#sorry i dont post tht often here lol
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honestly class consciousness is one hell of a ride bc i didnt think abt it much until more recent years. i told my friend as a kid we were poor nd my mom got so pissed at that, nd i mean shes right that we rly werent as bad off as it could be, the family is just working class. but when you suddenly realize youre not on equal footing w middle class ppl, or ppl like my uncle who is one of the very rare few who started working class and not highly educated nd ended up becoming a millionaire in the US (im still coming for his wallet istg), its suddenly all... oh wait there are ppl whose reality is not this full of hurt and few opportunities.
like, being in a university in one of the most diverse cities in the country nd still having so few poc on it and most poc u meet are international students, and having heard some posh classmates talk abt studying "just like our parents" like it's the most evident thing in the world (while im the only person in the family that did college level, nvm university, and family was super proud, it's not a given to us that you do this!), hearing classmates claim that poverty and class are not really relevant for the netherlands anymore bc you now have the nouveau riche and art is less elitist now, so apparently class is less of a thing?? nd university is just such a wakeup call or a slap in the face bc my primary school was called ghetto, my high school was called ghetto, but then my art college prided itself on being very "diverse" while i had never seen this many white students in one place, and it's even worse for my university.
shit like my brother being in prison all the time when i was younger, my best friend when i was 4 having to move away bc her mom ODed on drugs, living next to a house that had 5 weed plantations in it over the years nd our greek neighbours even got pulled into that mess bc they needed money, living across a 'coffee house' tht stored rifles in it, someone across the street setting his house (and thus half the street bc dutch homes are often connected as one row) on fire, my dad working 50 hours a week as a parcel deliverer bc w less hours he doesnt earn enough, even if the fucking job means carrying 80 kilo boxes up stairs and other bullshit, his stress leading to two TIAs (strokes), my mom being super disabled by many physical impairments nd illness nd still not being granted help in the household bc she had a 'healthy daughter and boyfriend' nd also her being left w/o an income for 2 years, practically every high school friend's mom being disabled in some way, then at my mail delivery job where my coworkers complain abt another deliverer bc it took her 3 months to get back to work again nd they called her ‘lazy‘ for not working immediately despite having multiple illnesses and disabilities bc, and i quote, my colleague said “i’m in my sixties and have arthritis and i’m working too“ dude :// hes literally the person my other colleagues say has had it hard and needs a break, and then those coworkers too need a break nd have disabilities nd are nearing pension age and still doing this work while trying to do household work and all that stuff at the same time. my mom said my cousin’s job (in construction; scaffolder) pays “really good“ (i wonder if its really that much bc it’s apparently around €1700-2700 on average) but that he already gets bad physical complaints from it while hes young nd formerly rly fit and might need to quit soon and then figure something out like studying for something else if possible.
the neighbourhood i used to live in as a baby was ‘too criminal‘ according to my parents so then they moved out to the town next to it into a neighbourhood that was eventually labelled among the top ranked ‘criminal‘ neighbourhoods of the country nd now i live in rotterdam south which is basically seen in the same way bc again, more poverty, more families with migration backgrounds etc. it’s like, you can never escape this negative image unless the whole bunch is gentrified or smth stupid and the poor are pushed to live elsewhere again. and just the whole thing of being at home, being at school, being at work, it’s such a trip bc university is so fucking different to me nd u see all these people there who are quite confident in getting good jobs nd u have business students with rich parents who are already some stupid fucking greenwashing entrepreneur aiming to become a CEO, nd even though ppl at my study w all these artsy ppl, they are generally not upper class, most still seem to be so used to the safety of being middle class and make these huge statements about poverty not really being a thing here.
nd then the whole stress nd anxiety tht my parents passed onto me, partially bc of their trauma nd them being fed up w my ‘laziness’ (executive dysfunction nd burnout lol), partially bc they believe strongly in this workers’ ethic thats strongly in line with capitalism (even if my mom used to be part of a socialist party nd still adheres to many of those ideas) but also with this calvinistic and Rotterdam ( / Rijnmond area) ideology that you need to work hard for the entirety of your life in order to be a decent person, so not so much for an economic payoff or ‘success‘; you just have to work hard. my parents always told me ‘you can rest when you’re dead‘ every single time i mentioned or even implied i was a bit tired and it was frustrating to hear. this mentality is what lead to my dad practically getting two strokes, and to my mom overworking herself nd being taken away by an ambulance on my birthday party, it’s the whole fucking reason i do not like the prospect of work bc it is just so associated w something awful you need to get done and that you need to exhaust yourself on it until you hopefully get pension money, if the govt hopefully doesnt raise the pension age even further than 67. and then you see ppl in uni talk abt fun future “careers” like what the fuck are you talking about? how are you gonna get a job in the arts and culture field in this pandemic? im already happy if im able to find a job and dont have to quit due to disability or a chronic illness that runs in both sides of my family. im sorry im being so negative but im stressed about jobs and i think i went on a tangent today all bc i saw one post abt being scared of PE classes nd my mind went to bad places. this is ok to rb or reply to btw, as long as youre a mutual
#i rly dont mean to whine or anything but its just wild how normalized this shit is#i hate capitalism i rly hate it dude#rambles
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gender? who is she? (they???)
chapter one: what’s my name again? link to prologue
summary: [18:00] ???: LUNA [18:00] ???: WHAT IF [??? (SumayaPotter) changed their name to harry?] [18:00] harry?: !!!!!! word count: 1,573 warnings: n/a a/n: we’re getting into it!!! hope u enjoy
read on ao3
[FRIDAY; 10.12.18]
the golden trio™ [POTter (SumayaPotter), grangerstranger (HermioneGranger), DieselWeasel (RonWeasley)]
[16:45] POTter: @everyone
[17:34] grangerstranger: What’s a mood [17:34] grangerstranger: Sorry [17:34] grangerstranger: What’s up
[17:36] DieselWeasel: how do you accidentally type whats a mood
[17:36] grangerstranger: Magic [17:36] grangerstranger: And a conversation going on next to me
[17:37] DieselWeasel: okay [17:37] DieselWeasel: sounds fake but . okay [17:37] DieselWeasel: a n y w a y [17:37] DieselWeasel: @POTter whats up
[17:40] POTter: oH [17:40] POTter: yh sry [17:40] POTter: if yall were th opp sex wht wld ur names b ?
