nod back. Sitting beside him, you let out a long breath. You haven’t breathed since you ran into the camp gates. It relaxes you.
When Clarke states she finishes and leaves, Bellamy turns to you to place a hand on yours. “I’m sorry I yelled at you.”
You shake your head, refusing to look at him. You just stare at your dirty hands, still in shock at what you just did. “No, no, don’t be.” You assure him, “I wouldn’t have been able to snap out of it. I don’t know what came over me.”
He squeezes your hand, causing you to turn to him. “I’m proud of you. Not everyone could’ve done what you did, especially when it’s someone you... you know. Don’t put yourself down for that, Y/N. You were incredible.”
Tears brim your eyes and you take another deep breath and look down before quietly stating, “Thank you.”
“Look at me,” he begs, leaning closer to you and it makes you gulp nervously. His eyes are pleading when you look up at him, “Y/N... will you stay with me tonight?”
You squeeze his hand back, mirroring what he did to you. “Anything you need, Bellamy.”
“Only on one condition though.” He adds, letting his eyes flick from yours to your lips.
“What condition?” You wonder, confused.
“Don’t fall in love with me.”
“What?” You muse, a smile beginning to form on your face. Bellamy revels in it, knowing he’s accomplished his goal of making you smile; especially after what you just went through.
Bellamy tried to hold a straight face as he continues, “Don’t you do it, Y/N. Don’t you dare fall in love with me.”
Shaking your head at him, you can’t help but smile at the boy, “you’re unbelievable.”
Like magnets meeting, the two of you lean together. You want to place your hands on his warm cheeks but you remember you can’t. So you sit there, eyes closed, feeling Bellamy’s lips press against yours. It feels electric. When you both pull away, you can hear your heart beating loudly.
“I think we might be in trouble.” You smile at him, pressing another kiss to his lips.
“I think we might be.” He agrees, the same smile on his features.
TAGLIST: relentlessgame captainlini @mesmericbell @cctaviasblake paul-steroline-lover @imaginexmeintheuniverse @bellamyblakemorley twisted-tasty14 mika-xxx @jodiereedus22 
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beanyboobee ¡ 6 years ago
The Prince and his Witch, Chapter 1  (Prinxiety)
Ship:Prinxiety (RomanxVirgil)
Setting:Fantasy AU
 Prince of the Cosalona, Prince Roman Sanders , is set to be the next in line for the throne. As his father fall’s ill, He is left to be crowned early, however there is a catch, In order to inherit the crown he must be married. The only problem, Roman has trouble settling down, and in return has had many crushes that all ended in vain, He eventually gave up on searching for love, that was- until an old frienimie showed up before him... 
Meet Virgil Anxly, The son of a well known Sorcerer and Healer, His Father is close friends with the newly ill king, and since a young age has been dragged to the palace as his Father was summoned by the King, let it be for assistance or friendly chats. In return he had the unfortunate fate to be forced into the presence of Prince Roman, an- (In Virgils words) self-obsessed, spoiled, idealist. 
However, They haven't seen each other since the age of 15, now 22, He is dragged back to the Palace, and when face to face with who he considered ‘the bane of his existence’ he feels- odd... 
Will feelings finally bloom between these two? or will they be stuck in their childish hatred? 
And when an old enemy shows up to crash the party, Leaving Virgil under the effects of a curse, and Roman having no way of knowing how to reverse the effects, what will become of our two protagonists?
Inspired by “The Swan Princess.” mostly the song “far longer than forever” from it. Ive seen obsessed with it for ages now, and my mind wont rest till i make a fic on it, however i dont feel like making a full fic right now, so instead im going to focus on a two-shot, (maybe) But if you guys like the idea and wish for me to expand on it. Please do let me know and ill see what i can do ;))
Also sorry if this chapter is poorly written, it is literally 3am and i am so tireeed i just needed to get this out of my system.  WARNING next chapter is basically what ties everything together and explains why the parents are so set on these two getting together.
As the morning sun creeped over the peek of the city's old bell tower, The soft chatter from the streets below caused a buzz to fill the crisp mid-day air, As the market square began to fill up with stall-keepers who were either offering their assistance to those who seemed well paid, or those who littered the paths browsing the stalls in wonderment. 
