#sorry i did that in like 5 mins cuz it was funni in my head lmao
iwantmochisoup · 3 months
you dont know how loud i screamed when i got a notif that you followed me i think i broke a window
HII HELLO HII-!!! i'm sorry for your window??? please, have one (1) dazai as an apology :3c
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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yoongi: hey
sent 6 hours ago
yoongi: bro
sent 1 hour ago
yoongi: *babe
yoongi: hello?
y/n: yes
yoongi: oh
y/n: ???
yoongi: are we fighting?
y/n: no?
yoongi: so just fuck me then?
y/n: pretty much
yoongi: no one loves you
sent 30mins ago
yoongi: ur annoying me
y/n: hiii babe
yoongi: what is ur problem?
y/n: what?
yoongi: i have a gun to my head
y/n: don’t shoot?
yoongi: why is that a question?
y/n: cuz i’m not sure
yoongi: not sure about what?
y/n: if i want you to shoot or not
yoongi: why have you been taking so long to respond?
y/n: omgee do you miss me???
yoongi: not anymore
y/n: YOU DO?????
ur so cute
yoongi: whatever
sent 10 mins ago
yoongi: okay now ur doing it on purpose
could literally be bleeding out rn and ur ignoring me
sent 20 mins ago
yoongi: all together you’ve ignored me for 8 hours
y/n: i don’t like math
yoongi: i don’t like being ignored
y/n: was busy
yoongi: liar
y/n: i’m being honest you big baby omg!
yoongi: i am not a baby that’s gross
you would literally be in prison rn if i was
y/n: you don’t need to take everything i say literally
yoongi: you didn’t need to ignore me
y/n: i’m here now
what do you want?
yoongi: what do i want????
are you trying to break up with me rn?
y/n: and if i was??
yoongi: i’m not speaking to you rn
y/n: ok
yoongi: this is the part where you beg for my forgiveness
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hobi: you can’t tell anyone but you know that argument jin and jimin had last week?
sent 5 mins ago
hobi: the one where jin threw his shoe at jimin?
sent 5 mins ago
hobi: anyways it was actually my fault
it wasn’t jimin who ate those strawberry tart things it was me
jin asked me who ate them and i said jimin
just for funzies
and i knew he would believe it
i was gonna say ur name but jin would of let you off to easy
don’t tell ANYONE
i’m fr
tarts were good as hell tho
hope he gets some more
idk where their from so i fr pray he buys more
sent 3 hours ago
why are you ignoring me 😓?
y/n: bored as hell
hobi: ???
y/n: was bored as hell?
hobi: so you ignored me??
y/n: yeah??
hobi: are you mentally ill?
y/n: possibly?
hobi: gws?
y/n: thanks?
hobi: why do you hate me?
y/n: are you truma dumping rn?
hobi: you are my truma
y/n: truma by seventeen
hobi: i love seventeen
y/n: so do i
hobi: let’s hang out with seventeen
y/n: i agree
hobi: aju nice
y/n: clap clap clap clap
hobi: why do you hate me?
y/n: thought we were moving on from this tbh
hobi: bored as hell is not an good excuse for ignoring me
y/n: it’s like we take 2 steps forward then 13 steps back
hobi: 13 just seventeen
y/n: did that just for them
hobi: ur kinda funny
y/n: thx
hobi: stop distracting me omg?
y/n: sorry
won’t do it again
hobi: why do you hate me?
y/n: if we think about it you’re the mentality ill one in this relationship
hobi: ok that’s a lie
ur a sociopath
y/n: you don’t even know what that means
hobi: i so do
y/n: what does it mean then
hobi: ur abnormal
y/n: fuck you
hobi: it’s okay love my little sociopath 🥰
y/n: …
hobi: the next time you ignore me i’m leaving you
sent 4 hours ago
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jimin: hello there something seems to be wrong with the hand break of my car
can you send anyone out to fix it
📎 3 imagines attached
sent 5 mins ago
jimin: pls i need some to fix it asap
📎 1 video attached
sent 3 mins ago
jimin: this is REALLY REALLY important pls i need to be somewhere in the next two hours
sent 1 hour ago
y/n: ew
that is your dick
jimin: when can you send someone out 😖
y/n: get lost
jimin: :((((
sent 1 hour ago
jimin: um okay….
sent 2 hours ago
jimin: yoongi just said i’m “so desperate” in the gc and if he’s talking about what i think he is i will NEVER talk to you again
sent 5 mins ago
jimin: ur lucky
he wasn’t talking about that
sent 4 mins ago
jimin: HEY
4 missed calls from jimin
jimin: fine be like that…
sent 20 mins ago
jimin: thought about it and
idc if the boys see my dick!!
sent 10 mins ago
2 missed calls from jimin
jimin: i am an example to men fuck you die
y/n: joon laughed and called you a slut
jimin: #slut4myqueen
wait he laughed?????
tf is he laughing for???
4 missed calls from jimin
incoming call from jimin…
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jungkook: PLS PLS PLS
sent 10 mins ago
sent 10 mins ago
20 missed calls from jungkook
sent 14 hours ago
jungkook: it’s a new day and i have a knife to my neck
sent 2 hours ago
jungkook: i know you are awake
where are my pictures
send 30 mins ago
jungkook: ok
sent 2 hours ago
sent 10 mins ago
jungkook: plsplsolslplslpls
y/n: hi
jungkook: dress?
y/n: ??
jungkook: show me the dress
y/n: …
jungkook: pls
i’m like a dog waiting to be fed
y/n: never compare yourself to a dog again are you sick in the head
jungkook: me and bam are identical twins rn
y/n: i’m gonna throw up
jungkook: show me the dress 😖
y/n: no
jungkook: ok fine im just gonna go do a line of coke then
y/n: ur being extra
like extremely extra
jungkook: coke is on the table
my lines are ready
im about to sniff
y/n: just come over and see ur for yourself?
jungkook: OH???
fuck the lines
i’m omw
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namjoon: when you get home text me ok?
sorry i could say bye properly they wanted me to record something
staff are being slow today
i’m kinda getting annoyed
yk i would of walked out with you otherwise
or you can call me
actually just call me
sent 3 hours ago
namjoon: i said call me i mean it
sent 2 hours ago
namjoon: so are you fucking home now??
sent 1 hour ago
namjoon: hello??????
y/n: kim namjoon???????????
namjoon: sorry
i didn’t mean to be mean
y/n: i think you did
namjoon: you didn’t call
y/n: sorry
namjoon: i worry yk??
y/n: i said i was sorry
namjoon: idc
for 6 hours i was on the edge of my seat
what if you died or something?
did you just ignore me for fun or did something actually happen
y/n: i’m home
namjoon: it’s too late to tell me that now
y/n: i didn’t watch our show btw
i’m waiting for you
namjoon: …
y/n: ^^
namjoon: answer my question
y/n: stop being mean
namjoon: you were mean first
y/n: wasn’t
namjoon: you didn’t call babe
y/n: i’ll watch the new episode rn
namjoon: …
y/n: that’s what i thought bitch
namjoon: i’m not coming home
y/n: oh no!!