[17:41] grangerstranger: Sorry just [17:41] grangerstranger: Give me a minute to decipher that
[17:41] DieselWeasel: #rekt
[17:41] POTter: r00d
[17:42] grangerstranger: Wait Maya
[17:42] POTter: ye
[17:42] grangerstranger: As in what our parents would've named us or what we'd want our names to be if we were the opposite sex
[17:42] POTter: idc both
[17:43] grangerstranger: William
[17:43] POTter: y
[17:43] grangerstranger: Well [17:43] grangerstranger: I don’t know what my parents were thinking when they named me [17:44] grangerstranger: But the name Hermione is from the winter’s tale by Shakespeare [17:44] grangerstranger: I'm not the hugest fan of Shakespeare but I'd still like to have an older name [17:44] grangerstranger: Plus his first name was William so it's still a nod to my parents
[17:44] POTter: damn out here w tht Knowledge [17:45] POTter: ron????
[17:46] DieselWeasel: uhhhhhhh [17:46] DieselWeasel: i mean if i had been born a girl it wouldve been ginerva bc yall KNOW ma and dad have been holding onto that for ages [17:46] DieselWeasel: but . harper maybe? i like that name
[17:46] POTter: huh [17:46] POTter: harperd fit u
[17:47] DieselWeasel: what about you
[17:50] POTter: idk [17:50] POTter: what do u think
[17:50] grangerstranger: Alex [17:50] grangerstranger: ?
[17:51] DieselWeasel: i mean ? would you want like [17:51] DieselWeasel: an ethnic name ? [17:53] DieselWeasel: imagine quotes on that lol
[17:53] POTter: ehhhhhhh [17:53] POTter: i wldnt b opposed but ? [17:54] POTter: idk rly i guess itd be cool either way [17:54] POTter: also @grangerstranger alex is nice
[17:54] DieselWeasel: mkay [17:56] DieselWeasel: what about harry [17:56] DieselWeasel: hari ? harry ? who knows
[17:56] POTter: OH [17:56] POTter: y e s [17:56] POTter: thank
[17:59] DieselWeasel: uh ? [17:59] DieselWeasel: no problem lol [17:59] DieselWeasel: :)
??? (SumayaPotter), luna! (LunaLovegood)
[18:00] ???: LUNA [18:00] ???: WHAT IF
[??? (SumayaPotter) changed their name to hari?]
[18:00] hari?: !!!!!! [18:00] hari?: wait wait wait
[hari? (SumayaPotter) changed their name to harry?]
[18:01] harry?: i like this better i think [18:01] harry?: idk im still trying 2 figure it out
[18:04] luna!: oh! that's a lovely name. congratulations harry! i'm glad you've found something that suits you. :D
[18:04] harry?: :D
[SATURDAY; 10.13.18]
everyone except sumaya [granger (HermioneGranger), weasley_1 (RonWeasley), weasley_2 (GinnyWeasley), malfoy (DracoMalfoy), longbottom (NevilleLongbottom)…]
[13:35] granger: I just want all of you to know I still disagree with the name of this chat
[14:57] malfoy: Yes, yes, we know. [14:57] malfoy: You’ve been saying that since the creation of this groupchat.
[15:15] weasley_1: #rekt
[15:28] granger: Shut up malfoy
[15:28] weasley_1: #rekt
[16:01] longbottom: ok but we haven’t had to use this chat for a couple weeks now? what’s up hermione?
[16:01] weasley_1: sus acting weird
[16:01] longbottom: okay but she’s always acting weird, what’s different about this time?
[16:02] weasley_1: we had an entire conversation about what our names would be if we were the opposite sex
[16:02] longbottom: oh. [16:02] longbottom: yeah okay that’s a bit weird. [16:02] longbottom: what did she say her’s would be?
[16:02] granger: That's the thing though [16:03] granger: She didn’t [16:03] granger: She asked us what we thought it should be
[16:03] weasley_1: here gimme a sec
[weasley_1 (RonWeasley) sent a screenshot.] [weasley_1 (RonWeasley) sent a screenshot.]
[16:05] parkinson: im dead her name is my MOOD
[16:05] longbottom: damn. okay. [16:05] longbottom: what do you think it means?
[16:06] weasley_1: i dunno why does it have to mean anything
[16:06] longbottom: well, obviously you think it means something - you wouldn’t have posted it here if you didn’t?
[16:06] weasley_1: damn youre right [16:07] weasley_1: i dunno? it just feels like kind of an odd thing to ask about ? [16:07] weasley_1: especially because its not like we were talking about names today or anything [16:07] weasley_1: it just seemed like an out of the blue subject thats all
[16:09] lovegood: if i may interject? i find it very likely that sumaya is simply settling into their personality, and part of that may include an exploration of the different facets of themself! [16:09] lovegood: her*, whoops!
[16:09] weasley_1: ? [16:09] weasley_1: oh okay
[16:09] longbottom: you’re so right, luna!
[16:09] weasley_1: huh yeah that makes sense lol
#girlsforluna (GinnyWeasley), #boysforluna (NevilleLongbottom)
[16:10] #girlsforluna: gay
[16:11] #boysforluna: :’) [16:11] #boysforluna: i can’t help it! she’s so [16:11] #boysforluna: wait.
everyone except sumaya [weasley_1 (RonWeasley), longbottom (NevilleLongbottom), lovegood (LunaLovegood), granger (HermioneGranger), malfoy (DracoMalfoy)…]
[16:12] longbottom: hey, @lovegood?
[16:13] lovegood: yes! hi neville!
[16:13] longbottom: hey! what pronouns are you using right now?
[16:13] lovegood: he/him for now! :)
[16:13] longbottom: okay! thanks so much.
[16:14] weasley_2: neville you fucking nerd i cant,,,,,,
#girlsforluna (GinnyWeasley), #boysforluna (NevilleLongbottom)
[16:12] #girlsforluna: you okay??? [16:13] #girlsforluna: oh my god lmfao
[16:14] #boysforluna: okay, i got it. [16:14] #boysforluna: he’s just so cute! and smart! and kind! and! ugh my god i love him so much.
[16:14] #girlsforluna: youre so fucking cute i wanna die [16:14] #girlsforluna: you really just paused an online conversation to get pronouns i love you oh my god [16:14] #girlsforluna: also. i feel you so hard he’s such a lovely person??? hhhh [16:14] #girlsforluna: anyway :)
[16:14] #boysforluna: :)
everyone except sumaya [weasley_2 (GinnyWeasley), longbottom (NevilleLongbottom), lovegood (LunaLovegood), weasley_1 (RonWeasley), granger (HermioneGranger)…]
[16:15] lovegood: is everything okay, neville?
[16:16] weasley_2: oh yeah totally i just had the sudden and urgent realization that neville’s a fucking nerd
[16:16] longbottom: shut the hell up n stop ghosting u hoe
[16:17] parkinson: damn son okay [16:17] parkinson: i dont know if im more surprised tht u cursed or tht u didnt use Perfect Punctuation ???? either way im lowkey impressed good job
[16:17] longbottom: :)
mione (HermioneGranger), nevs (NevilleLongbottom)
[16:46] mione: Hey neville
[17:09] nevs: yeah, what’s up?