Some children running along the cobbled roads, giggling and laughing as they did so, other’s seeming to be rolling the metal lining of a barrel top, as some sort of make-shift hoop.All in all it was a rather calm and  basic morning in a town with-in the kingdom of Cosalona, Busy, yet- with a relaxed aura.. 
Many wouldn't even spare a glance to the simple wooden carriage that seemed to carefully maneuver it’s way down the stone path, As with-in this certain city, passing carriage’s were the norm. Seeing as the town was so near the beautiful palace it was no surprise.
However despite the basic out-look of the middle-class carriage, inside it held two rather important figures in the eye’s of the king. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~inside the carriage~~~~~~~~~~~
With-in the carriage sat a young man around the age of 22, his pale hand rested against his cheek as he slanted by the window broadly, Locks of what seemed like a dark purple hair, grazed his forehead in almost a ticklish manner, as they softly fell, brushing against his dark lashes, Eyes that seemed the colour of Mahogany in the afternoons light, held a cloud of uncertainty and confliction. Linned in a fashion that could scream to anyone, 
‘I am rethinking all my decisions up to this point, at this very moment’
of course, that would probably be tad bit of exaggeration, however you would most likely not catch onto this unless looking rather closely for you see, there always seemed to be this sort of powdery black substance, beneath the water line of these fixated eyes. It seemed to act as some sort of distraction, from what? who knows. But- that is not what we are questioning right now.. 
Along with this young man, was a clearly older man, who seemed around is late 40′s, that- or if he was older, time was very good to him, He held a stern look, dark hair that was pulled back by a ribbon into some sort of messy bun, done by no doubt his wife, earlier that morning before the trip, a neatly groomed beard, that in all honesty didn't deserve the tital, as it seemed to be more of- stubble, then a beard in all honesty. 
heavy bags hung beneath his eyes, that almost seemed to resemble the boy’s in front of him, only- dark... and more full of- wisdom and knowledge. In his left hand was a simple, yet smooth, oak cane, that was firmly pressed his the carriage floor. 
All was silent in the mode of transport. Only the sound of the grinding stones beneath them and horses hoofs ahead of them, filling the air, with a soft, 
‘click- clok- click- kreec’
That is- until the older decided to speak-
His tone was deep, almost smooth, if it weren't for the obvious dryness of his throat. 
He called, grabbing enough of the younger’s attention, for the one clad in a dark cloke to straighten in his seat, gaze dancing towards the wiser gaze. A hum of reconcision leaving his lips. This was enough for the hard gaze of the gent to soften, 
“you’ve been rather quite. I know you dont enjoy these trips but-” he paused.       “They will help you grow as a healer- i hope you know this, i only do it in your best interest... but just this once- please- Please try to get along with the Prince,”
The boy now known of Virgil made a look is displeasure, and opened his mouth to speak, only to be stopped once again by the partially grey haired male. 
“I know! you dont like him! hate him even- but just for me, please, dont cause a ruckus.. im sure you're old enough to realize- he might be going through a rough time, with his father falling ill, and he could use a hand, and seeing as he will be the future ruler. it would do you some good to stay in his good books, you always wanted to be a top notch healer right?” 
his tone was stern yet had a fatherly softness to it, as he kept eye contact with the smaller.
Virgil didn't feel a need to reply to that, He knew his father was correct, so instead gave a light nod, moving his gaze back towards the window. Taking this as a sign of a finished conversation, The aged man gave a small smile, and a satisfied hum, about to return his gaze to the carriage window also, before a quieter voice spoke up, still deep, but with a softness to it, almost shy. 
“i’ll try, But i dont make any promises. “ 
The Fathers gaze shifted towards the young adult in surprise, before letting out a breathy chuckle, followed by a few coughs.
“That is all i can ask of you son, try. Besides, who knows~ by the end of this you two might be the opposite of what you began as” 
A smirk itched it’s way to his lips, a mischievous glint shinning in the old souls eyes, 
This simple statement seeming to steer something up in the black and purple haired boy, as he jolted up so fast, his sharp cheek bones now on full display, as his pale complexion turned into a crimson painting,                                               A sound that resembled that of a stumbling fool left his lips as he tried to find his words, once the words were found they were spat out in a frenzy,
“if by that you mean dead? then please!”