my hand it’s just itching to press play rn
namjoon: whatever be there in 10
y/n: once again i prove i wear the pants in this relationship
sent 10 mins ago
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y/n: bff can you pick me up
jin: i am NOT ur bff
i am ur BF thank you very much
but ig i could
where are you?
and what the hell are you dumb out so late it’s like 2 am
sent 4 mins ago
jin: how the hell can i pick you up if idk where ur at
ur lucky i’m still awake and willing to come get you
sent 5 mins ago
4 miss calls from jin
jin: what if i kill you
sent 2 mins ago
jin: went to look for my car keys and you still haven’t replied
do you want me to break up with you rn?
sent 4 mins ago
12 missed calls from jin
jin: the amount of times i have called your phone is embarrassing
like i’m some obsessed sick freak
i really don’t want to have to drive around seoul looking for you
am i a stalker????
sent 10 mins ago
5 missed calls from jin
okay i take that back
i’m a LITTLE freaked out rn
just a little
don’t let it get to ur head
sent 20 mins ago
also why the hell are they still open fr that’s not right
7 missed called from jin
y/n: LMAO fell asleep in seungcheol’s car
and my phone died
jin: seungcheol???
y/n: seventeen man
jin: where are you rn???
y/n: at seungcheol’s
vernon said hi
y/n: um rude?
i said you said hi back
anyways will come home later might as well stay here for the night
jin: send me the address
y/n: miss me that much??
jin: send it
y/n: are you mad at me???
you started sharing your location with jin
jin: put my reputation on the line for you today
i will never forget this
y/n: why am i scared rn…
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why is this us
*whimpers in your ear*
sent 14 hours ago
tae: okay that wasn’t that bad
sent 1 hour go
tae: i’ve definitely said worse
sent 2 hours ago
tae: yare yare
sent 1 hour ago
tae: do you think army would call me tae-chan if i asked
or should i be v-chan
but thinking about it tae-chan just connects with me on a different level
it’s so personal
intimate almost
sent 2 hours ago
tae: baka why are you ignoring me
yare yare
sent 3 hours ago
pls 🥺pls 🥺pls 🥺pls🥺
sent 2 hours ago
tae: ヾ(  ̄O ̄)ツ
me asf
sent 1 hour ago
tae: oh
heyyyyyy lolz
i now see how smoking negatively effects the brain
i would like to formally apologise for the man i was in the last hours
y/n: kys
tae: i was high and watching naruto
forgive me 🥺
y/n: you are out of ur mind
tae: *was
i was out of my mind
never smoking again i swear
y/n: we need to go on a break or something
i need time to fully process the bullshit you just came to me with
tae: live in the moment
don’t dwell on the past
sent 10 mins ago
ghosting me will NOT solve our issues
can you tell i was listening to svt when writing this low-key can’t see straight rn how the hell it 1:42 am rn not on tbh
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lol-q · 4 years
There’s so many things I love about the show that I haven’t seen people give enough credit for and I want to go on a little ramble because people are focusing so much on what they don’t like vs. what they do. So here’s my list. Sorry for the grammatical errors 😬
I love that the lesbian main character is this sweet, innocent, big hearted young woman and not portrayed as a overly sexual fuckboi that hits on every woman. I love that Fatou is soft and gentle. More lesbian rep like that please
I love the soundtrack. It’s exactly the type of stuff I imagine Fatou would listen to and it’s not just the top 100 hit songs.
I love that they use the soundtrack as a way to connect to the plot line, like the lyrics to the song Fatou was listening to when she was on the rooftop said “And I hate to leave you feeling all alone.But your story cannot start until you've grown. You can find how to be OK on your own. I just can't be the one that makes you feel at home” which was a hint as to where the plot was going
^^ also the song playing during Kieu My and Fatou’s museum date
I love the little mannerisms Nhungi chooses to show as Kieu My. The happy little bounce she did in ep 1 when she called out Fatou’s name and when she subtly checked Fatou out by looking her up and down.
I love how their rooms show their individual personality so well. Like Fatou’s room in the beginning of the season was normal and then it became increasingly messy as the episodes moved forward, showing her stress and chaos in her life
I love the height difference between Fatou and her brother lol
I love when her brother and her were thinking of what to get their parents so they split the bill on a gift - a very subtle way of showing siblings interacting
I love when Fatou and Ismail interact cuz it’s so funny
I love the physics teachers speaking voice, he sounds like kermit the frog
I love fatou’s eyebrows. Idk it’s just so perfect. Give me tips plz
I love that the characters rewear clothing. And it’s not a show where every episode is a new outfit with new clothes. Very realistic and it always bothered me when teens on highschool on tv have new clothes every episode
I love that Fatou’s original bio on tinder was “wanna cuddle?”. I feel like that girl would rather cuddle with someone than win the lottery. She’s so soft (also why did it say she was 24 in ep 2 when she was on tinder lol)
I love that the show showed the struggles of coming from a bilingual family and being the only one that struggles to speak it. When fatou was talking to her grandparents with her brother and her brother had to translate for her and it was awkward af, I felt that. I’m the youngest in my family and I struggle to speak Tagalog so people have to translate for me sometimes and it sucks.
^^ I relate to fatou so much in that scene cuz the dynamic in my family is the same as Fatou’s. My parents lay off and let me and my brother do our thing unless there’s an indication we need their help. The only time I ever spoke about school with my family was when report cards would come and they would see my grades weren’t that good. I remember my mom seeing I had a D in middle school and automatically jumping to conclusiosn without letting me speak. My brother is academically successful and he would also try and get me to do more school stuff when I was younger. Like he would make me do math problems to help with my grades. So it’s all very relatable for me
I love when Fatou sings, her voice is so soft and smooth.
I love whenever Kieu My and fatou are flirting both so blatantly and yet so subtly. Like the tension is there but it’s still awkward despite how smooth they both try to be it’s so adorable
I love how Fatou and Kieu My are so confident flirting and talking to eachother through texting but when it’s irl it’s still awkward and new. It shows the reality of an actual relationship in the making. It’s not just a full head dive into “I love you”.
I love when they were at the table tennis bar place and Fatou was hyping up Ava when there were dudes looking at them and Ava did a fancy ass turn and smile. She’s so pretty
I love that Fatou’s problems were shown in subtle ways in the beginning with money. Counting money at her job and when she wa trying to pay for the drink at the bar. It was a small interaction but in real life it would cause a lot of stress and anxiety if money counting problems kept happening over and over again
I love Yara and Josh’s friendship. More platonic friendship between a male and a female please. Also more Yara in general please.
I love that Zoe owned up to her actions last year to the entire group (minus Ismail Constantine and Kieu my) on New Years. I see her owning up to the role as Nora’s big sister.
I love when Josh was drinking a lot during New Years and Fatou was trying to get him to slow down. It shows how big her heart is for her friends. Also I think Josh and Fatou could be great friends
I love that Kieu My looks at Fatou like she hung the stars. When Fatou mentioned she knew Kieu My was a Scorpio, it’s the first time I’ve ever seen that girl smiled so big (before episode 5 of course)
I love that whenever they kiss Kieu my is smiling.