[17:11] mione: Do you think sue might be [17:11] mione: Trans or something?
[17:11] nevs: huh. [17:11] nevs: i guess i’d never thought of it but. [17:11] nevs: i suppose it’s entirely possible? [17:12] nevs: especially because she’s been wearing her hijab more often.
[17:12] mione: Yeah [17:12] mione: Wait but why would that mean shes trans?
[17:13] nevs: well, she has really long hair, and when she’s not wearing a hijab she usually has it in a braid because it’s easier to manage, right?
[17:13] mione: Yeah I know what hou mean [17:13] mione: You
[17:13] nevs: but it’s also a constant reminder that she has hair. [17:13] nevs: i mean, i was talking to luna the other day? [17:14] nevs: and he mentioned that on his masculine days he like to put his hair up, but only when he’s feeling really dysphoric. [17:14] granger: so now that i think about it in that light, it makes a lot of sense - [17:15] nevs: her hair goes into a bun when she puts it up, and it’s tight so she doesn’t have to think about it so much.
[17:15] mione: Oh [17:15] mione: Yeah that makes sense [17:16] mione: Thanks Neville
[17:16] nevs: no problem! [17:16] nevs: i probably wouldn’t go around sharing this with everyone, though. [17:16] nevs: especially because we don’t really know if it’s true or not.
[17:17] mione: Yeah of course
hermyownknee (HermioneGranger), ronniekins (RonWeasley)
[17:20] hermyownknee: Hey Ron
ron (RonWeasley), luna (LunaLovegood)
[17:34] ron: hey luna
[17:38] luna: hello, ron! is everything okay?
[17:38] ron: um . i think so?
[17:38] luna: okay! [17:40] luna: what did you want to talk to me about? [17:40] luna: i assume you contacted me for a reason? :)
[17:40] ron: haha yeah [17:40] ron: um [17:40] ron: dont take this the wrong way [17:41] ron: i know sometimes sumaya tells you stuff that she doesn’t tell me or hermione [17:41] ron: and that’s fine [17:41] ron: obviously shes allowed to make those kinds of decisions for herself [17:41] ron: but uh
[17:41] luna: she’s fine, i promise. [17:42] luna: i would tell you if she told me anything that i found concerning.
[17:44] ron: okay [17:44] ron: thanks
[17:50] luna: of course, ron.
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Memorize and positive vibes💘💘💘
my bby i love u 💟💟💟💟
memorize: describe in detail the happiest day you’ve had this year.
(2017) honestly meeting my ults in person and creating this blog are tied! so i will explain both:
1. my boys b1a4 visited my city!!!! or the one closest near me, and it was amazing for so many reasons! typically my city isnt visited v often bc we get overshadowed by the other most known city in my state, and the fact that this was their actual 2nd visit to my city blew me away!!! they visited back in 2014 too but i dont think i would have been able to go anyways. i went w 2 of my closest friends n it was a such a blast!! i met this 1 girl from twitter n tht was cool LOL but it was more like she posted “hey guys im here at the venue come say hi to me!” so its not like we were mutuals, we just wanted to meet! it was a v v fun day despite waiting in the cold for several hours but it was sooo worth it!! when we got inside the venue, there was a cutoff starting at this one row n they said we could sit anywhere we wanted, so my friends n i snagged the front row seats asap LMAO and once more girls sat around us, we befriended a few and exchanged social media n stuff!! they were such lovely n amazing ppl, and i can happily guarantee u tht they will be all u meet in the bana fandom!! and ofc, when the actual concert started IT WAS LIT AS HELL!!!! (baro even used lit,,,, jfc save him) im still bitter as hell tht none of the members paid attention to my section except baro!!! so baro is the real mvp n hes now the only member in b1a4 whoops. im just kidding i still love my hubby jinyoung ofc but tht night baro was the only one who mattered LOL they wasted so many water bottles to get everyone wet ;) LOL IT DIDNT EVEN REACH WHERE I WAS BUT IT WAS STILL FUN!!! ok this got 2 long rip sorry i just get so excited :’(( they replayed their ending ment song 297492927 times n i still have pcd to this day. whenever i play good timing album, it makes me SUPER EMO!! anyways guys listen to “a lie” and u can then say u listened to gods
2. if u asked me in the beginning of 2017 if i wanted to make a blog, i would have flat out told u NO. and i did when i talked abt this w my friend. i was just so against the idea of managing a blog or regularly posting or just posting at all. she tried to coerce me but i was v against it! it was also amidst of my rock bottom times, so i didnt even wanna think abt running a blog or whatnot. i took a rlly long writing hiatus, but i wrote a lil in january and then took another hiatus n picked it up again in may. from may to july, i was writing more than usual, and i thought hmm,,,,,,, it wouldn’t be too bad to run a blog,,,,, right???? and it was on the night of wednesday, july 26, that i finally put an end to all the contemplation and spontaneously was like IMMA MAKE A WRITING BLOG. IMMA DO IT!!!! so thats how this blog came 2 be on july 26 @ 11pm and i posted my rules n shit when it was technically july 27 at like midnight or 1am. it was a rlly tough decision to make, but im rlly glad i did it in the end. sometimes this hellsite makes me wanna d*e but all the ppl ive interacted here, mutuals and anons, have been so wonderful n it always makes me happy whenever i think abt how much my life has changed since then. ive never gotten much feedback of my stories, save for maybe 2 or 3 ppl irl. when i uploaded that daycare helper!seungcheol, i was so convinced that it was just gonna be 20 notes max. when it reached 75 one day, i was like oH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. i actually have a shot!!! n when i posted vigilante!wonwoo, it BLEW TF UP. AND I WANTED TO CRY. i remember i was outside at tht time and my phone was just blowing up w notifs n i was gonna break down right then n there. it was so surreal to be hit w that much attention. n then all the mutuals came in later n thts when i rlly cried lmao anyways long story short, i don’t regret making this blog even tho sometimes it feels like crap, but i wouldnt have traded it for anything else
positive vibes: you’ve made it through another year! i’m so proud of you and my year wouldn’t have been the same without you
jane i freakn lov u so much thnk u cupcake :’(((( 💞💞💞💕💕💕💕
Send me more new year asks!
#IM SORRY THIS GOT WAY TOO FREAKIN LONG!!!!!!!!!#new year ask#personal#ask#dirtydirtychimchim#wennjunwho
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yelling @ santi, i’m evil again (what else is new), SOME REALLY REALLY OLD ASKS, one GoT spoiler at the very bottom (beware)
Lou and Fiona deserve happiness pls let it happen ty
they do ;-; it will happen, don’t worry, no one suffers forever <3 i’ve actually been planning out lou’s story and i’m excited to actualize it hehe
I just read all of Santis story. Dear god, it is amazing. I cannot begin to describe how much I love it. I have been really sick lately and have such a hard time concentrating on anything for more than one second but I have not been able to look away from this story, not even when I re-read it for the third time. You are an amazing writer and I have fallen in love with every charachter you have introduced. I teared up so many times and my heart began beating fast, it was really an experience.