~~~~~~~~~~At the palace~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
echoed through the halls, in a tone that almost seemed scandalized. 
The sheer surprise of the the loud exclamation causing a near by maid to almost drop the tray of china she carried. However she was lucky enough to have fast enough reflexes to balance out the tray before any mishaps. 
Sighing in relief, her gaze moved down the hall to the source of the disturbance, knowing damn well who that voice belonged to, if you were you were to follow it, it would no doubt lead you towards the study, that currently held what most would call, an Average looking Queen, and her seemingly scandalized son.
The Queen stood tall, a gloved hand raised to her lips as she did her best to hid her amused smile, by unfolding a white pristine fan, with a quick flip, aware that her amusement would only fuel her sons dramatic moment. 
Dark eyes somehow remaining calm as ever, as she watched the Prince pace the room, arms frailing about and waving madly, as he ranted, The Queen had learned to tune out of these ramblings, as most of the time, it was simply him rephrasing the same sentence on repeat, using a variety of different words to express his distraught and aggravated state.
I mean, of course, How dare she, his own Mother! suggest such a vile thought! the thought of- of- BEFRIENDING! that creature of the night! that- that! irritating! INSUFFERABLE! LITTLE WITCH! that somehow always found a way to get under Roman’s skin when ever he decided to make an appearance!
Of course- he supposed it wasn't compleatly like Virgil had a choose- he himself didn't seem to want to be anywhere near Roman either. It was simply for their parents convineance, Much to Roman’s dismay, he didn't take very kindly to Mr.Dark and gloomy. Of course- it had been many years since they had last seen each other.. even so! no one could make such a drastic change to make his company any sort of bearable. HE WASN'T EVEN ATTRACTIVE!                   ( in Romans eye’s anyway.)
Non the less the pacing continued, His Mother decided that she should shut her son down now, before things got too out of hand, so with a gentle sigh, she clasped the fragile fan down to her opened, and gloved palm. The sound of the slap loud enough, to drag Roman’s attention towards her, silencing him, and keeping him in place, arms lowering as his peircing Pine green gaze, caught to her Oak wood own.
“My dear one, you can rant all you like, but i am simply doing this for your own benifit. The Anxly family are very good to us, and in return we keep them as our family healer’s and sourceres, And we expect when you take over, to do the same. The both of you, are no longer children so please dont act as such, you will be personally meeting Virgil in the Gardens any hour now! so please! go get ready! Unless you plan to give off an unprofessional appearance.”
with a few steps forward, she raised a hand, and brushed a Tawny brown, stray curl from Romans temple, brushing it behind his ear, her gaze lingering on him for a quite moment, before she sighed openly, speaking once more, only this time more quieter.
“i know you two never started off on the right foot, but im sure this time will be different, from what i’ve heard he has turned into quite the gent! believe it or not.”
she couldn't help but praise, removing her hand to brush back a strand of her own light hair, that fell from behind her ear, 
“just- give it a chance. you know William is a good friend to your Father’s.” 
The Queen added, a sadness almost seeming to gloss over her gaze, at the mention of the King, thats what broke Roman. 
Seeing his mother in such a state he knew he would have to give in, But meeting in the gardens? he didn't see the point? shouldn't they be meeting somewhere more professionally? and why was everyone so hooked up on Virgil? unless-
a deep frown carved it’s way onto the Prince’s lips, squinting slightly, in almost a suspicious glare, as he spoke his thoughts out loud. 
“Mother, You're making this sound an awful lot like a potential suitor...”
That is when the Queen froze, Her cheeks pinkening ever so slightly, as her gaze moved just above Roman’s shoulder, looking as though she didn’t know what to say, Roman knew this look very well, and he didn't like what it was implying...
~~~~~~~~~1 hour till the long awaited meeting~~~~~~~
Roman complained loudly, As the tailor circled him, pinning and re-stitching,The white and scarlet finery, A small bundle of laughter leaving said tailor, as he listened to the Prince’s ramblings, 
“Im sure it isn’t as terrible as you’re making it out to be my Prince! i for one know Virgil personally, and he isn't that bad, He is actually quite sweet!”