I love Sira’s side profile. There I said it. Girl has the jawline of a Greek goddess.
I love that they change Fatou’s hair. She looks good in every hair style but it’s always nice to see her in different styles.
I love that they showed the struggles of being a passive and gentle person. Because we’re not assertive in regular everyday life we are easily looked over. And it’s hard for us to muster the gusto to be assertive and take what we need because we prefer shying away from conflict and just letting things flow. I relate to fatou’s character so much in that sense. I lowkey think this is the universe’s way of telling me to stop being so passive about life and to take charge idk.
I love that the topic of white savior and performative activism was touched on. And I love that it was between two friends because it’s very realistic to how dynamics work between young people these days. The way they handle it differs in opinion but the fact that they even spoke about it was great.
I love that moment when Kieu My wrapped the vietnamese pancake in the lettuce snd handed it to Fatou. Its so sweet. If I was Fatou I would have forgiven her right then and there lol
Episode 6. Just all of it. Even the angsty part. I want more of that. Episode 6 yes. I’ll marry episode 6
Kieu My wearing Fatou’s cardigan. 💕💕💕💕💕💕✨✨✨✨✨😫😫💕✨✨🥺
^^ but also as a person that tried bangs before, you can’t tell me that girl woke up with her bangs perfectly in place lol. This girl probably bought a mini straightener or something too
Fatou telling Kieu My it doesn’t matter if she wears make up or not rather than going off on how she looks prettier without it. She’s just like “it doesn’t matter. You’re pretty no matter what, my little space nerd”
Pissed off fatou is a hot fatou. Js
I love Sira’s acting in general. But the way she shows Fatou’s sadness is great. It’s not just tears and that’s it. When she got fired it was a build up of tears but she wasn’t sobbing, same thing with the cashqueens argument. But she broke when her and Kieu My got in a fight.
Finn being socially awkward. It’s so funny cuz Zoe is this bubbly party girl and her boyfriend is so awkward. Nice balance.
^^also his hair makes me laugh idk why
Ismail opening up to Fatou shows how so many people feel at ease with her. Girl has a calming presence for everybody, she doesn’t even realize how much she’s helped others.
I love that Constantine wears the same jacket over and over again. Idk it seems to fit his character.
^^also kudos to the actor who plays him, he’s doing an amazing job
Love Fatou. Love her dimples and her soft voice. She gets all high pitched when she’s normally speaking but when she was fighting with Kieu My her voice became lower. Just love the way Sira’s voice sounds. Also Nhungi’s speaking voice.
Love the shaky camera movements. The fast pans and the slow motion dance scenes.
Love the aesthetic of Kieu My smoking but PLEASE DONT SMOKE, CHILDREN. ITS BAD FOR YOU.
Love the different aesthetics of the cashqueens
Love maike. Great actress. Give this turtle an Oscar.
Love Kieu My climbing the roof to help her Fatou. Softie to her girlfriend but an ice queen to the world lol.
Love the actors. Love the characters. It just makes me so happy.
This is so well written, i might actually cry no but really it was really nice to read your positive and cuteee facts after the tag check :/ and it really helped because i get mad and sad when i see bad takes. Everything you said was so true and i think im fangirling over this essay. And it made me emotional 👉👈.  Represantation does really matter.
This season is so important for so many people and i don’t think some people realize that when they’re ‘’criticizing’’ some things. Not only we have a lesbian main, we have a black lesbian main who is the softest person in the world and she has LD and/or ADHD. I sometimes can’t believe we got to the point of skamverse where we get rep instead of hurtful,problematic seasons and plots, some might interpret that as shade but it really isn’t, careless storylines really does hurt ppl and why would you want to hurt people when you can give 8 min of sapphic museum date instead 👭🌌 :)
i love this season, i love this gen and i love this essay
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bella-donna418 · 3 years
Happy Birthday Eren!
A/N: Been very half inactive here 💀💀💀
So it’s our special boy’s birthday today, I might as well make a headcanon like how I did with Mikasa and Falco's birthday (missed Annie’s birthday but like, I celebrated her bday IRL 😂😂😂)
Actors AU again wew 😂😂😂
(Please don’t mind the timeskips)
Birthday boy's day today, so might as well make something for him 👉👈
Let’s go!
Mikasa was literally sitting at the nearest chair she could find in the set and of course;
It's her boyfriend’s birthday today and there’s no fucking way she'll forget about it.
But she can’t just let him get away without revenge!
That’s right, last time on her and Falco's birthday—Eren pranked them.
At least they got surprises and all—
But that’s not the point!
She needs to at least prank him back—worse than what he did. (evil ik 😔😔😔
But he did “indirectly” made her cry that time.
So she decided she’ll also prank him back then surprise him.
An idea then popped into her mind and she couldn’t help but grin to herself.
“Mikasa!” Sasha called, snapping her back to reality from her ‘annual brainstorming’.
She shook her head and looked at her, confused.
“Director is calling you.” She said while munching on a cinnamon bun (usual Sasha)
“Right.” She smiled sheepishly and stood up.
After finishing her scenes and all, she got back to brainstorming.
Oh, it’s also her break time so she could go wherever she wants, but she decided to stay and think for a while more.
Then an idea popped into her mind and she couldn’t help but laugh a bit to herself. And that prank was her ignoring Eren 😈😈😈 Knowing him, he wouldn’t care if other people ignored him. But he'd be worried asf and he could go crazy if she did (your Eren cares about Mikasa’s attention “only” your honor 😔😔😔) And the beautiful cruel woman mode is on. Eren was going to pick her up today for lunch since he also finished his tapings and all (also Armin and Annie's with him) He got out to wait and greet her like he always does. ~~~
Since EreMika and AruAni share a car (lol cuz why not?), knowing that Annie and is the earliest to finish.
Mikasa decided to call her, knowing that she’s the earliest to finish out of all of them, and Armin's probably busy at that time.
“Yo, Annie!” She casually said trying to stifle her laughter (Annie knows what’s up lol)
“What? You’re gonna ask another favor again?” (told ya)
“Can’t I just greet my friend? 🥺” Annie sighs over the phone and said, “What is it?”
Now this is when it gets ✨interesting✨
She told Annie all her plans and she decided to go along with it.
“Oh, tell Armin as well.” where she just received a hum as a reply.
Mikasa saw a glimpse of Eren at the entrance of the building and immediately went somewhere she can’t be seen.
The prank starts now 🤡
She immediately composed herself and put on her poker face.
Eren saw her from afar and smiled at her.
She literally feels sorry for him (😂😂😂)
5 mins earlier…
She was now facing the camera and she could tell that once Eren watches this he'll go “berserk”. (wild Eren 🤡🤡🤡)
“Eren, if you ever see this, I'm sorry. *awkward laugh* Happy birthday to you my loves. I love you.” (literally said that 😂😂😂)
She passed by him without even saying anything—she’s not even smiling! (Mikasa putting years of being a top actress to work here 😂😂😂)
Eren just looked at her confused and caught up to her side.