OH MY GOD ;___________; YOU READ IT THREE TIMES WHAATDOSOIGODFSKL holy shit thank you so much, i don’t even know what to say right now lmao ;-; i’m just kinda in awe that i was able to grab your attention like that and that you enjoyed it so much and just askjdjfsd THANK YOU i can’t say anything else but just thank you, people like you make this all worth it <3
A case of the novembers is the kinda story you read and you just know its going to stick with you for awhile. Like ones day, you'll be long gone in the future, doing something totally different, older wiser, all that bullshit, and you'll just randomly remember what a bittersweet story it was.
OMFG ;___; holy heck asjdjnfkdkjs this really got me right in the heart lmao. that’s the kind of story it’s always been for me and seeing other people interpret it that way as well is just mind boggling, thank you <3
You are evil. My poor heart hurts. ;______________;
you've ruined my life
Life hack: listen to the entire Hamilton soundtrack whilst working out at the gym. By the end of it, you'll have lost half your body weight due to sweating and crying at the same time (pls help this was such a bad decision)
OMG that’s me with grimes’ art angels lmao i go hord to kill v maim and venus fly
hamilton fans also go hord i respect it. learn more about history get swole killing two birds with one stone
Okay this is so fucking random but a while ago you did a post where you talked about perfect bby gianni saying that he spent a lot of time in introspection and like Thank you 'cause now I have a word to put on this thing I do when I try to figure why I feel certain things or what my relationship with people/random shit is and why and yeah I kind of understand myself a little better now so thx a lot!!! 😘😘😘 Also, you're great.
i think i was actually talking about santi (’cause that’s where we’re at right now, in that period of introspection for him heheh) but YES omg that makes me so happy ;-; it’s a good word lmao and i do the same thing, in fact i’m always trying to figure out my relationships with everything in order to understand myself more. that’s kinda why i’m so into astrology haha. i’m glad you finally got to pin down that feeling for yourself, it’s the best when that happens <3 YOU’RE GREAT TOO 💫
let’s start protesting santi in the streets

Hi!! Umm I'm guessing you do but just in case, did you know there was a tear accessory? I think it's an eyeliner (cause you mentioned having to draw them yourself)
yeah i do! i mentioned the ones by s-club, i’ve used those a couple times. but i like drawing them myself because i feel like it’s weird to have the same single teardrop every time one of my characters cries (and we all know they’ve been crying a lot lately lmfao) if they didn’t cry often i probably wouldn’t feel compelled to draw the tears. but i don’t mind drawing them honestly, it’s kinda fun lmao. thanks for your consideration <3
so im sitting here thinkin....... what if santi goes on this trip and coms back and lou is in a relationship!?!?!
i want to die

wait santi tried to kys :'(
WHERE U BEEN he did :{
what font do u use in your histories?
hi u have a really pretty blog and I hope you have a good day
@teishajenaie on instagram looks like Rooney to me, idk if you'd agree but ??
i see it!! definitely in the eyes and nose. also sorry i answered this literally like 3 months later lmao
gooey by glass animals gives me santi vibes :) ive been listening to it on repeat (bc im tht bitch) and it was making me think of you and his story! c: i hope you dont mind me over here lmao anyway, im excited to see where it goes and real excited for a back story for lou!! <3 lots of love
omg haha that’s actually funny because i used it in that one scene of him tripping, although it’s like completely a gianni song to me (at least personality-wise, it’s even on his playlist on my character page) and noooo i don’t mind, i love that song and i love when people recommend me songs!! i have a whole bunch of recommendations in my inbox that i need to acknowledge omg. anyway I’M EXCITED THAT YOU’RE EXCITED, especially for lou’s story, it’s coming up reeeeeal soon <333
i feel so late to the party but i Just started reading your story like five minutes ago and im absolutely entranced by it already and i cant wait to catch up and finally understand what to heck is going on
this was sent literally forever ago when santi and molly were out there being wild in the desert lmao so i hope you caught up and everything. “entranced” omg that’s such a wonderful word i’m honored
i didnt think i could love you more but the fact that you watch arrested development makes me so happy. i cry. my boyfriend has a mr manager, bluths frozen bananas shirt thats literally my favorite thing ever.
OMGGG YES i watched it once forever ago and i need to re-watch it asap lmao. I’M PRETTY SURE I BOUGHT THAT SAME EXACT SHIRT FOR MY BROTHER FOR CHRISTMAS ONE YEAR
Just a biiig prank. Huge
this one is from so long ago i don’t remember the context but i laughed at loud when i read it. huge
i was playing with uncharted for the first time today and they said Navarro in it and i was like THATS MY BOI SANTIII
santi infiltrating everyone’s lives my bf played uncharted tho!! it looked cool. like indiana jones. i liked the marketplace part. a monkey stole his apple
Hi sunny! I really am in love with your story (even if it's tearing me apart at the moment) and just wanted to say you're cool Stay strong ma dude
HI THANK YOU <333 you’re also cool my dude and i’m sorry for tearing you apart (if it makes you feel any better this story tears me apart on a daily basis)
what packs and expansions do u have for ur game?