 He hummed, sticking a pin into the small sponge patch that was attached to his arm, using a tightly secure blue ribbon for security, before reaching up and pushing up the circle lenses glasses, that were managing to slip down his nose, Blue eyes looking up through his lashes, from his place kneeling on the floor, grinning slightly. 
This however only made Roman whine even more, 
“Patton! you're not helping my case here! my case being! there is no way in all the 6 kingdoms i would ever even consider Tall,Dark and dreary a candidate for a friend never mind a husband!”
The prince all but huffed, arms crossing out of habbit, only to quickly straighten them out into a T pose once more, with a yelp, as 3 small pearl headed pin prodded him sharply, giving our lovely prince a small jump. 
“Heheh sorry kiddio! only speaking my mind “
The tailor couldn't help but muse, his gaze moving back down to the task at hand, re hemming this cursed hem of the princely jacket.                                       A half hearted glare was shot Pattons way by none other then Roman,
Before the Queen who was quietly observing this interaction spoke,
“My son i am not asking you to marry him, i simply wish for you two to talk things out and maybe get along. you managed it when you were bother 5! im sure you can do it once again, and if a little bit of woowing! happens along the way, then so be it, a point to me, if not. I’ll be satisfied knowing you have a allay thats a gifted healer.”
she explained further, having almost a tiredness to her voice, like she had explained this many times, even so, she couldn't deny this feeling she had inside, that somehow- she could feel That Roman was meant to meet Virgil, that there was meant to be something more between them. Then solid hatred.
She saw it the first day the two met.. when Roman took that shy boy’s hand,Smiling brightly as he introduced himself, and how he thought Virgil was pretty, before finally ledding the quite child, who looked at Roman in awe,down the long corridor, The small prince exclaiming how they were going to play in the garden.                     
To their final meeting at 15, where she could swear she saw Virgil nearly reach for Roman’s hand when walking down that exact same corridor only to retract it just as fast. Or how when Roman fell and cut his knee, After Virgil said he hadn't gotten the chance to test his healing on any-body yet, These small things, They didn't think she noticed, but- she did. 
Even so, she couldn't deny, that right now all of this was seeming like a waste of energy, She knew her son was stubborn, she blamed herself on that one, But she couldn't help it, she just had this feeling...
Roman stared back at the middle age women, his frown still playing against his lips, He knew he had no way of escaping this situation so instead. Let out a breath of air, 
“look fine, i’ll play along with your little ‘be nice’ charade”                                       his eyes rolled for emphasis on his un-satisfaction.
“BUT! i will NOT have any interest in him, not before,nor after this meeting. He is simply a possible ally. nothing more, nothing less. so please- dont get your hopes up Mother” he huffed.
His Mother smiled,
 “of course Roman! dont worry about a thing dear, i’ll keep my hopes low” 
she sighed in contentment, he gaze landing on Pattons, earning a grin from the tailor, who she has come to welcome with open arms.                      She simply smiled back, they both knew. Knew something was about to unfold from right under their noses.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With Virgil and his fatherly unit~~~~~
It had been approximately 40 minuets since they have arrived, and with no time to spare, Virgils Father had opened up all their chest’s of clothing and ordered Virgil to change into something more proper when meeting the Prince,
He didn't quite understand why, seeing as in their previous meetings Virgil simply wore his usual cloke and some old clothes, messy, unkempt hair, and over all looked like a mess. Why was now any more important then those times? However he didn't dwell on the thought any longer, settling for the explanation of, They were older now, and Roman would soon be King, So it was only right to be proper in his presence, Even so,
Virgil knew that as soon as they were out of sight from their parents insults would more then likely be thrown. Shins kicked and bruised, the usual. 
So without any hassle, Virgil began to change, tugging on the Mulberry colored shirt, buttoning it up carefully, worried he might miss a button, or crinkle the shirt if he moved to fast, after all, Patton did work hard to make it and sent it all the way out to him, earlier that year. 
He was almost shocked it still fit, He then continued to change in silence,
black waist coat, raisin colored suit pants, brushed out hair,(for once styles, due to fathers orders) and finally his good old, tattered cloke, black in color, and decorated with different patches, all different shades of purple. 