She won’t look at him and this made Eren a bit sad and more confused.
From what he remembers, they never argued or anything at all.
He's also wondering, ‘Is she ignoring me?’ ‘Is she in a bad mood?’
Going with the second option, he decided to give her time and space like what he thought she needed.
They got inside the car. (well the car is actually like a van, but let me call it a car ok??? 🤡)
Ok, their sitting arrangement is basically like this;
Eren and Mikasa
Annie and Armin
Ok back to the topic—
Annie and Armin were looking at them—well, especially Eren.
“Annie, water.” She looked at Annie who was literally skeptical about her lasting long or even not laughing.
She gave Mikasa her water bottle receiving a smile of thanks from her—Eren looking at his lovely bae (poor Eren 🥺)
Heads up! Everyone knew about it, and yes, when I say everyone, it’s everyone (ok wtf am I even saying?)
So, they were silent for the whole ride and nobody’s talking.
Annie's asleep on Armin's shoulder while he’s busy on his phone.
Eren was stealing glances at Mikasa while she’s also on her phone.
Please, his face is like, “Please notice me already. I love you 🥺👉👈”
If you’re wondering where they’re headed to, they’re going to a restaurant Annie wanted to try (but she’s too shy to ask to the point Armin instantly read her mind and she’s like “H-huh? I said nothing—“) which is also far from their workplace/s.
After a mere hour and a half, they finally arrived at the restaurant, and yay, everyone’s awake! (Kudos to the 3 henchmen for enduring the urge to sleep the entire ride, especially Mikasa)
It’s a fine-dining restaurant (rich bitches 😔)
So they found a table which is good for all of them (driver and assistant included)
To add salt to the wound, Mikasa decided to sit beside Annie (Armin letting her)
Eren only looked at her—not used to getting ignored this long. Why exactly? Because;
She doesn’t ignore him without any reason at all.
If ever they get in an argument, they’d make up and her ignoring him won’t even last for a mere hour or so because y'know.
She has NEVER ignored him this long.
Eren just shrugged it off, but he doesn’t feel good about this.
A waiter finally came to take their orders.
They each had different foods and since Armin was the one to bring them here (Annie's wallet gets saved by bae 🥺), he's the one to pay for all of them which he doesn’t mind at all.
Mikasa was quite clingy to Annie as well while she just went with the flow knowing it’s all needed for her prank.
Even though she’s questioning if it’s really necessary 🙃
After 10 minutes, their orders are finally here!
And of course, hunger doesn’t wait for any kind of bullshit ceremony and all so digging in they go 🍽🍽
They were a few conversations, Armin initiating them because Eren is too quiet (just a few more hours to endure 🥺) and Mikasa doesn’t want to initiate them and cut Eren off because he’s always the one to reply to her topics (it could come off as rude 😅😅)
And of course, everything was being filmed (yes, their assistant is also a videographer 😗✌)
So it’s basically 85% silence and eating (pls they just need a speaker and it’s gonna turn into an ASMR) while 15% are their conversations/topics 🤡
Eren is also on his phone while eating (ok I can tell ppl gonna yell at me for this 🤡)
And Mikasa's taking this opportunity to take glances at him and she couldn’t help but literally laugh to herself and look at the camera then mouth ‘sorry’
Annie's still skeptical and Armin is trying his best not to laugh or something I mean, Eren's still looking gloomy (fact: he doesn’t care it’s his birthday at all and just cares about Mikasa and all)
After a few minutes, they finished and have paid so they’re now on their way back. But the thing is… ~~~
Sasha cam
“Yo, they’re almost back.” She said after looking at her own phone and seeing Mikasa's message.
They immediately went on double-time mode and so far, the room's looking quite ready 🤭
And since they’re freer later at night, they decided to do the surprise that time (poor Mikasa gotta endure more of this torture prank she put upon herself 🤡)
And of course, Sasha’s filming this ✌ ~~~
7:36 p.m
They’re finally free from the shackles of work!
And yes, they’re immediately headed for phase 2 of the surprise for our birthday boy.
So, trying not to encounter Eren, Mikasa immediately headed to the place where she’s going to meet Niccolo to give her the cake (yes, they planned this carefully)
So she finally got the cake and she's on her spot (they all have different spots 😂)
They’re now all on standby and of course, Mikasa went to Zeke so he could bring Eren to the lovely spot since yeah—
About 2 minutes passed and they’re still on standby—and finally, Eren's here!
Eren didn’t even hesitate to open the door and when he did, his eyes widened a bit.
“Surprise!” Everyone greeted him but his eyes were just locked at a Mikasa holding his birthday cake and smiling sheepishly at him.
She handed the cake to Ymir and Eren immediately ran to her —hugging her (he's glad that his suffering is over 🥺)
Mikasa laughed and hugged him back and whispered “Happy birthday” to him.
He broke the hug and pulled her in for a swift kiss making Mikasa surprised.
“Are we gonna eat now? Sasha might finish all of this if Niccolo will keep giving her free servings.” Ymir retorted making everyone laugh.
“Geez, I wasn’t expecting her to ignore him for a full day.” Historia sighed a bit which made Mikasa laugh lightly.
Eren looked at Mikasa with his brows furrowed a bit and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Don’t do that again—” He was cut off by Annie who was now in charge of holding the cake (Ymir do be passing all her chores 🤡)
“Blow the candles now birthday boy.” She said—him complying while arms still around Mikasa—everyone making noises with party blowers while spraying silly strings everywhere after (bear the bad writing 😂)
“Alright! Let’s eat!” Pieck said while giving plates, spoons, and forks to everyone for all of them to finally be able to eat.
Of course, Niccolo is the sponsor for all of their food to eat 😂
Eren was now being a clingy baby to Mikasa which is just 🥺✨
The atmosphere was filled with laughter and everyone telling funny stories and jokes.
Of course, afterward, they gave him their gifts while he smirked and was like, “Mikasa's the best gift—” receiving a smack on the head from her—everyone laughing saying he deserved it.
A/N: I, personally think this is poorly written 🤡
Sorry bout that.
But overall, happy birthday Eren! YOU’RE 20 NOW AND STILL ASSLESS— 🤡😂
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glenncoco4 · 3 years
You Can Count On Me
A/N: Chapter 5
She steps off the dirt path and onto the small dock. Her presence doesn’t even effect him, which is concerning. “I thought I’d find you here.”
He doesn’t have the energy to respond, his thoughts are swirling and the anxiety he’s been having about this situation is bubbling to the surface more and more each day, especially because of her. His cerulean blues stay focused on the ripples of the water surrounding his feet.
Kicking off her flip-flop, the brunette takes a seat next to him on the old dock, putting her bare feet in the cool pond water right along side his. She turns to look at him, wondering what’s going on inside his head and for a moment as the sun illuminates is silhouette, something inside her heart shifts. “Why’d you run off like that?” 
“I guess I just got a little bit overwhelmed by it all.”