ummmmmm all of them except vintage glamour and fitness stuff. i wish i didn’t buy some of the stuff packs lmao but what can ya do i actually didn’t even get vampires or bowling or parenthood until like a month ago lmao i’m late to the party
Oh shit she's been dead hasn't she. Like this is all a drug or alcohol infused bender of mollys memory, she's probably never left. They're probably still at the hospital. I hope I fucking wrong but shit I also hope not. Poor santi
we’re so far past this but i just wanted to publish this anyway lmao it was a good theory! and this person was so sure of it it kinda made me wish it was true lol. sorry if that disappointed you but i’ll always remember this one in my sad sad heart 💔
how long did it take for you to make friends here? I started a simblr because I really like storytelling with my sims & I thought it'd be fun to meet people who enjoy that, too, especially since I don't have many friends irl...but I've been here for quite a few months now and it seems like no one even cares that I'm here....everyone I try to interact with pretty much ignores me after a message or two....I'm just feeling really discouraged about my presence here :/
I’M REALLY SORRY I DIDN’T ANSWER THIS SOONER ASKJDKJFSDKA (i’m sure it didn’t help the fact that you feel ignored, i really really hope you see this) but okay uhhhhhhh i only had acquaintances from 2015 up until like this year? then i started really becoming close with people. so it took a while lol, but i think everyone starts off slow because it’s mostly about the actual game we’re playing at first and then making friends just happens through that. don’t get discouraged, like i said it took a while for me. you really just need to reach out to the people you’d like to become friends with, reply to their posts, give your genuine thoughts, say something that’ll make their day...people notice that no matter what they have going on, i promise. i hope you’re still here and hanging in there. don’t get caught up in who’s talking to you or not talking to you, just do your thing, enjoy what you do, and people will notice you. <3
3. Hi so I just wanted to say that I love your story, I'm here for every update. I'm an s3 player I play s4 every once in awhile but s3 has my soul. I love Santi and I know he will be happy in the end, whether it's with Lou or not(hopefully it is tho) I only want him to be happy. I go through so many emotions in one post, like this is a tv drama and I can’t wait for the next episode. This is the end of my cut and paste. Have a nice day.❤️
HI HELLO <3 this is so sweet and i can’t believe you actually care about my story lmao thank you i’m glad you have faith in his happy ending, i don’t want anyone to think i genuinely like making my characters suffer lmao. i only do it to make the happy ending more satisfying. asjdfjksd comparing my stuff to film or tv always makes me so giddy so THANK YOU ily <333
"Suicide before you see this tear fall down my eyes" (Beyonce) reminds me of Molly's situation soooo muchhhh aaaahhhhh
OMG YES what a good connection. good song good connection yaeeahhh better call molly with the good hair
Ummmm... hello! I just read through your whole story with Santi and I'm like... holy fuck. Not only is your story wonderful, your editing is so good. I'm surprised I didn't shove my eyes up against my computer screen. Please continue making wonderful things and being great. Signing off 12:31 in the morning, I hope you have as much fun as you want to
“as much fun as you want to” omfgasdkngjd why did that make me laugh so much. don’t have too much fun, have the responsible amount of fun anyway HELLO thank you soooooO much ;-; pls don’t shove ur eyes up against the screen i’m almost positive that’s not good for them. but i appreciate this so much thank YOU for being great <3 signing off at 2:18 in the morning after ignoring this message for months now (i’m sorryyyyyyy) but um ily
HELLO??? I JUST READ A SERIOUS CASE OF NOVEMBER FOR THE FIRST TIME AND I'M LIKE CRYING???? y u do dis to me I hate you and love you at the same time
(I need to rant I'm sorry) My uncle is really positive towards the army and war and stuff like that and all day he's been going on about how it should be mandatory to serve in the military, especially for "little brat girls" like me? And it's stressing me out so much I want to cry :( The army and war is something that genuinely scares me and I don't want anything to do with it, but he's just going on and on! What should I do?
this is literally sooooooooo late and i feel so bad i’m sorry, i hope this still helps you out and i hope you see it tho okay. i’m pretty sure this was even before the trans military ban like whew idek what your uncle must think about that. tbh just ignore him, like i know it’s hurtful but like...what is his point in telling you this? i would’ve literally been like (sarcastically) “ok then sign me up” but i’m also a lil shit so that’s probably not the best thing to say. but really like the only thing he’s trying to do is feel powerful by means of expressing his militaristic (no pun intended) opinions to someone far younger than him. it’s so that he feels bigger and better than you (especially by calling you a brat). he’s a sad man and anyone who relies on the military, of all things, to shape a person probably doesn’t have a strong sense of self anyway. i love you okay, just ignore him, don’t let him stress you out <3
I'm a little high and it's late but I have a lot of courage now so I've been following you for a while and I just want to tell you how much I love your story! I have come across other places on tumblr who do this but none have captured me as this one did! You are amazing and I am in love with this story! Thanks fo being you! :)
ONMG YOU HAD TO BE HIGH TO SEND THIS LMAO that was me this weekend anyway thank you so much, it floors me every time anyone says these kinds of things to me and it never gets old ;-; you are so amazing ok <333
you can't possibly be offended by a homophobic joke in game of thrones, it's set in medieval times. they had several lgbt characters in it, it's not the show that's homophobic, it's the characters, which is accurate for that time period.
o i can and i will lmao i mean i get where you’re coming from but with that logic you could say it’s only accurate to put homophobic jokes in today’s media just because people are still homophobic in the time live in. i know it’s the characters, but you do understand that someone writes those characters, right? it’s bad writing. it’s lazy and pandering and because of that it’s offensive. idk if you know the exact dialogue i was referring to but it was so completely unnecessary lmfao. they could’ve made a million other jokes. regardless of how it offended me it was just BAD lmao
@ I wanna watch GoT anon: don't. It's just so fucking bad. The definition of overhyped tbh (and btw, sunny, PLS HELP HE SCREWED HIS FUCKING AUNT WTH)
LMAO SOMEONE ACTUALLY AGREES WITH ME? wow bless u. it is definitely overhyped, like it was good at first but it’s been riding that hype through these past couple of seasons to disguise the bad writing. i understand being entertained by it, but i’m always surprised when people think it’s actually well written at this point...it’s so cringey and now thanks to the season finale this fanbase will be justifying incest. great!