Once his father seen him leave the changing area, he lit up more than Virgil had ever seen him, it almost made him flush, However his embarrassment was cut short when his Father whipped out a wash cloth and he knew what was coming, no matter how many times he pleaded, it was futile, His black under eye powder was cleaned away. well most of it was, there was still some under his eye, that gave a slightly smoky effect, 
Virgil felt naked without it, but he suppose still having a little bit of it, was better then having none of it. So he sucked it up, and sighed looking to his Dad, as they exited their room, beginning the departure, down the halls towards a familer garden, it wasn't till then, Virgil asked out loud,
“why is it you wanted me to get all dressed up? Princey and i are just talking over our differences right?”
He couldn't help himself in asking, This caused the older beside him to stop for a moment, cane making a very distinctive sound when it touched the tile, He seemed to be thinking over something and Virgil wondered what, That is- untill he got his answer, and when he did- he couldn't stop himself from stumbling backwards, he was shocked to the point he didn't see, nor hear Patton from ahead of them, instead he took one deep breath and took off in the opposite direction.
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the-stories-in-my-head-95 ¡ 7 years ago
I Promise to Love the Both of you for Forever- Chapter 1
Steve Rogers x Reader X Bucky Barnes
Summary- When three seven year olds declare their love for one another they do the only logical thing they can think of-get married. Eventually the three of you grow up and go two war. The world thinks the three of you died within weeks of each other, but are any of you truly dead?
Message- Here’s Chapter one! Sorry if it sucks!
Warning- reader was kidnapped. 
Word Count- 838
“We need to get here out of there.” Steve says as he moves to the controls.
“No.” Tony says
“Excuse me?” Steve snarls.
“I get that you three have history that you will be explaining later, but this is a Hydra base. There’s a very good chance that she isn’t who you remember. She could have been whipped and reprogramed.” Tony says and the two other men sigh.
“He’s right Stevie.” Bucky says miserably.
“W-we can’t just leave her in there for forever.” Steve mumbles.
“We won’t, go grab an extra generator from the quinjet and I’ll jerry rig it to the cryo-chamber. Then we will unfreeze her in a controlled setting. While you guys grab the generator I’m going to grab all of the files in this place. Hopefully they have some answers.” Tony sighs.
“Thank you.” Bucky says as Steve and him walk out of the room. They all set to work and eventually they make the cryo-chamber portable. They move the chamber and all of the files that they found onto the quin-jet and they took off.
“Ok, explain.” Tony says as he engages auto-pilot.
“When we were seven, we got married at recess. We’ve all been together since then. She was a nurse during the war, she was declared dead like a week after I crashed. I-I don’t know what happened after that.” Steve says.
“We’ll figure it out.” Tony says as he tries his best to reassure his teammates.
“She’s gonna be fine.” Steve murmurs.
“She has to be.” Bucky adds. The rest of the flight is quiet and Tony doesn’t press the two super solider. When they land they rush the cryo-chamber to the lab and then they leave Tony and Bruce to do their thing. But not before making Tony promise to call them before they wake you up.
“How much do you remember about her?” Steve asks.
“Everything, all of my memories of the three of us together came back a while ago, I just never mentioned it because it hurt too much to even think about.” Bucky murmurs.
“We all ‘died’ within weeks of each other. It would almost be romantic if it wasn’t so sad.” Steve whispers.
“I’m surprised they haven’t made a movie about the three of us.” Bucky jokes. “I mean they have all the letters.”
“No one knows, we were always carful with what we wrote. Remember?” Steve asks.
“Kinda, that part is still fuzzy.” Bucky says as he cocks his head to the side.
“God, this is all my fault. If I had just let things be and stayed stateside…” Steve starts
“I would have died as a POW and who knows what would have happened to Y/N. Don’t forget you saved the world Stevie.” Bucky says and he pulls Steve into a hug.
“Excuse me, boys. Tony has requested your presence.” FRIDAY says.
“Thanks, Fri.” Steve says as the two of them rush to the lab. They walk in and so a quick intake of what is happening. You’re unconscious, lying on a hospital bed, while Bruce inserts an IV into your arm.
“She’s going to be fine.” Tony starts “They injected her with the serum, but they never conditioned her, or whipped her. It looks like they kept her on ice, so if the Winter Soldier ever died they would have a backup or if you ever shook your conditioning, they could use her to keep you in line.”