“All of what?”
“The thought of going off to college and making something of myself.”
She huffs a laugh, shaking her head in disbelief.
Marty quickly whips his head around, affronted by his best friend’s reaction. “I’m glad you’re enjoying my misery.”
She scoots closer to him, encircling his forearm with her own arms. “No, Marty its not...I’m laughing because you obviously haven’t been paying attention to what I’ve been saying for the past 7 years.”
“Enlighten me.”
“Don’t you realize what you mean to your mom, to my parents...to me? Marty, you’ve already made something of yourself. You are the kindest, funniest and best person I know. You changed my life; you’ve changed so many people’s lives.”
A soft smile crosses her features at the childlike hope in his cerulean blues. “Hey, have I ever lied to you before?”
“Exactly. And I never will.” She states matter of factly before leaning her head against his shoulder, soaking in the beautiful glow of the setting sun cascading across the water with the person who makes her feel so safe it’s kinda ridiculous. 
The tension in his body slowly ebbs away at his best friend’s words as the scent of lavender beautifully assaults his nose. Taking a deep calming breath, he leans his head against hers, knowing that whatever life throws at him, she’ll be there. He can count on that. “I know.”
Stepping of the dirt trail and onto the old dock like she’s done so many times before, the brunette takes in the picture before her. There he is, clothes tattered, scars across his beautiful face, but he’s alive and that’s all that matters. 
He turns around already feeling her presence ease the tension away from his battered body. His sorrowful blue eyes meet those of sweetly intense brown and the shine that glistens in them. Shaking his head in defeat, he realizes how close he had come to never seeing her again. 
Kensi doesn’t give him a chance to say anything before she’s closing the distance between them, throwing her arms around him, she’s able to relax for the first time in four months. “You’re safe.”
His body clings to hers, hands grasping at her shirt feeling as though they can’t get close enough. That lavender scent that is so uniquely her fills his nostrils, immediately bringing him a sense of self. She’s here. He’s here. They’re here together and that’s all that matters. “Yeah, for now.”
“I thought you were dead.”
“Not yet. Maybe tomorrow.”
She pulls back, a cross between anger and hurt written across her features. “Don’t.”
“Sorry.” The blonde apologizes, regretting his words the moment they left his lips. 
Without thinking, her finger finds the red scrape on his cheek. “Are you okay?”
The feel of her skin against his brings back memories of that night a few months ago. He wants that again so bad. So bad he can almost taste it, but there’s something he has to take care of before he can even think about moving forward with her. “I’ll be better when I catch Lazik.”
“Woah. Woah. Woah. What do you mean when you catch Lazik?”
“I have to finish this, Kens.”
Seeing the determination set in his soulful blue eyes she knows there’s no stopping him, but she’ll be damned if he thinks she’s going to stand idly by. “No, we have to finish this.”
“I suppose I could use some backup.” He smirks, earning a playful nudge from his partner. 
A resounding gasp fills the agents ears as the tech operator discovers who the third vehicle belongs to. “Car’s registered to Dale John Sully.”
Kensi tilts her head back against the head rest in exasperation when Eric confirms that her best friend’s undercover persona is indeed inside the warehouse, putting his life in even more danger than before. “Callen, that’s Marty’s alias.”
The team leader shakes is head wondering why he’s so surprised that the detective is indeed in another sticky situation. “Your boy just loves trouble, doesn’t he.”
She stares at the roof of the car for a minute, thinking about Callen’s words. “It’s funny, cuz when we were growing up, it was always the other way around.”
“Kens, I’m not so sure this is a good idea.” Marty looks around the backyard nervously as his best friend pulls out the power saw from her dad’s tool shed. 
“What are you talking about? It’s just a little tree house.”
“Yeah, but what’s your dad gonna say when he catches us with his power tools?”
The brunette begins to pull out the sawhorse before turning around to meet the 13 year old’s worried eyes.“He’s not gonna catch us and you’re not gonna tell him either.”
He feels a unfamiliar thud in his heart when the challenging spark in her mismatched orbs meet his.“Has anyone ever told you how cute you are when you’re homicidally angry?”
“In fact they have and he was never seen again.” 
Taking a deep breath, Kensi focuses on the here and now. Rescuing Marty’s ass, just so she can kill him herself for going in alone. “So what’s the plan?”
The bald man turns to meet Dale’s eyes, a dark smirk playing at the corner of his lips. “You are surprised I have a wife?”
A shiver runs down his spine. “Everybody’s gotta have somebody, right?” The blonde answers as a sense of warmth and dread swarm through his body at the thought of his person, his somebody, his Kensi and how close they are to having at what he hopes will be forever. 
Callen watches as the shaggy blonde, presses the muzzle of the gun forcefully against the dirty cops jaw. “Deeks, look, he’s not worth it.”
Marty ignores the team leader’s statement as his anger continues to take control of his body. “Ask me again. Ask it again!”
Kensi watches on as a side of her best friend that she’s never seen before takes over. Thinking of how he would deal with this situation if their roles reverse, she does the only thing that would certainly bring her out of her rage. “Marty. Marty, put it down.”
As soon as his name leaves her lips a calmness washes over him and it suddenly hits him that she was there to witness what just happened. He empty’s the camber of the gun handing it off to the guys before looking for the nearest way out. 
Seeing the frantic look of turmoil in her best friend’s eyes, Kensi places her hand against his chest, trying to bring him some sort of relief. 
He shakes his head, trying to school his features as much as he can and does the one thing that never seems to work when it comes to her, not that he would want it to. He walks away from her without a word. 
Finding a clear spot against the ally wall, Marty leans against the brick, sliding down until his ass his the hard concrete. He brings his knees up to his chest, burrowing his head into them as he finally lets his tears fall. The anger he’s been holding onto for so long, the pure shit that was this case and the most beautiful moment he’s ever experienced in his life all swimming around in his head. 
He’s not sure how long it is before the familiar sound of her footfalls hit his ears. He doesn’t look up, doesn’t acknowledge her presence.
“Hey, are you okay?” She chastises herself for asking such a stupid question. Of course he’s not okay. She’s seen him come out of some pretty deep covers, but this one seems to be affecting him more than any other. Kneeling down in front of him, her hands find his, trying to once again comfort him the way she always has. 
“I’d be better if everyone just left me alone.”
The bite in his voice tells her one thing, his walls are up and considering the emotional state he’s in right now, they won’t be coming down any time soon...even for her. She stands back up, shaking her head in frustration. “Understood.”
The sound of her footfalls getting further and further away finally draw him out of his “cage,” realizing that she’s not going to fight him right now even though she knows its what he needs. He can feel the strain in his throat as her silhouette gets smaller and smaller. “Kens...” He sighs in defeat as she quickly turns the corner. 
This day keeps getting shittier and shittier. 
He brings his fist up to tap on the piece of wood once more, but just as he does it’s pulled open. A set of mesmerizingly mysterious eyes are suddenly staring back at him, leaving him at a loss for words. “I-“
“I thought you wanted to be alone.”