#AND I'LL BE ANSWERING THE CHARACTER ASKS TOMORROW (well today but whatev)#anonymous#nonsims#saviorhide#sunny answers
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have had a weird encounter the last few days. i’ve been going into a bake shop a few times a week for the last month and a couple days ago the girl at the counter came over to my table and said something about her friend, the girl who normally works there, thinking i was cute or whatever. apparently she had mentioned that to her, and so the second girl recognized the sweater, glasses, and the order, and so i guess approached me on her friend’s behalf? and i mean i was mainly just bemused by this, honestly more uncomfortable than flattered. what i think really got to me was just the view into myself i got from that, like how she described me and what was apparently significant enough about me to make an impression, specifically on this girl. the thing that made me most uncomfortable was that she mentioned i was “quiet” as though it were an appealing character trait. and then today i went in and the girl was there and so since there was no one else in there she sat down for a while until someone came in to pick up a cake order. she said i was pretty much the only person who ever got a slice of ricotta tart and that it was her favorite, i said it was good bcause it wasn’t too sweet, she said she’d been drinking americanos with it since i’d started coming in and getting that order, i said it’s nice because there’s already enough fat in the dessert that there’s no point getting a latte or a cappuccino and that balance is what makes it such a treat, she said some kind of snide shit about most of the people who bought stuff only wanting the sugariest cakes... it was nice, even i guess kind of cute when that’s all we talked about, and honestly? she’s pretty, she has something like a nice aura. but once things got further than that and i started reading her intentions i got the same feeling as before, like i was seeing myself through the eyes of someone else and i didn’t like it. i didnt bother lying or anything and just said i’d been spending my time wandering around the city all month and that’s why i was coming in, i told her i dont really have any interests or whatever, and i sort of hoped that answering like that would send the signal that there just wasn’t much for us to talk about. didn’t really though. and like she talked about herself and nothing she said made me think she’d really understand what i meant when i said i don’t really really have much of an identity or place in life. which is what made it feel so disturbing, i think, that she still kept up an interest and reacted to me being so straightforward as though it were just having a quirky sense of humour. and it’s not like i was trying to get her not to like me or anything, but i certainly wasn’t trying to come across as the way i apparently was to her. like some fantasy of a quiet, melancholic waif for her to observe was just being fed into the more i tried to demystify it by being as objective as i could. i even said something like “god i feel like i’m being looked at in a zoo or something” and all it did was make her laugh. and i felt pretty aware of being in a certain gendered space in relation to a straight girl, and honestly i felt like a chill when i kind of realize that when her friend like, described me to myself the way she did, it was all pretty much obvious closeted trans woman (maybe trans lesbian?) shit, like the long messy hair, the thick sweaters, the sleepy eyes, the mumbling, these are all things that i think typify how i engage with the world as specifically a trans woman and i don’t think they’re too uncommon in that respect. and like i didn’t feel remotely like i was monopolizing the conversation or rambling the way i do when i really like someone, i felt inhibited and in my shell because i felt that this whole situation was pointless and absurd and i felt uncomfortable, and like again i think that’s a very gendered expression, and it was picked up on and handled in a way that i was very uneasy with. and i mean i realize im going out on a pretty massive limb here, but this felt like a pretty big display of how straight women relate to trans lesbians, like not necessarily in a sexually fetish-y way, but in an exoticizing way. like it’s not really socizlly feasible for straight women to relate to cis lesbians in a tht way, like their instinct is to be somehow grossed out and that’s how they exercise privilege or whatever, but picking up on those signals in someone who it’s socially appropriate to show that kind of interest in and it’s like they see this perfect emotional and aesthetic object to.. i dont want to say victimize, but relate to in a very awkward way. and why wouldnt they, the alternative is straight men, bona fide straight men, it must feel nice to talk to someone who doesnt have the confidence or sense of self to impose themself. and like i’ve been feeling really, idk, disposable, even taken advantage of in certain respects, and something about that interaction illuminated why i’m so predisposed to that, like as long as i dont feel able to coherently relate to anbd share things with other people, and as long as that awkwardness gets filtered into a certain formulaic social relation, and a certain “gaze” if you want to call it that, it is totally impossible for me to actually showanything like the full spectrum of emotion, subjectivity, vulnerability, affection, and so forth without it crossing the wrong wires with the formula for interaction and identity that has made me who i am for other people to begin with. like how do i enter into relationships without illusions, without the hurt and alienation and flat-out depression that make me who i am making things pointless and doomed from the off? how do i have straight up autonomy with other people? sorry for such a long diary post if you actually read all that lol. i do think i’ll still go there sometimes cause i like the food, but thankfully i start work again in a ffew days so it wont be that often.
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tag game thingy
Rules : Answer 30 questions, Tag 10 blogs & post it as a text post.
thank u for tagging me @thoroddinsons !!
1. Nickname: dont rly have any tbh.. one friend calls me gravie/goosey, my parents call me g, everyone else calls me bitch or dumbass
2. Gender: girl
3. Star sign: cancer/leo cusp
4. Height: 5"4 ish
5. Time: 9:02pm
6. Birthday: july 23
7. Fave bands: dont bully me for being emo in 2019 but ive been listening 2 lots of mcr (appropriate tbh) fob nd patd lately, also rly like cage the elephant, rural alberta advantage nd neon trees
8. Fave solo artists: childish gambino, lady gaga, idk if this counts but i have 70s nd 80s pop playlists w lots of solo artists but only 1 or 2 songs but i listen to em both lots
9. Song stuck in your head: olivers army by elvis costello!
10. Last movie watched: captain america the first avenger
11. Last show watched: uhhh its been a long time since i watched a tv show.. i think last new show was haunting of hill house and last rewatched show was sunny
12. When did you create your blog?: about 4 years ago i think
13. What do you post?: i mostly ramble or complain or post incoherent things abt whatever im interested in atm
14. Last thing you googled?: margaret stohl
15. Do you have any sideblogs?: yes i have a sunny, minecraft, and dirk gently sideblog. The dghda one is completely inactive now, and the other 2 arent very active either
16. Do you get asks?: almost never lol
17. Why did you choose your url?: oh... you know ;)
18. How many blogs are you following?: i havent recently checked this until now but fucking 4019 oh my god
19. How many followers do you have?: 364
20. Favourite colour?: hm idk i like green nd blue
21. Average hours of sleep?: 6 on weekdays like 10 or more on weekends lol
22. Piercings?: earlobe, industrial, rook, orbital, snug & belly button, i want more tho
23. Instruments?: talentless...
24. What I'm wearing: tie dye tshirt + guitar hero pj pants
25. How many blankets do you sleep with?: one
26. Dream job?: honestly ive had a million dream jobs in like the past yr but rn id say id like to own a thrift/vintage furniture & trinket shop lmao i love tht kinda shit
27. Dream trip?: italy!!
28. Fave food?: god. maybe like... hashbrown casserole? i just know that there has nvr been a time when i didnt want hashbrown casserole
29. Nationality?: canadian
30. Fave song?: I can nvr pick but zombies by childish gambino has been stuck in my head a Lot lately
Ok this is the hard part uh im just gonna tag some mutuals i see on my dash/in my notes often sorry if its weird cause i dont rly know anyone on here: @buttbyrd @robotwiink @tellhound @iwasoutforstars @asklepianlesbian @sickbutkicking @cuddlycryptid @pureheroine2012 u don’t have to do it if u dont wanna!