“So she’s going to be okay?” Steve asks.
“Well as okay as someone whose about to wake up in the future can be.” Tony says.
“When is she going to wake up?” Bucky asks.
“Probably within the next hour.” Bruce says. “We’ll leave the two of you alone. Call for us after you explain it all to her. I need to run a few tests.”
“Thank you, both of you.” Steve says and Bucky nods in agreement.
“Hey, there’s no need to thank us. We’re all family here.” Tony says as Bruce and him leave. Bucky and Steve move to sit on either side of you and they just watch you waiting. After about 40 minutes you jolt awake.
“Hey, Doll you need to take it easy.” You hear Bucky murmur.
“Am I in heaven?” You ask, your voice cracking because of your dry throat. You hear two chuckles and look over to that Steve was there to.
“No.” they offered.
“You two died.” You say in an accusatory mannor.
“Yeah, well it turns out its harder to kill the three of us than anyone thought.” Bucky says.
“What do you mean?”
“What’s the last thing you remember?” Steve asks gently.
“I-I remember the field hospital had been over run with Hydra agents. I started to run but they caught me. Then they pricked me with something and everything went black.” You say as you struggle to recall what you remember. “How are you to here? They told me you were both dead. Where are we?”
“The future.” Bucky says.
“What?!” you shout.
Tag List- @jasmineladjevardi​ @mcu--trash​ @hista-girl​ 
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artificialqueens ¡ 8 years ago
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Cradle Part 5 (Trixya/Thorgy x Violet)
Author’s note: I really wanted to include a picture collage and I hope I’m doing it correctly (if not just let me know at the-artificial-Vanguard and I will resubmit Tiff.) Thank you all for your encouragement on my previous chapters (it really means a lot to me!) and I’m sorry to keep you all in suspense…again! From V.
Katya was still totally unprepared to walk into Violet’s room in the ICU. He saw them even before they stepped into the room since the whole front wall facing a bustling nurses desk was glass.
He felt like he’d been punched in the stomach and swayed on the spot, Lee had to grab his arm to keep him steady. He was frozen in the doorway for a moment until he made himself cross the threshold. “One foot, two foot, right, left, right, left.” He thought as he avoided looking at Vi again until Lee had sat him down in a chair.
“It’s ok Katya, you can look at them, you can talk to them too.” Lee coaxed. “Do you want a minute alone?”
“N..n..no! Please stay!” Tears springing into his eyes as he held onto her like she was his baby blanket and he was 4 again. She managed to reach around and pull up the only other chair to sit beside him.
Then Katya allowed himself to look. Violet was so tiny, the bed seemed to be swallowing them whole. One of their legs was propped up, a small swatch of bandage peaked out from under the generic blue gown. There was tubing from drains of some sort peaking out from the sheets, two by their knee and one by their waist. Little balls filled with crimson fluid.
Katya’s vision doubled so he looked away. Violet had an IV in their hand, the clear tubing going to a huge network of pumps for various bags of liquids big and small, all dripping at different rates into his lifeless friend’s veins.
A yellow catheter bag peaked out from the end of the bed. For the amount of times Trix and him joked about caths on UNHhhh, seeing one in real life was terrifying.
Violet’s head was covered in a thick layer of gauze, their dark hair flowing out of the very top along with a myriad of colour coded wires that were plugged into a box attached to a machine that showed mesmerizing waves of lines. They had slender oxygen tubing on their face that was taped on the gauze around their head since it covered their ears where the tubing would generally sit. The machine beside that was one that Katya knew, more wires came out from the top of their gown going to the machine that was monitoring their heart.
The thick blue band of a blood pressure cuff buzzed to life, making him jump and squeeze Lee’s hand harder for a second.
He looked at her and tried to let go but she just smiled softly and put her other hand on his, “it’s ok Katya. I don’t mind. Really I don’t!”
Katya’s eyes wandered around again, never quite resting in one place for long. Violet looked so damn pale, almost as white as the sheets that filled the room with the faint, unmistakable scent of bleach.
They sat in silence, apart from the cacophony of beeping machines, that stretched on and on that felt like 3 days but was only 20 minutes. Katya pulled out of his careening thoughts by the door rolling open and a nurse peaking in.