“I did, but...”
“But what?”
She’s upset, actually upset doesn’t seem to be the right word for what he sees staring back at him. Ever since they were kids he’s imagined this moment in so many different ways, this wasn’t really one of them. “I-I wanted to tell you that after that night we had...I never meant for it to happen.”
Kensi can feel her heart split into two at his words. The thought of this...them..of what they could be, it’s all suddenly gone. All the fight she thought was inside her has dissipated. She won’t let herself cry. She won’t. “O-oh, yeah, right. I-I understand.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, you were probably just in the heat of the moment and didn’t want to hurt my-“
Before she can finish her sentence, his lips are on hers, cutting her off. His hands come up, cradling her face, kissing her with such passion and reverence that it would put a Nicholas Sparks movie to shame. 
Their tongues duel as if its their last moments on earth and this is goodbye. It’s a few minutes later when they have to pull back, both panting as the rise and fall of their chests brush against each other. “What was that?” 
“It seems as though I’m not so good with the words, so I had to resort to other tactics.”
“Not that I didn’t enjoy those tactics, but you know you can tell me anything, Marty.”
“I know. I know. It’s just, laying it all there and saying the words out loud...to you, I-“
“Deeks, what is it?”
At the sound of his last name leaving her lips, he knows he better get to the point and stop being circuitous. It’s now or never. Chips on the table. All in. Taking one last calming breath, his hand finds itself back on her jaw, the feel of her skin against his sends a shock wave through his body. Conveying everything he possibly can in his eyes, he says what’s been sitting on the tip of his tongue and in some part of his head for 20 years now. “I’ve always wanted this one specific thing in life and I didn’t realize until recently what it was. I want you, Kens. I want you and me...I want us. You’re so much more than my best friend. You’re everything to me, Kensi and I’m so far past being in love with you.”
As his confession washes over her, everything stands still as her broken heart slowly mends itself together. This is so not what she was expecting tonight. “You-you love me?”
“I do.” His lips rise into a small smile. “I think the night we made love made me realize it even more.”
He watches as an unreadable look crosses her face as if she’s trying to size him up before turning around and walking further into her apartment. Seeing as though she doesn’t slam the door in his face, he follows her in, quickly shutting the door and becomes confused when he doesn’t see her sitting on the couch. 
The brunette follows his movements as he walks further into the living room before she makes her next move. Coming up behind him, she spins his body around and pushes him onto the couch. Straddling his lap, she presses her heat against his. His arms immediately wrapping around her waist loving the feel of her body against his as her movements quickly bringing his member to life. 
Slowly moving in, a soft blissful smile spreads to her face as her intense mismatched orbs dance with passion. “I’m in love with you, too.”
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liv324 · 6 years
Just My Type
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It was 7:05 in the morning and I was to busy fxcking my chemistry teacher Mr.Thornhill. To notice we had 15 mins to get to school . I tried to let go from our kiss when he grabbed me by the waist and said “what’s wrong “. “It’s time to go to school jay” I got off of him and put on my clothes. You could tell he wasn’t fully satisfied especially because he didn’t came into you .. “right right” he said while putting his clothes back on and drove you guys to the back of the school where no one can see u guys together.
You guys sat in the car quietly until u pulled him into a kiss. The kiss deepened and he told you tht he wasn’t finished with you and he got out of the car and went inside the building. I sat in the car checking my phone. I got a text from my best friend Steve Harrington. “Where tf are you Evelyn “ he texted. “Wdym?” I replied. “We were suppose to meet at the dot this morning i was waiting there looking like an idiot !” He texted. I totally forgot about tht I told myself. I felt so bad ! “Omg I totally forgot Steve I’m so sorry.. stuff at home is complicated can I make it up to you ?!” You texted back. “Hmmm yes you can tonight at your house I have to study for a test and need your help” he said. You smiled at your phone and got out of the car and heading to the building.
When you walked up the steps to the door of the school you got a text and you looked at your phone and for just a quick second you ran into someone and a black case dropped and you quickly looked up. “ omg I’m so sorry!” You said and grabbed the big case and gave it back to a rlly good looking guy. “it’s fine I should’ve paid attention” he said looking at you . You couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. “I think we both weren’t paying attention” you giggled looking at him. “My name is bradley” he reached out his hand. “My name is Evelyn ” you shook his hand. He wouldn’t let go of my hand and stared at me for like 5 secs long . “Uhh sorry” he said nervously letting go his grip. “It’s fine” you smiled. “Hey would like to go to a show tht my band and I are playing at tonight at the dot?” He said confidently. “Sure what time ?” I said interested. “7 o clock.. i’d love to see you there” he said smiling. After tht little interaction I finally got to class.
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My favorite class came.. Chemistry with my favorite teacher ;). I sat down in my regular seat. Mr.thornhill was looking at me seductively. We gave each other long eye contact while i was teasing him by biting my pencil until the bell rang. “Okay class so we are doing a lab so partner up and let’s get started” he said but then the door opened a familiar cute face popped out of the door. It was Bradley. “ Hi mr. Thornhill my name is Bradley I just transferred into this class cuz i had problems in my other class”. He said. “Hi Bradley welcome so just find a partner for our lab and I’ll explain what to do” jay replied . Bradley saw u and caught each other attention. “ Evelyn right ?! Wanna be partners?” He winked . “yah sure !” You replied. Jay saw u guys talking and getting along and he saw Bradley made u laugh when he made a funny face. Jay was getting mad. “Miss Thornhill Evelyn” he mumbled the thornhill part. You looked at jay confused. “I need to talk to u about ur grade” he said. You got up and walked over to his desk. “What do you want jay ?” You asked. “You call me Mr.thornhill in class miss Evelyn!” He said angrily. “Wtf since when?” You replied annoyed . “Excuse me but u need to stop flirting with tht new guy.. i thought i was the only guy ur fxcking” he said while putting is hand on ur bethigh. “Jay I mean mr thornhill he is just a friend! Stop being jealous” you said to him walking away. “Ohh I’m not done with you missy” he whispered and you heard.
When you got back to ur seat Bradley saw ur pissed off face expression. “You look pissed” He laughed. “Is there anything I can do?” He added. “sadly no” you said. “Hey so what is ur band name ?” You asked changing the subject. “The Vamps” He said. “It would be super cool if you could come.. also I rlly want to get to know you” he said putting his hand on your thigh. “Yah I am definitely gonna go i love watching bands and I really wanna get to know you too” you said smiling. You guys worked on your lab and when the bell rang you headed to eat Lunch with steve.