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BlvntQueen & LadyTonii LadyTonii Hey wassup? a month ago LadyTonii https://prnt.sc/lcyehe me and him yes while you was send the first invite — a month ago LadyTonii number and picture don’t lie ppl do a month ago BlvntQueen well i know tht because yall have alot of pictures together but like i said it was him lien saying yall wasnt together and tht yur unborn babys was nott his and i have proof if you would like to see a month ago LadyTonii yes please send it because a month ago BlvntQueen Okay give me one sec hun cause it’s a lot a month ago LadyTonii tyt a month ago BlvntQueen https://photos.app.goo.gl/4K8QFTuiU7f8LkVu7 a month ago BlvntQueen https://photos.app.goo.gl/MyM7Z4oahJXaf8RW9 a month ago BlvntQueen https://photos.app.goo.gl/WzXiAuegZzaJpfVV6 a month ago BlvntQueen https://photos.app.goo.gl/J3CPFenKoa4KwNLT8 a month ago BlvntQueen https://photos.app.goo.gl/LGHi7y8MoGvyQ3B99 a month ago BlvntQueen https://photos.app.goo.gl/8VfXEuhGUPYsNKxXA a month ago BlvntQueen https://photos.app.goo.gl/SJWStrcTcDVoWFgu8 a month ago BlvntQueen Even back when you guys started talking he kept denying that you weren’t together which I knew was a lie a month ago BlvntQueen While you guys where together he was still trying to get with buying whole bunch of gifts saying he wanted to be my husband and wanted a Familia a month ago BlvntQueen Every time I basically shut him down cause I could see y’all had something going down even when he kept denying it a month ago BlvntQueen I contacted on no drama stuff I just wanted to see if I was or was he lien a month ago BlvntQueen Wrong * a month ago BlvntQueen Nd sorri for some of the stuff said in the inbox I was tryna get him to say the truth a month ago BlvntQueen Even tht whole knew look to his face I helped him pick it out while we we’re shopping together a month ago BlvntQueen He even has another look I helped him pick out just doesn’t wear it often a month ago BlvntQueen He was hanging with me in my family one day got mad cause I asked to meet you plus when I asked kept calling you his wifey he kept getting up set saying you wasn’t in wifey a month ago BlvntQueen Got booted out the room cause he was losing his temper a month ago LadyTonii Its okay thank you for contacting me and letting me know because this says a lot about his intention with all women on the game. And for him to try n start a relationship with you while still me tell me just hm he care for me. a month ago BlvntQueen I’m really sorry ma I been friends with him for bout 6-7 months Already knew his games Nd how he treated women Thts why things would never work between us cause I don’t like being played a month ago BlvntQueen Also the same reason I contacted yu just let yu Know plus to get the truth a month ago BlvntQueen But I am truly sorry 💯 a month ago LadyTonii This hurt so bad especially when u genuine love someone. So why know why tell me this now. Why have not warn me in the beginning? Why wait? @ 6-7 months ago. Why allow him to keep you quiet this long a month ago LadyTonii No worries, God bring the truth to the light for a reason a month ago LadyTonii I just wish it come sooner. a month ago BlvntQueen Well me in Darius was really friends cause I used to be married when I got divorced he had been tryna to get with me I met his family in everything we where public for a while but he flirted with to many women so I ended things and just stayed friends with him He’s was always around he just turned his location off or waited for ppl to get online while we hung out he thought I didn’t notice💯 Nd the reason I’m telling you now cause I didn’t know for sure if y’all were together cause it seemed like y’all was off and on in a relationship a month ago BlvntQueen Plus he asked to go public a lot of times I just said no cause I knew he was a player and didn’t want him to make me look like I was getting played a month ago LadyTonii You speak a familiar story…i can most certain relate to the same things you exactly. a month ago LadyTonii Saying* a month ago BlvntQueen Soo yeah… but I am sorry for bothering you with this bs a month ago LadyTonii Its okay at lease now ik his truth and yes i was pregnant with his twins boys. It like a emotions roaster. We talk via phone. Almost all day until out the blue so now ik what was the blue he started changing on me a month ago BlvntQueen Oh wow its sad 💯 I’m sorry fr💯 he needs to grow up and act like a man a month ago LadyTonii So true👍 a month ago LadyTonii Oh Qu33n I forgot to tell you love😏 I neverrr….leave Darius alone….But thank for the ☕ anyway (you tired it). They always want to start telling when they get upset. But when they happy….They are so call "Riders"….✌ next time tell me something I dont already know about 💋Darius💋 a month ago LadyTonii Follow me on tumblr da1udream0f a month ago LadyTonii http://da1udream0f.tumblr.com/ a month ago LadyTonii https://prnt.sc/lodeqo 44 minutes ago BlvntQueen Good for you Psycho 40 minutes ago BlvntQueen Sad thing is you texting me all these things when he still not claiming the baby’s your pregnant with 37 minutes ago BlvntQueen And unlike you I’m pregnant in real life and don’t have time to be dealing with your dumb drama 37 minutes ago LadyTonii https://prnt.sc/lodn9k —-> Yes daddy like to deny a lot things but we already been down this road before haven’t we. You have time for it “stop it” :) Congratulations on the new baby in rl however “you tell me this because”? #we a team sis except it :) 13 minutes ago BlvntQueen He’s right we aren’t together but he wants to get back together 😘 yeah we have been down this road before and me and him has a unbreakable bond 😉😬 I’m here to stay and I don’t have time for it so please stop harassing me cause this is sad you have been stalking my page steady 😂😂😂😂 I don’t have to fake a reality pregnancy I have a real life one and is enjoying it to the fullest 😘 and I would like to keep my stress level down as much as possible so Please let go cause of now your dismissed with all this petty drama especially when your a wanna be and had to copy my style before just to try to keep a man that doesn’t want you😂😘😬☺️ 8 minutes ago LadyTonii yeah right, and santa clause is real ==> sound like a strong bond to me lol —https://prnt.sc/lodrj3> https://prnt.sc/lodrzf https://prnt.sc/lodsrq https://prnt.sc/lodt7j https://prnt.sc/lodup5 https://prnt.sc/lodvf3 It wasnt petty when “yo ass” was in my inbox and liking all my picture (now was it?) sending me friend request like you was crazy Worrying about my conception date. hmmmm Now you telling me you’ve grown up over the few weeks… I have not ill-wells towards you and never will 💋 a few seconds ago BlvntQueen https://prnt.sc/loe7o3 https://prnt.sc/loe7yk https://prnt.sc/loe89x Back Than Honey I was just trying to find the truth to see was he messing around with because he said he wasn’t and that you weren’t shit to him when I came to You adding you trying to find the truth which nothing is wrong with that if a women is trying to see if Her “MAN” is cheating on her with a wannabe chick who keeps stalking my page😂💯 me and you aren’t even friends and I’m not even on you stream so i know you have issues and that you are pressed about me cause you had to text him about a picture we took last night a few seconds ago BlvntQueen How pathetic of you to keep stalking my page bbg💯😂 a few seconds ago BlvntQueen You Should really Get a life and stop following mine cause once again you messaged me tonight and messaged him last night about me showing that you have no life what’s so ever 😂💯😘💋 a few seconds ago LadyTonii You always been a talker…i love that about you…💋 fail for the bait score!!!!that all but we still going to fuck around regardless. Damn see your bond is so deep he just know you were pregnant😊 shame on it all. a few seconds ago LadyTonii Girl wake up he don’t give af about none of this imvu lol a few seconds ago BlvntQueen Mhmm Sure Bbg Well You Have Fun Stalking My Stream And Page 😂💯❤️ While I Continue Not Worrying About You Like I Been Doing😂😌 😘 Fuck Around All You Want Cause Unlike You I Never Had To Give My Pussy Up To Him For Me And Him To Keep Talking💋😉 Says A lot About You Does it hunni😂😘😬 Your right it is imvu and you stalking me like you got some real issues😂💯 sad asf 😉😌😆 27 minutes ago BlvntQueen And he didn’t know I was pregnant in real life one cause it wasn’t his business two cause I don’t mix a game with my real life😂💯😘 but trust and believe I can post evidence cause I don’t have to lie💯❤️ 25 minutes ago LadyTonii Im grown lol i can dirty talk to who i may. The lord aint tell you to keep track of hm pussy toni give to Darius...just like you wanted to know what was going on before, same here. I dont have do anything I choice too. Its my choice. Thats good for you at lease ik he not fucking you.