“Hi, sorry but it’s time for you to go, you can come back in 40 minutes.”
“Can’t I stay?” Katya whispered, knowing the answer but feeling like he had to ask. He felt like Violet might be frightened when they woke up all alone. They would wake up though, right? He thought.
“Katya?” Lee said, shaking his hand, “did you hear me?”
He shook his head like a dog that just came from being in the water, it seemed appropriate since he was so overwhelmed he felt like he was drowning. His throat feeling like it was closing in.
“No sorry, what?” He squawked and made a conscious effort to stay grounded in the present instead of being washed away by the sea of his worries again.
“We can’t stay, soon the doctors will be coming in to check on them and they will need space to work but then we should be able to get an update about their condition when we come back. Ok?” Lee coaxed Katya out of the chair, still holding on to the queen incase he became unsteady again. Katya looked slightly green and Lee wondered if he was going to be sick. She lead him out to the waiting room and plunked him down on a chair.
The ICU waiting room was much nicer than the surgical main waiting room they were in last night and this morning before they were let on the ward. It had much more comfortable sofa’s and recliner chairs that folded out into beds for family who didn’t want to be too far away from their seriously ill family. There was a big washroom attached that had a separate shower room. There was a large screen TV that was turned to a sitcom of some form, magazines peppered the tables. A coffee pot on a little counter in the corner. Anything to try to keep family members distracted since they had to spend so much time waiting til they could see their loved ones again. Katya was still holding her hand tightly, looking shell shocked, which was understandable, and still very green.
“Will you be ok if I leave the room for a second Katya?” He just nodded, swallowing thickly. She ran out of the room and to the supply closet, sticking a few barf bags in her purse and then stopped by her locker to grab some anti nausea and Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) just incase. She was gone 5 minutes maximum and came back to a pacing, panicked looking Katya. She ran up to him.
“Katya, are you ok? Sit down here.” She said, pulling him down beside her on the sofa. She knew a panic attack when she saw one. Katya was hyperventilating, his nostrils flaring and face getting redder by the second. “Ok Katya, close your eyes. Put your face between your knees and take in some nice, deep breaths. That’s it. Just like that.” Lee rubbed Katya’s back as his gasps for air turned into panting to breathing calmly.
He sat up again, wiped his sweaty brow and sighed deeply. “Thanks Lee. I don’t know what I would be doing without you.”
“You don’t have to keep thanking me Katya, I am happy to help. I feel like I know you even though I just saw you on TV once a week over a year ago. You were and are so open with your life and you’ve helped a lot of people, me included.”
Katya laughed and quipped sarcastically, “yeah my hot mess-ness really helped a lotta people. I’m so glad I could help you and others. I’m nothing special though, just a man and his demons publically on display. Step right up! See the freak!!” Katya ended up sounding more bitter than he meant and winced. What the fuck was he thinking? He just effectively called this lovely person who has been looking after him when she didn’t have to a freak. His chin started to wobble with oncoming tears.  “Sorry. I didn’t mean that in that way.”
“Hey, what’s wrong with being a freak? Le freak c’est chic!” She said with a little laugh, quickly diffusing Katya’s impending meltdown.
“Thank you!”
“You are more than welcome Katya. Honestly.”
“Please call me Brian. I mean when you meet Trixie, you should probably call me Katya because otherwise everyone gets way too confused. You know, with both of us being Brians.”
“Trixie’s coming?”
“Yeah, it’s been on the down low but Trix and I have been dating for 7 or 8 months now. Please don’t tell anyone!” He begged.
“No. Of course I won’t Kat..er…Brian.”
“Maybe we should go find Thorgy and Acid. I know Thorgy’s first name is Shane but I’ll have to look up his last name.”
Katya was reaching for his phone when Lee blurted, “Galligan. It’s Shane Galligan.” Followed by her putting her hand up to her mouth and turning beet red. Stifling a little giggle.
“What? How did you know that? Spill it gurl!”
Lee still had her hand over her mouth but her eyes were crinkled up in a smile, she shook her head and mumbled from behind her hand, “no, it’s too embarrassing!” She muffled a giggle.
“Try me.”
Katya didn’t get a chance to wheedle it out of her as a woman in a white coat turned the corner into the room and called his name.
Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!
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