“Hey Harrington!” You said jumping on your best friends back. “Why are u so happy missy?” He asked curious. “What makes you think there is a reason for my happiness” you said rolling your eyes. “Well for starters ik when my best friend is happy about something” he said. You jokingly pushed him. You guys got your lunch and sat with your friends veronica,Betty and Zach. “Hey so I got so much nudes last night it’s crazy !” Zach spluttered out. “Zach no one wants to know how much hoes you get at night” veronica said. “I need more nudes and sex cuz I all I get is Evelyn’s booty or boob pic approvals” Steve said. “Ik we all get them” Zach said laughing. “Well I’m sorry a girl needs help sometimes” you said. “Oh don’t worry we aren’t complaining” the boys said. Everyone laughed at tht. “So Evelyn are u even talking to someone?” Betty asked. Steve got nervous at the question cuz he secretly likes you but only he knows it. “Uhh no all the guys I talk to Just want sex and it’s annoying” You said but u had 2 guys in your mind tht u actually like (jay and Bradley). “Girl that is so true” veronica said. Lunch ended and you guys carried on your day at school.
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When the bell rang I got a snap from jay. I opened it and it said *first gif. He was so demanding I loved it I craved it so I went to his room. I saw him on his desk on his laptop grading. I fixed my appearance a little to look more sexy. I opened the door and locked it and put a paper on the window so no one could see what I was about to do. “Hey babe ready to be sore for the next few days” jay said to you coming towards you. “I guess so” you said seductively. You tugged on his shirt and then unbuttoned his shirt revealing is toned body. He took off your shirt revealing your amazing body . He kissed your neck up to your lips and you moaned a little. He picked u up by the legs and placed you on his desk and unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants revealing is big package . You eyed his package with lust. “I want you now” you begged. “ not yet my dear you have to earn it he said pinching your chin he kissed you deeply. He took off your pants and went down fingering You. And then he ate you out. You really needed him inside. “Babyyyy please I need you” he pulled out and placed his tip playfully on ur folds and u tried to push urself into him but he backed out teasing you. He then grabbed your thighs and thrusted hard into you making u moan loud. “Babe shhh the principal is still here” he kept thrusting in and out of you making you roll ur head back screaming his name. “ babe I have cum” he said pounding ur pussy using all his sexual frustration out from earlier. “Please come pleaseee” you both finally released and you guys were breathing heavy and kissed each other. You two were happy that u both were satisfied.
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After tht hot session you got your self together and headed home. When you got home you were doing homework and FaceTimeing Steve. He was doing his hair and being all cute and stuff . “ okay sexy Steve why u trying to get all cute and stuff ?” You asked teasing. “Can’t I just look good for myself “ he replied. “I mean go for it but let me know who the girl is first” you said. Little did u know it was you. You guys talked for couple of hrs until it was 6. You had to go to the dot to watch Bradley and his hand play. You told Steve u had to go for dinner. After u hung up you got dressed for the concert. You threw on black jeans with a leather jacket and some booties. You headed out and drove to the dot. When u walked in Bradley saw u immediately he looked so happy to see you. “Evelyn !” He called Out you looked at him smiling.
He pulled me up to the stage *second gif
“I’m so happy you came! I hope you like our band.. you can sit in the front row tables” he said gesturing to a seat. “Thanks Bradley I’m excited!” You said hugging him and you sat down waiting for the performance. “Hey everyone thanks for coming out to watch us perform this first song is going out to a special girl tht i just met today she makes me feel a certain way and I like it “ Bradley said grabbing the mic and beginning to sing just my type. You smiled at what he said. “She lets me down
Then gets me high
Oh I don't know why
She just my type
She's my device
I don't think twice
Oh I don't know why she's just what I like
But I, I, I love it
I, I, I love it” he sang. You were having fun singing along and making eye contact with him. When u were having fun you got a text from Steve you opened it and it read “where are Evelyn I’ve been waiting In your house for 45 mins.. did you forget already”. You totally forgot again about your meet up. It was 7:45 and the band took a intermission. Bradley went up to you. “Hey eve how did you like it?” He said. “You guys are amazing! But I have to go i have studying to do” you replied. “Yeah ofc but wait Evelyn” he said pulling you close to him he looked at you down to ur lips you could tell he wanted to kiss you. He kissed you and you let him and the kiss deepened and then you let go and headed out the door and went home.
When u arrived home you went up to your room and saw Steve shirtless on your bed. “Hey Steve sor..” you said closing the door and turning around to a shirtless Steve. “It’s fine but u owe me now” he said. “W-what do you want?” You said nervously curious. He knew the next thing he was gonna say would change your guys relationship..”I want you to make out with me” he said demanding. You were shocked at what he said u had no idea he even liked you like tht. But you didn’t mind cuz you knew he lacked sexual moments. So you ran to him and wrapped your legs around him on the bed and starting to kiss him and he was such an amazing kisser you had no idea how good he was. “Oh my I didn’t know you were so good at this” you said deeply. “Oh baby I don’t kiss and tell” he replied. So you were wrong about his sexual life. “Get on your knees now” he demanded you did as u were told he pulled down his pant revealing his huge hard goods. You began to rub and suck the tip making him moan. You then preceded to suck all of his length making u deep throat and he then fxcked your mouth . You guys then ended up making out on the bed and cuddled for hours until you both fell asleep.
next chapter coming soon
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doyoungscarrot · 7 years
Taeyong’s Hogwarts Au~
I’m so sorry this took me like a thousand years to upload, Uni makes me bussy as hell, however Winter Break started today so hopefully I will update more frequently, Yey!~
So, this is TY Track~ Au! an the last one of the 95 line, this was funny, since is a Hufflepuff Au written by an Slytherin, plus Taeyong is always funny to write about and mention, enjoy~</strike></p>
Taeyong is a halfblood wizard, his mother being a muggle with witch blood always said his son was destined to be greater than anyone, so when he received his letter of Hogwarts his mom went like “ I TOLD YOU SO!” 
When the selection ceremony started the hat said “… So many interesting and full of potential minds we have this year, from elite Slytherin’s to warm-herated Hufflepuff’s, it’s going to be an interesting generation.”, Taeyong was the last one to take a place in the selection process “Uhm, I see~ What a wonderful mother you have, she was a brilliant and special student to help, seems you take after her, isn’t it? Lee Taeyong, let me help you too, you are already talented, so hardworking and don’t need to be popular since your humbleness is enough to make the others put their faith in you, to be greater you need the criteria of… HUFFLEPUFF!“
For the first 5 years, his only friends were Taeil, Johnny, Yuta Doyoung & Ten, everyone thought he hate every other student, he only speak to them if it was needed, so everybody alienate him, like if he was dangerous.
He was the only student who apparently took an interest in learning alchemy* in his sixth year he along with Ten, Yuta and Doyoung took the special lessons of Apparition*, in his 6 years as a Hogwarts student he wasn’t part of the popular guys even tho the popular guys were his friends, but since he started learning apparition he showed a really quick learning skill, being the first one able to appear without any injuries.