😂 Your shade doesnt fade me. Once again I dont stalk your page. Girl, you care just like I do because if you didnt you wouldve blocked the first message in. I dont front or act like it dont bother me. I just came to accepting him for who he was nothing more. 5 minutes ago LadyTonii Now let that man sleep he has to work in the morning..you have a bless night love💋 3 minutes ago BlvntQueen No You We’re Very Bothered just Of The Fact That in screen shot you told him to leave you alone cause of a picture😂💯👌🏽😬 And I chose not to fuck him cause I ain’t no hoe and I don’t got to give up pussy just to be with a guy😂💯 Niggas chase me bbg cause I’m the real deal and don’t have to try to be some one else😂👌🏽 and you do stalk my page for you to even see the picture that was posted 😂💯 how do yu sound bbg and I don’t care what he do with you cause once again me and him not together 👌🏽 and I shouldn’t have to block you 👌🏽a hoe should know when to leave a queen alone😘👌🏽😬 and you so grown bbg that you steady inboxing me just like you had to inbox me a picture of y’all 😂💯😬 Damn you really are a pressed bitch😌 you even messed me on nov 1 at 6am just to show a page of y’all cause You So Pressed About Me That You Want Me To be jealous 😬😆 but it’s hard to be jealous of a psycho. Person who stalks my page and what I posted and try’s to look like just like me😂 Now You Have ABlessDay a few seconds ago BlvntQueen And I Will pray to god that you get your self together and get the help you need😂🙏🏽😘 a few seconds ago LadyTonii Right you know me personally a few seconds ago LadyTonii Why you keep on saying fuck him like theres really penetrating flesh. Im start to think something is serious wrong with the both of yall. And for you to act this way ik you lying about pc'ing with him. imma let you jack that one there. You don't have to pray for me. I'm blessed. I'm the one in denial. I know he fucking with the both of us. a few seconds ago
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girl excessively bitter, no one cares
lmao so im just high key bitter abt my relationshits in life, u read tht right, and im just here to complain yet again
aye i made dat b on my tests doeeeeeeeee
so my childhood “friends” which i will refer to as “childhood friends” for the sake of clarity, and everything will be fact unless stated otherwise
-did not invite me to go to a con the first year they started going when literally everyone else was invited
-second year i coincidentally met them walking down the hall and suggested we hang sometime, to which 2 people turned and ignored that i was present, the present boyfriend, one whom i did not know, texting on his phone bored-ed-ly ( ? ) and the girl promptly replying to my “oh! we should totally hang or something later! if you have time.” with “yeah, uh, we can hang out of my friends arent doing anything and im bored later, later!”
-excessively tries to convince me, an extreme introvert with massive social anxiety, “you just gotta put yourself out there to make friends! i’m outgoing and weird so its not hard for me to make friends! just do it!” whilst, yes, physically quoting the meme... me: “thats just really hard for me, you know? haha...i mean i try but--” them: “well that’s how you make friends so.”
-me, the year after their first con: “hey, we should totally room together! it’d be fun!” them: “oh, sorry, i already made friends at (previous con) so we’re staying with them.” me: “oh okay, next time!” them, literally: “nah, if my friends dont go i wont go”
-before spawn of their first con, them: “yeah if you need room we have some space.” me: “cool, yeah! i have a friend from out of town thats coming in so could she stay with cause she’s with me ??” them: “no, sorry, i dont trust anyone ive never met once before, even if she’s your friend, she could be a serial killer or something, you know?? haha.”
anywei the above are multiple verbal accounts of me being shut down and im just a bitter hag b/c i can deal with “nah” or “i hate you so, you cant bunk with us” or any iteration of such but being brushed off and ignored drive me up the wall to no end especially with such high hypocrisy rates i could form it into a knife and commit suicide.
all of my childhood friends had older siblings that got along and connected them while i had nothing and i feel like my problems stem one from another and i just hate hearing about them and how they’re all together 100% of the time and doing shit together and going places together and “why dont you hang out with them” “because i wasnt invited” “invite yourself!” “how do i invite myself to something i didnt know existed” AND ITS OBVIOUS MY PRESENCE WASNT REALLY WANTED ? IF I DIDNT KNOW ABOUT IT IN THE FIRST PLACE and their con/cos start was for all the wrong reasons and i know just b/c something started out “not good” doesnt mean anything /now/ but all i do is think and hate and nobody hates them or knows these things that murder my emotions and stability from the inside and it kills me inside that i can be insulted and pushed aside so easily by them low-key but its not a thing i can just tell people and have them share my self-pushed hatred because its not right and its just a thing that happend conicidentally with a snowball effect to me only because of how we related and these people are jUST so popular in the community and so well known and i encounter them ridiculously too often for people who OBVIOUSLY ? want nothing to do with me b/c nobody in god’s name uses your friend is an actually possible murderer when there are 30 other excuses or ill ttyl if im bored and alone lmao or im just fucking stupid, who goddamn knows
i dont think they realize they did these things to me in hindsight and its so awkward i try so hard to be friendly and relate and shit but im still so awkward and theyve known me so long it doesnt really slide where new people are “so happy” and “youre cute” but so im just extra baggage who talks to thin air and gets to go out impromptu during get togethers btwn our parents when its a requirement to drag me out somewhere so they dont look bad ( and this also adds fuel to my fire ) and like i try to be nice and i always get really sarcastic answers to realistic, hopeful questions and theyre literally always in the neighborhood but i just , dont get it honestly lol
this pointless situation literally causes 35% of my stress levels and it consumes me because i have no ways to cope--nobody to vent to, no “regular con friends,” no freedom, nothing. im probably gonna give myself ulcers but i mean if i dont who will lmao
my life is honestly just a moot point and i just want people to like me and enjoy my company and be with me etc etc and i feel like im close to that buts its like 1 step forward and 2 steps back kinda job and im just LOL
anyway better question after the 40m it took me to cry abt this bullshit: if i only have a carry on what the fuck cosplays should i bring to AX.....i only realized today that i have like 3 school uniform cosplays with gray blazers of different design omf
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