So, because of this, you decided to ask him for tutoring, one day when you were walking towards Hufflepuff tower you found him practicing his levitation spell with his backpack "Hey! Taeyong!” you shouted to him making him loose his concentration making him brake his jinx, turning his head slowly towards you “He~y Ouhm, who are you?, sorry I’m bad with names” he have a soft and sweet voice, “Oh, sorry, I didn’t meant to interrupt you, Ouhm… You know, it’s more easy to make other spell rather than the levitation one, but I’m not good with the non-spoken spells, you should ask Yuta from Slytherin but he is really cocky when you ask for help” he gave you an affirmative nod, “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself, I’m Y/N I’m from Hufflepuff too, but from 5th year, I… I’m at the special apparition class with you, you seem to really concentrate at the class” “Well, I think I learn faster when I pay attention, you know how can Doyoung and Yuta can be at class, so I try to pas a-” he suddenly stop speaking “Wha-” he shut you up with a hand motion, he started walking towards the common room of Hufflepuff and as soon as both of you got in you could hear Yuta shouting outside the door “Lee Taeyong! Come out now! Doyoung told me he saw you walking with a girl right now so you better come out now!!”
Honestly, you never knew how do they got to know what Taeyong was doing when they weren’t there, Taeyong always ignored them cuz he was already used to them being extra towards him, like if he were their pet, you found Taeyong a bit peculiar, he was really introvert when in public but his friends always managed to open him a bit, you were lying if you didn’t admit you always were looking his movements.
After the hall incident with Yuta an incident who got him 4 days of detention because he kept on yelling for 8 hrs straight Taeyong seem to wanted to keep on talking to you, he was always watching at you on the great salon at dinner, “Hey~ you are from muggle studies right? Y/N right? Daughter of a muggle parents?” you heard Doyoung said while sitting beside you, you nod in response, “I know you were the girl walking with Taeyong the other day, you are pretty extrovert you know? And now he is curious because no one ever talk to him because everyone thinks he is weird but he is just shy, so he asked me to give you this” he said while giving you a note, “Better for you to go there, he is getting us crazy with all his what does she wanted that day? No one ever talks to me! Please help us” he said and then leaved.
The note said: “Meet me at the old Ravenclaw tower tonight at 9 pm, bring some sweets”
So you went there at 9pm as stated in the note, you found Taeyong practicing his non-spoken spells, he didn’t even noticed you and of course you didn’t dare to interrupt him, he was always cute for you, like you always looked at him from afar because he always was so silent and intimidating but at the same time he got that warm aura around him, “It’s not working because you are thinking about something else” you spoke after watching him for 30 min, and as always he got surprised, “Sorry, I mean uh- whatever, If you think about something else the spell is not going to work, you need to see the think you want to jinx and only that thing nothing else like this *you motioned to the chocolate beside him* even if I’m talking to you my focus is only on the candy so uhm yeah that’s what you need” he looked at you with an amazed look as if you were some kind of special girl “How you did it?” “Uh, well, Yuta is tutoring me with the non-spoken spells since 3rd year” he just let out an ohh~, “You know you are really hard to approach right?” you said “ I mean if you want to ask me something just do it, it’s not that complicated, I mean, we are from the same house so”.
He was really amazed with how easy was for you to maintain your concentration in the spell and in the conversation “I-I am not that good in talking or concentration, I was just curious to know why you spoke to me that day, but you have a lot of friends and it’s kinda hard for me to approach first” “so you thought it was a good idea to spend half of the time we spent in the same room just looking at me expectantly?” “Well, yeah, but I noticed really interesting things you make” both of you looked at each other and burst out in laugh.
He was cute and intelligent but at the same time he was interesting cuz he was so closed to himself, you both spend 4 months knowing each other until one night while practicing spells heanaged to break your concentration when he hold your hand suddenly.
After that you could say you started dating, like in a dream, you started to spend all the time you could together, you managed to know he wasn’t the one who send the note and for once you were grateful towards Doyoung.
He was so sweet everytime because you were his “point of focus”, he gave you all the attention he could give.
He was pretty pervert, like the boy suddenly put his hands in your waist and started kissing your neck once when you were alone in the common room, he kissed you so hot and moaned in between kisses but never went far from what you wanted, he was a gentleman after all.
Yuta told you he once saw Taeyong trying to make a rose with a transformation spell, but turned bad and just buy a rose to gave you on your birthday.
Your relationship was pretty simple with mix of romanticism and a bit of pervert moments from him. You could never really thought about him and you dating but it was pretty and you couldn’t even complain.
Hey~ Thanks for reading, as I stated in the beginning Taeyong for me is an epythome of simpleness and humbleness so I tried to make this simple as I could, hope you enjoyed it and as always thank you for reading.
The things marked with (*) we’re just mentioned in pottermore in an special release some time ago.
Carrot ✨
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melaninkpopimagines · 8 years
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Dating Yoongi would be like 😌:
-everything will start off slow
-don’t expect him to confess to you in a big ok drama scene. It ain’t happening
-he’ll sit down with you and just be honest
-Yoongi is soft no matter what anyone says
-if you do something cute or that he thinks is funny
-he’ll try to hide it.
-he’ll say “what was that”
-but he’ll end up smiling like a fool cuz he actually liked it a lot
-if he doesn’t like something he’ll stare at you and tell you he didn’t like it.
-he’s honest with you.
-he says he can’t be sweet to someone but he has his own way that’s even sweeter
-he’ll take care of you
-“did you eat today? Let’s go eat. ”
-“wear a coat the whether is cold today.”
-he’ll notice small things too
-“are you drinking enough water ?”
-“you look tired let’s take a nap.”
-if you’re sick Yoongi will be so cute
-“I can’t get sick so I can’t take care of you”
-calls every 5 mins to check on you
-the one time you don’t pick up he runs over cuz Hoseok kept telling him you passed
-he tries to play it off but he’s obviously worried
-he puts on his mask and lays down with you for a nap
-you : “you don’t need a mask it’s just s cold”
“You’re just trying to get me sick. ”
-he’d like napping during the day
-he’d love playing in your hair
-he’d actually try to help you with it
-he’d get frustrated and quit
-but after a while he’ll get the hang of it. -“hey baby I read on the internet you should use coconut oil, but why? ”
You: “why are you searching products for my hair care?”
“Mind your own business”
-arguments with Yoongi would be hella frustrating
-he’d be so passive aggressive
-and sarcastic as all get out
-you’ll forget what you were arguing about and just remember all he did during it.
-he’d probably be stubborn to apologize
-it would probably take him more time and thought to realize if he was wrong
-he wouldn’t be able to work cuz all he would think about is the argument
-he’d probably replay it over and over in his head trying to figure out your side of things
-when he did realize he was at fault he’d have to apologize right then.
-he’d expect you to do so if you were wrong
-and honestly he would forgive you right away depending on the situation
-he isn’t the kind to argue for hours
-after a while he’d just walk away from you.
-sorry but Yoongi wouldn’t remember
-he’s not thoughtless
-but it isn’t something he’ll remember
-he’ll feel bad for forgetting
-but he’ll just want to plan a make up date for later.
-of course it’s special to him
-but he can’t keep track
-if he remembers prepared to be spoiled
-he won’t make a romantic dinner
-but be prepared for an amazing gift and a night out
-maybe to see a movie
-or go for a drive
☺️dating Yoongi would be more good than bad. He’d be honest and caring. He has his own way of doing things. They may seem cold to others but you should know it’s from his heart ☺️
Admin Jazzi 🥔
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